Blood of my Heart

"Then you are killing yourself for no reason."Gabriel said willing to be harsh if it broke neville into allowing them to help."Yu have to accept. I was powerful even when I fought against myself....but when I accepted that there was not going to be any white picket fence for me, I found that my pack benefitted for accepting."Rciahrd said nuzzling harry, looking at neville because he had no idea how to help them.Gabriel sighed softly as he leaned into draco,cuddling him. "Another thing that helps, is allowing yourself to hunt...but animals. You aren't giving yourself a outlet for the need, so your less in control."Gabriel said,even if his changes weren't connected to the moon, he still felt the otherwhelming need to hunt, to feed.

"I can."Richard said smiling a little as he stood, "I can help. Because I nearly pulled my friends and family down with me in bloody flames. I'll save you from that."He said standing before looking at gabriel and harry,then draco."We need a hunt.And not in the city."He said looking unsure for a moment, but he didn't want a rebelling shapeshifter in the circus surrounded by people who would hesitate to hurt him if something went wrong. In the woods, he could trust the animals, and gabriel and his mate were the only people he trusted to pull neville to the ground if he lost to much control.Looking at anita,"You are still lupa. Would you like to run with your ulfric?"He said bowing his head a little, because he was hiding a sile,because he knew he could draw anita into that fever pitched run through the woods.
Neville winced a little and shook his head. "i don't want to die..." he admitted softly, Blaise stroking his hair. "i don't want you to die either..." he admitted softly, biting his lip a little. "would you feel better if i..." "NO!" Neville nearly screamed it. "don't ever say that! don't you EVER say that!" Blaise grimaced but nodded, relenting to Neville's panic. "alright, i won't say it." but they all knew what Blaise had been about to ask. Blaise had almost offered to be turned too, to become a monster just like Neville, and there had been no hesitation. despite his almost obsessive need to fuck anything that moved, he loved Neville enough to give up his humanity without a moment's hesitation or regret. Neville tucked his nose into Blaise's shoulder, the Italian shrugging as Draco stared at him, shocked. Harry purred eagerly at the thought of a hunt, fresh meat and blood, his claws sinking into flesh. male lions where not normally hunters, normally the females in the Pride did all the work. but Harry was a dominant lion without a pride, and the need to hunt was strong without the presence of female lions to mate with and protect.

"we'll go hunting." Anita promised smiling a little. "we'll take Micah and Nathaniel with, they need the hunt too, they haven't been out in a month." she admitted shaking her head. "i will run with you my Ulfric." she agreed smiling at him. "i will hunt with the Pack." she decided blinking as Harry hesitated. "i.. i do not know how to hunt..." he admitted frowning a little, Draco smiling. "Richard will teach you Harry, don't worry." he promised calmly, Harry brightening as Blaise bit his lip. "i can't go with can i?" he asked softly. "it will be too dangerous..." Neville blinked, looking shocked before he sighed and nodded. "you would only become the prey..." he whispered softly, kissing the others neck. "i'm sorry..." "it's alright... i'll... stay here." Blaise decided, smiling a little. "maybe Edward will teach me how to shoot a gun..." it was a small consolation, but he knew Neville would be dangerous during his transformations, and not to be trusted around humans, not when he was so adamant that Blaise did not become a monster. so Blaise would stay with the other monsters and hope none of them got thirsty.
Richard studied them all because he understood. He understood why neville didn't want it, but blaise...blaise might not have the choice if they couldn't get neville to accept things and he attacked blaise. He was going to try and keep that from happening. Gabriel nodded."I'll go get them."He said already going out the door to find micah and nathaniel, because he was looking forward to the hunt and he wanted to get going. "I will teach you whatever you want to know."Richard muttered nuzzling his mate smiling a little. "Edward would be glad to have another student. Hell, he's probably got another of those nifty swords somewhere."He said smiling sligtly because it would be good for blaise to be armed, with something that would harm a lycanthrope should neville get out control. Nevilel would forgive blaise hurting him, he'd never forgive himself if he hurt blaise.

When they got to ricard's gabriel grinned as he looked around, having the whole way spent the evening in a silent fight with micah, the two dominate cats testing each other."Would you two stop?We're here to hunt, not to watch you fight."Richard growled that low bass growl of a warning, annoyed that they couldn't focus. "Tell him to stop."Gabriel said leaning against draco as he scented the wind, already smelling the deer and prey. What no one realized because gabriel hadn't reacted to anita like micah had, was that the man was a nimra-raj and ulfric, a panther king and wolf king, a dominate,but since he was a born shifter and not a infected cat, he wasn't showing any of the normal signs of kingship, he was just as dominate and demnding as he had always been. Richard rolled his eyes a little,holding out a hand to anita, slipping his fingers through hers as micah snarled softly sliding his hand into hers to, the wolves and leopards responding, and gabriel who was both shivered, staring at them with wolf eyes as he looked at neville."Are you ready to hunt?"He said smiling slightly.
Blaise smiled a little as he watched Gabriel leave. "he's never been on a pack hunt before." he admitted chuckling a little. "he's excited." he shared a long and tender kiss with Neville before he went to go and find Edward. with this many monsters running about, he needed to know how to protect himself. Neville stayed silent, hunched up in a little ball the entire car ride, staring at his toes while Harry enjoyed the silent fight, smirking as Richard ordered them to stop, and suddenly his own power pulsed through the vehicle, wrapping around both Gabriel and Micah. he was Dam. he was King of the Lions. the leader of his Pride, true, he had no one to lead, but no one would ever doubt he was not the King of the Pride when he got one. he growled darkly at Micah when he snarled at Richard and unleashed such a deep rumble that the very floor seamed to shake, a simple warning 'don't fuck with my mate'. he slid out of the car and stretched with a Happy groan as Anita glared at Micah. "behave!" she growled at him before looking at Gabriel. "you behave too or Draco won't let you hunt with us!" she turned to Richard. "and you behave too dammit or Harry won't give you sex!" "yes i will." Harry admitted smirking a little. "he'll just have to be bottom for a week." she snorted a little but didn't argue, watching as Neville slunk out of the car at Draco's gentle urging.

"no..." the boy whispered, he wasn't ready, he was anything but ready, he wanted to run him, hide under the bed and have sex with Blaise all night, he didn't want to do this, he didn't want to be a monster, didn't want to change. he'd promised Blaise he would try though, and try he would. "you... you promise you won't let me kill anyone?" he asked softly, eyes wide with terror, common with new, or reluctant Lycanthropes and Harry smiled, rubbing against Neville. "i am Dam." he murmured. "my word is Law. i will not let you harm anyone." he promised, exerting his presence onto Nevile, making him part of his Pride. Neville was submissive enough to be like a woman, so Harry was claiming him, it soothed a part of Draco to be 'owned' like that, to be controlled. Harry wouldn't let anything happen to him, Harry would keep them safe like always. "...ok..." Neville whispered. "how... how do i.. change?" he asked, he'd never changed on purpose before, only fought the full moon, he had no idea where to start, and he turned to Richard for Guidance.
Micah sighed looking at anita, before looking at his nimra-ra."As you say."He said, as it was, anita was the only one he really obeyed. Gabriel pouted looking amused."He'd let me hunt no matter what.Draco wouldn't be mean to me."He said stretching, glad that it seemed his arm had healed eough to put upp with the stress of running on it. Richard grinned laughing softly,"See-Harry!"The ulfric pouted looking amused. Looking at all the men in the circle he realized part of their problem was that they seemed to have to many kings and not enough others, besides nathaniel and neville, they were all leaders, all dominates.

Richard smiled softly as he looked at neville,stroking his head."We are all kings here, we will not allow you to kill someone."He said, even without the bond to neville that harry had, they were kings, and kings protected everyone, not just their own people."Just relax. Find that part, that is the beast."He muttered dropping a hand, looking at the others for help. "You've built a cage for your beast to live in, just relax and open the door." Micah smiled relaxing as he had something besides the nimira-raj to focus on, "Watch neville."He said and between one breath and the next micah let loose his control, his body melding into that of a leopard the size of a small pony. Richard nodded a little,"You've been fighting for control.All you have to do is stop fighting."Richard said soothingly because he knew he could force the other to change, but he wanted to avoid hurting him.
she smirked a little and nodded. "damn straight as i say." she teased kissing him gently Draco chuckling a little. "i don't know, if you got too out of control i'd maybe take you home." he teased smirking a little as Harry chuckled a little at Richards complaint. "what? it's the truth, i can't go without sex for a whole week! it's just not doable!" he looked around at everyone realizing the same thing as Gabriel did, too many top dogs and not enough underlings, they where trying to control each other because they had no one else to control. he purred and ran his nose along Richards neck submissively, submitting to him, letting him be dominant over him and Nathaniel purred doing the same to Micah, giving him control, less fighting that way, Anita smirking as she shook her head. so manipulative. Neville just whimpered at the promise that he wouldn't be allowed to kill and he slowly uncurled, swallowing thickly. Neville watched as Micah transformed, and then as Nathaniel dropped and slid slowly into panther form, reveling in the change with soft sighs of pleasure. Neville had never thought about it feeling good... it was only pain and blood and death, not pleasure right? he turned as Harry groaned eagerly stretching along the ground as he changed, sliding along the ground as he slid effortlessly into Lion form and immediately started bathing his leg, stretching it out like a whore, Anita going bright red.

Neville swallowed as he watched everyone else transforming and he closed his eyes, trembling furiously as he tried to set his beast free. it roared up and Neville panicked and slammed it back down. "i'm scared..." he whimpered, swallowing thickly, Draco moving over to Neville, running his hands along the boys back. "it's alright Neville, just relax, feel your others." he ordered calmly. "feel your Rex, your Alpha, your ruler." Harry purred as he brushed along Neville, running his tongue along the boys face, cleaning the tears and Neville shuddered and started to relax as Nathaniel pressed against him as well, the loud purring of cats filling his ears, causing a loud purr to rise out of himself as well, startling him, but he didn't fight it this time, this time his Beast did not try to rage itself into control, it slid into place and Neville changed, not fully in control, but it was not a violent change this time, Neville had not fought, and the beast was pleased, and when Neville opened his eyes, there was little sanity, but no fury, simply a traumatic change as was normal. "good Neville, good." Harry purred nipping gently at his ear, the smaller lion whimpering, but leaning into his alpha, his Rex, his Lion King and was at peace, and felt no need to tear into anything. he knew they would hunt soon, they would feed, and that was enough.
micah smiled kissing her back, laughing as gabriel looked outraged and put out at the idea of not being allowed to hunt."But-but draco!"He whined smiling slightly. Richard laughed leaning down to kiss harry, pressing a kiss to harrys head.All the kings were relaxing as they realized they could be calm around each other. "It might be some death,but it is a glorius dance."Gabriel purred as he changed brushing against draco's side, unlike the oters he was closer to you a real panther's size and not the huge animals the weres usually were. Richard smiled a little walking with his rex, nuzzling harry as much as harry was."You are among the pard, and pack, you are one and all, we are family."he muttered glad to see them relaxing as micah and gabriel to crowded in against them, a big happy group.

"Good."Richard muttered rubbing the lion's head as he reached out for anita's hand.Intending to stay in human form because he was able to pull anita along for the ride better, then when he was in wolf form."Come, and run lupa."He purred smiling widely, "Come and enjoy the woods."He said smiling softly as he wrapped his hand around hers, gesturing to the cats."Go. Run.We will follow."HE said smiling as micah and gabriel took off in front of them, seemingly to melt into the moon dappled trees.
she chuckled a little and smirked as Draco simply shrugged a shoulder at Gabriel, a small grin tugging at the corner of his lips as Gabriel changed, stroking along the man's side. "this will be fun, i have not been hunting before." Draco admitted smirking a little. "i don't think i will join in on lunch, but the running will be fun." he admitted. Anita had to giggle though. "we are one strange Family i'll tell you that." she admitted with a grin, Harry snickering and Draco nodding. "normal families are boring." he admitted simply, Nevile slowly getting to his feet, feeling his body instead of it controlling him, he could move how he pleased, he could shift and turn and fuck if it didn't feel wonderful. Nathaniel and the others raced into the woods, Neville following with long stumbling strides as he tried to get used to his new body, still struggling to fully accept it, but at least he wasn't in a panic, that was a grand improvement. being around so many other 'monsters' who clearly enjoyed their changes, it was hard not to realize that he didn't have to let the beast control him. Harry roared eagerly, bellowing his glee and it scared the hell out of Neville, Draco laughing as he ran with them, Nathaniel letting out the fierce panther cry, Neville hesitating before unleashing his own triumphant roar of glee.

Anita smiled as she looked at Richard, her eyes gleaming with a bright passion. "yes my Ulfric, lets run." she growled before taking off into the woods, laughing as she channeled, she wasn't sure which animal, wolf or Panther, but she felt fast and strong and liquid and graceful and she ran, embracing her 'monster' as Richard had done, racing through the trees as she caught up with the others, unleashing her happy laugh as the sounds of glee ran through the woods, and then harry froze, staring at a doe who was frozen in terror, crouching low, licking his lips, Neville leaping before anyone thought to stop him, the doe skittering away, Neville whining as he missed, the boy not even pausing, he just tore after the doe, Harry following, and the hunt was on, deer scattered in every direction, everyone had a thing to chase.
"It will be interesting to have a vampire here."Richard said starting a little as he felt draco like he did jean-claude. Wondering why then he had the answer. Between him and anita, they had ties to jean-claude, and draco had ties to the master vampire to. It seemed everyone was going to get to go along for the ride of melting easily into the forests. Richard smiled a little as he heard the other's respond to the hunt, walking with neville, anita's hand still in his. He smiled wider when he heard the coughing scream of a panther, heard miach's answer, there was a odd feeling to hear that scream, because it was a woman's scream ,panther's had long been mistaken for a woman.But a harry's scream he knew that no one would mistake this hunt for anything but animals.

Richard's eyes gleamed to as he ran the woods seeming to open under his feet, running after the others, lifting his head and howling, that low timber of a wolf keening sounded in teh air, letting the others know where the doe was, laughing softly as he realized what was going on. Neville and harry were herding the frightened doe right into micah and gabriel. Grinning wider as he arrived with anita just in time to see gabriel attach himself to the doe's nose, and she focused so much on shaking the panther off her nose that she didn't respond to the animals attacking her from every direction. Smiling as gbriel let go of her nose daring in and ripping out her throat. Growling softly as he lowered his head to feed, tere were to many kings to do the normal alpha eats first, so it seemed the one who got the kill ate first,but after a few bites gabriel stepped back, letting the others eat, as he changed back, the bright red of blood smeared all over his lower face and neck, walking over and kissing draco."My love, I bring you a offer of blod."He muttered kissing him slowly.
Draco snorted a little. "i'm not exactly a vampire." he teased the other, smirking a little as he ran into the forest with a low, deep cry of delight, Anita trying to mimic the howl of a wolf, it was close, but still human as she ran, reveling in the run, the hunt, the chase, Harry and Neville roaring in unison as they herded the doe, letting their instincts guide them, letting their beasts tell them what to do, both of them pounced on the doe, driving her into the ground, giving Gabriel the chance to rip her throat out, Draco watching with a fire in his eyes that had nothing to do with lust. Harry grinned as he watched Gabriel feed, and Nevile moved to feed as well, but Harry stopped him. "Alpha's first." he growled, Neville whining, laying flat tot he ground, submissive as Harry let Micah take his pick of the meal, before he moved in and ripped off a leg, carrying it away, letting Neville and Nathan feed, Nathan tearing off a leg as well and taking it into a tree to lick it free of blood and fur before devouring the meat in small, almost dainty bites. Neville simply tore into the meat, his beast had never had fresh red, bloody meat, it was nearly wild with the delight of finally being able to feed. Neville usually retook control before this, but Neville was finally enjoying the ride, and was content to let his beast do as it pleased.

Harry growled as he swiped at a fly that got too close to his food, crouching the bones in his massive jaws to get at the Marrow as Draco grinned, turning to Gabriel, growling eagerly as he ran his tongue along the bloody chest neck and chin, lapping at the blood. he refused to acknowledge the fact that it tasted disgusting and simply licked his lover clean, kissing him furiously, growling as he gripped the others hair, spilling him tot he ground to enjoy the other aspect of the hunt, the hot, heavy sex, humping their groins together as he kissed the other furiously, Anita moaning as she fed on the delight and passion of the hunt and leaped onto Micah, ignoring that he was in full beast form, she had gotten over that a long time ago with help from Richard, she kissed her Nimra-Raj, running her hands intently through his fur and Harry growled, watching the scenes before standing, turning, dropping his chest and lifting his ass, aiming his tight little ass at Richard and giving it a wriggle, as if daring the other to resist. fed on blood and the hunt, this was quickly turning into an Orgy.
Gabriel laughed as he was licked clean, "You find it disgusting, not fresh from the vien."He teased kissing draco back as he basked in the passion the hunt had risen, the need to mate riding him as he rolled the other over, pinning his lover to the ground as he kissed him, tasting blood and meat, and the wild passion of the hunt. The scene quicklly devoling into a orgy as richard lundged for harry, making the pass from human to aimal quickly, pouncing on the rex.

When early morning light found them gabriel was panting, his head resting on draco's chest, the wolf panting as he cuddled his lover. Richard laughed as he raised his head to look at the others, amused to see neville laying by his legs, and anita,nathaniel and micah laying in a pile, and on the far side of the clearing gabriel and draco. Even if neville hadn't had anyone to fuck, he'd enjoyed the sight of so many giving into their animals, to seeng that it could be safe and sane. Whining as he pressed his face against harry's chest, stirring when he heard a cell phone going off."Draco!Is that yours?Anita?"He asked wondering if jean-claude had gotten worried about them in the early mrning light, or anita was getting paged for something.
Draco snorted. "i find all blood disgusting, animal, human, a day old or straight from the vein, it's all disgusting." he admitted smirking a little. "only yours tastes good." he purred kissing the other intently, everyone quickly rolling on the ground and fucking. Neville had watched, off to he side, pawing himself off while everyone fucked like, well, animals. he an all the others enjoyed their night of fucking, Jean Claude joining both Anita and Richard, enjoying the sensation of so many bodies all pressed together. Neville had crawled by Richard, simply because he wanted to be closer to Harry, his Rex. both lions nearly crawled out of their Fur when the phone rang and Anita groaned, grabbing her new cellphone and flicking it open. "what!?" she demanded, grouchy as she always was when she hadn't slept yet, and a frown furrowed her face. "Dolph?... well yes there was a hunt last night... no, only Deer... yes i was with them all... why what's happened?... human kills?.... how many... three... how bad?" Anita sounded strange. "... the children?..." relief on her face. "good... good... i'll... i'll talk to them, we have two new Lions here but, like i said they where with us all night... yes, with me specifically." she made a strange sound, like a laugh. "do you really want to know what we where doing Dolph?... i didn't think so." she hung up and sighed as she shook her head, Draco staring at her, Harry looking confused.

"what's going on?" "i'm working with the police." anita explained. "the supernatual section and there was a kill last night, three humans..." "" "... so they where lion kills..." she explained. "we know this because there where bloody paw prints all over the floor." she admitted swallowing thickly. "they want to question our two new Leo's." Neville whimpered and crouched down, looking terrified. "i..i didn't... i would have remember... i didn't..." "shh, Nev." Harry soothed purring loudly. "we did not kill anyone, we ate a deer and then fucked all night there wasn't time." he promised hesitating, because he knew in a case like this, their alibi with other monsters wouldn't hold very well. "i can't come out... i can't... they'll take my house... they'll take my garden..." Neville was starting to hyperventilate, panting hard. "they...they'll take my roses... they'll take Blaise!!!" he turned and raced into the woods, running, because he was afraid, and that is what submissive lions did, they ran away. Anita and Harry both cursed and raced after him, Anita came back, Harry didn't, anita shaking her head. "their too fast, i couldn't keep up..."
Gabriel sat up on his elbows to listen to the converation, frowning when she heard their conversation."But the lions where here."He said looking at harry and neville,"They might be new, but there's enough of us here, someone who have noticed one of them leaving."He said before getting up crossing the clearing to stroke nevile's head."They wont take anything. I promise."He said before yelping as the two left, looking worried."I'll go after them.You better get to the police." "We can catch them."Mciah said already getting up looking at gabriel,both starting to run.Because they could use their noses to follow the two, smelling sex overlaying their senses. They can get them. They'd find the lions and keep them from panicking.

Richard rubbed a hand over his face hugging anita for a second before stepping back,"Let's go. It'll take you awhile to get to the crime scene. and if you're with them, the cops wont shoot neville,harry or the other two on sight."He said looking at draco before wrapping his hand in anita's, and starting to run.Letting them both channel enough of their beast to run. Fear for the others starting to channel them.Climbing into the car before he looked over at her."Were do we have to go?"He asked panting a little because he was so scared for what would happen if they didn't get to the cops soon.
it didn't take long to find Harry and Neville, they where two miles out, and Harry had Neville pinned to the ground using all of his body, the younger, smaller, weaker lion trashing under his Rex without care of the words harry was practically screaming in his ear, orders to calm down, promises that it would be alright fell on deaf ears as Neville cried out for Blaise, begging Blaise not to leave him. Draco was in full blown panic mode and nothing Harry could do would calm Neville down. Draco had followed Gabriel and Micah and shoved past them without a word, gently grabbing Neville's face, forcing their eyes to meet, a pulse of Draco's power roling through the area. it was enough to make Harry shudder violently and nearly collapse as Neville made a strange, half sob, half sigh of pleasure noise before he closed his eyes, went limp, and fell asleep. Draco had rolled the Lion's mind, Harry had to smile as he nuzzled Neville. "he makes a good leo." he admitted gently nuzzling the sleeping Lion. "we need to get him... somewhere... back to the circus?" he asked curiously, frowning a little. "are we supposed to go back to Anita?"

Anita shook her head. "this is a mess...." she whispered softly. i hope they take Neville to the circus instead of to the police station... that panicked he won't be good for anything, i'll have to tell Dolph..." she admitted shaking her head as she took Richards hand and flew through the trees and slammed the car door shut before realizing she was still naked, cursing as she reached into the back seat and quickly got dressed, throwing clothes at Richard. "into town." she admitted. "along fourth, where that little park is." she admitted. "there where three adults and two children... Dolph said the adults where ripped to shreds, the kids didn't have a scratch on them... they didn't even know mummy, daddy, and uncle Rodney was dead until the cops burst into their home this morning... neighbors heard screams.." she explained shaking her head. "this reeks of setup..." she admitted her eyes narrowed dangerous. "Neville and Harry just get here after being rescued from big bad vampires and suddenly there's a lion running around killing someone? not likely." she grumbled shaking her head as she practically sped through the streets to the crime scene. "you stay here." she ordered the Ulfric. "their not going to want civvies at the crime scene. and Dolph doesn't like you for some reason." actually Dolph thought Richard was great, but she liked yanking Richards chain.
Gabriel shuddered a little at the touch of draco's power, tasting it like a lick on his skin. swallowing as he walked over, picking neville up like he leo, "We'll go back to the circus... we're going to have to. There'll be no reasoning with the cops if we show up."Gabriel said. Micah odded slightly, "The circus.Well...richard probably wouldn't mind if we crashed at his house for awhile."He paused looking at draco."They can come back for us, or we could call the guys at the circus to come get us from there.Anita's probably on the way to see the crime scene."He said as they started walking back towards richard's house. Enjoying the slow walk back to the house.

Richard nodded as he pulled on a pair of jeans, already shifting into gear even as he did up his pants. Looking over at Anita, looking a little sick but thinking."It was probably more then one then.We're not like vampires, we can't make a person stand still and get slaughtered, and if everyone was still there and the kids didn't get hurt, it might mean more then one."He said frowning a little as he thought."No, there has to be more to it."He said sighing before he made a face."Dolph likes me fine. Its the rest of your boys he doesn't like.He thinks I'm a normal, sane, school teacher, who like you, got to involved with the monsters."He pointed out snickering a little."Besides...I'll stay here, unless you think of something to ask. I know your good with lycanthropes,but there might be something a real one thinks of."he said settling back in his seat and waving her into the crime scene.
Draco nodded as Harry sighed a little, shaking himself out before shifting back into human form, Neville having shifted back to human as soon as he'd fallen asleep, making him easier to carry. he was still mumbling Blaise's name. "we'll go to Richards house." Nathaniel piped up suddenly. "and have Edward and Blaise come get us. Neville will calm down with Blaise there." he commented Draco nodding. "Nathaniel is right." he agreed as he watched the man shift, it fascinated Draco watching people shift. Harry took Neville from Gabriel when the boy started making distressed noises, the smell of another Lion calmed Neville a little and he stopped making the high keening noises by the time they got back to the house. "Draco will you call the circus?" Harry asked his head tilted as Draco nodded.

Anita swallowed thickly. "no Lycanthropes can't, but a vampire can, one vampire to keep the kiddies asleep, one Lion to do the slaughtering, that's all it would take." she admitted. "even a witch or a 'magic' person with strong enough spells could do it..." she admitted shaking her head. "i just don't understand it though... why kill these people?" she asked frowning a little as she stepped out onto the scene, a local cop coming out of nowhere, Anita flashed her badge. "Anita Blake, preternatural expert, i'm with RIP." she explained, the man nodding as he led her inside, when she came out she looked green, utterly green but she slid into the car. "... found out something very...interesting." she admitted, sounding mortified. "...dear old mummy and daddy and uncle Rodney where abusing the kids..." she whispered softly. "they where chained to the bed... dog collars... silver chains... they had to cut them out of the collars..." she sounded so utterly furious. "the people where... god there wasn't even a dime sized piece of flesh left..." she whispered in horror. "and the children never woke up... they just slept through it all and never woke up to the screams..." Anita shuddered, leaned out of the car and puked, heaving so hard her entire body shook.
Gabriel nodded absently as he walked nuzzling neville as he walked. Even with harry there, the large cat couldn't stop nuzzling him. Micah looked slightly amused thought woried as he led them to richard's bedroom."Put him in here.It's the only bed big enough for all of us to sleep in."He said watching gabriel lay down, crawling in with them,curling up around neville. Like most lycanthropes ,they slept in big puppy piles, and it helped when you were panicking, to be surrounded by others.Smiling a little when draco came in, gabriel smiled softly, hsi head pillowed on neville's thigh,"Get through to the guys?"

"Because, they are not the usual victims."He said looking thoughtful as he watched the men working. Looking sick when anita came back out, frowning."Silver?Where they just chains, or were they lycanthropes?"He asked opening the door so he could smell the air, wanting to sense what was there. Nearly jumping out of his skin when one of dolph walked out."Any good input anita?"He asked looking as grouchy as he was feeling, and a little annoyed that she had left before coming up with a idea.He relied on her to know the monsters, what would he do if she couldn't give him a way to look?"Look for animal ties.Something that would get them killed."Richard offered leaning against the window, looking sick himself, and trying to keep dolph calm because he knew that of all the cops anita worked with, it was dolph who had the most problems with her dating the monsters, and it had started to affect how he could do his job.
Harry smiled as he watched Gabriel. "you care about him very much don't you?" Neville had been so shy when Gabriel and Blaise had befriended them, Neville had taken their blame for a prank in Mcgonagal's class. it hadn't been them, nor Neville, but instead of pointing fingers Neville had owned up to dropping the dungbombs on accident. after that Gabriel and Blaise had started watching him, Neville had been none the wiser.... he was, as Nathaniel said, everyone's meat, everyone picked on him from slytherin to Huffelpuff and everything in-between he was bully fodder. he never got angry, he just sat there and took it. Blaise had gotten so furious he'd started chasing off the kids picking on Neville. once Neville realized they weren't playing some massive prank on him he started to enjoy having real freinds, not that Harry hadn't been a real friend but the boy had spent too much time in the hospital wing and almost dying to be able to really help Neville. it was Gabriel who had given Neville his self confidence, and his love with Blaise. Neville claimed he was Gabriel's little brother, despite being a month older. they settled into the big bed, Harry gently stroking Neville's hair, smiling a little as Draco walked in and nodded. "Blaise and Edward are on their way." he promised crawling into the massive puppy pile.

Anita shook her head. "no... silver, because the aunt, Randal's wife, was trying to kidnap them and get them to safety. she's a lycanthrop, she couldn't touch the kids with all that silver... they where wearing silver anklets and writslets and necklaces... the little girl even had silver earrings in her ears..." she admitted swallowing thickly. "apparently she's been complaining to the police for months, but no one could do anything without proof... and social services wouldn't beleive her because of what she was." she admitted swallowing thickly. "i'll need to talk to her of course..." she admitted pale and shaking as she turned to look at Dolph, the look in her eyes was enough to tell Dolph that she had simply went to the car because she'd needed Richards comfort. "sorry Dolph... yeah i have input... your right, it was a lycanthrope attack but it couldn't have been 'just' a lycanthrope... you'd have to have something with the skills to keep the children asleep and the adults still long enough to be tortured... they where tortured..." she admitted swallowing thickly. "they where in dog collars...." the kids where what had shocked her the most... they had been so thin, there had been dog dishes on the floor with their names... they had been little more than pets to these people, poorly cared for pets... the little girl was going to have to have all her hair shaved off because it was so tangled and knotted it couldn't be saved. "i'm going to talk to the aunt... it had to have been a large cat, a lion, or a tiger, due to the prints but also because of the size of the f..fang marks on the couch." Anita stated, struggling to keep her head clear. "...they where in dog collars Dolph...."
Gabriel smiled a little, nodding."I am.He helped me realize I wasn't a monster,because I could slip out of my skin.And....he amused me, kept me from seeing everyone around me as food."He said admitting to something he really did. That he'd struggled so hard against the hunting instinct that in finding neville, he'd found pard, and someone to protect. And the fact that he'd threatened to eat draco once when the slytherin had beaten up on neville, amused him now that he was actually dating draco. Not that he'd ever tell the blond that he'd threatened to do it. It had just cheered neville to know that gabriel and blaise were there for them. Draco smiled as he shifted, cuddling his vampire,"You're cold."e muttered glad for the slightly coler man, since all the lycanthropes ran hot, had a higher then normal body temperature, which sometimes made the puppy piles to hot for comfort.

Richard growled at that, shivering a little because this mascare had been a humans creation, not just the lycanthrope that had killed them. "Its going to be a magically inclined dominate." "..what?" "To rip someone up like that, you'd need stregth, and some kind of gift to keep the children from reacting."Richard said looking thoughtful and a little sick. Dolph nodded a little looking at the woman, "Where were was the hunt last night anita?" "At my home. I have enough woods that they turned out for the hunt for deer."Richard said calmly trying to not react to badly, to nearly being accused of this."What is it you said,people are more likely to be killed by the nearest and dearest." Dolph nodded,"They are, but the aunt is a wolf, not lion.At least according to the police files." richard looked at anita giving her that calm eyed look that said he wanted to go with her, because it was his pack. But wondering how he'd managed to miss something this big going on. Guilt showing on his face, not realizing dolph had seen the look, seen the guilt and took it the wrong way. Dolph sighed "Go talk to the aunt. She's at home.Then go home and get some sleep."Dolph said already heading back inside to take care of the mess.
Harry smiled a little and stroked Neville's hair gently. "Gabriel was Neville's protector... Neville is very much like Nathaniel... he is very accepting of everyone, but has no backbone as they say..."draco admitted shaking his head. "he was everyone's punching bag for a while until Gabriel and Blaise took him under wing... i have to admit i was one of the more cruel bastards to him." it was startling to hear Draco admit that. "i was a very frustrated child and Draco was the easiest target. i put him into tears so many times." he shrugged. "i feel very badly for it now." he admitted as he snuggled into them all, Harry nodding. "we all do things we're not proud of... i can't remember mine, but i'm sure i did things." Harry admitted grinning a little, Draco snorting but saying nothing. he'd explain later their own history, until then he snuggled into Gabriel. "tough, i'm not moving." he mumbled

Anita nodded a little. "whoever did this is in control of the Lycanthrope... the were might even be so submissive they can't refuse a direct order.. it's a sickness in the brain, Nathaniel has it." Dolph had met Nathaniel, seen the boy gutted, seen the boy raped more times than he could count. Anita knew Nathaniel was the only 'monster' that Dolph didn't mind per say, because the boy was too broken to be dangerous. "and before you ask all my Leopards are accounted for and would never do this unless rolled by a vampire... maybe not even then." she admitted frowning. "but i will question them just to make sure." she admitted tapping her lips, regaining her clear head. "i might ask around, see if any strangers have come to town recently... humans wouldn't know but Jean Claude will know instantly if a new vampire is in his territory... there are no new wolves i know that for a fact but there might be new cats... Micah isn't strong enough to sense for them..." she admitted shaking her head. "Richard i want you to come with me, the monsters like you better." she admitted calmly before looking at Dolph. "Dolph.... watch your back." she ordered calmly. "i don't like that the children didn't wake up... whoever is controlling the were... it's damn powerful." she admitted swallowing thickly. "i hope it was the aunt..." she admitted, Dolph would know why. if it was the aunt then it was in defense of her niece and nephew... she might get a defense plea, despite the torn to shreds bit if they got the right jury or judge. but if it wasn't the Aunt... then they had a murderer on their hands and it was very likely they would strike again.
Gabriel snickered a little,pressing his face into the curve of draco's shoulder."You admitted that easily."He muttered looking amused at the idea of a malfoyo admitting he had been wrong anough something.smirking a little as he bit draco's shoulder lightly."I could make you move."he muttered though he made no move to kick him out of the bed."Guys?"edward called as he stepped into the house, a gun casually in hand. While he trusted the men in the house he didn't enter anywhere without being ready for surprises.

Dolph nodded looking thoughtful before nodding."I will see if anyone has come in town like your nathaniel.And I'll watch like a son of a bitch."he said as e left, because he knew that like nathaniel, this person probably couldn't hide in plain sight. "Gabriel might be strong enough.He's...different enough, and nimira-raj enough to scent them."Richard supplied thinking, wondering if gabriel came with a whole different bag of tricks because of how he'd gotten his shape. not saying anything about gabriel until he was sure dolph couldn't hear them because he knew the man would jump to a conclussion about why there was a new shifter in town just as a shifter started killing people. "Lets go see the aunt."Richard said loking over at anita, because he could already see the fear in her eyes, felt it tightening his stomach. While he prayed that it was the aunt, the tight queasiness in his stomach told him they hadn't seen anything yet.
Draco smiled a little. "i was a heartless little bastard, what am i supposed to do, deny what my father turned me into?" he asked curiously before shaking his head. "denying it won't change the past and it will only hurt Neville more... i'm tired of hurting people." he admitted softly before groaning at the bite, scowling at Gabriel. "hey, don't push your luck buddy i let you top me this morning out of the kindness of my heart and nothing more, i'll clock you." he warned playfully even as he kissed Gabriel, Harry looking up at the sound of voices. "We're upstairs!" he called. "House is Clear!" how he knew to say that, only he could know. but he said it, and as soon as he did Blaise was racing up the stairs and diving into the giant puppy pile. "Nev? Neville?" Blaise asked Neville's eyes fluttering open before he grinned. "mmm Blaise i had the most wonderful night." he purred happily. "i ran and ran and it felt so GOOD." he purred. "and we ate a dear and sat out under the stars and fucked." he sulked. "only no one would fuck me." Blaise had to laugh at that. "oh Lover, i'm so glad you had a good time..." Blaise whispered, honestly relieved as he gently stroked Neville's hair, Neville smiling as he snuggled back down and went to sleep. "... you guys really wouldn't let him fuck? that's so cruel." he complained looking a little annoyed as Harry chuckled. "he never asked, he just sat there and stroked off..."

she nodded a little. "it wasn't one of ours Richard.... not willingly..." she whispered softly, swallowing thickly. "but... what if it is one of ours? what if it isn't a lion, but a Leopard, or a Panther, or some other large cat and their being controlled by a vampire or a scorcerer and they can't help themselves? they'll be killed just because their an accessory of murder... because they are monsters..." she knew this poor Lycanthrope was a victim in all of this, she KNEW it... like a child being raised to help their serial killer daddy slaughter the bodies. you didn't punish the kid, you got him help and therapy, but you didn't burn him at the cross like you did the Daddy. they went to the werewolf's house, she was jumpy, terrified and sad, sobbing into her hands as she explained. "i didn't like them, i HATED them... they where awful awful people! that damn whore of a wife, my brother, even my husband... they where all bastards and bad people... they sold me you know... to that Raina bitch... i was her personal plaything for three years... three years just so they could buy a flat screen TV." she blew her nose. "those poor children... those poor poor children... they where starving them... treating them like dogs... they couldn't even use the bathroom they where taken outside on leashes to do their... business!" she shook her head, blowing her nose again. "i tried to get someone to do something but no one would help me... i tried to talk to the new Ulfric of the pack but no one would tell me who or where he was!" this poor wolf, she didn't even know Richard was her Ulfric. she'd been cast out of the pack as Raina's whore and wasn't allowed back in by the underlings, possibly even by Shang-Da.

she blew her nose again. "i was going to hire someone to kill them." she admitted suddenly, hiccuping. "a local, an assassin... i was going to pay him to put bullets in their head... i never imagined that they'd... they'd..." she broke down into fresh waves of tears. she had wanted her family dead, but not like that... never like that. Anita excused herself, called Dolph and informed him that it hadn't been the aunt, but that he should be wary of a local assassin who was probobly in town for some business. her heart was sore... this was just so... horrible. he informed her what the parents had done to heir children, and Zebrowski affirmed with pictures of the kids, naked in nothing but dog collars eating from dog dishes. those where just the nicest pictures.
"No, I just never thought you'd admit to it."Gabriel said snickering a little,biting him again even as he slid a hand up draco's thigh,"Hmm but you know you like me topping."He muttered kissing him slowly before laughing sotly as he yelled. Well at least he knew how to get them upstairs soon. Edward smiled a little as he stood in the doorway, shaking his head as he looked at them all.It was amusing to see them just in a puppy pile. "Thats cause none of us wanted to face off with whatever edward was teaching blaise."Gabriel said raising his head, laughing."And he never asked, so it was his fault for not asking."He teased looking amused as he shifted to cuddle down into draco. "I thought we were going back to the circus. You guys are looking quite confortable right there."Edward smiled it was good to see neville so calm though.

"then we'll try to fight until they can see that it isn't there fault. Anita, I wont let someone actually die fr something that wasn't totally their fault.A victim shouldn't be blamed for being raised like this."Richard said his h ead hurting at what would happen.This was such a fucking cluster fuck. Richard was quiet as the werewolf explained, keeping his hands to himself because he didn't know the wolf, didn't know if she would take his touches like some of te others did, badly. Because of raina even casual touches could be taken wrong.But when he spoke, his voice came out that bassy growl of a wolf that was in distress, crouching down in front of her he paused, before letting his hands rest on her shoulders, making her look at him."I am Ulfric."He said slowly because he was hping she'd know who he was. At least, something. At least know that had he had known, he would have done something about this."I do not know who didn't let you speak to me, but I will find out."He said raising a hand,stroking her hair,trying to stay calm.Stroking her hair he swallowed hard as he called part of his beast, summoned that neck ruffling scent of musk and woods, of pine under your feet, things that the wolf found comforting."Would you liketo come with us, we are returning to the circus, and there is pack there."He said, if nothing else, he knew jason would let her cuddle in with him for no reason other than that the man was content to cuddle.
Draco growled a little, smirking. "not in the puppy pile Gabriel, behave." he ordered, but made no move to stop the actions, he enjoyed them very much but he would never admit that out loud. Blaise had to chuckle and then paused as Neville suddenly jerked, gasping in horror and you could feel him gather his beast and slam it into the 'cage'. unlike most times though the beast was content, and allowed itself to be sucked down without a fight. "oh my god... oh my god i ate a deer... oh my god i.. i.." he went bright red. "off! get off me!" he demanded, panicking and the people slid off of him, watching him race to the nearest bathroom where he proceeded to hurl, Blaise sighing a little. "well... at least he's making progress..." he muttered moving into the bathroom to hold his lovers hair back, Harry whining, he didn't like seeing Neville in such distress. "so much for taking a nap..." Harry muttered Draco shaking his head as they carefully wormed their way out of the pile, Nathaniel whining as he snuggled into Micah a little more firmly. "i don't want to.. i'm tired." Nathaniel complained, sulking.

Anita nodded. "you won't... but the state, the judge, they are going to want to see this Lycanthrope killed for this... his or her fault or not." she admitted swallowing thickly. the werewolf gasped as she heard the growl, her eyes wide, astonished and she blinked at him. "you... you are Ulfric?" as he asked softly, looking baffled, there was no recognition in her eyes. she knew he was Ulfric, he had the power, the dominance but... she did not recognize him. Raina had kept her locked away, she had met only a very few of the others, Gabriel she had seen very much of, and Marcus, but that was about it save for one or two others. she flinched away from his touch but did not try to stop him from stroking her hair, trembling slightly as if fearful her flinch would get her punished. Raina loved to punish her for flinching. she relaxed under his calming scent and power though and hesitated. "the children though..." Anita sighed and shook her head. "i'm sorry Ma'Am... i know that no one is supposed to treat you any differently but... you won't be allowed to keep the children..." "i know." she admitted softly. "will they be looked after? will they.. they be safe!?" "yes, i will see to it myself." Anita promised smiling at her, Ashley sighing as she nodded. "i would... would like to go with you...." she admitted softly. "i am.. so tired of being alone..."
Gabriel snickered kissing draco's shoulder."I am behaving."he muttered sitting up on his elbows to watch them. Micah smiled as he petted nathaniel, trying to urge him to wake up."Come on nate, anita's going bck to the circus. We need to go." Edward laughed softly at harry's reaction, looking amused."Deer's not so bbad.I've seen you guys eat worse." "Bear doesn't count."Gabriel said wrinkling his nose as he sat up on his elbows, looking towards the bathroom."You know, its not the worst reaction I've ever seen to a hunt."He said looking amused. "I think I threw up and was sick for days."e said climbing out of the pile and pulling draco wit him."Time to go lazy kitten."micah said getting up, but wrapping all that long hair around his hand and picked up the man."Come on."Hesaid heading out. "Come on harry, they'll be down when they're done."Gabriel said urging the man downstairs.

"I am.I am richard."Richard said smiling, looking pained though at the thought that one of his woves didn't even know who he was. He was going to hurt for keeping her away. Someone should have known he'd react badly if he ever found out, and he was going to make sure someone was hurting for this. This tragedy could have been averted, if only the pack had taken care of their own.Helping her to her feet he brushed his lips over her forehead, "welcome, to the thronos rockke clan."He muttered before blinking,"Lets go. She'll feel better with the pack."He said gently leading her towards the door,gentle and easy, not wanting to scare her.
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