Blood of my Heart

Both men calmed immediantely, both walking over and studying the two. Richard bent down, wrapping his arms around harry as anita moved back,holding him as he growled, a lw bassy growl that said he was well and truly pissed off. That his mate was being tormented like this... it made him want to feel flesh under his claws, to rip something apart."harry.Harry I'm here..."He muttered holding him tightly, but unable to shake that bass growl, because it took while for him to get pissed off, but like anita he didn't let it go easily. Gabriel moved to draco, wrapping his arms around his upper arms as the man paced, forcing his master to meet his eyes."Calm down.You're going to be useless to both jean-claude and harry if you can't focus."He said swallowing hard as he looked at him.Trying to force that icy calm, he had so long made himself not respond to anger, to anything, that he had that icy control to offer draco.
Harry whimpered again as he was wrapped up in Richards strong arms, pressing himself tight into the others firm body but reacted no other way to indicate that he knew the other was there. Draco turned to Gabe and hissed furiously, baring long fangs at the other before pausing as he caught the others eyes, feeling the others icy calm flooding him, forcing him to calm down, a small chuckle coming from the doorway. "barley the second mark in, and already your manipulating Albion like a pro." Jean Claude stated calmly, already moving over to Harry who flinched violently away from Jean Claude, Draco growling, but leaning into Gabriel instead of attacking Jean Claude for frightening Harry, the Vampire looking at Richard. "you will need to hold him down... he is not going to like this." he informed the werewolf. "it is very invasive... but it will save him." he promised turning to Gabriel. "please remove Albion from the room, he will not like this either." he admitted making Richard pin Harry's shoulders down as he straddled Harry's stomach, the boy already starting to panic, tensing against the hands and bodies holding him down, Albion snarling but vanishing into the basement, where he wouldn't have to watch.

Jean Claude forced the others eyes to meet his, for several heartbeats there was nothing but silence, and then Harry began to scream and writhe, he couldn't close his eyes, he couldn't get away, all he could do was scream as Jean Claude forced his mind into Harry's. for an impossibly long time Harry screamed, writhing violently, at one point he got his hand free and slashed Jean Claude across the face, bone and muscle gleaming, but Jean Claude didn't even twitch, panting softly as Harry suddenly shuddered and went limp, groaning as Jean Claude sighed sagging to the floor, exaughsted. "they... did not give up his mind easily..." he admitted softly as Anita gently cradled Jean Claude's head, the vampire panting softly, Harry groaning as he tried to crawl into Richard's lap, seeking comfort from his mate. "he needs to sleep... and i need to feed." Jean Claude admitted softly hearing the sounds of smashing from downstairs. Draco had heard the screams and was ripping apart Anita's basement.
Gabriel relaxed, sighing a little."You can only offer what you have.I've had years of maniuplating a court room, who better to use it on then albion?"He asked looking amused as he looked over at the master vmpire, wincing as he held draco, worried thta the other would attack jeanclaude. Or richard. richard let out a soft growl as the vampire got near, but did as he was told,holding harry as gabriel got draco downstairs.

Richard sagged himself, even not having to do anything but use that otherworld strength to hold the man down, he was feeling tired. letting te man crawl into his lap he uddled him slowly getting to his feet, nearly stumbling as he made his way upstairs."ANita you might want to make sure Albion's not hurting gabriel."He called over his shoulder, having a feeling the other shifter was giving his master something blood and flesh to attack.

Gabriel growled softly as he dodged around the rom to keep from getting seriously injured, darting in ad smacking draco in the shoulder."Stop.YOu're doing no one any good attacking everything like this. Harry needs you to be calm."He said smacking him hard again, wanting to make sure that he had draco's attention.
Harry was trembling in Richards arms but he was sleeping and he was neither screaming nor whimpering as Anita allowed Jean Claude to attach to her wrist so he could get to his feet and find someone else to feed on. she looked up at Richard and nodded a little. "Harry might have nightmares yet." she warned. "Jean Claude stopped the vampires manipulations but that won't stop his own natural dreams, don't go too far away from him." she knew Richard well enough that he was going to be worried that Harry was going to be furious with him for what had happened. Richard would want to hide and sulk at being made to cause his mate pain, but Harry needed Richard close, he was still very traumatized, more so now that a Vampire had violated his mind in an entirely different way.

Draco was in the process of ripping up a table when Gabriel suddenly smacked him, not particularity a good thing to do when Draco was mad with fury, turning blood red eyes to Gabriel, not a flicker of recognition on his face as he leaped onto Gabriel, teeth digging into the man's arm as he shook his head like a rabid dog, shredding flesh despite bearing only human teeth, Anita gasping as she came down, eyes wide as she watched Draco madly tearing into his lover, flicking a few drops of holy water onto Draco's flesh, the blond shrieking in pain as the two drops that had landed on him sizzled and burned, driving the blond off of Gabriel, Anita bending down and helping Gabriel onto his feet as Draco returned to tearing up other things, a couch this time, stuffing and fluff being thrown about the room. "he'll be fine Gabriel, just let him work out his fury. i don't really care for the furniture down here anyway, Micah MADE me get it." she admitted, making jokes as she watched Draco rip apart the cloth. "so long as you don't make yourself known to him he will pretty much ignore you." she admitted. "unless your the reason he's like that in the first place, then he doesn't stop till your nearly dead or worse off." she admitted with a small shake of her head as she examined his arm. "come on Gabriel, let's get you bandaged up."
"I'm not going to.Richard said smiling a little as he settled the man into the bed, whimpering because he'd caused him pain,but because anita had said it, he would stay with harry. Shivering as he cuddled harry, settling in the bed with im as he settled in to rest.

Gabriel sighed as he stood slowly making sure that he was okay, looking at his feet as he swayed on his feet, te blood loss starting to get to him as he watched draco tear up things, wishing he could make him feel better.Gigglng a little as he looked at anita."I doubt anyone makes you do anything."He teased before sitting down again to make sure he wouldn't fall down he sighed, as he let anita help im upstairs, leaning against her more then he normally would have, but draco had bled him alot. "He'll be okay?"He asked looking at the woman worriedly, not wanting to leave draco by hismelf if his fury would be turned on himself when he ran out of things to destroy.
she smiled at Richard and nodded, Harry pressing himself so tight to Richard it almost seamed like he really was trying to crawl inside the other. "Ri...Richard?" he asked softly emerald eyes blinking open. "the vampires... the vampires...." he whimpered, tired, disoriented and terrified. "their in the house Richard... their in the house..." he whimpered clinging to the other and trembling violently. "their in the house... their going to get me..."

she smiled a little as she shook her head. "they've learned better by now. though when i'm hurt badly enough they can boss me about." she admitted with a small smile supporting him as best as she could before smiling a little. "he'll be fine, he's never done himself damage before, i doubt he'll start now. when he runs out of things to break he'll start to calm down, he's already slowing down now that Harry's stopped screaming. i've lived through a great many Albion Temper Tantrums." she admitted smiling a little as she sat him down in the kitchen chair and started bandaging his arm. "tsk. it always amazes me how much damage a human mouth can cause." she admitted shaking her head.
Richard winced as he was pressed against, because it almost hurt to be that pressed against, but cuddling against him as he closed his eyes."Yes, its me."He said kissing him slowly."NO they're not. They're not here. I will protect you. I wont let anyone get you."He promised, the words starting to become soft mutters of comfort as he stroked the man's hair.

Gabriel relaxed at her promise that he wouldn't hurt himself, smiling a little."Good. Albion needs to relax. He wont do himself any good."He said sitting down in the kitchen chair, "He id do some damage didn't he?"he muttered smiling stupidly, sarting to get a little punch drunk from blood loss. Like that first time draco had bitten him, gabriel had lost enough that he was getting goofy."...I might hange form...control loosens when I'm in pain..."He said stupidly smiling at her.
Harry whimpered against the other. "you promise? you promise their not here?.... their going to get me." he whimpered trembling violently, but he was starting to calm down now that Richard was there muttering comforting things. "...Richard?... can we sleep in the bathroom tonight?" he asked hopefully. "there's no windows in the bathroom..." he was terrified the vampires where going to come and get him through the windows. it was a pretty sound fear considering Vampires could fly, in a sense.

she smiled a little and nodded. "it's not all his fault. as far as we can tell when he changed into a vampire, some of the wiring in his brain got screwed up... like a computer." she admitted. "it still works fine until you try to do something specific and then it crashes." she admitted smiling a little as she shook her head. "your starting to suffer from blood loss." she warned smiling a little. "do you heal when you go furry like a werewolf does?" she asked lifting her eyebrow at him curiously. "if you do i'd suggest just transforming."
"I promise. they're not here."Richard muttered before starting. Having not thought of that, laughing because anita had had a similar reaction to that."Anita likes her bathroom with no windows.Come on then."He said looking amused as he picked the other up, gathering blankets and pillows, and dragging the blankets into the bathroom. making them a little nest before settling harry in it, laying down and cuddling into him."Sleep harry. Anita's protecting the doors, and we have no windows."he muttered nuzzling ghim.

"Albion was always a lttle screwed up.FAther to...maybe its a geneti thing."He sid looking thoughtful, giggling a little at the idea of draco being a computer. Frowning as he focused on her and shook his head, wincing as the world whirled in streamers,"No.It'll stop the bleeding, but it wont replace what I lost."He said thoughtfully."I was born a wolf, not infected. So I dont get the nice healing ablitiy...I want draco..."He muttered whining a little as he lost his control, turning into the rarely used form, because it was so small and adorable that he hated using it. The small long eared bunny sat in the chair, looking just as sickly and bad as gabriel had, which was a pretty neat trick for a 3 pound critter.
Harry snuggled the other and smiled as he heard he wasn't the only one reacting in such a way. "oh good... i was worried i was acting like a coward." he admitted softly, tired, so very tired. "anita...'sn't a coward at all." he mumbled as he was tucked into the nest, curling up into Richard, relaxed now that he was safe, there where no windows, the vampires weren't in his head, and he had his handsome mate right there. "g'night." Harry muttered as he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Anita nodded a little. "Albion's father was more than just screwed up in the head Gabriel." she admitted her voice taking a strange tone to it. "it's not my place to say anything but draco was hurt very badly by people who where supposed to protect him." she admitted smiling at him a little. "well, you'll be fine with sleep and fluids i think." she promised looking stunned when he turned into a Rabbit, gaping at him before she started to laugh as Draco came up, covered in wood chips, blood from Gabriel's arm, and fluff from pillows, couches, and a blanket. "...Gabriel?" he asked gently picking up the rabbit. "did i hurt you badly?" he asked, worried as he gently kissed the rabbits arm, taking his fluffy bunny upstairs to sleep, tucking his little bunny into bed before curling around it, holding him gently.
"oh no, she's not."Richard said smiling a little as he heard harry's words. snuggling down to him to sleep. Meanwhile downstairs gabriel squeezed a little as if to answer the question about being hurt, before cuddling into the vmpire as he carried him into the bedroom.

In the morning gabriel yawned as he shifted back, blinking stupidly as he cuddled into draco, whining softly as he pressed a kiss to the vampire's neck. His head ached, but that was from not drinking enough after losing blood.He'd be fine when he got up and moving."My head hurts."He grumbled nuzzling him, not about to let go of the blackmail thing over draco hurting him.Maybe he'd get to top the vampire if he felt guilty enough.nuzzling him as he bite the other's shoulder slightly, cuddling him."Hmm draco.You awake?"He muttered raising his hed to look at him, lowering his head to kiss the man awake.
Draco was breathing softly, indicating that he was still asleep, he didn't even twitch when the other kissed the pulse in his neck except to smile a little. he whined when he heard the other talk and his eyes fluttered open a little as he groaned, blinking a little as he woke up slowly, moaning at the small bites to his shoulder. he liked being bit, he made a small purring noise at the question of being awake and kissed the other back. "uuuhm.... it's too early." Draco whined softly. "wanna sleep..." he complained his head flopping back to the pillow with a small shiver as he tried to find the missing blankets, which he had thrown off the bed in the middle of the night.

Harry woke up confused, blinking slowly as he tried to figure where he was and what that warm big thing was behind him. he blinked a little, looking around the bathroom before looking down at Richard, a scowl marring his face. "OI!" he complained, realizing he was wearing no shirt, and neither was Richard. "OI! who the HELL are you!?" Harry demanded tapping Richard on the face. "hey! wake up! where am i?" he demanded looking around. "why the hell are we sleeping in a bathroom and why is my head empty!?" he demanded crossing his arms at Richard and sulking, annoyed that he didn't know who Richard was, or who he was... and why they where sleeping in the bathroom. the trauma of, everything, had rendered Harry an Amnesiac.
Gabriel laughed softly as he looked at the other, biting him again softly."But draco, I want food. Go make me food."He demanded poking him again, becausue he refused to just go back to sleep when his head felt like it was going to explode."You made my head hurt. Go get me food."He demanded annoyed because he didn't want to get up to get his own food.

Richard startled awake, looking up at him worriedly sitting up. "...harry?"He asked slowly standing up, reaching for clothes, pulling open the door to yell for anita."Anita.Get in here."He said starting to panic because his mate didn't know who he was. "Harry, you are at my friend anita's house. I am richard zeeman."He said swallowing hard, studying the man, wincing at the blank look."Do you remember anything?"He asked wondering if harry would remember draco and gabriel. Maybe someone would know what the hell was going on.
Draco sighed a little. "Gabriel i can't cook... unless you want burnt toast and soggy cereal we're going to have to get Richard to cook something." he admitted simply before sighing a little. "fine... fine i'll go get food." he grumbled. it WAS his fault Gabriel was hurt after all. he came back up two minutes later with a bowl of cereal and some milk for Gabriel with some apples and an orange sliding the tray he'd brought it with onto Gabriel's lap.

Harry blinked at the other, blinking a little as he heard the handsome man go for the door and call someone, someone named Anita. "my name is Harry?" he asked the other blinking a little. "and your Richard Zeeman..." he muttered pondering that then hesitated. "i remember... voices..." he admitted. "voices in my head, and pain... in my skull... someone pinning me down and then... silence... relief, the voices and pain gone... then darkness." he shrugged. "nothing else..." he admitted blinking at Richard. "did something bad happen to me?" he asked blinking at Anita as she stared at him. "... i better contact Jean..." she muttered shaking her head, reaching out to him. where it was dark out she could contact him herself. "...he want's to come over and see him... Harry are you ok with a Vampire coming over?" "... a Vampire? really? cool." Harry stated clapping his hands together happily before pausing, sniffing at the air, blinking in astonishment as he blinked at Richard. "hey... did you know that you smell like Apples?"
Gabriel grumbled a little sitting up as he looked t the food, smiling softly as he started to eat, looking amused as he looked at the blond."Don't look so guilty.I made you attack me."he said alredy feeling better as he started eating the ceral, yawning a little. Now that he had eaten he was still feeling sleepy. Setting the tray to the side, he pulled draco against him, kissing him slowly."How do you feel?"He asked leaning back to look at him.

Richard nodded,"Yes, your name's harry.Harry potter."He said looking upset but relieved to realize that harry remembered some things even if it wasn't everything."Something happened.It was a attack from some rogue vampires.But our friend has been taking care of you."He said trying to stay calm, sighing softly. Before looking startled at harry's non fear of vampires. Well, at least that was a good thing that came from this. It was nice to have jean-claude able to help without having harry freak out on them. Smiling a little he laughed, "So you've been telling me."He said ruffling harry's hair, trying not to wrap the man in a hug and hold his mate. Restraining himself because he didn't want to freak him out.
he smiled a little as he watched the other eating. "sorry, it was all Anita had... she doesn't eat breakfast and neither does Micah, Richard makes breakfast for himself so only Nathaniel needs ceriel and he only gets the kinds with marshmallows." he admitted reaching over and plucking up a heart and a horseshoe marshmallow out of the bowl and sucking on it a little. "i shouldn't have hurt you." he complained cuddling into the other. "your my mate...." he admitted sighing a little. "i feel fine." he promised. "i'm not the one who nearly had his arm torn off..."

Harry pondered that. "Harry Potter..." he mused wrinkling his nose. "what an odd name." he muttered shaking his head before blinking at Richard. "i was attacked by Vampires?" he asked blinking a little. "your friend? you mean Anita?" he asked blinking at the woman who smiled. "no,. my vampire friend, and your old friend, Draco Malfoy, though he goes by Albion now. Jean Claude is a friend of ours who stopped the vampires who attacked you, from hurting your mind. he's coming over to see why you can't remember anything." she explained Harry scowling a little, shaking his head. "it's all too confusing." he complained before crawling over to Richard and curling up in his lap. "mmm you smell like me." Harry muttered smiling a little. "we had sex recently." he muttered sniffing at Richard, Anita snickering a little. "yes, you chose Richard as your Mate." she explained smiling a little as she glanced at Richard. "well at least he's still cuddly eh Richard?"
Gabriel grinned looking amused, "I like the marshmellows."He said amused t the kid ceral,but it was cute. Sighing as he cuddled the other pressing a kiss tohis hair as he raised his arm and tugged the bandages off."Not torn off. Just shredded."He said flexing slowly, glad that the skin had healed so draco wouldn't worry, even if he could still feel the muscle damage underneth. While he'd heal it, he healed better then humans, but he did heal almost human slow. So while the skin was whole, the damage underneth would take awhile to actually heal.

"It is a little odd."Richard said snickering a little before nodding."Yes, you were attacked."He said siging softly as he looked up at the woman before looking amused."Do you want me to get draco?He might bring back some memories."He said sighing softly. Lookingi startled at the other crawling into his lap, looking at anita with a amused frown."Well...yes I guess he is."He said blushing hrd, because he didn;t know what to say to this cute man who didn't remember anything but made him want to cuddle him. Looking up at anita he smiled a little."While I don't mind being naked, will you get me some jeans?I don't want to be naked when jean-claude gets here.No reason to make him jealous by walking around naked."He said snickering a little at the idea of jean-claude being jealous of him, amused as he absently uzzled and stroked hary's hair.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "i don't... but then, i don't like cereal period." he admitted smiling a little as he snuggled into the other, looking so relived to see the whole arm underneath the bandages, giving the arm a small tender kiss. "i'm sorry i shredded your arm." he muttered softly, closing his eyes, feeling tired before pausing. "... somethings wrong... Jean Claude is here." he muttered scowling as he got to his feet and opened the door, racing down to meet his master, reaching out with his mind, only to find himself blocked. it pissed him off because he knew that something bad had happened, something they thought would set him off again. they where usually right, but it pissed him off anyway.

Anita shook her head. "no. this will set Draco off again." she admitted softly. "to him it means we where too late to help him, not true but that is how Draco will feel." she admitted watching Harry snuggle into Richard. "are we going to have more sex? i like sex." Harry admitted with a lecherous grin Anita laughing so hard tears sprang to her eyes, a soft smooth chuckle ran shivers up her and Richards spine as Jean Claude stepped into the room. "now Richard, why would i have need to be jealus than you?" he asked smirking a little as Harry stared at Jean Claude, wide eyed and astonished. "...pretty..." Harry muttered almost meekly, pressing himself into Richard. not the same fear as before, a new kind, a normal kind, the kind of fear that most humans had when they realized Jean Claude would most likely have them for breakfast. "why thank you Peu d'émeraude. that is a very kind thing to say." he admitted smiling at Harry who looked confused. "... do i smell?" he asked sniffing at himself, Anita laughing. "no Harry, it's french. it means Little emerald. Jean Claude gives everything a nickname." "only the things i find fascinating Ma Petite." "stop calling me that." Anita ordered, Harry grinning a little. "Little Emerald? why call me that?" he asked looking baffled, Jean Claude looking confused. "why, for your eyes of course... Harry, do you not remember what you look like?" "...i guess i hadn't thought about it." Harry admitted slowly standing up and moving over tot eh mirror, seeing his face... it was a strangers face, someone else's. his eyes where like emeralds, his lips full and pouty... he had a nice handsome face.... but he didn't recognize it and suddenly he realized, fully, that he had no idea what was happening. his lip quivered and tears pulled into his eyes but he wouldn't cry, he swallowed thickly and examined himself. "well.. at least i know i'm pretty..."
Gabriel frowned pushing up slowly, making sure not to use the injured arm as he looked at draco,forcing him to come back to the bed, holding him still in his arms, straining to make sure it wasnt looking like a strain to hld onto him."Draco. Stop. Stay with me.I need you. Harry has richard, anita and jean. I only need you."gabriel said sagging against him, because he wondered if he acted weak it would get the other to behave.Because it worried him that the wouldn't let draco know what was going on, and knowing something had gone wrong again.

Richard pouted pressing his lips to harry's forehead blushing as the vampire came in and at harry's words. He so didn't want to let jean in on this relationship.He so didn't want jean's advice on sex."Because I'm just so more pretty then you."Richard said wrapping his arms around harry as the man cuddled him,hlding the man closer.Bring his teeth in a almost snarl at jean, feeling protective of his mate."Except me. Jean knows better then to give me a name beyond, loup, wolf."He said smirking a little nuzzling harry's neck. Laughing softly at the idea of harry not realizing what he looked liked. Scrambling to his feet as the man started crying he wrapped his arms around harry tightly, pressing a kiss to the other's head as he shuddered a little, hating because he hated to not know how to fix this. Looking at jean he growled softly."Fix this."He demanded, annoyed because he coudn't fix this by himself and that pained him. To not be enough for his mate, that was the worst ideaa for a ulfric.
Draco growled as he strained a little against Gabriel's arms, wanting to go and see what was happening before pausing at the order to stay, feeling his rage spike at the 'order' before sighing, relaxing and calming as he felt Gabriel sag, Gabriel needed him, Gabriel was hurt, Draco needed to take care of Gabriel. he turned to the other, calm again as he gently kissed the other. "you need to eat more to get your stregth back." he ordered pealing the orange and holding a slice to the others lips, smirking a little, his head tilted. ignoring everything else now in favor of taking care of, and gently teasing his lover.

Jean Claude chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "handsome, yes, but i am afraid i hold the title for 'pretty'. do i not Ma Petite?" Jean Asked smirking a little as Anita snorted. "i'm not gettign into this... 'philosophical' discussion." she stated with a shale of her head. "indeed Ulfric." Jean Admitted nodding to Richard. "and, as i will admit, i prefer to nickname pretty things." he teased. "handsome things to not take well to nicknames." he admitted chuckling a little before freezing at the sight of tears. Jean Claude was like most men, he did not know what to do with tears. he sighed at the order to fix it and he shook his head. "i cannot." he admitted softly. "i have been in Monsieur Potter's mind... it is a natural Amnesia, there are no walls to tear down. his brain is trying to protect himself, his memories will have to return on their own." "... will i remember?" Harry asked softly, leaning into Richard, feeling comforted by the man. "i do not know Peu d'émeraude... i do not know..." Jean Claude admitted softly. "but you have very many freinds who will help you piece together your past..." he promised, Harry nodding as Jean Claude turned to Anita. "perhaps Monsieur's Longbottom and Zabini would come to comfort the little one? the Council is on the move as well, i would suggest bringing your Pard back to you, i think Harry will be able to handle the larger crowd better now." Anita nodded, agreeing with that. the more bodyguards, the better.
Gabriel smiled a little, relaxing as he realized that draco wasn't going to leave. Smiling slightly as he ate the orange, pouting at him."If you start feeding me fruity things because I'm a rabbit, I'm going to smack you."He sulked smirking as he stole a kiss, settling in bed, and perfectl prepared to act like the invalid he was. Though he was playing it up, he was hurt but he was sooo going to make draco think he was hurt enough that the man couldn't go take care of harry.

"You are pretty,girl."Richard teased rolling his eyes at the vampire smilingslightly as he snickered at anita's reaction. Yea, they'd had thisconversation enough to not drag anita into the middle.Blushing a little at the teasing as hecuddled against his lover, while he wasn't good with tears, he wasgoing to treat harry like one of his wolves, who needed the comfort of skin to skin. That was all he was able to do, otherwise he wouldn't know what to do. Richard rested his head against harry's hair looking at anita then jean."We should go to the circus.Its better equiped to be a defense, and the rats and wolves are already on guard duty there. More bodyguards, and the pard can be there."he said sighing softly trying to be calm because he so didn't want to thik about whatthe council would do if they were coming for harry.
Draco smirked a little. "if i was going to tease you about being a rabbit i'd have gotten you carrots." he teased. "Rabbits don't normally like fruit." he admitted. "i got the orange so i could feed it to you." he admitted looking gleeful before he kissed the other and gently fed him the pieces of orange, looking worried, and perfectly content to stay and take care of Gabriel. had Jean Claude witnessed this, he would have laughed at Gabriel's expert manipulations of the blond.

Jean Claude smirked a little. "i am not the only woman in this room hmm Richard?" he asked licking his lips slowly and suddenly Harry snarled at Jean Claude, gripping Richard tightly, defending his Mate and his Mate's honor and Jean Claude lifted both hands. "fret not little emerald, i have no interest in you or Richard." he promised. "Richard is too manly, and he shares... very poorly. anything i say is purely in jest." Harry just growled and grumbled and snuggled into the Ulric again, sighing a little as Jean Claude shook his head. "the Circus is dangerous... if Harry regains the wrong memories he may panic and due damage to himself again..." he warned. "he needs a place not so filled with Vampires..." "but he needs Vampires to feed off of, and if he has some more... kind, vampire experiences it may help." Jean paused at that, pondering it as he stroked his chin, considering it then nodding. "true, alright we will all move to the circus." he agreed. "Albion will be pleased, he will not have sex in a bed that is not his own." he admitted looking amused. "it is very unusual." he admitted shaking his head as Anita picked up the phone and called Micah, informing him that they where all moving to the Circus and that he could join them if he wanted to. then she called Edward and asked him if he wouldn't mind coming over as well, she had a feeling Edward was going to like Harry, who was matter of fact and rather blunt.
"Oh good. I don't like carrots."He said smiling a little as he let the other feed him, cuddling his master. sighing as he laid down in the other's lap he sighed, looking up at the other."My arm hurts."He whined, fully intending on seeing how far he could push draco's buttons. he knew he should probably stop,but dammit he wanted to see how much control he had over draco's emotions for future refrence of course.

"Shut up."Richard said blushing hard as he buried his face against harry's shoulder,amused at harry's reaction to the teasing. It would be mildly amusing to see jean get beaten for the teasing for once."You never say anything in jest, you enjoy the thought you make me uncomfortable."Richard pointed out making a face at the vampire snickering a little. " look like a evil genius when you do that."Richard said trying to make harry laugh as he nodded towards jean stroking his chin. IT was about the only cute thing jean did."Gabriel will be pleased about that to."Richard said snickering at the idea of the poor shifter who got saddled with draco's OCDness. Richard stood, carefully helping harry up, before looking at jean,"Are you going to tell albion its time to go?"He asked not about to be the one who walked into the other room to interrupt whatever the two where dong.
Draco chuckled a little as he fed his lover, scanning his face carefully every few moments to make sure he wasn't in pain or feeling ill, letting out a sound of dismay when Gabriel complained about his arm hurting, his face flaring with worry as he nodded and raced out the door, coming back in with pain killers that he carefully fed to Gabriel, letting him drink before gently manhandling him onto the bed on his belly. "lay still." he ordered calmly, opening a drawer and pulling something out before straddling his lovers ass, and lifting the shirt up and off of Gabriel. his hands touched the smooth of Gabriel's back, slick with oils scented of roses and vanilla, and began to massage the rolling expanses.

Jean Claude laughed in delight at Richards blush and then looked astonished as Harry snarled at him. "there is no fear in him..." Jean Claude stated studying Harry's face. he was not talking about the terror, the utter, absolute Panic that had possessed Harry before, but normal, human fear that all things felt. Jean Claude looked into Harry's eyes and saw a complete lack of fear, it was...unnerving. Jean Claude paused in his chin stroking and did something he rarely did, he went along with the joke. he tapped his fingers together and unleashed a wicked laugh that had Harry and Anita laughing, Anita so hard she nearly fell. "Albion is enjoying... fretting, over Gabriel." Jean Claude admitted smiling a little. "he has not felt worry in a very long time and he is embracing it eagerly. just as Gabriel is enjoying manipulating Draco. let us give them a few hours, we will need to pack in any case." he admitted with a small grin as Harry still giggled about a man so powerfully beautiful acting like an evil genius. "we will need to find the two mortals who came with Gabriel. they may know how to help Harry..." "i've had someone watching them." Anita stated simply. "i will have them brought to the Circus." she pondered. "i wonder if i should have them informed of what's happening first or just scare the shit out of them?" "you are spending far too much time with us Ma Petite, you are turning sadistic." Jean Claude teased Harry snickering a little as he nuzzled, kissed, and licked Richard's neck.
Gabriel smiled a little as he laid on his stomach, sighing softly as his lover rubbed his back. it was a odd feeling to have so much control over draco that the man was massinging him. Turnign his head to look back at the man, he smiled softly."You know its my arm not my back thats hurt."He teased carefully sitting up to lean up to kiss him,sighing softly."I love you."He said before laying back down, settling down and ready to just enjoy the backrub.

Richard nodded a little looking at harry, because he couldn''t sense fear in his mate."Probably because he doesn't remember, he has no sense of being afraid. Richard snickered starting to laugh at the vampire, it was amusing to see him sorelaxed, and playin a part."You really would make a good villian.Are you sure he's not anita?"The ulfric asked smirking a little at his girlfriend, before laughing harder."It seems jean's not the only one being a evil genius."he said amused at the idea of gabriel getting the upper hand on draco. It was good to see someone besides jean able to manhandle the young blond."Just scare the shit out of them. It'll be harder to explain over the phone."Richard pointed out shivering a lttle as harry licked him, swallowing hard."Have Edward pick them up, he's coming from that side of town. Save everyone a trip when he's already passing them by."
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