Blood of my Heart

Gabriel whined softly as he trailed after the man,"I plan to."He teased before grinning as he climbed into the bed sighing softly as he sank into the plush bed, smirking as he loked at the blond standing next to the bed raising a foot and wrapping his leg around him, pulling him down onto the bed with him."So, who's going to be helpless now?"He teased looking a little nervous about being tied down, but willing to let draco do it. Not questioning the need to be dominated, which was odd for him,but not bad.He usually fought tooth and nail to top,but tonight, he didn't mind bottoming.

"That doesn't actually surprise me."Richard smiled kissing her back and grinning as she drifted off to sleep even before he got her into the bed. Richard jolted awake when harry screamed, already rolling to get up and ending up on the floor with the blnaket tangled around his legs, claws gourging the floor as he caught himself. At the sounds of screams having shifted his hands enough to give himself weapons to defend him anita and harry. Blinking stupidly as he climbed back into the bed he sighed, cuddling down next to harry glaring at anita over harry's back as she sniickered at him."Dn't laugh at me."He grumbled snuggling down into the bed, nuzzling harry's shoulder to reassure him that he wasn't alone.
Draco chuckled a little as he kissed the other again growling eagerly before chuckling as he was toppled onto the bed smirking a little. "you wish to be helpless under me?" he asked smirking a little a little as he pulled up long silver chains, rattling them playfully before wrapping them around his wrists tightly as he kissed the other intently again, pressing his groin against his lovers, panting eagerly. "i'm gonna fuck you nice and slow, make you beg, make you whine and writhe. make you never want another person again." he purred as he ran his nails down his lovers clothes, shredding them without even nicking the skin, running his tongue along the others nipple, sighing softly. "i've wanted to do this ever since i saw you.' he whispered licking his lips.

Harry stared, wide eyes at Richard, shocked but not afraid as he blinked at the man. "your a werewolf..." he muttered, shocked. "i didn't know werewolves could change at their own will..." he admitted blinking slowly at Richard as Anita stifled her giggles at Richard with a pillow, Harry sliding into the bed. "thank you 'Nita." he muttered softly. "for saving me... and helping me..." he muttered softly as he sighed softly at Richards nuzzling, calming and the terror flowing away as he felt warm and safe. "... are there going to be vampires here?" Harry asked softly. "no... not until you feel your ready. not all Vampires are bad Harry... their vicious, cruel... it's in their nature but..." "i know... my... one of my students was a vampire." he admitted smiling a little. "i.. i had a vampire lover once i... i know they can be good i just... i...i'm scared of them." "i know Harry, that's perfectly fine. we'll keep you safe." she promised smiling at him as she stroked her hair. "... i ate them... those.. others... i ate their blood..." "yes..." "i thought Vampires couldn't do that...." "... your not a vampire." "... i'm not?" Harry asked softly, shocked... and relieved. "what am i?" "... we're not sure..."
"Hmm it would be interesting."He said kissing the other bck,looking nervous but interested."I've never botttomed.It would be intreesting."He said watching the other, shivering as he destoryed his clohtes."Hmm well I'm going to be naked now.I have no more clothes."She said lookng amused as he reached out, pulling the other down for a kiss, wrapping his arms around him.

"gabriel can.You didnt' know that?"Richard said looking amused before giving anita a look whining as he closed his eyes."Your welcome. Now if you could make her stop laughing, I'd be happy."He said smiling before shaking his head."No.No vampires.Jean-claude doen't come here most of the time."He said before sighing softly."We'll protect you.Though draco might want to visit."He said sounding unsure because he didn't know how draco would handle being told no.Jean-claude he didn't worry about jean-claude would understand why. Draco was so moody, he hardly ever knew how he was going to react."You are one of the vampires' oldest legends, a living vampire."richard muttered nuzzling him."But don't worry about that right now.Get some sleep hary.You eed it."The werewolf said stroking the boy's back.
Draco looked astonished. "you've never been fucked?" he asked a sudden, deep, intense hunger filled his eyes. delight, passion, need, and tenderness all wrapped up in a look so dark that there was no way Gabriel was escaping now. Draco felt a deep carnal delight in being Gabriel's first lover, at least when bottoming. "i'll buy you new ones." Draco purred as he kissed the other intently, panting eagerly. "lay still." he ordered with a bright, eager growl as he sucked, licked, and kissed his way down Gabriel's body, teasing nipples, belly button, and finally cock as he trailed down the others body at a slow, languorous pace that was all Draco. he'd always been a tormenting bastard.

Harry shook his head a little. "i just thought he was a really skilled Animagus... he changes into full animals not man beasts..." he admitted softly before smiling. "let her laugh, at least you made her smile." Harry teased giggling a little before he hesitated. "i think it will be ok if Draco visits..." he decided. "i know he won't hurt me..." he looked up at Richard with terror in his eyes at the mention of sleep, Anita frowning in worry. "... i can't... they'll get me again... they get me when i sleep and lock me in my dreams and l...LAUGH..." Harry shuddered and Anita scowled more darkly. "... who get's you? what are you talking about Harry?" "... the Vampires... their in my head... they lock my in my dreams so i can't get out and make me see terrible terrible things..." "...Harry we killed all the vampires..." "not those vampires." Harry whispered, his voice barley a whisper, so scared that he was barley talking loud enough to be heard. "they where... bigger... they took me, and my group... they... they had... eyes! eyes..." Harry whispered. "they looked at me and i... i couldn't... all there was was the eyes and i HAD to do what he said..." Anita was pale, horrified. "how many?" "... i don't know... just the one? six?" he shuddered. "they took us, walked us to the Cave, gave us to the other vampires..." "oh fuck." Anita whispered gently wrapping Harry into a hug. "oh Harry i'm so sorry..." "their in my head." Harry sobbed. "they get me when i sleep...." they had never suspected that older, more powerful vampires where involved. even if it was six ancient vampires, how powerful did they have to be to catch and hold fifty four people with their eyes!?
"No."Gabriel said that soft gentle growl.Looking slightly nervous at the man's look, though he tried to not look to worried. Sighing softly as he closed his eyes, swallowing as he struggled to lay still, whimpering softly as fear gave away to pleasure."draco..."He whined because the torment was getting to much.He wanted more. Growling softly as he thrust a little,"Draco!"He whined wanting more.

"She laughs at me all the time."Richard sulked before sighing,"...bloody hell."He cursed sitting up, stroking harry's head as he looked over at anita."We need jean-claude.He's the only one that would know who would be capable of this...."He cursed swallowing hard as he wrapped his arms around harrycuddling both him and anita,swallowing hard as he glanced towards the window.It was to close to dawn to get jean-claude here tonight,but he'd go over and drag the master vampire out by his pretty hair tomorrow night if he had to. Looking at anita he stroked harry's hair,"ONe of the council?"He muttered because the bogeymen of vampirekind,their nightmares in the dark where the only six vampires he could think of tht would be capable of catching and holding that many people. That...that was just bad. This was going to be bad if the council was involved. Things tended to get bloody, fast when they were involved.
Draco smirked a little as he looked up at the other, smirking as he trailed his tongue along the others cock, slowly, teasingly as he pulled the head into his mouth, his silver orbs dancing with lust and amusement. "that's it Mon seul amour." he whispered grinning a little. "feel the pleasure." he purred softly. "beg me for more." he purred leaning up and kissing the other intently, smiling a little. "beg me, my little lover."

Anita nodded. "we'll have to go to him." Anita admitted softly. "Harry won't be able to be around another Vampire right now..." she whispered, gently stroking Harry's hair, the boy having fallen asleep again, too exaughsted to stay awake despite the Vampires in his head. " "i hope to god it's not the council." she admitted softly so that she didn't disturb Harry. "because that means that their involved in this war between the Wizards and the Vampires and they used Harry to make him a Martyr to get the War going. Harry was used as a pawn... what where fifty kids doing in the muggle world? i think this entire thing, was set up." Anita admitted swallowing thickly. "i think everyone wants to wage war...."
Gabiel moaned whining as he looked down a the other,"I don't beg.and I'm not little."He growled, that purring growl of a hunting panther as he caught the other's hair in his hands, pressing him down the long length f his cock, sighing softly."No one."He growled before jerking the other man up, kissing him hard.

"I'll talk to him as soon as he raises for the night."Richard said disliking the idea of not being around harry. But he would do it, because it eeded to be done."The wizards made him a martyr once, the vampires have always been more practical then humans."He sighed sighing a little."If it was a set up, it was a well planned on, and..."He swallowed."Belle spent two thousand years controlling every political aspect of europrean royallty. Only the world wars stopped her...."He paused thinking about what he was saying, thinking it through as the idea took form.He wasn't the political person jean-claude was, but given time he could see the pattern in things."She'd do anything to have that much control again.Even cause a war that might destory everything."
Draco growled back at him, flashing fangs as he was forced down on the others cock, hissing furiously. "i'm the master here dammit you do as i say!" he ordered growling at the other and scowling as he was forced into a kiss. "dammit! stop being Stronger than me!" he ordered giving the others ass a firm smack. "i'm the master and your not the master! your supposed to do as i say!" Draco complained scowling at the other.

Anita shook her head. "no, the wizards almost made him a martyr, you recall he failed to stay dead on that one." Anita admitted smiling as he stroked the not a vampire's hair gently. "it was well planned... they expected Harry to die, or be turned into a vampire... driven mad at the very least. he didn't do any of those things so their desperate to drive him mad now before Harry can tell anyone who they where...." she shook her head. "i'd rather face Bella than the entire council... but if she has the right power, the right blackmail... we could be facing all of them... the Council would gain by helping Belle in the first place. by gaining even more control, not just here, but over the world..."
Gabriel growled at him, laughing as he was hissed at."Oh, your supposed to be the strong vampire.Make me do what you say if you can."he said grinning a the other's scowl, wrapping his arms around him and rolling them over, pinning him to the bed as he looked down t the blond. He was willing to be dominated,but it had to be someone who could force him to bottom and he was going to make sure it was draco who ws strong enugh to make him give in.

"That's true."Rihard said looking amused before a moment before sighing."They need him to die so he cant tell on him."He sighed sounding upset at the idea of harry dying before tilting his head before shaking it."You saw them when they visited here.Both times. They can't agree long enough to decide something. Which works for vampires but will make the humans anxious."He bit his lip."She might be able to blackmail them to help, in the beginning.But it wont last. We just have to figure out who's behind this before belle decides to leave her castle for the first time in centuries."
Draco growled a little. "i haven't got a good control over my strength Gabriel." he warned. "i could break your arm and not even realize i was gripping too hard." he admitted looking a little annoyed as he was pinned to the bed. "oh that's it you dick." he growled bringing a foot up and shoving Gabriel away... ok so he more launched the other off the bed and onto the floor but he was sure the other would be fine. he growled as he leaped in top of the other, kissing him intently, pinning both wrists to the floor with a single hand, his grip tight enough to bruise a normal human. "your such a dick." he complained smirking at the other. "i was going to be all nice and sweet and take you slow, but clearly you don't want that hmm?"

she nodded a little and smiled at him. "Jean Claude could protect Harry's mind i think." she admitted. "if Harry can stand to let him near anyway... maybe we should bring Jean Claude here? Harry didn't seam to mind the bastard earlier." she admitted smiling a little. "they can't agree on anything normally." she admitted. "that will buy us some time i think..." she admitted shaking her head a little. "if it's more power they seek however... then she could get each one's individual help, without the others realizing it. they wouldn't be too willing to share information like that after all." she glanced outside as the sun rose slowly. "Harry's going to need to feed Richard... if he's too terrified to go near Vampires how is he going to feed off of them?" she asked biting her lip a little.
"I'm not some weakling, blondie."He growled laughing as he got launched into the air, twisting so he landed like a cat, on his hands and knees looking amused. moaning as he was pounced on, pinned to the floor as he looked up at the other, leaning up to kiss him."You've known I was always a dick."He growled leaning back against him, before smiling."Not this first time, not now.Slow and easy later."he growled twisting to kiss him hard.

Richard sighed kissing her softly, his cheek resting against harry's hair as he leaned over the other."Maybe.We'll have to try."He said though, laughing quietly at the idea of jean-claude helping anyone."We'll have to think about it.Jean-claude knows her best."He sighed before looking out the window, relaxing at the sight of the sun. Their lives had depended to long at the coming sunrise, to not rejoice at its rrival."We might have to bleed them, and give it to him in a cup."He sighed kissing her again, ruffling her hair again before laying back down."But go to sleep.There are to many questions, and none to be answered right now."
Draco purred, smirking down at the other his eyes narrowed at the other looking decidedly wicked. "oh, so you want me to fuck you hard huh? like an animal, like a beast?" he asked panting hard as he licked his lips suddenly flipping the other over so that he was on all fours, pinning him down with a single hand at his neck as he drove his tongue into his lovers ass, touching and stroking everything he could reach with his tongue, his fingers tight in the others hair, panting happily. "fuck you taste so good." he growled, smirking wickedly as he ran his tongue along the others balls. "your mine." he growled panting eagerly. "all mine."

she smiled a little and shook her head as she smiled at the only werewolf in her life. "will that work? Vampires have to drink straight from the vein don't they?... we'll have to try some things... or Draco will have to feed Harry if he'll be willing." she decided smiling a little as she settled down with Harry, holding him as he started to whimper. "shh, Harry.. your safe here." she promised softly stroking his hair as her beeper went off. "oh son of a bitch that had better not be Dolph." she grumbled as she slid out of bed and looked at her beeper, sighing a little. "... great... it's Bert." she grumbled. "bitching because i missed work the last couple of days. i should just quit..."
"I am a beat you k-"Gabriel yelped as he found himself on all fours, growling as the other's fingers in his hair kept him still. Shuddering as he sank forward, hips in the air even as he laid his head down on the ground."Always.Always yours."He growled shivering as he moved back against him, whimpering softly."Draco.Please...draco."he whimpered he wanted more wanting more then just that thouch against his balls."Draco."He growled, his voice holding that growling demand of a wolf.

"It might.we'll have to think about it.Draco'd be willing...probably."Richard said thoughtfully, shifting to snuggle against harry's back,laying a leg over his legs, pressing as close as he could. The werewolf ulfric wanting just as close as he could be to the vampire."At least its not dolph."He pointed out closing his eyes starting to drift off."Quit.Do it.It'll teach him to screw with you."He muttered yawning as he started drifting off, because he knew that she wouldn't. She might bitch, and complain, but she'd not quit. Even as busy and hetic as her life got, she'd always work for bert, even if she didn't want to.
Draco growled right back as he smirked. "that's right my little lover." Draco growled. "your mine." he purred as he continued to thrust his tongue in and out of the others ass, panting softly as he inserted a finger, and then two, unable to take anymore time as he shed his pants, not letting up a single inch, continuing to keep Gabriel pinned. he knew if he relaxed, even for a half of a second Gabriel was going to rear up and try to dominate again.

she nodded a little and smiled as she watched Richard holding Harry close. "you like him don't you Richard?" she asked almost playfully as she studied the Ulfric, her head tilted. "i think he'll be good for you." she admitted hesitating a little. "actually i..." she looked at Richard. "i've been meaning to talk to you about something for a week now but things kept coming up." she admitted. "i've been offered a full time job as a preternatural expert. i'll be with the police most of the time, on Dolph's team." she admitted watching him closely. "i want the job... but i wanted to talk to you and Nathaniel and Micah about it first." she admitted. "the pay will be less, but i should be home more often unless a murder comes up." she admitted. "i'll be legal to carry guns too so that will be a bonus." she admitted with a small little smirk. "i'll even still be able to raise Zombies to take statements, and i'll still have odd jobs when people come to me directly." she admitted watching Richard closely. "what do you think... should i take the job?"
"So strong for such a small guy."Gabriel teased squirming, resting his hands down on the floor pushing up, smirking a little as he felt the man's arm give a little,but still pinned. Moaning as he growled, looking over his shoulder at him, even if the movement pulled hsi hair."Cme on, do it if you can."He growled wanting more. Feeling the boy thrusting his fingers into him made him want more.

"He's nice."Ricard said delibrately misunderstanding what she meant about liking harry. Raising a eyebrow as he looked at her sleepily,"We make enough money between us that you can do what you want."He muttered sleepily, yawning as he tried to focus."it would be nice to have you home more."He smiled closing his eyes."Take it.Everyone'll like it better then you with bert.Every time you go into work, it sets our teeth on edge. At least working with dolph wont leave the question of who's going to eat your boss first up in the air."He said casually, as if it was common knowledge that between the vampires and lycanthropes that knew her, they were taking bets on who would eat out bert's throat first. And it was true, but it was more a rumor that they kept away from anita,but he was tired,and not really paying attention to what he was saying. Having grown tired enough to speak the truth without thinking.
Draco growled and smirked a little. "i'd be stronger if i drank blood on a regular basis. back when i first changed we thought i needed it so i choked it down. i could beat Jean Claude and Richard without breaking a sweat." he teased snickering a little. "isn't he lucky i'm his servant and i'm completely loyal to him?" he asked teasingly, chuckling a little as he sank his teeth into the others shoulder, drinking from him as he thrust deep into the other in a single thrust, moaning happily as he buried himself tot he balls, shivering gleefully as his grip tightened on the others hair groaning eagerly as he thrust into the other panting eagerly. "mmm fuuucking so TIGHT." he growled happily.

she smirked a little. "he's cute too, and he smells good doesn't he?" she asked smiling a little. "i'll take it then." she decided chuckling a little. "you've been threatening to eat my boss have you?" she demanded her tone dangerous as she lifted an eyebrow at him before shaking her head. "i'm calling Bert, and then Dolph." she decided. "you sleep with Harry, try to keep the groping to a minimum." she teased snickering as she moved over to the phone to talk to her now ex-boss. Bert was, of course, completely pissed, and she indulged in calling him all the nasty names she had saved up. then she called Dolph and gleefully informed him that she was taking the job but that she would be busy for a while taking care of a highly traumatized teen and would only go if it was an emergency, namely a death. Dolph informed her that it was the only time he ever called her in... he missed the joke. that done, she crawled into bed with Richard and Harry, who was making pitiful noises in his sleep, but wasn't screaming yet.
"Drink then you moron."Gabriel growned whining a little, not understanding why anyone would ever think to not take all the strength offered. "mm yes it is.Now are you going to ha-ohhh..."Gabriel moaned shuddering around the other as he swallowed hard as he was entered biting his lip because he wasn't sure if it felt good or not yet."Draco."He muttered shuddering as he raised his head far enough to steal a kiss, whimpering quietly because despite the pleasure the other thrusting into him brought, it still wasn't something he was used to, and made him uncomfortable. which made the shape shifter whimper softly in confusion wanting comfort.

"He does."Richard muttered snickering as he pressed his face against harry's shoulder to hide his smirk."Oh, I would never threaten to do that. That would be bad."He said with that soft singalong voice that held a promise of a lie,even if it had't been him that had come up with the idea. AFter all, jean-claude was known for threatening the man, if nothing else, he'd blame the vampire if anita got pissed at him for threatening to eat her boss. Richard snickered listening to her call,whimpering softly as he stroked harry's hair, cuddling against him, trying to offer comfort before raising his head to look at anita. "...should we wake him?He wont get any rest like this."
Draco growled, amused. "i'd rather not drink, it's disgusting... only your blood tastes good." he admitted chuckling as the other cried out as Draco pushed in. "mmmg so tight." he growled, panting eagerly as he kissed the other gently, tangling tongues together. "it is alright My cœur et l'âme." Draco murmured his voice laced with love and affection as he kissed the other, moving very slowly, gently groaning happily. "tell me, when you want more." he whispered smiling a little.

she chuckled a little as Harry snuggled into Richard, smelling like damp caves and cool winds, like the wild, like nature. Anita snorted a little as she shook her head. "ahuh, you know very well that i don't beleive you." she teased shaking her head. "i know you didn't start it though and that's your only saving grace." she teased chuckling a little as she hesitated, gently stroking Harry's hair as well, biting her lip. "he won't get any rest if we wake him up either..." she admitted softly, swallowing thickly. "i don't know what to do..." she admitted lookign upset. "do you think we should call Lilian?" the wererat doctor might know what to do but she wasn't sure. Harry was going to go mad before Jean Claude woke up in the evening... how could those bastard vampires be tormenting poor Harry in the middle of the day?
"Hmm I am special.Taste good."Gabriel panted moaning uietly as he shivered, kissing him gently. enjoying the tongue tangling as he leaned into them, shivering at the frech. Amused to hear draco's voice sound like that as he swallowed, leaning back against him, a soft whimper escaping as he swallowe."More...okay.More..."he muttered turning his head to kiss him slowly.

"Jean-claude started it."Richard said snickering because ewhile it had started with the vampire, it had become all her boyfriend's favorite past time finding te best way to think about killing her bss."Do I ineed a saving grace?"He pouted cutely before sighing, "We better."He said rolling off the edge of the bed to find his phone. After a short exchange with the woman he sighed, "She said she'd be right over.She didn't know how to help over the phone, but he wants to come lok him over."He sighed softly looking towards the window as he looked at the sunlight streaming in."how in the world are they doing this?He said sounding angry that even in daylight harry wasn't getting any relief.
Draco smirked a little. "yes, very special." Draco whispered panting against the other. "my special little cœur et l'âme." he moaned as he moved against the other as he started to move faster, reaching down and running his hand along the others cock, stroking the smooth soft flesh as he moaned eagerly, moving against the other eagerly.

she snorted a little. "and everyone i slept with picked it up hmm?" she asked, teasing him as she shook her head. "no, as long as you don't actually kill him." she teased smiling a little as she stayed with Harry, who was awake and trembling in terror by the time Richard came back. blinking slowly at the werewolf he reached out to the other like a small child wanting comfort. not saying anything, making no noise, just reaching for big strong Richard, burying his face in the others chest once the man was close hiding from the world in Richards strong arms and happy scent. Lilian came quickly and Harry stared blankly at her as she examined his eyes. "he looks like he's been Mind snatched." Lilian complained, scowling a little. "i'm sorry... what?" "it's... it's like Catching someone with your eyes..." she explained. "you hold them, some vampires who are skilled, or talented in that area can hold a person's gaze for... miles upon miles away... one of the vampires on the council has the record for holding a man under the gaze over a country distance... why are you giving me that look?"
Gabirel moaned, swallowing hard as the man stroked him, blinking slowly shivering as he looked at him, swallowing hard as he thrust into the other's hand as he stroked him."Drco..."he shuddered leaning forward, resting on his arms as he braced him, shivering as the other fucked him.

"...maybe."Richard said blushing a little. Richard started looking at the man before climbng into the bed again, curling his body gainst the other stroking his hair as harry rested against his chest.Sighing softly as he tried to stay calm."....because its daylight. It shouldn't be possible.All the god little vampires should be asleep."He said holding his arms around harry tightly, trying to comfort him, and not lose his temper at having the vampires mind fuck draco over so much."Lilan, its not possible. Its daylight. Even the strongest vampire, cant daywalk in the brightest morning.What can we do to stop this?"He said looking desperate to find some way to help the poor boy in his arms.
Draco moaned eagerly as he reached up and gripped Gabriel's shoulder, panting eagerly as he fucked the other nice and gentle, yet fast and touch at the same time, using all of his skills to flood Gabriel with the most pleasure he had ever experienced in his life, wanting the other to stay, come back time and time again for a good hard fucking.

Harry snuggled the other happily blinking at Lilian who shook her head. "i don't know... it could be possible... strong enough vampires can avoid falling into their death like state for a day or two come sunlight, so long as they are underground." she admitted shaking her head. "when Jean Claude wakes up, he can put a blocker in Harry's mind, Jean Claude should have enough strength to keep the other vampire out... he just has to keep his sanity until dusk." Lilian whispered smiling at Harry and stroking his face gently. "i'm going to give you a shot Harry. it should keep you awake and clear headed until tonight. alright?" Harry hesitated but nodded and Lilian gently slid the needle into his arm, Harry shuddering but relaxing as the medicine too effect almost immediately, not tired anymore. "thank you." Harry muttered softly, leaning into Richard, nuzzling the man gently. "they can't get me when i'm not tired." he admitted softly swallowing thickly, closing his eyes to test that theory and then nodding. "yeah... their gone.." he muttered softly, refusing to pull away from Richard. Richard was a comfort.
Gabriel moaned, eyes widenig as he screamed softly, pleasure filled as he came, come splattering the floor behind him, as draco stripped him of all his shields, and made him lose control completely, shifting under the vampire, the panther laying still and quiet under draco,whimpering quietly. Poor poor panther who was worn out to much to even change back into human to make sure draco was okay.

Richard sighed nodding al little."We'll get jean-claude here as soon as we can. Or draco."He said swallowing hard as he pressed a absent kiss to the brunette's hair, closing his eyes as he let harry snuggle into him. Laughing softly as he closed his eyes,"Is there a reason your trying to climb in my skin?Gotta tell you, sharing my body with a wolf is bad enough, I don't need a vampire."He teased nuzzling harry a little looking at a anita. Hoping that they'd be able to keep harry entertained enug that he wont start worrying about what was going on."Maybe we can get gabriel and draco over sooner. They can move around in sunlight, they'd probably be willing to come...if they're not having sex..."He said looking tougtful
Draco tossed his head back and cried eagerly as he felt the other cum, and then shift, feeling the others body rippling around him as he came hard into a firm tight Panther ass, flooding his cute little kitty cat as he made a strangled noise of delight and pleasure before he slumped next to his lover, moaning happily as he cuddled into soft fur, carefully easing himself out of the large cat. "mmm that was wonderful." he muttered softly, smiling a little.

Anita nodded a little. "Draco might be able to block Harry's mind too, i'm not sure." she admitted shaking her head a little as she grinned smugly, enjoying watching Harry and Richard together. Harry smiled at the teasing. "no... you just feel good." he admitted softly. "your skin is all tingly." he admitted running his tongue out and stroking one of Richards pectorals, stroking the firm muscle with a tongue as soft as velvet, Anita lifting an eyebrow, wondering if Harry was even fully aware of what he was doing before she snorted. "their having sex, Draco's self restraint isn't that good, and i have my doubts about Gabe protesting too much." she admitted smirking a little. "do you want me to leave so you and Harry can.... nuzzle, in private?" she teased, turning 'nuzzle' into something much, much dirtier.
Gabriel purred, a loud rumbling purr that made him start. Startled at the sound of contentment showing. Purring as he shifted to snuggle tighter against his vampire, yawning, fangs flashin in the air as he yawned, "...didn't meant to shift....Do you want me to shift back?he asked sleepily his voice tinged with embarassement, because it seemed to much effort to shift back into human form, and draco seemed content to use him as a pillow. And embarassment because he usually didn't lose control to shift forms without willing it so.

"He might be.Why don't you go call him?"Richard said blushing at that, swallowing hard as he tried not to react to the other's licking him, making a small eager noise in the back f his throat as he looked at anita,"not so much?You don't think gabriel would protest?"He said amused before giving her a look at her teasing,blushing harder."I don't nuzzle anyone but you, you know that."He said making a face at her, because the man was getting to him, even if he didn't want to admit it.
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