Blood of my Heart

Draco smiled as he ran his fingers through Gabriel's fur, feeling comforted by the man's presents as Anita nodded. "exactly, only these fish eat humans too." she admitted shaking her head a little as Draco nodded. Draco growled a little, smirking as he watched Gabriel chew the face off the Vampire. he was bleeding hard from the long cuts running down his back, but he was already starting to heal as he nuzzled the Panther back, Anita shrieking as a fourth Vampire came out of nowhere and grabbed her, dragging her to the ground. she couldn't get free and she was out of bullets, and something in Draco snapped as he snarled, the sanity leaving him instantly as he pounced on the other vampire, throwing it into the wall. Edward had never see Draco in his crazed state, Anita had, and Gabriel had been on the receiving end of it. there was no sanity in Draco as he ripped the Vampire apart using nails and fangs as the creature shrieked and gurgled, Anita watching with a hand on her bleeding neck. "come on Gabriel, Edward your not going to want to see this..." she admitted staggering to her feet just as Draco ripped out the Vampires spine, the creature having flipped onto it's belly, trying to escape.

Draco reached into the gaping hole and grabbed the heart of the others heart in his fangs, ripping it out and stalking off with it, sucking on it like it was a lollypop or something, Anita turning to lean against the wall as she heaved, tossing her cookies. it was a rare woman that could see something like that, and not puke. "...Draco shouldn't be doing that..." she groaned softly, panting hard. "he's going to make himself sick..." Vampires could not drink the blood of other Vampires, it was like swallowing poison, it made them very sick, as it was Draco was Starting to choke and gag Anita turning and tossing her own cookies again just as Draco tossed his Blood Type O. "s...sorry." Draco groaned panting hard. "lost control of myself a little bit there..." he muttered wiping his forehead. "ugh... i don't feel so good..." "i don't sense anymore Master vampires... all we have to do is find Harry. Edward your with me, Gabe you take Draco outside, he needs the sunlight, it will get rid of the poison in his system." Draco would be week for a few hours, but he would be fine.

it took them nearly ten minutes to find Harry, who was naked and covered in blood, his own, and others. he shifted when Anita touched his shoulder and his eyes fluttered open. "i will... never...give in." he hissed softly. "you... can't do... shit... to.... me." he muttered before sagging against his chains. now that she was close Anita could see that he was covered in bites, dozens of bites all over his body, and she could bet that he'd been bitten by more than one of the masters. "Harry Potter? my name is Anita Blake, we're here with Alb... i mean, Draco Malfoy and Gabriel... i never got his last name." she promised, Harry groaning a little. "Dray? Draco's here?" he asked blinking slowly. "Draco... Draco came to save me?" he asked, so tired, week. confused. he was barley breathing and he slumped again, swallowing thickly. "tell him... thank you." he muttered softly. "i know... it has to be... hard... in..lond..n.." and then he was still, limp in his bonds, no breath, no pulse, Anita's eyes widened. "oh god we where too late..." she whispered softly, gently stroking Harry's raven locks, squealing as she felt a gentle pulse of a heartbeat under her hand. "... oh shit... he's... been... turned...." she gasped her eyes wide as she looked at Edward. "how are we going to get him out to the car!? the sun will kill him!"
Edward himself looked a little pale, though it was a rare occurrrance. Not much got to him, but seeing albion downing the vampire's heart like he was kid with a lollipop was to much. swallowing as he moved to anita's side, making sure she was okay even as gabriel snarled. The panther tempting fate and moving to draco's side, gabriel leaning hard against his legs as if to make him stop.Wincing as the bloody puke splashed on his paws, even if he didn't move away. gabriel winced looking worried as he shifted back to human, before losing the clothes, and picking up the vampire."Come on lovely.Time to get outside."He said carrying him, settling them just outside, with the vampire sitting in his lap, holding them both glad to see the sunlgight.relaxing at the sense of it.

Edward paled even more when they saw harry, looking even more off balance. He was... this was almost to much, even for death."Draco's here.He came for you."Edward said crouching down to start undoing the bonds, trying to think.trying to figure out what to do before remembering something gabriel had said. "Wizards, can they still do magic?If we can make him aware enough to force change him into his animagus form, gbriel said it was small. We can wrap him up in our jackets."He said thinking quickly because he had no other ideas except maybe hanging around here until nightfall, which was such a bad idea he wouldn't even consider it for now.
Albion snarled viciously at Gabriel, clearly warning him away from HIS kill. it was Draco's meal not his! Draco wouldn't share!... at least until Draco got sick all over the place. he whimpered a little as he was picked up, trembling in Gabriel's arms from the pain of the poison blood running through him. as soon as he was in the sun he started to feel better, panting softly as he snuggled into Gabriel. "Thank you Mon Propre." he muttered softly. "i feel better now... i did a very stupid thing there." he admitted shaking his head. "very stupid... i hope Harry will be alright..." he whispered softly, swallowing thickly as he closed his eyes. "i'm so tired Mon Propre..." he whispered nuzzling his lover. "and so hungry..." it was a well known fact that vampires needed blood when they where injured badly enough, it was clear that Draco was soon going to try to drink from Gabriel, because he needed to, because Gabriel's blood was the only one he could stand.

Harry whimpered a little. "he shouldn't have come... is... looking for him,." Harry muttered sluggishly. "gonna... take Dray back... can't let... him take... Dray..." he muttered before passing out, Anita swallowing thickly. "don't worry Harry... i won't let him get Draco." she promised stroking the boys hair. "Harry?... Harry i need you to wake up." she ordered, gently smacking his face to make those amazingly green eyes open. "Harry, i need you to change into your Animagus form, alright?" he ordered swallowing thickly as he nodded and suddenly shifted. it was shockingly appropriate, his Animagus form, an adorable little black bat which fluttered and flopped, trapped in the clothes until Anita picked him up. he wasn't small, he was tiny! barley as long as her palm. he squeaked and squealed as she carefully covered him with her jacket, leaving no room for the sun to get in and hoping to god Harry didn't get smothered as she looked up at Edward, clearly fighting not to laugh. "...he's a bat...." it was kind of funny..
"mon...what?"gabriel frowned trying to figure out the french before smiling slightly, resting his cheek against the man's hair,closing his eyes.Comforting him before leaning his head back,"Well then eat."He said snickering a little even as he drew the blond to his neck, figuring that if he wasn't pissing the man off, and that he was prepared to be bitten, that it wouldn't be so bad. Now that he was expecting it,it wouldn't be bad right?Right.He just had to keep telling himself that.

"WE wont."Edward promised laughing softly as he saw the kitten.Swallowing hard as he looked at the kitten,"Awww look. Gabriel will have a baby of all his own.The cat and mother something that almost looks like a cat"He said snickering, smiling a little before nodding."We'll have to be careful.Don't want to smother him after we went through all the trouble to save him."He said laughing as he headed out with her, pausing as he rested a hand on her arm as they walked around the corner"you don't want to go out there.He's feeding."

(Awww soo cute!!!!)
kitten? XDD he's not a kitten there hun he's a batXDD)))

Draco sighed softly, a smug little grin on his lips. "Mon Propre..." he murmured softly as he nuzzled Gabriel's neck, letting his fangs slide out and run across the skin before he bit, fast, but not hard, there was only a slight sting, and then it was washed away with pleasure, almost a numbing pleasure as he sucked and slurped and fed right there in the wild, swallowing his fill before releasing Gabriel's neck. "mmm Mon Propre... you taste wonderful." he muttered softly sighing as he drifted off to sleep Anita chuckling nervously as she walked out, checking Harry just to make sure he wasn't screaming in pain or smoking. "we have Harry." she admitted blinking at Gabriel. "are you sure it's a good idea to let him feed on you like that? if you let him get a taste he'll never let you go." she pointed out smiling a little. "he may have given you the third mark by doing that you know.." she admitted. "they have to taste your blood to lay the third mark." she hailed a taxi, letting Edward get in first, Draco refusing to wake for anything, making Gabriel carry him while Anita gently cradled Harry in his soft nest.

Anita smiled as they climbed into the plane, letting the werewolf Captain know it was safe to take off. by the time they got back it was night, and Jean Claude was waiting for them... with Richard... and they weren't snapping and snarling at each other... shocking. "Ma Petite! are you injured!?" Jean Claude demanded, studying Gabriel, who was still carrying Draco, and the tiny little bat that Anita carried. thankfully Edward had already cleaned out the poison from her neck, so she was in no danger of being turned. "i'm fine, really... it's Draco who was hurt the worst..." she admitted watching the white haired man with a worried expression. "he fed and then he hasn't woken since... he fed off another" she shook her head a little. "this is Harry by the way, his animal form anyway." she admitted gently nudging the little brown bat, trying to get it to wake. "he hasn't woken yet either... he's been turned... bitten by several masters... i'm afraid neither of them will wake..." "Albion will be fine." Jean Claude promised. "he has drank the blood of his brothers before in his crazed states. he will be fine with a few days rest... this... Harry however..." he carefully, so very gently picked up the little bat.

"no one has ever been bitten by more than one master before, how many do you think he was bitten by?" "...four at least...." Anita admitted swallowing thickly as they all moved into the Car, Jean Claude gently settling the bat into Richards lap while he examined Anita's neck, sniffing it intently to smell for poison. Draco was still in Gabriel's lap of course, and Anita was putting up with the sniffing. there was no warning when Richard suddenly found himself with a lap full of very human... or was human, naked, Harry Potter, his face angelic and soft, adorable as he snuggled gently into Richard, his eyes fluttering open for a moment to blink at Richard, looking confused. "Draco?" he asked softly. "N...Nita?" he nuzzled Richard again, sighing softly. "mmm you smell wonderful." he muttered softly before falling unconscious again, Anita handing Richard her jacket, looking very, very amused.
I saw that...after I wrote the post.XXDDD)

Gabriel shuddered in pleasure at the bite, closing his eyes as he looked up at the woman."... I'll deal with him if he has."He shrugged, to content at the moment to actually be worried if Draco had laid another claim on his soul.

Richard smiled relieved to see his girlfriend back and in one peice, looking at her worriedly seeing the bandage that edward had taped in place. Before looking at Draco, he might not feel the same attatchment for the vampire that either anita or jean-claude did, but he did enjoy seeing the vampire. Richard paled as he looked at the small bat, trying to figure out what would happen. Gabriel winced shifting his hold on draco, glad to hear that draco would be fine, but he worried about harry to."So, there's nothing we can do?"Gabriel asked not looking happy about the idea that they had been to late to really save harry. Richard startled, having been holding the bat, looking at the man in his lap, before looking at anita."'nita, i think he wants you."Richard said looking embarassed as he took anita's jacket from her, gently wrapping it around the naked man in his lap. Gabriel laughed softly, resting his cheek against draco's head, looking at the couple sitting next to him."I don't know who harry's going to like more. The werewolf or anita."He said looking amused, because harry was so bisexual and random about his choices that it was hard to predict which he would choose. Though, he might want jean-claude.Jean-claude was just to pretty for anyone's good.
Anita smiled as she stepped up to Richard, giving her a gentle kiss with a happy little smile. "i'm alright Richard, i promise." she muttered softly smiling a little as she gently nipped at his neck playfully. "no... there's nothing we can do but wait." Jean Claude admitted softly shaking his head a little as they piled into the Car, Draco sighing softly as he snuggled into Gabriel. "mmm Mon Propre..." Draco muttered Jean Claude breaking into a wide grin. "has he been calling you that for long?" he asked looking very amused. "ah my sweet little Peu d'amour, you are too sweet." he teased draco who simply slept through the teasing and Jean Claude actually laughed as Harry turned back into his human form and started snuggling Richard. "he is beautiful." Jean Claude admitted watching Harry sleep his head tilted. "i do hope the change does not upset him too badly..." he admitted glancing at Anita smiling as she nodded. "he is beautiful." she agreed looking Harry over, smiling a little. "just as beautiful as Albion, but in different ways."

she chuckled a little and shook her head. "let' hope he wants Richard more, he's more likely to date Harry than i am." she admitted chuckling a little. she understood Richards needs to have multiple mates, she herself had to have them to feed the Ardure.(sp?) so she and Richard enjoyed a more open relationship, but they always crawled into bed with one another at the end of the night. they quickly returned to Guilty Pleasures, and both Harry and Draco where carried down and laid on separate beds. Draco was up by morning, ravenous. he ate all the food in the fridge, indulged in a snack of Gabriel, and then waited by Harry's side, hoping he would wake up, his face laced with worry as he carefully wiped Harry's sweating brow with a cool towel, trying to wake him, talking to him constantly hoping the man would get better. Anita spent a great deal of time with Draco, trying to keep the boy calm, Jean Claude only leaving Albion's side to hide in his coffin from the burning sunlight. finally though, Harry's emerald eyes fluttered open, three days after he had been laid on the new bed he finally woke, Draco gasping in glee as he watched Harry blink at the ceiling, his eyes as red as rubies, hungry.

"Harry?" Draco asked softly, the brunette turning to the blond and striking at him, grabbing him and sinking his fangs into place, Draco shrieking in horror, not pain, just startled as he was fed on. the first hint that something was less than normal. even crazed vampires, feral ones did not drink from other vampires, the new ones instinctively understood that other vampires where not good for feeding on, yet there Harry was, feeding on Draco, Anita too stunned to do anything as Harry released Draco and pounced on Jean Claude, the man flinching away from teeth as he used his superior strength and skills to avoid Harry who growled in frustration, still so hungry, so THIRSTY. he ran out the door and attacked another vampire instead, the male shrieking in astonishment, but again not in pain, just shocked that he was being fed on. no vampire was ever, EVER fed on! it took three more Vampires before Harry was satisfied, his eyes bleeding back to Emerald green, licking his lips a little as his mind finally caught up with him, looking confused as he looked around.

"d...Draco?" he asked, voice timid, afraid as he saw all the vampires around him, backing away from them as they hissed at him, clearly not appreciating being fed on. "Draco!?" "hush now, peu d'émeraude." Jean Claude muttered softly, settling calming hands on Harry's shoulders. "Draco is back this way, you are safe here." Jean Claude promised. "he goes by Albion now though, he has hidden his past quite firmly, and has even made me promise to ask you no questions." Jean Claude admitted smiling as Harry hesitantly followed Jean back into the bedroom, Anita gently examining the wounds on Draco's neck. Harry should have been puking by now, but instead he looked even healthier than before... a Vampire... that fed on other vampires!? such a thing had not been heard of except in vampire children's tales. never had such a creature existed, had it? "what is going on? where am i?" Harry demanded, looking at Jean Claude with those wide innocent eyes and Jean shuddered, feeling a sudden surge of desire at the sight of those wide green eyes. "you are at my club, Guilty Pleasures, where Albion and i normally live." he admitted softly. "here is Albion." Jean purred smiling as Harry rushed to Draco and pulled the other into a tight hug, and began to sob. now that the fear was gone, the hunger done, he was breaking down from the shock and trauma of what had been done to him.
Gabriel blushed a little looking at jean-claude with a frown."Just today.And what does it mean?"He grumbled annoyed that someone wouldn't tell him what it meant.Richard looked uncomfortable. While he wasn't as homophobic as he had once been, he was still nervous. He didn't enjoy it as much as anita thought he did, though he did enjoy male sex every once in awhile."It wouldn't be the first time you dealt with difficult changes."Edward pointed out tilting his head towards albion, amused because jean-claude just seemed to keep finding ways to complicate his life.

Gabriel yelped fom where he'd been laying at draco's feet, shifting back as draco shrieked, growling slightly as he tried to figure out how to stop harry from feeding.when harry returned gabriel smiled slightly, growling that low bass growl that a dog had when it was warning someone not to get to close. while he wouldn't attack the vampires who had been feed on, if they tried to harm harry, he was going to be pissed that he had to get involved.but he would get involved because he did enjoy harry's company, and he was worried about what was happening to him.harry swallowed hard looking at the two worriedly before he stood crossing the room and wrapping them both in a hug easing them down onto the bed holding them both.cuddling them because he couldn't do any more to help them.After a few minutes he nudged harry a little, looking at him."How are you feeling?"He asked looking a jean-claude, fear showing in his eyes.Why wasn't harry reacting like a vampire?Draco had gotten so sick after feeding on another vampire. Shouldn't harry be reacting the same way?And if he wasn't the same, gabriel was really afraid for his sanity because draco suffered a change so drastic it had split his personality. surely whatever the master's bites had done to harry, surey it would be just as traumatic.
Jean Claude smirked a little and shook his head. "it means, 'My Own.' it mean's Draco thinks that you are the key to his heart, and his sanity. he has claimed you. very deeply." Jean Claude admitted smiling at Gabriel. "i have to admit, i am relieved." he admitted smiling as he gently stroked Draco's cheek. "he has been afraid to love for so long..." Anita chuckled and gently leaned into Richard, taking his hand. "it will be alright." she promised kissing his cheek, smiling at him, hoping to calm him down as Harry snuggled and nuzzled the big werewolf.

the Vampires pulled away at Gabriel's warning growl, not that Harry noticed. the Vampires where all aware that Draco had claimed the strange shifter, as far as they where concerned what Gabriel said went unless it directly went against Jean Claude's orders they weren't about to piss Gabriel, and thus, Albion off. Harry flinched away from Gabriel at the first touch, a instinctual thing, terrified so terrified that someone was going to hurt him. but he settled quickly and simply continued to sob, feeling safe in Draco and Gabriel's arms. Harry slowly calmed down and he blinked at Gabriel. "Gabriel?" he asked softly, swallowing thickly. "what are you doing here? are Neville and Blaise ok?" he asked, ignoring the question about how he was feeling. he was terrified that's how he was feeling, he had let down everyone who had been caught with him so he was feeling guilty as well. Jean Claude was looking a little pale as he studied Harry, gently urging the boy to his feet. "you should see the doctor, come with me Peu D'émeraude." he ordered gently, looking at Gabriel. "you two stay here." he ordered softly, Anita already moving to follow Jean Claude to comfort Harry. she knew the legends, Jean Claude liked to tell them to her when she was feeling upset. to calm her.

Jean Claude came back without Harry or Anita, looking about ready to slaughter something. "Harry has been through a great deal..." he admitted growling low in his throat. Jean Claude barley looked human, Draco had never seen Jean Claude loose control like that. "he and his group where captured. fifty students ranging from the age of eleven, to seventeen. three other teachers and Harry... the Vampires thought Harry had information about the war the wizards where waging against the vampires, but Harry knew nothing. they tortured the students and the teachers in front of him, all fifty three of them. some they killed, some they tortured, some they did... terrible things to..." rape... the vampires had raped students to make Harry talk. "Harry had no information to give, soon he stopped trying to convince them of that and just watched in horror... then they ran out of victims, so they started torturing Harry instead." he swallowed thickly. "he's very, very upset and terrified of the vampires here. i think he needs to live somewhere else but i cannot think where..." he admitted sighing as he sat down on the bed, struggling to control himself as Draco gently set his hand on the others shoulder.

"and what is he? he drank Vampire blood without getting sick..." "he is a legend.. something that isn't supposed to really exist." Jean Claude admitted. "there where stories of creatures that where all powerful, they could walk the sun, and change into beasts, use magic and had strength unimaginable. the perfect mix of wizard, vampire, and werewolf." he admitted swallowing thickly. "they where the masters of all things, and ruled with peace and compassion, but soon they grew...arrogant and cruel and they where cursed by an entire covenant of witches, all who died to lay the curse. the beings that had once ruled, would be hated now, by everything. they would need to feed on the blood of the dead. they would never sleep, in day, or night. he sighed a little and looked over at Albion. "i beleive that Harry is one of those creatures. a vampire, that feeds on other vampires with a varying degree of the curse that was aid on them..." he admitted softly shaking his head. "Harry cannot stay here.. he is too terrified to be around this many Vampires. where should we send him where he can be safe?" "... Anita and Richards house of course..." Draco stated as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "they won't turn him away when he's been through so much, when he's so scared..."
"Oh."Gabriel said blushing hard as he dipped his head, not about to let the others know what it meant to him to actually have someone want him.

Gabriel jumped a little looking amused that harry's first question was about someone else and not about him."They're fine. Draco here, had a meltdown and attacked me.Made me want to look after him."Gabriel said looking amused as he tried to make sure the other was fine.Gabriel pouted though at the order to stay where he was. He wanted to help them take care of harry.Gabriel looked startled at jean-claude's appearance when the man returned, it was disturbing and worrying tovsee a master vampire to see his control slipping that much. "I could get a house nearby. I'm...not rich, but well off. I can get a place where we could live, and close enough that if harry needs something that we can get help."gabriel said looking so worried.

"Or richard's. Richard and anita will know what to do if harry needs something, and are strong enough to make sure that if he loses control, that he wont rip their throats out."gabriel said nearly jumping out of his skin when richard walked up behind him."Anita called. Said that I needed to get here with the car...."Richard said looking at the three of them, and it seemed like anita had had the same idea of draco's, and had every intention of takig the poor confused harry with her. "harry's terrfied of vampires, and his godfather is a werewolf. He'd probably apperciate the familiar."Gabriel mused looking at the ulfric, the two having cone to a....truce of sorts. Both dominate enough that things would grate on their tempers about the other, but willing to put it aside to work with each other to help the people they cared about. Namely draco and anita.
Harry nodded a little looking at Draco, looking astonished at how gorgeous the blond was, blinking slowly his head tilting a little. "Draco attacked you?" "for one, i didn't know who he was, for two he was threatening to expose me and for three..." "you're a vampire and have little control over yourself?" Harry managed to tease, trembling violently. "no, i am not a vampire... i... i actually don't know what i am..." Draco admitted shaking his head a little as he smiled. "i am glad you are alright Harry." Draco whispered softly gently kissing Harry's forehead. when Jean Claude came back Draco swallowed thickly and nuzzled Gabriel's neck, he felt nervous with the other so very furious. "Jean Claude is the richest man in the City, he can afford a house..." but Draco didn't want to leave the club, he liked it there, it was safe there, everything he needed was provided for him and he didn't want to leave Jean Claude.

Draco blinked at Richard and offered the wolf a smile. he liked Richard, he was so nice to Anita, and him... even though he had nearly torn both the man's arms off for growling at him three years ago... not that Draco had been able to help himself. "Anita and Harry are in the doctors room." Draco admitted swallowing thickly as Jean Claude growled a little, eyes unfocused. "please excuse me i have to go kill something." Jean Claude admitted. "Claudia! where did i bury that Child attacker!?" he demanded moving out of the room, Draco snorting a little as he shook his head and stood up leading the way to the doctors room where Anita was holding an unconscious Harry, tears trailing down the boys face as she looked up at the small group. "the doctor had to sedate him... he kept screaming when she came near him..." Anita admitted gently stroking Harry's hair. "Richard we can't leave him here he'll never survive so scared... can we take him home with us?" she asked pouting at him. "he needs us... he's so afraid..." Harry shifted his emerald eyes fluttering, shuddering hard. "Vampires... no... please..." and then he was out again, as if simply proving Anita's point.
"And four, he thought I was so gorgeous, he just had to sink fangs into me."Gabriel teased smiling a little, sighing softly as draco nuzzled him, running a hand down his back, trying to be calm and not set jean-claude off. Call it a hunch, but he knew jean-claude losing control would be something bad.Both gabriel and richard looked startled and amused as jean-claude left, and both looking ready to indulge in some less then civilized hunting themselves but they had things to take care of first. While the two shifters might each other, they had a sense of near perfect understanding right then, that shit like this shouldn't be happening, and that they would take care of things if they could. They just needed to hunt something first to make sure that they didn't lse some control.

"Of course we can take him home."Richard said smiling a little, amused at anita's pouting as he reached out, picking up harry in thoose strong arms, brushing a casual absent kiss to harry's forehead, not even really aware of doing it. Like most shifters, richard found touch comforting,and was hardly ever aware of the touching."What about you two?"Richard said looking at draco and gabriel looking worried about leaving them behind,but not sure what jean-claude would think if they took them with them.And for once, he cared what jean-claude felt. Well...he was aware jean-claude was in love with anita, but he knew that the vampire needed draco sometimes, and that it would kill something in him to not have draco with him.
Draco giggled a little and kissed Gabriel's neck and then gave it a nibble. "mmm that might be true." he agreed smirking a little. "you are undeniably sexy." he purred playfully. "admit your mine and i'll show you all the pleasure i can give you for being so sexy." he teased chuckling a little as he watched Harry snuggle into Richards arms, breathing in his scent and almost immediately started to calm down. "i..." Draco hesitated, biting his lip. "i'm staying here i... Gabriel can go with you if he wants to i guess..." Draco muttered softly stepping backwards to hide in the shadows, rather ashamed of his intense need to be near Jean Claude. he was so dependent on the man, just as Jean Claude was dependent on him, vampire or not he was still Jean Claude's human servant, and Jean Claude was still the first male adult that had loved him. Draco needed Jean Claude the way most children needed their fathers, for comfort, and love, attention and affection. but it would kill a part of him if Gabriel decided to move out, Draco needed Gabriel just as much as he needed Jean Claude. he hesitated and then turned and left before Gabriel decided what he was going to do, he didn't want to watch himself be abandoned.

"nnng... n..Nita?" Harry asked sluggishly, confused and fuzzy. "...wh...t's... hapenin?" Harry asked nuzzling Richard. "mmm... apples." he purred softly smiling a little as he cuddled happily in Richard's arms, Anita lifting an eyebrow, a small little grin twitching at her lips. "are you wearing apple Cologne Richard?" she teased smirking as she looked at Gabriel. "you should stay with Draco. he needs you just as much as he needs Jean Claude. it would be so cruel to make him choose between you two, especially when he needs you both for different reasons." she admitted smiling at Gabriel. "you don't want to be his, but you don't realize that if your his... then he's yours." she admitted grinning at him. "come on Richard, let's get Harry into bed before he starts leaving Hickies on your neck." she teased chuckling a little as Harry started nuzzling Richards neck. Harry was a very touch oriented person, and Richards warm apple scented skin was making him feel so safe he just had to nuzzle.
"i am aren't I?"Gabriel said sounding amused before laughing,"Hmm I think not.You can't make me admit to that yet."he said smiling as he watched richard and harry. Richard raised a eyebrow not surprised when the other shifter shok his head, already moving to join draco in the shadows."Come on.You need to rest. And maybe go hunting.I'll go chase down mice for you.Mice are good eating."Gabriel teased knowing the malfoy was going to be disgusted at the idea of feeding on rodents.Following at his master's heels he smiled, because he wasn't even aware of just how much he had accepted that draco was his master. And in doing so every thought was focused on making sure that draco was feeling better.

"no."Richard said frwning thoughtully as they headed out to the indoor garage, glad that anita's jeep had tinted windows. Tucking himself and harry in the backseat he smiled a little amused that the man smelled apples, even if he wasn't wearing anything."Do I smell like apples to you?"He said brushing his nose over his own shoulder, trying to smell whatever the young vampire in his arms smelled. Looking at anita, wrinkling his nose a little."You smell like gun oil anita. Gun oil and apples."He teased amused because they'd hugged enough to smell like her, sighing softly in pleasure as harry nuzzled him. As a werewolf, he was a touch oriented ulfric, so it wasn't so weird to be nuzzled.He was used to the lesser, less dominate, wolves nuzzling him.
Draco smirked a little. "yet." he admitted with a small grin before his grin faltered when he saw Harry, swallowing thickly as he pulled away, not wanting to be abandoned again, not wanting to be hurt anymore. Lucius and Voldemort had broken parts of his heart, the life of death and the pain of being force turned had broken the rest. he felt so relieved when Gabriel joined him, leaning into the other as he nodded. "i am tired." Draco admitted softly yawning a little before wrinkling his nose. "i am NOT eating rats, some of those might be freinds of my freinds you know." he complained with a pout. "and Rafael the Rat King wouldn't like it if i killed his buddies just because you where hungry." he pointed out with a small snicker. "just make a sandwich you brute." Draco ordered with a small smile as he nuzzled Gabriel's neck. "mmm Mon Propre... do you miss London?" he asked softly. "... you can leave you know... i won't... can't make you stay here..."

Anita chuckled a little and smiled at Richard. "no, you smell like..." she paused and leaned forward, smelling him happily. "mmm you smell like woodsmoke and rain." she admitted grinning at him. "don't you smell differently to different people?" she asked grinning at him a little. "you smell like my two favorite things." she admitted licking her lips a little. "and i always smell like gun oil." she admitted with a small chuckle. "i'm always wearing guns remember?" she teased as Harry continued to Nuzzle Richard. "at least we know he's not afraid of you, he nearly flew into a fit, even asleep when that Vampire doctor was looking at him." she admitted shaking her head. "he's going to have nightmares." she admitted softly. "terrible nightmares..." she swallowed thickly, she hated trying to comfort people, which was why she was glad Richard seamed to be so alright with Harry nuzzling and cuddling him. he could do the comforting while Anita made the comforting coffee. she puled into the house and turned and looked at Richard. "... there's.. things i need to tell you Richard... about Harry." she admitted softly, softly explaining what had happened, trying to leave out the nastier parts where the vampires had made the children do things to one another, where they had tortured the people, but she told him nearly everything that Harry ha seen, Harry had witnessed. Harry was going to be traumatized for life after something like that, frightened, even childish after his unwilling change.
Gabriel laughed followign the other to his bedroom, smirking a little."I don't kill the rats that are the size of small dogs. only the little ones."He said snickering before pouting."Fine, I can make a sandwich."He grumbled pouting a little as he picked the vampire up, heading for the kitchen to get something to eat."I don't really....miss london. I miss people,but not the town."He said before sighing."You asked me to stay.I wont leave as long as you dont want me to."He said kissing the other's head before shrugging

"I guess. I mean you tell me woodsmoke, he thinks apples, and jean-claude smells blood."Richard said blushing a little before nodding. Looking amused as he remembered no matter what, no matter how much like rain she smelled, she'd always smell like guns. "Well, its good. Though out of all of us, I think I'm the one of the less fearsome men."Richard said, having long come to terms that he wasn't nearly as scary as anita and jean-claude. "He will,but we'll be there for him."He said petting harry's hair becaue he didn't know what else to do. Frowning a little as anita explained, closing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around harry tightly, before looking at her as she pulled into their driveway."Bloody hell. I have....there...I don't know if I can help that.Help him."Richard said, not afraid of what harry had become, but afraid that he fould fail in helping harry.
Draco snorted a little. "even the itty bitty ones can be his freinds." he teased smiling a little as he was picked up, pressing his nose into the others neck, smelling him again, he loved the smell of Gabriel. "you smell good." Draco admitted smiling a little. "maybe... when everything is done.... and... certain people are dead... we can go visit London again... i miss it." he admitted softly. "the words, and the life..." he closed his eyes. "i miss London." he admitted softly before smiling up at the other. "your mine." he purred happily. "and i am yours.... may the second mark on you Gabriel?"

Anita snorted a little. "Blood is the only thing Jean Claude ever smells." Anita admitted shaking her head. "your too much of a boy scout to be scary." she teased chuckling a little as she watched him petting Harry's hair, the boy seamed to relax even more under the attention and she smiled. "he's almost like a Lycanthrope isn't he? he acts like one... Gabriel said his godfather was a werewolf, do you think that's why?" she mused watching Harry sleeping before sighing a little. "i know Richard, i don't know if we can help him either, but at least we'll have him somewhere warm and safe." she agreed smiling a little. "as long as we're here, we won't let anything happen to Harry. i have a therapist friend who can come by from time to time to talk to Harry, Draco and Gabriel will be by often to check on him and make sure he's feeling alright... i think Harry will recover, he did kill Voldemort after all..." even the 'creatures that bumped in the night' knew of Voldemort, had feared him. Anita respected Harry a great deal, just for being able to stand up against the mass murderer. but, Voldemort was nothing compared to the cruelty of vampires.
Gabriel sighed, "Fine.No rats."He grumbled amused as he laughed softly at the other's words before sighing a little."I do smell good don't I?I try."He said amused before sighing, nodding."When this is over, we'll go back."he promised before pausing, staring at the man. As much as he disliked the idea of being owned, didn't nearly disturb him as much s it should to be owned by draco."Okay."He said simply,"But after I eat."He said starting to eat his sandwich.

"Thats why I have you to do scary for me."Richard said looking amused,even as he blushed at the teasing."He is.And...that might be why. If he's spent alot of time with the godfather and gabriel, he might be responding like this, because that's how they respond to things."He said before looking at her,"He'll have a place."He said smiling, before smirking a little."Does this mean your kicking nathenial out of bed to let harry sleep with us?"He teased before nodding, voldemort had just been a threshold for cruelty. Vampires had had thousands of years to perfect torture, and no one was better then Belle Morte, beautiful death, the vampire whom jean-claude was descended from."Should we be worried about....her...?"He asked, because there was only one her when they were talking about oddities. And belle morte was famous for loving oddities. "We'll need to warn Gabriel to, through draco, she might want him. He is after all, a cat.Sometimes."He said knowing belle morte had had gotten all large cats are hers to call.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded as he smiled. "you do know what the Marks mean don't you?" he asked his head tilted curiously. "Jean Claude did tell you what they meant?" Jean had tried, but it was hard to explain something like that, all that was certain was that it meant Gabriel was taking that willing second step to becoming Draco's and only Draco's. Draco reached over and stole the second half of the others sandwich, enjoying the meal as he chewed slowly. technically he didn't need food, or blood, but he still felt hunger.

Anita chuckled a little and shook her head. "i'm not very scary Richard." she admitted grinning a little before nodding. "i'm not sure how Harry will react to Nathaniel, Micah is going to have to rent a hotel, Harry won't be able to be near him, not for a long while." she admitted sighing a little. "Micah's going to be so pissed." she complained shaking her head a little as she shuddered at the mention of Belle. "... probobly." she admitted softly. "but if Jean Claude cannot call Gabriel's Wolf, i have my doubts about her calling his Panther. she can barley call Nathaniel away from me... if it comes down to a fight, i think all of us should have a good chance against her... we might die, but we'll take her with us." Anita admitted. "i'll call Jean and he'll warn Gabriel and Albion.... it's strange." she admitted shaking her head. "i know his name is Draco but... i can't seam to call him that... Albion seems to suit him much more." she admitted gently kissing Richard's forehead. "let me go explain to Micah and Nathaniel what's happening before you bring him in ok?" she asked softly, moving inside to explain to her many boyfriends what was going on.
Gabriel growled at the man for taking his food, reaching out and stealing it back. "He tried, but metaphysics are hard to explain. You know that. It's like explaining why a killing curse to a muggle."He said before sighing."I know I will belong to you.And that's okay."He shrugged seemingly accepting the fact that he was going to belong to someone.

"You're one of the scariest people I know."Richard said before sighing."They're both going to be pissed."He said before sighing softly."Maybe not."Richard said sounding concerned, because if the more bound gabriel was, he wondered if belle would treat him like a master vampire of her line, and try to claim him."We'll fight, you know that, even if we don't have a chance to win."He said before laughing,"Albion does fit him."He sighed waiting for anita to explain before picking up harry and heading inside, wincing a little at the ishgt of the nimra-raj, micah always set his teeth on edge. More then gabriel. It was so tempting to send him to the circus to see gabriel, see what the panther would do to anita's pretty cat,but he knew that if he intentionally started a fight, then anita would kick his ass. Nathanial sighed pausing in the doorway, looking down at anita holding a bag for both him and micah."are you sure you want me to go?I could stay here with you and them..."Nathaniel said, he hated leaving. Even if his nimra-raj was a good man he didn't want to leave anita.
Draco growled back and simply took the food back stuffing it all into his mouth like a petulant child, well he sort of was a petulant child, he looked smug as he chewed, his cheeks bulging in a way that Draco's would never allow, not even when they where children. he swallowed thickly and choked on the food, but being that he didn't need to breath he was pretty much fine. he managed to swallow and grinned a little before shaking his head. "it's more than owning something." Draco tried to explain. "i'm... binding us, together." he explained. "my soul, to your soul, we will share our powers, and our lives. i will feel your heart beating, you will feel me when i am frightened." he explained smiling at the other. "we will literally, be only for each other, we might take other lovers, eve love other people, but no matter what happens we will always and forever have each other." he admitted gently nuzzling Gabriel's neck. "no one will be able to take you away from me, and no one will be able to break out bonds." he admitted smiling at the other.

Anita chuckled a little and shook her head. "she will fight to own both Gabriel and Albion." Anita stated. "and even poor Harry, simply because they are things no one has seen before. she wants me, because of my gifts, she wants everything Jean Claude has." she admitted shaking her head a little looking a little upset that Micah was so upset. she smiled at Nathaniel however and shook her head. "no, not yet... let's try to get Harry calmed down first." she muttered, gently pulling Nathaniel down for a kiss as Micah walked into the room, Harry's eyes fluttering open as he turned to blink at the vampire, and in an instant harry went rigid, his eyes going almost completely white, his pupils and iris shrinking in his terror as he screamed. the high pitched scream of someone in such a panic, all they COULD do was scream, he screamed, and screamed, and then he shuddered and went limp, passing out from the terror alone. "... that's why you can't stay Micah." Ania muttered with a small sigh as she helped Richard gently gather Harry properly into his arms. "and Nathaniel can't stay because he smells too much like Vampires." she admitted smiling at them. "it will only be for a few weeks, i have Lilian coming over to talk with him, he'll get better..." she hoped. "please... let me fix him... it's my fault he's like this... i was too late to save him and his freinds from getting captured and i was too late in getting help...please, just this once." she pleaded, more to Micah than anything else.
Gabriel's jaw dropped a little as he looked at the man next to him. It was....a thing of oddity weirdness to see that draco was swallowing his food like a spoiled child that didn't want to share anything."...well wont that be a good thing?You seem to need someone to take care of you.And I'll come get you if you need it."Gabriel said whining a little as he was nuzzled, it sort of tickled, but he didn't move away from him."Welll....shouldn't we do this..marking somewhere private and not in the kitchen?"Gabriel asked blushing ever so slightly as he looked down at him.

"Belle has always been a lttle possessive of things."He sighed before settling harry in the bed, looking worried about anita. Nathaniel sighed before nodding, leaning down to kiss her.Yelping as the man started shrieking, holding him tight so that harry couldn't injure himself. Micah winced, swallowing hard. IT...hurt to see someone so terrified of him because he simply smelled like a vmapire, having been spending more and more time with jean-claude to help him with the weres that worked for him,but it meant he smelled nearly as strong as a vampire did."OKay.You'll call if you need something okay."He muttered kissing hi before smiling softly"You always mourn what you were not in time to save....remember that you were in time to save him."Micah muttered tucking her hair behind her ears,"Take care of him.And richard."He said kissing her before walking out with nathaniel. Richard looked up at anita, smiling softly as he stroked harry's hair."He's gotten better at not fighting you on things."

(micah's a wereleopard, not a vampire.)
i thought he was a vampire? oh well. ^^;)

Draco chuckled a little. "it's not very intimate." Draco admitted smiling a little. "unless you want it to be?" he asked grinning a little at the other, teasing him as he pressed his lips gently to Gabriel's, blue fire leaping around them, filling everything as his mouth pressed against Gabriel's, his tongue fluttering against the soft lips of his would be lover, pressing his tongue in and stroking it against Gabriel's before the blue fire melted away and left Draco and Gabriel there alone with only themselves, Draco's mind shifting against Gabriel's as Draco sighed and pressed himself against the other, wrapping his arms around Gabriel, nibbling his chin almost submissively. "i want you." he whispered softly nuzzling Gabriel again. "i want to feel you, naked, pressed against me..." he whispered panting softly.

Anita nodded a little. "especially things that aren't hers." Anita agreed shaking her head wincing as Harry started to scream, looking close to tears. but she would not cry, not in front of her leopards, not in front of Richard. she kissed Micah gently, stroking his hair gently as she smiled softly at him. "thank you." she muttered softly. "i'm not so sure i was able to save him though... he's seen... terrible, terrible things in a mater of a few days." she admitted softly. she smiled and nodded a little. "i will protect them. you keep Nathaniel safe, he has a tendency to get into trouble." she admitted smiling at Micah before looking at Richard. "he only didn't fight me because of Harry's reaction to him, you know that." she admitted sighing a little as she gently stroked Harry's hair. "let's leave him alone... he'll wake when he's ready, he should be more comfortable with us here, but not near him... i think..." she bit her lip and shook her head. "there's nothing we can do for him right now..." she admitted, gently tucking a stuffed penguin into Harry's arms.
Gabriel blushed, gasping a little as he was kissed, kissing him back before pulling away."I didn't know what you'd do."He muttered blushing shuddering as the other pressed against him. swallowing as the other nibbled at him, be held the man tightly against him, keeping him trapped in his arms.Not about to let draco wiggle away, "Hmm are you offering to top me or let me tie you up?"He teased, that teasing growl coming out of his very human throat. A growl that was a odd mix of a wolf's growl and a panther's scream."Though, you might want a bed for this.You're going to be loud."He teased nuzzling the man.

Micah smiled kissing her "I'll keep our leopard safe.No worries."He muttered hugging her before leaving. Richard sighed softly before laughing,"He doesn't like people being afraid of him.How is it you ended up with only jean-claude who enjoys people being terrified of him?"he asked, teasing because he knew what the appeal of jean-claude was. A man who didn't flinch over when killing was needed, oh yes, anita apperciated that jean-claude would do anything to survive when she wasn't sure if richard and micah wouldn't forget their morals in the face of needing to survive."Okay."Richard said looking relucant to leave harry before laying him in the bed, tucking him in before looking at anita."We'll sleep in the next room. Close enough but not to far away."He said smiling as he snagged one of the other penguins, picking up anita and carrying her into the other room kissing her gently."Love, you need sleep. You will do no one any good, if your do not sleep."he said aware she'd keep running, keep trying to do everything if he didn't stop her.
Draco smirked a little. "that's half the fun." he whispered softly, chuckling a little as he allowed himself to be held tightly. "mmm which would you find more arousing?" he asked smirking a little. "because both have their appeal." he admitted licking his lips. "i think... i want to be tied up." he purred snickered a little. "there's an appeal to being helpless." he purred kissing the other intently again as he slowly stood up, being careful not to knock Gabriel over, shuddering eagerly. "mmm i even have silver chains in my bedroom." he admitted with a small smirk as he ran his tongue along the others neck. "come." he purred leading Gabriel to his own room which was filled with soft bedding, plush carpet and a bed so large that all of Jean Claude's pets, and their pets pets could fit on it.

Anita nodded a little. "this is true... it amazes me how sensitive he can be sometimes." she admitted with a small smile. "Vampires like fear in general, Jean Claude loves it when he scares me, get's him hot and horny." she admitted shaking her head a little. "besides, you know why i like him, and it certainly isn't the sex." she teased chuckling a little as she gently kissed Richard, groaning as she was picked up. she hated being picked up, but she didn't fight him. "fine..." she grumbled softly shaking her head a little. "i'll sleep for a few hours..." she grumbled. "stop picking me up." she ordered sulking a little already falling asleep. she hadn't slept in almost three days, she was too tired to stay awake despite her annoyance. she was woken an hour later, nearly shrieking at Harry standing in the doorway, clutching the penguin looking utterly terrified as he stared at them ."i... i had.. a nightmare..." he whispered, looking so ashamed, and so frightened that Anita smiled. "oh Harry it's ok. come crawl in bed with us. we won't let anyone hurt you." she promised pulling the blankets away and letting Harry Crawl in-between them, the boy snuggling into both of them, his body warm, so warm and soft he was very clearly not dead. not even an ancient vampire could be that alive, Harry was practically thrumming with life. it made Anita feel a little less guilty, Harry wasn't actually dead after all... not all was lost.
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