Blood of my Heart

"Maybe I'll play qudditch with you."Gabriele said smirking a lttle as he smiled."so I did. Though I think blaise enjoyed it more."he teased, because everyone knew Blaise would kiss anyone and everyone, even if he felt guilty about it later."Okay."He shrugged not at all offended the other didn't want his help.Because he knew draco was hiding from something, so he was willing to just let it go for now. A wolfish chuckle escaping whe the other asked him about the panther. Nudging his leg before smiling."....that was gross.Thanks for sharing that visiual."He said wrinkling his nose looking at the man next to him."i don't think I'll ever drink a smoothie again."He said making a face rolling his eyes.

"I'm human."Gabriel said. "At least part of the time.""he said amused as he made the sandwich that the other wanted, rolling his eyes as he set the plate in front of him. Looking curious as he watched stephan race in."Fine. A wizard's oath to not tell anything you tell me not to."He said studying the other man before tilting his head."Now...should we not be going to find out what this anita wants?He seemed worried."He said tilting his head towards stephan even as his eyes spiraled down into the pupils of a falcon, responding to the fear, and wanting to be something small and easily able to leave, but it aws sheer force of will that kept him where he was, waiting to see what draco was going to do.

(lol see you then ^^)
Draco smiled a little and shook his head. "i'd like that, and you might be right, Blaise always was a whore." he admitted shaking his head a little. "he's kissed every man in school you know, gay or not." he admitted smirking a little giving the other a strange look when all he got was an 'ok' on the not sharing information. he was quite certain that Gabriel was up to something, maybe he already knew? but no... he very much doubted that. he had to snicker a little at the others 'grossed factor nine' going on and he shook his head a little. "really? are you sure no more smoothies? i love smoothies." he admitted smirking a little as he watched the other making his sandwich. "yeah, and i'm a human most of the time." he stated rolling his eyes. "and a werewolf is human most of the time for that matter." he rolled his eyes. "your fooling yourself." he admitted with a snort, sinking his teeth into the sandwich, nearly choking on the sandwich as Stephan ran in.

"... a wizards oath?" he asked studying Gabriel before sighing a little as he stared at his sandwich. "Anita can kiss my ass, i can hear what she's saying through Jean Claude." he admitted as he pondered what to tell Gabriel. "there is a group of wizards who think creatures like me... like Stephan... like Jean... even like you... they think that we need to be destroyed because we go against everything wizards have been taught about magic." he admitted swallowing thickly. "they are trying to stamp us out and their damn near succeeding." he admitted softly. "and there's rumors that... Dumbledore is the leading head of this group of wizards." he admitted staring at the other. "helped by Lucius." he admitted his eyes stern. "but Jean Claude doesn't know this, for... specific reasons." he stated firmly. "with Voldemort gone, Dumbledore needed another dangerous threat to maintain his seat of power... unfortunately, i think Harry's been tricked into helping him again..." he admitted lowering his eyes to his hands.

"i can't loose Jean Claude..." he whispered softly. "the man is... everything to me he's... my father... my brother... my lover... even my enemy." he admitted staring at the other. "when i ran away Jean Claude was the only one who would take me in." he admitted softly. "... i'm not going to explain why i left, that's too personal, but.. i can't go back and i can't let them hurt Jean Claude." he had such a stern look on his face. "this is why you cannot tell Jean Claude who i am." he stated simply. "because if he finds out... if anyone finds out." he shook his head. "then i'll be the enemy too..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "and if he finds out, then Lucius will find out where i am too and i... i just can't face him... ever... again..." Draco stated simply staring at Gabriel. "Jean Claude wants me." he admitted getting to his feet and moving out the door, abandoning his sandwich, not hungry anymore.
" just compared me to a smoothie. Makes me not want one."Gabriel said looking amused as he wrinkled his nose. Annoyed at being made fun of, looking curious about the vampires ties to each other. Even if he wouldn't say it outloud, he was curious. Looking at Draco he noded,"I know.He is."He tilted his head a little suddering."And it is mildly disturbing to see Luc and Dumbledore working together.Very very weird."He shuddered before sighing."The only way dumbledore controls anything anymore, is your...lucius scares anyone more then the vampires to. hey might be his scapegoat this time around,but lucius is the one controlling things."He srugged before shaking his head."I don't know about potter... they don't trust me, considering I am one of the creatures.But lucius finds me useful enough in the courtroom he wont kill me outright, not when he can set me up to be killed by someone else.Just think, you almost did him a favor last night."

"I don't you think give JEanClaude enough credit in seeing who his enemies are, but I will not say anything."Gabriel said looking interested and vaguely worried.Because he was beginning to feel for the malfoy heir, and it would surely just lead him into trouble."What do I do?You want me to come with you?"He asked before not giving the blond a optionshifting forms, the great black panther padding silently at draco's side, a silent bodyguard, and hopefully a comfort.
Draco smirked a little and shook his head. "Lucius will use anyone he needs to to get what he wants." he admitted. "including Dumbledore. and he's probobly not even realizing he's getting the crap end of the pooper scooper." Draco admitted shaking his head. "no doubt Dumble Doofus is going senile in his old age." he shook his head again. "Lucius isn't so frightening once you've seen him kissing the feet of a madman like he's a damn house elf." Draco admitted shaking his head. "they know your... whatever you are?" he asked curiously, his head tilted. "were you working for Lucius in the wizarding world?" he asked curiously his head tilted a little. "i have my doubts about Potter willingly working for Lucius." he admitted hesitating. "i bet Neville would know... that was him with Blaise right? i bet Jean Claude just loved him, he likes jumpy things." he admitted rolling his eyes.

"Jean Claude is afraid of me." Draco admitted simply. "i am stronger than him." he admitted. "if he finds out who my father is, who i am... he will not hesitate to take precautionary measures." he admitted simply. "he keeps me, because he knows i love him, and because he knows if he decides to kill me i won't stop him." he admitted licking his lips nervously. "i won't stop him." he admitted shaking his head as he got to his feet and headed for the door, hesitating at the question. "... do whatever you want." he ordered simply heading back out to the entrance where Jean Claude was scowling, looking... almost afraid. a short woman with dark hard and dark eyes talking with him, looking just as unsettled as Jean Claude did. "what's wrong?" Draco demanded glaring at Jean. "why did you block me from your mind?" "... because a name came up." Jean Claude admitted. "a name you once muttered in your nightmares." Draco paled at that. "Potter." Jean explained Draco swallowing thickly. "what about potter?" he demanded his lips thin. "... he's being held captive by a frightened Master Vampire back in London." Jean admitted glancing at Anita who nodded.

"the Wizards have... new weapons... at first they where just a joke." Anita admitted. "their spells did little to the vampires... unless they where week..." Jean nodded. "their Lumos did nothing but tickle even the weakest of vampires. their sun spells barley burned anything over a hundred years old. even their Evada Kedavra could not harm us, for we had no breaths to take, no pulses to stop. but... they have something... new." he admitted Draco paling even more. "... how strong?" "...Marcus is dead..." Draco's eyes went wide, horrified. "m..Markus is... but he... there's no way!" he protested Anita shaking her head. "i'm sorry Albion... i know you two where close but... i saw his body..." Anita admitted watching Draco carefully for any signs of him freaking out again. she liked the young man despite him being a vampires pet, though she could understand why he was so loyal to Jean Claude, she didn't want to have to kill him. none of them seamed to notice the Panther with them. "i should not have let those two wizards go so easily... they could have helped us..." Jean Claude admitted scowling. "no. they know nothing of this war." Draco admitted softly. "or they would be trapped with Potter..." he swallowed thickly. "potter saved my life Jean Claude... i have to help him..." he admitted softly. "my code of honor demands it.." "you are not mentally fit enough to travel so far..." Jean Claude protested, frowning. "you said you would never return to London, you said you had many enemies there..." "...i do." but that was all Draco said about it.
"Dumbledore was alwys a little dense about things like that."Gabriel mused before his mouth fell open a little, the mental image of lucius malfoy as small and insignificant as a house elf made him choke a little."Oddly, yes. though it was more, dumbledore asked me to keep a eye on wht he wanted in the business world, and it did no harm to keep tabs on what lucius was doing."He shrugged before snickering."Me to. Potter'd probably have to be drunk to even think about it."He said frwning a little before nodding."Yes, that was neville.He's dating blaise."He said laughing at the vampire's idea of jumpy. If he liked jumpy oh yes, neville was perfect then.

Gabriel moved over pressing against the blond's legs as he heard him sound upset, listening. While he knew that dumbledore had been looking for a new weapon, he hadn't realized that they'd found it. Pressing against draco's side he nudged his head under the man's hand before he shifted back, staying close to draco, not exactly hiding but not getting closer to teh woman he assumed was anita."I can, with no enemies in london."He bowed his head a little leaning into his master, seeking to sooth him because draco was upset. ignoring their surprise at finding him with him,because he had something to say"Potter saved us all, honor demands I go to. I'll go and save you this mental problem."He paused, thinking."Besides, a falcon can hide better then you.And potter's animgi form is small enough I can carry him."
Draco smirked a little at the others gaping expression. "oh yes, Lucius crawled on the floor. like a dog." Draco had been punished often for not bowing and kissing Voldemort's feet like some common slave. "how is Lucius these days?" he asked, a hint of fear in his voice. "dying yet?" he hoped to hell so, but no, Lucius was still running strong and proud, he had another fifty years in him at least so long as no one got him in the streets. "potter? drunk? i can't see that." and for once Draco was right, Harry enjoyed a drink or two, but he never, ever got drunk, ever. "... Blaise is dating that stumbling buffoon...really!?" Draco asked looking baffled. "either Neville got better or Blaise got desperate." he muttered shaking his head a little. "Blaise dating Neville... holy shit... and Neville doesn't mind that Blaise fucked whats her face last night!? REALLY?" he demanded looking baffled shaking his head again. "son of a bitch that's weird..."

his hand fell to Gabriel's side as he felt the other leaning against him, swallowing thickly. "control Peu d'amour." Jean Claude whispered softly, hoping to keep Draco calm, the blond swallowing thickly and nodding. "i..i am alright.." Draco promised softly looking at Anita who relaxed before lifting an eyebrow at Gabriel. "he's new... new Talent Jean Claude?" "i am hoping so Ma Petite." "don't call me Ma Petite jackass!" she ordered before shaking her head. "so you and Albion are going to go and rescue this potter fellow from a den of Master vampires?" she asked lifting an eyebrow at them. "i have my doubts." she admitted shaking her head again. "neither of you are leaving..." Anita ordered, Draco hissing at her, baring long fangs at her, eyes reaching that madness that he was so often in. "Albion, calm down. you can't just race in there alone..." she protested Draco shaking his head.

"we're not planning on storming the castle Ma Petite we're going to sneak in, untie him, get him to change, and leave. simple and easy." Draco stated simply, crossing his arms. "i will not take anyone with us." "why? because your so scared someone's going to find out about your past? what are you so afraid of Albion? are you a spy perhaps? you sure where pissed all to hell when you found yourself a vampire." "only because i did not want to be Nikoloi's bitch for the rest of existence! would you like to be turned against YOUR will!?" he demanded his eyes narrowed as Anita snarled at him Draco snarling right back. his was much more frightening. Jean Claude stepped in-between the two and said something very stern in french and they both subsided, glaring at each other. "i will go, alone." Draco growled. "Gabriele has been given the second mark, we are more powerful than..." "Thomas." "... really? a Master Vampire named Thomas?" "would you prefer chuck?" "... no Thomas is fine." Draco stated with a shrug, Jean Claude barley hiding a grin, because he knew very well that Draco had not given Gabriel the second mark, Draco was bluffing so Anita would let them go. "fine then, by all means, go." she snarled. "but i AM going with you." Draco cringed but nodded. "fine." he growled, annoyed. "i suppose your going back to England anyway you might as well be a pain in the ass like always." he growled sweeping away with a firm snap of his heal the way only a Malfoy could manage. walking away from them with fury. "i wish you did not antagonize him so Ma Petite." "don't call me Ma Petite!"
"Not yet. Though he does seem older."Gabriel said looking amused, because it was sure that most of the wizarding world was wishing the malfoy particarch would just fall over."Yes. And amazingly, they are good together.neville's better."He tesed looking at draco before shrugging."Neville lets him off the leash sometimes, says the sex is better when blaise is feeling guilty."He said.

Gabriel raised a eyebrow as he studied anita, tilting her head. Looking amused at anitra's arguing with the master of city. She made her curious but not enough t question things just yet."....thomas does sound rather....unharming for a vampire."Gabriel mused outloud because he had nothing good to add to this fight, tilting his head as he studied the two."... but you are so petite."gabriel said looking at the woman who barely came to his chest, laughing as he headed for the door yelping as he nearly walked into the wolf coming barreling in. "An-"Richard stopped. Paused. Looking at the slightly shorter wolf in front of him, before looking at jean-claude."Seeking to replace me since you couldn't beat me in anita's affections?"He asked studying the wolf in front of him. "...what are you talking about?"Gabriel frowned looking between them. Despite knowing he should be going after draco so they could get ready to go, he at the moment, was wondering why this man thought he was seeking to replace him.Not realizing that not all werewolves were the out of control beasts wizarding wolves were."I should go...draco will want to leave quickly...."He said looking at the master vampire then the werewolf, wanting to ease around him but not sure how to get by without having to hurt him to do it.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "Neville... gods almighty." he muttered shaking his head. "are you serious? Neville actually let's Blaise CHEAT!? that's just beyond words." Draco admitted looking rather horrified. "hey where are they anyway?" probobly back at the hotel trying to figure out a way to rescue Gabriel. "should we take them back to London with us?" he asked lifting a slender eyebrow. "i think we should leave them here and let them 'storm the castle' only to find your gone, they'll totally freak out and think i ate you." Draco was so cruel, he really was. "it's better than 'chuck' there was a vampire last month who's name was Chuck, not Charley, not Charles... Chuck." Draco admitted with a small snicker. "he wanted to be the master of the city... he couldn't even get past the front guard... not guards... guard." Draco admitted with a snicker. "it was really sad." Draco admitted chuckling a little.

Anita glared at Gabriel her eyes narrowing dangerously opening her mouth to say something. "no Ma Petite, you may not shoot him." he stated simply. "i'm not sure it wouldn't kill him even if you just shot him in the shoulder." he admitted shaking his head. "besides, he is Albion's, not mine." he admitted with a shake of his head, Anita smirking. "well i bet that annoys you, you like owning unusual things." "of course, yourself included." "you don't own me!" "not yet." Jean admitted smirking. "you cannot resist the Third mark for long Ma Petite." "don't call me Ma Petite god damn you! i will never be your servant just go die already!" she demanded angrily blinking when Richard ran in, sighing a little. "i am afraid that one is not mine Richard." he admitted studying his own fingernails. "you will not be a thorn in my side for long dog, Anita knows her place is with me." "Jean Claude be nice! Richard, that wolf is Albion's, not Jean's. now come here and give me a kiss." she ordered gripping Richards shirt and yanking him out of Gabriel's way, enjoying a long sensual kiss in front of everyone just to piss Jean Claude off, the Vampire growling a little.

"Gabriel, i'll join you in a moment." she promised. "i have to kick Jean Claude's ass, again." she admitted shaking her head a little. "Jean Claude will pay for our tickets, Albion can handle being out in the sun so it won't be a problem as long as he wears his sunglasses." "...i'm paying for this little field trip?" Jean Claude demanded lifting an eyebrow. "says who?" "says me AND Albion." Anita stated simply smirking at Jean who sighed but nodded. "yes yes, very well." he agreed shaking his head. "i can't beleive i'm agreeing to it, but i will do it." he agreed shaking his head again. "i wish i could join you, i don't like it when you go off on your own." he complained scowling a little. but they where still working on how to transport a Vampire on a plain, Jean Claude would have to go by train or boat and he couldn't leave the city unprotected that long. he was stuck, and Draco's secretes where safe. for now.

i just can't stay awake anymore >< i gotta go to bed. XP)
Gabriel tensed looking thoughtul."No.They'll get us killed."he said not trusting blaise and neville to be strong enough to not beg draco to come back with them, or to be careful enough to not get killed."damn....if they do come they'll be pissed we left without them..."He frowned thinking about it. Laughing softly."it sounds sad."he said laughing softly.

Richard frowned looking at wolf as he crossed the room to kiss anita.Ignoring the wolf as he walked out of the room.For once not bothered with the mystery of the werewolf's presence."You are the one who is gaining the most from us going,yu should pay."Gabriel agreed looking amused because he had every intention of not only not telling jean-claude why draco didn't want them searching his past,but intentionally miss leading him as long as it didn't harm anything else. Like this, it wouldn't change anything to let jean-claude to think he'd gain the most by them going. "I could go with her.Them."richard said turning his head to look at anita as he wrapped his arms around her, not liking the idea of her going off alone with strange werewolf and with draco

(lol me to. Well at least for a little while.I past out then woke up....hmmm not to go back ti bed XD0
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "no, they'll get themselves killed. your mine, i won't let anyone kill you but me." Draco always was a possessive little bastard. "let them be pissed." he stated shrugging a little. "Jean Claude could use the entertainment." he admitted chuckling a little. "it was sad. he's still wandering around somewhere, i think Jean Claude is using him to clean the Circus of the Damned or something." he admitted simply.

Anita chuckled as she kissed Richard shaking her head a little. "your such a jealous freak Richard." she teased smiling at him a little before lifting an eyebrow at Gabriel. "hmm... i'm not sure how i would be befitting, as Albion certainly won't willingly let me find out anything about his past, but as long as i benefit in some way." he decided flicking his wrist a little before looking at Richard. "... as much as i hate to admit this i would feel more comfortable if you took him with you Ma Petite." "don't call me Ma Petite!" she spate pulling out her phone and dialing a number. "Hey Edward... it's Anita. you interested in Foreign Master Vampires?" she was calling Edward mostly to piss Jean Claude off. "yeah, a friend of mine is paying for the tickets, you in? great, meet you at Circus of the Damned in an hour. yes we're leaving that soon, some mortal's been kidnapped. oh yeah, alright see you then. bye." she chirped smirking at Jean Claude who was struggling not to glare at her.

Draco was already in his room, packing his things, vials of holy water, silver stakes, how was he planning on taking all of that onto the plane? there was no way that anyone was going to let Draco take the gun that he was strapping onto his hip, anywhere, especially when you could be certain he had no such thing as a conceal and carry permit. "before you freak out... Jean Claude has a private plane." Draco admitted smirking a little. "but Anita doesn't know that." he admitted snickering a little. "she's going to be pissed when she finds out the only think Jean Claude is paying for is the gas." he admitted chuckling again as he started packing clothes. "do you need to go to your Hotel to get your things?" he asked his head tilted. "i'll loan you some weapons, your going to need them, inhuman or not, get bit and your fucked." Draco admitted shaking his head.
"I belong to no one but myself."Gabriel said making a face at the vampire, before snickering at the idea of a vampire being stuck cleaning the circus.Now that was amusing idea.

Richard smirked a little looking amused as he rested his head on Anita's shoulder."See, I guess she's found someone you hate more then you hate me."He said amused that she called edward, knowing that now that she had backup anita wouldn't let him put himself in danger, not when he had the pack to take care of, and a habit of getting in fights with draco. "You better go get ready.You need help with that?"Richard muttered nuzzling anita.

Gabriel had indeed opened his mouth to argue about carrying that much weaponary on a plane, before relaxing. nodding as he started reaching for weapons. "I'm still a wizard right?I can use magic along with weapons?"He asked as he strapped the shoulder holster on, already working on getting a knife so long that it was a short sword strapped down his back, soon enough both meen were so bristled with weapons it was sort of amusing. "Potter's going to die laughing when he sees us."He pointed out with a laugh, knowing that harry was going to be shocked to see that anyone had come for him, much less a changed draco malfoy and him."No.Anything that's at the hotel I can replace.and you have plenty of clothes here that are my size."He said looking into the suitcase, smiling a little."Besides, if I run out of clothes I'll sleep naked, or sleep as a wolf."he said looking thoughtful about what else he needed. "Are the weapons silver?"He asked as he looked at the knife he'd put on. While it didn't usually affect him, he wanted to know just in case he got himself cut with it.
Draco smirked a little. "there are perks to being mine." he admitted smirking at the other. "the sex is amazing for one." he admitted with a snicker as he smiled a little. "a wizards magic can't do much against real vampires Gabriel. you can try severing charms but unless your willing to delve into the nasty black magic curses like blood boiling curse and the skinning curse there's not much your magic can do." he admitted grinning a little. "besides, i want you to stay out of the fighting. Potter would never trust me, your freinds with Neville on the other hand so he might be more willing to slip into his Animagi form and follow you. your going to have to follow Potter and not get eaten in the process." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i'd rather he dies laughing, than dies of bloodloss." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "if he's with Master Vampires... he's definitely being fed on." he admitted swallowing thickly. "it only takes one bite from a Master to turn you." he admitted. "the time it takes varies, but depending on how long he's been there... we might be too late." he admitted shuddering violently.

"i wouldn't mind you sleeping naked." he admitted smirking a little as he shook his head. "of course the weapons are Silver, silver won't kill a vampire but it sure as hell will slow them down." he admitted chuckling a little. "if your going to kill a vampire Gabriel, stab them in the heart, and then take off their head while their distracted by the knife in their chest." he admitted. "a vampire might look dead, but it's never dead for sure until you take the head off." he admitted simply. "and burn the body." some Master Vampires could recover from a beheading, it took years for them to recover, laying as if dead, but it could be done.

Anita smirked as she snapped her phone shut, Jean Claude sighing a little. "your just angry because she's fucking Edward behind your back." Jean Claude stated simply, Anita wheeling on the master vampire. "one! gross! Two, don't me a jackass! and three!... yes Richard i would like help packing thank you." she chirped taking his hand and leading him down the hall to her house, smirking a little. "you can help me pack Sigmund." she murmured smiling as she kissed Richards neck and gently nibbled his flesh. "i would never fuck Edward." she promised smiling at him. "besides you'd smell him on me if i was." she pointed out kissing her lover gently.
"Are you so sure your amazing?"He asked raising a eyebrow at the other looking amused at the idea."...I was thinking against the wizards.With my luck, they have wizard guards."He said not ovely worried about the dark magic, he might be interested."Ah, well he's going to laugh when he sees you coming for him.Me on the other hand, he'd believe was reckless enough to go after him."He said looking thoughtful before swallowing."Well, we'd better hurry then."He said looking at the knives before nodding, at least he knew to be careful, even if they would be able to help against vampires."Well.Thats good toknow."Gabriel grumbled shuddering a little at the idea of someone regrowing their heads.That was just way to disturbing for him."Ready?"HE asked bending down and picking up the man's bag heading for the door.

Richard laughed, for once not angry about the idea of anita sleeping with someone else.Not only would he smell it, he knew they were family."...your taking a penguin with you?Are you that desperate for cuddles?"he teased kissing the woman slowly, smiling as he nudged her into her bedroom, starting to look for clothes."Stay away from the other werewolf though. Not that I don't trust you I dont trust him,even if he belongs to albion."
Draco smirked a little. "every man and woman who has ever fucked or been fucked by me all say the same thing. i, am the best they've ever had." he admitted smirking a little. "and i have fucked a LOT of people." he admitted with a laugh. "besides, me n potter...." he smiled a little. "he helped me escape." he admitted shaking his head. "he got me the muggle money i needed, and showed me the way out of the castle, he even got me the plain tickets i needed to get on the plane." he admitted shaking his head. "Potter knows i'd come for him... he saved me, more than you could ever imagine... there are things worse than death after all." he admitted packing the last of his clothes and shut the lid sighing a little. "he's in hell now... i can't let him die..." he admitted swallowing thickly before smiling at the other. "your allergic to silver?" he asked lifting an eyebrow. "i knew you weren't human." he teased chuckling a little as he headed for the door. "come Gabriel, to the pits of hell." Draco muttered softly.

Anita chuckled as she kissed him gently. "Sigmund goes with me everywhere." she admitted chuckling a little. "especially on missions like this when i know i'm going to need him." she admitted frowning a little. "this is going to be so bad." she admitted swallowing thickly. "there's five master Vampires in that den... who knows how many humans...." she shuddered hard. "i'm not worried about Gabriel... and he's not a werewolf, i don't know what he is... but he's not a werewolf, a shape-shifter maybe... he was a panther the other day." she admitted. "i saw him go by on my way in." she admitted smirking a little. "and he's resistant to the idea of being owned anyway, i won't have problems with him." she promised kissing Richard. "and if i do, Edward will kick his ass for me." she promised grinning a little. "now stop fretting, your going to give yourself worry lines."
Gabriel looked at him curiousity showing on his face before smiling a little."Hmm I might have to try you out."He said looking amused before growing serious again. Looking surprised but not really at the idea. It was like harry to go in after draco and help him get otu.wrapping the other in a half hug he pressed a kiss to the others head before heading for the door, shuddering a little."its not like normal weres. It bothers me,but not nearly as much as it seems to bother lycanthropes."He said even tough he was careful to keep the silver off direct contact with his skin."Ah, surely its not that bad.Maybe one of the lower circles of hell."Gabriel muttered looking at him already heading for the door absently tuching the vampire at his side, not even seemingly to notice he was doing it. Like most shifters, he was a touch person, reassurance through touch.So he wasn't even really aware of doing it.

"You;; have death as backup.I know you'll be fine."Richard said holding her tightly before letting her go looking startled at the idea."A panther and a wolf. No wonder jean-claude's sulking. He can't control him.."He said looking amused at the idea before kissing her back, "Now go.Before I start worrying even more. The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back."he said running his fingers through her hair,sighing softly."Go Anita."
Draco smirked a little. "you have to belong to me before i will fuck you Gabriel." Draco teased as he stretched, cracking his back and shaking his head a little. "it's better than being allergic to Tomatoes." he admitted smirking a little. "i'm... strange." he admitted. "i have no allergy to the sun or silver like vampires. but i don't die like a human or a lycanthrope." he admitted shaking his head a little. "your optimism is annoying." he admitted simply, leaning into the touch. he hated touch, hated people, why was he leaning into the touch!? he didn't care, he wanted the attention, he was afraid of what was going to happen in a few hours. he swallowed thickly and ran his nose along ht others neck, sighing a little. "we only need to wait for Anita and Richard."

she chuckled a little and kissed him gently. "that and Albion claimed him before Jean Claude could. you know how Jean Claude loves to collect rare things. myself included the little bastard." she complained, sulking a little as she chuckled and kissed him again. "i love you Richard." she muttered softly. that was a sign of trouble that, she only said that when she was fearful she was going to be badly hurt or killed. she left before he could respond and smiled as she watched Albion snuggled.... as much as Albion COULD Snuggle, into Gabriel. "alright gentlemen i'll give us a ride to the Circus of the Damned. Jean Claude are you coming with?" "no, i will have Claudia drive you to the airport and get your tickets, it is near dawn." he admitted. Claudia was a Human servant who fancied herself in love with Jean Claude. she bore no marks but did anything he asked, it was sickening really.
"I wont belong to you."Gabriel grumbled, not about to give in easily."I'll have to keep that in mind."He said musing over it."At least if i had to belong to someone, at least I could have someone unkillable....and I live to annoy you, master."He said smirking a little looking way to amused shuddering at the other's touch."Do we have to?"He muttered shivering a little at the other's touch.

"I love you to."Richard muttered holding her tightly before letting her go. "...You interrupted my fun."Gabriel said sulking a little at his cuddling getting interrupted before following the others out to the car, waving a cheerful, optimistic goodbye to the master of the city before climbing into the car with claudia. "So where are we catching our flight?"He asked looking at draco, because he was curious, and he wanted to knwo these two better. Which meant actually talking to them no matter how much he didn't like talking. He atually wanted to curl up in the seat like a well contented cat and go to sleep,but there was to many things to find out right now.

Edward raised his eyebrows,a sign of surprise in the man, as he watched anita get out of the car with the two men."i knew you were bringing the oddity, but who is the other?"He asked sizing gabriel up, not like he was sexualy interested, but a hunter considering just hw much silver he'd have to pour into that handsome body to make sure he stayed down.
Draco smirked a little. "i'm good to the things i own, so long as they don't piss me off. i had a bunny for a while, and i gave it lots of vegetables and fresh water twice a day and i let it out in a little pen in the lawn so it could run around and eat fresh grass." Draco was smiling wistfully and then he scowled. "then it tried to eat my face so i tore it's throat out.... what where we talking about?" Draco asked Jean Claude barley restraining from laughing at the blond who did that all the time. he went off on a tangent and forgot what was going on, it was from the transformation, another side effect that couldn't be explained. before Jean Claude could remind Draco he was talking about the benefits of being owned by him Anita arrived and Draco decided to focus on that instead, Anita snorting a little. "your fun mean's he's winning." Anita stated simply. "the moment you give in and let them do what they want is the day you end up in the basement with a dozen dead roses and bleeding from the neck." "i would never put him/you in the Basement!" Draco and Jean Claude both protested in unison, Anita rolling her eyes.

Draco smirked a little and shook his head. "it's that small airport down by the red district, you never would have gone there, Vampires use it mostly to take short night flights when they have to hop countries. we're working on ways to get vampires on planes during the day but it's not going well." Draco admitted. "the test subjects always end up frying." he admitted Anita looking horrified. "oh, don't worry Jean Claude was using criminals, they would have been dead anyway by some other means for attacking children and the unwilling." "...oh." "yeah." he stated simply as he crawled out of the car and studied Edward his eyebrow lifting. "he is another oddity, MY oddity." he stated with a growl. Draco had always hated Edward, he didn't know why, but he was staking his claim on Gabriel before Edward decided he wanted Gabriel as well. he certainly didn't like the way he was looking at Gabriel and he moved to stand in front of the shape shifter, not about to let Gabriel pump him full of bullets.

it was Claudia who decided to ease the tension. "now now boys, there's no need for that, your all here to go rescue kidnapped humans from the Den of Masters, your all going to be dead soon anyway why bother fighting." Draco's eye twitched. "...Claudia.. that was most unhelpful... please do not speak again." he ordered Claudia beaming happily as they all piled back into the car and headed down to the private airport, Draco handing Anita a large box. "a Present from Jean Claude. it's our newest technology, he thought you'd like it." he smirked. "he calls it 'The Executioner'... After you." he purred chuckling a little as Anita wrinkled her nose but pulled open the box and paused, staring. "my god... it's gorgeous Edward LOOK at this!" it looked like a crossbow, but it had an automatic load and shoot. like a machine gun. it had three different ammunition. traditional silver stakes, a silver coated incendiary style stake, and a tracer round, a hundred of each included, Draco looking smug. "he made a second one too." Draco admitted lifting the second box that had been laying at their feet. "i wonder who it could be for? certainly not Anita since she has one... hmm, Edward maybe? Death itself wouldn't want an amazingly gorgeous weapon like this, would he?" tormenting Death, Draco's favorite pastime.
"...but it was a cute little bunny!"gabriel protested laughing at the idea of draco getting attacked by a bunny. Now that was just amusing."We were talking about you owning things."Gabriel said rolling hsi eyes laughing a little at the idea of draco's tangenants. He seemed totally different from the man that had tried to eat his throat out.Gabriel snickered lookign amused."You'll see that he didn't protest the idea of dead roses and bleeding in teh basement."Gabriel pouted out. Grinning as theey headed for the airport/

"Coffins. Bodybags. Amublances.Human things."Gabriel said already thinking about it snickering a little.Before frowning, looking a little disturbed still at the idea of vampiers getting fried before smiling a little."I am?A oddity?"He said snickering at the other man, amused at draco's claiming.Edward rolled his eyes a little. while he wasn't adverse to male/male relationships, there was something about this...this shifter that bothered him. He could feel the heat of his magic laying on his skin, but he felt like no other shifter he'd felt. Gabriel frowned looking down at draco as the man moved in front of him."You're shorter then I am. Not a good shield."He pointed out.

"..that wasn't helpful. And we're not going to die!"Gabriel said snickering a little as they drove towards the airport.Edward grinned as he leaned over to look at the crossbow, now that was a pretty good weapon. Looking up at draco he smirked."Give that to me."He demanded growling as he grabbed the box glaring at draco for teasing him. gabriel pouted looking at his 'master' tilting hsi head a little."If I survive this, can I get one of those to?"He said looking waaayyy to interested for anyone's good.
Draco snorted a little. "it was a cute bunny, and then it was a dead bunny." he stated simply shaking his head a little. "i own whatever i want." he admitted smirking a little. "except the things that Jean Claude owns, which is a shame, i really do want that massive snake at the Circus." "and i keep telling you, no." Jean Claude admitted with a small chuckle before he pouted at Gabriel. "i wouldn't give you dead roses." he whined pathetically. "i won't deny wanting to drink your blood again though." he admitted licking his lips, Anita looking shocked. "you liked his blood?... but you hate blood." "i know, but his is different... better... perfect." Draco admitted making a strange sound in the back of his throat. it almost sounded like hunger. "easy there Albion, try not to go blood thirsty in the car, Jean Claude will get angry if you get blood on his nice leather seats." Anita warned Draco snorting a little.

"you are an Oddity, even Edward can sense it." Draco admitted indicating the man's look of unease as he studied Gabriel. "shut up Gabriel, i almost killed you, would have if Neville hadn't pulled me off you when you went still. i'm the best protection you'll ever have short or not." Draco grumbled, annoyed at being picked on just because he was small, he was always small, hell Anita could pick him up and SHE was small! "yes, that's right, we're not going to die." Draco agreed, but he didn't sound too sure. "try not to let your doom and gloom attitude bring us down eh Albion?" Anita asked lifting an eyebrow as she ran her fingers along the Bow. "why is Jean Claude making weapons to kill vampires?" she asked suddenly, Draco smiling a little. "even Vampires get tired of not dying Anita, Jean Claude had to kill Antonin three times before he stayed dead, he's working on more efficient ways to deal with troublesome vampires." he admitted simply smirking at Edward.

"sure, Claudia will have one ready for you when you come back." Draco promised grinning at Gabriel. "we won't even charge you... oh, Edward? we'll be wanting the three hundred dollars by the end of the month." he taunted. they all knew Edward didn't have to pay, but sometimes Edward gave Draco the money to shut him up. Draco grinned as they came to the plane and got up, stretching as he moved over to the plane Claudia leading the way. "there is a werewolf captain, he will make sure you get to where you need to go safely. just tell him the city and he will get you there." "it's in London. on the northern end." Anita informed the captain who had his head hanging out the cockpit window, the man nodding as he started up the plane. "please be alright Harry..." Draco muttered softly, clutching a silver short sword at his hip. "please don't be dead." he muttered settling into a comfortable seat. "i'm going to sleep." he stated simply as he settled into his seat, leaned it all the way back and closed his eyes. going to sleep, and sleeping the entire way there, like he was dead. he didn't react to any noise at all.
"...that's disturbing."Gabriel pointed out, shuddering a little. Disliking snakes, not that he was about to tell draco taht he was afraid of snakes."You would be weird enough to give me dead roses."Gabriel pouted looking at the vampire before looing startled at the idea of draco liking his blood. Looking at the man he smiled slightly, raising a hand to block his neck."Stay away from me d-albion."HE grumbled snickering a little."Besides, anita's right. JEan-claude would depise the mess."

"'re still short."Gabrie lsaid smirking a little as he pressed a kiss to the back of the blond's head looking amused because he had no idea what to think of this oddity."He is odd. Well, it makes sense since he belongs to you."Edward said looking at Albion sighing softly. "It would be nice to have a nice effecient wy of killing the undead. They sort of get annoyed when you empty a whole clip into their chests."He mused snickering a little as he looked over the bow, already doing his thing and seeing how to modify it, add all the nice little gadgets that always made anita want to go vampire hunting with him. "Me?I don't owe you anything."Edward said making a face at the vampire, though if the man got any more annoying he might pay him to just shut up.

When they landed gabriel was sleeping at albion's feet, the wolf sighing softly in his sleep, a silent guard. "he's...odd. He's not normal."Edward said watching them both, starting a little when he saw the wolf slide easily into a panther. Looking startled at the change. Before looking at anita, "You could have warned me."'He said grouchily, annoyed that anita hadn't even told him that the shifter was different from the others. Standing as the plane touched down, he stretched rubbing a hand ver his face."let's go get this harry. I am interested in seeing the man that albion is worrying so much over."He said having heard draco's words before he'd gone to sleep
Draco smirked a little. "i would never give you dead roses." he admitted chuckling a little. "not unless i was pissed at you." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, baring his long fangs and licking one of them, Anita shuddering. Draco had retractable fangs, they could slide in and out of his gums, rendering him nearly human whenever he wanted, and it always freaked Anita out because Draco felt human to her other senses, sometimes she forgot he was one of the undead. sure, not by choice, but it was still creepy. "but your mine, i should be able to enjoy your blood whenever i want." he complained sulking a little as Anita snorted and shook her head. "hey! don't mock us shorty's ass hole. he AND i can still kick your ass!" she stated simply, because she was still shorter than Draco, so by calling him short, she was being called short too.

"well, maybe you can find out what the Wizards are doing. they have a new way of killing even Master vampires." Draco admitted to Edward, swallowing thickly as Anita nodded. "... Marcus is dead. killed by wizards..." she explained softly. Markus and Draco had been close, they had been like brothers, had spent many nights with Markus playing chess and other intellectual games. "they do get annoyed when you shoot them though... the masters anyways. the weaker ones tend to die when you pump that much silver into them." he admitted with a small chuckle before glaring at Edward. "Anita doesn't have to pay because Jean Claude thinks he's in love with her, you do have to pay because i just don't like you." Draco stated with a smirk, just because he wanted three hundred dollars. there was a new game system he wanted and he was going to use Edward to get it since Jean Claude was being stingy again.

Draco was sleeping peacefully, it was noon, the werewolf captain informing them that he was as close as he could get them. Anita chuckled a little as she watched edward jump. "what's the fun in that? it's not often i get to see you startled." she teased snickering a little as he rubbed her face before she gently set her hand on Edwards arm. "listen.. Edward i need you to.. do me a favor. i know your curious about Albion, about where he came from but... i need you to promise to not look into his past... it's a terrible one, you won't be glad you found out what has been done to him." Anita knew his past, she had cared for him for three weeks after he had been attacked. she had used her police contacts to look into his past and what she found... would have horrified even Nikoloi. "Harry Potter is the man who rid the world of Voldemort." she explained. "he's usually known as The Boy Who Lived... he's also the one who helped Draco escape." escape from what though? "just promise me you won't ask Harry about Albion..." she pleaded softly, her eyes filled with sorrow as she stood up and moved over to Draco, gently shaking his shoulder. "Albion, we're there, you have to wake up."

Draco's eyes snapped open and he blinked a little, looking sluggish for a moment before he prodded Gabriel with his toes. "Gabriel Mon Propre. it is time to fight." Draco stated smiling at the black panther. "where you sleeping on the floor all this time? you know the seats do recline, and there are enough of them." he teased as he stood up and pulled out his gun, checking his ammo and then the extra clips as Anita checked her own weapons looking hesitant. "we're not going to have an easy time of this." Anita warned. "Albion... are you prepared for... the worst case scenario?" "you mean Harry being dead?" Draco asked staring at her. "Harry never dies. he's done more dangerous things than even you have Anita... and almost died just as many... hell he even did die at the battle where he destroyed Voldemort... he's still alive, i know it." Draco stated firmly. "he might be bear death, but he IS alive." Draco growled as Anita nodded. "well then... lets go get him..."
"You look like a snake when you do that."Gabriel growled shudering a little, looking slightly freaked out as he watched the fangs sink back into his gums.that was by far the most disturbing thing he'd seen recently.He looked amused though when anita threatened him, it wasn't that he didn't believe that she would kick his ass, it was more that he enjoyed yanking everyone's chains."i'll look into it.Though it might be some weird arcane shit."Edward said, being a psyhic null put him at a disadvantage when he was dealing with anita and the rest of her crew.Rolling his eyes at that reasoning he sighed a little,"Jean-Claude thinks he's in love with a lot of people."he pointed out sounding a lttle grouchy because it bothered him that Anita wouldn't just get rid of the vampire. Though he sort of understood why she dated him, he was so much harder to kill then a normal human. Hell even richard. You could always count on jean-claude to make sure he survived.

Edward frowned giving her a look before sighing, nodding."I wont."He said trusting anita enough to take it on her word alone to not go looking for something that she thought he wouldn't be happy to know. Only for anita would he do that."i promise."He said hand resting over her hand before he stood.Gabriel growled annoyed at being moved before rolling on his side, already looking ready to go back to sleep.Stretching as he shifted back to human he made a face as he checked his weapsons, made sure where they were."I usually sleep as a animal. Seats just aren't that comfortable."He said before laughing at the idea of harry being dead. Frowning a little."so.How are we going in?I'm assuming its like a fortress, like jean-claude's. We're not just going to be able to walk in there."He pointed out already heading off the plane with the other.
Draco smirked a little. "Jean Claude says the same thing." he admitted with a small chuckle as he watched Anita glaring at Gabriel. "it's not Arcane Edward, it's magic, the same thin Anita uses only on a different scale. even your werewolves and vampires employ the use of magic." he admitted shaking his head. "but most wizards think it's.... fake, false magic and that's why they find it so threatening... they use a tame magic that they control, we, who are not wizards, use wilder, more potent magic. this is why Lucius views us as a threat, because we are.... where stronger than they." he admitted his eyes furious. "Jean Claude has only ever loved one person." Draco admitted. "and that is Anita, i don't know why he loves her, perhaps her very unusual talents caused him to, or the fact that she is not fully afraid of him, but he truly loves her." he sounded a little jealous of her. of course, Draco loved Jean Claude more than anything, save perhaps Gabriel now, it was no wonder he was jealous of Jean Claude's obsession over Anita.

Anita ignored the jealousy, she was well used to it, she smiled a little at Edward as he promised not to look into Draco's past. "thank you." she muttered softly before chuckling as Gabriel complained. "Master Vampires are not like other vampires, they have to be underground but do not have to be in coffins... from the report there are anywhere from five to ten Master Vampires in there, but i would be betting on the lesser number or they'd be killing each other." she admitted. "Vampires are normally solitary hunters and creatures." she admitted simply. "but we're going to have to be very careful, we stick together, don't go off on our own, take them out with our nifty new toys..." "Gabriel... i don't want you going off on your own." Draco admitted something strange in his eyes. "i'm referring to Anita's experience on this one... we'll be able to kill them more easily if we stick together." he agreed swallowing thickly as Anita got a Taxi and they headed for the Den. it was literally a Cave, damp, dank.

the Vampires where frightening, but not all of them where masters, there where only three master vampires, the others, nearly twenty of them, where easily killed in their coffins. they didn't come to their first Master until they where halfway into the cave. "well well, how cute." the man growled, teeth stained with blood as his brothers joined him, the three masters laughing and growling as they faced the rag tag group of 'humans'. "... take em out." Anita ordered swinging her new 'toy' up, she had avoided using it until now, slamming the left Vampire's chest full of incendiary rounds, the creature shrieking as it tried to pat the flames out, Draco snarling as he slammed into the middle one, long fangs sinking into the bastards neck and refusing to let go even as the vampire snarled, digging into Draco's back with sharp nails, slicing skin to the bone, flaying him like a fish as he snarled and tried to shake Draco off. it was rather horrific really. but Draco fought back as well, blasting the vampire in the chest with his gun until the thing staggered, ripping the throat off and spitting the flesh out while the creature gurgled gagged while Draco blasted it's face in with his gun as well, leaving only two, one burnt to a crisp, the other lunging at Edward, intending on sinking his fangs into soft flesh.

i'm going to bed. see you in the morning.)
Gabriel watched the three as Edward watched them curiously, almost like he was trying to figure out exactly what he wanted to know.GAbriel smiled slightly leaning into draco a little, trying to figure out the jealously. It was...interesting to hear draco jealous of someone. "The more they're together, the more the big fish try to eat each other."He said musing outloud as he considered what it meant for that may master vampires to be in the place together. They just wouldn't be able to stay together.Gabriel nodded,"I promise.No wandering off."He said looking worried as he followed the other's in.

Edward swung the bow and arrow up intending on killing it just as gabriel slammed into him, vampire and panther going down as the panther just ate his face."Well....that solves one problem.I don't think he's getting up after that."Edward said walking over, nudging gabriel away so he could still fire a round into the vampire's heart, making sure that there was enough silver in their body to make sure he wasn't getting up, ignoring the panther as he padded over to draco's side, the shifter making sure that his master was well.

Gabriel growled, the sound almost fearful, the cat leaning into draco's legs. despite not being afraid of draco and jean-claude gabriel was afraid of them here. It was just to much blood, to much death. And having run out of bullets and knives early with the vampires, he'd relied on the weapns god had given him,but even with fangs as wide as his hand and claws to match, he was scared. Scared because they hadn't found harry, afraid of what the monsters were doing to him.
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