Blood of my Heart

Draco smiled a little as he looked down at Gabriel. "hush you, your arm will hurt less if your relaxed." Draco wasn't sure if that was true or not but it made sense to him. "i love you too." Draco murmured smiling as he licked, and then kissed the big pulse at Gabriel's neck smiling a little as he purred softly. "besides, i know your enjoying this." he admitted smirking a little before kissing him again, his fingers still massaging and touching the others smooth flesh.

Anita shook her head. "it's more than that." she stated. "even people who don't know he's a vampire are afraid of his power, even when they can't feel it... he's just plain fearless." Jean Claude admitted, pleased that he had made them all laugh. "i am sure of nothing when it comes to the dead Richard." she admitted chuckling a little as she shook her head. "i'll have Edward pick them up then." she agreed dialing him again, informing him that he needed to pick up two people that they needed to help Harry, that they probobly didn't know Harry was there, and that he probobly shouldn't mention Jean Claude. she knew Nevile would never come if he knew Jean Claude was going to be there, Neville was terrified of the Master Vampire. "Jean Claude you should tell Draco what's happening once he's calm enough." "he's calm enough now but i do not wish to interrupt him when he is so content... dare i say it, even Happy..."
"Okay I'll relax."Gabriel said laughing softly as the other kissed his neck, shivering a little as he sighed softly."I am enjoying it."He muttered, his voice in that soft purring tone that said if he'd been in panther form that his whole chest would have vibrated with the sound. "You're good at this."He teased looking amused.Because it was truly odd to know that draco was doing that.

Richard snickered looking at jean-claude, looking amused."Ah, see, I always knew he was one of the bad guys."He said wrinkling his nose, snickering as anita called edward because it was so amusing to send one of the most dangerous men in the world, after two humans that almost knew nothing of their world.Richard smiled a little looking at jean-claude, "he might be happy, but he's going to be pissed if you don't tell him soon. And if you don't help him gabriel's going to pounce on you for making his sex life die."Richard pointed out, knowing draco wouldn't have angry sex.The blond was just to afraid of losing control of himself to even do that.
Jean Claude chuckled a little as he watched Anita bossing Edward about, she was about the only one who dared to. he sighed a little and nodded as he realized Richard was right and ran a hand through his hair. "i do not look forward to this." he admitted simply as he walked out, Harry smiling a little. "he's a strange man isn't he?" he asked blinking at Richard his head tilted as Anita chuckled. "he's almost four hundred years old, of course he's strange." she stated shaking her head a little. "Harry, are you really not afraid of him? i'm even afraid of him.." "... i am stronger than him." Harry admitted smiling a little, flashing a touch of fang. "i can taste his power on my tongue... it's sweet like candy." he admitted running his tongue along Richards nipple. "Richard tastes good, he's almost as strong as Jean Claude..." he admitted purring as he nuzzled Richards neck happily. "and you, you taste like cold things and death." he admitted staring at Anita. "you could beat me... you are stronger than me..." that shocked Anita, it was clear on her face. "...i'm stronger than you?" Harry nodded. "but your stronger than jean Claude?" another nod. ".... there is no way i am stronger than Jean Claude..." Harry just shrugged.

Draco smirked a little. "good." he purred back smiling as he kissed the others cheek smirking a little. "and i am good at this, i've had a lot of practice." he admitted. "Stephan has a bad back." he admitted. "and he doesn't like anyone else touching him because they push too hard." he admitted before Gabriel got the wrong idea. he paused at the knock on the door and an annoyed growl pulled from his throat. "this had better be important!" "it is Peu d'amour." Jean Claude admitted moving into the room now that he was sure they weren't fucking. if they where having Sex Draco would have thrown the lamp at the door. "it is about Harry." that had Draco's attention and he blinked at Jean Claude. "Harry's reaction tot he voices in his head did not go over well... he has no memory." Jean Claude explained softly, frightfully calm. "he is no longer afraid, this is true but he also does not remember you, or Gabriel, or even himself." Draco growled, baring teeth. "we are all moving to the circus, where Harry can be safe and protected. Edward is picking up your mortal freinds, the Neville and Blaise, they will meet us there..." he watched Draco carefully as the boy pondered this then. "maybe, if he's around some friendly Vampires like you and Asher... maybe even Willie, he won't be so afraid." Draco decided. "plus they'll make good food..." he smirked a little. "i'm assuming he's still mates with Richard?" "Oui." "when are we leaving?" "as soon as you are ready."
Richard snickered."Strangeness comes in after you live that long. And jean-claude's more weird then most."He said smiling a little at harry. Before looking nervous as harry nuzzled his neck.Harry was talking about them like the wolves, tasting their pulses like sweet candy taht they just wanted to eat down. Swallowing as he listened to the oter talk, before looking at anita."No,but you are a master Necromacer."Richard said slowly, turning the idea over in his head."Jean-claude might be stronger physically,and metaphysically, but you are a master of the dead, and no one is better then you at that."He pointed out loking mildly amused.

Gabriel ahd indeed tensed before relaxing at the words. "Good."he said purring in contentment as he realized that draco hadn't been sleeping with stephen. Even if he hadn't been with the man at the time, he had no desire to share. Growling softly as jean-claude came in, rolling his eyes up to look at the vampire even if he did't move otherwise.Grumbling when he realized he was going to have to get moving he sighed, pushing off the bed and making sure draco alnded on the soft flufiness of the bed as he stood."Lets get ready then."he said before frowning a little,"Neville and blaise wont like this."He mused realizing that his mortal friends wouldn't like what happened to harry, and to him. He so knew he was going to get yelled at for letting this happen, and for not being able to keep his mouth shut and making draco attck him.
Harry smiled a little as he sucked on the big pulse on Richard's neck, tasting him like any mate would do, Anita shivering as she watched Harry. "i suppose so... i did call that Master Vampire a few years ago..." she agreed nervously. "it's gotten tot he point that i can control lesser vampires if i want to." she admitted rubbing her arms. "it bothers me a little." she admitted shaking her head a little. "i don't like being this powerful." Harry smiled a little, turning to her. "one cannot control what they are born with, or what Fate, or God bestows... the only things that matter in this lifetime is what we do with what we are gifted." he admitted Anita looking shocked. she'd never heard of a wizard talking about god before. "God gave you your gifts Anita, use them the way you think you should. protect your freinds and your family, live life the way you think is best. surely we get points for trying?" he mused happily, Anita staring at him in shock before smiling. "your right... God wouldn't have given me these powers if he didn't want me to use them."

Draco chuckled a little. "i never really had sex with anyone." he admitted calmly. 'i had a few one night stands here and there but..." he shrugged. "never anything serious before you. not even during school." he admitted shaking his head a little before scowling as he was tossed onto the bed. "i wasn't done with you yet!" Draco complained, sulking as he got up and stretched. "no they aren't... but they'll have to get over it." he admitted simply. "they don't even know Harry's here anyway, not unless they where told in the last day." he admitted looking at Gabriel. "their not going to like me being your master one little bit..." he admitted biting his lip a little. "oh well, we just won't tell them." he decided with a smirk, Jean Claude chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Richard is bringing the pack as well, and i think that Micah may be bringing the Pard..." he paused. "did either of you know that Monsieur Potter was a Lycanthrope?" "...he WHAT!?" Draco demanded, shocked.
Richard shivered swallowing hard as his pulse lept under harry's lips, the wolf mind inside telling him that his mate wanted sex, that he wanted to dominate.Growling low in his throat because he was ulfric, he was no one's bottom. Sighing as he calmed he smiled softly, looking amused."God's not a normal wizard thing."He pointed out looking at harry,before looking at anita with a smile."It's not god you've lost faith in anita, its yourself. Your faith, god still makes your cross burn like a captive star."He teased before smiling as he stretched, nudging harry a little."Come on. I have to pack clothes if we're going to the circus."

"I feel special."Gabriel teased looking at his lover, smiling a little as draco sulked. Leaning down to kiss him lightly."Aww but you can finish later. In your own bed."He teased kissing him slowly before sighing. Looking amused as he looked t draco,"You know they'll be pissed no matter what.Even if we don't tell them everything."He pointed out, already tired at the idea of his friends being angry at him.early falling over at jean-claude's question, staring open mouthed at the vampire."He's what?What..."He stumbled, ,not even able to form a question to ask about harry being a lycanthrope, not even knowing what to think of harry having been able to keep that a secret from everyone. BFeore frowing, looking at jean-claude."How did you know?"
Harry purred and ran his cheek against Richards, burying his nose into the others neck, greeting the other happily before nuzzling under the others chin submissively at the growl. Harry was powerful enough to kill, and eat Jean Claude, Asher, and Draco all in the same breath, and yet he was submissive to Richard. if that wasn't an Ego boost then nothing was. Anita just had to chuckle as Harry offered Richard a puzzled look. "am i a wizard?" he asked curiously, Anita barley holding in her laughter. "he remembers his faith in god but doesn't even remember he's a wizard... there's a strange justice in that... there really is..." she set her hand on the cross and smiled at Richard. "you do realize that you have clothes over there?" she teased Richard, Harry pausing. "do i have clothes?" "... unfortunately no, you only got here yesterday and we didn't have time during our escape to find out where you where living to get any for you... your about Asher's size he'll let you borrow some clothes."

draco just sulked at Gabriel before brightening a little, licking his lips. "yes, in my own bed... that means sex." he growled eagerly before laughing a little. "Edward probobly has them completely terrified... he's not the most... subtle, people in the world." he admitted. "in fact he's worse than Anita is." he admitted with a small laugh and a shake of his head before staring at Jean Claude who shook his head. "he transformed last night, during sex with Richard." he admitted calmly. "he is a Leo, a Lion. there have never been Prides in these areas... i am not sure how a Lion will handle ma Petites Leopards and werewolves..." he admitted. "though he does seam well suited to Richard, perhaps Pack life will be close enough to Pride life that he will settle well enough..." "Harry' only ever known Wolves, his godfather is a werewolf, and was part of a pack last i heard... what i don't understand is how no one knew about this... Harry's not very good at keeping secretes..."
Richard smirked a little, because it did his ego good to hear someone admit he was dominate. Anita, try as she might, was to dominate to ever just give in, and made him fight for every inch. "It's odd,but not really weird.From what you said he hadn't known he was a wizard till he was older, where faith would have been childhood."He mused,because wile researching draco, anita had looked into harry and the rest of the wizarding world.Richard blushed before shrugging."I thought micah might have throne them out."He said sighing softly before smiling a little, "We'll wrap you up in gabriel's clothes. He's about your size to, and he can travel as a bunny."The werewolf said, biting his lip to keep a straight face because he had smelled the other's form and it amused him that he was a bunny.

Gabriel laughed softly at that, "...they're going to be so pissed."He said already envisioning what neville's reaction to a man like edward would be. Snape had been bad enough, edward was in a whole class on his own."Lion males are solitary, like leopards, unless they're mating. They'll probably leave each other alone unlelss they give him a reason to fight with them. Harry wont pick a fight, but he will end one."He sid looking slightly worried, now that he thought of it, harry's attraction to the werewolf made sense, since it was something he was familiar with."He's good if he really doesn't want anyone to know, and no one saw him for alike a year. Thats when he must have first chaged, and learned enough control to hide it."
Harry purred happily as Anita smirked a little. "Harry's your perfect mate." she mused playfully smiling a little as Harry purred happily blinking at him, Anita smiling a little. she had told Richard a little bit about Harry when she realized they where rescuing him, but she had left out the darker and dangerous things. "there's a book on him you know... about every little thing that ever happened to him..." from the family abuse to the day he destroyed Voldemort. "i'll look into getting it for you... and Harry too, it might help." she admitted before smirking. "i wouldn't let Micah throw them out." she admitted with a small laugh. "he wanted to tear them apart but i wouldn't let him." she admitted with a small chuckle as Harry licked his lips like a predator. "i like rabbit." he muttered happily growling a little. "i'm hungry." he complained scowling a little, Anita grimacing. "i'm sorry Harry i don't know what you need to eat..." Anita admitted. "before you where drinking from Vampires so..." "i think meat, bloody meat." Harry admitted licking his lips. "that would be fine..." "... i have steaks thawing in the fridge that should do, you think?" she asked Richard.

Draco snickered a little and nodded. "Blaise more than Neville i think, Neville will be too scared to be pissed off." he admitted with a snicker as he shook his head. "Harry never starts fights." Draco admitted. "but anyone who has ever picked a fight with him wishes they never had." he admitted shaking his head. "is Richard going to make him Lupa?" he asked curiously. "Harry would be good for the pack, he won't kill, but he will assert his dominance and keep the rest of the pack in line when Richard can't." he admitted shaking his head a little. "the question is... do we hide it from Neville and Blaise, or do they already know?" he asked curiously, but it was a good guess to say that they didn't and Harry didn't want them to know. "he went missing for an entire year and no one found him at all?" Draco asked, stunned. "that's pretty impressive, the world must have gone insane trying to find him." actually most people hadn't noticed, only Harry's freinds and family had looked. once Voldemort was dead, Harry had gotten the peace and quiet he'd always wanted. to the point that he simply stopped existing to most people.
"It probably would."Richard said blushing at the idea of a perfect mate, pressing a kiss t harry's head before sighing softly.Picking the man up in his arms he nodded as he looked at anita,"Go pull them out. Warm them up a little bit, but we'll eat them bloody."He said planing on eating with his mate so the man didn't worry about if it would be weird. Looking down at harry as he looked at him,"Don't eat gabriel.He wont like it.Even if he's a cute little bunny, he's sometimes a panther to."He mused setting them both in the same chair at the table, smiling t anita as she brought them their warmed up steaks."Good?"He asked smiling t hrry.

'True."GAbriel said looking amused at that before sighing."Lupa?Mate?"Gabriel asked curious. He was a mostly solitary hunter, so it was weird thinking about what others would do. Before nodding,"Yea.He probbly will.Richard's been giving harry soft looks. He needs someone."Gabriel said, even if he hadn't known the man long, he sensed...a streak of unulfric like dominance, and if he sensed it, the rest of the back would."They probably don't. If the rest of the world didn't know, he bet harry's closest friends didn't know."Actually, it wasn't so bad.Voldemort was dead, and after that no one but his friends and family seemed to care wht happened to him."Gabriel said almost sadly shaking his head a little."Which from what neville tells me, is exactly what he always wnted. To just be left alone."
Harry looked confused. "why is there a book about me?" he asked Anita hesitating then. "you where once a very important person Harry. you died to save the world." she admitted smiling at him. "people forget that, now that the danger is gone but... you sacrificed everything..." she admitted Harry staring at her, wide eyed and astonished. "i'll get you the book and you will understand." she promised smiling as she left to warm the meat to body temperature, Harry digging into the meat eagerly with the fangs of a Lion, swallowing down chunks of meat as if he wasn't doing anything gross. "very good." he agreed before looking confused. "how can this Gabriel turn into a rabbit, AND a panther? that makes no sense." he complained scowling a little, Anita smirking a little. "now can you be a vampire, a lycanthrope, a wizard, and a bat all at the same time?" "... i am? that's so cool!" Harry chirped, looking delightfully pleased with himself.

Draco smirked a little. "Lupa is basically the word for the Mate of the alpha yes." Draco admitted. "ever since Anita 'broke up with him' he's been looking for a new Lupa. "Harry needs someone too, someone who can embrace all of him, not just his wizard half, or his lycanthrope but all three parts of him." he admitted shaking his head. "Harry always hated being the center of attention... he never thought he deserved it and it only ever got him and his freinds hurt and attacked." Draco admitted softly. "he really did only want to be left alone, i'm glad that he got his wish... even if he had to die to do it the bastards..." Draco growled as he headed downstairs, looking startled at the sight of harry tearing into raw steak. "...well that's new.." he muttered, Harry turning to look at them with golden eyes, growling at them and crouching over his food, protecting it from them, draco shaking his head. "i don't want your meat Harry, calm down..." Harry just growled again and resumed eating.
Richard smiled a little as he started to eat his own steak, even if he was usng a fork instead of his teeth."We're not sure.He came to us being able to change into a couple animals. Said he's alwys been able to be all of them."He said looking amused."We have no idea how, but we've been kind of busy to investigate why he's weird."Richard said amused,"You look pleased with yourself."e teased seeing harry's face, glad that the man seemed okay with the idea that he ws werid and something that noone of them knew what he was.

"Well then, they seem to have found someone to accept them."Gabriel said smiling a little, glad that harry had found maybe the one man in the world that could truly accept the parts of a whole,because he was part of a whole.Following draco downstairs he stared, his stomach rumbling at the sight of the meat.He enjoyed the fruit,but he was a predator, and predators like meat.Swallowing hard to resist the urge to keep from going for the steak he smiled softly."I'll get my own steak."GAbriel said walking around them to get a steak from anita. Richard smiled kissing harry's head,"See?They don't want your food.I wont let them have it."
Harry looked a little bit baffled by that but said nothing about it. some people where born freaks, that's all there was to it. freaks where people too after all. he smirked a little at the mention that he looked pleased. "of course i'm pleased, i'm a power house, who wouldn't be pleased?" he asked grinning as he tore into his meat like a wild animal. it was clear he was riding his instincts, letting them dictate how and what he did since he lacked any memories to help him along. it was probably why he was functioning almost perfectly well, he had something to catch him when he was uncertain. Harry growled again at Gabriel, his golden eyes narrowed as he hunched over his plate, watching the other very intently, making sure that the man didn't try for his food, growling again as he was kissed on the forehead, but did nothing to actually stop Richard. hell Richard was probobly the only one in the room who could have taken Harry's meal without loosing an arm for it.

Anita had to chuckle as she handed Gabriel a few steaks on a plate, there was plenty for everyone, there was even two grilling on the stove, Jean Claude licking his lips. "Steak, Ma Patite?" he asked almost eagerly, Draco smirking. "are you going to do that adorable thing you do where you worm around on the floor like a cat?" he asked playfully, Jean Claude's face going that carefully amused mask that he put up when he was embarrassed. "whatever do you mean Peu d'amour?" Jean Claude asked Draco snickering a little as he shook his head. "nothing Jean Claude, nothing at all." Draco purred as he settled onto the table, taking a glass of wine, Jean Claude smiling. through Anita and Draco he could taste food again, and he loved it because they balanced out each others tastes. Draco loved sweets, Anita sour and bitter, Draco drank wine and water but Anita drank coke. they where such perfection to his taste buds. "we will leave as soon as the meal is finished, we do not want Monsieur's Zabini and Longbottom to have panic attacks waiting for us." he admitted with a small chuckle. sometimes Jean Claude and Anita where just too cruel.
Richard looked thoughtful, watching harry eat. Wondering...well, maybe that was it. It made sense, because if the man couldn't remember, but still had a beast, then maybe the beast inside was keeping him from panicking and worrying about the holes in his memory.Because a lion didn't care wht happened before or after, only what was going on in that moment. Gabriel grinned,"Thanks."he muttered to anita as he settled on his seat, starting to devour his steak before raising a eyebrow, looking at the vampire master."Ohhh.You do something cute?"He asked looking amused, trying to read the amused mask on jean-claude's face. "Draco, what do you mean?"He asked wanting to know just how cute the group was going to be before frowning."Draco...can you taste what I'm eating?"He asked making the connections since it was anita eating, and jean claude who seemed to be enjoying the food. "They're with edward. They'll be lucky if he doesn't give them heart attacks when he gets into the car and he's got a flame thrower on the backseat."Richard snickered. "A flame thrower?" "OH yea, it made the vampires burn so nicely."
Jean Claude lifted his nose in the air. "i do no such thing." he stated very firmly, Anita smirking a little as Draco chuckled a little and shook his head as Jean Claude sighed at Anita's first bite of food, leaning to lay against the counter so he could enjoy the taste. Draco chuckling. "yes i can taste what your eating, when i want to." he admitted. "but it's a moot point, since i can still eat human food." he admitted getting a wicked grin as he abandoned his steak and headed for the freezer, Jean Claude sitting up and staring at Draco intently with the most expectant, hopeful look neither Richard nor Gabriel had ever seen on the vampires face. it turned into delight as Draco pulled out a tub of Neapolitan ice-cream, and then he looked annoyed when Draco took his sweet, sweet time scooping out portions and putting the ice-cream back. Harry was watching Jean Claude now, looking astonished, and amused and Draco slowly brought the spoon of chocolate to his lips and slowly savored the little bite, Jean Claude setting a hand to his lips, a look of utter delight on his face as he squirmed in his seat like a cat, Draco smirking, Anita... giggling, and Harry damn near laughing, a hand over his mouth as he watched the Master of the City squirm like a kid who had to go to the bathroom. it was shockingly adorable, seeing the vampire loose himself in such a way.

Draco was enjoying the tease very immensely as he slowly dragged his tongue around each flavor, never letting Jean Claude have the taste of the same flavor twice in a row. he was teasing, taunting the vampire and by the last spoonful Jean Claude was making small noises in the back of his throat, Harry watching intently, as if trying to memorize every action and movement that Jean Claude made, licking as lips when Jean Claude finally slumped to the counter, resting, panting softly. it was clear the look on Harry's face. Jean Claude was week and helpless right then, a good, easy prey, a quick hunt that ended in slaughter and blood. Harry licked his lips once and then turned away to resume tearing into his steaks, Draco snickering. "you are Cruel Pue D'amour..." he complained blinking at Draco who smirked, Anita giggling again. "you caused me to loose control of myself in front of company..." Draco shrugged. "well you can't very well punish me for it, you love me too much to cause me damage." Jean Claude sighed. "i hate it when you are right." Jean Claude complained with a pout as he stood up. "come then, we should be going..." he stated simply, stalking for the door, ignoring Draco's snickers... the boy really was too cruel.
BOth shifters stopped eating as they watched draco, laughing softly when they saw the ice cream. Laughing at jean-claude as he squirmed, Gabriel grinned smirking a little."Jean, need you use the bathroom?"He teased watching the master of the city squirm. It was amazing. Richard smirked a little watching them."YOu know, someone needs a camera. There should be proof of this."He said smirking as he watched jean-claude. Gabriel swallowed hard as he watched his lover eating his ice cream, whining softly. It was to cruel to have to watch him do that. Richard swallowed hard as he tightened his grip on harry, even not able to see his face, he sensed what the other's thoughts were, and he wasn't going to let them go down in bloody battle. Gabriel smiled softly,"Poor jean-claude. Well, not really.He enjoyed it to much to whine."Gabriel said laughing as he watched the two.

Gabriel grinned as he finished his steak, standing."Draco, you're so cruel."He muttered leaning over t nuzzling his boy as he headed for the door. Richard smiled as he picked up harry, nuzzling him."Come on.Time to go."He muttered glad to see the man wasn't freaking out. Sighing softly as he followed the others out to the car, looking nervous because he didn't know if going to the circus was going to be a good thing or not.
Draco smirked a little as Jean Claude sighed softly, tasting the food that Draco tasted, with such passion and sweet it was impossible to ignore. "Jean Claude would kill you if you recorded this." Anita admitted smirking a little. "and i wouldn't let you, he's been without taste for almost four hundred years, let him have his fun." she ordered simply, enjoying her food normally while Draco tormented Jean Claude's taste buds. Harry licked his lips as he finished his steak and purred happily as he snuggled into the other as he was carried, more than content to simply lay down and take a nap. Anita and Jean Claudegot the front seat, so Gabriel and draco had to sit in the back since Draco refused to let Gabriel sit by himself, and the front seat was too small for both Richard and Harry. harry made himself quite comfortable, laying across all three laps, his head on Richard's thighs, nuzzling his hip happily as his bare toes pressed into the Car door, kneading it like a cat with his rather cute toes. Draco looked annoyed, but said and did nothing, he was well used to Harry being all touchy feely. in school Harry was always touching, desperately seeking attention and affection. the ride wasn't that long anyway, and Harry was soon off of them and out into the night, stretching his hands to the half moon almost eagerly, as if the night air filled him with passion. he ignored the many hundreds of people who where crawling the circus and sniffed his way to a cotton candy machine, licking his lips, Jean Claude chuckling as he watched. "go ahead Harry, have one." being the owner had it's advantages.

Harry needed no other invitation and he snatched one up eagerly and ran his tongue along it, humming happily at the sweet, sweet taste, draco nabbing one as well and eating it slowly, savoring it for both himself and Jean Claude who sighed and smiled, Draco grinning as he offered a bit of fluff to Gabriel, his eyes dusty with lust as Anita led the way into the Circus, Edward and the two human's already inside, both Blaise and Neville pale as they watched Edward cleaning one of his many, many weapons. Asher was in the room too, examining his nails as he waited for Anita and Jean Claude to come, Nathaniel was there too, the only 'harmless' one in the room, laying on the floor reading a book with his little feet kicking Blaise had a serious desire to yank him to his feet and start yelling at him that there was danger there and he needed to go away before someone shot him for being too innocent.... it was a strange urge. he opened his mouth to say something and Asher turned his eyes to Blaise, cold and staring and the man crouched back down, cringing away from the look and Neville whimpered. "oh god we're going to die...."
Richard pouted at that, but nodded. It was to amusing to tease jean-claude to ruin it will filming him. Gabriel looked amused as he looked at harry kneeding the door, glancing at draco, leaning over to nuzzle him."You look upset."he muttered biting his ear softly."Don't be upset with the kitten."He muttered grinning as they pulled into the parking lort grinning as he got both himself and harry some cotton candy, both kittens soon covered in cotton candy. It was so adorably cute to see gabriel trying to lick the inside of the cotton candy bag to get everything out of it.

Edward smiled as he cleaned the short sword that he'd burrowed from anita, having taken it to do a test, and it had worked out well.Sort of. He needed to test it,but it was her present. The assassin snickered looking at asher before rolling his eyes."No you wont. Because it'd upset anita and albion, which would upset jean-claude and gabriel.Not to mention richard. You're safe, and stop staring at nathaniel like he's doing something wrong."Edward said before returning to clean the weapons. "Whatever are you doing to them?"Richard asked as they stepped into the room, looking around at them all. "Being entertaining."Edward said. "Why do I get the feeling neville and blaise wouldn't say the same thing?"Gabriel said walking in looking at his friends worriedly, waiting to see what their reactio nwas going to be.
"i'm not upset." Draco grumbled scowling at Harry. "he's heavy and he's crushing my legs." he grumbled shaking his head a little as they got out of the car and enjoyed their Cotton Candy. Harry had managed to get Cotton Candy in his hair by the time he was done and Draco was laughing as he watched Gabriel nearly suffocating himself to get at the sweet treat, Harry purring happily as he licked and sucked his fingers clean. he blinked as he saw the room full of people, Blaise and Neville looked up at Gabriel, looking so relieved that he was ok, Nathaniel beaming at Anita as he bounced to his feet and moved over to her, greeting her in the way he always did, rubbing their cheeks together. "he's going to kill us!" Neville protested his eyes wide as Anita laughed at poor terrified Neville. "he's going to hack us up with a sword and then burn our remains with a flam thrower!" "he's not." Draco promised chuckling a little as he moved into the room, stroking against Asher, the man shivering, looking at Draco with the same look of admiration that he gave to Anita. "we brought you here because we need your help." he explained smiling a little. "the idea of terrifying you with Edward was nothing more than an amusing joke... though the Asher touch was very nice Edward." Draco stated grinning at the man as Harry poked his head into the room looking around curiously.

"...H..Harry!?" Neville asked, Harry blinking at him. "do i know you?" Neville looked shocked, Blaise looked astonished, and they both blinked. "what is he doing here!?" Blaise demanded, suddenly angry. "what did you do to him!?" "that's the problem." Anita admitted moving into the room, explaining to both men what happened, Nathaniel sitting next to her on the bed, returning to his book. Blaise really really wanted to know why the other was there... he was so young and innocent to be surrounded by monsters. his astonishment about Harry being there turned into Horror as she explained what had happened to Harry, the emerald eyed boy also listening intently, shocked as he realized why he couldn't remember anything. he leaned into Richard, sneaking comfort, though he wasn't sure why he was upset, blinking as Nathaniel turned to him, his head tilted. "you smell like a Cat..." he admitted blinking as he sniffed at Harry, Neville and Blaise glancing at each other and then at Harry. Blaise looked confused, Neville looked sheepish and guilty, which mean Blaise didn't know that Harry was a Lion, but Neville did. Jean Claude turned to Nathaniel. "Harry is a Leo." he explained, Nathaniel looking shocked. "i thought they where only in the Africa and stuff?" "apparently not..."
Richard smiled slightly as he watched the cats,"Think its just a cat thing?"He asked wrapping a arm around harry as they walked in. Edward raised a eyebrow as he looked at them."I was cleaning your toys for you anita."he said holdign out the sword, though not about to tell her what he'd done to it, at least not until she had a chance to discover that he'd melted it down, and mixed holy water in with the silver and steel, making it a truly odd weapon dngerous to both vampire and werewolf.Gabriel pouted as draco rubbed against asher, making a face. Edward smirked a little, tilting his head towards the blond vampires."Asher enjoys a good joke."He said. While he didn't exactly approve of anita's love life, he had to admit it worked better then his with donna's. At least anita would never have to worry about jean-claude or the others being cannnon fodder like he did with his family.

"We didn't do anything.We saved him from vampires."Gabriel said his voice olding his annoyance that they had assumed that they were at fault for this. Richard smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around harry as he was leaned into, rubbing his cheek against his mate's in a comforting gesture. "You're not surprised."Gabriel said frowning a little at neville, tensing a little as he waited for the leopards to respond. While he wasn't worried about nathaniel, from everything he could see the man was the least dominate person in anita's life, but he worried about what would happen when micah showed up. "Anita, how is he?"and the man in question stepped through the door, pausing as he neared them, trying to not respond to the sense that harry was a cat.Surely his nose as telling him the wrong thing. Harry was a vampire, not a were.
Harry smirked a little as he sniffed at Nathaniel, the boy purring as he nuzzled and rubbed submissively against Harry, Harry allowing this but not returning the favor, denying Nathan as a member of his Pride, as was his right. Nathan pouted but did little else, he wasn't dominant, or insulted enough to press the issue, besides he had a Pard already, he just liked how strong and brave Harry was. Nathan was always rubbing against strong people, Richard included. they let him do it because they knew how broken he was, even Harry could feel the broken in Nathan. anita smiled as she took the knife from Edward her head tilted as she examined it. "it feels different." she admitted Neville pale as Jean Claude now, an impressive feet from someone who stayed outside in a garden all day. "you people are all insane!" he whimpered, Blaise standing in front of Neville, protecting him, Draco chuckling. "be calm Blaise, Neville... my word is almost law here, i swear you won't be hurt." he promised Blaise hesitating before he relaxed. above all else he trusted Draco and Gabriel, if they said he wouldn't be hurt, then they wouldn't be hurt.

"no... i'm not surprised..." Neville admitted biting his lip, looking down in shame. "... i'm... i'm the one that... infected him." Neville admitted, Blaise jerking, shocked as he stared, open mouthed at Neville. "i was attacked in Africa and... i didn't know until the next full moon..." he admitted. "it was right after graduation..." "you... you never said anything i..." Blaise looked hurt, confused and Neville's lip quivered. "i'm a monster..." he whispered. "how could you love me if i couldn't even like myself?" he demanded looking at Blaise, Draco looking astonished, Anita gaping, nearly jumping out of her skin when Micah appeared, Harry letting out a low, frustrated rumble, looking nervous now with all the bodies in the room. "Harry doesn't like Large crowds..." Blaise warned. "some of you need to leave or he's going to panic..." Blaise was hurt, but his need to protect Neville and Harry was taking precedence. Neville was trying to stem the flow of tears as he wiped his eyes, ignoring Micah, Draco scowling. "there's no way your a Lycanthrope... we would have felt you..." "i take a potion... it... restrains the beast, so it can't get out... it hurts a lot on the full moons but it keeps it asleep the rest of the time..." he explained. "no one ever knew but Harry... and he never told anyone... Lycanthropes are hated even more in the wizarding world than they are in the muggle... i would have lost my job, lost my house, lost my lover, lost all the money i had ever made, had my wand snapped...." Blaise gently pulled Neville into his lap, cradling him. "you will never lose me... never..."

((Bet You Didn't See THAT coming!!!!))
Richard smiled softly as he turned his hand over, letting his fingers trail over that pure brunette spill of hair.Eddward smirked nodding towards one of the vampires,"Lay it on their skin."He said because he wasn't sure if mixing the holy water would ork,but he figured of everyone he knew, these two vampires wouldn't mind the expriment tested on them as much as others. Gabriel rolled his eyes, annoyed at their posturing, it if he was't sure what to do wiwth the humans in his life, even if he liked them. Gabriel's mouth fell open as he looked at neville, trying to think of what to say to make this better. Swallowing hard as he looked at the two."Neville...your not a monster..."He said slowly, trying to figure out what to sy.

"Nathaniel,come on.We'll go get food for everyone."Micah said looking worried about them all before nodding, heading for the door, taking his leopard with him. Richard nuzzled his mate, swallowing hard as he sighed,"Your okay."He muttered trying to make him feel better. Gabriel made a face annoyed that he had managed to not sense neville, even with the potion."You knew I was a shifter. Why didn't you say somethig, to at least me?Or blaise?"He grumbled annoyed that neville had thought they'd leave him. Sighing as he shook his head, looking at edward who looked to amused for anyone's good."What do you find amusing?" "I just never thought I'd find someone who had more relationship issues then anita and me."
Harry purred as he was stroked, Anita lifting an eyebrow at Edward but turned and laid the blade against Jean Claude who yelped, actually yelped and jerked away from the blade, his skin red and bubbled like a burn, Anita jumping in shock before a wicked smirk crossed her lips. "oh Edward your such a WONDERFUL friend!" she purred Harry blinking as she immediately settled the blade into the back sheath so that she would have it handy, Jean Claude chuckling. "exactly what we need, Anita even more dangerous than she already is..." "i am a monster.." Neville whispered... "i nearly killed people Gabriel... i DID kill people, i almost killed Harry... though he's the only person who was changed... i tried to offer him the potion but..." but they all knew that Harry had refused, Harry accepted all things about himself with a confidence that was almost frightening. Nathaniel followed Micah, wondering if they had marshmallow cereal here, he was feeling munchy. with a few less people in the room Harry started to calm down, especially since Asher left, making Edward go with him with the information that they had another new toy that Edward was going to want to see. Asher liked Edward, they where both psychotic and liked fun toys that went 'Bang'.

Neville just shook his head and hid his face into Blaise's chest, Blaise sighing a little. "i understand why he never said anything Gabriel... you used to get hazed in school, you nearly got kicked out for being a shapeshifter, the only thing that saved you was Dumbledore informing the School board that you where not a Lycanthrope, you where born that way and stayed in control at all times. by the time people found out we where already in sixth year and they had no reason to doubt you couldn't control yourself... he was probobly afraid to tell us, because if it ever came out, and we had never turned him in, you could have gotten in serious trouble too, Lycanthrope or not..." Neville sniffled. "i was just scared..." he whispered. "i nearly killed Harry, and that was just coming across him in the woods... he never did anything i just attacked him because i couldn't stop myself... what was i going to do when you two found out and made me stop taking the potion?" " being sick all the time... that was the potion wasn't it?" over the last few years Neville had started getting sick, weak and pathetic at completely random times. "you would have made me stop..." "my god Neville your killing yourself in an effort to stop something you don't need to stop!" Blaise complained Harry blinking a little looking up at Richard. "your a Lycanthrope aren't you Richard? maybe we can show Neville it's not so bad..." Neville wasn't the only Lycanthrope going to extreme lengths trying to get rid of his beast. there was a Wolf in Richards pack who had been eating Wolfsbane trying to control the beast. the only reason she hadn't died was because she was a Werewolf.
Edward grinned as he realized that the blade indeed work."It's laced with holy water."He said nodding towards anita, smirking at jean-claude as he followed asher out."Don't complain.You enjoy her armed and dangerous." Gabriel sighed softly as he looked at neville, nodding slightly because he knew why harry had turned it down.He accepted everyting easily, without fighting to much over it."That doesn't make you a monster.You gained control neville." "We all have to deal with the first changes. We have more lycanthropes killing others then anything else.ti doesn't make you a monster."Richard said, through therapy and help with jean-claude and anita he'd come to accept the beast and his place in the world, accepted that he wasn't going to be able to have the white picket fence.

"True.Tugh I did lose control when I was young. Killed more animals and almost killed my mother before I learned to control the panther instincts."Gabriel said shivering a little because it was a bad memory. Te animals inside had matured faster then his human side, and at 4, gabriel was as large as a full grown panther, and with all the hunting instincts that went with it. It had only bee his father coming home that had saved him from ripping his mother part.Shivering as he closed his eyes, leaning against draco."The potions a posion neville.It helps,but it will also destory you."Gabriel said because while he could understand why neville had hid it, but taking wolfsbane was like swallowing acid to a human, or drinking holy water for a vampire.It might not kill right away,but it would. Richard nodded a little, that low soft growl escaping, stressing because it hurt to tthink of a lycanthrope hurting himself like this. While he'd been self destructive, he'd been killing himself by not fighting, not posioning himsellf.And Clair had shown him just how bad the wolfsbane could be, so he could deal with this."I can.And I can teach him real control."Richard nodded looking at the two worriedly.
Anita smirked as she nodded. "i figured, it's a delight." she purred happily as Jean Claude chuckled a little. "i do enjoy her being armed and dangerous." he agreed smiling a little before examining Neville closely. the boy looked as broken as Nathaniel once did, and it made Harry want to go over there and rub all over the other to make him feel better. "i gained nothing." Neville hissed. "i still change... on the full moons i change and i go out and i kill anything and everything in sight...." "control comes with acceptance Neville." Blaise whispered softly. "you have to stop taking the potion, there are other ways to control your Leo." he muttered softly gently rubbing his cheek against Neville's like he had seen Nathaniel and Harry do and Neville went so stiff for a moment Blaise was afraid Neville was going to strike him. they all listened to the story of Gabriel's childhood and Draco gently pulled the other into a hug, gently kissing his temple Harry sliding over to Neville on all fours, setting his chin on Neville's leg.

"do you think Gabriel is a monster Neville?" "... no..." "do you think me or Richard is?" "... no...." "how about the boy who was here, that Nathaniel, is he a monster?" "no... i don't think so.." "they are all like you, aren't they?" "..i... i guess..." "then why are you the monster? we all did things too, we killed, we slaughtered, we ate things, and did things no human should do... but we're not human's anymore Neville. your not human and that's alright. your not human, but neither is anyone else in this room, we're all just like you, we're all animals, beasts, we're all the same. we're not dying from potions, we're not loosing control every full moon, we're not even attacking each other..." "but i killed people... not even in self defense i just k..killed them..." "so did i." Draco admitted softly. "and i don't even have being turned to blame for it. all i had was an order, so i killed." Draco admitted softly. "Harry's killed too, not in self defense, simply because he needed to, to keep the world safe... Richard has killed, hell he's eaten other people, even Nathaniel, sweet innocent Nathaniel has killed." he admitted Neville looking horrified, and relieved all at the same time. "we are creature Nev, just as humans, and wolves are creatures. there's nothing wrong with you other than the fact that you won't accept it, and it's tearing you apart..." Neville sniffed a little and swallowed hard. "you can... teach me not to kill things?" he asked softly, looking at Richard. "you can.. can make the beast stop screaming in my head?" god, Neville was so like Richard, rebelling against himself, only worse, so much worse.
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