Blood of my Heart

Richard smiled nodding a little, "That would be nice."She muttered before smiling slightly at the sight of sylvie and ashley."You are soft Albion, even if you wont admit it."Richard said looking amused at draco's thought that he was big and tough. He was like anita, tough on the outside but would try and be soft given the chance. All the men stared, trying to figure out what to think about this before nodding."I'm going to."Gabriel said already moving away to go with them."Between blaise's spells, and my nose we can find things." "Arrogance?" "No. Its just I'm not stuck in wolf form after changing like the rest of you." Richard nodded smiling, but looking relieved when asher took the job so he could go with them.

Gabriel took a deep breath, shaking his head."Its not a lion I know."He said looking around, looking bemused with himself. He'd come more because he couldn't stand the thought of not coming, and because he had a bad feeling about things, which meant he had to go."I feel left out. I'm not a general anything." " are so weird Gabriel."Richard said watching the man as he closed his eyes, trying to sort through the scents he was smelling."I am not." "Anita."Dolph said as he stepped outside, frowning at the sight of more then just harry."You brought more then harry?" "We came because while its a wereanimal attack, our noses are better then yours. We'll see things, smell things you wont."GAbriel said with the casual arrogance of a man who was used being the top dog. Looking at blaise he shrugged a little."Besides, he can do tracking spells."He added helpfully. Dolph looked thoughtful, wondering if he should yell at the man or just laugh. Like anita, gabriel brought out the urge to do both in a lot of people."Fine. Zebrowski, show them inside. I have to go see about setting up a road block for the press."Dolph said as he headed for the cars sitting in the seat, planning on pushing the press as far back as he could.
Draco shook his head. "no Richard... i want to be soft, but so many years of pain have hardened me until i can't be soft anymore." Draco whispered softly. and he believed the words that he spoke, which was what made it all the more sad. he decided to stay behind with Asher and Neville, simply laying in the bed next to Neville and taking a nap. "Neville is the only one i know of that would know any other Lions." Harry admitted taking another deep inhale. "but he's not going to be alright to be smelling people out anytime soon." between Blaise's magic, Gabriel's nose, and Harry's fine eye for details nothing would go unnoticed. "you can be my second in command." harry promised grinning at Gabriel when he complained before blinking at Dolph, his eyes the shining gold of a lion. "do you have gloves i can borrow? i'm going to need to touch things." Harry admitted, Anita looking shocked, she'd never expected Harry to know how to handle a slaughtered body, but then... he had been in a war, and an Auror after that before he 'retired' (meaning he quit) and became a teacher. Harry knew his way around a dead body. "Dolph, can i have a word with you?" Anita asked suddenly, following the man, explaining in hushed tones that the Lycanthrope committing the murders was probobly under control of someone else and was probobly young, she actually asked him to let her handle it when it came to handling the arrests, because she didn't want the poor young lion to be hurt of it wasn't really his fault.

Harry moved inside, accepting gloves from Zebrowski who was staring at Harry like he had never seen a person before. Harry ignored him, he didn't care that he was only twenty four and had already been wading through dead bodies for almost ten years. Harry would have been staring had the roles been reversed. "...why was this males cock removed?" Harry demanded suddenly, examining the dead body and Zebrowski winced. "he was raping his fourteen year old son..." Harry's rage pulsed through the area before he forced it down again, his power curling along Richard, seeking some small comfort of feeling the others beast as he shook his head. "a child molester." Harry growled, shaking his head. "where is the boy?" "safe now, with his aunt. he's already seeing a therapist but it's the same as before... he never heard the screaming, a neighbor called it in." Zebrowski explained shaking his head, Harry sighing a little. "i'm finding it difficult not to sympathize with the murderers." he admitted simply as he stood up and looked around, his eyes glancing at the front door. " forced entry." Zebrowski looked surprised again and he nodded. "that's right..." "then either they knew him.... or the man broke in with magic or mind manipulation." "there's dark magic in the air... it tastes of impirio..." Blaise stated looking horrified. "there's Wizards Magic here..." "your sure it's a wizard?" Anita asked suddenly as she walked in her head tilted Blaise nodding. "there's a wizard involved in this."
Richard gave him the same look he gave anita when he thought she was being riddiculous,but it was going to be kay. "Me?You do realize,despite being weird,I cant slip into lion form.Though it would be kinda cool."Gabriel said looking amused. Dolph nodded as he handed everyone a pair of surgical gloves. While he didn't particularly like them, didn't mean that he wouldn't use their expertise to find something.Dolph followed anita to the side yard, looking anious but nodding."I'll call you as soon as we have a idea who this is. If we can spare them, we will."He said looking at her worriedly.Sometimes he wondered if her intimacy with themonsters was a problem, but it was moments like this that he was glad that they had her. Because sometimes you needed someone to think like a monster.

Richard sighed softly as he let a breath of power curl around them all,making gabriel shudder. "Maybe that's what the killer is counting on. That we'll sympathize more with his motivation for killing, then the fact that he's killing someone."Gabriel said leaning down, his nose nearly touching the man's ruined groin, "It smells like something...gross.Nasty.Evil."He muttered raising his head a little to look at anita,"Not a devil, they give a fur ruffling scent, but this... this is what humans smell like when they've started to be twisted."He said already moving already following the scent, trying to find out which was which as e moved towards the door."I think the wizard's a muggle born....purebloods smell..."He paused trying to think of the apporiate words."Pure. like a hunk of magic given form, a really good piece of candy. muggleborns scent out like humans, you can smell the decay of cells, or their bodies dying... purebloods are human,but more then anything, they're magic given form."He paused thinking about it, shaking his head as he tried to think."This room's making my head hurt." "Why?"Richard said breathing deeply to, because while it smelled bad to him, it seemed to be effecting the wizard more."I don't know."H said frowning,"I think its the magic."He said before looking at zebrowski,"My nose is good in this form...but I'd like the change, see if I can find a trail to follow."
Harry watched Dolph, his head tilted before heading inside, Anita nodding at Dolph, giving his arm a squeeze. "thank you Dolph..." she muttered softly, looking at him before. "you know... not all the monsters are bad guys Dolph." she admitted softly. "most of them where attacked and turned against their will... you shouldn't hold it against them, it's like blaming a rape victim..." that said she turned and went into the house just in time to hear Harry's comment, feeling fury boil in her chest. "then their trying the wrong person." Harry stated simply, his eyes studying the body. "yes, they deserved to be punished but not like this. this is torture." he growled glancing at Blaise who was poking around the area, looking for something, anything. Blaise was an Active auror as well, he knew what to look for. "you think someone's going mad?" Harry asked blinking at Gabriel. "using this Lycanthrope to kill 'evil doers?' like some sort of sick..." he shook his head. "i don't know the word... superhero i guess..." "...i know why it's making your head hurt." Blaise stated simply, flipping something down, it was a card, letting it lay on the floor, his hand clenched tightly on his wrist where the Dark mark was. "my mark started to burn... this is evil magic." Blaise stated, Zebrowski going completely pale as he looked at the Dark Mark written in blood on the card. "someone's mixing modern Dark Arts, with Necromancy..."

Anita cursed softly, looking horrified and she sank down into a chair, staring at the card. "there is no soul here..." she stated suddenly, Harry turning to look at her, confused. "it takes at least three days for a soul to depart away from the body to go to heaven. but there is no soul here, whoever did this took the soul with them..." she explained, swallowing thickly. "it is possible to store a soul in a part of a body, and then attach it to something else i saw it in Tennessee." she admitted her mouth dry, her eyes as cold as the arctic sea. "this isn't just torture... it's a plot..." she stated softly. "whoever is doing this is going to do something with those souls..." "then we have to find him." Harry stated standing up as he picked up the card before shrieking, dropping the card instantly and clapping his unbloody hand to his forehead, half collapsing against the counter, Blaise gasping as he moved over to Harry. "move your hand." he ordered, harry moving his hand, his scar bleeding. ever since Voldemort had died, and Harry had absorbed his power, he had been twice as sensitive to Dark Magic. Blaise carefully stopped the bleeding and shook his head. "make sure no one touches that card!" he ordered Zebrowski, who scowled. "why!?" "because it's cursed Zebrowski." Anita stated running her hand over it. "anyone with magic of any kind, or darkness in their souls will be hurt by this card. that includes anger." "... so if i'm angry, and i touch that card..." "it will hurt, a lot..."
"Why not?Eac pack has their version of a bolverk, the evil doer. Why couldn't a human use a wereanimal as a weapon?As long as they know they wont get attack, its almost like the world's best weapon."Gabriel tilted his head a little, trying to describe it."Its not that we're dangerous because we're half animal, we're dangerous because we're human.Only humans kill each other for sport."He said shrrugging, responding to the visible mark.While it's not... one of his magicks to call, not something he could claim, either dark wizard or death eater, his family had used dark magics for so many years that their scion was reacting to the power that made his head ring."Bloody hell."He shuddered thinking about it, swallowing as he tried not to think about what it would mean if someting like that existed. Voldemort on steriods,, yea it'd be something like that."Bloody hell." Richard was quiet as he watced them all, "Soul magic is hard, there would be only a few people in the world that would cross this many lines to be able to do this."

"A houcrux.Bloody hell, they're making hourcruxes with other people's souls."Gabriel cursed sotly thinking about it, his heart and stomach pained, because it scared him badly to think about it.Richard yelping as harry yelped,helping blaise get harry away from the card, gently wrapping his arms around him. "Because you're one of the most sensitive people to dark magic in the world.Magic stains the soul, but yours never had the chance to form without darkness entwined."Gabriel frowned thinking about it, shaking his head as he thought over his words."Light and dark are always present,but we...blaise...there's a spell.To track it. Its like the homing spell the death eater's have in their marks,but...more sensitive."He said thinking it through because he was so not thinking about this. Because if he actually finished the thought he was going to ask te man he loved to do something he knew would be mentally and emotionally damaging.And he couldn't do that.
Anita shook her head. "that's for in pack purposes only Richard, whoever is doing this... it has to either be one hell of a small pack..." "or a single Lycanthrope under the control of some sort of wizard. it could be magical control, or it could be a more mundane mental control, like your Dominant Raina and Gabriel had all the lesser wolves doing crazy shit..." Harry paused looking startled, blinking in astonishment. " did i know that?" he asked looking baffled his head tilted a little as he let Blaise take care of his bleeding scar. "how hard is soul magic?" "you have to be a necromancer or an animator or something like that. animators dabble, it's the necromancer's who are really powerful, there might be a few others but..." she shrugged a little. "whoever this is, like Blaise said it has to be a muggle born." Harry admitted. "or he, or she i suppose, wouldn't be able to do muggle magic. pure blooded wizards can't do muggle magic, and muggles can't do Wizards magics, it has to be of mixed bloodline..." Harry admitted shaking his head.

Harry winced at the word Horcrux and so did Blaise, Anita just looked confused. "what is a horcrux?" "it's the act of splitting your soul into parts... it's why Voldemort couldn't die. as long as he had a part of his soul in an item, or a living object, he couldn't be killed, not fully..." Blaise explained softly. "but as far as i know no one has ever been able to duplicate the process..." Harry snuggled into Richard. "i was Voldemort's Horcrux since i was a year old." Harry's memories where starting to filter back. "i've always been sensitive to black magic." he admitted shaking his head as Blaise nodded and stood up, looking around his eyes narrowed a little as he considered it. "i can cast the spell..." it was a major Dark Spell, he would key his own Dark Mark to the vile soul stealing energies, and use it like a homing device. he could cast it, but he really didn't want to, he'd spend a minimum of a week in a coma after from all the pain his body would suffer, he would wake up a little mad or worse, there was a reason it was a dark spell after all. "... you can, but your not going to are you?" Anita asked looking suspicious, Blaise shaking his head. "i would pass out before we ever found him, i'd wake up a little more mad each time i used the spell... if i have to, if we run out of all other options... then i will try the spell."
"Or someone raising a were as their own personal weapon.Trained from a young age to be their submissive."Gabriel said shrugging a little,both men lookng startle at harry's words."You must be sharing richard's memories...or something..."Gabriel said looking interested. Richard sighed a little wrapping a arm around harry, pressing his lips to harry's foreead."So someone that is powerful enough to do this,but mixed."He said looking thoughtful, trying to wrap his head around this idea."There's only a few that should be able to do this." Richard looking confused"What do you mean?" "WEll, if we were looking for a pureblood wizard, it would narrow things down. If we were looking for a human doing things, itd still narrow it down.But there can't be that many people capable of doing this, that has both. Its just not possible. Its like if a vampire came to town and managed to hide from everyone, it'd make them a powerful hitter. There's only so much talent out there."

"No, but he did write about it....and you can find the journals, if your willing to beg malfoy for them."Gabriel said shuddering because he'd read them, even if the most of the time the journals hadn't made sense. ", that's not why I brought it up."Gabriel said shuddering, because they were all going to hate themselves for it,but if they did this, maybe they could stop this."Your family was neutral-dark, the closer ties you have to the dark, the more easily you can do dark magic without risking your sanity with every step."He said swallowing, "Voldemort might have been dark, but there's one family that's spent centuries working on gathering more power.Draco could do this.maybe."He said looking worried because he didn't know if he could ask draco to do this, because he didn't know if the risk would be worth it."Like calls to like, draco could summon the person to him, like voldemort summoned followers, if the evil's gone deep enough."He said slowly.
poor Zebrowski looked completely baffled, he had no idea what the hell was going on anymore, he hated all this monster crap, he really did. "... a Leo raised by a human to be a killer?" "... that's what they did to Draco." Blaise pointed out looking like he was in pain still, clutching his Dark Mark before shaking his head. "Gabriel is right. there is only a few people who could do this... Draco might be able to get a small list, he'll know... he won't like it but it looks like his past is about to catch up with him Gabriel... if this is a wizard doing this..." Draco was going to have another episode, Blaise just knew it, hell Anita and Harry even knew it. "...Malfoy, as in Lucius Malfoy?" Zebrowski asked, his voice terrified. "Voldemort's left hand man!?" the left hand of the devil as it where. Blaise just nodded. "yes, i know his son... Draco Malfoy, the boy who went missing. he can help us." Blaise admitted Zebrowski gaping at Zabini like he was insane. "Are you insane!? the Malfoy's are EVIL!" he complained. "you can't include them on a thing like this!" he swallowed hard as everyone stared at him, Blaise looking utterly furious. "Draco Malfoy is not Evil." he growled darkly. "he was raped, tormented, tortured and then SOLD to a madman who continued to rape torment and torture him! he was attacked by Vampires, driven insane and now that he has a chance to live people like YOU constantly torment him for doing everything in his power to survive!" Zebrowski looked terrified as Blaise yelled at him. he didn't even pause to think, he just ran away, Blaise was a scary fellow when he was pissed off.

Blaise huffed and straightened out his clothes and glared at Harry who was giggling furiously. "my family was light Gabriel." he pointed out. "i joined the dark to protect Draco and that was all." he admitted shaking his head. "i had to train twice as hard as everyone else to be able to get my Dark Magic to work, and now because of it i can barley do light magic." he shrugged, not upset about it, just saying it like it was the truth, which it was. he looked almost outraged at the suggestion that they have Draco cast this spell though. "are you INSANE!? he's already crazy! a spell like this could drag him over! he doesn't have the power Voldemort did!" "no... but, he has more control than Voldemort did... he could do the spell and not risk madness or unconsciousness..." Harry muttered softly, considering it before shaking his head. "but that will only work if this person has a tie to us somehow, i have my doubts about him or her being a death eater, and just summoning a person with badness won't work either, Draco would end up pulling half the city to him." he pointed out. "we need to know more about this man first... from the looks of things he's not acting out of evil, he's acting out of rage and... as much as i hate to admit it, justice... this person is doing this to save kids who are being abused, he no doubt thinks he's doing a good thing..."
"And draco heals faster then normal now, he wouldn't be in a coma for days."Gabriel said shuddering al ittle,"I know, and you know, this isn't him.But he might know how to find them."GAbriel said looking surprised at zebrowski's words. Already turning to go for him, a surprised wolf yelp escaping as richard lifted the man passing seemlessly between human and wolf by the ruff, shaking gabriel like he was a misbehaving mutt as he was eld off the ground to keep from squriming free. "Goodgoing blaise.You sared the nice policeofficer."Richard teased a little trying to calm the man as he kept the wolf in his hands, not about to let gabriel down when he wanted free so badly.

Richard looked thoughtful shifting his hold on gabriel, laying the wolf out across his arms as gabriel tried to fight. Wanting to rage at someone, to excorise the pain of blaise's words, because even if he hadn't known draco at the time it hurt to know he hadn't been there to protect draco."We'll look in the papers. If he's doing crimes, its probably not his first brush with carrying out justice, probably just the first times he's killed to get his point acrossed."Ricahrd said looking at anita, before sighing."We probably should head back to the circus. Gab wont settle until he can check on draco I think, and jean-claude should be awake. He might know a way of tracking a person like this."He said reasonably, praying that the centuries old vampire ad a idea,because he so didn't want to risk any of the sanities to catch this guy.
Anita shook her head. "you don't THINK he'll be in a coma for days." she corrected shaking her head. "the risk is way too great, we have no idea what a spell like this will do to him..." he complained before blinking as Gabriel shifted, lifting an eyebrow. "... he doesn't know what happened to Draco does he?" she asked, soft, started and Blaise shook his head. "no one but me and Potter ever knew the full truth of Draco's past... i lost my temper... i shouldn't have said those things..." Blaise admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "i'm sick and tired of people blaming Draco for his fathers misdeeds though." he admitted scowling darkly. "it's not his fault he had a dick head for a father." he complained shaking his head a little as he watched Gabriel twisting around, trying to break free. "Gabe calm down, we'll go find Draco now alright?" he promised smiling a little at him his head tilted. "come on Harry." Blaise ordered, Harry looking over at them where he'd been studying the dead body again, sighing a little. "i don't like this one bit." he complained softly. "i don't want to have to hunt down another damn set of horcrux...." he complained following them out tot he car, pausing for a moment. "hold on, i want to talk tot he man in charge here for a second." Harry admitted looking over to where Dolph was chewing out Zebrowski.

he left the others there and moved over to Dolph, waiting patiently for him to stop bitching out his underling before he looked at Dolph. "i thought you needed to know yourself." he admitted simply. "there's Dark Wizards involved in this, and we suspect their making Horcrux's..." he paused, realizing Dolph had no idea what that was and explained in the simplest terms he could. "a person like this is very very Dangerous, please be very careful, Anita would be devastated if anything happened to either of you." he admitted studying Dolph before smiling at him, looking worried. "try a local Wizard shop for protection charms. i know you don't trust magic and 'crap like that' but charms could be the key to your survival if it comes to a 'fire fight' of the magical kind... consider it for Anita's sake?" he asked blinking at Dolph before smiling and racing back tot he car as Blaise told him to hurry the hell up! he moved into the car and grinned as he snuggled into Richard, purring happily.
"your right, I think it won."Gabriel sighed. Richard shook his head looking at the wolf in hisarms."No, though I'm pretty sure he's going to be finding out soon."Richard said smiling a little strokingte wolf's head, using that iron self control to force the wolf be calm.Gabriel might not be a normal wolf, but he could be controlled like one,sometimes.Jean-claude being unable to control him just meant that he wasn't alwaysthinking like a wolf."You'll have more elp this time harry."Richard said leaning over to kiss his forehead.

Dolph looked thoughtful, as much as he didn't want to believe that splitting one's soul was possible, it made his head ache to think about how bad this was ging to be."I'll look into the wizard's shop.And I'll call if we have any more crime scenes, or we need help finding the charms."Dolph said before smiling a little."Take care of yourself to."He said watching them go as he headed inside to take care of this mess.

Richard smiled wrapping a arm around arry, pressing a kiss to his head as he stroked gabriel's head,making sure to keep touching the ulfric just in case gabriel's calm snapped again. Yelping in pain as gabriel's paws found a uncomfortable spot in his groin as he opened the car door as anita parked, the wolf already bounding for the door to be let in, and to be able to see his mate.Ricard rolled his eyes looking amused,"He's...young.At times you forget how young he is,but he sems to be having his moment."He said looking thoughtful, like anita he was just a few years shy of 30 and the 22 year old ulfric just seemed....not weak, just not tested youngish enough t ave his moments of showing the youngster e'd been.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "it's not that, last time we knew what we where looking for, knew the locations and the identities of the things that he used for Horcruxs." he admitted. "this person is... a complete mystery, he could be putting the horxcrux into books and donating them to libraries all over the damn world! we have no idea and i have my doubts about him being so kind as to making a list about where and what he used." he pointed out shaking his head. "the more he splits his soul, the more mad he will become." he admitted shaking his head a little as he went to Dolph. "just make sure not to touch anything with that symbol on it, it's probobly cursed and we don't want anyone puking up slugs." he admitted smiling at Dolph. "i always do Sir." he admitted before grinning at Zebrowki. "did you wet yourself when Blaise started yelling at you?" "NO!" Harry just laughed as he skipped away, feeling very pleased with himself, Zebrowski sulking. "i can't beleive the Wizarding Savior is a freeking Lion were..." he complained scowling a little. "and an ass on top of it all!"

Harry smiled as he watched Gabriel, forced to relax in Richards arms, he laughed as he watched Gabriel race inside to where Draco was still napping next to Neville, who had also fallen asleep while reading his book. "Gabriel is young... i think he was mostly protected from the war." Harry admitted smiling a little. "he's worried about Albion... i am too." he admitted looking upset as Blaise smiled. "Draco is strong, he will be alright, he has Gabriel to help him now." Blaise promised chuckling a little as he shook his head and headed inside to find Neville, laughing as he watched Draco whining at the nuzzling, the blond not wanting to wake up, Blaise chuckling as he gently shook Neville's shoulder, urging him to his feet and into Jean Claude's amazing bathroom for a long bath with cuddling and sex, Harry giggling as he kissed Richard intently. "i love you." he murmured happily, purring softly as he snuggled Richard eagerly. "i'm thirsty." Harry grumbled, sulking a little as he nuzzled Richards neck. "but you don't smell like food." he complained, a little bit annoyed that Richard didn't smell like proper food, he smelled like sex, not food. Asher, Asher smelled a little bit like food, and so did Jean Claude, both of whom where walked towards them. Jean Clause actually paused when Harry turned to look at them, nostrils flaring and eyes bleeding to red as he licked his lips, Asher sighing a little. "... he is hungry Mon Cherie... you should feed him." Asher was speaking to Jean Claude and the man shook his head. "i do not think so. you feed him..." they both looked uncertain, clearly wondering what would happen if Harry fed on them.
"no I'm pretty sure he's not going to be nice enough to give us a list."Gabriel said grinning a little looking amused at the idea. He was young, and mostly protected from the war so he had that untrained, untested edge. A steel edge under the the softness. He wouldn't bend on things. Dolph laughed at the idea of what zebrowski throughout, it amused hum, despite his dislike it amused him that Harry was so protective, even if he was a ass.

Gabriel whined softly as he pressed his nose against draco's shoulder, cuddling the vampire even as he tried to wake him up. Wanting attention from the man that he was worried about. But shifting back,the man sighed as he pressed his naked body against the vampires, cuddling him."drake. Wake up."he whined nuzzling his face against the blonde shoulder, whining because he needed attention. Richard laughed softly as he surveyed the two vampires, raising a eyebrow as he looked at him. "well Harry, you wanted to snack on asher anyways, remember?"he said wrapping his arms around Harry, pressing his face into the curve of his mates neck, taking a deep breath, relaxing as he realized that they were both safe. They were fine, and separate from the slaughter they'd just left.
Harry shook his head as he frowned at his lap, clearly thinking very intently about how they where all going to be able to survive this new war, sighing a little. Harry was the opposite of Gabriel, he was smooth and flexible like a whip, he could slither through problems with ease but when it came time to fight he was harsh and ruthless in his punishment like the snap of a whip across skin. Harry was a laid back person until you crossed the line, and this madman had crossed Harry's line, now Harry just had to find him, so he could strike him down. he had to laugh though as Gabriel nuzzled and bothered Draco who whined and groaned like a child before finally opening his eyes to glare at Gabriel. "if you want sex i'm not in the mood." he grumbled. "i'm TIRED Gabriel." he whined, sulking that his nap had been interrupted, Neville giggling as he was kissed awake by Blaise.

Harry glanced at Richard and then at Asher, looking hesitant before smiling as he kissed Richard. "thank you." he muttered nuzzling Richard, instinctively knowing that Richard would never consent to being fed on, no matter what the situation, even if Harry could feed off if him. Harry pounced on Asher and dragged him into another room and slammed the door closed so he could feed in privacy, Jean Claude blinking a little. "..." "i still don't know if he... functions... down there." she admitted scowling a little. "it's so unfair that Harry get's to find out." she complained before smiling at Richard as she kissed him gently. "your such a good man Richard." she admitted smiling at him. "you know, i bet Harry wouldn't mind you sleeping with other people too, you'll have to ask him about it." she knew Richard had a crush on that cute little blond werewolf that had just moved into town a few weeks ago, she bet Harry wouldn't mind at all if Richard dated her too. she nearly jumped out of her skin when she heard a squeal, Asher's squeal, not a pain or a pleasure, but a shocked, startled squeal, and she had to giggle. "i think Asher's just been bitten." she admitted grinning a little Jean Claude looking a little concerned. "... should we... check?" he asked Anita shaking her head. "if their screwing... i don't wanna see it." she admitted wrinkling her nose a little. "if their not... well Asher will be a little pissed if we interrupt..." Jean Claude nodded. "this is true..."
Gabriel whined as he nuzzled his lovers shoulder, acting more like a cat then a human, scent uomarkinghis vampire, nd reassuring himself that even after the things Blaise had said,t that draco was his, and that he was okay."don't want sex...just want to snuggle."he whined softly laying down on top of the vampire and cuddling down against him,pinning the smaller man to the bed in demand that draco stay right where he was and no move. Nuzzling his shouldernhe smiled a little, "we can go back to sleep,"the shifter said as he rubbed his cheek against draco's.

Richard blushed a little at the compliment, turning his head a little to kiss Anita lightly, smirking a little."and if I wanted to have sex with you?"he teased nuzzling her looking a little worried and amused at asher's squeal from the other room."Harry promised they wouldn't have sex."he said hesitantly, because of raina and his messed up relationship with Anita, he sometimes had a hard time trusting others to keep their promises to him. So he just hoped that Harry remembered that he did have a mate who was falling in love with him.
Draco had to smile as he was nuzzled sighing a little. "as long as you don't want sex." he mumbled happily as he was pinned to the bed, feeling safe and content with Gabriel on top of him, with Gabriel so warm on his cool skin. "mmmm back to sleep." he agreed sleepily shifting only to make sure that his ribs didn't cave in before sighing softly and drifting back to sleep. "don't get off." he ordered sluggishly. "you feel good right there..."

she smiled a little and shook her head. "you don't want to have sex with me Richard." she pointed out. "you want to have a committed relationship with me and i can't do that, especially with you unwilling to feed the Arduer." she admitted shaking her head before pausing. ".. he really promised not to have sex?" she asked looking astonished. "really?" she was shocked, most Leo's where incapable of having a monogamous relationship. they where Harem creatures, they normally needed a lot of mates to keep up with their Libido. "...Richard your so going to regret him promising you that." she teased laughing brightly. "your going to have to have sex at least once a day or more in order to keep Harry satisfied." she admitted smirking a little as she shook her head. "come on Richard." she ordered taking his hand and leading him away from the door. "lets go check on Ashley and Sylvia." she ordered calmly. "i want to check on Micah and Nathaniel too..." she admitted frowning a little. "i don't like how there's a new Cat in town that no one knows about."
Gabriel smiled softly as he nuzzled his lover again."No sex, promise."He muttered sounding amused at draco's sleepiness as he shifted,pressing down against him as he started to fall asleep. Content to just be with draco no matter what they were doing.Just skin against skin was perfect, he just wanted to be there with him.

"yea."Richard said looking surprised at anita's question before blushing, wondering what he had missed. While he knew some lions in town, he really didn't talk to them all the time. They refrained from dealing with the other shifters is ever given the choice."Well, I like sex. having sex once a dy isn't so bad."He said studying her before following her-and his nose- towards where he could smell micah and nathaniel."I don't like that the cat seems to know the town well enough to know how to avoid veryone, without anyone realizing that we're there."He said rubbnig a hand over his face, smiling lsightly when he saw the two leopards chowing down on steaks and fries,"Hey anita.Richard."Micah said smiling pleasantly. while he didn't exactly like richard, anita liked him, so until rihcard started to be unpleasant about things, micah tried to be as pleasant as he could be.
Anita snickered a little as she shook her head a little. "more than once a day." she pointed out, Jean Claude chuckling behind them. "that, might not be true." Jean Admitted suddenly. "i beleive that Harry might have a vampiric Talent as well that predispositions him to want to be near Asher." he admitted. "i won't know for certain until they come out, but i have a theory." he admitted clapping Richard on the back. "i am listening to them for you however, and they are certainly not having sex." he promised the man. "Harry is very much like Anita, he always keeps his promises as long as he is physically capable." Jean Claude admitted smiling a little. "i am going to go take a bath." he decided. "Anita, will you make sure no one bothers me?" "" Jean actually pouted at her but went on hi way to luxuriate. she glanced at Richard with her eyebrow raised. "i really hate it when he does that." she complained before nodding. "you think that this Cat is passing for human even around other Lycanthrope?" she asked scowling a little. 'he would either have to be very powerful or his aura is being hidden somehow..." she muttered softly. "no new cat could avoid everyone without help..." she paused, swallowing thickly. "unless it's not a new cat..." what if someone they, HE knew was doing this!?

she offered Micah and Nathaniel a shaky smile and Nathaniel immediately moved over to Anita, wrapping her up into a hug, one that Anita allowed but didn't really appreciate yet. "Micah... i think the murders might possibly be a local Cat..." she admitted staring at him. she knew her eyes where wide and wet, horrified at the thought of this being someone she knew. "are all of your Cats accounted for?" she asked licking her lips nervously. "we suspect it's a lion, because Harry could smell Lion but there might be more than one Cat involved." she hated this, having to ask Micah if one of theirs was a murderer... but in the same problem, all of their cats where submissive and many of them broken in ways that couldn't be fixed. if someone was controlling them, it wouldn't really be their fault, not really, but it could happen, all too easily.
"Hmmm, sex will be fun then."Richard said blushing a little, nearly jumping out of his skin when jean-claude clapped him on the back, having not been expecting it, the small thrill of power between them sparked, not enough to do anything,but to let them know that the marks between animal to call and vampire were still there."...jean, if you take a two hour bath, someone's going to bother you."The wolf pointed out with a snicker lookingamused at the idea."Not a new cat, or the wizard's found a way to hide himself."Richard said wrapping his arms around him, pressing a kiss to her head, because he knew what she was afraid of, and of all the ones left living, he wouldn't actually put it past elizabeth, or caleb...which meant they had to find out what was going on, fast. Before someone else had the same thought and carried it out with deadly consquences.

Micah smiled softly wrapping his nimir-ra in a hug, pressing a kiss to her temple as he pulled her down to sit in his lap, craddling her body with him,gently stroking her hair."Anita, we know all the local cats.We would have smelled them."Micah muttered, paling a little because he was wondering if the scent of lion had been so strong, that it had covered up that nose wrinkling scent of leopard. "I don't know."He muttered looking at richard, wondering if the man had had a thought, but from the closed off look on the ulfric's face he knew he wasnt' going to add to anita's anxiety by thinking about who among their leopards could be a killer Before he paled even more, their cat wasnt the only ones living in town, and they weren't the only new ones. Gabriel was gabriel, aking without a pard, and he wondered if the man had somehow set them up so he could gain control of the pard, or wolves...or something. Maybe it was all a game to the newest cat in town.And no one would suspect him if they found his scent, because he'd gone to the scene to was actuaally sort of like the perfect crime.
Anita had to laugh at poor blushing Richard, shaking her head a little at Jean Claude. "don't be ridiculous i will not be taking a two hour bath." Jean Claude complained. "that is far too short of a time." Anita laughed as Jean wandered off to enjoy his bath. Anita crawled into Micah's lap, sighing a little, finally letting her Cat's comfort her as Nathaniel nuzzled her belly, shaking her head. "i need to talk to the Lions..." she muttered, sounding so tired. "they should know who, if anyone is doing this..." she muttered closing her eyes, drifting off to sleep in Micah's arms, too tired from raising Zombies all night and then jumping from crime scene to crime scene to stay awake any longer. "Anita's exaughsted." Nathaniel complained, scowling a little as he turned to Richard, looking angry. "if Bert calls, can i yell at him? she's all tired because of him, i don't like him!" he complained, it was always amusing when Nathaniel turned to Richard for permission when he knew Micah and Anita would say no. unfortunately, Anita's phone rang before Richard could say anything, and Nathaniel answered it before Anita could wake. "hello, Anita Blake's phone how may i help you?" he asked curiously pausing for a moment and then. "... look you little bastard Anita hasn't slept in two days because of you! she's wearing herself to the bones and your going to kill her with six zombie raising a night! do you know how much bloodloss that is you son of a b..." he yelped as Anita suddenly smacked him upside the head and took her phone.

"hi Bert, yes that was Nathaniel, no he was right actually you are a dick and you are over working me. mmhmm, yep, i quit." she stated simply before hanging up and snuggling back into Micah, Nathaniel gaping at her for a long moment as she went back to sleep before a wide happy grin spread across his lips. "RICHARD!" he chirped beaming at the werewolf. "she QUIT!" he giggled brightly and skipped out of the room, informing everyone that Anita had quit and was no longer working for Bert, they all wanted to throw a party, they really did, it was rather funny watching the hyper Leopard skipping around joyfully informing everyone that Anita no longer worked for Bert the ass. it was certainly a good day, except for the part where Gabriel was a suspect in a murder investigation... that wasn't such a good part.
"We'll talk to them tomorrow anita."Richard said leaning down to press a kiss to anita's ead as she drited off to sleep."Go ahead.But remember the rules."Richard said smirking a little, because they'd long laid down rules of not threatening to eat bert even if all of them wanted to. Micah sighed hiding his approving smile of nathaniel's actions in anita's hair, nearly falling over when she quit. "I know. She's already got a new job."Richard said grinning at nathaniel's enthusiam for having anita away from bert. This was going to be entertaining.

"Anita."Micah said shifting the woman in his lap to get er attention, looking serious."I think we need to look into gabriel.And elizabeth."He said because he didn't want to seem like he was just dumping this mess on gabriel,even if he suspected elizabeth was to chikenshit to do crap like this.He didn't know the other shifter, didn't trust a man with that many beasts running around his system, it made him closer to the cold way animals viewed things instead of how humans did.and he was afraid they were overlookng a suspect because they all wanted albion to be happy, which gabriel seemed to do for the almost vampire.
Nathaniel grinned a little. "are you sure i can't threaten to eat him?" he asked pouting a little. "i wouldn't REALLY eat him after all..." he pointed out. "Anita would never let me..." he complained pouting a little when Anita punished him for threatening Bert, though it wasn't really a threat just a bitch fest. Anita blinked at Micah, her head tilted a little before freezing at the mention of Gabriel. "... you can't really think that Gabriel..." she paused, thinking about it and then closed her eyes. "...your right.. he's a Cat, he could be involved..." she agreed shaking her head a little. "Albion is NOT going to like this..." she muttered softly. "we're going to have to..." she sighed a little. "Blaise could also be involved... he has the same mark on his arm as there was on the card, a curse he said... Harry might even be involved somehow, a spell could be wiping his memory, someone else controlling him..." she shook her head. "... it could be any Cat... we only think it's a lion..." she admitted swallowing thickly. "for all we know it could be a natural cat doing this..." she took a shaky breath. "we're going to have to watch them, watch everyone... with magic involved... the people involved might not even know their involved." she admitted looking ever so upset. "...we won't tell them." she Decided. "we'll make sure that someone is always with them, someone we know can't be affected. someone like Jean Clause, Asher, Damien, Willy..." it was quickly realized that Vampires where not affected by a wizards magic. no mind spells, or physically controlling spells had ever worked on a vampire. hell until recently a wizard couldn't even kill a vampire using magic.

she closed her eyes and shook her head. "i'm tired." she whispered softly, laying her head on Micah's chest. "will you take me to bed?" she was upset, you could tell because she was willing to be carried. she hated to be carried. she buried her face into Micah's chest and let herself be carried off to bed, Nathaniel waiting next to Richard, looking up at the bigger man. "... this is too close to home for her... there's too many new people... how can we be sure who's involve and who's not?" he asked looking worried. "... what if it's me? or Micah doing this, or even Harry.... under the control of a Wizard... would we know? how could we know?" "you'd know." Blaise informed him suddenly, he'd been waiting outside and he looked at them. "i... might be able to help you figure out who's where..." he admitted hesitating. "i know this is... troubling. i know there's a wizard involved... and Anita is right i do have the Dark Mark." he admitted rolling up his sleeve to reveal it. "i took this mark to protect Draco... i did terrible things during the war for no reason other than to protect my own ass..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i want to try and make up for my mistakes and cowardice." he admitted shaking his head. "i need a map of the city, and then, all i have to do is lay a simple charm on everyone you suspect of being involved." he admitted studying Richard, you will see a dot, of everyone i charm on the map... Harry has a map like this of his School." he admitted smiling a little. "will you let me do this?"
"Yes.I told anita we'd only think about it and not say it."Rihard said snickering a little. "No albion's so not going to be happy. But we're going to have to ask him.Ask them all."He said looking pained, sighing softly."Richard's not going to like that if he figures out what we're watching for."Micah said kissing her head as he stood, heading for their bed."Albion can't be the only one. He's in lve with gabriel, we cant trust that he wont not see smething that leads to gabriel.If he wants to, albion can be as blind as he wants to be."Micah said sounding blind before tuckking her into bed, tucking her into bed.curling up against her he hoped that it would be okay that it wouldn't be any of the people they cared about.

Richard frowned looking at nathaniel,, tilting his head a little."You'd be missing things nate, you'd know.Dn't-"He stopped smiling slightly when he looked at blaise as he approached, tilting his head a little as he looked at the other man, clapping him on the bck, trying to make him feel better."Come on.Jean-claude probably has a map in his office."he said leading the two upstairs and handing draco the map as he dug it out of the desk, sitting down in the swivel chair, looking anxious because he needed to know what is going on.Because all of tem where going to be hurt that they'd been suspected, so they had to figure this out before they figured it out.
she nodded a little. "all the vampires will watch them if Jean Claude demands it." she admitted softly snuggling into Micah. "Albion can't be trusted either." she whispered softly. "these people are all his freinds... he will simply not see something, aware of it or not he will protect them, Especially Harry... he owes Harry his life, Albion doesn't see it but he's a loyal little shit... he's like our Leopards, if i killed someone for no reason in front of them, they'd still lie and call it self defense." she admitted shaking her head. "we have to watch them... closely..." she muttered yawning a little as she held Sigmund. "...please god... don't let it be one of ours." she pleaded softly before drifting off to sleep.

Nathaniel blinked a little. "i know that, but only because Albion used to tell stories about being controlled himself... other people might not be aware of it... it could so easily be one of ours..." he admitted his eyes worried, sad before blinking at Blaise as the man stuttered his way through his explanation, smiling at Blaise as the man settled into the chair and examined the map very carefully. "...i've never done it on such a large map before." he admitted licking his lips. "it might be a little more than i can manage." he admitted before pulling his wand out and taking a deep breath as he focused his magic and muttered the spell, a golden dust settling over the map as he spoke a long winded spell, the golden dust sinking into the paper, Blaise panting a little. "... i think it's worked." he admitted pointing his want at himself. "Vestigium!" he stated, his wand glowing gold for a moment and then a red dot appeared on the map, his name above it on the location he was at, smiling a little. "it worked..." "oh! me too! me too!" Nathaniel ordered looking curious, Blaise chuckling as he pointed his wand at the Leopard and repeated the spell, Nathaniel's name appearing next to Blaise's over the dot at the Circus. "... it works... i was a little worried, i've never done a spell this large before." Blaise admitted leaning back on his chair. "i'm exaughsted, but it worked..."
Richard smiled a little as he looked at the other, looking worried as he watched the red dot appear frowning ever so slightly."Can ou cast it on the others without them realizing what your doing?They'll want to know what your doing if ou do."Richard said loking worried before sighing shaking his head a little."rest."Richard said before standing."Come on.I'll help you to your room. You don't want tobe sleeping in here if jean-claude should come looking for something. You'll be roped into stripping or something."he teased the exhausted man as he tried to not worry about blaise, or any of the others that were involved in this. it was going to get ugl fast should they figure out wat they were doing

Gabriel yawned stretching as he nuzzled his blond, pking him."Draco.Come on.Wake up."he whined softly, to anxious about things to stay asleep, even if he was so comfortabl tat he didn't want to get up, but he didn't know how to relax enough to not owrry. So, he'd wake up draco, and bother the blond until draco distracted his overworking brain into relaxing. "Drrraaacooo!"He wined, more anxious then he let on because he like anita and micah, were scared that he was doing something, that he was being contrled, and it scared him to think about. Not that he was going to admit it to anyone though.
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