Blood of my Heart

Haven frowned, shaking hsi head."We have some examples like that, but not to that extreme, for the most part."he said thinking, "I think for once, I'm glad I'm not a wizard. Though some of the spells would be cool."he said thoughtfully snickering a little. richard frowned lookign concerned as he leaned down to kiss harry before taking the plate, before looking at the half eaten cake."Did haven eat the cake first again?"He teased teh rex who blushed ever so slightly, sitting down with harry in his lap, nuzzlign him a little."I'm here. not need for nasty things."he muttered sounding...protective, as if he could protect harry from his very thoughts.
Harry nodded a little. "actually, mostly it's only the wizards in that part of the world... anywhere that Dumbledore can reach." he admitted shaking his head. "i think the wizards here in America are much better than the ones in London but i just... don't know." he admitted shrugging a little before smiling as he snuggled into Richard, pouting up at his lover. "yes he did! and then he made fun of me Richard!" he whined his eyes glittering with mischief, the only hint at all that he was lying as he snuggled into Richards lap, Neville staring at the Ulfric. "...did you hate your beast?" he asked curiously. "Haven said you did... said i should talk to you..." he admitted jumping as Jean Claude walked in. "he did hate his beast, but Anita talked him into seeing a Therapist." he admitted handing Harry a phone. "Dolph may contact you on that, you may keep it..." he admitted smiling a little. "and don't look so worried... Gabriel and Draco are fine... although... i don't know if Draco will wake before the sun rises.." he admitted shaking his head a little. "it is a very bad day when both Draco and Anita have a breakdown." he admitted sighing a little. "no i have no one to annoy..." Jean Claude was trying to joke, trying to make it less worrying than it really was. it half worked because Harry and Neville both smiled a little, amused.
"Haven..." "oh stop it. he's lying."The rex said rolling hsi eyes a little. Richard nodded as jean claude answered the question before looking at neville, sighing as he rested his cheek against harry's head."I hated anita, I hated everyone for accepting what I couldn't. It was hard, but therapy and time helped.and having someone who understood i needed time, and could support me."richard said tilting hsi head a little, looking at jean claude."Let them sleep. They'll feel better for it."He said snickering at jean claude's words, shaking his head. "You could annoy haven. He's being mean." "I am not. Stiop making up things."The rex sulked rolling his eyes.
Harry snickered a little as he shook his head, Neville tilting his head at Richard. ".. do you.. still see the Therapist?" he asked softly, looking interested. "do you think they'd... see me?" he wanted to end the pain and if seeing a therapist could do that Neville was all too willing to see one. Jean Claude just smiled, glad that Neville wanted to be better before he turned to the group. "did you know that there is a gathering of foxes at the edge of my territory?" and the territory of the coalition as well, they where just hovering there, as if waiting, or trying to decide whether to cut through the territory or go around. Micah was watching the small group closely, not wanting to be surprised but they had checked themselves into a single room in a motel, and was just,... sitting there it was worrying, they where not acting like a normal group of foxes... of course.. there had never been a group of foxes before they where supposed to be solitary creatures. "a group of Foxes, really?" he asked looking surprised, hell even Neville looked surprised. "really? foxes... aren't they supposed to be solitary...EEH!" he shrieked as Harry's phone suddenly went off, making both lion's jump, Harry blinking at the phone before answering it.

"uh... potter here?... Dolph?.... you.. you WHAT!?... what do you MEAN he's crying!?... oh hell hold on i'll be right there! don't touch him! who knows how dangerous he is.. yes, i'm bringing the Local Rex with me he'll help control him... yes... yes i'm on my way." he promised hanging up an looking at Haven. "we have to go, they caught the killer Leo." he admitted before pausing. "well... more they... found him still in one of the victims houses.." he admitted shaking his head. "we have to go make sure he doesn't attack anyone else." he admitted already kissing Richard while he pulled on a leather jacket Anita had loaned him. "Richard you need to stay here, your supposed to be human remember?" he asked smiling at his lover. "i'll call once we have the boy calmed and settled, let you know i'm alright.' he promised kissing the other again before turning and racing out the door. "Haven! hurry up!"
richard nodded,"not as much as I used to, but I still go at least once a month.'he said before nodding,"You can coem with me tomorrow, the doctor has office visits all day, she'll be able to get you in and schedule appointments then."He said smilign slightly before looking at jean-claude. "What?"richard stared before swallowing hard. "Maybe we should in-"he started yelping when the phone went off.

"I'm coming I'm coming. Stop whining.'haven said running after harry with all that muscled grace that said despite being tall and lanky, he was good on hsi feet. When tehy got to the lhouse he stopped, sniffing the iar, shuddering ever so slightly."he;'s scared."He muttered stepping into the house with harry, his beast already seeking out the upset lion, like a big ghostly cat, and like with neville, the rex's beast rubbed against the kid, trying to comfort him as he sighed, this was going to be so bad.
Harry sniffed at the air and nodded. "he's terrified..." he agreed walking inside where Dolph was trying to calm a hysterical, and clearly abused woman, her three children, just as abused clinging to her legs and crying. Zebrowski came over as soon as he saw Harry and started to explain. neighbors had heard screaming, the woman with the children explained that her husband had been beating her and the three children ruthlessly when he got drunk. a man had come in, and the children, who had been on the couch fell asleep, a massive Lion came in through the door and attacked her husband and slaughtered him, but when the man ordered for the woman to be killed the Lion had refused. the man had punished the Lion, she wasn't sure how but he'd done it, but when the police came the boy stayed while the man fled. Harry felt sick but he moved into the room to see the young child.

he was so small. thin, he had clearly not been very well taken care of. his hair was either blond or red, it was impossible to tell with all the blood in his hair and on his face. he was curled up on a couch, sobbing, his long, lanky body shuddering with the great wracking sobs as Harry slowly moved over tot he boy, who had started to relax at the brush of a Rex against him, sniffling as he opened yellow eyes, swimming with tears as he stared at Haven. his eyes where a Lion's eyes, the boy had spent so much time in Lion form, his eyes couldn't turn back, and he had miniscule fangs too as he let out a small, pathetic noise as he tried to press into the couch, trying to hide, terrified of what was going to happen to him without his master there to protect him. "shh Little one, shh." harry whispered softly, gently kneeling in front of the boy, but not touching him, he didn't want to risk that just yet, who knew how this boy would react. "we aren't going to hurt you." Harry promised smiling at the boy. "why don't you tell us your name and how old you are?" he asked softly, the Boy hesitating. "S..Simba." he whispered, his voice laced with an accent, one that Harry couldn't place. "i am, Fourteen.." Zebrowski felt sick now. fourteen and murdering because a man had told him to...

(this is a pic of the boy^^)
Haven crouched down next to the couch, sitting on his heels as he reached out, gently stroking teh soft red hair, turning to look at harry because he couldn't keep his eyes from bleeding to lion yellow as he fought for control, the anger getting to him.This child, this child should have never done this. Should have never had to."Simba? Hey. we're both disney characters."Haven said a soft grin curling his lips,"I'm Cookie monster."He said looking up at zebrowski,'Can we get him out of this room?I saw woods outside, even just sitting on the edge will make him feel better."he said, and like most weres, he felt better with the forest around him when he was upset, so he assumed the same would be for this poor broken child that made haven want to kill his master for. it didn't matter what the humans would do, the bastard's life was forfiet for this.
Simba sniffled a little as he wiped his eyes and then actually managed a giggle as Haven introduced himself as cookie monster, starting to relax as the power of a Rex washed over him, a new leader, a new master, someone to control and tell him what to do, that was what Simba needed. "yes, Dolph said you two where to do whatever needed to keep the boy from changing."Zebrowski promised. "we need to understand what happened so that we can find the best way to..." save him. Harry gently helped the young boy to his feet, the boy was still wearing a collar around his neck, it made Harry's blood boil as he saw how very thin Simba was, he'd clearly not been fed properly at all. Harry led Simba outside and settled him on a tree stump and let the boy calm down a little more before he decided to start asking him questions. "Simba, where are you from?" "Africa." Simba admitted wiping his eyes. "i was born there, and raised there..." he admitted blinking at them all with wide eyes, Harry hesitating. "how did you become a Lion?" Simba hesitated and then started talking, he let everything out.

he had been born in Africa, but he had been small, so small and his Father had hated him. deciding to make a profit off of the brat that had killed his wife, who had died giving birth to Simba, he decided to whore his son out. he gave the boy to the local Lion pride when he was six, and they had their fun, but they turned him into a Lion in the process. when he was Seven he accidentally attacked another person and killed his on father. the boy he had attacked had left the next day so he hadn't had a chance to apologize. he spent the next several years in and out of foster homes, struggling to learn control... then the man had come when he was nine, the man was nice, and taught him control, and gave him a home there in Africa while he tried to 'tame the savage people'. he learned to control every aspect of his beast, learned to enjoy the hunt, the kill... and then his master had told him about how people where hurting children like his father had hurt him, told him how he could save them. he killed his first adult male, on purpose, the first time at the age of eleven, and from there it accelerated. they traveled the world, saving children, and then his master brought him here about a month ago.

there things had.. changed. at first it was normal, rescue the children, they killed the bad people and the children was safe... then there was the church was where Simba realized something was... bad... changed... his master had told him a strange story about how all the people in there where killing other people. so he went in, and slaughtered most of them while they tried to attack him, but there where... some, who sobbed... cried... begged for mercy and he couldn't kill them... he couldn't. his master had hurt him with something called Crucio. it hurt more than anything he had ever felt before. his master shot them, while they begged, sobbed and cried, and then he ordered the Lion to slaughter the Vampires... but... he couldn't, he couldn't do it, they where laying there, just laying there and none of them had done anything wrong... he fled to home, and his master did the stakings. and then there was this house...

"the man was screaming and hitting the woman with his belt." Simba explained, his eyes wide, haunted, in shock. "she was pleading, the leather had bit into her back... i killed him, ripped him apart while she sobbed... Master... he told me to kill her... because she was hurting the children, i... i knew better, she wasn't hurting those kids she was saving them... he was yelling at her because she wouldn't let him hit the children... i told Master i wouldn't.. i wouldn't do it i wouldn't hurt her.... he was so very Angry..." tears welled in those golden eyes, Zebrowski standing to the side, video taping the entire confession so that he could hopefully save the poor traumatized boy. "he hurt me... he used his Wand on me... he never uses his wand unless he's really really mad... he made me hurt all over, Crucio... he... he just sat there and made me hurt and when the police came he dragged me to the couch, told me to wait for my death... and left..." he sniffled and looked at the,. "i... i made him so mad... but i...i couldn't hurt the woman... she...she never hurt no one..." he whispered, his voice choked. "she never hurt no one..."
"you did a good thing simba. No matter what anyone says, you did a good thing. You stood up to your master the moment you realized something was wrong.that is what it means to be good."haven muttered. Now that was ironic, haven talking qbout doing the good thing. But he did try most of the time. Sighing softly as he looked at the boy he swallowed before looking at harry."he wont relax here. I think we should take him to anita's.micahs there and hes been taking counseling classes."he muttered before drawing simbas attention back to him."simba, can you tell us your old masters name? Or where we can find him? We'll make sure he never bothers you again."
Simba shook his head. "i killed people..." he whispered softly. "i killed people..." he whispered swallowing thickly as Harry looked at Haven. "your right, he's in shock, he's been traumatized, taken away from the person who's controlled him all of his life..." he shook his head and looked at Zebrowski. "did you get everything you needed?" he asked the man nodding, the Camera still going. "we're going to take him to Micah's, er, Anita's." he explained smiling a little. "he needs to calm down, he's no good to anyone like this..." harry admitted as Simba blinked. "Masters name? i.." he paused and frowned a little. "i.. i don't know he... he told me once, when he first met me... it was... it was..." he shook his head. "he looks different though... he has dark skin." Simba explained. "people call him black but it's more of a oak stain color.." he muttered softly. "but he has gold hair instead of black hair..." Zebrowski gasped in astonishment. he knew exactly who that was, the man wasn't a cop, he was a transfer into the Social Services!" he whispered. "Sam Knox!" "that's it!" Simba agreed. "i thought it was a funny name, Sam..." he muttered swaying where he sat, Harry carefully steadying him and then urging him to his feet. "come on Simba, lets get you somewhere warm alright?" he asked smiling at him a little as he gently took the kid to Anita's, the boy having fallen completely silent as he sat in the car, his eyes wide, shocked and looking so close to passing out.
Haven nodded looking at zebrowski, and in those blue eyes there was every bad thought the other man had ever had. If the police didn't deal with this sam knox soon, then they were going to deal with it. Looking in the back of the car as they pulled into anita's driveway he climbed out of the car."Come on Simba.We have someone you want to meet."He said before jogging up the front steps and walking inside, wanting to warn them that they were bringing the lin in before they got a shock."Anita?" "What?"Micah said yawning as he walked out sipping a cup of coffe,"She's sleeping haven." "I know, but we found the kid. He needs help, and despite everything she's the less threatening of us all."
Zebrowski saw those eyes, those dark dangerous eyes and he nodded a little as he turned and gave the video to Dolph, letting him see it, warning him that Sam Knox might disappear if they didn't hurry up. Simba just blinked stupidly, sunk deep into himself now that he wasn't expected to answer anymore questions and he just sat there, swaying. Harry carefully helped Simba out of the car, taking a moment to steady the boy before carefully helping him, slowly to the house as Anita staggered out of the bedroom, sleep tousled and ready for trouble. "...'s going on!?" she demanded blinking sluggishly. "whose in trouble!?" she demanded blinking at haven before looking shocked as Harry led Simba inside, her eyes going wide as she studied the red haired, golden eyed boy, taking in the small scars on the boys face, the old and tattered clothing, the thin, so very thin body and made a snap decision. "Nathaniel you lazy kitten get up we have a boy that needs feeding!" she ordered moving into the room cautiously, looking at Simba and then Harry. "is that?..." Harry nodded and Anita sighed a little and gently, hesitantly set her hand on Simba's shoulder, the boy flinching as he looked up at her, a loud whimper falling from his lips. "are you going to kill me?" he asked softly, terrified Anita looking shocked. "that's why i'm here right? your Anita Blake... they call you the Executioner... you kill bad people..." Anita looked horrified for a moment and then she smiled at him. "no, i'm not going to hurt, or kill you Simba i promise... your here so we can keep you safe..."
Haven looked startled at that, a deep rumbling growl escaping his chest, that deep soothing sound of a male lion that wanted to sooth a scared kitten. Looking at simba he smiled a little."She's my regina, simba. I brought you here so you could be safe."He said smiling. Micah meanwhile helped nathaniel get food before walking out with a tray of food, and after getting everyon sitting on the couch set the tray of food in simba's lap, smiling gently."I know its alot of food simba, but try and eat something. You'll feel better for it."He said looking worried, amazed that the boy had managed to control his beast starving, because usually when your human body starved your animal side tried even harder then normal to force you to hunt.
Simba relaxed a little at the deep sound, a soft purr escaping him in response as he blinked at Anita who smiled and let her Lion brush against him, like a mother soothing her child, Simba's lion leaning into it, craving affection so much so that Anita's eyes welled up with horrified tears. it was even worse when Simba stared down at the plate on his lap of the steak Nathaniel had made, and the fresh carrots and the hot cup of tea. he looked over at Micah with absolute befuddlement on his face and said. "but... i'm not allowed to eat people food..." Harry's aura washed over all of them, utter fury before he pulled it back in, stood up, and walked outside to release his fury, Simba whimpering a little. "i... i'm sorry i..." "shh, Simba it's not you he's angry at." Anita promised softly, kissing his forehead. "it's ok... eat your food, we made it just for you alright? try to eat..." "i... b..but..." he hesitated but decided he didn't want to be punished and started eating his food cautiously, loud purrs filling the air as he tasted real meat. Anita swallowed thickly and gently stroked his hair as he gobbled down all of the food eagerly. "so... your Master... he.. fed you what?" "... kibble of course." Simba admitted blinking a little. "i am an animal, animals get Kibble...." now it was Anita's rage that swept through the house, making Simba wince and cower, relaxing as she shook her head and forced herself to calm down. "it's alright Simba... i'm not angry at you..."
haven swallowed hard tilting his head back before looking at anita."I have to go.The others will want to know what has happened."He said ignoring the fact that he could call,but he had every intention of taking care of sam knox so that no one would ever have to deal with him again, not even the cops. Micah frowned watching the rex head for the door before looking at anita."Think it's a good idea to let him take care of things?"He muttered reaching out to pat simba's arm, reassuring the boy he was safe.
Anita nodded a little as she shook her head a little. "just be careful." she ordered softly Simba tilting his head a little, blinking at them as he chewed on the bone from his steak, cracking it and sucking out the Marrow eagerly, even licking the plate clean. "whether it's a good idea or not, i don't think anyone will care." Anita admitted shaking her head. "i'm going to write a report." she admitted was shaking her head. "if i say Simba is an innocent then they'll beleive me." she admitted sighing a little as Nathaniel walked in, Simba's eyes widening in astonishment at the length of Nathaniel's hair before looking at Micah. "can..." he swallowed thickly and Nathaniel smiled. "you want more to eat?" he asked Simba hesitancy nodding. "wait here." Nathaniel ordered gently, patting the boys hair before going and gettign more food, another steak, a massive piece of cake and some huge scoops of ice cream as a special treat for the poor terrified boy who hesitated. "i... i can't have..." "hush now, you'll eat what i feed you until i decide your well enough in the head to make your own decisions." Nathan ordered, Simba flushing bright red, but didn't protest again as he devoured his second course before purring happily and curling up against Nathaniel, closing his eyes and sleeping with his head on the man's lap, the end of his braid clutched tightly in a fist so Nathaniel couldn't vanish on him.
Miah laughed slightly at the sight covering them up with a blanket before heading to bed himself. It was going to be a interesting week. In the morning Micah yawned stretching as he sat up, heading downstairs to check on simba and nathaniel, walking quickly through the room so he wouldn't wake the two, heading into the kithen to start cooking.

Gabriel rolled on his stomach,snuggling down into the bed before raising his head to look at draco, the wolf nuzzling his face against his draco's chest,"yawning softly. Shifting back he sighed as he pressed a hand against draco's cheek, leaning down to kiss him, trying to wake him up, because he needed to know how he was doing."Draco?"He muttered nuzzling him a little.
Nathaniel was all too willing to be the boy's new 'Master' for a while, stroking the young boy's hair while he slept, Anita smiling as she walked back down with five pages of hand written notes about the boy, explaining why he shouldn't be killed for the murders. "Nathaniel i'm leaving him in your char for now." she ordered calmly Nathaniel nodding before slipping off sleep himself, waking in the morning with Simba laying in his lap, his arms wrapped around his hips, keeping him trapped on the couch. Anita was talking with Dolph, the man having called to complain that Sam had been found, slaughtered... not by a Lion, but by gun, Harry had beaten Haven to the trigger, as it where. and best of all, Dolph was bitching that 'the bastard offed himself' Harry had made it seam like a suicide... really, that was kind of frightening.

Draco groaned a little as his eyes fluttered open slowly and he groaned again as he was kissed, setting a hand on Gabriel's face and pushing him gently away in an almost comical movement. "don't... my breath is bad." Draco complained. "i didn't brush my teeth last night..." he muttered softly, sleepy and sad, but sounding normal, and it was SO something Draco would do, refusing to kiss just because he thought his breath was bad. "how long was i out?" Draco asked sluggishly, rubbing his eyes looking astonished as he realized Asher and Jean Claude where dead on the bed next to him. "... a while apparently..." he muttered looking a little amused as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.
Micah tilted his head listening, waiting until she hung up before snickering."I don't know if I should be amused that harry robbed haven of his kill, or scared that harry managed to disguise it so well."He mused saking his head as he started making biscuits."Well. At least we wont have to worry about him. Now if we can just make sure simba's okay, it'll be fine."He said glancing towards the living room, amused because nathaniel seemed to become attatched to him without a problem.

Gabriel laughed snickering, amused because it was so very draco to worry about morning breath.Kissing him again before he pulled away so he didn't get shoved away he smirked, wrapping his arms around the other,cuddling against him."All night I think. Asher and jean claude put us both to sleep last night."He muttered nuzzling his lover, so happy that he seemed to be back to normal again.
Anita chuckled a little. "i just hope that he and Haven don't get into a fight over it." she admitted shaking her head a little. "and i'm not too worried about Harry... he's doing what has to be done to protect the innocent, just as he has always done... only a little more instinct this time." she admitted with a smile as she looked at Nathaniel and Simba, frowning a little. "i think Simba is like Nathaniel used to be, only worse... he needs a master, someone who can... control him..." she admitted glancing at Micah and then Nathaniel. "and it's more than just being subservient he was raised to NEED to have someone tell him what to do..." she sighed a little. "i just hope Nathaniel remembers that the boy is only fourteen..." she admitted shaking her head a little. "and i have no doubt Haven is going to want him to join the Pride... the boy is powerful, i mean look at him! he's being starved to death and he's still in complete control of his beast!"

Draco scowled as Gabriel snickered and he shook his head a little as he was kissed again, sighing a little. "i'm glad they put me to sleep really." he admitted getting out of bed and moving into the bathroom to brush his teeth. "i was well on my way to having another attack." he admitted shaking his head a little as he brushed his teeth, poking about the room for something before finding what he wanted. a box of Crayola Markers which he handed to Gabriel to hold before he rinsed and spit. then he set about stripping both the vampires of their shirts and started drawing all over them, humming as he did so. "want to help?" he asked smirking at Gabriel. "i can't bitch at them so, i figure, i'll annoy the hell out of them when they wake up instead."
Micah looked thought, wincing a little at that. Nodding because he knew what she was talking about."If he doesn't, we'll remind him."He said smiling sligtly before grinning, glad he wasn't the only one that had noticed simba was still in complete control."Haven's not letting him go anywhere, not only because he's powerful,but he wont make him anyone else's problem. If he needs taken care of, aven's enough of a rex, to take care of him and do what he needs."Micah sighed looking amused, before raising a eyebrow."Also. We have a domestic problem.Richard called after they left for the crime scene last night. Seems haven has a fascination for our resident chimera."

Gabriel stared bemused at the boxx of markers in his hand before grinning sitting on his heels by the bed as he started drawing on asher, smiling ever so slightly as he looked at draco."They're going to kill you. They have-or planned a date with anita tonight."he said snickering, amused because he knew, had a feeling that jean claude was very fussy over his appearance, and this was going to annoy him so much.
Anita nodded a little and smiled a little. "i think it would be a good idea to keep Simba and Nathaniel together though... Nathaniel knows what Simba needs." she admitted shaking her head a little. "we just have to make sure he knows Simba is only fourteen..." she decided sighing a little. "he's such an impressive kid..." she admitted. "but he's been hurt so badly... what kind of sicko feeds a kid dog food!?" she demanded, looking upset before lifting an eyebrow at him. "well of course he's curious about Gabriel, everyone is." she admitted smiling a little. "Haven will either sate his curiosity or get his ass kicked, simple as that." she stated with a shrug of her shoulder. "Harry will keep them both in line." she admitted accepting a cup of coffee from Micah and sipping at it, sighing softly. "i think we need to rescue Nathaniel, he probobly needs to pee by now." she admitted smirking a little.

Draco snickered a little. "their washable." he admitted smirking. "it might take them a while to scrub themselves clean, but it is washable." he admitted with a laugh, shaking his head a little before kissing his lover. "come on, i want breakfast and i want to make sure Nev is alright." he admitted shaking his head. "Haven was here and he's not going to like two strange Leo's in his territory." he admitted frowning a little. "i'm sure Anita kept them safe but i have to make sure..."
"The same kind that sends him off to kill someone."Micah muttered a grin curling his lips a little."Haven wants to sleep with gabriel,not everyone's that kind of curious."He smirked a little shifting wrapping his arms around her, snuggling against her before nodding,"I'll go rescue him."he said amused walking into the living room, crouching down by the couch, careful to nto get to close and startle simba, gently shaking nathaniel's shoulder."Hey. Nate. Time to get up."

Gabriel grinned following after him, brushing his shoulder against draco's."Okay, well check on him, then we'll get us all breakfast."He said smiling a little as they headed down to blaise and neville's room,knocking on the door lightly, pausing to make sure that they couldn't hear sex sounds before opening the door."Nev?blaise?"he muttered looking concerned as he moved closer to the bed, worried neville was hurt or something. Even if he knew the others would have kept him safe, it hurt to consider he hadn't been there to help.
Anita shook her head a little. "well he's dead now, he can't hurt Simba anymore." she muttered softly. "we should take him tot eh Circus, he'll be safer there and he and Neville would get along i think." she admitted smiling a little. "Harry will be able to keep a better eye on him then as well." she agreed chuckling a little as she watched Micah move... well, ok so she watched his ass... Nathaniel groaned as he was woken, blinking sleepily at Micah. "mmm? 's morning?" he asked slowly, gently shifting Simba off of him, moving to go to the bathroom and yelping as his head was jerked back, Simba still had a death grip on his hair. "...ow..." Nathaniel complained rubbing his head, studying Simba. "hmm..." contemplating the best way to free himself without bothering Simba, his head tilted. "nnn 's it morning?" Simba asked blearily rubbing his eyes as Nathaniel smiled. "yes it is... can i have my hair back?" "no... 's mine." Simba growled, Nathaniel looking shocked at Simba's sleepy growl before looking all to amused. "i beg to differ but it's attached to MY head there Simba..."

Draco smiled a little as he shook his head a bit as he knocked on the door and blinked in shock as he watched three large Lions and a Blaise laying in the bed. "well... it looks like Haven and Harry stayed the night." he mused looking amused as he shook his head, Blaise sitting up a little and rubbing his eyes, grinning at Draco. "best... night...ever..." he admitted snickering a little as he shook his head a little as Draco laughed, waking Harry who snorted and prodded the Wolf that was laying underneath him, Richard. "oh look, Richard is there too." Draco purred looking amused as Neville blinked sleepily at Draco and growled at him, sleepy and wanting to sleep some more as Harry licked Richards face with his rough tongue, happily grooming his lover.
Micah snickered at that, grinning a little as he looked at nathaniel and simba, smirking ever so slightly."No, I'm pretty sure it's his hair now, no matter who's head its attatched to."She said snickering, looking so amused because it wasn't often it was someone else, not nathaniel so sleepy that they didn't want to let go.

Richard growled sleepily, rolling over on his side, the wolf huge and almost dwarfed by the lion. Growling sleepily as he tried to go back to sleep.Gabriel snickered looking amused, raising a eyebrow."I don't think I want to even consider what caused it to be the best night ever."He muttered looking amused before shaking his head. "Come on you guys. Time for breakfast."
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