Blood of my Heart

the man sighed as he was accused of lyng and shook his head. "fine.. fine... i find peoples reactions to me tiresome and frankly... annoying. it's easier to stay covered up." he admitted, crossing his arms. it was the whole truth that time, and nothing but the truth. "we promise not to react badly..." "it's the STARES that i can't stand..." Tatsuhiro complained, growing annoyed. "but fine, since your all SO curious." he sounded sulky now, but he shed the cloak, and what an image he was, pulling it off of himself in an almost angry, yet Dramatic movement that revealed all of himself at once. from the hip length red hair that was pulled into a high ponytail, to the yellow green eyes of a Fox, to the long, clawed fingers, right down to the large bushy fox tail, pointed ears and most shocking, the fox toes. "... you are NOT a werefox..." Draco managed to state after a moment as Tatsuhiro scowled at them all, arms crossed and sulking like he was a small child. "no, as a matter of fact i'm not, i'm a Fox Demon from the northern Japan region..." "your a Kitsune!" Anita gasped after a moment. "their supposed to be extinct!" she protested, Tatsuhiro rolling his eyes. "clearly, we are not...." but there was a ring of Falsehood to that too that everyone could taste, and it was suddenly clear that Tatsuhiro thought himself to be the very last Kitsune left... he may very well have been right. it was no wonder he was doing 'stud service' to anyone who asked... even a half demon was better than no demons left...
Gabriel looked thoughtful but not bothering to correct the idea. He could see why the man was constantly going aftersex."Does this mean I have to be nie?Draco, do I?"He grumbled not knowing what to think about this demon, and not liking not knowing. Richard snickered a little at the man's reaction before looking attatsuhiro, tilting hishead slightly."Would you like some food?"He asked offeringto cook more, realizing maybe the man would feel welcome if they fed him,
Draco snorted as he glanced at Gabriel. "you;ll ignore me no matter what i say and do what you want to anyway." he complained lifting an eyebrow at his lover as Jean Claude studied the Kitsune, that look in his eyes. he wanted Tatsuhiro... he sort of already had him considering he was there with the twins, but Tatsuhiro was not a were, and therefor could not be called like the werefoxes could, and Tatsuhiro had no ties holding him to the werefoxes other than loneliness or loyalty... Jean Claude wanted Tatsuhiro to stay in the city, be a part of one of his groups... with a Kitsune on his side no one would dare.... "Jean Claude, your Drooling..." Draco complained smirking at his master, well aware of what the other man was thinking as Tatsuhiro sat down, relaxing a little at the offer of food and the stopping of the staring. "yes, i suppose, i would like some food." he agreed chewing on his middle claw while he rested on his hand, calmly flicking his tail from side to side. "So, Tatsuhiro,...uh... how did you meet the Twins?" Draco asked after an uncomfortable silence and Tatsuhiro smirked a little. "they caught me trying to rob their store." he admitted simply, Harry choking on a drink of his water. "your a thief?!" "...well, yes." Tatsuhiro admitted smiling a little. "i'm a bit of a Clepto." he admitted looking amused. "but Fred always makes me give everything back." he admitted shaking his head. "which is SO unfair..." he blinked as they all stared at him. "...what?"
"i would not. I'd always listen to you."Gabriel said though the smirk said it was a lie. Nuzzling draco he sighed, resting his head on his shoulder."Stop drooling jean.Its not polite to think about what others can do for you."Richard said snickering a little as he handed tatsuhiro a plate of food starting to eat his own,cuddling against harry."They're not sure what to think."Richard said snickering a little as he looked at the others."Jean, say something. You're looking a little shell shocked."He teased snickering a little.
Draco snorted a little and shook his head, glancing at the other. "i'm so sure." he muttered sarcastically, kissing the other again before glancing, shocked at Tatsuhiro's comment. "er.. well there's not much here worth stealing so i guess it will be alright... just... don't get into the cash box..." "oh... no i don't steal money." Tatsuhiro admitted shrugging his shoulders as he took a bite of his food. "Money is impersonal and useless..." Draco looked shocked again and then smirked. "oh i see... you like owning something from someone else." he stated studying the other as Tatsuhirt considered that. "... i guess so?" he mused considering that before shrugging and resuming his meal. "...and... how old are you?" Draco finally managed to ask and Tatsuhiro paused to consider that. "..mmm seven hundred years old?.... no... i can't remember exactly, you loose count after a while... a thousand maybe?" he mused before shrugging his shoulders again. "... i...see..." for being so ancient, Tatsuhiro was kind of immature... "well, have fun Haven." Anita decided. "as of right now your going to keep an eye on Tatsuhiro, make sure he doesn't steal anything that someone will kill him over." she ordered simply, Tatsu smirking a little, looking Haven over. "well, my life just got a little more interesting." Tatsuhiro admitted looking amused.
Haven sputtered at that, choking on the orange juice he'd been drinking."What?I don't have time to keep watch over a 1000 year old brat!"He scowled looking at him. Gabriel snickered burying his face against draco's neck,"I think haven finally found his regina."He said snickering, nuzzling draco,"But you are my pretty pretty regina.Love you."He muttered kissing his head before looking at the fox and lion inspecting each other.
Tatsuhiro snorted a little and shook his head. "i might be a Brat but at least i'm not pussy whipped...OW!" he complained as Anita slapped him over the head. "what the hell!? you bitch!" an he got another smack for that statement and several glares and he subsided from his next angry comment and grumbled into his meal, sulking about how she was NOT his mother and couldn't just beat him anytime she pleased and that George was going to hear about this... of course... George would have smacked Tatsuhiro himself if he'd been there. Draco had to shake hs head at Gabriel. "i think Haven's more likely to kill the brat than anything else." he admitted with a roll of his eyes. "i cant tell if the brat is really a brat or if he's acting..." surely no one was that immature?... then again, Nikolaos... Belle Morte... Mummy dearest... maybe it was just a really old thing? after a while you started reverting back to childhood after you hit nine hundred.
Gabriel snicered,"I wouldn't insult Anita in this room, Tatshurio. All these men love her, and draco's weird, and enjoys her company." Haven snickered a little,"its not weird to enjoy anita's company. It IS weird however, that you enjoy albion's." "No it isn't.He's very good at sex."gabriel said undisturbed at having this conversation in front of a stranger, before snickering."I'll help him. It'll be a bonding experience for rex's. We'll kill the itty bitty fox together."Gabriel said sounding serious, and for the most part he was. "Oh, we could, couldn't we??"haven said sounding just as serious, looking at gabriel. Despite draco's warning the chimera still fascinated him.
Tatsuhiro made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat and shook his head, completely uncaring that she was protected by the majority of the room, licking his plate clean before smirking a little as he listened to the conversation. "this 'itty bitty fox' bites back." Tatsuhiro growled, baring surprisingly long fangs, but no power leaked through the room, not from him anyway. "now now!" Anita growled, HER power blooming through the room to stop them. "we're not hurting Tatsuhiro, no matter how much he might deserve it." Tatsuhiro was staring at her now, looking astonished. "... your more powerful than i thought you where..." he admitted studying her now, with his head tilted as his nose twitched, sniffing her scent before sneezing violently. "need a tissue?" "no... i'm just allergic to people who can kill me." Tatsuhiro admitted with a smirk, startling Anita into a laugh. "so... do you people ever play fight?" he asked looking around, Draco looking confused. "what do you mean?" "you know... play fight, wrestling... boxing... bashing each other up..." "why in the hell would we do that!?" "well... you mean you don't? really? god how do you tone down all the energy you weres pick up?" "... we usually go hunting." Draco admitted blinking at Tatsuhiro. "you mean that Lycanthropes in other places kick each others asses to tone down their energy?" "sure, it's just like getting the Hyper disorder kid into Karate to help manage his energy, so long as you set up proper rules it's really fun, you should try it."
Gabriel looked thoughtful before grinning. “I used to get in fights all the time, because it was the only way I was getting through school without eating someone.”He reminded draco snickering a little shrugging. “...if we fight amongest ourselves, we’’re going injure one of the vampires snacks or someone’s lover. Someone bigger and meaner sometimes. Its easier to just go hunting then deal with one of the vampires if they’re upset that we’ve been beating on their snack.”Haven said looking thoughtul, “No. That’s not it. At least not all of it. We’re all powerful enough we can force it down, we’re not some pups out of control, we’re all the leaders of our groups. We pass for human if we want.”Richard said shrugging.”Hell, anita thought I was human until I got my throat ripped out.”
Draco snorted a little and shook his head. "you and Blaise used to get into so many fist fights they actually had to make sure you never met in the hallways." Draco agreed looking amused as Tatsuhiro reached across the table and stole one of Anita's sandwiches, his own plate empty. "you don't have to hurt... god haven't you people ever heard of martial arts and sparring?" Tatsuhiro asked rolling his eyes. "talk to Fred and George, they'll back me up on this, it really helps with the new turns..." he admitted before stuffing his face with the sandwich, running a hand through his hair, scratching at some itch, Anita tensing a little. "you have weapons in your hair..." she stated, Tatsuhiro blinking, shocked and not hiding it. "... shit you saw that?" he asked, wide eyed. "i never go anywhere unarmed, too many people want me dead." Tatsuhiro admitted, Anita grimacing a little. "and just how many weapons are you carrying Tatsuhiro?" "uuuh..." the boy actually looked stumped. "i've never thought to count before..." he admitted shrugging his shoulders. "a lot." he admitted blinking at her before sighing as she stared at her.

"fine, fine... i have an assortment of Kunia, shuriken and throwing needles." he admitted. "i never thought to count them but i'd say... twenty in total of the kunai and stars and maybe fifty needles." he admitted shrugging his shoulders. " "i have a set of Knuckle Knives in my pocket in case i have to defend myself up close, i have a few flash and smoke bombs.... i have a metal fan, a Tessan, which surprisingly sharp." he admitted grinning a little. "pretty too, you might actually find it interesting, no one looks twice at a metal fan." Anita was very clearly interested in the strange new weapons that he had, clearly that had come from another country, and another century. "i have a weighted chain of course, no one looks twice at that either, and i have my Flute.." "...Flute!? how is THAT a weapon!?" Anita demanded blinking a little as Tatsuhiro smirked. "in the right hands, anything can be a weapon." he admitted looking amused. "Edward should be here, he'd be stunned too." Anita complained, well aware Edward would think Tatsuhiro just as insane as Anita did.
Gabriel snickered listening to him, burying his face against draco’s shoulder.”We get along now.”He muttered amused because despite their history of picking fights together, he’d known blaise’d been the only one able to handle getting attacked by a full grown panther without losing his mind and changing it into a real hunt. Richard looked amused before looking at anita, tilting his head.”I think Edward would be trying to figure out if it’d be to gay to the other cops if he carried a flute.” “Edward would like a flute. It’d be something he could slide in a seath next to a knife.Light to.”Haven said teasing anita more then really believing edward would want it.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "i think he just liked getting his ass kicked." he admitted chuckling a little as Anita rolled her eyes. "i don't think anyone would ever dare call Edward Gay." she admitted smirking a little as Tatsuhiro slipped a flute out of his pocket and ran through the notes before twisting, pulling it in two revealing a long, very sharp blade hiding inside. "it also makes a real good stick." he admitted spinning the metal flute in a few circles before slipping it inside of his pocket again, Anita looking stunned. "... oh i have GOT to get one of those!" she chirped, pleased. "no one ever looks twice at a flute!" she admitted snickering a little. "hows that Fan work?" she asked smirking as Tatsuhiro slipped a Fan out of another pocket, snapping it open. it was white, with a single red dot, a common Japanese fan, you couldn't even tell it was made of metal, or that it was sharp enough to slice through a solid wooden pole. "this is actually one of the most dangerous items, because people don't realize it's sharp, i could snap your fingers off, and you wouldn't even think to associate it with the fan." he admitted grinning as he snapped it shut and let Anita have it to look at, Anita whistling, impressed as she tested the edge of the fan with her thumb, drawing blood. "shit, this IS sharp."
“I think Jean-claude and the rest of us have discovered what we’re getting anita for christmas.”Haven said snickering a little as he watched the two, tensing a little as he saw gabriel’s head come around at the scent of blood in the air. Gabriel growled softly, burying his face against draco’s neck, it wasn’t that he was unused to the scent of blood, but in that moment, anita smelled so good. So good like....a really good steak, or a lover gone missing. “I think we should all go for a hunt.”Gabriel said, his voice that soft growling voice, that said he wasn’t nearly in conrol as he pretended. It’d been so long since he had lost control, that he’d actually forgotten that fresh strong blood could make him.
Anita sorted a little and shook her head. "i wouldn't know what to do with it." she admitted Tatsuhiro smirking a little. "i could teach you, you seam like a responsible woman." Draco laughed and Tatsuhiro frowned a little, confused as to why Draco was laughing. Draco blinked at Gabriel, his head tilted and he nodded, kissing the others forehead. "we'll invite the Skulk to come with us, they probobly haven't been able to go hunting for a while." "we haven't. we've been running for months now." he admitted shaking his head. "it's a very long distance to walk, or run from France to here, even if we managed to stash aboard a boat and stay hidden, everything was on foot." "damn." Harry muttered, looking impressed. "that's a long way." Tatsuhiro nodded. "it is... i'll go get my Reynold and Vixen and let them know you've invited them on a hunt, they'll be excited." "i'll go get Neville." "and i'll get Simba, he needs to learn to hunt too." Anita agreed smiling a little. "and of course Nathaniel and Micah are going to want to come with.... god we have a strange collection. wolves, lions, leopards, foxes..." she shook her head. "so strange." Tatsuhiro had to laugh as he nodded. "it IS strange! only were's could twist nature like that." he teased grinning a little as he left, taking the Fan away from Anita when she tried to tuck it into her boot. soon everyone was waiting outside, the Skulk already transformed and wrestling with each other to burn off some energy, Tatsuhiro watching closely to make sure they didn't get to rough with each other.
“Don’t forget chimeras. I think I’m going to see if I can hunt as all three.”Gabriel said looking amused, thinking about it as he smirked.”No no no, I was born, I wasn’t twisted. WE just found how weird it is.”Gabriel said snickering a little as he shook his head following everyone outside. When they got to the hunting grounds gabriel grinned as he dove for the ground, slipping so easily between animals as his paws hit the ground, it was kind of trippy to watch, like a fast forward movie. Haven grinned shaking his head before looking at draco,”So, are you joining us in our hunt today?”He asked tilting his head watching as the others spread out enjoying the woods.
Draco chuckled as Tatsuhiro broke up the wrestling match and the Animals scattered, Fred racing up a tree after a squirrel, George chasing a rabbit across a clearing. Tommy and Tammy where ripping apart birds, pulling out feathers, none of the foxes seaming to realize they could go after bigger animals. once a fox, always a fox. Tatsuhiro didn't hunt, he sat high in a tree and played a tune on some panpipes that he'd had in his pocket. Harry growled as he leaped onto Richard nipping at his ears playfully, laughing as he raced off to find a deer, roaring into the forest, Simba and Nathaniel following, Fred and George pausing, looking confused before following after them, wondering what in the world THEY where going after. it was a wild night of hunting as the Skulk realized, that if they worked together, they could take down much bigger prey, and practiced chasing Deer, though they didn't manage to catch one themselves.

they fell into a massive pile once they got tired, laughing happily as they tucked themselves into a massive orange and white pile and went to sleep right there out in the woods, Tatsuhiro settling himself into a tree above them, like a silent guard to protect them. a part of the Skulk, but separate from them. they had stopped trying to include him in all the things that made a were family a were family. he wasn't a were, he was a Demon, and they where anything but the same, but Tatsuhiro loved them, and protected them. he was their body guard. "hey, you guys do realize that we can sleep inside right?" Harry asked the pile of Foxes, his massive golden head tilted, Fred cracking open an eye. "we know... it's better outside. ad Tatsuhiro likes it more outside." Fred admitted Tatsuhiro chuckling. "go sleep inside, it's safer." he ordered smirking a little as they all whined. "but we're tiiired..."
Gabriel raised his head from where he was laying on richard’s furred side, cuddled around draco.”But it’s soooo warm out here.”He said snuggling his vampire, for once the only one not in animal form, he was content to just lay in the pile of fur and bodies. “So, now that we’ve had our hunt, are we going to do anything else?”Gabriel asked stetching slowly, taking his time making sure he really was okay. Looking so very content there actually more content then he’d been in years since hogwarts.He'd fought so long to have a place somewhere and finally, he had it. here with this very strange coalation, and draco.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded as he made agreeing noises, Harry chuckling as he shrugged a little. "alright, alright i guess we can sleep outside." he agreed chuckling a little as he snuggled into Richard, Tatsuhiro snickering a little as he blew a small tune on his panpipes, Fred singing along with it sleepily. "my ladies eyes are like the skies, a soft and sunlit blue. no other fair could half compare, in sweet midsummer hue...." "oh GOD sing something ELSE!" Tommy complained making disgusted noises, Tatsuhiro laughing happily at Tommy's disgust. "we could have another Orgy." Draco suggested with a laugh, all five of the Foxes choking in horror and gaping at Harry in almost horror, the lion laughing as Simba and Nathaniel giggled furiously, Anita snickering as she walked outside, blinking at them all. "well this is interesting." she teased smirking a little. "what in the world was that song that you hated it so much?" "it's My Lady's Eyes, a piece of drivel that should never have been written." "i could sing Shadow lover again." all the foxes shuddered in horror. "gods no, please, that song gives me the creeps...." Fred pleaded George shaking his head. "any song about courting death is creepy."
“II have it!I have a good song!”Gabriel said his voice muffled against draco’s shoulder, shifting as he smirked. “Here’s to the dear lass that I love so well, her style and beauty sure none can exel, there’s a smile on her countenance as she sits on my knee, sure there’s no one in this wide world as happy as we.” “....draco, idd you get turned into a lass on us?”Richard said snickering as he raised his head to look at the slightly drunk chimera, gabriel having forgone the actual hunt in favor of raiding richard’s alcohol cabinet.
Draco laughed a little. "isn't that a nursery rhyme!?" he demanded smirking a little. "an what in the world are you singing about LADIES for!?" he demanded, sulking a little as he pouted at the other before glaring at Richard. "hey, i'm more of a man than you'll ever be, and more of a lady than you'll ever get!" Harry burst into laughter, so amused at Draco spouting quotes from musicals that he couldn't help himself. Tatsuhiro chuckled as he blew a jaunty, chipper tune on his panpipes, Harry laughing as he yanked Richard to his feet. "Dance with me!" Harry ordered, nearly as drunk as Gabriel was, because as soon as he'd smelled the alcohol he'd gone for it too., Anita laughed as she pulled Nathaniel to his feet, Simba laughing as he watched the two dance, letting Tammy pull him to his feet before everything froze as Jean Claude appeared, looking stricken. "there is a man at Guilty Pleasures looking for Fred and George. he said his name was Gregory Goyle..." Draco fell completely still and paled so fast you almost thought he would pass out. "he...he...he's!?" Harry snarled, hating the sudden, utter terror that was in Draco's voice. "i... i have to go... i have to leave... he...he'll take me... he'll take me... he'll t..t.take me back to my f..f.father..." he stuttered fighting against Harry who had grabbed Draco, holding him tight so he couldn't run away or accidentally hurt himself. "no, no let me go he'll find me! he'll find me! he'll take me to my father LET ME GO! LET ME GO!!!!" he screamed, so panicked he wasn't even aware of who was holding him anymore. "Sleep, Draco." Jean ordered, forcing his will on the boy, who whimpered even as he slumped, begging them not to take him, begging them to let him go even as he drifted off to sleep, Harry sighing a little as he closed his eyes, swallowing thickly. "that... was a hell of a reaction..."
“You are a pretty pretty girl!”Gabriel grinned as he smirked at draco’s words, rolling his eyes as he listened to the others, frowning as he saw the vampire. Holding both draco and harry tight to make sure draco couldn’t go anywhere e loosened his hold as soon as draco was asleep, a low growl escaping.”So it was. I think it’s about time I fnd out why.”Gabriel said, having always known greg cused a bad reaction, but the chimera was being driven by both love and the need to protect his master. Already heading for the doors to head inside to see about taking care of this problem. Richard frowned a little as he took draco from harry, cradling the blond as you would a child, tilting his head.”You better go with him.We’ll take care of draco.”He said looking worried before swallowing, pressing a kiss to harry’s head.”Go.Take care of this, then come back here.Then we’ll sleep in a puppy pile.”
the twins hesitated and glanced at each other before looking at the others. "...we know why." George admitted swallowing thickly. "but i... i'm not sure if we're allowed to tell you..." he admitted hesitantly before shaking his head. "his father was very, very abusive." George admitted softly. "and Gregory Goyle was one of the men that Lucius Malfoy used to let.... punish... Draco." Harry shuddered violently. "you mean he used to rape Draco..." the twins nodded. "amidst other things, yes." they admitted softly. "you'll... you'll have to ask Draco for everything else we... it's not our place to tell..." they admitted closing there eyes. "we never thought they would find us so quickly..." "we didn't mean to bring trouble here..." they knew they where going to bring wizards looking for them, but they hadn't realized that they where going to bring real life or death trouble.

"Anita, are you coming with us?" Jean Claude asked as Harry stood up and shifted into Lion form, having the feeling that it would be bad to let Greg Goyle see that he was Harry potter. "Richard." Harry growled kissing the other. "be careful, protect and hide the twins?" he asked hopefully his head tilted at the other. "Gabriel, stay with Draco, he's going to need you." he admitted hesitating and then glancing at the twins. "i won't let these bastards kill you for a crime you didn't commit." he promised before following Jean Claude to the car, heading to guilty pleasures, snarling as he saw the Goyle's, Father and son standing there side by side looking exactly alike and equally stupid. "greetings Wizards." Jean Claude stated, smiling as they scowled darkly. "i am the Master of the City, this is Anita, second in command of the Coalition here. we understand your looking for someone?" "yeah... a group of were-creatures, all Foxes. they wanted for murder." "i'm afraid we only have one Fox here in town and he's been here for many years. there have been no other foxes in the Area that i know of." Jean admitted glancing at Harry. "Leo?" Harry shook his head. "i haven't smelt anything." he admitted Jean turning to Anita. "anything in the Coalition Anita?"
Richard paled a little looking after gabriel, wondering if he’d heard.”Go with him. If Gabriel manages to hear that, he’s going to rip him apart.”He said shifting his hold on draco sighing softly. “Don’t worry. They would have found draco, if his father was looking for him.”Haven said swallowing hard as he considered that.Before looking at gabriel when they arrived at the club.”No. I’m going with you.”He growled annoyed that he was forbidden to go, and even more annyoed that he was told to stay like a misbehaving puppy. Finally resorting to going down to richard’s home gym and beating the shit out of the punching bag, because he couldnt do anything. Couldn't get the rage out.

“No, nothing here.”Micah said as he walked through the doors, richard having had the forthought to call him, as he was leading animal master in the city sort of, it would make sense if he said no.”No one new is here, except for simba, and he’s a child.”He said giving the goyle’s the calm lazy cat eyes,”Is there anything else we can do for you?”
Tatsuhiro suddenly set a hand on Gabriel's shoulder, blinking at him. "hating will not make Draco feel better." the fox said wisely. "you need to find something alive to rip apart, your too angry and you'll be useless to him if he wakes up now." he warned blinking at Gabriel. "we'll go hunt." he offered. "or you can try your hand at slaughtering me if you don't feel like chasing something down." he offered shaking his head. "i know your angry that they left you behind, but can you blame them? you would have killed the men that came here. and if Draco wakes up you are the only one he will trust."

Harry growled but moved over to Micah, nuzzling him as if he was an Alpha, well aware that the Goyle's knew enough about wereanimals to make them useful. they would know what to look for in pack behaviors. Anita smirked a little as she kissed Micah gently, leaning into him, following Harry's example as the Goyle's scowled a little. "we would like to look for the Foxes ourselves. they are wizards, it would be easy for them to hide from you." "not as Easy.' Harry growled. "we have Wizards of our own after all, and there are antimagical wards on all of our establishments." Jean Claude nodded. "as soon as a wizard crosses our borders properties, we know it." " knew we where here!?" Goyle demanded his eyes wide as Jean Claude nodded once. "yes, and frankly i do not much care for Wizards." Jean Claude admitted simply, the Goyle's smirking darkly. "too bad Fang Face we're here and there's nothing you can do about it." "actually, as a U.S. Marshal I can." Anita stated flashing her badge, and her gun, glaring at them. "no matter what sort of law enforcement you are, your not American, or even Muggle Law enforcement, your in MY territory and if you do anything that's illegal i'll have you locked up in American Wizarding prisons so fast you don't even have time to yelp!" they looked shocked, startled even as Anita threatened them, but they grumbled that she was right, and glared. "we'll be back, and if your hiding those murdurus fuckers, we'll make sure you go down with them." Goyle Jr snarled before he and his father left, noses in the air. "... are there really Anitmagical reinforcements up?" "yes, Draco put them up." Harry admitted looking amused. "as soon as a wizard crosses the wards, they can't use their magic without being keyed into the wards." Harry admitted licking his paw. "they'll be back, and probobly with backup." Anita warned, scowling a little. "what will we do?"
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