Blood of my Heart

Asher snickered sleepily,"Gabriel'll want to bury them himself."He said smirking as he snuggled down into th twins, starting to fall asleep now that the danger was over.

Gabriel yawned fangs flashing in the air as he pressed his face against draco's shoulder, whining softly as he tried to clm his lover.Sighing softly as he nuzzled him,wanting to make sure that his love was calm,even awake he was still to hurt to change back to human, to drugged to have the control to change back.
Draco was gasping, clutching his chest where the pain had been and he paused gasping for air as he paused and swallowed thickly. "i... i...i'm ok...?" he asked, startled as he looked at Gabriel. "oh god Gabbie your ok." he whispered pulling the other into a tight hug. "i thought they where killing you." he whispered burying his face in the warm fur. "i was scared... so scared..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i...i...." he shuddered hard an hiccuped. "they... they didn't recognize me..." he muttered softly. "they didn't... they didn't realize i was me..." he mumbled, in shock from very nearly dying and very nearly loosing Gabriel. "we're... we're in the Coalition building..." he muttered, astonished. "i thought we would have been taken to the hospital." he admitted, starting to recover his sanity rather quickly. "are you ok Gabe?"
Gabriel whined as he opened their link, sighing as he let the man hug him.I'm fine. Still healing, but fine.He muttere huffing a little as he let the other hug him, even if it made his already aching body hurt. "Well, I'm glad they didn't recognize you. It would have been worse had they.he sighed before pressing his face against the other's shoulder, huffing a small laugh at the other's returning sanity.I think we were...but when we were dying, they brought us here....and no, well I will be, I'm just to hurt to hold myself in human form, and my legs broken still. At least as a panther I have four legs instead of two."
Draco quickly released him when he felt the others pain, realizing he was hurting the other, kissing him gently. i never should have given you that blowjob, your a terrible driver. he teased smiling at his lover before sighing a little as he smiled at the other. if they had recognized me, they wouldn't have tried to kill me... but i'd be in London suffering a whole other kind of torture... he admitted sighing a little. just try not to move ok love? i'll try to heat what i can but i'm weak... i haven't fed in forever and Jean Claude can't feed anymore either. he's nearly as weak as i am, and dawn is coming quickly. "Albion? your awake!" Nathaniel gasped, looking so relieved as he brought in more food for him and Gabriel. "here, eat Albion." he ordered carefully setting the plate on his lap. "don't worry, Anita's asleep, dead to the world so she can't yell at you for going out alone." he stated. "which was VERY stupid i might remind you!"
Gabriel whined a little at the teasing, "I am NOT a terrible driver!" he whined before sighing, nodding as he settled gently next to him,"Don't worry about it. I'll heal, it'll just take awhile. Just take care of yourself. he muttered before yawning at the sight of food starting to eat, before turning his head and nudging nathaniel a little.We just wanted a date. he said sulking giving the leopard a annoyed head but to the arm for calling them stupid.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head before sulking at Nathaniel, pouting at him. "you can't yell at the wounded..." "can, and for that matter, Will!" Nathaniel admitted scowling at them. "you knew they where here Albion! you knew they where going to do something stupid! what where you thinking!? you should have at least TOLD someone you where leaving! we didn't even know you where gone until Jean Claude collapsed and Dolph called!" he complained, Draco sighing a little. "...i just wanted something normal..." he muttered softly. "i thought we would be safe... just for one night... i wanted..." Nathaniel softened and he smiled at Draco. "i know Albion... i know." he admitted gently tucking blond hair behind his ear. "rest, i'll make sure Anita doesn't chew you out when she wakes up." he promised chuckling a little as Albion stuck his tongue out at him. "... he's right though." Draco grumbled. "i knew better... i shouldn't have made you take me out..."
Gabiel sighed softly resting his head on the man's chest burping a little as he finished his steak.Draco, I knew better to. We just wanted something normal. That wasn't wrong, we should have just been more careful. he muttered sleeply, already starting to give into his aching body and go to sleep despite knowing he had to stay up and take care of draco, and help him do whatever he needed.But he was just so tired!
Draco sighed an then wrinkled his nose as Gabriel burped. "oh Gross Gabby!" he complained before smiling at the other. "yeah... your right." he agreed kissing the other's forehead. "lets go to sleep... i'm tired." he muttered softly as he laid down and closed his eyes.

three days later Draco and Gabriel had been moved back to the Circus, which was still the safest possible location in the under ground areas. you did have to go through three sets of vampire and were guards to get down there after all, and the place was crawling with people. Nathaniel was playing nursemaid to Draco and Gabriel, making them soup and bringing them things to keep them entertained and keeping them from having sex and damaging themselves. Tatsuhiro was giving several people lessons in fan, sword, and hand to hand combat, and was in a large room running a room of 'students' through a Kata, or a pattern of movements that was designed to train you to fight, the movements slow and deliberate, and then repeated again a little faster, until the motions where like breathing, and happened on instinct. yes he was a brat, but he was a SKILLED brat. as it was proven when he kicked several of the werewolves asses, mostly Shang-Da and Jamil. they had been most embarrassed. Peter and Simba where constantly in each other's company, both of them learning a lot from each other, Peter learned that monster killing wasn't as fun as it seamed, and Simba was starting to learn how to act like the little boy he was supposed to be.

Jean Claude had recovered, and was heading the man hunt for the Goyles, but they had vanished, and all scent trails ended where the Wizards simply vanished, it was putting the man on edge, and he was snapping and grouchy at everyone but the people who would take his grouchiness seriously, but it was a struggle. "...we have GOT to do something!" Anita growled as she paced back and forth in front of Edward and Micah. "Jean Claude is going to kill something if we don't find those wizard bastards soon..." she admitted scowling a little.
Edward winced a little at her words, "oh thats just what we need, the papers finding out jean claude's killed someone."He muttered before sighing softly shaking his head,"Anita I tried. It's like they totally droppeof the ace of the planet."He said shaking his head as he wathed the panther pace into the roomgrowling at the man."I thought you were still confined to bed rest." The panther purred a little before walking over to anita resting against her side, making her stop walking by just laying won in her path,"Draco wants to know if your mad at him,since you haven't come to visit him yet."He growled shifting to human form looking up at her, anxious to make everyone feel a little betterbecause he had no idea how to fix this.
she shook her head. "it wouldn't be anyone the Police would care about." Anita grumbled. "here's hoping it's that goddamn Greta." she growled, well aware that Greta was causing problems again. Anita honestly suspected Greta of helping the Goyle's torture Draco and Gabriel. Greta hated Anita with a passion, and she also hated Draco for getting between her and the Master of the city. "i don't understand how they could just VANISH!" she shrieked, jumping as she nearly tripped over Gabriel, blinking at him before looking horrified. "oh gods.." she groaned setting a hand over her eyes. "i forgot to yell at Draco... god this day just gets better and better." she complained, almost as frazzled as Jean Claude was. "i'll be right back." she promised to Edward before heading to Draco, who was still trapped in bed, having been giving all of his healing abilities to Gabriel so the other would heal, Draco was still pale, and hurt. and because he was so weak and hurt he was emotional too, which was why he had been fretting about Anita being so pissed at him that she couldn't even see him.

Nathaniel moved into the room and glanced at Micah, snuggling into him, needing comfort. "Simba's been having nightmares." he admitted softly. "and i think Peter is seducing him." he complained scowling a little, pausing to make sure Anita was out o hearing range before. "and Greta and Elizabeth are talking in very hush hush tones." he warned. that wasn't good, the two people who hated Anita the most, talking like old freinds, not...good... especially when they both wanted Anita out of there. one so she could have Jean Claude, and the other so she could control the Leopards and take them back to the days of before Anita. back to the days of Gabriel. "things are getting very dangerous here Micah... i think we need to leave the Circus and find another hiding place." he admitted shaking his head. "we could go stay with the Rats, or with the Hyena..." he mused blinking at Micah. "somewhere where everyone isn't trying to kill us."
Gabriel shifted back as he followed after anita, giving that huffing laugh that said he was amused by her being so frazzled she'd forgotten to yell at draco. The sarcasm having gotten worse in him because he was just as frazzled, and worried about draco who wouldn't believe him that he was fine and should heal himself. Hopping up on the bed next to draco he smirked, pressing that long lean naked body against dracos."See, I told you she'd want to see you."

micah paled a little at the idea, because that was bad. Not about simba, simba needed someone to take care of him,but about elizabeth and greta. Though he hated it, he knew he was going to have to tell anita. Sighing as he wrapped his arms aroun dnathaniel, pressing a kiss to his head with a sigh."We'll talk to anita then decide where to go."He said agreeing they needed to get out of here, before one of them ended up dead.
Draco was dozing when they swept into the room and he grinned at Gabriel, snuggling into him before wincing as Anita glared at him. "Albion you are such a whiny bitch." she complained rolling her eyes. "i am not mad at you i've just been busy." she promised smiling as he pouted at her. "you should be healing." she complained fussing over Draco now just like he needed, the Blond whining at the fussing. "i wanted to heal Gabe first." Draco admitted smiling a little at her. "your the only woman i'd ever get this worked up over..." "that's because i'm the first woman you've ever met that wasn't abusing you or seducing you." she teased Draco chuckling. "your like the mom i always wanted." she froze, flushing hard as she realized that she was Draco's mother figure. "yes well... stop healing Gabe and start healing yourself you dolt."

Nathaniel sighed a little as he shook his head, smiling up at him at the kiss. "i think we should go see Narcissus, Draco misses..." he paused trying to decide the proper title then. "her. he's... she's... god that's confusing. Narci's like the big .... sibling... oh forget it lets go stay with the rats." he grumbled, well aware that Edward and Micah where both laughing at him, the Leopard grinning as Harry staggered in, looking hassled as he rubbed his eyes. "Tatsuhiro is cruel." he complained showing the others his hands which where covered in red welts and small bruises. "we where working on Staff today and he kicked my ass just to show he could!... Micah go eat him!"
GAbriel snickered as he nuzzled his lover, amused because anita was his mother.Smirking as he pressed a kiss to his lover's shoulder, raising a eyebrow as he looked at him."You know shes not that much older than you."He teased looking at anita, smirking slightly."See, you need to make him stop taking care of me. He doesn't listen to me when I told him to heal himself."

Micah smirke biting his lip to keep from aughing at him. So amused at the idea that nathaniel couldn't find the proper pronoun. Smirking as he looked at nathaniel,"Gabriel might be jealous if we stayed with narcissus."He ponted out before smirking lookign at harry, laughing softly."Who do I look like, richard?Go bother your ulfric if you want tatsuhiro punished"
Draco smiled a little. "i know... but, when i was half mad she raised and took care of me." he admitted. "Jean Claude couldn't because i was so terrified of him i couldn't even see him." he admitted simply. "Anita was the only person i wasn't afraid of." "it's because i'm a necromancer, i can control all kinds of dead and my power was able to calm Draco's vampire half." she explained smiling at Gabriel. "Draco, Gabriel is already healed, look! he can walk just fine, he only has little bruises left. you need to worry about yourself now." "i don't want to." Draco grumbled, but pulled his 'self' out of Gabriel so he could start healing himself.

Nathaniel shook his head a little. "i think Gabriel would understand the need to hurt something." he admitted simply, chuckling a little. "it's not like Albion ever fucked...her." he admitted. "he's not a big fan of... pussy." he admitted wrinkling his nose a little as Harry stared at him before the Lion laughed and shook his head. "i can't find Richard." he complained crossing his arms. "or Fred and George... but their probobly with Asher keeping Jean Claude calm." he decided shaking his head a little.
Gabriel looked pleased as he felt the other leave him, leaning down to kiss draco softly,wrapping his arms around him gently,stroking the blond's hair."Well, you have to.And I'm fine."Gabriel muttered pressing his cheek against the other's shoulder,looking worried about him."You'll be fine."He muttered nuzzling him softly.

Micah snickered looking amused as he nodded,"he probably wuold."He said snikering at the idea of draco not being a fan of females. Looking amused as he looked over at harry, "He rpobably is."He said standing,"How about we'll go see them,and you can complain to richard all you want."He said sounding worried, because it sared him a little that they couldn't find them, even if richard and the twins were with jean-claude, he still needed to know where they are.
Draco huffed a little as he snuggled into Gabriel, closing his eyes as he rested. "of course i'll be fine." he muttered sourly, nuzzling the other. "love you." he muttered, calm now that he was sure Anita wasn't going to kill him and slept, tired and sore he needed the sleep. Anita had to chuckle as she shook her head a little and kissed Draco's forehead, heading back to the kitchen.

Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "if Jean Claude is having another Orgy i'm gonna be pissed." not because Richard was sleeping with another man, but because he hadn't been invited into the fun. but when they got there the only thing that they where doing was sleeping, curled around Jean Claude who was struggling to rest and stay asleep through the stress and worry, Fred practically laying on top of the man to keep him laying down, George laying across the man's feet so even if Jean Claude got Fred off he'd still have to deal with George. Harry had to snicker a little and he shook his head. "their so goofy."

Anita scowled as she moved back into the kitchen, empty of everyone but Edward, sighing a little. "i hate it when they do that." she complained before smirking at Edward. "hey Ted, how do you think Donna would feel if you took home a pet lion?" she asked her head tilted. "particularly one that's sucking Peter off right now?" she wasn't going to mention that Peter was very clearly the guy in charge, let Edward come to his own conclusions.
Richard stirred at the sound of harry coming in, raising his head to look at harry from where he was laying almost on jean-claude's head, the vampire's head pillowed on his chest as he wrapped his arms around him holding the vampire sill."Hey...come to join the pile?"He said snickering a little as he looked up amused at his lover, "We could use more help keeping him still."

Edward looked startled looking at her, swallowing hard as he tried to think of something semsible to say."..I..I think donna would like any friend of peter's."he said slowly trying to figure out how he could convince anita that she had to keep simba here.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "why not just Drug him or something?" "Drugs don't work on Vampires." Fred and George chorused opening sleepy eyes as Harry crawled into the pile, nudging Fred and George out of the way and laying on top of jean Claude, he was twice as heavy as the slight, feminine Weasley's and they both chuckled, paying over his legs instead as Harry purred softly, the soft rumbling making Jean Claude sigh and relax, like a massage chair, his twitching and slight struggles ceasing as he relaxed into a deeper sleep, Harry smirking. "aaah, the Purr wins again."

Anita chuckled a little as she nodded. "yeah, Donna would... you do realize that Peter's going to hate it when he realizes Simba can't go with him." she admitted shaking her head. "Simba knows... the only reason he's not dead is because he's under my control." she admitted sighing a little as she stared at the floor. "Edward... i'm worried about Donna." she admitted softly. "she's out there all alone all the time..." she looked at Edward. "i think you should move your family here... where we can protect them when your gone." she admitted blinking at him his head tilted.
Richard snickered shifting to rub his cheek against harry's shoulder,sighing as he laid down on his mate."You should have come in earlier then.It would have been nice to not have to fight so hard."He muttered almost purring himself as he butted his head against his mate's side, wanting comfort and attention to.

Edward paled at that, having really not thought about donna and becky.Swallowing hard as he thought about it, before nodding."i'll get them here."He said not used to things effecting his life at home, and this was unnerving that this was.Picking up the phone he called donna quickly explaining before hanging up."They're going to catch the first plane here.She's going to call when she knows when they'll get here."He said for once a thread of anxiety in his voice.
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head. "i didn't even know where you where." he pointed out, smiling as he kissed his lover gently, wrapping an arm tightly around Richards side, nuzzling his neck. "how are you holding up love?" everyone was stressed, nervous, anxious, some even panicked. but some where better at hiding it than others.

Anita nodded smiling at him. "i know you care about them." she admitted shaking her head a little. "if she can't bare to be around this many 'monsters' i'll send her to my house." she decided smiling a little. "i know that Dolph would let me borrow a squad or two of cops to protect the house." she admitted shaking her head a little. "we'll go and pick her up ourselves, it will be alright, and Becky will think it's a fun adventure." she teased smiling at him. "now the big question is... who's going to talk to Peter and Simba about safe sex?" she asked, blinking at him, looking almost panicked at having a talk like that.
Richard smiled a little as he pressed a kiss to the man's head,wrapping his arms around harry as he sighed."I'm okay."he muttered more worried about harry then anything else. He was nervous and anxious, but as well as he was hiding it, the worry and strain were starting to show through.

Edward smiled a little nodding."She'll want to be with me, and where it's safest. Though we might all consider going somewhere else, everyone knows where we're staying. And with gabriel and draco getting attacked, we need to think of a better place to hide"he said before palng, swallowing hard as she looked over at her."Think we can convince Jean clause he has to give it to him?"
Harry smiled a little as he shook his head a little as he kissed his lover again, knowing Richard was lying, but for once, he didn't complain, he just cuddled his lover as Jean Claude slept as peacefully as the anxious man could.

Anita smiled a little and shook her head a little. " you think she's going to react badly when she finds our your working WITH Were's, instead of trying to kill them?" she asked hesitantly before laughing a little. "we'll get Nathaniel to give it to them, he's practically Simba's father anyway." she admitted grinning a little before biting her lip, her face falling into a worried look. "we'll have to avoid the places where Jean Claude works... it would be too obvious.." she muttered shaking her head a little. "we'll have to think of something else..." she pondered for a while and then. "we could go to the Rats." she mused, pondering that. "i really don't want to go to Narcissus or to the Lions..." she mused frowning a little before pausing as she caught sight of an almost familiar box, her gt sinking to her toes. they had killed most of The Harlequin, or she thought so anyway.... but that box, which had NOT been there before, looked so goddamn familiar. she swallowed thickly and moved over to it, pulling it open, to reveal a white mask, with little golden notes all over it. "...son of a bitch..." she groaned pulling out the note inside. "Guilty Pleasures, midnight.... bring the Foxes... shit..."
Edward paled a little as he leaned forward to look at the box, leaning in and pulling the mask out, studying it."Well hell.It doesn't say to limit how many people are with us. We'll bring everyone. Just so they're not left alone here, to be able to get to."He said for once looking worried. He was a world class assassin,but he was mortal, with only one lifetime's training. The harlquin had had lifetimes worth of it."Well, they just want to talk, if they're sticking to their own rules."
she nodded a little, swallowing thickly. "hopefully... their not here to take the Foxes... i can't imagine why they would concern them,selves with what the Wizards are doing but..." she shook her head. "at least Donna and Becky won't be here until after the meeting." she admitted biting her lip. "the hard part is going to keep Simba and Peter out of this... their too young to deal with Harlequin messes..." she muttered closing her eyes a little. "i hope to god, that this is a simple meeting..." she muttered softly. "and not another take over attempt..." she admitted licking her lips a little, glancing at Edward. "you have my back?" she asked, staring at him before looking down into the box. "you know i really wish they would sign these things... then at least we'd have a clue..." she complained softly, swallowing thickly before glancing at Edward. "...we should go wake Jean Claude and tell him what's going on..."
"Just order them to stay out of it. actually, let haven order it, backed up by gabriel and harry.The boy's a lion, he might ignore one rex, but he wont ignore three. And Peter, I'll make him stay in the bedroom.Or something. He wont be going there."He said scowling a little at the annoyance before sighing, nodding a little."O course I do."He said looking slightly insulted that she'd asked before grinning a little."Let's go.We'll get the others to."He said heading for the door.
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