Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Severus walked up behind Bellatrix and tied the back of her dress, "Thank you my love you look beautiful I can not wait to take you out on our date" ,he said a hint of happiness in his voice something that was very rare to hear.

Krys sat and took some more notes for extra credit as Stacy kept teasing her from underneath her desk. "Cut it out will ya" ,Krys finally said quietly. Stacy gave her a nasty look then turned back to her paper. Draco looked at Krys, "Get ready for another fight mate you've pissed her off again" ,he said. Krys just shook her head, she knew there was bound to be a scene caused by her lovely girlfriend as soon as they left the classroom.
"Thank you dear," She stated smiling at him, "I haven't been out in so long, I can't wait either. This is going to be exciting." She stated. Something didn't feel right, she then felt a sharp pain in her side, Bella clutched at it sitting down.
Severus was just about to take Bellatrix's hand to lead her out of the house when she grabbed her side and collapsed onto the bed. "What is it what's wrong"? He asked her.

After class finished Krys walked out followed by an angry Stacy, "What the fuck is your issue Krys"? Stacy yelled making Krys turn around quickly. "Not now Stacy if you want to talk we'll talk later NOT in front of the whole school" ,Krys snapped back. "No we can talk now most people would like being touched the way I touch you yet you always seem to have a problem with it" ,Stacy snapped back loudly drawing attention to the two. Draco shook his head, "Listen Stacy there is nothing wrong with you touching me but during class it's not something that is appropriate" ,Krys pressed. "Wow I didn't know I was dating a nerd" ,Stacy said angrily. The two went back and forth for a bit before McGonagall heard the commotion and came out of her classroom. The two were swearing loudly at each other by this point, McGonagall cleared her throat loudly making everyone stop talking. "Stacy you will be serving detention with me and Krys I will bw notifying your father about this. McGonagall did just that and sent Snape an owl telling him of Krys' behavior.
Bellatrix breathed deeply, as she sat on the bed, holding her side as pain ran through it. Once it started to let up she sighed. "I'm sorry...I'm alright, it happens from time to time. I just get really sharp pains...I'm okay now." She stated standing back up.

Hermione and Friends left their classroom and heard something going on down the hall. They quickly hurried over to the group gathered outside McGonagall's seeing Krys and her girlfriend fight. It sounded rather ridiculous, but yet severe never realizing Krys was into her studies besides Hermione since Krys told her such and to why they were going to study this evening. After the sentence wasgiven the three started to walk off.
"I can give you a potion to take care of that if you want love" ,Severus told her. "And I can make it so it doesn't taste bad". He had a look of seriousness on his face as he spoke he didn't want to see Bellatrix hurt and would do anything to help her feel better.

Krys just shook her head and walked off, she knew she was going to hear about it from her father and she kind of wished she had gotten detention instead. She went to the rest of her classes and did her work, an owl had already been sent to her father so he should be receiving it soon.
Bellatrix looked at him, "I didn't mean to worry you...I'll take the long as you promise to make it taste good. Potions are often nasty..." She stated. Bellatrix placed a hand on his chest leaning on him lightly. The a movement caught Bella's eye and she snapped towards it, it was an owl. "Severus, I think it's for you..."

Hermione went to her classes doing what she did best learn and read. She did her work once class was over she made her way to the common room to relax a bit before dinner.
"It's alright love it's better for me to know what's wrong then for you to hide it" ,Severus told her. He went into his cupboard and grabbed a small vile and brought it over to Bellatrix. A tap at the window made him turn around, he sighed recognizing an owl from Hogwarts, "Wonder what Krys did this time"? He said as he opened the window and took the letter from the owl's foot.

After all her classes were finished Krys went to the great hall for dinner, she sat down at the table and made a plate. Krys was excited about going to the library with Hermione, the Gryffindor proved to be someone that Krys liked to be around.
"True I still don't want to worry you, you know I've never like to have you worry over me." She stated granted then and now were different very different, she needed help but couldn't/didn't want to ask for it. "A Hogwarts owl? Oh dear..." she stated appearently this happens often. "What's it say?"

Hermione then headed down for dinner, making her way to her table with her friends. She sat then made her a plate. Talking and such with the others, holding in her excitement. She was going into the restricted section of the Library, With Krys surprisingly she wasn't all that bad.
Severus read the letter over before reading it to Bellatrix, "Dear Severus, Sorry to disturb you but Krys has just had yet another altercation with a student, her exact words to the girl were, you act like a whore nobody fucks around in the middle of a class, we would normally give her detention but this has been her second offense today the first altercation she had she busted open another student's nose, please whe you have the time come have a talk with her, sincerely Minerva" ,Severus read off to Bellatrix. He sighed then looked at Bellatrix, "Do you feel like having Krys for the night after dinner"?

Krys finished her food quickly and looked up at Hermione, she mouthed the words 'See you soon' before getting up and heading to the library. She stood at the entrance and waited for Hermione, her nerves pretty high and she didn't know why.
Bellatrix listened to Severus as he read the letter, sitting back down onto the bed. "Oh, well I can't say I didn't have fights in Hogwarts... No I don't mind if Krys joins us afterward. Why would you ask, she's my baby...though I'm sure she won't utter a word to me. " Bellatrix stated in indifference, looking up at him.

Hermione saw Krys mouth 'see you soon,'. She gave a slight nod. And ate a little quicker, "I'll you you guys later, I'm gonna go study in the library." She statedkbowing they would ask her. She then went off toward the library. Hermione's heart was pounding, maybe it was because she was walking fast or she was going into the restriction of the library. Hermione saw her and walked over "Hey," she smiled.
"Alright love we should get going I made reservations so we should get there soon" ,Severus said holding his arm out. "I want to make the best of this night before me and Krys tear each other's heads off and don't worry if she's mad at me she'll most likely turn to you to talk to".

"Hey" ,Krys said she couldn't help the cheesy smile across her face. "Shall we go inside? There's a whole different world in there that's just waiting to be explored" ,Krys smiled she couldn't wait to show Hermione all the books she had read knowing the Gryffindor would enjoy them.
"Alright...oh wait...give me the potion for just in case love." She stated. Bellatrix stood up and grabbed his arm gently smiling up at him. "yes let's enjoy the evening, Severus I'm sure she'd run to Cissy before thinking of coming to me, she doesn't no me..."

"Lead the way, to this enchanting world." Hermione stated smiling she couldn't wait to start reading the books she could only imagine.
"Oh yes here you go love" ,Severus said handing her tho potion and putting a few in his cloak just in case. "Narcissa isn't here tonight so she will go to you, she'll go to anyone who isn't me" ,Severus told her as he held his arm out so that they could apparate to Knockturn Alley.

Krys took Hermione's hand in excitement and nearly dragged her into the library. When she reached the librarian she looked at the woman and smiled, "I want to get into the restricted section with my friend, can we have some passes"? The librarian didn't say anything she just punched two cards and let them go through. Krys then led Hermione into the restricted section. "Would you like some tea or a sweet, you're allowed to have them here in fact they're served upon request to those who have permission to be in here".
"Thank you love," she stated and drank down the potion and like he said he'd make it taste good. "Oh I see, well let's hope I can still talk to children." She stated having to deal with her two sisters. Bellatrix gently took hold of his arm so they could leave.

Hermione was shocked when Krys grabbed her hand and dragged her into the library. Hermione stood there without speaking, waiting to be given access to the restricted section. "Sure I'd live a cup of tea...and a sweet would be nice. That's really cool. This is so exciting, Thank you. For bringing me here. "
As soon as Bellatrix took his arm he apparated them to Knockturn Alley, right in front of a rugged looking place. Severus brought her inside, the inside looked much different from the outside, it was beautiful, like a hidden treasure. "Here we are my love let's go sit down".

Krys smiled then grabbed a small bell from atop of one of the bookcases and rang it. A few seconds later a pot of tea and a plate of muffins appeared on the table in front of them. "No problem I like to share with people who have similar interests as me, it's hard to find around here surprisingly".
Bellatrix had her traveling cloak with her hood up for if she was seen. Bellatrix looked at the place they appeared in front of it looked run down, and dirty, Bellatrix looked at him curiously, before going inside. Once they went inside Bella's eyes widened, "'s beautiful.." She whispered following him to the table.

"Yeah it is, well actually it depends where you look, the Ravenclaws are quite intelligent and enjoy reading but most are stuck up....not many Gryffindors like this sadly. Thank you.." She sad as she poured herself a cup of tea pouring on for Krys.
Severus pulled a chair out for Bellatrix before he sat down, he then made his way around the table and sat across from her and waited for their waiter. "So what would you like? I'll buy anything for you, perhaps we can start with a bottle of wine" ,he suggested as he looked over the menu.

"I usually never hang out with anyone other then Slytherins and quite frankly a lot of them just like to party, I mean it's fun every now and then but not ALL the time" ,Krys said in response. She sat down after grabbing a book off of the shelf she opened it then looked at Hermione, "This is a great book I'm about halfway through it, it's about magical laws and ways to get around them".
Bellatrix looked around skeptical at first keeping her cloak on. When she thought she was safe she removed her hood and took it off. Bella smiled "Thank you," she stated referring to her chair. "Wine sounds lovely...I don't know what I want though, food wise." she stated browsing the menu. 

"Oh I see, well you need to diversify a bit then. Talk with other houses. Oh party people huh? I don't really go to parties. " Hermione stated wether by better judgement or that she rarely was invited to them she didn't go. "Oh is it?  Oh...sounds interesting." Hermione was one to follow the rules afraid of getting into trouble. She wasn't going to flat out disagree she just got here and she enjoyed Krys' company.  
Severus looked up at the waiter, "I want a bottle of your best and a plate of bread to start off with" ,he told the man who quickly made his way to the kitchen to place the order. "I figure we start with something small then we can figure out what we want".

"Yeah party people ya know drinking getting loud you're not really missing anything ya know" ,Krys said in response. She began to read and took a sip from her cup. "So what do you like to do other then study"?
Bellatrix held her head high like she normally would, when around others. "Alright dear...sounds good to me." Bella stated looking  through the menu trying to pick something to eat, thinking of what her stomach would allow. "What are you thinking about getting?"

"It doesn't sound like I am." She stated Hermione grabbed a random book from a shelf and started reading it was the easiest way for her to chose a book. This one was on mythical creatures and such. "Hm? Oh Well I like to hang out with friends, typical answer I know, I enjoy drawing, painting, reading. I like to cook...what about you besides this and Quiddich?" Hermione asked her curiously. 
Severus looked through the menu after Bellatrix asked him what he was thinking about getting. "Hmm I'm thinking the lamb they usually make it good here" ,Severus told Bellatrix. The waiter came over with their bottle of wine and the plate of warm bread, he grabbed the bottle and poured two glasses then handed one to Bellatrix, "Only the finest for you".

"Well I like to read of course and me and Draco like to go out to Hogsmeade on the weekends unless there's quidditch of course and I do party a little bit kinda can't help it when everyone in the common room is" ,Krys told her in response. "I do sometimes leave and go out into my hiding spots to get away from everything". Krys sighed then looked into her book, she was leaving out a huge detail about what she did when she wasn't in school or hanging out with friends.
"I haven't had lamb in forever...They make it well?" Bella asked she figured it wouldn't throw her stomach off. Bellatrix took a piece of bread and buttered it. She smiled at Severus' stated holding out her hand, taking the glass, raising it "To being reunited" She stated happily. 

"Yeah Harry, Ron, and I go to Hogsmeade every now and again. There's nothing really wrong with partying so long as you know what's too much..." She stated, Hermione was clean cut and never broke the rules. "I go on walks to be alone I find it makes me feel better." She said then took a sip of her tea, looking back to her book. 
"Yes they make it very well the best I've ever tasted in fact" ,Severus told her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vile ,"If you feel your stomach may get queasy take this it taste like sugar and it will keep you from getting sick".

"I love Honeydukes I've lost a lot of money in that store over the years" ,Krys told Hermione. She took a sip from her glass then continued to read her book. She then grabbed a muffin from the plate and muttered a spell to warm it up and butter it.
"It sounds good, I think I'll get that. It's not too heavy...I'm not sure what I can handle." she stated softly, taking a sip of her wine. She looked at him curiously, "Oh..Alright, I'll take it in a minute." She stated she wanted to be well, again, hopefully her body will adjust.

"I see I haven't gone in there, before." She confessed to Krys. She took another sip of her tea reading again thinking of what to talk about. While taking in information.
"You'll feel better soon enough just keep taking the potions I've been giving you and you'll be well in no time at all I promise" ,he told her. "We'll eat the lamb I think you'll enjoy it we can take our time before I go to the school and get Krys I want to enjoy myself before she flips out on me".

"You've never been to Honeydukes"? Krys asked in shock. "Well we may just have to change that the stuff in there is great they have every type of candy you can think of". Krys smiled as she talked to Hermione it was just something about the girl that made her smile and like her father a smile was rare to come across her face.
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