Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"And....what was the final verdict"? Krys asked in response. She was curious now and the pause from Hermione kinda scared her, "Listen I'm not trying to push anything on you I was just curious".

Severus wrapped Bellatrix's legs around his waist to get a better angle then picked up the pace. He could feel himself starting to sweat a bit, the woman mad his body temperature rise so easily.
" know I like guys...I've never really thought of being with a girl before...but I'm willing to give it a try..." She stated and smiled softly.

Bellatrix locked her legs in place around his waist, feeling as he went deeper and faster into her. Bellatrix moaned as he did so, she could feel her own body was sweating. It felt so nice, she wasn't expecting to make love when she first got there, but this worked out nicely.
"What do you mean by give it a try"? Krys asked curiously. She wondered if she meant relationship wise or just sex, "You tell me what you're comfortable with ok".

Severus pushed into her, she was so tight and warm he could feel himself getting close but he didn't want to stop just yet. He pulled himself out of her then flipped her over so that she was on all fours then slid back into her, holding onto her hips he thrusted into her, having full access at this angle.
Hermione was a bit confused, she wasn't even thinking about sex. "I mean about trying a relationship....with you.." she blushed age wasn't good with this sorta thing.

Bellatrix loved making love with Severus. She was close but also didn't want to stop.she was confused when he pulled out, until he flipped her. Over, getting on all fours. She moaned as he slid back in.
"Ah alright it sounds good to me then" ,Krys said in response. "So does that mean I can kiss you again"? She asked with a cheesy smile.

Severus continued to thrust into her he reached one hand around and rubbed her gently while he made love to her, "Do you feel good love"? He asked, she made him feel amazing and he hoped he could do the same for her.
Hermione smiled at Krys she had wondered what Krys thought she ment. "yes that's what that means" she stated with a smile.

Bellatrix continued to moan, even more so now that he was rubbing her. "Good? No Amazing yes" she stated through her breath.
Krys smiled at Hermione's answer, she was happy with the fact that Hermione was willing to try out a relationship with her and now she was able to kiss her it was even better. Krys leaned in slowly and brushed her lips against Hermione's softly then pressed them to hers and waited for her reaction.

He groaned as he continued to make love to her, "You feel absolutely amazing love I'm getting close to cumming" ,he breathed.
Hermione would try it maybe strange and difficult at first but it might work out. Hermione watched as Krys leaned in this time she was a little more prepared. When Krys' lips met hers she closed her eyes and gently wrapped her arms around Krys.

Bellatrix moaned out in pleasure enjoying this. "Oh Severus I'm so close." She stated softly. After a few more thrusts Bellatrix cried out in pleasure and came. She countinue to breathe heavily.
When Hermione wrapped her arms around Krys she did the same in return, she was happy Hermione had decided to give it a try. She ran her hand up and down Hermione's leg as she continued to kiss her deeply.

Severus felt Bellatrix's walls tighten around him as she came and that alone threw him over as well, he came hard letting out a groan of pleasure as he spilled into her.
Though it was strange, it felt nice. Nice to be in someone's embrace. Krys was a good person, just dealt a bad hand, but there was nothing really wrong with that. Hermione felt Krys' hand on her leg but paid no mind to it as they kissed.

"Oh...Severus..." Bellatrix whispered breathlessly, feeling him cum hard within her, their juices mixing together as one.
Krys continued to run her hand up and down Hermione's leg gently, she let her fingertips grace over Hermione's soft skin tickling it gently. Her heart was beating fast and she was breathing a little heavier then before, there was no doubt that Krys wanted Hermione but even so she wouldn't push Hermione to do anything she wasn't ready for. Krys moved her lips from Hermione's and began to kiss down the Gryffindors neck gently, "Don't worry I'm not trying anything funny just wanted to feel your soft skin on my lips for a moment" ,Krys whispered to let Hermione know she didn't have any intention of trying anything unless she wanted her too. After telling Hermione that she went back to kissing her neck making her way down to the young woman's shoulder planting kisses there as well.

Severus sighed with content after he finished up, he rolled over and wrapped his arms around Bellatrix, "That was quite amazing as usual" ,he stated softly right before kissing her neck. He truly loved Bellatrix and was more then happy that she had come to visit him.
Hermione smiled as they kissed, Krys' hand was tickling her leg slightly, giving Hermione goosebumps. Her heart rate increased, she became a little scared and excited as Krys broke the kiss and moved to kiss down her neck. Her breathing increased, and nodded her head as Krys told Hermione that she wasn't being fresh with her. Hermione tilted her head slightly to let Krys kiss her.

Once Severus was off of her she cuddled into his arms. "Yes...indeed it was." She replied softly, Bellatrix was getting comfortable in his arms but then realized she was at Hogwarts she wouldn't be able to stay too much longer in fear of getting caught. "Severus....I'm gonna have to go...I don't want too though..."
When Hermione tilted her head slightly Krys smiled and continued to plant soft sensual kisses up and down the Gryffindor's neck. "I am so lucky to be here with you right now Hermione thank you for being so good to me" ,Krys whispered into Hermione's ear. She then lifted her head to look into Hermione's eyes then ran her finger down Hermione's jawline before kissing her lips again.

Severus sighed when Bellatrix stated she would have to go, "I know my love and I wish you didn't have to, I want to lay here with you for a while just the two of us like we used to do" ,he told her right before kissing her on the head. He loved her so much and hated being away from her for too long.
Hermione sighed softly, as Krys' kissed up and down her neck. She brought her hand up to run her fingers through Krys' hair. Hermione smiled at Krys' words, though she wasn't sure how to answer her. When Krys' lips met her's she closed her eyes, kissing Krys back.

"You know I want nothing more than to stay, here, with you...Those were good times, We didn't have much to worry about then. But now there's a greater risk...I love you Severus." She stated softly she didn't want to leave him, but she knew if she was caught it would mean death for her and life in Azkaban for Severus. Bellatrix cuddled into him, she loved him so.
When Hermione kissed Krys' lips she sighed with content then deepened the kiss, loving the way Hermione's lips felt against hers. After a little bit Krys broke the kiss and smiled down at Hermione, "I am having an amazing time with you I just wanted you to know that" ,she told her with a smile.

"I know Bellatrix and I love you too, I wish we could just be together without any worries or issues one day we will be able to do whatever we want wherever we want without any problems" ,Severus stated in response. He wrapped his arms around her lovingly wishing that Bellatrix didn't have to leave him.
Hermione kept her eyes closed as Krys deepened the kissed. she was never kissed so passionately before. When Krys broke the kiss Hermione took a moment to breath. "I'm having a great time too Krys."

Bellatrix looked up into Severus' eyes and listened to his words. "Yes the day is upon us, now that the Dark Lord has returned and free'd me all of hell has been released." She smiled a wicked gleam twinkled in her eyes. "I wish you could come with me...but you have to work...keeping up the act with Dumbledore...the old fool will day. The school will be ours. All will be as it should soon." She laid comfortably in his arms not wanting to leave wanting to stay with him.
"Do you want to try more Hermione?" ,Krys whispered into her ear. She knew she had said she'd be appropriate but the urge to touch Hermione, hear her moan became hard to resist any longer and she just needed to know if Hermione wanted her.

A smirk came across Severus' face after Bellatrix finished speaking the woman was right everything would be perfect very soon and he couldn't wait. Not only would they be in power but they would be together forever and nothing would get in their way.
Hermione looked at Krys, and thought for a moment, her face became solem. "Krys....I can't...not yet....I think it's a little too face." She stated softly, still knew to this plus still being a virgin.

Bellatrix began to doze off smiling in Severus arms, she wasn't in the mood to leave, she was comfy, If you ever wanted to attck a witch would be during sex for they aren't normally armed and then get tired. They would be in power soon enough, together again, plus they would be at the Dark Lord's right hand side being the most loyal.
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