Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys walked Hermione back up to the castle and to the entrance to Gryffindor Tower before parting ways with her. "Goodnight Hermione I'll see you tomorrow at the dance" ,Krys said right before leaving to go to her dorm. When she got to her dorm she walked past everyone and laid down in her bed, she ignored all the whispers and dirty looks from Stacy and Pansy. It didn't take long for Krys to drift off and fall asleep.
Hermione grabbed her things and walked with Krys back to te castle. "Thanks Krys I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and waved Krys off. Hermione had drinken quite a but her mind wasn't really focused. 'Hermione where have you been?' Harry asked. "I was out I needed to get somethings I'm going to bed." She said and went upstairs. Once she hit the bed she has passed out.
When Krys woke up in the morning she made her way to the bathroom and took a shower she got dressed into something comfortable to wear for the day. She didn't want to put on her tux until right before the dance to keep it from getting dirty. Krys made her way out of the Slytherin common room and to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Hermione didnt wake up at her normal time sleeping in. When she did wake she showered and dressed. And headed down to the Great Hall to eat, Her friends all looked at her they were worried she kept disappearing.
When Krys seen Hermione enter the great hall she smiled a bit as she ate her food. She was looking forward to the next time they would meet up even if the last time got a bit awkward. After Krys finished eating she met up with Draco and the two went to go practice for quidditch a little bit to pass the time before the dance started.
Hermione fixed her plate, stayed and ate then was about to leave. "Hey Hermione, where are you going? Are you okay?" Ginny asked. "I'm going to the common room, I have a lot on my mind and I'm still tired I'll see you guys later. " she said going upstairs to think about what she was going to do.
The day went by fairly quickly and before Krys knew it she was taking her second shower of the day to get ready for the dance. After she finished showering she put on deodorant and brushed her teeth then put on the tux her and Hermione had picked out. After she got dressed she spiked her hair nicely then sprayed herself with some cologne before making her way into the common room. A few of the Slytherin girls looked at Krys and smiled, none of them were really into girls but they did find Krys attractive. After a few moments Severus walked in and lead his students to the Great Hall for the dance.
Hermione showered once again the day flew by, once she was down she powderd and put deodorant on, brushed and whitend her teeth. put the Dress that Krys helped her pick out. She straighted and fixed her hair nicely. Hermione applied her makeup. Then her shoes, once ready she joined the group. Magongall then lead her house to the dance.

Bellatrix knew that the dance was tonight. She wanted to surprise Severus, she looked at his office then through the floo powder into the fire place once she knew the room was clear she traveled there locking the door. She was dressed elegantly in a black form fitting dress her hair was neat. She wrote a message in chicken scratch hand wrighting that looked nothing like her's. She sent it using his own owl. 'Go to your office!' was all it said. Bella sent his owl off and she hid in the room.
As the students piled into the great hall Krys kept a look out for Hermione as she leaned against one of the walls while talking to Draco. She knew she probably couldn't talk to her at all in front of everyone but she did want to see how the girl looked in her dress.

After Severus got all his students into the great hall he left wanting to get some more work done wall his students were all at bay, the younger ones were in bed and all the older ones were at the dance so none of them should cause any problems. As he walked down the hall his owl came and landed on his shoulder with a note attached to it. After Severus read the note he made his way to his office. "Bellatrix what a pleasant surprise" ,he said smoothly as he shut and locked the door. "A smirk came across his face and he walked over to the woman and kissed her passionately, he had missed her while working at the school and was glad she was there with him now.
Hermione was towards the end of the Gryffindor group, as she desended the stairs. She walked into the dance. Everyone looked so pretty, and dashing. She loved the dances that's when everybodylooks amazing. She kept her yes open for Krys.

All Bellatrix could do was wait, she was careful to be where she could hide if someone other than Severus by passed her lock. "Severus!" She whispered in excitement. And went to him smiling brightly. She was wrapped in his embrace as they kissed passionately. She had missed Severus since he's been away from the manor. Bella gently broke the kiss and whispered, "Tonight of all nights I knew it would be less likely to be caught, so here I am..." She spoke softly, lovingly and slightly sudictively. Bellatrix then kissed him passionately.
When Krys spotted Hermione she nodded her head to say hello then made her way over to the punch bowl. A lot of students were already dancing including Blaise and Stacy, Pansy was hanging around with Seamus Finnigan for some odd reason and Draco went off to do his own thing.

Severus kissed Bellatrix passionately in return, Merlin did he love this woman. After a few seconds he broke the kiss, "Would you like to see my quarters Ms. Black" ,Severus asked. He refused to call her Lestrange because he felt the name never suited her nor did the man that gave it to her.
Hermione looked and saw Krys nodding and she did the same, smiling. She saw that she was heading over to the punch bowl, and that was the best time they could probably speak. Hermione walked over to get herself some punch. When she got over there she spoke "Hey everything looks beautiful," She said pouring her punch.

Bellatrix continued to kiss him, she missed him so much, first Rudolphus pulled them apart, then Azkaban, now that they were together she waited to be around him. She smiled as he broke the kiss. "Why Sir Snape I'd be honored." she replied. "The other reason I'm here is that I figured you needed a the dance." She said teasing a little she knew she couldn't go out there but figured he had been chaperoning
"Yes everything is beautiful including you Hermione" ,Krys said in response. She thought Hermione looked absolutely stunning in her dress, she poured Hermione a cup of punch and handed it to her. "Maybe I can steal a dance with you later while no one is looking if that's ok perhaps after everyone leaves" ,Krys suggested. "As friends of course". Little did Krys know Stacy had noticed her talking to Hermione a look of jealousy mixed with anger spread across her face.

"Right this way my lady" ,Severus said as he led Bellatrix to his quarters. When they got inside he lit some candles and the fireplace then put on some music. "I as a matter of fact do need a date and I would be honored if you gave me this dance" ,he said holding his hand out. Severus had a warm loving smile on his face something that only Krys and Bellatrix usually seen.
Hermione smiled and blushed slightly, "Thank you Krys." she replied softly. "You look dashing this evening." She returned sharing to complent Krys as well. "Thanks." she said as Krys handed her the punch. Hermione thought for a minute, "Yeah sure, of coarse as friends. I'll dance with you." Hermione smiled softly at Krys, "I'll see you later." With that she walked back to her friends, not to be suspisious.

Bellatrix smiled and went along with him up to his quarters. Bellatrix looked around as he did these things, It was so romantic. "I know it's sort notice..." She went along with the little act of receiving a date with Severus. She smiled brightly and spoke softly, "What luck, and I thought you'd never ask." she loved when he was happy and relaxed. Bellatrix took his hand and walked closer to him.
"Why thank you Hermione" ,Krys said after being complimented. After Hermione walked away Krys smiled, it was nice to have a friend that was so nice and caring. "Well well well now I know why you used to never be around, you've been hanging around with that filthy little mudblood bitch" ,Stacy said nastily. Krys turned around and looked at Stacy with an angry expression, "Stacy just piss off you cheated on me so you have no right to talk" ,Krys stated bitterly. By now most of the other students were looking at the two. "You are so fucking pathetic you had me and you chose some dirty blooded little whore and I thought you were better then that you make me fucking sick do you....." ,Stacy continued. She was interrupted by Krys putting her hand up to silence her, "You know what Stacy FUCK YOU Hermione is one of the greatest people I know and you aren't worth the fucking dirt on her shoes" ,Krys looked around at everyone who was watching. "You know what I have been spending A LOT of time with Hermione Granger and yes she is a muggle born and NO I don't care, she is one of the kindest most caring people I know and I am honored that she is my friend" ,Krys stated loud enough for everyone who was listening to hear her. All of a sudden Stacy's hand came across Krys' face hard then she threw her cup of juice in Krys' face, "Fuck off you piece of shit blood traitor" ,Stacy said angrily before grabbing Blaise's hand and walking off. Krys shook her head, the attention was now on her and everyone was staring, Krys stormed out of the great hall and stood directly outside the door leaning against the wall trying to figure out where to go to get away from everyone.

Severus took Bellatrix's hand and began to guide her across the floor moving gracefully with every step, "My love there is no short notice with you as I will always be at your beck and call" ,he stated as he danced with her. "Would you like a drink? Perhaps some wine or a nice glass of fire whiskey" ,Severus asked he wanted to make this night magical for them both so whatever Bellatrix wanted she would get it.
Hermione was talking with Ron Harry and Ginny she hadn't realized what was going on until she heard her name and saw a croud by Krys. Hermione looked at Krys, Krys was sticking up for her. Granted people were now looking at her too, and now her friends also knew where she had been hiding. Hermione watched everything that happened even down to where Stacy hit her. Hermione turned to her friends to explain. "Hermione she's a Slytherin and Snape's daughter for all you know she's a death eater looking to use you to get to me."Harry stated. "Harry it's not like that we've been helping each other study. She is a great person." Hermione went back at him. "why didn't you tell us?" Ginny asked curiously. "Because I knew that this kinda talk would happen and you guys wouldn't approve." Hermione responded. "Of coarse we don't approve she may very well be one of them." Harry snapped at her. Before Hermiobe could speak Ron beats her to it. "You know she's gay right?" Hermiobe just looked at them and walked out she was upset now. She looked around wondering how far Krys had gone. She turned and saw Krys up against the wall Hermione had grabbed a few napkins on the way out. "You didbt have to stink up for me...I get called things like that often." She stated as she took a napkin and began wiping Krys' face.

Bellatrix felt like a princess, like she used to when they danced moving gracefully across the floor. She smiled at him, "I know I'm the luckiest woman alive." She said as they danced. "Sure I'd love a drink, Whichever is fine with me dear. " she replied.
"Yes I did have to stick up for you Hermione no one deserves to be treated like that, I'm sorry I let the cat out of the bag your friends must be pissed" ,Krys said in response to Hermione. She felt bad knowing how Hermione's friends were they had probably ripped into her quite a bit before she left. "Listen I am really sorry I should've thought before talking, I'm gonna get going now I'm sure you want to get back to the dance so I don't want to keep you, if you want we don't have to hang out as much maybe that with make your friends happy that way they won't bother you". Tears formed in Krys' eyes as she said this, she didn't want to lose Hermione but she also didn't want the girl to have to deal with a bunch of bullshit for hanging out with her.

Severus twirled Bellatrix around a bit before making his way over to his liquor cabinet, a smirk came across his face when he noticed something even better then wine or fire whiskey in there. He pulled out the bottle then grabbed two glasses, "I found some champagne instead, I feel an occasion like this deserves something a bit more fancy then wine or whiskey" ,Severus stated. He then waved his wand and made a cart appear. The cart had a tray of chocolate covered strawberries on it along with a bowl of whipped cream, some honey, and a few other very intimate food items that would spice things up a bit. "Look what we have here, hm the elves never disappoint me here". A seductive smirk came across his face and it wasn't hard to tell what the man had on his mind.
"No Krys really, People will always be that way that's why there's a war at hand. Again I'm used to the taunts of being a muggle born. " She stated. "Yeah they are..." she replied, "What does Draco think? About me hanging out with you in sure he's not happy either?" Hermione asked knowing how he was. "Krys don't worry about it they would have found out eventually. Where are you going? Krys, I went to the dance...because you asked me too. I told you I wasn't going without an invite. I don't care what my friends say Krys, if I didn't want to hang out with you I never would have started.. They're not my parents I don't have parents...I make my choices." Hermiobe stated sincerely meaning every word she had said. Hermione pulled out a napkin and started to wipe under Krys' eyes. "So where are we going?" She asked if Krys was leaving so was she.

Bellatrix smiled and giggled abit as he twirled her around, she waited where he left her so he could get them drinks. "Mmm champagne sounds lovely. It sounds great to me." Bellatrix stated smiling watching as he waved his wand. She looked at the cart seeing a few of her favourite things. Very sensual items. "Mmm I see, and do they normally have this on stand by or were you expecting me to pop in?" She asked playfully. Bellatrix knew exactly what he was thinking, for she had the same thoughts. This night would be both magical and romantic.
When Hermione began to wipe Krys' tears away she looked into her eyes, whenever Krys cried her eyes sparkled and even though tears usually meant sadness her eyes were one of the most beautiful things anyone could look at when they were tear filled. "Draco hasn't made any comments yet but I do know if he thinks you make me happy he won't get on my case even if he disapproves we've known each other since we were babies he's like a brother to me nothing could tear us apart" ,Krys told Hermione. It was true even if Draco didn't like the fact Krys hung out with Hermione he wouldn't fuck with her or Hermione if he knew it was what Krys wanted. "I have a secret room in the castle, I usually sleep there when I want to be alone, it's my room so I never get into trouble for staying in it, I have nearly everything we could want or need in there if you want we can go there to get away from everyone, that's if you're sure you'd rather be with me then have fun at the dance". Krys smiled slightly, she was happy and it touched her that Hermione cared so much.

"No they normally don't have ALL of this stuff on hand but they do work quickly when a professor makes a request, as for me knowing you were coming I honestly had no idea but I sure am glad you came" ,Severus said in response to Bellatrix. He poured them both a glass of champagne and handed Bellatrix one. After he took a sip from his glass he set it on the desk that was in his room, "I'll be right back I want to change into something more comfortable, feel free to get comfortable yourself love". Severus made his way into the bathroom and changed into a very sexy pair of black silk pajama pants that had the Slytherin crest on the front of them, he didn't bother putting a shirt on seeing as he had no intentions of leaving the room for the rest of the night. When he walked out of the bathroom he picked up his glass of champagne and took another sip of it, "So what do you think love I bought them for a special night with you although I did think it would be back at the manor but I'm glad it's happening now, I also bought you some special pajamas as well would you like to put them on and get more comfortable"? He asked. Severus went over to his closet and pulled out a nighty that matched his pants and handed it to Bellatrix, "I'm sure you will look perfect in this then again you look perfect in everything you wear".
Hermione looked into Krys' beautiful tear filled eyes. They were beautiful when she wasn't crying and even more so now that she was. "You know...You're very pretty when you cry." Hermione smiled as she said this. She was pretty in general but her eyes stood out much more now. "Well he's a good friend then even if he's a spoiled prat. "Hermione teased Draco had his moments and she was sure he could be sweet at some point.  "Sure, Krys If I didn't want to I wouldn't. Plus everyone in there has issues right now, I'm sure I'll have more fun with you." she spoke truthfully. 

"I see so you have it made here in the castle like a king, now all your missing is a queen." She teases. "I pick a night with low security." Bellatrix took her glass, and took a sip from it. Bella nodded she didn't bring a change of clothes with her, so she'd stay in her dress for now. "They look lovely dear. Well that night came early. Sure I'll but them on." She waited for him to get it for her. As he handed them over she kissed him quickly. "I'll be right back. Thanks love." Bella went into the bathroom and changed she removed her bra, left her panties on, and put the nighty on coming back out. "Well?"
Krys took Hermione's hand not caring who saw them anymore, she led her to her secret bedroom. When they got to the entrance she tapped on the door to make the doorknob appear, when it did she opened the door and let Hermione in before closing it behind them. After she shut the door she tapped on the knob again to make it disappear. "I'm gonna go get out of these wet clothes I'll be right back ok" ,Krys stated. "By the way the bathroom is right over here, there's a kitchen over there as well" ,Krys stated. Her room was more like a muggle studio apartment and was much bigger then the hideout she had shown Hermione before. Krys grabbed a pair of basketball shorts and a black tank top then went into the bathroom and changed. She cast a spell on the dark mark to make it disappear so that Hermione wouldn't find out that she was a death eater. After casting the spell she made her way out of the bathroom and looked at Hermione, "So are you hungry at all? What would you like to do while we're here alone away from all the drama"? Krys asked. Her outfit really showed how toned she was it also revealed a few of the tattoos she had hidden like the tribals on her arms and across her shoulders, she also had a tribal sun that circled around her belly button. Tattoos were one of the few muggle things she actually enjoyed and her father didn't mind her getting them so he would always get her the muggle money and sign the permission slip when she wanted one.

"You look absolutely beautiful as usual" ,Severus said in response. He took a sip from his glass then made his way over to the loveseat by the fireplace and sat down then patted the seat next to him motioning for Bellatrix to join him. With a wave of his wand he made the cart roll itself over to the side of the loveseat so him and Bellatrix could reach anything they wanted off of it, he was sure that the cart would make it's way over to the side of the bed by the end of the night and the thought excited him even though he could be bitter at points the man loved being romantic with the woman he loved at that woman was Bellatrix.
Hermione went along with Krys to her secret room.  "Alright I'll be here." Hermione stated as Krys went to go change. Hermione nodded and just sat in one of the chairs.  When Krys came out she noticed how toned she was. "I didn't know you had tattoo's." She stated. "I'm a little hungry...I don't know what to do..what do you wanna do?" She asked. She had no idea what to really do she wanted to console Krys because of what Stacy had done.  

"Thank you love." She stated going to grab her glass. Then turning around to sit with Severus. Sitting with him in front of the fire. As the cart followed her over to the couch she grabbed a chocolate covered strawberry with some whipped cream, biting into the juice snack, getting some whipped cream on her lips. She was happy she snuck in. She got to have a romantic evening with Severus who she loved so dearly. 
"Alright I'll bake some cookies for us and a pie, I like to bake when I'm upset it's something Hagrid used to do with me when I was younger and threw fits because I couldn't go to classes at the time due to being too young" ,Krys stated. Not many people knew that Krys and Hagrid were friends but they were seeing as Hagrid was usually always roaming the grounds he ran into Krys often while she would run around outside the castle. Krys prepped everything then put it into the oven she then set the timer to go off when everything was done. She made her way over to the couch and sat down, "Come sit down with me and we can decide what to do and you can get a closer look at my tattoos as well" ,Krys stated again she smiled at Hermione. "Again thank you for being such a great friend I'm happy that I met you I really am".

Severus watched as Bellatrix bit into the strawberry, he bit his bottom lip a bit when he noticed that she had gotten a little bit of whipped cream on her lips. Leaning towards Bellatrix he licked the whipped cream from her lips, "Mm you taste very sweet my love" ,he stated smoothly. He took a sip from his glass then set it down on the cart right before he kissed Bellatrix passionately yet again, he wasted no time sliding his tongue into her mouth exploring every inch of it, soft sighs of satisfaction escaped his lips and his cock began to get hard as he kissed Bellatrix. She was the only woman who could turn him on so quickly in fact she was the only woman who could turn him on.
"Okay sounds good, I used to bake a lot when I was younger. With my Granny and my mom. Hagrid taught you? I didn't know he could bake." Hermione stated that was new to her. "I'm sure the castle loved you as a child." She teased causing mischief, and throwing fits. Hermione stood and walked over to Krys sitting on the couch. She smiled back " No worries Krys I'm happy I met you too."

Bellatrix had purposely put and left the whipped cream on her lip. She swallowed what she had been chewing staying still as he licked her lips. "Thank you my dear." She replied to him. Bellatrix washed the strawberry down with the champagne. Before Bellatrix could put the glass down she found herself being kissed by Severus passionately. She managed to put it down. Her tongue danced with his as it slipped into her mouth. Bella sighed with him as they kissed. She ran her fingers throw his hair.
"Yeah Hagrid taught me he's actually quite good at baking he used to make me all kinds of sweets to keep me occupied while my dad taught I used to love playing with Fang his dog" ,Krys said in response. When Hermione sat down Krys couldn't help her eyes setting on the beautiful young woman and when she said she was glad she had met Krys too she leaned in about to kiss her again but sighed and backed away remembering what Hermione had said about needing time to think about the last kiss they shared. She didn't want to drive the girl away.

Severus continued to kiss Bellatrix passionately loving every second of it, after breaking the kiss he took another sip from his glass finishing it off he then refilled both their glasses. "I think I want to try one of these delicious looking strawberries myself" ,he stated before grabbing one off of the tray and dipping it into the whipped cream. As he went to take a bite of it some of the whipped cream fell on to his chest. "Oh dear would you look at that" ,he stated with a mouth full of strawberry.
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