Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Oh it's hidden because when I was younger I wanted my own secret place and my father had Hagrid make one for me" ,Krys said in response. She turned and smiled at Hermione, "Being a 5 year old at a castle with nothing to do can get boring and one can be tempted to misbehave". It was no secret Krys had grew up around Hogwarts due to her father teaching there.
"Oh, I see so it's your little hiding place to be." she stated. She thought it was kinda cool that Krys had hiding places. "So I'm guessing when you got into trouble this is where you hid?" She asked curiously. Hermione didn't know Krys grew up in the castle, she figured she was around it here and there. "Krys, I'm curious about something, you don't have to anwser if you don't want to...but you always talk about your father, whatever happened to your mother?" she knew she was treading in deep water but she was indeed curious about it.
"Yeah I hid there quite a bit" ,Krys replied laughing a bit. When the question came up about her mother she froze for a moment, "Uh I never really met her I'll explain when we get where we're going I don't want to talk about it in public really".
"Nice, so even as a child you were trouble maker?" She teased. "I'm sorry yeah wecan talk about it when we get there...."
Krys walked until they reached a small hut in the forbidden forest on the outside it looked run down and as if it were going to collapse any second but on the inside it looked like a small house. "It's not much but it's mine ya know" ,Krys stated stepping inside.
Hermione tilted her head and wondered when the last time Krys was in there. "Yeah when I was little I had a small play house, I thought it was the best thing in the world, then discovered I was a witch, and my play house got too small." She stated and followed Krys inside, "It's very nice in here." She smiled
"Have a seat" ,Krys told her motioning towards a couch in the room. "The whole place is filled with whatever I need and it cleans and repairs itself".
"Thanks," She said with a smile and sat down on Krys' couch. "That's really cool, I wish most places were like that."
"Yeah I know it makes things a lot easier when you don't have to fix anything" ,Krys said in response. She opened the bag she got from Honeydukes and pulled out a licorice wand and opened it. "Feel free to look around I have lots of interesting things in here that I've collected over the years".
"I bet it does." She smiled it cuts on costs and it's just easier. Hermione stood and looked aat the various things that Krys had hin her secret place. There were tons of interesting things in her house.
"I started collecting things I found interesting, there's even a few muggle items within the mix" ,Krys told her. "Would you like some candy"? Krys knew Hermione had bought her own but she still wanted to be nice and offer some of her own.
"Nice Oh I see, like these coins? Muggle coins." She stated knowing them since she's had to use them. "Hm, Oh No thanks Krys, I have mine and I'm still full from lunch." She stated with a smile.
"Yeah I found those coins on the grounds as a matter of fact" ,Krys told her. "So did you still want to know about my mother"? Krys asked knowing Hermione had asked, she didn't want to be rude and brush it off.
"Nice, Oh well if you want to tell me sure, If not you don't have I'll honor and respect your descion, either way." She stated she didn't want Krys to tell her if it was hard to talk about.
"No it's alright I can tell you" ,Krys said in response. She walked over to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine and poured a glass, "Would you like some? Don't worry I won't tell".
"Okay then." She stated softly smiling. "I shouldn't...but what could one glass do? Sure I'll have a glass." She stated she didn't want to be rude. Plus she enjoyed wine at times.
"Alright then" ,Krys said smiling. She poured Hermione a glass then handed it to her, "I usually hide my alcohol in here and other various places around the castle, don't tell anyone ok".
"Thanks," She stated taking the glass, from Krys as she gave it to her. "Who am I going to tell?" She asked with a smile if she told anyone, then it would be known that she was hanging with Krys ans was most likely drinking.
After Hermione took the glass Krys looked at her and sighed, "My mother...." ,she began, "Was killed in a muggle prison, one of the guards beat her to death, I never met her she was supposed to be released when I was five but before her court date she was murdered and both me and my father were devastated by it, I've tried to kill myself a few times due to depression over it" ,Krys admitted. "After a while I realized I had to move on though and I found other ways to cope".
Hermione took a sip from the glass and listened as Krys spoke of her mother. "Oh Krys...I'm so sorry. That's terrible...Do you know why she was locked up? Your mother's fate was tragic, Is that why your father's sour most of the time?" She asked curiously, Hermione always searching for knowlage. "I'm glad you didn't kill yourself..." She smiled softly,
"I'm not sure why she was put away, I suppose it's why my father is so agitated most of the time it hurt us both a lot" ,Krys said in response. She made her way over to the couch and sat down next to Hermione and smiled, "Thanks, I've never really told anyone about that before except for Stacy of course". Krys was of course lying but she couldn't really tell Hermione who her mother really was and not all of what she said was a lie, when she thought her mother was dead she did try and end her life at least once or twice over the years.
"Well I'm glad you trust me, enough to tell me that." She stated Hermione had no idea that Krys was spinning a tail here. She felt awful that her mother had been murdered, and that's why the professer was so sour to everyone. She couldn't believe Krys would wanna kill herself, but understood why. Hermione took a another sip of her wine.
Krys took a sip from her glass and looked at Hermione, "I trust you because you're not like the rest of my friends I know you can keep a secret" ,she said in response. She put her arm on the back of the couch over Hermione's shoulders before taking another sip from her glass.
Hermione smiled as Krys said that she could trust her. She felt like she could trust Krys too, granted she trusted her friends all the same. Krys friends were Slytherins while hers were Gryffindor. Hermione thought nothing of Krys putting her arm over the couch. Hermione took another sip her throst felt dry.
Krys took another sip from her glass, "So how about you what are your parents like"? She asked curiously. Krys knew Hermione's parents were muggles but she didn't care to her people were people regardless of their blood status, she did of course despise some muggles but as long as they didn't get in her way or try and hurt her she didn't bother them.
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