Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Hermione then looked confused not understandinf Krys' facial expression, she looked just as confused. "Alright sounds fair." Hermione smiled.
"Alright then it's a deal, shall we"? Krys asked motioning toward the door. She was having a lot of fun with Hermione and didn't want the day to end.
"Deal, We shall, lets go." She stated walking over to the door holding the door for Krys.She was having fun shopping and hanging out with Krys.
"Thank you" ,Krys stated as she walked out the door Hermione held open for her. She led the way to the Weasley's joke shop and when they got there held the door open for Hermione.
"You're welcome," She stated letting go of the door once Krys walked out. When they got there , She smiled at Krys, "Thank you, What is this lets see who can open the most doors?" she teased
Krys laughed at Hermione's teasing, "I guess so" ,she stated. When she got inside she began to browse through everything, thinking about what she wanted to buy.
Hermione just browsed through everything, there was so much stuff. She really wasn't too interested in buying anything though.
After looking around for a while Krys picked out a few things then brought them up to the counter to pay for them. When she was finished paying she looked at Hermione, "So what do you want to do now"?
Hermione thought for a moment, I don't know is they anything else you need to do?" Hermione asked. "Those aren't too dangerous are they?" she questioned she was worried about safety and the twins items weren't alwaysthe safest. "Oh, I just remembered I don't have shoes to match the dress. Do you mind if we stop to get a pair?"
"No I don't have anything else I need to do, Yeah these are completely safe no worries" ,Krys said with a smirk on her face, the twins returned the same evil little smirk as they bagged the items. "Sure we can go get a pair of shoes for you".
"Do you think I'm really going to believe you three?" She asked with an 'Oh really.' tone. "When it comes to pranks, do you think I'm trusting the two that made the and the one who somehow gets into so much trouble? Hm?" She stated and sighed this was on Krys not on her and as long as she didn't get into trouble and no one got hurt she didn't care. "Alright shoes it is." she smiled softly.
Krys nudged Hermione playfully and gave her a smile, "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt anyone with this stuff it's all for fun" ,she stated. She placed her hand on Hermione's back in a friendly way and led her out of the shop so that they could make their way to get some shoes to match Hermione's dress.
" long as it's just for fun..." Hermione gave a small wary smile. Hermione walked out with Krys to go find shoes for the dress. Once they got to the store, she looked around till she found the shoes she wanted they were red with a slight heel and matched her dress perfectly. She paid for them at the counter, "So what do you want to do now?" she asked with a smile.
"Hm I dunno what I want to do now honestly" ,Krys said in response. She put her hand on her chin and thought for a moment, "We can browse through other shops until we need to head back to the castle if you'd like".
"Alright sounds good to me, where shouldwe go first?" She asked Krys, granted they were going to just browsebut it's good to know a starting place.
"Let's go to Honeydukes again I could use something sweet, I know I said we would browse but I really want something from the candy store" ,Krys said in response, she sounded like a kid but she didn't care.
"Okay we can go back to honeydukes, I don't mind." She smiled she thought it was cute how Krys sounded like a child. Hermione sounded like a grown up so it evened out.
A smile came across Krys' face when Hermione said yes to going to Honeydukes. "Alright let's go" ,she said with a tone of excitement. She made her way toward the door of the shop.
Hermione followed Krys to honeydukes, something sweet sounded pretty good right now. She smiled at seeing Krys so excited to go to the candy store it was adorable.
Krys walked into the candy store and held the door open for Hermione, when they were inside Krys walked around the store picking out various things. She wanted to get a bunch of stuff so that she could have it when she wanted a snack while sitting in her dorm.
Hermione walked through thanking Krys for opening the door. She then went along with Krys through the store finding various things for herself to snack on. This day has been fun she didnt want it to end but they would have to get to the castle soon.
After Krys picked out a bunch of stuff she went to the counter and paid for it all, she then looked to Hermione, "I've got somewhere I want to show you if you want to go" ,she stated.
Hermione paid for her things when Krys did. "Where is it?" She asked curiously. "Sure I'll go so long as we make it back to school on time."
"Oh no worries it's on the school grounds it's just hidden" ,Krys told Hermione. "You'll like it don't worry". Krys made her way out of the shop and walked down the street toward the school.
"Alright then sounds good to me. We won't get into trouble going there will we, I mean where ever it is it's probably hidden for a reason. " She questioned as she walked after Krys waliking back to the school with her.
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