Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

They week seemed to go on and on but the weekend was almost here, and her and Krys were going shopping later. She took down her notes like normal, she was excited. She enjoyed dances though she didn't have a date for this one, but she had her friends and she could talk to Krys.
When the day finally ended Krys made her way outside and waited for Hermione so that they could leave. She made sure she was in a discreet place so that no one would see them leaving together and follow.
Once the day was done she brought her books to her dorm then came outside to find Krys. Once she saw her Hermione went over. "You ready to go?" she asked excitedly.
When Krys seen Hermione walking over she smiled, "I'm more then ready let's go" ,Krys said in response just as excited. Even though she wasn't too keen on the dance she was still excited about going out for a little while with Hermione.
Hermione smiled "Alright lets go." She stated taking Krys' hand and appereated to Hogsmede. "Where should we go first?" She asked curiously and excitedly
When they got to Hogsmeade Krys smiled, "Let's go to the clothes store first and get that out of the way" ,Krys said jokingly. She began to walk towards the store slowly there was no need to rush and she wanted to enjoy herself.
Hermione let go of krys' hand, "Alright, should we haddle you tux first, or my dress?" She asked curiously, walking with Krys to the store.
"It's up to you usually dresses take longer to pick out then a tux I can just grab some random one of the rack and be happy as long as it's not gray" ,Krys said in response making a disgusted face at the thought of a gray tux.
"Okay, let's do the dress first then." She smiled."Then we'll get your tux, and grey is a very bland color..." she stated she didn't like the color grey.
"Alright that sounds good and yes gray is a very bland color" ,Krys said in response. When they got to the store she opened the door and held it waiting for Hermione to go inside before she did.
"Thank you Krys " She stated smiling at her. Hermione walked into the store as Krys held the door open for her. She headed straight for the dresses, trying to think of style and color she wanted.
As they made their way over to the dresses Krys looked around at everything, she wanted to be of some help but she really didn't know what Hermione may like. "When you find one you like try it on and I'll give you my opinion, it's the only thing I think I'll be helpful with" ,Krys admitted.
Hermione Went over and picked out three different dresses to give a few options to show Krys to see which one she thought she should get. After each one she smiled and waited for Krys' opinion.

Bellatrix was in the Malfoy's library sick of being in bed, she was tired of resting, she went and started to look through various books. Finding a few that looked interesting, including a baby book, she had read when pregnant with Krys. She also had one on parenting, making sure that she was being a good mother and to see what tips they had for being a parent, she didn't have the time to gain the skills naturally now that her baby was 18.
Krys sat down in one of the chairs in front of the dressing room watching as Hermione showed her some dresses. When the girl came out with the red one on Krys' eyes widened a bit, Hermione looked beautiful. "That's the one, yes that's the one you should wear you look amazing" ,Krys said in a very smooth tone much like her father's.

Severus made his way around the castle trying to catch up with the work he missed, he had busted a few students who were messing around in the bathroom and another few that were lighting off fire crackers in the corridors. Things surely went downhill within the few days he was gone.
Hermione smiled and looked down to the dress, "This one? Are you sure?" She asked then blushed slightly as Krys said that she looked amazing. "Alright, I'll get this one." She smiled. "I'll get redresssed pay for this and we'll get your tux." She stated going back into the changing room to change back to her normal clothes. Coming back out with the dress in hand, smiling at Krys then went to pay. "Krys lead the way." She stated so they could get Krys her tux.

Bellatrix continued to read having nothing else really to do since Severus had to go back to Hogwarts. Lucius was at work and Narcissa went out shopping, so besides the house eleves she was alone.
"Alright let's go then" ,Krys said in response. She walked up to the counter with Hermione to pay for the dress and then led the way to the next store. When inside she looked around for a bit then picked out a solid black tux and a black and emerald green one. She showed them to Hermione, "So which one do you think looks better"? She asked holding them both up.

Severus sat at his desk and went through his students assignments and began to grade everything. He sighed at how many of the assignments were done poorly, the only three that looked like they deserved a top grade were Krys', Draco's, and Hermione's all the other papers barely got a passing grade.
Hermione fallowed Krys to the next store. She waited as Krys picked out her tuxes. Hermione thought about it a minute, "I think the black and elmerald green one." She stated smiling,"It'll look great on you and will look nice with you skin complection." She stated hopefully Krys would like that one.

Bellatrix put down the parenting book, picking up the baby book she had read before while pregnant with Krys. She smiled as she read it, she remembered trying to follow it all to a tee, and being worried with things she wasn't wanting the best for her baby.
"Hmm alright I'll go try it on and you can see if it looks good" ,Krys said in response. She made her way over to the dressing rooms and walked inside and put the tux on. When she was finished putting it on she walked out and looked at Hermione, "So what do you think"? She asked turning a bit to show the tux off at all angles.
"Alright I'll be here" Hermione said as she waited outside the changing room for Krys to try on the tux. Hermione looked at Krys in the tux, "Krys you look dashing, it suits you nicely." She stated with a bright excited smile.
A smile came across Krys' face after being complimented, "Well then this is the one I'll be getting and thank you for the compliment" ,she said in response. After changing back into her clothes she brought the tux up to the counter to pay for it, when she was finished paying for it she looked at Hermione again, "So would you like to get something to eat now"?
"Alright then. You're welcome." She smiled and waited for Krys to change following her to the counter. "Umm sure where do you wanna go?" She asked.
"We can go to the Three Broomsticks if you want we can get a table in the back if you'd like so no one questions you" ,Krys said in response as she handed the store clerk the money for the tux.
"Sounds good to me, Alright." She stated she didn't like hiding their friendship, but with Krys a Slytherin, and a lesbien it wasdifficult not wanting to get pick on or teased for hanging out with her.
When they got to the Three Broomsticks Krys led the way to the back of the place and pulled a chair out for Hermione to sit in before sitting down herself. The waiter brought over a couple of menus and handed them to the two "So what do you want for lunch I'll buy it just order it" ,Krys told her.
Hermione blushed as Krys pulled the chair out for her, "Thank you." She stated. She took the menu and looked to see what she wanted she wasn't sure what she was in the mood for. "Alright Do you know what you're getting?"
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