Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Yeah personally keeping myself busy keeps me sane if I didn't have books or....or you and Draco I'd probably go insane" ,Krys told her in response. It was true with Stacy and Blaise and a few other people as well hassling her if she didn't have some sort of outlet she'd probably crucio someone into insanity.
"Yeah I know how you feel, I like to stay busy. Well don't go insane that may not be a good look for you." She teased her a bit at the thought of her going insane.
"No it wouldn't be good for me to go insane I've got a future planned that requires me to be on my a game" ,Krys said in response smiling at the fact Hermione was teasing her.
"No, insantity is a very scary and dangerous, it won't get you far. What do you have planned for the future?" She asked courious to what Krys wanted to do after Hogwarts.
Krys froze for a moment, she knew what she had planned for a future and that was to rise to the top with the dark lord but she couldn't tell Hermione that. "I want to work for the ministry of course doesn't any successful witch or wizard want to work there"? She said in response.
"That's nice, I assume most do wish to work at the ministery, I want to be a healer." Hermione stated with a smile.
"Oh that's a great thing to get into I've heard would you want to work at St. Mungos"? Krys asked in response. She was intrigued with what Hermione wanted to do after Hogwarts and wanted to know a bit more.
"I like helping people, I've helped both Ron and Harry over the years, when they got into fights that weren't too servere. I think St. Mungos is one of the bests so most likely, it's a lot of training, but it will be worth it." Hermione explained, she like that Krys found it interesting.
"I think you'll be perfect for it, your smart and you have determination plus you're a sweetheart and you care about people and that'll get you far" ,Krys said sincerely in response to Hermione. She smiled warmly at her, "I'm really lucky to have a friend like you ya know"?
"You really think so? Thank you, Krys that's very kind of you to say." Hermione replied smiling brightly with a slight blush. "Yeah? I'm glad I have you as well, you actually listen." she smiled softly now. it was true everyone was busy with the return of Voldemort that no one listened unless it was about him.
"Yeah I really do think so and I can't be the only one who listens to you, you've got a lot of interesting things you talk about" ,Krys said in response, she could see Hermione blush a bit and it made her blush slightly as well.
"Well for the most part you are, Harry listens more than Ron at times, and the girls have there moments. But you listen and responsed which doesn't always happen." She stated Harry was always so focused and Ron was absent minded, Luna was strange, Ginny was into dating various guys.
"Well they just don't know what they're missing out on" ,Krys said in response. She looked up at the clock then back at Hermione, "It's getting late but I really don't want to part from you yet" ,Krys smiled at what she had said, she couldn't believe how open and honest she was with Hermione.
Hermione's smile brightened as Krys spoke. She then looked to the clock as well, it was getting late. "Neither do I I'm having fun, but there is always tomorrow." Hermione said, they needed to get some kind of rest.
"You're right I'll walk you to Gryffindor tower if you'd like" ,Krys offered. She liked spending time with the girl and the more time she could get the better.
"Okay sure I'd like that, If you don't mind." She confirmed she liked having company when walking.
Hermione put her cup down and stood up, she started to walk toward the the door. She smiled at Krys, softly. Hermione liked having a walking buddy.
After Krys had walked Hermione to the Gryffindor tower she made her way back to the dungeons. When she got to the common room she sat down on the couch, a smile on her face, she was happy for the first time in a week.
Hermione walked silently with Krys back to the tower, she went inside and looked at everyone that was still awake. She went up into her room and laid on her bed smiling.
Krys sat on the couch in the common room for a little while just relaxing a bit before bed. After a little while she made it into her dorm and laid in her bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.
She stayed awake for the longest time, before she drifted off to sleep. When morning came she awoke and did her morning routine before going to class, sitting in her normal seat.
Krys woke up the next morning and got ready for the day, she stopped at the great hall for breakfast then made her way to Transfiguration. When she got there she sat next to Draco and opened her book, she noticed Blaise with Stacy but chose to ignore them, they seemed to bother her a lot less lately for some reason and she was starting not to care that Stacy was with him.
Hermione sat thewre and took notes, like she normally did keeping to herself not really likinfg anyone in the class besides Krys but that would be social suicide to talk to her in front of everyone without being crude. Today seemed like it would be a boring day.
The week had went by rather slowly and the classes seemed to drag out. Krys sat in Transfiguration the day before the dance and wrote down her notes for the day's lesson. She was excited yet nervous all at once, Krys hated any kind of social event and this dance was shaping up to be crowded. The only good thing about this thing was that Hermione was going to be there and she'd have someone to talk to even if it would have to be discreetly.
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