Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys made her way back to the Slytherin common room after a while, she sat down on one of the couches and sighed. Her night really hadn't been going to well and she just wanted to clear her head. She was finally starting to relax when she heard the door to the common room open, she looked up and a low growl escaped her lips. "What's the matter Snape can't admit that you lost to someone better"? Blaise snapped. He was standing there with Stacy clung to his arm, "You've met my new girlfriend Stacy right? Oh that's right you used two used to date right"? He pressed. Krys knew he was looking for a fight just to impress the tramp on his arm but Krys was in no mood to deal with anyone's bullshit. "Blaise now's not the time so just take the tramp to your dorm and do as you please I'm sure she'll let you" ,Krys said casually in response. Stacy's jaw dropped and she looked mortified at what Krys had just said, "I should knock your teeth out for talking to my girl like that" ,Blaise said angrily. He began to raise his fist, "If you even touch her I'll crucio the shit out of you" ,Draco's voice came from the entrance to the boys dorm. "Oh look cousin Draco coming to save the day again, why don't you ever let the snake stick up for herself, too afraid she'll get what's coming to her" ,Stacy spat. "No Stacy I don't let Krys stickup for herself because if I did the two of you would be heading to the hospital wing in a tissue box" ,he replied simply. Blaise looked at Draco and snickered, "Yeah right Draco just admit it your buddy Snape is a coward".

There were certain things you just didn't say to Krys and calling her a coward was one of them. Draco lowered his wand and smirked as Krys stood up, "Well Blaise you're going to get exactly what you just asked for" ,Draco said in a cocky tone. Blaise raised his wand as Krys approached him, "Alright bitch let's duel" ,he told her. Krys simply smacked the wand from his hand then punched hi square in the face, knocking him out. She then looked at Stacy, "Looks like your knight in shining armor is just a jack ass in tin foil" ,she said simply before sitting back down on the couch. Draco was red in the face from laughing and Stacy stood there awestruck.
Hermione went back to her common room and started a fire. If only she wouldn't think out loud. She felt so rotten for making Krys feel bad. She sat there thinking watching the flames dance. 'Hey Hermione...What's the matter?" Ginny came over and asked. "Oh hey nothing Ginny, I'm just tired." Ginny looked at her, 'Why not go to bed?' "I will in a little while...can we talk later I'm not up for it now." She stated she didn't feel like talkin. 'Yeah sure night.' "Night."
When Krys woke up in the morning she made her way to the Great Hall and sat down at the Slytherin table. She looked over and seen Blaise with his nose bandaged up and Stacy all over him. Krys turned her attention to her plate, she played with her food a bit being to upset to really eat anything at the moment.
After awhile she went to sleep, getting tired and not wanting to deal with anything. Herminoe slept straight through the night. When she woke up she wet to the great hall and got breakfast, she slowly ate her meal. Once she was finished she went off to transfiguration.
When Krys finished her breakfast she made her way to Transfiguration as well, she sat down in a seat toward the back and when Draco came in he sat with her. The two began to talk about the upcoming quidditch game against Hufflepuff when Blaise and Stacy came in and sat directly across from them, "What are you playing at Blaise"? Draco snapped. He knew Blaise was just trying to be a dick and hold Stacy over Krys' head to annoy her. "I'm not playing at anything just want to sit with my fellow Slytherins or is there something wrong with that"? Blaise responded. "Nothing wrong with it I just don't see how you can call yourself a Slytherin when you've stabbed one of us in the back" ,Draco said back angrily. Both boys were now at a loud whisper that most of the class could probably hear but chose to ignore. Professor McGonagall shot a look toward the two but it only made them quiet what they were saying down. "How can you call that thing a Slytherin hmm"? Blaise retorted in reference to Krys. Stacy started laughing a bit, "Shut up Stacy she wasn't so bad while you were dating her" ,Draco said gritting his teeth. "Well we all make mistakes now don't we, Stacy just needed a REAL man in her life not some wanna be" ,Blaise said cockily knowing Krys wouldn't hit him in front of a teacher. "FUCK YOU BLAISE DO YOU WANT A BROKEN JAW WITH THAT NOSE YOU FUCKING PRICK" ,Krys yelled as she stood up. "KRYS! LANGUAGE and threatening in class that is not proper at all" ,McGonagall chimed in. Krys slammed her fist onto the desk then stormed out of the room, "I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF THESE ASSHOLES"! She yelled as she made it into the hallway.
Hermione could hear their conversation loud and clear. Blaise was trying to be an asshole,no he was an asshole. That's why she didn't really get along with Slytherins, most of then were assholes. Hermione was pissed at Stacy, she was a two timing slut and probably cheated on Krys before hand. As soon as Krys yelled Herminoe snapped her head back and watched worried for Krys she was still hurt and upset. While everyone was distracted Hermione asked to use the restroom not that she had any intention of going, she wanted to help Kryss calm down. She walked out and shut the down behind her. "Krys...?" She called softly.
Krys walked a bit of a distance away from the classroom then leaned up against the wall and slowly slid down into a sitting position. She didn't let herself cry instead she just sat with a cold expressionless look on her face. When she heard Hermione call her name she turned in the direction where she had heard it, "Yeah"? She asked quietly leaning her head back, she now had a headache from all the drama on top of being stressed and hurt.
Hermione walked over to Krys, and squated down besides her. Her face scared her a bit it was so cold nearly lifeless, though she knew she was angered and hurt. Hermione dug into her bag for her pain pills figuring Krys may have a headache or something. "Here..take these, " she stated pulling them out of her purse handing them to Krys. "You know there just being jerks right, most of what they say isn't true.
She took the pills Hermione had offered then leaned her head back against the wall, she sat quiet for a moment and finally a few tears fell from her eyes. "But Hermione they are right, I'm a fucking freak I'm surprised Draco even hangs around me but I-I can't help how I feel ya know" ,Krys said in response. She was starting to believe what everyone said about her after all the only person other then Draco she thought actually cared had recently broke her heart.
Hermione took her sleeve and gently wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes. "NO Krys they aren't right, You're not a freak." hermione ststed sincerly."Yeah I bet it's hard Krys I really do, no we all have feelings, but we can't choose the way we are at times ." She stated, then hoping to make her laugh or at least smile, "You know what aybe you are a do hide in the library hanging out with a Gryffindor of all things...maybe you are a little loopy but if you weren't we wouldn't be talking now would we?"
When Hermione wiped Krys tears away then made the comment jokingly, Krys let herself smile a little bit. "Well in that case I'm glad I'm a bit loopy, talking to you is the best thing I've got going now a days to be honest" ,Krys admitted. It was true she enjoyed being around the Gryffindor more then anything, Hermione made her feel normal in a way and wanted. "Thanks again for giving a shit about me" ,Krys stated with a sincere smile.
Hermione smiled seeing Krys was smiling even just a little bit. "You still have Draco, he from what it seems at least trys to help out."She stated seeing Draco stand up for Krys. "Aww Thanks Krys...Hey don't worry about it, I told you if you ever need me I'll be there. I'm your friend Krys." She stated returning the smile.
"Yeah until I met you Draco was the only one that stood up for me and was honest about it" ,Krys told her in response. "So if you want we can hang out later, same place, same time, let's be freaks together" ,she joked giving Hermione a playful smirk.
"I see, Well I'm glad I'm helping in some way." She stated she wouldn't verbalize in public much as it is she deals with the slytherins bashing her about everything. "Okay I'd like that. same time same place, freaks gotta stick together." She smiled and teased.
"Alright I'll see you in the library later my fellow freak" ,Krys stated with a small laugh. She stood up and held her hand out to help Hermione to her feet, "We should probably get back to class before they send a search team meaning Draco and Ginny" ,Krys laughed again knowing if McGonagall sent anyone to look for them it would most likely be those two.
"Alright it's a plan." She stated laughing slightly. Hermione took her hand and stood up. "Yeah that's probably a good idea, if anyone asks I was supposed to be in the restroom so..yeah." She stated smiling she normally wouldn't lie and skip out on class but Krys needed her.
"Alright then I'll wait a few moments before going back in that way it looks like we weren't around each other" ,Krys said with a hint of aggravation in her voice. She didn't like having to hide their friendship but she knew if it was out in the open then Hermione would get ripped into for and so would she.
"You can go in first if you wanna, " She stated she could tell Krys was aggrevated, Hermione didn't like it either but they'd be digging their graves if the showed or told.
"Alright either way works for me though" ,Krys told her. "I'll see you in a few" ,she sated with a smile before walking back into the classroom and sitting next to Draco. McGonagall turned and looked at Krys, "Are we ready to learn now"? She asked very sternly. Krys gave her a nod then opened her textbook.
"Okay see you soon." she stated, after Krys went in she waited a few minutes before returning herself. She snuck it quietly as to not disturb McGonagall. She went straight back to her seat and continued her notes.
When class finished Krys got up and her and Draco left and made their way to their next class. On the way there Blaise and Stacy followed them and kept making snide remarks behind their backs and this time they were trashing Draco as well. The two decided to ignore it and keep walking until they got to the class and sat down.
After class Hermione walked of to her next one and the day went day as It normally did. Then dinner came and she sat in her spot at her normal table, with her friends talking about this and that. She ate her meal, and caught up with everyone.
The day went slower then usual mainly because Blaise and Stacy had been acting like idiots the whole time. After dinner Krys made it to the library and sat down waiting for Hermione. She looked a mess, her hair was tossled from her yanking at it all day and her face was red with anger. Regardless of how Krys was feeling though she wanted to have a good night and put the day behind her.
Hermione excussed herself from the table and went to meet up with Krys. She walked in and could tell Krys was upset and angry Stacy was probably bothering her the whole day. "Hey you alright?" she asked taking her seat.
Krys looked up hearing Hermione's voice, "Yeah I'm fine now that I'm away from those two idiots" ,she said in response referring to Blaise and Stacy. "It's nice to finally get some time to relax, I dunno if I even want to go back to the common room tonight".
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