Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Well that's good to least you have quiet time here." She stated she liked the library because it was quiet. "So you plan to stay here all night?" She asked curiously.
"Nah not here I'll probably go into one of the hidden rooms within the castle, between you and me they're a lot nicer and I've got a bedroom hidden within the castle no one knows about that my dad had set up when I was younger and had people issues, I didn't want to sleep in the dorms because there were too many people that could steal my stuff" ,Krys told her laughing. "Maybe I'll show you it one day if you want".
"Okay cause granted it's quiet in here but it doesn't seem comfortable. Nice, I'm sure they are nicer, I bet hardly anyone uses them. That'd be cool." She stated she learned quite a bit in this short moment of speech.
"Yeah it would be and it'd be the first time I ever brought someone in there" ,Krys said with a smile. "Never really had someone I knew worth taking in there though until now of course". Krys blushed a bit after saying that she didn't mean it as hitting on the girl but it did come out a bit flirty. "So I think I'm gonna go to the dance to check it out Draco doesn't have a date either so we decided to go solo and just hang out how about you did someone ask you yet"? Krys asked taking a sip out of the cup of tea she just made herself.
"Really I'd be the first to see your secret room? That sounds fun." She stated they would be able to study easier with less noise down there. Hermione smiled and blushed a bit, she wasn't expecting that. "Nice, I hope you guys have fun, No one besides you have asked me to go so, I don't think I'm gonna go." She replied she was still debating whether she wanted to go or not.
"But you have to go regardless if I'm sucking it up and going so are you" ,Krys said with a smile and nudged Hermione a little. "Come on please go don't let me walk into the lion's den alone".
"Oh do I now? That's not fair." She whined playfully. "You won't be alone you'll have Draco. I don't even have a dress for it. If I find a dress in time I'll go." She gave in she couldn't let Krys go alone with the bitch tormenting her.
"Yeah but Draco is a little perv he'll end up finding someone within seconds, I'll help you find a dress if I have too" ,Krys said in response nudging her again. She stuck her tongue out at Hermione playfully then laughed. "In all seriousness you should go and have some fun".
Hermione laughed with what Krys said about Draco. "Okay..You know I could be studying on this night instead." She stated smiling, she stuck her tongue back out at Krys. "I doubt that it's really going to be fun.
"I'm sure we could figure something out to make it fun for us" ,Krys stated. "I promise if you get bored and want to leave I won't stop you and I'll carry all your books for a week".
"Alright if you say so." She replied Krys probably had something up her sleeve. "Alright...Krys you don't have to carry my books for a week" she stated and laughed softly.
"Well I have to bribe you with something and I can't exactly offer what I usually do with other females meaning Stacy and on occasion Pansy" ,Krys said in response. She bit down on her lip and her face turned red and look of disgust came over her, "Ew I just realized how gross I am blegh I'm like a slut magnet" ,she joked trying to make Hermione laugh more, she enjoyed hearing the girl laugh.
"You don't have to bribe me at all Krys." She stated she didn't want to know what she bribed them with. Hermione laughed at that statedment she couldn't believe she said that. "You are not a slut magnet."
Krys laughed, "I kinda am did you ever meet Stacy come on she's the definition of a slut" ,she said in response. Even though she wasn't getting much reading in Krys was having fun just joking around with Hermione, it felt good to laugh for a bit. "But enough talk about them they make me queasy, let's talk about doing something fun this weekend before the dance I mean".
"True but I tried to avoid her at all costs, I never liked her." Hermione said. She was enjoying herself just talking and hanging out with Krys. " what?" She asked curiously.
Krys thought for a moment before answering, "We can sneak off to Hogsmeade for a little bit maybe pick out a dress for you" ,Krys said in response she winked playfully at Hermione. "We can pretty you up although I'm not to good at that so you'll have to teach me ok and you can help me pick out a new tux for this dance, sound good"?
Hermione thought for a moment, "Altight, that sounds like fun, are you sure you want me to teach you. Alright I'll help you and you'll help me." She stated smiling. She liked that idea, she needed a dress, and it would be fun hanging out with Krys. 
"Awesome" ,Krys said excitedly after Hermione agreed to go. "We can grab something to eat too while we're there might as well who knows how long we're going to be there picking out clothes".
"True, alright so we'll get something to eat, and get our clothes," Sounds like an eventful plan to me. " she replied smiling.
"Yeah it does I can't wait" ,Krys said in response. She was glad they could just hang out and put the whole house feud behind them. Krys always thought it was stupid anyway and wished more people would realize that.
Hermione was excited now, she still didn't want to show up at the dance alone, but Krys was going to help her shop. Girl time was always fun and she enjoyed talking to Krys it was different them talking to her usual friends. The feud between houses was stupid but people always looked at the differences.
Krys opened a book she had picked out but she didn't really know if she was going to get any reading in tonight. She was thoroughly enjoying Hermione's company and liked talking to her.
"'s your father? He hasn't been in school for a while. Everything alright?" She asked curiously trying to make conversation, plus she hadn't seen the potion's professor in over a week.
When Hermione asked about Krys' father she looked at her and bit her lip, "Yeah he's good, he's just had some....issues he's had to take care of, been really busy ya know he should be back soon" ,Krys said in response. It wasn't a lie he was busy taking care of her mother but Krys couldn't exactly say he was at home with Bellatrix Lestrange.
"That's good, I wasn't sure if he was sick or something." She stated glad that nothing seemed wrong with Snape. "Yeah I know how it is to be busy." she replied she was often busy or at least tried to be.
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