Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Hm I don't know I'm probably going to start out with some appetizers, I'm hungry" ,she said in response. "I think I'll get some soup and bread sticks to start, how about you"?
"Sounds good I think I'm going to start off with a salad." She replied still scanning the menu trying to deside what she wanted to eat.
"Sounds good to me" ,Krys stated in response. When the waiter came over and asked what they wanted to drink Krys scanned the drink menu quickly before deciding, "I'd like some fruit punch a large one". The waiter then looked to Hermione to get her order.
Hermione looked to the waiter and waited until Krys was finished ordering her drink. "I'll have a large pumpkin juice please." She stated smiling a bit.
After ordering the drinks Krys ordered the appetizers and sat back relaxing as she waited for the food to arrive. "So what made you decide to go to the dance"? Krys asked curiously. She was happy the girl finally decided to go and have fun but she was curious as to why she had changed her mind.
Hermione tilted her head trying to rememberwhat did make her change her mind. "I don't really know...I think it was because you asked me and told me that you'd help me find a dress also mentioning Draco was a prev and would ditch you." She smiled at krys think to the conversation. "Plus everyone will be there and and I don't wanna be in the common room alone."
Krys smiled, "Well thank you for thinking about me" ,she stated in response. After a few moments their drinks came and Krys took a sip from her glass. "I think we could have fun if we really....really tried".
Hermione smiled, "You're Welcome." When their drinks came she took a sip, then put it down, I'm sure we could...have some sort of fun or enjoyment out of the dance."
"Maybe I'll talk to the Weasley's before we leave Hogsmeade it's been a while since I've been in their shop" ,Krys told her. "That's if you don't mind dropping by their shop". Krys had always been friends with the twins even if it wasn't out in the open, they mainly kept it a secret due to the house feud and because they were on opposing quidditch teams, plus Ron didn't like Krys too much after their third year when Krys and him got into a little scuffle during a detention.
"Yeah sure, I haven't been in their shop since the beginning of school, so it will be nice to see them again." Hermione agreed, she trusted them though they were goofballs.
"Alright sounds good we can go there and look for things to make the dance a bit more fun" ,Krys said in response, an evil smirk coming across her face.
"Krys I'm not sure about that...if we get caught we could get into trouble..." She stated noticing the evil smile creep onto her face. She took another sip of pumpkin juice.
"Relax I won't let you get caught if anything I'll get blamed for it" ,Krys stated with a small laugh. When the waiter came back with the appetizers Krys took a bite out of a bread stick then ordered her lunch.
"Still I don't think it's a good idea in general." She stated hoping to diswayed Krys from it but she didn't think that would work. She ordered her meal and began to pick at her salad.
"I'll consider behaving but it may be a little hard to do" ,Krys said smiling. She didn't want to scare Hermione off but she did want to have some fun, "Who knows maybe I'll have fun at the dance in general".
"Alright then, at least consider it." She stated then ate more of her salad. "Maybe...Let's hope so."
When lunch came Krys ate rather quickly due to being hungry, when she finished she looked at Hermione, "Well we can still go and visit the shop just to say hello if you'd like" ,she stated with a smile.
Hermione was behind Krys in eating, this "You're finished already?" She asked, in awe. "Yay we can still go and say hi and look around." She smiled.
"Yeah I was hungry" ,Krys said blushing. She didn't want to look like a pig but she did have quite an appetite and couldn't help but eat a lot sometimes. "Yeah it'll be nice to see them and I could use a few things from the store, need to have something to cheer me up now a days".
Hermione laughed softly, Krys ate nearly like Ron did. "I can see that." She stated before taking another bite. "True, I'm sure will be able to cheer up with anything in there."
"Yeah those two come up with some of the greatest stuff" , she stated. It was no secret that the wizarding world was going through a very dark time and Krys being a death eater it only made things worse, she had to hide her secret and knew if Hermione ever found out their friendship would be ruined.
"Yeah they do, it's fun at times." She stated then finished up the rest of her lunch she felt bad for taking so long but she couldn't eat that fast.
Krys sat and waited as Hermione finished her lunch she didn't mind just sitting there with her. She sipped from her cup of juice until Hermione finished her food. Krys called the waiter over so that she could pay before they left.
"Here do you want me to chip in at all? So you don't have to pay for the whole check?" She asked feeling bad that Krys was gonna pay for it.
Krys was so used to paying for everything with Stacy that she didn't expect Hermione to offer to split the bill, a confused expression came across her face. "Oh no don't worry about it you can get the bill next time if you want" ,Krys told her with a smile.
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