Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"My parents? Mine are great, their dentist's they do work in peoples mouths like filling cavities and root canals. I'm sure you know that they're muggles everyone seems too. They both kind and loving, they didn't want me to come back to Hogwarts this year...they were worried about my safety. They worry a lot." She stated kinda sadly Hermione had to obliviate her parents taking herself out of their lives, for their own safety and so they would have one less thing to worry about. They knew something was up in the wizarding word, Hermione wanted to keep them safe.
"They seem like wonderful people Hermione and yes I knew they were muggles and no I don't have a problem with it don't worry" ,Krys stated in response. She took another sip of her wine finishing off the glass, she grabbed the bottle and refilled her glass then topped Hermione's off. Krys looked into the girl's eyes after refilling their glasses, Hermione was truly stunning in Krys' eyes and her personality was just as beautiful as her face was, the girl was everything anyone could ever want and Krys felt lucky to be spending so much time with her.
"They really are, I miss them, so much...With everything going on...I...I had to oblivate them to try and keep them safe. Their lives will go on as if they never had me, but I'll always hold them in my heart. I guess I'm technically an orphan now..." She stated telling Krys what had happened she felt comfortable enough telling her, she didn't know why but it was nice talking to Krys. Hermione was almost done with her first glass then when Krys topped it off she smiled "Thank you.." She stated taking drink. Hermione saw Krys looking at her face not realizing she was looking into her eyes. She touched her face curiously, "Is there something on my face?" she aske softly wondering ifsomething was there.
"Oh no there's nothing on your face sorry for staring it's just you have a very beautiful face it's pretty flawless in my opinion" ,Krys said in response. "I'm sorry about your parents it must've been hard to do what you did but you were smart to do it". Krys sighed and thought about everything, part of her wanted to tell Hermione who she really was and who her mother really was, she didn't like lying to the girl but if she told the truth she knew she would lose Hermione forever.
"Oh..." Hermione blushed and smiled at Krys' words. "Thank you Krys..." She stated she didn't really know what to say to Krys' complement. "It was very hard but it had to happen for their own safety." Hermione said it hurt her to do it, she loved her parents and that's why she did what did.
Hermione's words hurt Krys, she was part of the reason all the chaos was going on and she felt bad that Hermione had to obliviate her parents due to all the darkness that filled the wizarding world now. Krys moved a little closer to Hermione, "You are one of the strongest people I know Hermione and I am so happy we started talking" ,Krys stated. She looked into the girl's beautiful eyes again before she leaned in and pressed her lips gently against Hermione's.
"Thanks, it's just hard I haven't been able to really talk about this...I'm happy too, your a good friend." Hermione stated smiling softly still trying to hold back her tears. Hermione looked at Krys' face, Krys was looking at her again she was confused. Until Hermione felt Krys' lips upon hers, her eyes opened wide Was Krys really kissing her? Was she kissing a girl?
Krys' eyes were closed so she didn't see the look of shock on Hermione's face and therefor didn't pull away. She brought her hand up and stroked the side of Hermione's face then licked at the girl's bottom lip gently.
After a moment or two her eyes closed, and let Krys do what she wanted. She didn't understand why she was, but she didn't pull away. She felt some sort of feeling within her kiss that she couldn't comperhend.
The kiss felt so right and Krys for the first time in her life felt something that she had never felt while kissing a girl, not even Stacy made her feel the way Hermione did. Usually Krys felt nothing but lust while she kissed girls and usually had little to no respect for their boundaries but Hermione was different, there was something about her that made Krys want to hold back and be respectful. Krys' heart raced as she continued to kiss the beautiful Gryffindor, her hands stayed away from any risky areas on Hermione's body and her kiss was slow but passionate.
Hermione felt like a dear in the head lights she really didnt know what to do. She had never been kissed that passionately before she was thrown off guard. This was the first time that a girl had ever kissed her, nor did she ever kiss one. Krys' touch was so soft and caring.
After a few minutes Krys pulled away and looked at Hermione, she smiled then took another sip from her glass. "So uh....yeah I'm sorry if that came off a little too forward" ,she stated unsure of what to say. She knew Hermione was straight but the girl didn't stop her from kissing her so she was a bit confused.
After Krys broke the kiss, she opened her eyes. Hermione was in shock that they had kissed. She took another sip of her drink. She bit her lip, "A little..." she replied meakly. She was in awe and a little embarrassed that they had kissed. She really wasn't sure what to say.
"I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore" ,Krys stated. She could tell by the look on her face that the girl was confused, Krys had seen that look so many times before and it never ended good. She took another sip from her glass then fell silent as she waited for Hermione to answer her.
Hermione stayed silent for a time. She was thinking and trying to have all of this sink in. Was she really striaghtor not? She liked the kiss they shared, she liked Krys as a friend, but was it more? Hermione finished her glass this time. "I...dont wanna...stop talking to you you, I'm not gonna let a...little kiss get in the way of our friendship..."She replied.
Krys smiled after Hermione said she didn't want to stop talking to her, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. She was relieved that the kiss hadn't ruined their friendship. "Would you like a refill"? Krys asked Hermione as she refilled her own glass.
Hermione smiled softly at Krys, she had a lot to think about. "Um yeah sure might as well. " She replied to Krys' offer. She hoped this kiss didn't ruin their friendship, it was a little strange now.
Krys poured some more wine into Hermione's glass after refilling her own, she then set the bottle down and stood up. She pointed her wand at the fireplace and lit the fire then sat back down. "So....uhm....would you ever want to....ya that again"? Krys asked nervously. She wanted to know exactly where they both stood with the kiss, Krys was all for kissing the girl as much as she could but she wasn't sure that Hermione felt the same.
"Thank you." She said as Krys filled her glass. She looked to Krys as she stood up curiously, until the fire roared to life. Hermione looked at it for a bit then looked at Krys. "I...Um..I..I'm not sure, will you allow me time to think on this? I don't currently have anwer for you." She asked, she liked it she liked Krys, but Hermione was straight she shouldn't be kissing girls. Hermione wasnow confused.
"Oh....of course...." ,Krys stated in response. She felt like kicking herself for even asking such a stupid question. "Uhm....just let me know when you're ready to go back up to the castle and I'll walk you there".
Hermione knew things were going to be awkward now. It was just timing and trying to think ov words to say now was like pulling teeth. "In a little while...I guess, before it gets too late."
"Alright sounds good to me" ,Krys said in response. She took another sip from her glass then reached over and pulled a bag of gummies out of the bag of candy she purchased from Honeydukes. Krys wasn't quite sure what else to say, she felt a bit awkward and didn't want to mess anything up any further.
Hermione did the same, drinking from her glass. She didn't want to be rude, but she was rather speechless, besides a few complments Hermione didn't think Krys felt that way toward her. Her mind was full if various thoughts now mostly relating to this. But her mind was getting cluttered.
After a little while and a few more glasses of wine Krys checked the time, "We should probably get to our dorms before people start looking for us plus that wretched dance is tomorrow night so we may want to be well rested" ,Krys stated. She smiled at Hermione then stood up and held out her hand offering to help Hermione to her feet.
"Yeah we probably should, we have been missing for most of the day. Oh Merlin it is isnt it? I nearly forgot." Hermione replied taking Krys hand to get up.
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