Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Severus looked into Bellatrix's eyes, he felt so bad for the woman she had been in the worst place any witch or wizard could go. He knew she was confused and couldn't distinguish dreams from reality. Severus placed a finger on her chin and brought her eyes up to meet his again before kissing her passionately.

When the two got into the headmaster's office they sat far away from each other. Dumbledore lectured them for a good half an hour before letting the go. The rest of the day went by terribly slow and Krys was in a foul mood yet again, her father didn't leave her mind, yes she was pissed at him but she didn't like people trashing him. By the time dinner came around Krys didn't even want to eat she sat and played with her food for a few minutes before looking at the staff table and seeing her father still not there. She got up and walked out of the great hall shooting Harry, Ron, and Seamus a nasty look on the way out. Krys walked into the girls bathroom and leaned back on one of the sink's, she sighed before letting herself cry silently.
Bellatrix then moved her hand and twirled her fingers in his hair, as a young child would. Bellatrix then became distracted by the finger on her chin, looking up into his dark eyes. Her eyes back to crazed widened then subdued to normal again closing her eyes as they kissed passionately. 

Hermione didn't see the fight but she sure heard about it. Her day went on like a fairly normal day. Classes and such like. Hermione made her way to dinner making her a plate to eat, seeing Krys on the prowl, unsure of what she was up to. Hermione told the boys to watch her things so she could run to the rest room quick, unaware Krys was there. Hermione walked into the bathroom and saw Krys leaning on the sink, seeing her face tear stained this was odd she had never seen Krys cry. Hermione was thinking about ignoring it, but she knew Krys was troubled and no matter who they are she hated seeing people like that. " alright?" Hermione asked softly and sincerely. Slowly approaching Krys. 
Severus continued to kiss Bellatrix hoping that it was a good distraction for the woman, he didn't want to let her go everything he had wanted lied within her and his family. The man was undoubtedly in love with Bellatrix.

When Krys heard Hermione's voice she quickly tried to wipe away her tears, "I'll be fine...." ,Krys said quickly out of habit. She then sighed and looked up at Hermione, "Actually no I won't can't tell anyone ok? I'm supposed to be this big tough guy but I can't handle having a fight with my father, a lot has happened in the past month some of which I can't even talk about" ,Krys told her. She didn't know why she was telling the Gryffindor all this, maybe it was because she was the only one that had asked what was wrong.
Bellatrix kissed him back, which she was surprised she still remembered how to. It was something that eased her mind. Bella's sanity was coming and going not being released from Azkaban for only a mere week. As they kissed Bellatrix ran her fingers through his hair. Bellatrix never stopped loving him while in prison. 

Hermione looked at Krys curiously and with sympathy. "Alright good luck then..." She stated having a feeling Krys wasn't going to speak to her. Hermione was shocked when Krys continued. "Ok, I won't tell..." she stated softly smiling gently. " don't have to be tough all the time. He's your father, no matter what he'll always be there for you. I couldn't bare to fight with my parents either, granted I don't have a tough persona. I'm sorry...why can't you talk about it? It might make you feel better...wether you tell it to me or another, I find venting helps a troubled mind." Hermione explained. She was trying to lessen her burden, granted Krys was a Slytherin she hated to see anyone in pain. 
Severus held Bellatrix close as they kissed, after a few minutes he broke the kiss and looked into the woman's eyes. "I will never let you go again" ,he whispered before kissing her again.

"I could get into a lot of trouble if I talked about everything that was bothering me" ,Krys told Hermione in response. It was true a big part of her stress was the fact that she had just become a death eater and had to hide it from everyone plus her mother was Bellatrix Lestrange one of the wizarding world's most wanted. Krys stood quietly for a few moments trying to find the words to say, she wasn't used to talking about her problems. "Listen I'm not going to hurt Ron or Harry during the game I owe you one for caring so I'll play fair Saturday" ,Krys said. She wasn't sure how Hermione would react but she was trying to be friendly another thing she wasn't used to.
Bellatrix stayed close to him being alone for so long made her a bit clingy. Bellatrix steadied her breathing after the kiss was broken. Bellatrix looked back into his eyes, "I'll never leave.." She replied before the kiss stopped her. 

Hermione had a curious look on her face when she said she could get into trouble. "I must have a way to take your frustrations out on someone?" Hermione stated questioning, if she couldn't talk she must have some outlook. There was a moment of silence, unsure of what to say she stood there. "I have your word...that you wont purposely hurt them? She asked making sure thats what she said. 
 "Deal, but you really don't owe me...I'm happy to help." Hermione smiled she was shocked Krys promised to play fair and repay her for her kindness, Krys was trying to be friendly. "If know..ever need someone to listen...I'm always around." Hermione offered, she figured Krys might not have the right people to talk to about certain problems so she offered her help. 
Severus loved the way Bellatrix's lips felt against his, he hadn't been with anyone since Bellatrix not even a one night stand and it was starting to show. The woman excited him and it wasn't hard to tell, no matter how hard the man tried his attraction to Bellatrix was an obvious thing that he couldn't hide especially seeing it was bulging in his pants. He shifted his position to try and make it less obvious, he continued to kiss Bellatrix hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Yeah you have my word" ,Krys said in response. "It was nice talking to you ya know and as for out lets I read" ,Krys laughed a little knowing how odd that must sound. "I know crazy right but the brute does have some brains, I may not be as smart as you but I do have some smarts to me" ,Krys joked.
Bellatrix missed this so much, missed him so much. She never strayed from him, most guards tend to rape the females but no one touched Bellatrix, being evil and crazy if looks could kill they'd all be dead. Bellatrix opened her eyes feeling him shift noticing his pants. Bellatrix broke the kiss and looked down to confirm, then looked back up. " that a snake in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" She joked seductively, though with her body still in recovery sex might not be a good idea, no matter what her mind thought. 

"Likewise Krys, oh? You read, what do you read?" Hermione asked curiously and excitedly. "You never striked me as being dumb, nit like Malfoy's goons.."
"Sorry it's just I haven't been with anyone since you were taken away and being so close to you is getting me a bit aroused, maybe we should just cuddle for a little while" ,Severus said in response. He knew she couldn't be ready for any sexual contact and he didn't want to press it on her mainly because she was still weak and probably couldn't handle it.

"I read a lot of things mainly books on the dark arts, I know typical Slytherin right? I find the dark arts fascinating I also like to read about magical myths and stuff of that sort, I've dived into books about dragons from time to time, I pretty much read whatever I pull off the shelf in the library" ,Krys told her. "I've also read Hogwarts A History from front to back and other books about Hogwarts I know nearly every secret room and passageway in this castle, maybe I'll show you one day it would have to be in secret of course we wouldn't want anyone seeing a Gryffindor and Slytherin socializing now would we" ,Krys let out a small laugh at her own statement letting Hermione know she was joking about not being seen with her.
"No one? For so long? You
 didn't stray from me after all those years...I love you." Bellatrix was relieved to know that he didn't 'cheat' on her. "Alright, " Bellatrix cuddled closer to Severus her hand resting on his chest. Bella was weak and jumping into anything sexual might break her. 

"I assume so. Somethings about the Dark Arts are indeed fascinating. That's what I do if I'm not looking for something specific I grab a random book." She stated that was something they had in common. "I'd like that, sounds interesting. Heaven forbid we are seen hanging out together." She replied sarcastically laughing. 
"Not once....I just couldn't see myself with anyone else....not even Lily" ,Severus admitted. He did love Lily but he loved Bellatrix more, she brought out the real him and he knew the real her and that's what made him love her so much. "We should get ready soon, I know you'll love the place I'm taking you to".

Krys laughed with Hermione shocking herself, she never imagined talking to Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's best friend and some one her best friend Draco despised. "You know you're not so bad I guess I just had to give you a chance before judging, sorry for being so cruel to you over the years, I'm surprised you even stopped to ask what was wrong I do appreciate it and I'll remember this next time you need someone even though you can probably just talk to Ron or Harry".
Bellatrix's eyes grew wide with his words in utter disbelief. "Severus..." Bella whispered softly. Bellatrix knew how much little miss perfect, Lily Potter neé Evens meant to him. "You really mean that?" She questioned softly remembering the way he looked at her, doted on her, spoke about her. She felt bad for him when Lily died. "You know me all to well, I bet it's lovely." She smiled. Then she remember "Severus, I don't have anything to wear out, unless Cissy saved my clothing."

Hermione never thought in a million years that she'e get along with Krys Snape, this was so strange. She was Draco's friend or girl friend she wasn't sure, but she knew she couldn't be related to him. They looked nothing alike. "You're not so bad yourself. You're not as rotten as you'd like us to believe. That's alright no hard feelings, it happens. I've never seen you cry before so...I figured I could try and help, I was shocked you answered me, without threatening me. And true I could talk to them but they're guys its nice to talk to a girl."
"Yes I do mean that Bellatrix I love you more then anyone except Krys of course you guys are both equal to me" ,Severus said in response. At the mention of Bellatrix not having anything to wear Severus smiled then got out of the bed and made his way over to the closet where he pulled out a dress for Bellatrix to wear. "I picked it up on the way here I hope you like it".

Krys laughed at Hermione's statement, "Yeah guys can be hard to get along with that's why I prefer women" ,she joked. Krys was never uncomfortable with her sexuality and most of her friends knew she was gay. "I hope that doesn't turn you away some people aren't fond of it" ,Krys continued.
Bellatrix smiled at him, "I love you so much...I always have. Even though I'm married to an idiot." She stated, she was still angry about her forced marriage to her husband Rudolphus. Though she was married in her eyes she wasn't and he didn't hold her to being his wife. Bellatrix watched Severus curiously, as he got up. "Where are you going?" she asked nit wanting him to go then realized he was going to the closet. " it? I live it. " Bellatrix smiled brightly, she was excited like a school girl going on het first date. 

"Yeah they can, especially Harry he can be so hard headed at times...oh." Hermione never realized that Krys was gay, though she didn't have a problem with it.  "No it's fine I don't judge on ordination." 
"He is and idiot love and I'm sorry you were forced to marry him we should have been married" ,Severus said in a slightly angry tone. He didn't like the fact that the mother of his child and woman he loved was married. "I'm glad you like it I thought of you when I saw it".

"Well that's a good thing" ,Krys said in response. She looked up at the old clock hanging on the wall over the door and realized how long the two had been in there. "Wow it's been nearly 20 minutes since we first started talking, I hate to say this but you may want to get back to the Great Hall before Ron and Harry send Ginny after you" ,Krys said knowing full well how the two worked when it came to Hermione.
"It's not you're fault my love. Yes we should have been married, I didn't say yes, if my parents didn't file a marriage contract with his, We would have been. If I could divorce him I would in a heart beat, and be remarried to you. Make it official but that would ruin everything, Dumbledore would fire you and the mission would be a waste then we'd or I'd be thrown back in prison. Unless we wait until we win the war, then life would be blissful." She stated day dreaming slightly. "I don't like it...I love it. It's absolutely stunning." Bella replied happily, standing up to walking over to him, she tottered  and moved shakily to him smiling. Hugging him gently. 

Hermione was shocked not realizing how long they had been talking. "20 minutes? Really? Wow...true. How do you know they'd send Ginny to find me?" She questioned curiously. Granted they tended to do it often. "Well it was...nice talking to you." She said then remembered she had to go to the restroom. "They can wait another minute or two..." She stated slipping into a stall. 
"I agree life will be more blissful after the war, we shall get married and be together with Krys as a family" ,Severus stated wrapping his arms around Bellatrix. "Come I'll help you wash up and get dressed".

"I'm very observant I've seen them send her for you whenever you disappear, it's kinda funny if you ask me" ,Krys replied. "It was nice talking to you as well and between you and me I look forward to our next encounter" ,Krys admitted with a smile. When Hermione went into the stall Krys made her way out the door, when she got outside sure enough Ginny was just about to walk into the bathroom. Krys let out a small laugh making Ginny's expression turn to one of worry and Krys knew exactly why, the girl's head was probably filled with a bunch of crap that made Krys look like a dragon with rabies or something.
"Yes, after we win and are under the Dark Lord's rule life will be so much easier for us. Our family will be complete and whole, no one can stand in our way. " She stated cuddling into him. Bella's look saddened, " wouldn't recognize my body, it's become sharp and angled...I don't want you to see me like this..." She stated afraid he might leave her or find her less desirable because of her looks, still beautiful of face but her curves had withered. Though she would need help, but she was afraid and didn't want to admit it.

Hermione smiled, " It is rather entertaining." She stated thinking about it they often sent Ginny to get her. "Until we meet again." she stated she actually wanted to know more about Krys. Hermione finished up when Ginny entered and Krys left. Hermione went and washed her hands. "Hey Hermione you alright?" Ginny asked. "Yes I'm fine I just needed to get out of the Hall for a bit." Ginny nodded her head, "I was only wonder cause I just saw Girl Snape walk out laughing and got worried." Ginny stated. "Everything's fine, it's just a bathroom. Here let's get back to the table." Hermione said walking back with Ginny.
"Nonsense Bellatrix there is no way I could find you less desirable no matter how broken down your body is, now come and let me wash you I won't take no for an answer" ,Severus said in response. He meant every word of it too it didn't matter how Bellatrix looked he would love her no matter what and had no intentions of leaving her now that he finally had her back.

Krys made her way back to the Slytherin table and sat next to Draco and the rest of the group. "Where did you go"? Stacy Krys' girlfriend asked before Draco could open his mouth. "I just went for a walk to clear my head" ,Krys said in response as she grabbed a plate and filled it. She noticed Hermione walk in to the great hall with Ginny and laughed a little again, she still couldn't believe that she got along with Hermione so well or that the Gryffindor cared to stop and ask her what was wrong.
Bellatrix's look was still saddened, Bella was praised on her power and beauty and because of Azkaban she had neither at the moment. "Severus...." she whispered softly not looking at him. She sighed softly in defeat. "Alright..." She reached back and untied her dress making her way into the restroom. 

Hermione and Ginny walked over to the table to finish eating. "You get lost?" Ron asked. Hermione looked at him, "No I went to the restroom, you don't have to send someone to look for me you know." She stated grabbing some food and started to eat. 
Severus could here Bellatrix's tone and knew she was self conscious, he reached his hand out and helped her take her dress off. When it was off completely Severus smiled at Bellatrix and whispered, "You are still as stunning as you ever were love".

After dinner Krys and Draco made there way up to the Slytherin common room to hang out for a little while before bed. When they got there the two changed into their pajamas and sat down for a little while until Blaise walked into the room. An evil smirk came across Draco's face and Krys' eyes widened, "No Draco not this time I don't wanna hurt no one" ,she said with a serious tone. "NO Krys you know the rules you two have to bury the hatchet and what better way then to see who lasts longer in a fist fight" ,Draco said. Blaise looked over and laughed a bit, "You actually think that Krys stands a chance please I'm no Gryffindor" ,Blaise said cockily. "Yeah but you're still a bitch" ,Krys retorted. "Alright put 'em up let's settle this". Blaise walked into the middle of the room as did Krys, all the students moved the furniture out of the way to give the two room. "Alright count of three guys....1....2....3" ,Draco said and the two clashed. The fight lasted a good 15 minutes before Blaise was on the ground barely breathing due to the headlock Krys had him in. Crabbe shook his head knowing very well what it felt like when Krys got someone into a headlock. The two both pretty banged up eventually called it quits and shook hands before heading off to bed.
Bellatrix, with Severus' help, slipped out of her dress. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties for she had only remained in bed, still healing from Azkaban. "No I'm not...Severus..I know you're only saying that to make me feel better."She spoke softly, still not seeing her body the way she used to, see was boney and frail, her curves were slight not like the way they were. 

Once Hermione, Ron, and Harry finished eating they headed back to the common room. Hermione trying to get the boys to study, finally succeeded, then went to go read thinking about the earlier events until she fell asleep. 
"No I am not you of all people should know I hold no punches when it comes to saying how I feel" ,Severus whispered quietly running his fingers down her back gently. "I thing you are beautiful no matter what Bellatrix, I wish you could see yourself the way I do".

Krys woke up early in the morning and got dressed in her normal black tux. She made her way to the great hall on the way there she passed Harry and gave him a kind wave, something that he probably found odd. "Hey Harry good luck this weekend" ,Krys said sincerely making Harry give her a look of confusion.
"I'm...sorry've never lied to me before...why should you now?" She asked both to him and herself. He wouldn't lie to her, never has for all she knew. Bella always took pride in her looks and now that they have faded from what she remembered, it was hard for her to cope. She smiled at his touch, "I wish I could too."

Hermione awoke the next morning bathing and dressing in her robes. She made her way down to the great hall to see a confused Harry. "Morning Harry...what's a matter?" She asked. "Oh..Hey's nothing...just Krys she wished me luck..I think she meant it." Harry responed. "Hm, That's interesting." She stated though she knew what was going on.
Severus took one of Bellatrix's hands and led her to the bathroom, he started the water and felt it to make sure the temperature was right before plugging the drain. After the water felt good enough he plugged the drain and added some bubbles and scented beads to the bath. "I've added a hint of lavender it relaxes the mind and smells good" ,Severus said with as much of a smile the man could muster. He reached his hand out to assist Bellatrix into the tub.

Krys sat down at the Slytherin table next to Stacy who grabbed her face and kissed her hard on the lips, "Whoa what was that for"? Krys asked smiling. "Nothing just like the way it feels" ,Stacy said in response returning the smile. Krys looked up and seen Hermione enter the great hall she sat down in her normal spot and talked to Harry.
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