Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Once the feast was over Hermione walked out with her best friends Ron and Harry. Granted she wanted to get a jump start on things so after they went to their common room she was going to head to the library. As they walked and laughed she heard something. When they turned the corner they saw the Snape's fighting in the hall, dumbfounded they stayed and watched even as the crowd of students and teachers grew. Hermione wondered what it was about, why was Krys fighting with her father, but if she's fighting it's normally for a reason. As Krys became upset and pushed by everyone, Hermione turned and walked up to the library.

Bellatrix was in bed, though she wasn't asleep, she was thinking. Bella had been forced by her sister to take one of the potions that Snape had left her. Bellatrix started to cry again looking at her figure, her hands, the feel of her hair. She had been locked away for so long, she felt undesirable. Still stricken by the fact her daughter thought she was dead and now wants nothing to do with her. Horrible nightmares fly through her head, terrible images, tending to wake her up screaming.
Krys sat in the stands and looked out into the night, normally she never cried but everything had hit her so fast that she didn't know what else to do. The Quidditch pitch was probably one of the most peaceful places to be during the night, no one dared go out there after curfew so therefore no one would bother Krys. She sat and let the tears flow for a little while before calling it a night, she stood up and wiped her tears then headed back to the castle and into her dorm where she went to bed not wanting to deal with anymore people.

Severus was upset after the fight, he walked off in the opposite direction of his daughter and made his way to his office. He grabbed a handful of powder from a container next to the fire place and stepped inside, he said, "Malfoy manor" quietly and was taken to his destination. He walked up to Bellatrix's room to check on her and when he walked inside he found her crying. Severus walked over to the woman and wrapped his arms around her, "What's wrong"?
Hermione studied until it was close to curfew then headed back to her dorm, getting changed and going to sleep. 

Bellatrix was so zoned out she didn't realize Severus was even there until her held her. Her body tensed like it had before, still unused to physical attention.   Her eyes widened and her head snapped to see who it was, seeing Severus. "Nothing...Absolutely nothings wrong." Bella snapped defensively  speaking quickly. Bellatrix turned to hug him some. "When...when you look at me now...what do you see? What do you see?" she asked. 
Severus heard Bellatrix's tone and knew she was upset about her appearance. When she asked what he saw when he looked at her he pulled her in closer and without hesitation spoke. "I see the most beautiful woman I've ever known, someone I could spend eternities with and never get bored, I see what nobody else sees Bellatrix and that is your true beauty and personality, I always have and that's why I love you so dearly" ,Severus whispered into her ear before kissing her cheek softly.

Krys slept through the night pretty decently considering how her day had gone. When she woke up she deliberately got dressed into a pair of loose fitting black jeans, a white tank top, and a black long sleeve button up shirt that she left open. She then met up with Draco in the common room and the two walked to breakfast together. When they got to the Great Hall the two sat down and Krys grabbed a cup of tea and a few pieces of toast. About halfway through her cup of tea she overheard Crabbe and Blaise talking about the fight that happened last night. "Hey why don't you two fuck heads mind your business"? Krys snapped. Draco gave her a look as if he were begging for her to not start a fight this early in the morning. Blaise gave Krys a look, "Then keep your domestic problems at home Snape instead of broadcasting it to the whole school" ,Blaise snapped back. Krys slammed her fist on the table and scowled at Blaise ,"Shut the fuck up Blaise". He laughed then continued to make shots at both her and her father angering the young Snape further. The argument got so intense even Draco told Blaise to shut up a few times. "Don't piss you father off too much the rest of us don't want to deal with his bullshit if you want to get on the greasy bastards bad side leave us out of it" ,Blaise snapped and that was the last thing he said before he was laying on the floor with Krys' hands around his neck. "Don't talk about my fucking father like that you piece of shit" ,Krys said through gritted teeth.
Bellatrix cuddled closer to him as he held her close looking up at his face, listening to him. Bellatrix twisted her fingers into his robes, smiling at his words knowing that coming from him they were true. Bella's eyes widened at three simple words she was shocked and yet happy. "...after 14 me?" she questioned, she thought he might have given up on her many years ago. "Severus...Why?"

Hermione woke up and dressed in a pair of jeans and a purple dress top. Heading down to meet with Harry and Ron, going off to breakfast. As they ate and spoke of many things another fight broke out and they just watched it wasn't their fight. Professor  Mcgonagall hurried over to break them up. "Both of you stop it..." She stated getting the two to separate "What is the meaning of this?" 
"Yes Bellatrix....I still love you after all this time" ,Severus admitted. He had truly missed the woman and he did love her very much. Severus turned Bellatrix's face to look into his eyes before he kissed her lips softly.

Krys felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around letting go of her fellow Slytherin. When she turned she seen Professor McGonagall giving both her and Blaise a very stern look and when she asked what the meaning of it was Krys shot a nasty look towards Blaise, "He can't keep his mouth shut" ,she said angrily. Blaise just stood there and said nothing he just continued to look at Krys with anger. McGonagall gave them both a warning and made them go to their first class of the day.
Bellatrix smiled and more tears fell...."I...I love you too Severus...I've missed you so much...and Krys...Krys..." she stated losing herself again. She had missed her family, him, Krys, Cissy, Draco, Lucius. Bella looked into his eyes as he made her look receiving a kiss from him. After a minute she broke it. "Severus...Why...Why did you tell her....I had died? Did you give up on me...? Did you not think I'd return?" She questioned curiously  wanted to know if it made his and her life easier to think she was dead. 

Hermione and the boys watched the incident, the boys making bets on who would win. Then McGonagall walked over to them.  Hermione grabbed her stuff and went to her class and Harry and Ron followed behind going to. 
Severus sighed after Bellatrix asked why he told Krys she was dead, "I told her that because I didn't want her to think ill of you before she got to know you but I guess I failed either way eh"? Severus said quietly.

Krys sat down at one of the tables next to Draco and waited for the rest of the class to pile in. Transfiguration was her first class of the day and she knew McGonagall was in a foul mood after the incident in the great hall. Before McGonagall came into the classroom Blaise and Krys began to argue back and forth again. Draco put his head in his hands as he listened to his fellow Slytherins fight with each other. A few moments later Professor McGonagall came walking in the door and Draco nudged Krys trying to get her to stop, he knew once she got started she wouldn't stop until Blaise shut up and Draco knew Blaise always wanted the last word. "Stop it now both of you, Krys I'm going to inform your father about your behavior if this continues" ,McGonagall said making Krys sit back and cross her arms. "Yeah too bad he isn't here to handle you, where is he off killing mudbloods"? Blaise said making McGonagall shoot him a nasty look. "Detention Mr. Zabini I will not tolerate that kind of language in my classroom" ,McGonagall shrieked. "You're fucking dead Zabini"! Krys spat before standing up and storming out of the classroom, hitting a wall on the way out.
Bellatrix placed her hand on his cheek. "No didn't fail...she doesn't seem to think ill of me, but upset for not knowing the truth...besides you telling her I died did you tell her anything else about me?" Bella tried to make it seem better and with her mind set it was a bit difficult, but she was curious to what her daughter knew about her. 

The three friends missed what had happened only catching Krys' words and her hitting the door as they were on their way to Defence Against the Dark Arts. Hermione's eyes followed Krys something has been off about her and she kinda felt bad for the girl. 
"No I didn't I never got the chance to but your sister did help take care of her while you were away with me being at the school all the time Krys spent a lot of her time with Lucius and Narcissa and of course Draco, that's why those two are so close now" ,Severus explained to Bellatrix. The man loved his daughter but up until she was able to attend Hogwarts he was away from her a lot. "Narcissa told her things about you she never mentioned what your name was or anything but she did tell Krys how much you loved her".

Krys walked paced around the hallway for a few moments before Dumbledore came walking up to her. "Ah Krys how are we today"? He asked. Krys sighed and looked at the kind old wizard, "To be honest Professor I'm having the worst day of my life" ,she told him. "Last week I find out my mother is alive and that my father lied to me my whole life then me and my father get into a huge fight and he doesn't show up today then Blaise has do be in one of his asshole moods". Krys realized she was ranting and put her hand on her head, "Sorry Professor I'll get back to class". Just as Krys turned to walk back into Transfiguration Dumbledore stopped her. "How about you take this class off I'll have somebody bring you your assignments, go get some quidditch practice in I think Madam Hooch is free this period" ,Dumbledore told Krys with a kind smile. The man knew what she was going through so he was a little lenient with her just as he was with Harry Potter. Krys smiled in return, quidditch was definitely one way to cheer the young Snape up, "Thanks Professor I owe you" ,Krys said. Dumbledore simply smiled and said, "Just be in your next class and that will be enough for me".
"I least she had a mother figure. I will thank Cissy later....I loved her with all my heart....I still do Severus...I didn't think I'd get caught....I didn't think...but we needed to find him....I didn't think they'd catch me...but they did...I wanted to hold bad....nothing but darkness and despair...I wanted to be held but the only thing that came near was a dementor, they took soo much away. I loved her....I loved you...I really" Bellatrix ranted, and tears filled her eyes again. 

Hermione was the only one really interested with what was going on in class granted that's how she was most of the time. She was taking notes that Ron and Harry would probably copy later. 
Severus held Bellatrix as she spoke, "I love you too and so does Krys she just has to come around and she will" ,he told her trying to bring her some sort of comfort. He laid down on the bed and pulled Bellatrix with him so that he could hold her for a while, he had missed being with her so every second counted to him.

Krys sat on her broom while Madam Hooch set the bludgers loose and let Krys have at it. There was a few times Krys nearly hit the window to a few classrooms. After about an hour Madam Hooch motioned for Krys to land her broom and the young Snape listened and landed. She made her way back into the castle and to her next class.
Bellatrix laid down with Severus something she hasn't done in so long. Cuddling close laying partly on his chest like she used too. Listening to his heart beat, a sound she missed in the darkness of Azkaban. Her fingers gently kneaded on his chest, relaxing closing her eyes. Though still awake just enjoying the moment. 

Hermione, Ron and Harry made their way to Divination class. Which they felt it was pointless it was a hoax. The Professor couldn't predict anything important, the class was meaningless a sham, a waist of time but it was required so they made their way all the way up to her tower and took their seats. 
Severus held Bellatrix close enjoying her touch, he to closed his eyes and relaxed. He ran his fingers through her hair as she touched his chest, he loved laying with her again it felt just as it did before she had gotten sent to Azkaban. "I have missed you so much Bellatrix" ,he said quietly as they laid there.

Krys' day went by rather quickly and her classes weren't too bad except for the few incidents that occurred in the morning. By the time lunch came by Krys had been put into a better mood that was until she noticed her father still wasn't at the school. She sat at the table quietly and ate her lunch normally she would be sitting with a group of students or at least Draco but she sat all the way at the end of the table by herself.
Bellatrix loved when people played with her hair, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair. For that moment, time seemed to go back and stand still. It was as if she never left Snape's side. "I've missed you too Severus. "

Hermione and the boys had been in and out of classrooms all day, it was a decent day. For Hermione something was bothering her unsure of what then she walked into the Great hall she saw Keys all alone. "Something isn't right guys, With Krys. Somethings bothering her. " She stated. 'Who cares Hermione, she wicked and hard hearted like her father. It doesn't matter.' Ron replied then stuffed food into his mouth. 
"Bellatrix, would you like to go out on a date with me, I have a secluded place in Knockturn Alley that the neither the ministry nor the order know about"? Severus asked. He wanted to get Bellatrix out of the manor for at least a little while, he knew it may be good for her to get some fresh air and a change of scenery.

When Krys finished eating she got up and headed for the door. On her way out she stopped when she heard Ron and Hermione talking about her. "He's right I am just wicked and hard hearted just like dear old dad, don't worry about me I don't have any feelings" ,she said sarcastically looking at Ron. "Watch what you say Weasley we share the quidditch pitch this weekend". Krys looked at Hermione and Harry, not in the usual hateful way she was just expecting some sort of retort for the threat she had made to their friend, it wasn't hard to tell the young Snape was crying out for attention.
"Serverus..? I..I...I'd love too...but Cissy's nit going to let me leave the Manor... You know how she is. Unless we just don't tell her. " Bellatrix thought as she went along. She hadn't been out or on a date in a bit over 14 years, she was excited. 

Hermione didn't say anything  about what either of them said. Ron Shut his mouth for once, and Hermione could tell Krys was in pain, maybe it was a female thing. She was hurt and needed attention. "Watch it Snape or you'll be dangling from your broom," Harry stated back for the threat to Ron. Hermione just looked at the boys and shook her head but didn't speak, even when Krys looked at her and Harry it wasn't her normal look. 
"We're both adults I think we can make our own decisions" ,Severus said in response. "We'll go later on tonight and we can just lay here all day until then I've taken the day off from classes I have a fill in for now".

"You must've forgotten who controls the bludgers out there Potter, keep your mouths shut or I'll send them straight for your heads" ,Krys said back in response. She was looking for a fight and fighting with Harry would definitely cause a riot. Both the Slytherin and Gryffindor houses hated each other and Krys could very well be causing a huge inter house fight in the great hall.
Bellatrix smiled, "Yesss, that's right..we are and we can. Cissy's just been a mother hen since I've returned." Bella stated though she was the older sister she had her childish moments, more so now then ever. "Alright then tonight...That's wonderful..So you'll stay here with me..all day?" She asked making sure. 

"Big whoop Snape you fly around and hit a bludger back and forth. What's your intent knock us off our brooms, make us unconscious, you'll have to catch us first." Harry snapped back. Hermione didn't like where this was heading. "Harry knock it off..." she stated.  
"She cares about you that's why she acts the way she does" ,Snape said in response. "And yes I will stay with you all day I have missed you so much and don't want to leave your side just yet". Snape snuggled into her more as they laid there.

"I protect my guys and handle mouthy little gits like you" ,Krys snapped back. She looked over and seen Seamus stand up along with Neville and Dean. The three began to walk over to Krys, "There a problem here Harry"? Seamus asked giving Krys a nasty look. Draco who noticed the commotion sat back until he seen the other three walk over to Krys, the blonde motioned for Crabbe and Goyle to follow him. Within moments Krys had the three standing behind her. "Problem here Krys"? Draco asked mocking Seamus.
"I know she does..she's my wittle sister, I care about her...she's done well for herself." Bella stated. "Promise..? I felt so lost without you and the baby and the Dark Lord...I've missed you so   ..." she stated cuddling into him drifting to sleep, she still felt drained from everything.

Harry stood up and glared at Krys, "I'm not afraid of you Snape. You ought to know that." Harry stated then looked to Ron, Hermione and the other three. Hermione just looked at both groups having a bad feeling, she grabbed her bag and headed out of the hall. Harry was a big boy he could handle himself Ron was eating again. "I knew I heard a weasel.." referring to Draco. "Nah Seamus the Snakes just think they are going to win the game." Harry didn't really want a fight. 
When Bellatrix drifted off to sleep Severus was soon to after, he was tired from all the emotional stress that had been put on him. He was comfortable for once in his life and it was nice to finally hold someone in his arms again.

Draco and Krys laughed at Harry's comment, "Think mate oh no we know we're going to win Krys has been in a foul mood lately and she'd love to see some of you Gryffindors all bloodied up" ,Draco sneered. "Hmm and I wonder if dear old dad will be there to cheer his little bastard on" ,Seamus snapped. "Fuck you Seamus don't talk shit about what you don't know" ,Krys snapped. "Oh did I strike a nerve? Poor baby" ,Seamus retorted. Krys stayed silent for a minute then turned and took a swing at Seamus hitting him in the face and busting his nose. "Oh did I strike your face"? Krys said in an angry but sarcastic tone. After that it was all out war between the two groups, both sides were grabbing the two off of each other, well at least they were trying to.
Within an hour Bellatrix shifted her position no longer feeling Severus, no longer feeling the same comfort that she had before. Losing it, in her sleep horrible nightmares were forming and as they occurred Bellatrix began to scream and thrash in her sleep, unable to tell she was fast asleep. 

"Keep dreaming Malfoy you don't stand a chance. " Harry snapped. 
Though they were having a spat Harry felt that comment was a but much, after all he was an orphan at least she had one of her parents...but he knew that parents could be a touchy subject. Harry, Neville and Ron tried to grab Seamus and pull him away but they were struggling
When Bellatrix started thrashing around he woke up from the sleep he was in. Severus quickly grabbed Bellatrix and held her close, "Shh....Shh....Bellatrix I'm right here, there's no need to worry no one's going to hurt you ever again" ,he whispered stroking her hair trying to calm her.

Draco, Crabbe and Goyle failed to pull Krys away as did the other group with Seamus, the two were stuck together in a violent fight. All of a sudden a loud booming voice made everyone separate. Albus Dumbledore was making his way toward the group with an angry expression on his face. "I want to see Seamus and Krys in my office now" ,Dumbledore stated. Krys wiped some blood from her lip and walked off making her way to the headmaster's office.
As he grabbed hold of her she woke up frantically looking around the room. Then her dark sunken wide eyes looked up to him crazed and scared realizing it was Severus. Her body shook vigorously, cuddling closer to him, his arms safely around her. Her breathing was heavy as she slowly calmed and laid still in his arm kneading on his chest again, tears in her eyes unable to tell the difference between dreams and reality. 

Everyone backed away from the two, when Dumbledore's booming voice called out taking them to his office. Seamus followed not far behind her, but closer to the headmaster
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