Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Bellatrix held onto his hand and followed him into the bathroom. She stood watching as he drew her a bath, She remembered when he used to draw her baths. " remember it's one of my favorite scents the other it vanilla. " She stated unable to remember the last time she smelled Lavender. Bellatrix smiled softly back at him, he used to smile a lot more back then his face seemed so serious. Bella retook him hand and before she went in the tub she turned and gently kissed Severus' lips, missing it. She then climbed in and relaxed.

Hermione happened to look over at the Slytherin table seeing Krys and her friend kissing. She turned away not wanting to see that, she was a little jealous of Krys, for she had a partner and Hermione was single. She sat down with Harry, fixing a plate of food. Harry was still taken aback by Krys wishing him luck.
Severus returned the kiss loving the softness of Bellatrix's lips. When she climbed into the tub Severus grabbed the washcloth from the shelf and dunked it in the water and began to gently wash Bellatrix's body. "I have missed this so much love".

After breakfast Krys made her way to her first class and sat next to Draco and Stacy who was hanging all over her. Krys found Stacy's clingyness a little annoying at points but it was nice to have someone that cared for you.
Bellatrix relaxed as the water hit her body. She loved the feeling and the smell of Lavender made her smile. For just a moment it felt as if she had never left in the first place. Bellatrix shut her eyes for a moment until she felt the wash cloth on her skin. She looked over at Severus and smiled, "As have I my love."

Hermione after breakfast when to her class with Ron and Harry. She began her notes while Ron and Harry chatted about how useless the class was.
Severus continued to wash Bellatrix, he loved to touch the woman. "I promise I will never leave your side my love, I will take care of you and Krys for as long as I'm alive" ,he told her as he caressed her body.

Krys sat in her first class joking around with Draco for the most part the two received dirty looks from Professor McGonagall numerous times for pranking other students in the classroom.
Bellatrix sighed softly, smiling as Severus touched and caressed her body. She had missed the feeling of his hands, of his touch. Bella moved every so often so he could reach the area he was washing. Bellatrix looked to him, "Never? You promise? You have'll be at the school with all of... Them " she stated. She didn't like him with the order or with the idiots "I won't see you as much....I'll miss you. "

Hermione excused herself from class to use the restroom having not done so earlier.
"I know I have to be at the school but I will be here during the night unless of course Krys does something reckless which she tends to quite often unfortunately but I will be here for the most part I promise you this year if Krys misbehaves I have every intention to make her come back here for the night I need to take care of both of you you're my family" ,Severus said in response.

Stacy kept grabbing Krys' crotch under the desk and it was driving her nuts, she raised her hand and asked to be excused for a moment. McGonagall sighed but let her go, Krys made her way to the bathroom and turned on the sink and splashed her face with some cold water, "Damn woman is going to drive me crazy by the end of the day" ,Krys said looking at her reflection. She hadn't noticed anyone else in the bathroom until Hermione came out of one of the stalls. Krys turned around when she seen the girl's reflection in the mirror, "Hey Hermione, seems we have a thing for meeting in restrooms".
"Alright my love, you'll return to me at night? Unless our daughter pulls something...When did she become rebellious? Okay but won't that just make it worse? You think Krys will me a chance? She didn't seem too thrilled about me being alive..." she stated "I love you so much...I've missed you, I can't say it enough. "

Hermione heard Krys' voice, just as she was pulling up her pants under her robes. She walked out of the stall trying to be quiet not wanting to disturb Krys' rant. "Oh hey Krys, Yay I guess we do,You okay? You seem troubled? " She asked as she went to the sink and washed her hands.
"She's been rebellious for a long time I don't really know when it started it's been going on for a long time" ,he said in response. "Usually when I bring her here during the school year she locks herself in her room, it's happened before and don't worry like I said she'll come around".

"No nothing's wrong just had to get away from class for a few, I've finished my work and certain people were getting on my nerves" ,Krys told Hermione in response.
"Oh...I see...I wonder if it's from the lack if a mother...her real mother." Bellatrix stated wondering she was referring to herself though Narcissa was there but she wasn't really her mother. "Oh she stays within her room? I did that on occasion ing school to get away from my sisters, then spending so much time in a room with bars, it lost the appeal. " Bella said remember prison and childhood. "I hope so dear."

" I only asked cause you looked a bit frazzled... I know that feeling I'm always finished early, then annoyed by people." She stated with a soft smile. Ron and Harry could be hand fulls.
"It may be from that but I think it's just because she wants to be the tough guy all the time and doesn't want to show emotion" ,Severus told Bellatrix as he continued to wash her. "She has this thing where she likes to beat people up, she even told me she liked to beat people up when she was about 5 years old" ,Severus let out a small laugh as he remembered Krys when she was younger.

"Thank you for the concern again" ,Krys said with a smile. "I know how you feel with always finishing early I dunno how I do it but the work seems a bit easy at times ya know".
"Oh so the little angel is a little brute?" Bella joked a bit only knowing Krys when she was two. "Well then she fits in with the rest of us, beating others up and such. Without regret..." she stated she couldn't remember ever feeling regret or sympathy for someone she hurt or killed.

"No problem..." Hermione smiled back. "Oh trust me I know the work is very easy at times...sometimes it's boring... Ya know?" she asked she never met anyone with similar academic skill before.
"Oh yes she is definitely a brute but she does have a soft side she still hugs me when she's upset and talks to me for hours when she's excited or scared, I'm glad she hasn't grown out of that" ,Severus said smiling again. "I know when she warms up to you she'll open up and you'll see that side of her it is quite nice".

"Yeah I hear ya it gets really boring and sitting with people like Crabbe and Goyle who are completely thick makes it even more annoying" ,Krys joked. "I've got an idea if you want to ya know broaden your horizons so to speak, I have permission to go into the restricted section of the library I can easily get you in there if you'd like there's a lot of great books that you can learn a lot from".
"Don't we all? Have our soft spots?" She stated instead of asking she knew what her's were they were her sister, Severus, and though she didn't know her but Krys was included. "Plus she is a teenaged girl, I'm sure she gets excited and sad and so on." Bella stated mist females were that way. "What would be nice is for her to open up and accept me as her mother..." she stated still bummed her baby didn't want her or seem to need her.

"Yes it does I'm starting to run out of books to read. I feel so bad for you having to sit next to them." She stated both sincere and jokingly. Her eyes widened when Altus said she could get Hermione into the restricted section. "Really!? You'd do that...for me? Oh but isn't that breaking the rules a bit?" she stated excitedly then toned down.
"I suppose we do all have a soft spot, I know she will accept you she's just unsure of how to take things right now with everything being thrown at her all at once" ,Severus said in response.

"It's not against the rules for me the librarian let's me in all the time being the daughter of Professor Snape has it benefits you know plus Dumbledore has known me since I was a kid" ,Krys told her. "Just let me know and maybe we can meet up sometime and go get some real studying in".
"Severus...what are your soft spots?" She asked curiously. "I hope she does....I feel....bad...that I haven't been there for her....I'm here now I asking too much...too soon...?" Bellatrix asked though she went to find the Dark Lord after he fell to give them a better world but was caught.

"True and if I'm with you it's not against the rules then... True being the child of a Professor has it's advantages. Yeah...I'd like that...and appreicate the offer." Hermione stated and smiled.
"Well my soft spots are you and Krys of course, every time one of you are hurt or upset it hurts me and I'll do anything to make you happy again, you're not asking for too much Bellatrix she is your child and unfortunately she takes things differently then most people, most would be happy to find out their mother was alive instead she focuses on the fact that I lied to her" ,Severus said in response. He then began to wash her hair, moving his fingers gently through it to soap it up.

"Alright then when should we meet up? It'll have to be after classes or during a free period of course but unless I'm practicing for quiditch or have the girlfriend attached to the hip then I'm usually free" ,Krys told her.
Bellatrix smiled when he said that they were his weak spots. "Then you must have suffered for 14 years with me...I'm sorry..I should have never gotten caught...we were so close." She stated before it turned to a rant. Bellatrix nodded her head when he mentioned her not asking for too much. Bella sighed feeling his hands on her scalp, she lived when people played and touched her hair.

"Sure sounds like a plan...just when and where? I mostly free unless Harry and Ron drag me somewhere. So whenever you don't have those factors we'll meet up. " Hermione replied.
"Yes it was very hard for those 14 years without you but it doesn't matter now I have you back and I intend to keep you here with me and Krys" ,Severus told her. He began to rinse her hair to wash the soap out.

"How about after dinner tonight? I have no plans and my girlfriend plans on hanging out with Pansy all night they have this girl thing they like to do I was never interested in it last time I stuck around with the two they tried to put make up on me" ,Krys twitched a little bit at the thought of make up being put on her.
"I'm not going anywhere Severus...I promise." She smiled at him before closing her eyes as he washed out the soap. Bella lived the feeling, it helped her relax.

"Um.. Yeah I'm free tonight after supper. Oh I see yeah Ginny and I'll do things like that sometimes. I seldom wear make up. Most for speacial events and such like." Hermione stated drying her hands off completely.
"Good because I'm not either we were meant to stay together and that's what we'll do" ,he said in response. After he finished rinsing out her hair he began to wash the rest of her.

"Alright then meet me at the entrance to the library" ,Krys replied. "I don't understand how girls can like such things I mean I know I'm a girl but those things just aren't my thing I mean I'm a bit of a brute" ,Krys laughed to show she was joking a bit.
"Good we've been together this ling why stop now?" She laughed a bit playing around. Next to Voldemort She would follow Severus to the other side of the world. Bellatrix moved the wet hair out of her face. She couldn't wait to see where He was bringing her exactly.

" Outside the Library entrance...? not in the bathroom...?" She chuckled a bit joking since they met in the bathroom twice now. "I believe in natural beauty, unless in certain cases then I'll put it on." she stated smiling. "Nah your not as big of a brute as I thought you too be."
Severus smiled at Bellatrix's words he then helped her out of the tub and wrapped a towel around her so she could dry off. "Let's go get dressed shall we" ,he said holding his hand out so that he could lead her back into the bedroom.

Krys laughed at Hermione's joke, "Yes outside the library although we may just run into each other in the bathroom again before that time" ,Krys joked back.
"Thank know I feel like an old woman." She stated jokingly, having to be helped with nearly everything. Bellatrix took the towel drying her body off, including her wet hair. "We shall," Bella replied, taking his hand, she had the towel wrapped around her.

Hermione giggled a bit, "Alright Library it is, it's a good possibility, that we might." Hermione replied. They seemed to have to either go or be in the bathroom at the same time.
"You are ageless my love" ,Severus told her in response. When they got into the room he began to undress himself so that he could put on his dress robes. He stood in his boxers for a little bit as he grabbed his robes from the closet. Severus got dressed rather quickly and gave himself a look in the mirror then turned back to Bellatrix, "How do I look"?

"Alright I'll see you then, I have to get back to class but I'll see you later" ,Krys told Hermione. She left the bathroom and headed back to her class and sat down. Everyone she sat with asked her the usual questions they did whenever she'd disappear for a few minutes. Krys just sighed and told them to mind their business.
"Than you..." she stated and once he let go of her hand she went to a dresser and grabbed her bra and panties, putting them on. Bellatrix then grabbed her dress and threw it on. "Severus...would you mind lacing, tying, or zipping my back I can't reach?" She asked turning to look at him. "You look dashing." She smiled.

"See ya, I better get back too," she said and left a few minutes after Krys did. She went back to class. Harry and Rin looked at her curiously. "what?" she asked "Nothing you were gone a while," Ron replied. "I went to the bathroom." she stated and went back to taking notes.
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