Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"I've been taking them...I still feel miserable Severus...granted I haven't been taking them long." Bella states. "Promise...That I'll be well soon?" Bella asked like a child would, though she wasn't bed ridden, she still felt yucky. "Alright, Severus don't worry so about it now, deal with it when then time comes let's just enjoy this." Bellatrix stated wanting him to relax at least for now, before him and Krys fought.

"No I haven't Ginny's given me candy from there though, just never went in. Yeah? I'd like that," Hermione smiled surprisingly she liked hanging out with the Slytherin. She had a beautiful smile, Hermione rarely saw her smile so it was strange but she should do it more often. This was nice hanging out with somebody different.
"Yes you will feel better very soon and you can get on your feet again" ,he told her with a small smile. He wanted her to feel better and would work at making that happen. When the waiter came back he ordered their food and told the waiter to make it quick.

Krys continued to read as Hermione spoke, "I would like that too" ,Krys told her. "I think we'd have some fun and it'll give us a change of events so to speak get us away from the same old stuff we usually do".
Bellatrix smiled at him meeting his as he promised she'd feel better soon, and able to get back on her feet...for the most part. Bellatrix laid her hand across the table, hoping he would take it, so they could hold hands with each other. Bellatrix figured she'd take the potion now so it could settle by the time her meal would come back so she wouldn't get sick from it.

"Yeah, I think it would be a very nice change from what we normally do and who we normally hangout with." Hermione replied taking a muffin taking a bite from it.
Severus took her hand and rubbed it gently with his thumb, he was pleased to see Bellatrix take the potion. "The food should be here relatively soon this place is one of the best places I know of their service is great, that's why I brought you here because you deserve the best, if there is anything you don't like let me know and I will fix it immediately" ,Severus told her as he held her hand.

"It would be I can only take so much of Crabbe and Goyle at a time" ,Krys laughed a bit before taking another sip from her cup. "And Stacy has been getting crazier by the minute, the only sane one is Draco and he's had his eye on this girl lately so we rarely hang out anymore".
Bella smiled as he took her hand with his gentle touch. "No worries Severus, I'm in no real rush, besides you having to go get Krys but..." Bella stated then stopped not wanting to think of that at the moment becoming easily distracted. "Hm? Is it? Then let's hope service is great, then. Severus...I already have the best, This place is wonderful darling, really it's exquisite." Bella proclaimed then bit into her piece of bread. Keeping hold of his hand still.

" I bet I still don't know how you could deal with them. They seem worse then Looney Lovegood." Hermione stated matter of factly, then laughed a bit. "She's your girlfriend, right? Is she really that crazy?" Hermione asked curiously.
"Krys stays up until all hours of the night anyway so we have enough time according to Krys it's McGonagall I'm worried about, once Krys gets on her nerves she gets persistent" ,Severus told her. After a while the waiter came with their food, "Enjoy my love".

"Yeah she's my girlfriend and yeah she's a bit crazy I mean she's a nice girl and I love her but she's really, a bit too much" ,Krys told her.
Bellatrix nodded stool holding his hand listening to him speak. "She still teaches?" Bellatrix remembered having her as a teacher when she was in Hogwarts. Bellatrix saw the food come and let go of his hand. "Thank you. Love."

"Oh I see, so she's kinda obsessed with you, in a crazy way?" Hermione asked curiously bitting her muffin taking another sip of her tea.
"Yes she still teaches, that woman is dedicated to her work" ,Severus replied as he began to cut up the lamb. "How is your food love? I hope everything is to your liking".

"Yeah obsessed is one word for it" ,Krys said with a small laugh. "She wants my undivided attention all the time, sometimes it get's tiring". Krys continued to read her book as she spoke, being able to read and talk without losing concentration was something Krys learned at a young age.
"I can speak highly if her...?" Bellatrix asked curiously, 'maybe it's a teacher thing.' She thought since MaGonagall was on the other side. Bellatrix sat there playing with her food a bit it was like that with nearly everything she ate, though since they were out she tried to tone it down. Bella then cut into her meal bitting into it, it was so tender and juicy, full of flavors that Bella hadn't tastes in years. "It's delicious dear, everything is prefect."She smiled and stated it was if Bella had never left life seemed back to normal again.

"Sounds like you need a break...or just some time to yourself." Hermione stated to Krys' crazy girl friend problem. No different from any other relationship. She took another bite from her muffin then uttering a spell to warm her tea, before taking a sip. Continuing to read on.
Severus ate slowly to make their date last longer, he wanted to spend as much time as he could with her before going to pick up Krys. "I'm glad you like everything, wait until you try the dessert I'll have to pick something up for Krys this is her favorite place even if she's bad it's tradition for me to buy her something whenever I come here" ,Severus told Bellatrix as he ate.
Bellatrix ate slow as it was not wanting to make herself sick, plus they longer they took the longer he'd be with her. "Mmm I can't wait...Yeah no that's fine Severus I'm sure whatever Krys did the other deserved what they got, so you can't be too hard on her." She stated remember her hurting a few people because they deserved it. Granted Bella never got caught. Bella took another sip of wine before returning to her meal.
"It was her fighting with her girlfriend again, I tell you I don't know how many times I've had to stop them from fighting I dunno why they stay together honestly" ,Severus told her as he took a sip from his own glass. "Krys is no saint she may be smart but she doesn't always play by the rules".
Bellatrix looked at Severus curiously," You mean boyfriend?" She asked curiously not knowing her daughter was gay. "I wouldn't think she was...did you play by the rules? I didn't always play by them and still don't." She stated with a sly smile smile. Bella could remember sneaking out of class or after curfew with Severus.
"No you heard right I said girlfriend, I always knew but it wasn't confirmed until last year when she told me outright while we were fighting" ,Severus told her. He smiled at Bellatrix's words, "I know we've had a few times where we broke the rules and I have to admit they were fun". Severus finished up his food and ordered dessert and then something for Krys.
"Oh...Krys is.. Is she full or half?" Bellatrix wasn't sure how to ask or handle this, it was difficult she would never had believed that her daughter was a skirt chaser. Bellatrix smiled devilishly "A few? I hardly stayed within the rules. and those times weren't just fun they were magical." She cooed. Bellatrix went back to her meal finishing soon after Severus.
"Oh she's full you would've figured that out soon enough though she makes it quite obvious" ,Severus said in response. "Our little adventures were indeed magical I would like to relive some of that magic if possible" ,he smiled as he looked at Bellatrix. When dessert came Severus asked for the check and began to eat his dessert as he waited for the waiter to come back.
"Oh...does she?" Bellatrix bit her lip, trying to let this sink in. Bella doesn't have a problem with gays but she just never imagined her daughter being one. Bellatrix then smiled and blushed brightly, "Of course Severus, why let magic die, now that everything is how it should be?" she replied, so long as she was well enough to do such things. Bellatrix ate her dessert when it came this being the most she has eating since she was captured.
"Indeed we should keep the magic alive" ,Severus said in response. He continued to eat his dinner and sip his wine until he was finished then looked up at Bellatrix. "Well I guess it's time to go pick up Krys, will you be alright at the manor for a little while"?
Bellatrix smiled she wanted to keep they're love alive she missed him and longed for his embrace for 14 years and he never strayed from her during that time period, granted she was married to another man. Bella ate what she could unable to finish it, though she ate more than shes had in a long time. "I guess so...Yeah I'll be long as I don't fall asleep, I should be fine, but could you take me home I don't have my wand on me, and even if I did I don't have the strength to use it."
"Of course I'll bring you home I wouldn't let you go alone even if you were at full health" ,Severus told her. He stood up after paying the waiter and put his cloak on. Severus grabbed a bag that the waiter had brought him that contained Krys' food then held his hand out for Bellatrix to grab.
Bellatrix smiled at his words. "Thank you," she said softly. Bellatrix stood up carefully putting her cloak on, wrapping it around her, She felt cold. Bella waited. For Severus to put his cloak on and take the bag. Bella covered her face and took hold of his hand.
Severus took her hand and apparated them back to the manor. When he got there he lead Bellatrix to her room and lit the fire to keep her warm. "I will be back love brace yourself for when I come back with Krys" ,he told her right before kissing her forehead. Severus left the room and headed to his own to use the floo network to get to Hogwarts.

Krys' eyes widened when she seen her father walk through the door of the restricted section. "Krys get up and let's go" ,he said quickly. He then looked over to Hermione, "I will tell the librarian you have full permission to be in here for as long as you wish finish up what you were doing". Krys stood up, "What the fuck dad? Really? You're going to bring me home? Why"? She demanded. "Because I'm sick of you causing a nuisance every time I'm not around" ,he snapped. "OH well here's an idea why don't you stick around for more then ten fucking minutes" ,Krys said coldly. Severus just pointed to the door with an angry look on his face and Krys followed his order and left followed by by her father.

When the two got back to the manor Krys walked away from him in a huff, "Don't walk away from me Krys" ,Snape said coldly. "Fuck you" ,Krys snapped back. "KRYS DON'T TALK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT"! Narcissa's voice sounded from the other room. Krys just growled and stomped her way up the stairs. Severus put a spell on her door so that she couldn't get in her room. "Dad open my door NOW"! "No you're going to come and talk with me and your mother" ,he demanded. "NO OPEN MY FUCKING DOOR YOU PRICK"! "Watch your mouth and get in that room NOW"! Snape snapped back. "I FUCKING HATE YOU"! Krys yelled. She walked into the room not having any other choice, she sat in a chair by the fireplace and crossed her arms glaring at her father who had just walked into the room behind her.
Bellatrix after arriving back to the manor, walked with Severus to her room. "I'll be see you soon. Once he was gone  she grabbed a blanket wrapping herself in the blanket sitting one of the chairs by the fire. 

Hermione was a bit frightened as Professor Snape approached them thinking she was in trouble for being there. "Yes Professor, Thank you." Hermione stated in shock. She made it look like she was reading as Krys was forced to leave the fight earlier wasn't even big. She watched the two leave going back to the book. 

Bellatrix heard the commotion and knew they were home.  Once Krys came in Bella didn't know what to do she would wait for Severus to do what needed to be done
"Wipe that look off of your face" ,Severus demanded as he walked into the room and shut the door. Krys looked at him and continued to glare. "Explain to me why you have to cause a riot in school and draw attention to yourself"? "Listen Stacy was just pissed because I told her to stop grabbing at my crotch in the middle of Transfiguration dad so she started with me in the middle of the hallway I didn't do anything wrong" ,Krys said defensively. "You should have walked away from it instead of trying to get the last word in like you always do" ,Severus responded. "Really? Really? Dad you know how she gets she is obsessed with me if I tried to walk away she would have followed me flipping out" ,Krys looked over to Bellatrix. "I mean what would you have done"? She asked her. Severus stayed quiet he didn't want to ruin Krys talking to her mother even if it meant going against him.
Bellatrix looked back to see Severus, he looked so stern, she missed that look at times. Bellatrix listened to questions and anwsers, she closed her eyes and bit her lip when she said her  ...girlfriend was grabbing at her crotch. Bella didn't really need to hear that, still setting in that Krys was no longer a child. Bellatrix recomposed  herself, and continued to listen. Bella was taken back when Krys asked what she would have done. She looked at Severus then back to Krys, she was going to be honest with her daughter even if it went against Severus' word. "Me? Let's see...I never had a problem like that but I would have told whomever to stop and if they fought with me in the hallway...well it depends on the fight... If they were in my face screaming and carrying on I would have fought back, but if it was a typical fight I would walk away and deal with it in private, I didn't publicly fight, but I would mess them up later. Using more than just words." Bella explained, sure she fought, taunted, and bullied but most of it was private so she wouldn't be caught not that it would matter for she was a Black. "...But it seems this sort of thing happens regularly Krys...I think your father is touching on the other times as well as this one." She stated looking at her baby then up at Severus. 
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