Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"That's very good Krys, good grades are very important. Plus alot of what you learn in Hogwarts is extremely useful." She stated she was glad to hear that Krys does well in school. "What's your favorite class?" She asked curiously
"If I had to pick one it would be Potions, I like to experiment with different brews" ,Krys said in response again making her father smile. The two were very alike and it wasn't hard to tell they were related.
" Nice, when I was in school mine was was defense against the dark arts, it was entertaining then potions followed. "She stated. During potions was when her and Severus became close, being lab partners and such.
"Yeah I like Defense Against the Dark Arts too but I find potions more interesting" ,Krys said in response. "I enjoy all of my classes really I can't complain I do well in most of them". "That's one thing that I can't argue with, when you're finished eating head to bed it's getting late" ,Severus said looking at Krys. "Ok I'm getting a little tired anyway" ,Krys told him.
"Well that's good to hear dear." She stated smiling softly. "Good night Krys," Bellatrix smiled since she'd be going to bed soon.It was good to hear her daughter was smart and feirce.
"Good night" ,Krys said in response. She finished her food then stood up and left the room. Severus then looked at Bellatrix, "Would you like me to help you to your bed"? He asked softly after Krys left the room.
Bellatrix watched as Krys left the room, she was happy that her baby was talking to her. It wasn't her fault, well yes she went to Azkaban but she didn't tell her that she died. Bellatrix felt Severus move slightly, she turned her head and looked up at him, "Please.." She stated softly.
Severus helped Bellatrix up and lead her over to the bed and laid her down. He then walked over to the cabinet and grabbed one of the potions for Bellatrix. "Here take this love it will make you feel better" ,He told her. He pulled the covers onto her then got dressed into his pajamas before laying down next to her.
Bellatrix stood as he helped her up walking with him over to the bed, laying down on the bed. Bellatrix looked at the potion then up at him, then took it. She snuggled into the blankets, waiting to see if Severus was going to stay with her,she smiled when he came back over to her, once he was in the bed Bellatric cuddled up into him.
When Bellatrix cuddled up to him he wrapped his arms around her and snuggled into her gently making sure he didn't hurt her. "Goodnight my love, sleep well" ,he whispered to her.
"Good night Severus," She whispered back kissing him softly before snuggling into her pillow. Laying down to sleep.
Severus fell asleep shortly after Bellatrix did, he was relieved that Krys had actually went to bed and if she didn't she was being quiet for once. Krys fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit her pillow. Severus was woken up early by Krys knocking on his door, "Dad are you going to the game or should I just have Narcissa bring me"? Krys asked knowing Narcissa was going to the game to watch Draco play. Severus, "Not this time Krys I'll be back at the school on Monday" ,he replied. "Fine whatever see you Monday" ,Krys said making her way downstairs.
Bellatrix was knocked out the potion making her feel better also put her to sleep. Bellatrix didn't hear the door or the conversation, that went on between father and daughter. She stayed in Severus' arms like a small child holding on for her life just not that tight. Bellatrix then turned onto her other side.
When Krys got to the school she went straight to the quidditch pitch to get ready for the game. Both her and Draco were the first ones there so they decided to fly around a little bit before the game started.

Severus laid his head back down and snuggled back into Bellatrix after she changed positions and fell asleep.
Hermione walked with the boys, Luna, and Ginny to the pitch wishes the two luck before going up into the stands. The boys went to get ready to play soon followed by Fred and George, then the rest of the team. Hermione could see the two in the sky it appeared to be Krys and Draco.
"Looks like Gryffindor is here mate better just hover we already know the game plan" ,Krys said. Draco agreed, when he wasn't paying attention Krys waved to Hermione and smiled.
Hermione saw her wave at her and she smiled as soon as Ginny and luna looked away Hermione quickly waved back to her. She like the Slytherin she was fun to be around, it isn't normal no but whatever.
Draco and Krys hovered around on their brooms, Krys noticed Draco give Hermione a nasty look and slapped him in the arm. "Ow what was that for"? He asked. "Chill out ok" ,Krys said in response. She noticed Luna looking at them and wondered if the blonde caught the little spat between the two.
Luna saw the two having a minor spat,"I wonder what that was about," she said in her airy voice. Hermione had also seen the look he gave and by the looks of it Krys stook up for her. "Hm? I don't know."
When the game started Krys immediately began to protect Draco seeing he was Slytherin's seeker. Every so often when she noticed someone messing with Harry she'd shake them up a bit and pretend it was an accident. The game lasted nearly three hours before Harry caught the snitch. Unfortunately for Gryffindor Slytherin had scored more points by scoring goals. Krys flew over to Harry and said, "Good game Potter" Then flew off before any of her teammates noticed her talking to him.
Hermione watched the game with anticapation. Krys stayed true to her word, she didn't mess with Harry at times it looked like she helped him. the Gryffindor stands cheered as Harry caught the snitch, then groaned that the other team won because of scoring more goals. Harry looked at her, "uh yeah thanks you too." he said he was still confused to why Krys was being nicer toward him, and that she didn't mess with them during the game. Harry flew down and hit the showers. Hermione and others waited for them to come on.
Krys didn't hit the showers until she got back to her dorm, when she finished showering she got dressed into something comfortable then made her way to the great hall for lunch. After a game that long she was hungry and wanted nothing else but to get food in her stomach.
Hermione got sick of waited for the boys as did Luna so they headed to the Great Hall to put some food in their bellies. Luna went to sit with the RavenClaws and Hermione sat at her table she saw Krys at hers but didn't want to disturb her. So she fixed her plate and started eating.
Krys made her plate and started eating, she looked up and noticed Hermione and Luna walk in. When she finished eating she walked over to Hermione noticing no one was near her, "Want to go to Hogsmeade"? She asked quietly. "If so meet me outside".
Hermione ate her food, she looked up she saw Krys. When Krys asked if she wanted to go to Hogsmede she smiled and nodded to meeting her outside she finished her meal and after Krys had walked away she waited a few minutes before leaving. Hermione went outside looking around for Krys.
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