Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

Krys made her way outside and waited for Hermione in a secluded area, when she seen her she said her name quietly when she got close then motioned for her to come over.
Hermione spotted her and quickly walked over trying not to be seen by others.
Krys took her by the hand not even realizing what she had done, "Hey let's go" ,Krys said smiling. She was happy to see Hermione again enjoying her company.
Hermione didn't thinking nothing of Krys grabbing her hand she was excited to go. "Hey, alright." She replied she was also happy to see Krys again too. It was nice to hangout with a girl you have something in common with.
When they got to Hogsmeade Krys looked at Hermione, "So where should we go first"? She asked politely. Krys was always considerate of others opinions so she always asked what others wanted before doing what she wanted, people who deserved the kindness anyway and Hermione definitely deserved it.
Hermione thought for a moment, "Hey why not go to Honeydukes?" She stated since they had talked about it before. She didn't really go in there much and Krys loved the store. "Oh hey is everything okay between you and your dad?" She asked sincerly.
"OK we can go there if you're sure, and me and my dad are ok we always argue but in the end I love the guy" ,Krys said in response to Hermione. She began to lead the way to Honeydukes.
"Yeah I don't care where we go so Honeydukes is fine. Well that's good." She replied following Krys to Honeydukes.
When they got into Honeydukes Krys walked around looking at everything trying to decide what she wanted. She finally grabbed a bunch of things and cashed out. "OK your turn to pick where we go" ,Krys said to Hermione smiling.

Severus woke up and looked at the time he sighed and called for the house elf, "Food and make it quick" ,he told the elf.
Hermione went around and grabbed somethings for herself, paying for them after Krys did. Hermione smiled back at Krys, "No I just picked it's your turn." she stated.

Bellatrix was still asleep and still in the dress she wore out last night, it was comftable so it didn't matter.
Krys looked at Hermione and smiled, "Alright let me buy you a shake at the Three Broomsticks" ,Krys suggested. She held out her hand again in a friendly way.

The elf returned with the food and Severus made Bellatrix a plate and set it on the table next to her. He then got her a potion and placed it next to her food. "Good morning love" ,he said before sitting down next to her.
Hermione smiled, "You don't have to buy me a shake..." She stated she didn't want Krys to waste her money on her. Hermione took her hand.

Bellatrix slept through the elf bringing the food up, and Severus fixing her plate, and retreiving her potion. Bellatrix's eyes fluttered open, seeing Severus. "Morning," she whispered "What time is it?"
"Don't be silly I want to buy you a shake" ,Krys told her as they walked down the street to Hogsmeade. When they got there Krys lead Hermione to a booth in the back before ordering the drinks.

"It's nearly noon love" ,he told her as he rubbed her back gently. "I had the elf bring us up some breakfast".
"Alright, I won't stop you then." She stated walking with her to the Three Broomsticks, sitting in the back with Krys waiting for their drinks.

"Oh...really? Did I wake at all? If not that's my first night of having a sound sleep." She stated she then thought about the breakfast he said the elf brought. "Does that mean I have to get up?" She joked starting to sit up.
When the drinks came Krys thanked the waiter and smiled, she passed Hermione her drink then took a sip of her own. "So did you read any good books while I was away"? Krys asked trying to make conversation.

"You slept very well last night actually, I didn't have to wake you or anything" ,Severus told her. He laughed at her question about having to get up, "Yes but you can lay back down when you're finished eating and taking your potion".
"Thank you,"she said as Krys handed her the drink, taking a sip.:"Well I finished the book I was reading, I was going to start another one but I had to get back to the common room, you see we have this thing we three wait up for say if one or bothare still out roaming or whatever, we sit up and wait for them to return so I had to get back." Hermione stated plus though it was interesting the restricted section was no fun alone.

"That's good I don't remember dreaming or having any nightmares last night. " She stated streching hearing her bones pop. She began to laugh, "I may not want to then." She smiled.
"We can go back tonight if you want, that's if you're not busy" ,Krys suggested. She didn't mind spending time with Hermione and she had fun before her father came and picked her up. "This time I won't have to leave". Krys laughed a little bit giving Hermione a devious smile.

"That's a good sign it means you're starting to feel better" ,Severus told her smiling. "By the way how are you feeling today"?
"Alright, I'm not busy, That's if you don't mind me hanging out with you." She stated, Hermione smiled, "Are you sure you didn't get into some kinda trouble?" she asked jokingly, "I'm not sure that I trust your smile." she teased.

"Either that or it was because I was in your arms. I hope I'm getting better... today? I'm not sure I've only just gotten up...well kiinda. On a scale from 1-10 about a 4" she stated which was better than yesturdays 2.
"Alright sounds good to me" ,Krys said smiling. "And to answer your question no I didn't get into trouble again". Krys laughed a little bit at the way Hermione joked around with her.

"Perhaps" ,Severus replied with a smile on his face. It felt nice to know he could make her feel at least a little bit better. "The potions are working then, I have to say you look a lot better then you did yesterday".
Hermione took a sip of her drink, "Alrighty then." She smiled this would be fun. "Alright then we don't have to worry that Professor Snape isn't going to pick you up again." She laugh as Krys did.

Bellatrix smiled at him, she was cuddly which no one but her sister and Severus knew about. " I do? That's good to hear...I'll have my beauty back in no time without feeling awful." She stated but to her she didn't care about feeling awful she just wanted her looks back.
"Yeah he shouldn't come snatch me up unless he comes up with something I did randomly" ,Krys joked. She took a sip from her glass then grabbed her bag from Honeydukes and went through it to find something to eat.

"You never lost your looks Bellatrix, stop saying that" ,Severus told her. He knew she felt terrible and she thought she had lost her looks but he didn't see her that way, to him she was beautiful.
"So..Oh congrads on the game, and thanks for not beating up on HArry and Ron." She stated Krys had kept her word, she smiled and took a drink.

"Severus what you see and what I see are completely different things." Bellatrix stated, she hadn't really lost that much but it felt like her lively hood was gone being prized for her beauty and for being a strong dark witch.
"Well I told you I wouldn't beat up on them and I always keep my word" ,Krys said in response. She looked at Hermione and smiled, "I'm not as bad as people put me out to be ya know" ,Krys said knowing what people thought about her normally.

"I'm sorry I know how you feel about yourself right now and I just wish you could see yourself the way I do" ,Severus told her. He wrapped his arm around her then kissed her cheek. "I love you very much".
" I know... but I can't thank you enough for keeping your word." She stated smiling. Hermione listened as Krys spoke. "Well I don't think you're that bad. Not as bad as everyone makes you out to be. Least not anymore," She replied when she first met Krys and heard about her she thought there was more to what people said, Krys had to have a good side. Hermione recsently found it.

Bellatrix looked up at him with sad eyes. As he wrapped his arm around her, she angled herself and wrapped her arms around him cuddling into him. "I wish...I could too. I love you Severus."
"Yeah people like to talk before they know, just don't tell anyone I'm nice I don't want them to take advantage of it" ,Krys told her. She laughed to show she was joking.

Severus pulled her in close to him, "Even if you weren't beautiful I would love you just as much the fact that you are completely breath taking is a plus" ,Severus gave her a warm smile after he said these words. "I love you Bellatrix".
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