Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"You're not boring Hermione people just don't know how to have fun with you, I mean I've had loads of fun with you already I find you to be a very fun person to be around" ,Krys told her. It was true Krys while she liked to party and have fun at points she also liked to just relax and read a good book and with her fellow Slytherins she rarely got to do that.

When Bellatrix got of of him he sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean that in a bad way Bellatrix I only meant that I was loyal to you because I love you and there's no one else I'd rather be with, y-you were my first and my only" ,Severus admitted to her. He didn't mean to make her feel bad at all.
"Many people think I am, and that I'm too up tight. You have? Thanks," She replied a smile grew on her face, happy that Krys was having fun hanging out with her.

Bellatrix looked over at him as he spoke, "I've been gone for 14 years Severus, I left you to care for a baby all on your own, You've been alone for so long...I'm so sorry....I love you too Severus, I never had a doubt that you would stray. Really I was? What about Lily?" she asked curiously, knowing he had a thing for her.
"Yeah I have, people think you're uptight because nearly everyone in this school likes to get fucked up on the weekends rather then study in fact people have called me stuck up as well for the same reasons, mainly Stacy and her friends" ,Krys told her.

"Lily was a child hood love her her and James were always together after you left and I never approached her after you were taken away my main focus was Krys" ,he told her.
"True very true. really but your no where near stuck up or uptight. Does Stacy mess with you often like pick on you and such?" She asked couriously.

"Severus Lily had died prior to me being taken away remeber that's why i went to find the Dark Lord."She stated slightly confussed
Krys sighed, "Yeah she does mostly when she's with friends, when we're alone it's completely different" ,Krys said in response to Hermione's question. She took another sip of tea then closed the book she was reading. "I get kinda annoyed with it though a few times I've wanted to just tell her to piss off".

"I rarely saw you before Lily died so forgive me please for getting things confused it was so long ago" ,Severus said. He felt like an idiot everything was so different now and having a whole bunch of stuff laid on him at once was taking it's toll.
"Well that's not nice, if someone does such when with others are around to their partner,it makes you question whether they really love you or not?" She asked and stated, it was bullshit that Krys' girlfriend treated her that way. "Why stay with her if she is cruel to you? Why not tell her to piss off?"

"The Dark Lord continued to send me out on missions, That's why I wasn't around as much," She stated, "Severus don't be sorry love I know it was so long ago..." Bellatrix replied laying her head on his shoulder, holding his hand.
"I do love her in a way we've been together for months now and I don't tell her to piss off because I don't want to be alone ya know, lesbians aren't exactly flocking around Hogwarts in fact Stacy's not even a lesbian she's bisexual" ,Krys told her in response. "Don't tell anyone what we talked about ok if Stacy ever heard the things I've said she'd kill me".

"I know love and I don't blame you and I never will you were doing your job like you were supposed to" ,he said in response taking her hand. He held her close with his other arm and rested his head on hers, "I love you and will do anything for you".
"Well, the emotion love is a very good and powerful emotion and feeling. Yeah... I understand...I hate being alone...I think that's why I'm always with Harry and Ron, cause it's like I'm never alone, though we're just friends. No I haven't noticed, you're the only one I know of and that's cause you told me. Don't worry anything you tell me I wouldn't tell to anyone." Hermione stated smiling softly.

"I've missed out on everything, I've missed you, I missed Krys growing up into the beautiful young woman she is today...I know baby I love you too..and I know you will." She stated a few tears falling from her eyes both in mental, emotional, and physical pain.
"Yeah love is a strong word and quite honestly I dunno if I've ever truly felt it maybe I just say I love her because I've been with her for so long and I know I can't exactly find anyone else, not with my reputation anyways" ,Krys told her. "Look at me getting all open with you I sound like a girl ew" ,Krys said jokingly.

"She may have grown taller but she still behaves like a two year old at points" ,Severus said laughing. He joked to try and make Bellatrix laugh, Severus knew she was upset. He wiped her tears from her eyes and pulled her close to him. "You're here with us now and that's all that matters, next weekend we're all going to have a great time as a family".
"It's a good possiblity, most people are age say they love someone, having strong feelings but mistaking it for love jumping in too quick often ending in heart break." She stated she knew this from observing others around her. "Yes but looks can be decieving as I now know." She stated looking at Krys from before to Krys now it was a big difference. Hermione laughed, "yeah you are but it's not all bad."

"It's not the same...then we'll get along fine because I'm a four year old." She stated she knew she acted like a child mostly through her fits, of anger and being sad. She smiled slightly. Bellatrix snuggled and wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her closer, She whinced again, though smiling thinking of the weekend a family outing plus Krys' girl friend. "Severus...I need another potion the last one isn't working..." She stated feeling more pain.
Krys smiled happy that Hermione understood what she meant, "Yeah people our age can be dumb when it comes to love and relationships" ,Krys said in response. "Thanks for listening to me complain by the way". Krys gave her a friendly smile then took a sip from her cup it was nice to finally have someone to talk to even if she couldn't tell Hermione everything it was good to be able to vent to someone who would listen and give feedback.

Severus laughed at Bellatrix's response, "You always had a way of making me smile, I know she likes you I could tell by the way she talked to you last night" ,he said in response. When Bellatrix asked for another potion Severus stood up and walked over to his cabinet he grabbed a vial and brought it over to Bellatrix, "Here love this one's a bit stronger it should help you".
"Yes they can...It's no problem, I like to help people, I don't mind listening to problems." She stated smiling back at her, Hermione could tell this was going to be a good friendship. Hermione said a spell and heated up her tea, before taking a sip.

Bellatrix smiled as Severus laughed at her comment. "I hope it stays that way Severus." She stated never wanting Krys to hate her. Bellatrix let go of him so he could get her a potion to help her. "Thank you." She said taking it from him and swallowing it.
Krys took a sip from her cup too, then looked at the clock. "What time do you want to stay until"? Krys asked curiously. She didn't want to keep the girl up all night but also didn't mind her company.

Severus watched as Bellatrix took the potion and sat down, "It should work rather quickly and last for a while if not then I have something else you can take" ,Severus told her as he rubbed her back gently.
"Umm...Doesn't matter to me," She stated she wasn't in a rush, she liked hanging out with Krys.

Bellatrix cuddled back into Severus as he rubbed her back, waiting for potion to take affect. "Okay.." she whispered softly. laying her head on his shoulder again.
"Alright as long as we don't get caught out late my father would kill me" ,Krys said laughing. "We can go right before curfew just so we have enough time to get to our common rooms".

Severus wrapped his arms around her again, he hoped she would feel better soon. "Did it work any love or should I go get the other one"? He asked curiously. Severus wanted to make sure that his potion was making her feel better.
Hermione laughed softly as Krys said her father would kill her for being out past cerfew. "Alright sounds good to me."

"It's working...I should be alright soon." She stated , her pain was going down and she started to relax. Bellatrix was like a four year old wanting to be held and cuddled.
Krys opened another book and began to read it, when the time came to leave she didn't want to go. "I can walk you to your common room if you want I mean nobody should be out this late even if it's before curfew" ,Krys suggested. She didn't mind walking Hermione back in fact she was kind of hoping the girl would agree to it.

Severus held Bellatrix close and continued to rub her back, "Thank goodness it's working I hate to see you in pain, I'm so used to seeing you full of energy" ,he said with a warm smile.
Hermione finished her book by the time to go, she didn't want to though she was enjoying herself and Krys' company. She thought for a moment, they wouldn't have to worry about being seen together, "Sure if you wanna." Hermione stated with a smile.

"I Know Severus I hate being in pain, and I hate being see like this." She stated softly.
Krys smiled when Hermione accepted the offer, when they left she held the door open for the girl then walked right beside her until they reached the entrance to Gryffindor Tower. "Well I guess this is good night" ,Krys said, She caught herself looking into Hermione's eye's, "So see you tomorrow" ,Krys said quickly hoping she didn't notice the eye contact.

"I know you hate being seen like this love and I am going to do everything to make sure you feel better as quick as possible" ,Severus told her. He kissed her on the forehead as he held her close.
Hermione smiled at Krys, "Thank you," she said when Krys held the door open for her. Walking together up to Gryffindor Tower. "Yeah I just it is, Goodbight Krys," she replied. Hermione didn't think nothing of Krys' look. "Yeah see you later." she said smiling and waving, before going up inside. Once inside she went to her dorm and fell asleep.

Bella hated showing any kind of weakness, expesically around Severus always wanting to be strong, playful and beautiful, for him. She nodded trying to be closer to him, as she could.
When Hermione went inside Gryffindor tower Krys walked off and made her way to the dungeons. When she got to the common room she walked past everyone and headed straight to her dorm. Stacy had fallen asleep in her bed so Krys slowly got in and wrapped an arm around her. Stacy in return snuggled up to Krys, she looked at Stacy for a few moments before falling asleep.

Severus continued to hold Bellatrix as they sat there, he truly loved the woman and felt bad that she had to endure so much pain.
Bellatrix started to play with Severus' hair again, she loved it. Her fingers twisted through the ends gently. She couldn't wait until she was restored to her full strangth, being strong, and powerful, not feeling pain, and her body would be as it was. So long as she continues to drink the potions Severus gave her. Bella leaned up a bit and kissed his lips softly.
Severus loved when Bellatrix played with his hair, when she kissed him he returned it kissing her back just as softly. "Merlin I love to kiss you Bellatrix" ,he said softly after breaking the kiss.
"Merlin knows How much I love you, and how I love to kiis and cuddle with you." She stated softly, she pulled herself up and sat on his lap again as she did before, wrapping her arms around him smiling.
Severus looked into her eyes and smiled when she climbed back onto his lap, "I guess you are feeling a bit better after taking that potion" ,he said smiling back at her.
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