Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"Oh no worries your secret is safe with me," She smiled and laughed joking back. Krys wasn't a bad person at all just a little rough around the edges.

Bellatrix cuddled with him as he pulled her close. She smiled that Severus would love her either way. "I love you more..." She whispered playfully. She then thought of something, "Severus? What attracted you to me all those years ago?"
"Good we can't let it get out that I have a heart" ,Krys said jokingly. "So where do you want to go next? Somewhere else in Hogsmeade or back to the castle"?

"I was attracted to you because we had so much in common, we were both different then everyone else I understood you and you understood me, plus like I said you are beautiful, I only wish I could have married you before Rodolphus did".
"Yeah no that would be horrible if everyone knew you weren't cold hearted." She teased along with Krys it was fun. "Um...I don't really have anything else to do down here, do you?" She asked she just really wanted to get out of the castle and away from her hovering friends it was nice to break away from them.

"Yes we did, didn't we, and still do." Bellatrix smiled playing with Severus' hair twisting the ends with her fingers. "We were different...but we were at opposite ends at times, we shared everything together, and you were haandsome and still are. So do I love, If my parents hadn't come up with the stupid marriage contract I would be Bellatrix Snape, instead of Bellatrix Lestrange. Life would have been much different."
"I don't have anything else to do really, we've been here for quite a while dinner should be starting soon and I heard Dumbledore had something to announce so we may want to be there for that, then we can go to the library after if you'd like" ,Krys said in response.

Severus smiled at Bellatrix's words and the feel of her touch, "I have missed your touch Bellatrix I've missed it a lot, there is no other woman that could ever make me feel the way that you do" ,Severus told her. "Do you think you're strong enough to kiss me"? He smiled as he waited for her response.
"Alright, oh really is it that late already?" She asked curiously. "If he's got something to say we should probably get going then. So we don't miss it. Yeah alright, it sounds like a plan to me." Hermione stated standing up, she was having such a great time with Krys it was just nice to get out.

"...And I've missed yours Severus, your hugs, your kisses, cuddling with you...I've had no phycial contact with anyone not even toucking someone's hand...It's been lonely in the dark." She stated for years she was alone left with the thought of the Dark Lord and of returning home to her little family. When she heard him ask if she was strong enough to kiss him, she just stared at him. She didn't know if she was but that didn't matter because she wanted to kiss him. Bella uncovered herself and crawled into his lap, she wince slightly at a sharp pain that coursed through her but she ignored it to the best of her ability, straddling his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I don't know...but we're about to find out." She stated as she gently pressed her lips to his.
When they got back to the school and into the great hall Krys separated from Hermione and went to sit with the rest of the Slytherins. As soon as Krys sat down Stacy planted a kiss on her lips, "I've missed you so much" ,Stacy said. "I'm sorry we fought". Krys smiled and put her arm around Stacy and waited for Dumbledore to stand up and make his announcement. The man stood and cleared his throat, "Attention" ,Dumbledore yelled to silence the great hall. When everyone was quiet he began to speak, "This year Hogwarts will be holding a dance before Christmas, I expect all students to be on their best behavior and if anyone is caught putting fire whiskey into the punch this year they will be removed from the dance and not be able to return" ,He looked at Krys and Draco after mentioning the alcohol being put into the punch. "That is all now enjoy your dinner".

Severus noticed Bellatrix wince and he rubbed her bad gently, he returned her kiss as she straddled him. He broke away briefly, "Do you need another potion it may help the pain" ,he told her. He ran his hands up and down her back gently and kissed her neck softly while he waited for her answer.
Once back Hermione went to sit with her fellow Gryffindors all who questioned where she had been all day. "I was out by the lake reading." She replied. Hermione picked her head up to look at Dumbledore, listening to his annoncement about the dance. She was excited for the dance, but had no clue of wgho to go with. Harry would probably ask Chou or Ginny to go, Ron would wait to the last minute and try to have them go as friends, which was fun but it happened too often. At times she really wished she had a boyfriend.

Bellatrix was confused to why Severus broke away from her. She thought about it for a moment, sighing as his hands moved up and down her back, and the feel of his soft lips on her neck. Her body trying to readapt to bing touched. " I didn't take the one you brought for me...I probably should." She stated reaching for it wincing again. Once she grabbed it she swallowed it.
Stacy squealed with excitement and wrapped her arms around Krys' neck, "I can't wait" ,Stacy said excitedly. Both Krys and Draco had looks of distaste on their faces they weren't to keen on dances and usually were the ones that caused trouble during them but this time Krys would have to behave seeing she actually had a date.

"That may be a good idea" ,Severus said in response to her. "When you're finished taking it why don't you come back to sitting on my lap it was quite enjoyable".
Hermione fixed her dinner plate and began to eat, listening to everyone talk about who they wanted to bring to the Chirstmas dance, Hermione had no idea who she wanted to go with. 'Harry? Do you know who you're asking yet mate?' Ron asked him. 'No, not yet Ron I'm thinking Chou.' Harry replied. Hermione called it. 'What anout you Ron?' Harry asked, 'Don't know yet, I'll find someone. What about you Hermione?' She looked at them,"Not sure i'm going to see if somebody askes me, if not I'll ask them." she replied.

Bellatrix smiled at Severus, "Oh was it now?" she teased softly.Once finished she walked back over sitting back into his lap like she was before.
Krys made her plate and began to eat while Draco asked Pansy to the dance, she of course said yes the girl had a thing for Draco since year one. When Krys finished eating she stood up and told Stacy she was going to study and made her way out of the great hall. When she passed Hermione she smiled then mouthed the words 'See you in the library' before heading out the door.

Severus again helped Bellatrix onto his lap, when she was on top of him again he pressed his lips to hers kissing her passionately.
Hermione ate, then seeing Krys leave and mouth 'see you in the library.' she winked quickly before anybody noticed. She finished and waited a good five minutes before leaving. "I'll see you guys later." She said and with that she walked away and went to the library to meet up with Krys.

Bellatrix kissed him back Passionately loving the feeling not having been kissed like such since before Azkaban, she wrapped her arms around his neck kneading her nails gently into his back.
When Krys got to the library she told the librarian to let Hermione into the restricted section with her. She sat down and had a pot of tea made for when Hermione showed up. She started reading a book while she waited.

Severus was turned on by the way Bellatrix dug her nails into his back, he didn't bother hiding his arousal instead he pulled her into him gently. He continued to kiss her loving the way it felt.
Hermione went to the front desk where the librarian told her she could go in giving her a pass."Hey how was dinner?" she asked sitting down in the same place as last time.

As he pulled her in closer she adjusted hersel wrapping her legs around him getting closer. Continuing to kiss him and knead at his back. She loved and missed this
Krys looked up when she heard Hermione's voice, "Dinner was good for me how about you"? She said in response to Hermione's question. "Unfortunately I have to go to a dance now" ,Krys laughed a bit at what she had said. "There's tea again and depending on how long we stay I can get snacks as well.

Severus continued to kiss her, he was getting turned on more and more with every touch they shared but he didn't want to be the one to initiate anything, if Bellatrix felt well enough he was sure she would go further.
"It was good thank you." she stated "Oh I see... I wanna go but I may not, I don't have a date and would rather go with one than without one." Hermione explained dances were no fun alone. "I guesses you don't like the dances?" she asked curiously. "Alright sounds good." She smiled making a cup of tea.

Bellatrix was tured on whated this wanting him but unsure if her body was ready. Bella deepened the Krys maybe it was from taking the potion but she felt a bit engerenic.
"Last year me and Draco spiked the punch and it got a bit messy, I usually don't have anyone to go with me and Stacy started dating after Christmas last year" ,Krys said in response. She also made a cup of tea and took a sip of it.

Severus groaned as he became more aroused, when Bellatrix deepened the kiss he nearly melted. He continued to run his hands up and down her back in a soothing way.
"Oh so it was you two that did that, Ron can be a very mean drunk." she stated remember he drank too much then in the common room threw a chair at her. "I see well maybe you'll have fun." she said taking a sip grabbing a book to read.

Bellatrix broke the kiss a moment to breathe then went right back to it. running her hands through his hair.
When Hermione mentioned that Ron could be a very mean drunk Krys looked at her, "I'm really sorry if he was mean to you because of what we did, I never meant for anyone to get hurt or anything" ,Krys told her. She looked back down in her book and continued reading, she did feel bad about Ron being mean to Hermione.

Severus took a breath when the kiss was broken then kissed Bellatrix back when her lips returned to his. He continued to rub Bellatrix's body gently massaging her in areas. "How are you feeling love"? He asked breaking the kiss briefly.
"No worries no one was hurt badly, he didn't even know what happened having a major hangover the next day, he apologized to everyone." She stated, things happen. Hermione drank some more of her tea reading the book. "So...are you gonna wear a dress or a tux to the dance?" She asked curiously trying to make small talk though she thought she knew the answer.

Bellatrix sighed as he rubbed her body gently, still kissing him until he stopped. She looked at him couriously, when he broke the kiss again. I'm okay at the moment Love," she whispered softly. She was in pain but she didn't want to admit it.
"Ah hangovers suck I know a potion that gets rid of them though it works well, my invention" ,Krys said with a hint of pride in her voice. When Hermione asked what Krys was wearing to the dance she laughed. "I may just wear some jeans and a button up shirt, I would but my girlfriend would kill me so I have to wear a tux dresses are just not my thing".

"Don't lie to me if you are in pain we can lay down so you'll be more comfortable" ,Severus told her. He didn't want her to have to suffer and be in pain at all.
"I see...I've never had one so...yeah. That's cool you made something to get rid of them." She stated smiling. "I see if I go I'll be in a dress I like to get dressed up."

"I'm not love...I'm okay really." She stated playing with his hair looking up at him she didn't want to lay back down even though she hurt.
"Yeah I kind of figured you would wear a dress you always look nice in them from what I've noticed at other dances" ,Krys told her. She took another sip from her cup and smiled at the girl.

"Well if you're sure then we can continue what we were doing if you want" ,Severus said with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah I can be a girly girl. at times." She stated so naturally she would wear a dress and the whole nine yards. Hermione tilted her head slightly, "Thank you, Krys." She stated smiling. It was a simple compliment nothing more. Hermione took another sip of her tea.

Bellatrix nodded her head, "Yeah I'm sure I'm fine." she stated smiling. Bellatrix didn't like to admit weakness, and being in pain was for the weak. So she was going to hide it and suffer through it unless it got really bad. Bellatrix smiled seductively, "Why wouldn't I want to?" she asked kissing him softly.
Krys smiled back, "No problem Hermione whoever takes you to the dance will be a lucky guy" ,she said in a friendly tone. "So did you have fun today? I only ask because I don't want to be boring". Krys laughed a little bit but it was an honest question, Stacy usually complained whenever her and Krys went out and did stuff.

"I dunno why you wouldn't want to, maybe I've lost my touch I never know after all I haven't been with a woman in fourteen years" ,Severus said in response.
She smiled a little brighter "Thanks, Krys." She stated. "Yeah I had a great time today, Krys. You boring? No if anything I'm the boring one. She replied, Krys was fun and out going while she was quiet and shy.

Bellatrix put her hand to his face, "Severus..." she whispered softly. "I'm sure you still have your touch if you didn't would I be in your lap making out with you? Not like I've been with a man for 14 years...At least you were free, I sat and rotted in a cage....I never meant to leave for so long...I didn't think they'd catch me..." She stated her being away affected his life as well. Bellatrix slid off of his lap sitting down on the bed, feeling awful. Severus could have moved on with his life, instead of waiting and hoping she would return...
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