Things Aren't Always What They Seem (Krys Snape and Shani)

"The other times are rarely my fault too and he has to admit that, I am a damn good student for the most part" ,Krys said in her defense. Severus looked at her, "While that is true you still have a tendency to lose your cool a lot" ,he said in response. "Krys just huffed and sat back in her chair, "Whatever" she muttered. She was a bit aggravated that no one was on her side.
Bellatrix looked at the both of them just watching. Seeing the look on her daughter's face, it hurt her. Granted Bellatrix hadn't taken a side, she was looking at both sides. "Severus you remember what it was like at her age, I lost my cool every now and then and so did you because of various assholes." Bella stated she remembered the days when Severus was bullied, by her traitor cousin and the Potter boy plus their friends. Bellatrix looked at Severus, "Severus...focus on this situation....If someone was grabbing you inappropreate way, the middle of your class how would you feel and what would you do? I know I'd be quite upset and annoyed..." Bellatrix asked softly, she refused to do various things as such in a public settling she'd wait until they were alone being the "nobility" she is she would've had a fit.
"Exactly some things are just meant to stay behind closed doors" ,Krys said in response. Severus sighed then looked at Krys then to Bellatrix, "I suppose you have a point Krys, here I bought you something from that restaurant in Knockturn Alley" ,he said as he handed her the bag. Krys opened it then looked at Severus, "All is forgiven for now" ,she said jokingly as she reached into the bag.
Bellatrix smiled at least her daughter had morals, Of course Bella had a point. If she had touched him during class which she wouldn't he'd probably be embaressed and upset or angry with her and she the same as Krys said somethings are meant to stay behind closed doors. Bellatrix was happy he saw reason in it and that they weren't fighting anymore. Bella snuggled into the blanket more looking into thee fire.
Krys pulled out a small container from the bag that had chicken soup in it then the sandwich that went with it, "So dad are you bringing me back to school tomorrow, seeing it's a Saturday I figured I'd ask" ,Krys said as she opened the container. "Do you want to stay here for the weekend"? Severus asked. "I would if I didn't have a quidditch game, plus I wanted to get some more studying in and go to Hogsmeade to pick up a few things" ,Krys told him. "Ah yes I almost forgot about your game". "You usually do" ,Krys muttered under her breath with a tone of disappointment in her voice.
Bellatrix sat and listened to their conversation unsure of what to say. Bella nearly became hopeful when Severus asked if she wanted to stay the weekend, but it fell, Bella understood that she had a game and wanted to study she was a busy teenager. Bellatrix heard her mumble, she heard the tone Krys, maybe the father daughter bond wasn't as strong as it seemed.
"I'll be free next weekend though maybe we can do something then I'll see if Draco wants to come home for the weekend too" ,Krys suggested. "Maybe we can all do something". "Alright if your mother feels up to it we'll go do something" ,Severus said in response.
Bella continue just to listen still unsure how to really talk to her daughter. Bellatrix looked at Severus "As long as I take what you've given I should be fine..." She stated another week of bed rest and the potions her body should be much better then.
"Is there anywhere specific you want to go"? Krys asked looking at her mother. She wanted to break the silence a little bit between them, after all she really couldn't be mad at the woman for anything it wasn't her fault that Krys thought she was dead when she wasn't.
Bellatrix turned her attention back to Krys, "I don't know, I don't even know what's around with the minesty searching for me it might make things a bit difficult...You guys can pick." She stated, she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do being in a cage for so long did it's number, plus most of her good memories of places she used to go were taken from her.
"We can go to that island me and Draco found last summer, it's secluded and the weather is always nice plus I can use a good swim" ,Krys suggested. "What do you think Bellatrix"? Severus asked.
Bellatrix nodded her head, "It sounds lovely. Lt's do that then." She stated as londg as she wasn't paranoid about the arours finding her it would be fine, plus relaxing on an Island sounded beautiful and peaceful. "What do you think Severus?" she asked in return he had her opinion she wanted to know his.
"I think it will be nice to go somewhere where we can all relax, will Stacy be coming Krys"? Severus said in response. Krys looked up at her father, "If I don't ask her to come she'll be pissed so of course she'll be coming" ,Krys replied sarcastically. She loved Stacy but the girl was a bit high strung so to speak.
Bellatrix smiled up at him, then thought about the idea of Krys' girl friend coming too. 'If Krys and Severus trust her it should be fine.' she thought she didn't care that the girl friend came she care that if she came and then told that she knew where Bellatrix was, that's what worryed her.
Krys looked at her mother, "Don't worry Stacy doesn't even know who you are, she doesn't pay attention to the news and even if she did she wouldn't say nothing" ,Krys told Bellatrix. She was able to read the woman in her weak state, Severus's eyes widened and he looked at Krys, "Don't do that it's not nice I didn't teach you legimancy so you can invade people's mind's whenever you feel like it" ,he snapped.
Bellatrix nodded "Shealtered child? Alright if you're sure, she knows not of me, and if she does she wont tell then it's fine." she stated, Bellatrix didn't care that Krys had read her mind, it just made her realize just how weak she really was unable to hide her thoughts even the simiplest of ones. "Severus it's alright, no need to get snippy..." She stated softly
A cocky smirk came across Krys' face and her father's features were definitely present in that smirk. "I was just reassuring her that everything was ok" ,Krys paused for a moment. "Wait how did you know what she was thinking to know that I read her"? "I just know by her expression I've known her a lot longer and know when something's bothering her" ,he said in response. Krys just gave him a look, "Yeah uh huh" ,she said before taking a bite of her food. "Now that hits the spot, their food is so fucking great". "Krys watch your mouth" ,Severus hissed.
Bellatrix saw heer smirk so much like her fathers. Bellatrix wasn't sure if Severus had read her or not, not that she cared she didn't have to say it out loud then. Bellatrix reached for Severus' hand, wanting to hold it. Bellatrix cucckled a bit as Severus kept hissing or snapping she missed hearing it at times. "I'm glad you like it."
Severus sat down next to Bellatrix and took her hand, Krys looked over at the two, "Awe how cute" ,she said in a cute sarcastic voice that made Severus give her a glare. "Stop being a smart ass" ,he hissed. "Watch your mouth daddy" ,Krys hissed back sarcastically trying to joke around with her father.
Bellatrix leaned her head on his shoulder, holding his hand. Bellatrix thought it was cute and funny the way the two went back and forth with each other.
"Do you want me to leave you guys alone"? Krys asked. She didn't want to be a burden on them, even if her father made her come into the room she knew he wouldn't tell her to leave.
"No Krys you don't have to leave, I'm just a little tired, that's all." She stated softly looking at her. "You've grown into such a beautiful young woman, Krys." Bellatrix smiled, the last time she saw her was when she was two and she had most deffinately changed since then.
"Thank you" ,Krys said in response to the compliment. "You can stay for a little while longer then your mother should get some sleep as should you" ,Severus said. Krys nodded her head in agreement then continued to eat her food.
Bellatrix nodded in agreement to Severus, then looked back at Krys. "So besides fighting and so on How's school going?" Bella asked curiously, still leaning against Severus and holding his hand..
"School's good I've been studying a lot for my exams and stuff I want to make sure I get a good grade" ,Krys said in response to Bellatrix's question. Severus smiled with satisfaction, he was proud of Krys and knew she was intelligent, she was a brute but she had brains to go with the brawn.
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