Dark's Hold

Daemon smiled a little as he rested his arms on his knees, fingers laced behind his neck as he tried to think past his grief. Despite the grief eating him alive, it didn't show, not even a shudder disturbed the man's ice cold exterior. Unlike his father, Daemon riddle had become very good at hiding what he was really feeling if he had enough reason to do so. "That would be good. None of us are up to teaching."He said smiling a little."I was thinking about adopting him to. Both g-gretchen's victims, I thought I could save him again."He sighed quietly before shaking his head looking amused as he reached a hand out rubbing Quez's shoulder as he pouted a little."Ah come on quez. What's with that pretty bird?You're paying more attention to him instead of me?"He teased.
Harry smiled at Daemon and gently kissed the man's cheek. "you can see her you know, if you really want to..." he admitted softly. "the Auror's have her location.... though i did get all the locations of the... victims." he admitted shuddering a little. "i was so sure that they weren't dead." Harry admitted softly. "that she couldn't have killed them...." he admitted closing his eyes, feeling tears welling up again as he sniffled a little before he chuckled as Quez stood up and peered down into Harry's face and then Daemon's before it nibbled on Daemon's lips. "hungry!" Quez complained and Harry nearly fell off the bed in shock. "and he can talk now!" Harry stated blinking in astonishment, Quez huffing. "HUUUUNGRY!"
Daemon shuddered at that, sighing softly."No...I can't. You're right, I need to make the break clean and just stay away."He sighed quietly before laughing quietly."Of course she killed all her victims. She couldn't 'correct' them, and she was careless enough to injure them quickly. So they were usually dead before she got to far into things."he laughed a little before smiling at quez,yelping a little as the bird nibbled on him."Okay okay, we'll get food. Come on quez."He grinned picking quez up, holding him as he headed to the front room before setting him down."walk on your own. We're going downstairs."He said pulling on his boots. Looking amused because the bird was growing so quickly.
he nodded a little. "you really should stay away from her." he agreed. "it will make her suffer even more." he admitted smirking a little. "i might stop by once and a while and tell her stories about how well your doing without her." he admitted with a small chuckle before shaking his head. "nah... that's a little too cruel, even for me." he decided smiling at the other as Quez urged them both out of bed. the little creature was up to their hips now, not so little after all, and it was hopping as it ran along the halls, trying to spread his wings. "i think it's time to move Quez outside." Harry admitted looking amused. "he can't learn to fly in here and if we wait another day he might not fit through the doorways..." he admitted looking very amused as Quez looked at them. "hhuuuuuungggrrrrrry." he growled in a tone much like a child annoyed that their favorite thing was taking so long, almost pouting or sulking. Harry had to laugh as he let the bird hurry them into the kitchen where the house elves gave him ferrets and rabbits to eat, the bird gulping them down happily.me of buckbeak.... it was gross when he did that too..." Harry admitted.
Deamon nodded, snickering."Now that sounded like father. Only a riddle or malfoy would be that cruel."He mused snickering a little as he looked at the bird."Do we have to?He was so small.What if he cant take care of himself?"Daemon asked as they walked into the kitchen, pouting a little at the idea that he was going to have to move the bird outside. He didn't want to, not when no one was sleeping in his bed. He'd be lonely.Sulking in fact over the idea, "Yea, well its a nature thing.Dont watch then."Daemon said helpfully grinning at the little green around the gills harry. It was really amusing to see the hero look a little grossed out.
Harry chuckled a little. "well, Voldemort's favorite taunt was to point out how very much alike we two where." he admitted smiling a little. "he was really a jackass." he admitted smiling at Daemon. "he won't have to take care of himself... i'm not just going to chuck him outside you know that's cruel." he stated with a roll of his eyes grinning a little. "come on Quez! let's go see your new house!" he chirped beaming happily as he led the way outside where there was a brand new barn, only twice as big. the entire bottom was straw, and it was all fresh and clean. it was large enough that even full grown with a twenty six food wingspan the bird could still do a few laps easily around the massive barn. there was a giant nest up high made of soft things, and a smaller one until he learned to fly on the ground. even more shocking was that there was a bed in there, large enough for at least eight people to share easily. there where bright dangling toys and glittering strings for the little bird to play with and Quez went nutty on the place, running all over the place to play with this and then play with that, Harry chuckling a little. "and better yet, i made this entire place collapsible, if you have to, or want to, you can shrink it down and take it somewhere else." Harry admitted smiling at the other. "not bad for an overnights work is it? i'm amazed you didn't notice this." he admitted with a small laugh as he gently kissed Daemon's cheek. "Quez seams to like it." he admitted with a grin. "how about you?"
"You're not nearly insane enough to be compared to a riddle."Daemon mused smirking a little even as he relaxed."It would be cruel.I knew you wouldn't do that."He said blushing a little over how worried about the bird he'd been,and that he was more worried about him being alone then the bird taking care of himself.Smiling a little when he followed the two outside, he smiled a little as he realized that the barn was indeed perfet for the bird."Oh. that's so cool. So when we're on break, we can take it back to the manor."He said looking amused as he realized that harry really had thought about everything that he would need to take care of quez."Well, I was sort of busy if you hadn't noticed. Serial killer girlfriend killing my real girlfriend kind of dented my sense of other things."He grumbled pouting a little as he blushed more at the kiss, but didn't move away. While he wasn't sure what he was feeling, he needed to feel close to someone, needed the balance, so he accepted harry's help and love."Hmm I do like it. I might be sharing that bed with him though.""He said snickering as he saw the bird bouncing around to look at all his toys.
Harry chuckled a little. "Daemon i just tried to resurrect five people from death using an arcane dark art... how am i not insane?" he asked lifting his eyebrow smiling a little before sighing a little. "... do you think i could have done it?" he asked softly looking at Daemon. "i mean... i've survived death twice now... cheated it countless times... maybe i could raise them..." but that was impossible, and Harry and Daemon both knew it, Harry was just grasping at Straws. he smiled as Daemon truly enjoyed the large home and he nodded. "oh, i had this made too." he patted something. "it's a saddle, for Quez when he gets big enough to carry you." he admitted smiling at the other. "he'll be too big to apparate, so you'll probobly have to ride him everywhere." he teased well aware Daemon was going to love flying. "you know you can always share my bed, if you need to." he promised smiling at Daemon. "i know you can never love me like you love Victoria and Gretchen... but you and i will always be best freinds, alright?" he promised smiling at Daemon before sighing a little. "...i have.. families to notify...." he admitted softly. "make sure Quez doesn't eat the nest alright?" he teased grinning a little. "or the bed." he ordered before heading to the Castle to inform the guardians of the diseased. it was going to be a very long day.
"Yes, but riddle is insane in a whole other way. That's not your insanity."he said snikering before smirking a little, really thinking about it."No. You know it, and I know it. If you had, you would have ended up costing us both."He said because he was aware that if harry ended up doing something to himself, daemon would have crossed the line and fixed it even at the cost to himself."Dude, I would love apparating everything.That'll be awesome."He grinned thinking about riding the bird as he thught about it. Perking up out of his slump at the mere mention of flying. Frowning a little as he looked at harry, smiling almost shyly before nodding."Thanks.I'll..I'll think about it."He muttered blushing a little.Smiling as he did indeed make sure that Quez didn't eat anything.

And it was indeed a long day, a few long days as they dealt with the outrage and outcry against the killings, and fear. But the kids seemed to be doing as well as expected, and daemon was closed off and as private as he ever was, even if he'd been sleeping by himself. Leaning back in his seat Daemon closed his eyes before looking at shay confused."What do you mean Sarah's missing?I saw her last night, and she looked fine."He frowned looking at the headmaster sitting at his desk, having taken tokeeping harry company most of the day. "She's just not here. no one's seeing her since this morning at breakfast."
Harry smiled a little and shook his head. "not really... not at first." he admitted. "and... you know your not really a riddle." he admitted smiling at Daemon. "just because he spawned you, doesn't mean that he's your father." he smiled at him. "draco is your father, forever and always and Scorpius is always your brother." he promised smiling at Daemon. as they days passed, it was clear that Harry was once again not sleeping. he had dark bags under his eyes, and now everyone was worried about him, even the people who didn't like him where worried because he apparently wasn't eating. the parents of the diseased didn't notice however, and they wasted no chance to accuse Harry of being responsible for their children's deaths. it had gotten to the point to where Teddy and Rose wouldn't even let them pass the front entrance. anytime harry found out he got upset though, complaining that they had every right to heckle him. he was hiding all of this very well from Daemon however,and Shay as well knowing the woman would force him to sleep and bitch out the people heckling him without mercy. "... i just don't understand this where could she have gone!?" Harry demanded scowling as he examined the map for any trace of the missing girl. "dammit... now i have to tell more parent's that their children is missing, i am closing the Wards again... fucking hell..." Harry hissed setting his head into his hands. "... i don't want to be headmaster anymore..."
Daemon meanwhile was growing even more distracted and fretful the more the parents complained. Because he knew that it was really his fault that he couldn't control gretchen or take care of her the way that she deserved.Though he wasn't noticing harry condition because he was well on his way to work himself into a equally fretful physical state. "I'll go search.She couldn't have just disappeared."Daemon scowled getting him, looking at harry."Come search with me. And bring the man just in case she shows up on it."He sighed heading for the door without waiting assuming that the man would come."harry, go. Then you two need to get some sleep."Shay scowled looking at the two men in worry because they both looked haggard and hurting. He knew that daemon was blaming himself, and that would do no one any good. She needed the men to focus, because she was worried if Daemon lost control how badly things could go.
Harry nodded a little and grabbed his map, following Daemon before pausing to blink at Shay. "i got ten hours of sleep last night Shay how much more do you want me to sleep?" a blatant lie, but was Shay skilled enough to catch Harry's lies? Harry doubted it. "i
ll make sure Daemon sleeps though." he promised smiling a little as he rushed off after the man, a little sad that Quez couldn't fit in the castle anymore. the bird was so big now that Daemon could sit on him and let the bird run around. Quez wasn't strong enough to fly with him yet, but he was flying, all the time, the silly bird loved to fly and swoop down on the students and frighten them silly. fortunately the kids all thought it was funny. "she's still not on the map... maybe she found herself in one of the unmarked secrete tunnels we should look there first."
Shay glared at him, looking at them to."If you slept that long, then Scorpius really is gay, and Daemon wears a pink tutu."She scowled rolling her eyes as she watched the two leave. Daemon looked amused a little as he heard Shay's response, before it faded. Sighing quietly as he nodded before pausing."No. First we'll check with quez. Just because he's not strong enough to fly with me, doesn't mean he can't fly with the little ones.And I've seen some of them using him as a jungle gym when he lets them."He said amused because some of the first years had taken a liking to his bird, and the bird had tken a liking to all the kids, even if he clung to harry and daemon the most.Stepping into the barn he sighed sadly at the sight, realizing that the bird was still there before frowning."Quez.I need your help. There's a student missing. Will you check the grounds for me?"He asked petting the bird on his head, because while the bird was still not talking alot, he did understand things better then he had the first week.
Harry smirked. "haven't you heard? Scorpius is just using you as his cover so he can pretend he's not gay and Daemon is a closet cross dresser." he taunted back smirking at her. mostly because Scorpius had finally realized his fealings for the woman and was now bumbling his way in trying to impress her, with flowers and stuttered compliments that where usually more of an insult than anything else. he was so awkward and adorable though it was almost forgivable. he nodded as he followed Daemon to Quez and smiled at the bird, which was now taller than them by almost three feet when it stood up. "yes yes ok!" the bird chirped spreading his massive wings and leaping into the air and out through the sly light that harry had put in and started scanning the grounds and around it, Harry turning to Daemon. "hopefully she just... went to Hogsmead or something..." he muttered softly. he had his doubts about that, but it was possible...
Shay smiled a little watching them go before going in search of scorpius so they could search. That and she found his humbling compliments so adorable that she couldn't get mad at the insults because he was trying so hard to do it right. And since the man usually was good at compliments, it was even more cute to see him being awkward. "Hopefully."Daemon said tilting his head back to watch the bird fly away looking worried, but sighing softly. He didn't believe it, but he could hope she'd just wandered off."Lets get the school searched."He said sighing as he headed back inside.
three hours later had still turned up no sign of the girl, and Harry was in his office talking to the girls parents who where distraught, but at least they weren't blaming Harry like the dark follower parents where. harry felt almost guilty about it, about their calm, sobbing acceptance that their daughter was missing. they had searched every inch of the school, Harry had even checked the haunted house and hogsmead himself, no sign of the girl and Quez had turned up nothing. "Daemon." it was Scorpius, looking tense. "we can't find her anywhere..." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Harry's talking to the parents now but it's not looking good..." he bit his lip. "i think she might have been kidnapped." he admitted. "i... i don't think Gretchen escaped on her own..." Scorpius had gotten very smart now that Voldemort wasn't oppressing him. he was still as dumb as a box of rocks but, he was very clever at the same time. he was good at solving puzzles now, and this was one hell of a puzzle. "i think whoever let Gretchen out took Sarah.... i...i just can't figure out why yet... was Sarah light, or dark?"
Daemon to, had started to think along those lines. His brother was clever, more clever then people gave him credit for. But he could see the pattern under all of this. "Neither. Her parents refused to get involved,but they leaned towards the light."he said rubbing a hand over his face, swallowing."You know what they're going to think right?As soon as they realize that I'm living here, her parents are going to lose it."He said sighing quietly because it physically pained him to think he had cost a girl her life. Because he had no doubt with every hour that past that the little pretty girl was gone.
h shook his head. "you've been living here for months without any problems, why would you start now?" he asked shaking his head. "no... i'm sure they will know better..." he had his doubts actually. "but why would someone from the light be taken if it's the dark that where being attacked before?.. unless someone is trying to blame someone else?" like Daemon for instance? but Scorpius wasn't going to voice that one out loud. "Harry's locked the wards completely. nothing can get in or out without his permission..." he admitted simply, biting his lip. "but... i don't like that we can't find her, not a trace..." he sighed a little. "someone must have removed her from school grounds and hidden her somewhere but how?"
"Someone who knew we wouldn't look right away. Knew they had a afew hours to make her totatlly disappear."He sighed rubing his hands over his face as he shuddered,looking at his brother as he sighed."I should go see about talking to the parents. Maybe she's been talking to someone..."He said before heading up to harry's office, pausing at the door before knocking poking his head in before walking in.
Harry was talking to the parents, explaining how they where looking for her inside the castle and explaining that the Aurors where already involved lookign outside of school for any trace of the girl. they all looked over at Damon when he knocked on the door and Harry waved him in. "have any of the students seen her?" because when Harry had left Daemon he'd gone to ask her freinds when the last time they'd seen her was. horrifically, it had been last night, her freinds had all thought she was out with a boy, and hadn't questioned when she hadn't come back during the night, it wasn't until lunch that they had started to worry. none of them had known what boy that she had been seeing, but they knew she thought she was in love.
Daemon shook her head."not since last night."he said before moving over, leaning his hip against the edge of the desk as he looke at the parents biting his lip. Looking not only scared about the boy, but because he knew this was going to get ugly."Her friends said she was seeing someone, thought she was in love with him. Did she say anything in letters?Anything at all?"he asked sounding anxious and worried about the girl and desperate to find anything, some clue that would bring them to the girl. Having gone so far as to check the chamber of secrets, in the slim hope that she had found her way there.
the two parents sobbed a little and they shook their heads. "she.... she had a crush on a boy but she never said any names... she said she was afraid to talk to him because he was older than her, by a lot... i got the feeling he was five or more years older than her... i thought maybe she'd met him in Hogsmead..." the mother admitted sniffling, Harry scowling a little as he considered this. "... i would like permission to search your daughters things." he admitted softly. "it might give us the clues we need to find out where she went if she left school grounds." Harry admitted softly. "she is a very good girl, but even good girls do dumb things when they think their in love." Harry admitted, the mother nodding. "ye...yes alright." she agreed hiccuping as she leaned into her husband Harry sighing a little. "Daemon... get Scorpius Shay Esme Rose and Hugo... i want you to go into Hogsmead, talk to everyone, take a picture of Sarah with you ask, everyone if they saw her." he ordered softly. "if she was in there, someone had to have seen her." he stated softly. "Mr and Mrs, Marshal, i'd like for you to come with me to search Sarah's things... if there's anything out of the ordinary i think you would be the best person to spot it, we'll bring Sarah's best friend in too." he decided. "we'll get to the bottom of this, i promise."
Daemon nodded,"We'll go."He said looking at the parents."And I will bring her back."He said even if she wasn't alive when he did, he was bringing her home.

But when he returned, all the teahers with him were trailing aftr as Daemon Riddle carried the small girl gently in his arms. Walking up to his rooms he settled her in his bed, glad he had had the invisblity cloak to cover them both as they walked inside. Ducking her in before he went to find harry. Even as he walked into his office, he didn't have to say anything to get the point across."The shrieking shack."He muttered looking so sad and lost that he had no idea what to do. Because gretchen had been his mess up he assumed that this would be his fault to."We'll need to keep the school on lockdown.It was someone here harry."He muttered looking so lost, but so glad that sarah's parents had gone to bed hours earlier.
Harry looked at Daemon and nodded. "i know." he admitted softly. "she went to meet him at the shack." he admitted holding out the diary. "the boy invited her there, or someone pretending to be him... she never says his name but..." her last entry was an excited one, a letter had come from him, asking her to meet him at the shrieking shack. she wrote how she was going to sneak out after classes and meet him there, and hopefully be back before morning, the teachers would never know because she had found a secrete tunnel leading there under the whomping willow. "i have blocked all the paths out of the school." Harry admitted softly. "... how is she?" he asked softly, worried that she was dead. he couldn't handle another death. "is she alive!? is she hurt!?" the mother demanded, clutching Daemon pleading at him with her eyes.
Daemon whined softly as he was gripped, flinching back from the touch."She's in a coma.Esme said there was nothing to do.She'd wake up on her own or..."He shrugged helplessly, "I put her in my bed, so no one knows but the teachers."He said not seeing the thing that the light sympathizing parents would think when they heard that. After hearing for years about voldemort's perversions, he didn't see that they would assume he'd put her there for his own perverse reasons. Looking startled when her father came storming into the room, seeming to wilt even mor under the man's angry gaze."I'm sorry...sorry..."He muttered.
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