Dark's Hold

Shay studied him before nodding, sighing softly as she was nuzzled."Please.Not just for me, daemon's going to notice eventualy. No need to worry him more."She said stealing another kiss.

Rose blushed slightly at the praise but nodded."I will.And she would be."she said amused that harry was worrying so much about everyone. Daemon frowned not looking overly reassured but nodded anyways, tilting his head back, a easy smile curling his lips when he saw Harry. Despite everything he had to smile about it. He wouldn't admit to being in love with the headmaster, but he was showing every sign of beig in love."Hey. Find anything?"He asked smiling slightly wider before rubbing a hand over his face. Looking fairly tired himself, but not as bad as Scorpius did.
Harry smiled back at Daemon, his worry lines softening as he saw the other and Draco smirked rather wickedly. "shut up Draco." Harry ordered simply before he sighed and sat down, the worry lines back. "Dae... we need to talk." Harry admitted swallowing thickly. "... i... i hate to do this but... i need to ask you to leave the school." Draco looked shocked as Harry looked at Daemon. "i know your not guilty of this, you where with me when the girls went missing... but, other people will not beleive it. and you can't handle that kind of... guilt." he admitted staring at the other. "i need to think about everyone's safety, yours included... people are going to get violent... and if they can't get to you, they'll attack Draco, or Quez." he admitted swallowing thickly. "so you, Draco and Quez... i'm going to send you on vacation." he explained. "i'm going to send you to my house in Italy.... i'm not sure what kind of state it's in but your both good at magic." he admitted smiling a little. "you'll be able to fix it up... no problem... right?" he asked smiling a little. "you won't be there long, not if i can help it.. two weeks, maybe three.. just long enough to make people realize that your not the criminal. with permission i might even send Teddy with you, he's half Auror after all." Teddy had been hurt bad on a job and had forcibly retired by both Rose and Hugo. no one would ever accuse Teddy of lying to protect Daemon, ever.
Daemon meanwhile, hadn't heard anything beyond the first sentence. Looking up at him, dark green eyes pained and betrayed as he stood."Goodbye. Father."He said nodding a little to draco in a goodbye before he apparated, going down to collect quez, or at least tell Quez where he was going, allowing the bird the freedom to follow him. Before apparating to slytherin manor, silently stalking the house that had to many memories. His sanity breaking a little under this. Even the distant reminder that harry hadn't meant it, hadn't meant that he thought daemon was guilty was a distant thought as he walked through a house so soaked in his father's presence that voldemort's madness was like a touch on his skin.

Esme looked startled, pausing in the doorway, having not meant to overhear, but... this was going to be bad. She, more then anyone else, knew how fragile Daemon Riddle's sanity was. Because she was the only one who continuely saw him in the medical ward, she knew just how close to the surface and breakable his sanity was. She didn't quite believe that she was hearing what she was hearing. Of all people, harry should have understood that even expressing that they knew he was innocent would have harmed Daemon."Something's wrong with Scorpius."
Harry set his head in his hands as he shook his head, uttering a small sob, because it broke him nearly as much to send the man he loved away, as it did Daemon to be sent. Draco sighed a little and set his hand on Harry's shoulder, silently comforting the man as he heard Quez vanish through the air, sliding effortlessly through the wards at Harry's allowance and followed his Mama to slytherin Manor. "i'll have Teddy take me to him." Draco promised smiling at Harry. "i'll explain things to him once he calms down... he'll understand Harry and.. your right... if they can't hurt him, then they'll hurt me, Quez or Scorpius to hurt him." Draco admitted looking up at Esme looking worried. "... somethings wrong with Scor!?" he demanded, worried, unaware that Scorpius had laid down for a nap and was now doing the dead walk again, striding along the halls with a blank face, not recognizing anything or anyone that got in his way, just walking around anyone who got in his way, up until a door opened and slammed into his nose so hard it broke, waking him up in an instant to clutch his nose and burst into curses. "i'll have a look at him." Harry promised rubbing the tears away from his eyes as he got to his feet and sniffling a little. "will you go and get Teddy for me Esme? he's going to take care of Draco and Daemon until i can catch the bastard doing this."
Esme nodded looking worried."Shay and rose are following him to make sure he wouldn't fall and break his neck but he's not even aware of their presence."Esme said looking at Draco, then nodding."I'll go get him, and send him up. Draco can get through the wards."She said having a idea where Daemon went. after seeing the room the girl had been found in, there was no question where Demon had gone to brood. Running off to go find Teddy.

Shay looked relieved when Scorpius woke, wrapping her arms around him,"Scor!Stop. It wont help."She said looking worried about him as she gently touched his nose to make sure that it wasn't a bad break, looking revealed to see harry as he walked down the hall."Harry."She said such relief in the word that it was amazing she didnt pounce on him to hug.
Harry nodded and smiled a little at her. "i think we all know where he went." he admitted softly. "Draco, i have collapsed Quez's barn, please make sure to take it with you, here's the location of my home in Italy, be safe." "live long and prosper." Draco agreed, Harry nearly choking at the muggle phrase, his eyes wide as he gaped at Draco before laughing a little as he turned and went to find Scorpius, who was looking ever so baffled as Shay gently touched his nose. "what's going on?" he asked looking confused. "why am i in the hall!?... and dressed!?" everyone knew Scorpius slept naked, that was why no one ever went to his and shays room when Scorpius set the 'do not disturb' sign up. "hey Scorpius... how's your headache?" Harry asked looking a little concerned by the man's confusion, Scorpius shaking his head. "i don't know, my nose hurts too much to tell..." he admitted Harry snorting a little. "i need you to stay still and not fight me. i'm going to push my mind into yours and check for mental spells." he admitted carefully wrapping his mind around Scorpius's for a few minutes, both of them glassy eyed as they searched Scorpius's mind, Harry blinking and Scorpius looking worried. "... what was.. that..." "bit blank area?... a three hour period that was wiped completely from your memory... i didn't find any other spells, just a memory wiping spell... if it's a compulsion, or a hypnosis spell... i wouldn't be able to detect it because of the memory modification." he admitted biting his lip a little. "we're going to have to be very careful... we have no idea what has happened to Scorpius..." a three or four hour period where the man's mind had been scrubbed so clean there was going to be a permanent blank spot there... whoever had done this was lucky they hadn't caused serious brain damage!
"You got up and were walkign around when I came up to go to sleep."Shay said looking frightened for her boyfriend, because thsi was so out of what was normal for him, that it was really scaring her.Paling as she thought about what it meant that the spells were there, wrapping her arms around him tightly, head resting on scorpius's shoulder."Come on. You need to lay down."Seh said looking at harry, fear showing in her eyes as she thought about what it could mean that he didn't remember. Having heard enough stories about Ginny Weasley when Tom riddle had possessed her in the journal that she was scared to know that he boyfriend was missing parts of his memories. Truly afraid of what it would do to him to know that he had harmed the girls, even if he had been forced to.
Scorpius looked baffled. "but i've never slept walked before... not like this anyway..." he admitted frowning a little as he looked at Shay, smiling at her, kissing her forehead. "it will be alright." he promised. "we'll have Rose and Hugo tail me... guard me..." he promised, he thought that was a good idea. Rose and Hugo knew he was good, they would keep him from doing anything bad while he was under the control of something else. he nuzzled her, fearing exactly what Shay was thinking... that he had been the one who hurt the children. "... i'm scared to sleep..." he admitted with a thick swallow as Harry smiled. "i'll go and talk to Rose and Hugo." he promised. "they'll stand watch over your door, they'll make sure that... your not doing anything bad... it.. it could be a joke, a prank..." it was a sick as hell joke, but... people where capable of terrible things. he quickly found Rose and Hugo and explained what was happening, asking them to watch over Scorpius to make sure he wasn't doing anything while under someone else's influence.
"I'll stay with you.And thy'll help you."Shay sid leaning into him,closing her eyes. "Come on Scor, you need to sleep."Shay muttered pulling him towards their bedroom, needing to take care of him. The only problem with asking hugo to guard the door was, that it was him who was doing it. And it was hard to guard against a guard. in the morning Shay frowned looking at her glassy eyed boyfriend."You were up again...you didn't go anywhere.But you were up..."She said looking so scared for him,"Maybe you should go and join daemon. He'll protect you..."She muttered desperate to protect him, needing to believe that daemon riddle would be able to protect his brother from anything.
Scorpius sighed a little and shook his head a little. "i don't want to sleep." he muttered softly as he let her lead him to bed, falling asleep despite his protests. he blinked at her, looking tired as he slowly came out of it, swallowing thickly. "i can't join Daemon... if it's a compulsion spell it will affect me even if the person doing it to me isn't there.... what if they want me to kill Daemon? i'll be there alone with him, and he won't defend himself against me... we both know it." he admitted swallowing thickly. "i'm scared Shay.... i... i'm just so scared...." he admitted pressing his face into his girlfriends shoulder and sobbing. he was so tired, so afraid of what was going on that he was starting to break down.
Shay sighed wrapping her arms around him, holding him tighty. Not even able to offer comforting lies, because they both knew if this went on for much longer Daemon was going to offer himself up like a sacerficial lamb, willing to die to stop this. Holding him tight she nuzzled him."You didn't leave the room though."She said before biting her lip."i think you should stay with harry.He's magically strong enough to maybe,undo this spell."She said praying that itwas true, because the only one other then harry who might be able to do it would be the one that no one could tell, because Daemon's wrath would burn hot and bright over this.
he sniffled as he nuzzled her, nodding a little. "g...good..." he murmured softly swallowing hard. "i... i think... what if i'm supposed to kill Harry?" he asked biting his lip a little. "out of everyone Harry and Daemon are the only Target's that i can think of..." he admitted shaking his head. "i think... i think i need to..." his eyes glossed over again and he blinked at her as he did when he was sleepwalking and he stood up, turning on his heal and grabbing the doorknob, yanking the door out and before either rose or Hugo could respond they slumped, put to sleep by Scorpius, who didn't even seam to realize what he had done as he started walking down the hallway, his magic suddenly striking shay in the chest and putting her to sleep as well. when she woke up Scorpius was gently shaking her shoulder looking terrified. "Shay?... Shay what happened?!"
"i'll be there.I'll stop you."She said holding him tighter, haing a feeling that they were the targets in destroying their hearts, not killing harry and daemon physically, just emotionally and mentally. Shay started looking up at him sleepily, "...you...you put us to sleep...what happened?"She muttered scrambling to her feet to, looking terrified because she had no idea what to say. No idea what happened,"Scorpius?Where did you go?"She said gripping his arms looking just as scared as he was.
Scorpius looked scared. 'i...i don't know!" he admitted with a choked sob. "we where talking... and then... and then there's blackness and i woke up in a girls bathroom..." he admitted trembling violently. "i... i'm scared..." "it's alright Scorpius." Harry stated suddenly, taking Scorpius's shoulder as he suddenly appeared. "i watched you on my map, you didn't hurt anyone... unfortunately a boy has gone missing... it looks like you where a decoy this time." Harry admitted sighing a little. "Hugo and Rose are in the hospital wing, they woke up about ten minutes ago." he admitted. "i already found the little boy and moved him into Daemon's room... another full on light supporter." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "this is getting bad..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "their still blaming daemon, even though he's not here, or in range to tell Scorpius what to do... i was able to see the spell, it's a localized one, a type of imperio, whoever is doing this has to be in the castle..."
Shay looked relieved, at least whoever was doing this, was trapped in the castle with them.Biting her lip as she studied the headmaster,holding scorpius tightly."What if... we sent them home. The ones to young or incapable of doing the magic it would take to do a spell like this.That would leave a even narrower field, adn elder students who can protect themselves.They're hurting the young ones, because the older ones would fight to hard."she said looking worried because she didn't know how to handle this, it scared he rto realize she couldnt help scorpius
Harry hesitated a little and then nodded. "anyone fifteen or younger will be sent home." he agreed. "anyone in that age group wouldn't be capable of doing a spell like this." he admitted. "i'll send word tot he parents, it's the young kids who are the victims here... sixteen seventeen and eighteen will be given the choice to leave." he decided. "i have a feeling most no one will want to. the person who's doing this will have to take on stronger targets as well. so far it's been a third, a second, and a fifth year, their picking out the young ones who won't fight back." Sarah excluded, she had been strong enough to fight back, but hadn't because she had fancied herself in love with whoever was doing this. "i'll go send the letters, you keep an eye on Scorpius... stun him next time he goes all glassy eyed." he ordered simply,. Scorpius nodding. "yes, please do... at least then i can be sure i won't hurt anyone."
Shay nodded,"i will."shay said wrapping her arms around her lover holding him gently, praying that they would be able to figure this out. watching harry go with saddness in her eyes, worried about him.

"...you're not supposed to be here daemon."hugo said fear crossing his face before he could hide it. 'I know.But I needed to talk to harry."He said heading for the door, trying to figure out what was bothering him. After taking a few days off, he'd been going stir crazy, and because quez had needed the flight he'd returned to school, needing to reassure himself that scorpius was fine, if still sleep walking."Scor!"he grinned running up towards the man, so relieved to see him fine that he didn't even notice until scorpius hit him with a knockback spell that something was wrong. Tumbling backwards he had a split secon to realize he was falling and who was the only person who knew he was here, before he hit the marble floor with a crunch.
Harry was furious when he found Daemon was the next victim of the 'forever sleep' spell. once used on princesses to keep them out of the way, like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. real people, but very different outcomes. the true loves kiss thing was a lie, they'd stay asleep until the person who had cast the spell was dead, or had his or her magic severed... or they ended the spell themselves. Scorpius had not been the one to cast the spells, but Harry had a frank suspicion he knew who did. he gently stroked Daemon's hair, his broken bones healed by Esme who was standing next to an Auror, who was waiting for Rose to arrive. Harry had enough of all of this, he was bringing in every teacher, one at a time, and severing their magic, to wait for the spells to end. there was no explanation, just a summons to meet Harry at the infirmary. the teachers already tested where waiting to see who the sick bastard was. as soon as Rose stepped in Harry snapped her magic, cutting it like only he was able. she would get it back, so long as no one stirred... no one did. "call in Hugo." Harry ordered the student, who had ran to fetch rose, the Dark supporter nodding and racing off to find Hugo. "sorry rose, i'm tired of playing games." Harry admitted with a shrug. "i'm finding out who this is, once and for all." he admitted his eyes furious. "Mister Weasley! Mister Weasley you have to come quickly!" the boy yelled racing for Hugo. "Harry's gone mad sir! he's screaming at Rose sir i'm scared he's going to kill her! he says she hurt Daemon! you have to hurry please their in the infirmary!"
"Its okay harry.I grow tired of someone using my old prejudice to hurt them"rose muttered winicng as he broke her magic sighing when she got to stand up, pausing as Hugo ran in. Hugo paled as he got to his feet, running for the infirmary where the boy had told him where they were. Running in he paused, looking confused when he realized that the two were just talking. "h-harry?"He panted looking confused because they were indeed talking wincing as harry broke his magic, wicing more when he heard Daemon's curse as he jolted awake."Bloody hell.Harry-"Daemon said already scrambling to his feet, thinking that he he was still in the hallway, needing to tell harry wht was going on. Before pausing, looking confused as he realized that the room wasn't where he'd expected to be, or that harry, hugo and rose were already in the room.
Harry smiled at her. "if it makes you feel better your not the first one i called in." he teased smiling a little at the other laughing a little at her as the magic broke and nothing happened. "i'm glad it wasn't you, i'm running out of people and i was kind of worried." he admitted sheepishly as Hugo ran in, Harry turning towards him, snapping Hugo's magic his eyes widening as Daemon woke up, the other kids waking up more slowly. "Hugo?" Harry demanded his eyes widened a little. "HUGO!?" his rage was growing as he slammed his magic hard into Hugo, slamming him into the wall. "you hurt children! you attacked my lover! you released Gretchen and got your own cousin KILLED you son of a bitch!" he snarled shredding Hugo's magic. Hugo would never do magic again, the Auror didn't even try to stop Harry, he just sat there and watched. "Daemon lay back down, you have a head injury." Esme ordered gently. "Harry will handle this."
"Can't."Daemon growled annoyed when the auror, instead of helping Harry forced him back into bed. Growling as he looked at the medic and auror holding him in place before laying down again, letting the other take care of it, even if he wanted to get up."He's disturbed harry!i did it all to save us!ITs what needed to be done!He loved Gretchen, surely you know that was a sign he should be killed for that alne."Hugo screamed as he slumped to the floor panting. Rose swallowed looking at harry, before sighing."I disvow this member, Hugo Weasley from the house of weasley, and none shall be ackowledged."She whispered, wincing as she felt the magic itself wiping hugo out of her family tree, tears filling her eyes."So witnessed."Daemon muttered his heart breaking as he realized that this ws his fault. Even if he had not been the one hurting them, it was his fault that hugo had attacked them all,gotten his child and victoria killed.
Harry stared at Hugo. "Daemon is more sane than i am Hugo Weasley." Harry stated simply. "yes, he loved Gretchen, because she took something from him. it's because of people like YOU that people like Daemon, Voldemort, Draco, Me end up insane and trying to punish those that did them wrong." he stated hid eyes furious. "this, is NOT Daemon's fault, never has been and never will be. YOU, let Gretchen out. YOU, got those children killed because of it. YOU hurt these children, and YOU hurt Scorpius for your own sick needs despite knowing it would worry Shay AND Draco." he stated simply. "you will never do magic again, my word as the Magica." he watched as the Magic of Names wiped Hugo out of the Weasley line. "you will forever be Hugo No Name. and you will spend the rest of your life in prison." he stated simply. "muggle prison." he admitted smirking darkly. "as a child abuser." no one else would know what that meant, but Harry did. v"get him out of here. i'm done with him." Harry ordered gently settling next to Daemon, stroking his lovers hair. "are you alright Daemon?" Harry asked softly, worried as he looked over at Scorpius who was staggering over tot he bed with Shay's help. the sudden loss of the spell controlling him had left poor Scorpius completely disoriented. a good sleep and he would be fine.
daemon sighed softly as he turned his head into the other's hand, eyes sad as he watched hugo get dragged out of the room still howling insanely. daemon looked so worried as scorpius sat down, shifting to snuggle into his brother, whimpering softly as he looked at harry."You better go check on quez.He'll be losing his mind."He muttered knowing that his bird knew he was in trouble, but he was to big to come inside. he needed to reassure the bird that he was fine. "I'm fine.I promise. Just tired. And achy."He muttered. "...you said that when you fell on your sword when you were fine."Shay said rolling her eyes before looking at harry."You to.In bed. I'll go talk to quez, make sure he knows his mommy's fine."
Harry smiled a little as he shook his head. "no one needs to go see Quez." he promised indicating the window, where a large bird head could be seen out the window. "he's right there." he admitted with a small chuckle. "i added a small roost there so he could watch us." he admitted, the bird was actually asleep right then, but that was probobly a good thing or he would have tried to rip the castle apart to get to Hugo, Harry smirking a little. "oh and Emerald had a perfect labor, twins." he admitted as he settled into bed with Daemon. "one of them won't stop following Scorpius around it's SO cute." Harry admitted, making small talk to distract from the bad feelings as he restored all of the teachers magics, letting them get to work informing the parents of the children that their kids should be awake now and that the younger kids could return, that the danger was over... for now. hopefully that would be the last of it. Harry kissed Daemon's forehead and smiled a little. "go to sleep. we'll talk and comfort each other in the morning, ok?"
Daemon smiled softly, looking relaxed before snickering."Good."He said relaxing at the mention of his horse."Can we go see her tomorrow?HE muttered already starting to go to sleep, snuggling close to harry. Shay smiled softly looking at harrry, stroking scorpius's hair as he slept."You three need to get some rest.Maybe go back to your house.its the end of the week, let school go for the weekend.Have them come back in the morning."She said looking concerned about harry, "Go to sleep.Harry you need it."she ordered growling at him until he crawled into bed
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