Dark's Hold

"Aww,damn. Thats not neraly as cool."He said pouting a little, but not really put out. He knew where he stood in the world, and it was only harry that had managed to keep him from being worse then his father. He was brilliant, in a way voldemort hadn't been. To see that genius turned to slaughter....it would have been a disaster. Tensing a little at the mention of ginny, he knew why no one would tell him.At sixteen, daemon sadi had killed her, killed her to save her from the torture. Yes, it had been to save her, yet he'd still looked at her while he slit her throat, because had she seen him approaching with a knife, she would have known what he'd planned.And even at 16, daemon had had a void in his self conscious that allowed him to kill for mercy."They would.Victoria would have found it amusig."he said snickering a little at the idea before relaxing, resting his head on harry's shoulder as e sipped his drink,closing his eyes."Make love to me."He muttered nuzzling his love.
Harry chuckled a little. "we could always call you the shadow King." he teased smirking a little. "that would be amusing mm?" he asked playfully pausing at the tense shoulders, frowning a little. "Daemon?... you ok?" he asked, worried about his would be lover. the worst part about Ginny's death, laying strung out, naked as the day she was born, tied up and covered in other peoples blood from the battle field, was that she had smiled at him, and thanked him before he slit her throat, and let her die quickly instead of being raped to death as the other Death eaters had planned. Draco had taken the punishment for that one, not that Daemon knew it. Harry looked startled at Daemon's sudden request for sex but he bent down and kissed the other. "are you sure that's not the scotch talking?" he asked softly, his head tilted as he smiled at the other. "i don't want you to be mad at me in the morning..." he admitted playfully as he scooped Daemon up into his arms, kissing him intently and spilling him onto the bed, looking down at his lover, his head tilted. "i think i might be a little drunk too..." he admitted, well aware he would normally be protesting, but he wasn't, he was too needy, and drunk, to protest.
"That it would be."Daemon said smiling a little, closing his eyes, tring t not think. He didn't want to, he couldn't. The scared sixteen year old loked up at him, "Im sure."he said laughing as he was scooped up, kissing him as he looked up at him. Laughing sftly."We should do the drunk thing more offten."He said pulling him down for a hard kiss, not about to protest sex when the memory f ginny was riding him. He wanted something clean, something good to wash the pain away. kissing harry slowly he pulled the other's shirt off, smirking."We should listen to scor's advice and not waste this chance."he said kissing him.
Harry smiled a little as he kissed the other again. "i really hate being drunk." he admitted smirking a little as he kissed the other again stroking his tongue through the others mouth, tasting and touching before he moaned, letting the other pull his shirt off. "too slow." he groaned, all of their clothes vanishing in an instant, leaving them both completely naked, Harry rubbing himself along the other, cock sliding against cock as his mouth wrapped around a nipple and sucked, teasing the hard sensitive nub with the tip of his tongue.
Daemon moaned shivering as the other touched his nipple, even with the alcohol riding him he was slowly explaining the other's chest. Taking his time touching the body that was so different from anything he'd ever touched before."FAster."He whined arching into the other, wanting more of a touch against his cock, needing more."Please!"he begged gripping the other tightly.
he moaned softly as he felt the others hands running along his chest, groaning eagerly. "it feels so good." he moaned softly as he kissed the other, running his tongue along the others teeth, smirking a little. "please?" he asked softly, sliding down the others body, sucking the others cock into his mouth. he knew better than to tease Daemon too much, the man didn't have the patience for it and frankly neither did Harry. he suckled the thick length, moaning eagerly before looking up at the other, panting softly. "do you want to bottom or top?" he asked shivering eagerly. he honestly wasn't sure what Daemon would choose, he was too excited to care, he would be happy with either decision.
Daemon moaned softly shivering like a fly stung horse as harry sucked on his cock, feeling to over stimulated and drunk to really think clearly. Blinking up stupidly as he looked up at hrry, leaning up to kiss him, trying to figure out what teh other was talking about. IT felt....whozy but grinning. Because he needed this, he needed more."Bottom."he muttered nuzzling his face against the other's neck as h pulled hte man tight against him, hands running up and down the other's back, eager to touch him, to feel more.
Harry moaned as he kissed and sucked along his length before smiling at the other, kissing him intently before laying the other on his belly, riving his tongue into the tight entrance, spending forever teasing and stretching his lover, massaging firm globes and teasing the long lines of his back with teeth and lips as his fingers worked the tight little hole. finally, finally he mounted, and slipped in, deep inside and moaned loudly as he made slow, passionate love deep inside, teasing the other as well as himself, flooding both of them with waves of pleasure until they released, and moaned eagerly as he snuggled his lover. "i love you."
Daemon smiled softly, contentedly as he shifted back against harry a little, whining softly as the brunette moved over him, smiling sleepily as he came, lookingup at him with soft eyes as he snuggled into the other."Love you to."He muttered nuzzling the other with his nose, yawning as he drifted to sleep.

Nearly nine months later daemon paced, even if he looked calm and his emotions felt calm, the fact that he was pacing despite being ordered by both his father and brother to sit down and calm down, was nerve wracking. Shay smiled softly as she looked towards the door where harry was inside with esme and rose, daemon having being kicked out for being to anxious, to nervous to stay in the rom and help. Resting a hand on her own slightly rounding stomach she kissed her husband's cheek, looking at scorpius amused."You know, its kind of nice to see him be the nervous one for once."
Scorpius chuckled a little and nodded, rubbing his hand along Shays belly, smirking a little. his wife was only six months pregnant, conceived on their wild fornicating honeymoon. he watched his brother pace with a smile on his face, Daemon had really started to calm down, and Harry had even talked him into some therapy lessons. now Harry was inside with Rose, gently promising her that everyone would be ok, and not wincing as she crushed his fingers, breaking three of them, and yelled at him. "nice but unnerving." Scorpius agreed, jumping when Esme entered the room, beaming at them all. "Daemon, you can come in now." she admitted smiling a little as she tilted her head a little. inside Harry was holding a little girl with green eyes and hair as black as midnight, and Rose was still holding the little boy, who's eyes where also emerald green with hair as black as midnight. both the twins faces where an exact mix of Harry and Daemon. they where going to be so beautiful, just so beautiful. they where going to be heart stoppers when they grew up. "oh gods their beautiful." Harry whispered, Rose smiling a little. "what are you going to name them?"

Harry paused and then smiled. "Victoria Rose Riddle." Harry purred smiling at his lover. "and i think Sam don't you?" for the little boy who had died, Daemon's favorite student. "yes, Samuel Scorpius riddle." he decided smiling at his lover as he kissed the little girls forehead. "yes, you like those names don't you little darlings?" he asked smiling at his babies before grinning at Rose and Esme, the nurse pregnant with her and Rose's child. "you where wonderful Rose." Esme purred kissing rose gently, Harry chuckling as he smiled at Daemon. "this is all so wonderful. life is finally perfect..."
"Shut up you two."Daemon growled at his brother and sister in law, giving them a look, but nearly jumping out of his skin when esme walked in, already nearly running through the door before she said he could go in. Stopping at the edge of the bed he siled softly, looking down at them with a grn before he took the small babe from rose, cuddling his son, and looking at his daughter, wo were such a perfect mix of them you would have thought that they'd had sex and made them together."You I think they do."He said cuddling sam who grabbed a fist full of his papa's hair, wrapping small fingers around the silken curls ad daemon rolled his eyes up to grin at Harry."It really is perfect."He said grinning before gesturing in the others, so they could all see the newest additions to their family, because even if not all of them shared blood,breaking dark's hold on the world, had created a family like no other.

The end
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