Dark's Hold

Harry smiled a little. "of course we can go see her! Scorpius already named the foals though." he admitted grinning a little. "Ebony and Ivory, i thought he was joking at first but he really named them that." he admitted, not that the names didn't fit. one little mare was jet black, from tips of her hooves to tips of her ears she was just jet black like an ink stain. her sister was completely white, pure lily, snow white. they where so playful though, and yet again all the kids loved them, there was nothing the little mare's loved more than to play tag with the many kids. even if they where all older kids. Harry sighed a little as he snuggled into Daemon smiling a little. "alright... we'll wait until Monday." he agreed yawning a little. "we'll go...somewhere." he decided smiling a little as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. when Daemon woke up Scorpius was awake and looked healthy once more, stretching along the bed with a happy groan. "uuuhmmmmm... morning." he mumbled harry whining. "shhh...sleeping..." Harry complained burying his face into Daemon's stolen pillow.
Daemon giggled a little,"Hmm he would name them something goofy like that."She said smiling a little at the idea. It was adorable that all his horses were now jewels. Treasures to him. Daemon grumbled as he realized harry'd stolen his pillow, smiling softly as he looked up at his brother, raising a eyebrow."You look well."he said yawning as he rubbed a hand over his face, sitting up slowly."We should go to malfoy manor. go somewhere quiet and away from here."daemon said rubbing a hand over his face, looking nervous about still being in the school. Worried that someone was still going to blame him for this, that he was going to put harry in danger just for being here. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if harry got hurt
Harry grinned a little and nodded. "he's pretty damn goofy himself." he admitted with a small snicker. "we'll take the horses with us when we leave tomorrow." he promised. "Quez too of course." he admitted with a small chuckle before going to sleep. Scorpius smiled at Daemon, looking relieved. "i feel better." he admitted his head tilted. "who was it? we did catch them right? i can't feel them in my head anymore..." he admitted biting his lip as he looked over at Harry. "... it was someone Harry trusted... wasn't it?" he asked softly biting his lip a little as he watched Harry sleeping, a small frown on the man's face as he slept. "can we bring shay with me?" he asked softly, biting his lip a little as he looked hopefully at Daemon. "please? now that i'm not being controlled anymore i was hoping to... you know... pop the question..." he admitted grinning sheepishly.
Daemon winced nodding little, "Hugo.It was hugo."He said hating to even say it outloud, running his fingers through his hair as he leaned over to kiss harry's head, wanting him to feel relaxed, even if he wasn't. smirking as he looked over at scorpius."ooohhh.I want to be here for this."He grinned already bounding out of the bed go find the other teacher, then go tell draco what was going on. Shay smiled a little as she walked into the room, looking slightly confused."Daemon said something was wrong.What's wrong?You look better then you did last night?"She said sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at him so worriedly.
Scorpius froze, his eyes wide. "h..Hugo!? s..seriously!? but..." he looked so baffled that such a 'good' man could do such a terrible thing. Harry relaxed a little at the kiss, even in sleep recognizing Daemon, and Scorpius smiled a little as Daemon raced off to find Shay, shaking his head when she walked in. "Daemon's slap happy. nervous and worried is all, i just had a bad dream, that's all." he wanted the moment to be perfect, a nice candlelit dinner in the garden's maybe. he pulled her into his lap and gently kissed her neck. "Harry Daemon and i are going to Malfoy Manor until Monday. to rest i guess... i was hoping you might come with us?" he asked hopefully smiling at her. "we're even bringing Quez and the horses." he admitted with a small grin as he nibbled on her lip gently.
"yes hugo."Daemon nodded,"As son as harry broke his magic, i woke up."he said before smiling and he left. "Daemon's a little....over excited at the moment."she said frowning because it worried her to see daemon so...not like himself. Cuddling against scorpius he smiled, resting her head against his shoulder,"I would love to."she moaned softly kissing him back before sighing quietly."It will be nice to get out of here for awhile."she said because it worried her about having him here, and she worried about how he was doing.
he smiled a little as he shook his head. "it's just because he knows a secrete." he admitted chuckling a little as he nuzzled her gently. "we should go pack then." he purred as he gently nibbled on her ear, grinning a little. "i'm just glad all of this is over with." he admitted grinning a little as he watched Esme walk in. "have you two seen Daemon? i want to have a look at that head injury of his and Rose had a question for him and Harry." Esme admitted looking rather amused as she moved over to Scorpius. "and how are you feeling mister Malfoy?" "much better thank you, me and Shay are going to go on a small vacation with Damon and Harry, we'll get lots of rest there." "good."
"Oh?And what secret does he know?"She muttered shivering s he nibbled on her ear getting up smiling at her friend."He went to talk to draco.He was feelign a little to slap happy to be sitting still."she said before looking worried."Is daemon's head really that bad?I know its hard, but he didn't look bad."she said looking worried because she was worried about her brother in law, knowing the dark lord well enough to know that he would keep moving until his body gave out on him.
he smiled a little. "it's a secrete." he teased nuzzling her neck Esme chuckling a little. "he's not bad, it's just a very slight concussion, he won't even need to be woken during the night but concussions like that have been known to mess with a persons personality for a few hours, or he might just be feeling nervous about what happened. he's feeling guilty no doubt even though none of this is his fault." she admitted smiling a little. "Harry will take care of Daemon." Scorpius promised. "he's packing right now, Father will keep him calm until Harry get's Daemon back to the manor for a good screw fest and a nice long nap."
"Good. We'll just have to remember not to kill him until he returns to being the egomaniac that we know."shay saiding sounding amused before nodding."Harry's good for him."She raised a eyebrow."Are they really screwing?"she asked curious. Because everyone knew harry loved daemon, and daemon felt something back, but had the man given in to being screwed so soon?

Daemon grinned as he pounced on his almost boyfriend, leaning against his back as he hugged him."Harry!are you ready to go?I'm ready to go."He said grinning as he rested his head on the other's shoulder, closing his eyes with a smile.
Scorpius chuckled a little and nodded. "Daemon's good for Harry too." he admitted before laughing at Shay's question. "no, not yet. both of them are too hesitant about each others feelings. Daemon's afraid, and Harry's nervous and it leads to no sex." he admitted smiling a little. "but i have a plan for that too." he admitted snickering. "io figure, we set them up on a romantic candle light dinner for two, candles, bubble baths, incense, and you and i go on a moonlight picnic." he offered grinning at her his head tilted. "hows that sound? we can make love under the stars."

Harry laughed as he was pounced and smiled at Daemon. "yes yes i'm ready to go, but Rose wanted to talk to us first." he admitted indicating the girl sitting on the edge of the bad as Harry gave Daemon a small chaste kiss before turning his attention to rose. "now what where you saying?"
"They both need sex.They'll feel better."She said before raising a eyebrow laughing at her boyfriend's idea, kissing him a little."Hmmm I think I like the idea of sex under the stars....that sounded like a bad cocktail drink."She said with a giggle, kissing him hard."That'll be good for them. Spoil them because neither of them will do it for themselves.""She said grinning as she started to pack.

Daemon smiled softly as he kissed harry back, looking confused as he studied the two."Daemon, harry..there are no words on how sorry I am."She said tears misting her eyes as she looked at the two, reaching out to lay her hands on theirs, looking worried for them."I would like to make it up to you.'She swallowed hard."I know you two wants kids, both of you always have....I would consider it a honor if you would let me carry them."She said studying daemon, gently touching his face."My cousin loved you, and wanted to have your child. Let me do this."She said starting when the man started crying silently, huddling in on himself as he cried.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "they will feel better, their morals are just too uptight." he admitted chuckling a little as he smirked at her. "you like the thought of sex anywhere." he teased chuckling again. "and it did sound like a bad bar drink." he admitted kissing her gently. "shall we do it tonight?" he asked with a silly little smirk. "or tomorrow?"

Harry smiled at the kisses before pausing as he watched Rose's tears misting up, feeling sorrow clenching at his chest. poor Rose, her own brother had done so much damage against her, against them, he had even killed their own cousin. he could only gape at her, shocked when she offered what he heard her offer. "you... you want...to..." he felt tears welling up as well and he pulled her and Daemon into a tight hug, sobbing a little as he nodded. "i want to... i want to have babies..." he admitted swallowing thickly, Esme knocking on the door gently and smiling a little when she saw all the crying. "not the reaction we where expecting is it Rose?" she asked playfully, there to explain the mechanics of such a thing. Rose already understood but the boys did not and she had no doubt that Harry assumed he had to screw her to manage this. sometimes Harry's ignorance made her laugh.
She laughed kissing him slowly, "Hmm one thing I never thought daemon would be accused of, is having to many morals." Blushing as she smirked back just as silly, kissing him again, cuddling him."Tonight. It would be good for them, and us."She smiled hugging him tightly.

Rose swallowed looking relieved to see esme, nodding as she watched the boys cuddling and cying."It really wasn;t. I thought harry might cry, but daemon's losing it." "I am not."Daemon whined sounding stuffy, crying made his head so stuffy. Cuddling harry as he rubbed his fae he looked at esme, looking nervous. Like harry, he assumed he'd be having sex."...I like you rose, well most of the time...I'm just not..attracted to you..." Rose smirked watching him stumble over the words, looking at esme."You better explain before daemon works himself into a panic over having sex."
he chuckled a little and nodded. "only because they do not know him as we do." he admitted chuckling a little. "Daemon actually has more morals than Harry does." he admitted with a chipper little laugh. "Harry will strike a woman for one of she comes at him with a knife... Daemon won't, he'd rather let a woman kill him than strike her." he admitted with a shake of his head. "ridiculous i know but that's the way it is." he smirked at her. "we should go then, and start getting their dinners ready." he mused chuckling a little.

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "i'm not crying!" he protested wiping hi eyes as he shook his head. "i have to agree with Daemon rose, your pretty and all but... well you have a vagina... and boobs...." he stated sheepishly Esme snorting a little. "before you finish that thought you two don't need to fuck her." harry choked on air at the crude language from Esme. "you just need to cum into sample glasses." she stated holding up two glass jars, exactly like what one would find in the doctors office. "we're going to artificially inseminate two of Rose's eggs. one with Harry's sperm and one with Daemon's. thanks to magic she will bear you two children, one Harry's and one Daemon's." Esme explained smiling a little. "it's actually safer than you can imagine." Esme promised, Harry taking the little jar blushing furiously. "so... you want... me to... in here?...." he asked looking a little horrified that the women where going to be handling his seed, Esme snickering a little.
"It's amazing he has voldemort as a blood father."Shay mused before nodding, heading downstairs to help with the dinner. Looking thoughtful she wondered, if that was why daemon had so many morals because voldemort had had none.

Rose snickered a little,"You both are."She pointed out laughing at esme's words, and daemon's dumbfounded look at them."OH...I can do that."he said blushing hard as he reached for the glass, looking at harry and blushing harder. Refusing to look at any of them as he listened to the idea of magic getting rose pregnant."Its better then sex, potter."Daemon pinted out looking at him smiling as he stood, looking at harry, thoought his eyes skittered away after a moment."We got to go.Dad's probably waiting and worrying for us to show up at malfoy manor."
he chuckled a little. "Voldemort may have been the way that he was born, through rape and pain, but it is my father who raised him, healed his scraped knees and taught him to read. Draco Malfoy, is Daemon's father and all know it." he admitted smiling at her. "Daemon has many morals, because he knows from experience what having none does." he admitted simply smiling as he summoned a large amount of candles, some scented, others not, placing them around the room.

Harry wiped his eyes and giggled a little as he nodded, accepting his glass as well flushing hard. "it is better than sex." he agreed. "er... no offense meant rose..." Esme laughed a little and shook her head. "just make sure you get me that sperm before tomorrow or we'll have to wait another month." she explained looking amused as Harry grimaced but nodded Esme shaking her head. "Draco is going to stay here." she explained. "he said he did not want to be around when your morals finally broke and you fucked a man his age on the kitchen table." Harry groaned and hid his face in his hands. "oh my god.... just let me die of mortification now why don't you?"
Rose snickered making a face."It is better then sex.It'd...be hard having sex with you two."She sid looking amused even though it hurt. Because if she had had to had sex with them, it would have brought to many memories to the surface. Smiling softly as she shook her head, smiling at them. Daemon blushed nodding as he rested is head on harry;s soulder, hiding from them all."Hey!Harry's not as old as father. Father's old!"Daemon whined blushing hard as he hid from the two,smiling softly as he sighed."Besides, who said it was my morals that were keeping me out of bed?"He grumbled standing and heading for the door. Not about to stay around and hear the teasing. He'd never hear the end of it.
Harry grinned a little and nodded as he leaned forward and kissed rose's forehead. "thank you Rose... you are, and forever will be family to me." he promised softly smiling at her before smiling at kissing Daemon's forehead. "technically, i am as old as your father, i just wasn't around to experience those years." Harry teased chuckling a little as he smirked. "if it hasn't been your morals keeping you out of my pants what has it been?" he asked curiously, following Daemon, Esme chuckling as she watched them, setting her hand on Rose's shoulder. "your doing a wonderful thing Rose." she admitted smiling at her. "you know, my offer of a home made dinner still stands." she offered, asking Rose out on a date just seamed right at the moment. Harry smiled as he kissed the pulse at Daemon's Neck, smiling a little. "i love you."
Daemon gave him a look, "You being old."He said not about to admit what had been keeping him away. He so didn't want anyone making fun of him for being loyal to a dead woman.It was hard,and he wasn't about to admit to it. Rose smiled looking up at her,"A home meal sounds good."She said standing up and hugging the other woamn before leaving with her. Daemon sulked a little, "Love you to."He grumbled, though he didn't seem happy about the fact, he was. Apparating them to malfoy manor he smiled looking at harry."So. Find dinner, or go find shay and scor?"
Harry smiled a little as he kissed Daemon's forehead. "it's ok love. i understand." he promised smiling at him. "i really do, i don't ever have to have sex to know that i love you." he promised smiling a little as they apparated, pondering. "let's find Scor and shay." he decided smiling a little as he sniffed at the air. "it smells like their already cooking." he admitted licking his lips. "i love how they always end up doing all the work." he admitted with a small laugh before gasping as he stepped into the dark dining room, candles where everywhere, the smell of roses heavy in the air, two steaming plates of roasted turkey, a bucket of ice with a bottle of wine. there where rose petals falling from the ceiling, vanishing before they struck the floor or food. Harry picked up a small card left on a plate and smirked. "enjoy your dinner Daemon and stop being a pansy. enjoy the romance and be happy. S.... think that was Shay, or Scorpius?" he asked smiling at Daemon. "this is terribly romantic, it would be a shame to waste it..."
"This is why I am I the dark lord. I have underlings to cook for me." He said before looking around to make sure scorpius or shay weren't around to hear that. They'd try to beat his head in if they had. Looking around amazed as he looked around, snickering a little."Scorpius. Only a malfoy would have the balls to call me a pansy."He gurmbled looking amused, blushing ever so softly as he nodded."WElll then, we better enjoy the dinner."He said smiling as he crossed over to the table, pouring them a glass of wine before holding it out towards harry, toasting a little."To love."He muttered sipping his drink, needing the alcool coating his erves to stop from being nervous.
Harry snorted a little. "your no more a dark lord than i am." Harry stated simply, smirking a little. "maybe a Gray Prince, but certainly not a Dark Lord." he teased smiling at the other as he shook his head a little. "Shay would have the guys. she doesn't fear you in the least." he admitted with a small chuckle as he settled into his chair, smiling a little as he raised his own glass of wine to the other, gently touching the glasses. "to Love, in all it's forms." he agreed smiling as he took a taste of the wine, savoring the Flavor. "delicious." Harry muttered with a small smile. "i'll say this for them, they might be annoying but they sure as hell know how to put on a presentation." he admitted with a small chuckle as he sampled the turkey with a small smile. "Daemon..." he looked up at the other. "... is it really alright with you?" he asked softly. "having babies with me i mean... i know you loved Victoria very much..." he admitted watching the other closely. "i don't want you to do anything because you feel obligated to do it." he admitted setting his hand on the others. "i want to do it because we're in love." he admitted smiling at the other.
"I am to!I even have the crown and everything!"Daemon said pouting because while he knew he wasn't as bad as his father, he was still holding onto the dellusions he was a amazing predator when he was just a pussy cat. Sipping his champagne he leaned back into his chair as he smiled, nodding a little."Shay would."He muttered grining."They do know hwo to do something right dont they?"He muttered looking down at his glass, swirling the alcoholic drink as he changed it into scotch, wanting more of a numb feeling. Because now that he wasn't running from emergency to emergency, the idea that victoria really was gone, was finally settling in, and he felt guilty for falling in love so easily."...I know."He sighed still studying his drink as if it held all the answers in the world,even though his fingers curled around the other's."...I don't know what I want.I want children...but...it seems so soon...does it seem...."He said the guilt he felt for getting victoria killed, for robbing rose of her cousin, coming out in his voice for the first time, and it was crippling him because he didn't know what to say. Because his guilt was keeping him from thinkng beyond that he was betraying her,even if he knew she'd want him to be happy.
Harry had to laugh at that. "Daemon when i vanished there was no Dark Lord Crown. Voldemort made that himself when he 'won'." Harry stated with a roll of his eyes. "he was a psychotic freak and your an idiot to try and put yourself on the same level with him. your a Lord, a Prince, a King, but a Dark Lord you are not. your not evil enough or cruel enough." he admitted kissing the other. "and that is a good thing, ask anybody." he ordered smiling as he ate his dinner before sighing. "you know... before i...left, i had a love." he admitted softly. "her name was Ginny Weasley.... we loved each other desperately... we where going to get married." he admitted swallowing thickly. "no one will tell me what happened to her... i know she's dead but i never got to see it." he admitted softly, his eyes filled with pain. "i loved her so much, that my chest ached with is sometimes... especially when she cried..." he admitted softly. "i never saw her death... even now i can't be sure she really is dead, but i love you with the same aching passion as i loved her." he admitted looking at Daemon. "it's not easy... or right, but it's the truth. we love each other, a lot... and we feel guilty for it even though we know our lovers would want us to be happy... would even probobly encourage us to be a happy foursome... i know Ginny would have loved Victoria... she had this thing for red headed women..." he admitted remembering fondly how very perverted Ginny could be, smiling a little. "i bet their making out right now in heaven, or wherever Wizards go when they die. mocking us...."
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