Dark's Hold

she gasped in horror as she realized where her daughter was and before either parent could retaliate Harry stood. "thank you Daemon for keeping her out of the public eye... as long as the person who did this to her doesn't realize we found her we have the advantage here." he admitted setting a hand on broth parents shoulders. "we'll go see her now, Daemon never uses his rooms anyway he usually sleeps in the barn with his bond bird." he admitted hoping to relieve their fears as he led the way to the girl, checking her vitals himself, not that he could do anything. "i'm going to have her moved as soon as i can think of somewhere safe to take her." he promised shaking his head. "please, stay here with your daughter, talk to her. it might help." he promised leaving them alone with their daughter, setting his hand on Daemon's shoulder. "are you alright Dae?"
Daemon turned his head as the man came back into the office, shrugging a little as he glanced at him. Leaning over his knees, arms resting on his knees, looking tense and upset."They thought...I knew as soon as I said it...what they thought....but..I don't..."He started and stopped, stuttering so badly he sounded like scopius when the man had done something wrong. He was so scared of becoming his father, that he was freaking himself out more then he really should have."...I...do you think this will keep happening?Because I'm here?"he asked looking up at him.
Harry gently wrapped him into a tight hug. "shh love..." he muttered softly. "i know you could never have done what they implied.." he promised shaking his head. "this isn't your fault Daemon... some sick bastard is trying to make one of us suffer." he promised. "if it's anyone'
s fault it's mine because i'm not protecting the students properly." he promised stroking Daemon's hair. "no one can get in or out now, i've locked all the secrete tunnels, no one can get in them. whoever is doing this sick shit will be caught soon, i promise." he muttered softly. "you can't leave because i need you." he admitted smiling at him sadly. "come on, we'll go visit Quez." the bird always calmed Daemon down.
Daemon sighd softly as he leaned into the other's hold, resting his head on the other's shoulder."Yes it is. Gretchen should have been taken care of long ago.And its not your fault. You just arrived in this time. I created this enemy."He muttered before nodding, smiling a little."Lets go. Quez'll be upset that he couldn't find her."He muttered letting harry lead him down to the barn, smiling slightly as he raised a hand, resting a hand on the bird's beak as the boy came down to check on him."Hey Quez. How are you?"He muttered turning his head resting his cheek against the bird's, taking comfort in his presence.
Harry smiled at the other. "it's not your fault and you took care of Gretchen." he stated firmly. "you put her in jail, that should have been the end of it, but someone let her out i'm sure. you couldn't have prevented that." he admitted softly smiling at him. "you created no enemy, it's just a bitter person hateful because of who your sperm donor was." he complained simply, grinning as Quez nuzzled his 'mommy' upset that he was upset. "Mommy sad?" he whimpered nuzzling Daemon enough that the man nearly fell over. "Quez no find... bad bad Quez." "oh no, Quez is a VERY good bird." Harry promised, smiling at the bird. "very smart, very good bird."
"I tried."Daemon shrugged knowing that he had his own enemies, though he wasnt sure if it was because of voldemort or his own actions that had created this enemy. Laughing as the bird nearly knocked him over he wrapped his arm around the bird's neck to stay on his feet, stroking the soft feathers as he kissed the other's nose."No no, your mama's sweet good bird. You did nothing wrong.Very smart."He promised meeting the birds eyes, wanting him to believe that h was a good bird, because he was."Your good. Mama's just upset because mama did something bad."He said resting his head against the bird's, harry'd never be able to convince him this wasn't his fault.
Quez brightened as he was reassured that he was a good bird and he ran his tongue along Daemon's head, 'grooming' him very gently as Harry laughed, the tongue making all of Daemon's hair stand on end. "Quez smart!" he chirped happily Harry grinning as he offered the birdie some strawberries. the bird just loved Strawberries and would do just about anything to get a handful of them. "mama do bad?" Quez whimpered once he'd swallowed the strawberries gently nuzzling Daemon. "nah nah. mama be good." he promised nuzzling Daemon happily before picking the man up like he always did, dropping him into the nest and settling down on top of him like Daemon was an egg, Harry laughing a little because he'd been in that situation himself. it was Quez's silly way of trying to comfort someone. the goofy bird had hoarded all of the first years in his nest, not that they had minded, they'd thought it was great. the bird chirped and looked down at his mommy his head tilted. "peek boo!" he chirped playfully, Harry full out laughing now.
Daemon nearly whimpered outloud when he felt the bird licking his head, reaching up to pat his hair down."Yes, quez is smart."He sid amused as Quez at the strawberries. If he ever had problems getting him to do something, all he had to do was offer strawberies."I'll try Quez.I try to be good."Daemon said sadly before laughing as he was dropped into the nest, snickering as he just snuggled down into the nest without prostesting, content and happy because it was adorable to be bullied around by his bird. That and it really did make him feel better."Peeka boo!"Daemon grinned shifting, hiding from the bird before jumping back at him, pressing a kiss to his bird's nose before hiding again."Peekaboo!"
Quez made his happy noises as his mommy played Peekaboo with him, it was the giant birds favorite game, and he squeaked and squealed happily as he was kissed on beak, driving his head under his own belly and making his puzzled croak noise when he found his Mommy missing, tipping his head to the side. "Peek Bo?" he asked blinking a little Harry laughing a little. "you silly thing, you have to stand up before you can see him in your feathers." he stated affectionately, Quez obeying and standing up. "PEEK BO!" he chirped running his tongue along his mommy's hair again, massing it up before chirping, satisfied, and sitting down on him again, Harry nearly rolling on the floor from laughing so hard.
Daemon to was laughing as he shifted, moving his body around so that his head was poking out from under the bed."Peekaboo!"HE said grinning s he poked the bird in the side affectionately, before looking at harry, sulking."potter, no need to laugh at me. I'm feeling better know."He muttered annoyed at being laughed as he as just snuggled down into the nest, content to sleep there."Now that you made me feel better, are you going to get up here so we can both get some sleep?Quez, papa needs cleaned to."He said snickering as he sicced the bird on him.
the bird Chirruped at him and licked him across the side of the face, Harry giggling wildly as he grinned, watching the two interact grimacing when Daemon sicked the bird on him and sulked as the bird picked him up, laid him on the nest and started licking him all over. "this is cruelty to time traveling headmasters." he complained poking Daemon a little before smiling as Quez settled down on top of them and went to sleep himself, Harry sighing a little. "i shouldn't take a nape.. i need to... do things.. or something." he muttered softly, already falling asleep, snuggled into both bird and man, sighing a little. "mmm tired." he murmured, and then he was out, only to be wake when someone shook his shoulder, informing Harry that someone else had gone missing. "nnng, Rose?... who's missin?" Harry asked, looking confused and disoriented. "..."
"No, its not."He said snickering a little before shifting to snuggle down into harry, resting his head against his chest."You don't need to do anything.I need you."H muttered sighing softly as he closed his eyes. Daemon blinked stupidly at the woman,frowning as he tried to sort out his thoughts as he blinked, his hair curling slightly since the bird had licked him."Ara Lovegood." "Oh.OKay."Daemon blinked stupidly strugglng to sit up, sounding like he didn't care, but he was tired. Blinking as he rubbed his hand over his face patting quez."Love, you want to go for a fly?"He asked because he had a feeling where they were going to find her, and maybe,just maybe they'd be there in time.
Harry nodded a little and snuggled more firmly into Daemon blinking a little. "Ara.. Lovegood?" he asked frowning a little. "yes.. Luna's granddaughter..." Luna's daughter was still alive, but wasn't all there mentally. her strong psychic gift had driven Laura Lovegood mad. fortunately Ara lovegood did not have the gift. "... wait, she's a very strong Light supporter why is she missing!?" Harry asked frowning, confused not understanding for a moment as Quez chirruped. "findy findy the pretty pretty one." the bird promised rushing out the door and flying around to find her, Harry groaning a little as he got up. "check on Sarah and her parent's, make sure that their all still there. then check the school." he ordered sluggishly as he headed for the door. "whoever is taking the students, they can't move them out of the school anymore, the wards are locked and so are most of the secrete tunnels." he admitted opening his map once he remembered he had it on him. "does anyone see her?"
Daemon lookd sleepy and to sluggish to think clearly as he got into the school, running his fingers through his hair. Looking just as frazzled as the night before, leaning over Harry's shoulder,"There."He said pointing to the hallway outside the room of requirement. While the room didn't show up on the map, the hallway did and anyone in the room showed up in it. "Grab Esme.I'll head up there."He said over his shoulder even as he ran for the stairs, ignoring shay and scorpius running with him, nearly falling into a heap as the three slammed to a stop in the doorway of the room, staring. Daemon blinked stupidly, not quite believing what he was seeing. Someone knew how he enjoyed his room, at least the one at Slytherin manor. The soft greens and silvers decorated a room, that showed he was proud of being a riddle, even if he didn't like his father."Ara?"He called edging towards the bed where he could see the blond girl,sitting on the edge of the bed, sighing softly,happily as he realized that she was still alive, if unconcious. If they were lucky maybe she'd wake, and be able to tell them who did this.
Harry blinked at the little dot that said Ara Lovegood and nodded. "we'll make your room into a makeshift ward." he decided glancing at Daemon. "it has the best shields in place, the girls and their parents will be safe. i need to contact Mister lovegood as soon as i can." he admitted swallowing thickly as he ran to get Esme. Scorpius was staring, wide eyed at everything, his mouth agape. "... holy shit..." he muttered softly, getting slowly to his feet as he moved carefully into the room, wary of traps as he looked around and then down at the girl, feeling his heart clench painfully. "i am going to murder whoever is doing this..." he growled gently scooping the girl up and taking her to Daemon's room, where Esme and Harry where waiting, Harry swallowing thickly as he watched Esme look the girl over.
Emse paused looking at the headmaster, then tilting her head towards the pacing man in the front room, wanting to order Daemon down to see Quez but she knew he wouldn't. Emse swallowed before she sat back, waving the two men in, and sighing."She's been spelled asleep.like Sara."she said looking worried."But.."She picked up the small girl's hand, showing what the burn had made, what the blistered skin made. DSR. Daemon Sadi Riddle. Either Daemon really was losing his mind, or someone was setting him up to take the fall for crimes that weren't his. "N-no.I didn't. I c-couldn't have."Daemon stuttered looking like she'd hit him, because he sounded so unsure, so scared that he really had lost his mind nd was doing this. Because of the room.Because the room had taken the shape of his room at home. Rose walked in, looking at the two, before looking at harry."Harry.Can we talk?"
Harry looked at the sleeping girl his eyes narrowed as he picked up the hand. "that is WAY too obvious." Harry stated simply. "someone's trying to make Day the Scapegoat." he admitted simply. "Daemon would never have allowed his name come anywhere near the suspects if he was doing this." Harry admitted, Scorpius frowning a little. "... maybe..." he shook his head and rubbed it. "i have a headache again..." he admitted licking his lips a little as he looked at Shay. "... when did i lay down for that nap?" he asked, thinking he had overslept. Harry looked over at Rose, lifting an eyebrow at her before sighing a little. "i know what your going to say Rose... i do." he admitted softly following her out of the room. "but i'll let you say it anyway."
Shay frowned looking worried about him,"This morning.Are you sure you're okay?"She asked looking at Esme. "I can take a look Scor. You're not...looking well."The girl said looking worried about her friend, and DAemon as the man looked confused and lost. Because both he knew that he hadn't done it,but he couldnt help but fear that he had.

Rose sighed shaking her head, looking at Harry. While she belived that harry wanted to believe Daemon wasn't at fault,but it would be like the dark lord to leave his name, just to prove that he would never be careless enough to leave it. "Even if he is not at fault harry. He should leave. The parents are going to be calling for blood soon, and they will all blame the dark lord. Why else would it be all light children disappearing?Harry you can't let him stay."
he nodded. "i'm sure i just... i can't remember anything... i'm sure that i didn't sleep for that long, i remember waking up around noon." he admitted. "and then nothing but darkness again until about ten minutes ago when you woke me up again, like i was sleeping all that time... but i've never slept that long before in my life." that was true, Scor usually only slept two or three hours at a time, taking many catnaps instead of sleeping a full eight hours.

Harry sighed and nodded. "i know Rose." he admitted softly. "but... he needs me. he's just as upset by all of this as i am... and i need him too... i'm going mad... i need him to keep me balanced." he admitted leaning against the wall. "and i'm no so sure he can stay sane without me..." he admitted swallowing thickly. "someone is hurting these kids to blame Daemon, so he is chased away, i don't know if i'm willing to let that bastard have the satisfaction rose..." he admitted staring at her with stormy eyes, grief, pain, fear, anger, it was all mixing in those emerald eyes, warning her how close he was to loosing himself, to breaking down.
Daemon looked concerned, looking his brother over."I'm goign to go talk to father."he said letting them believe it was for his own good, and not scorpius. Hoping Draco would have a idea about this. Esme looked worried as she got Scorpius to sit on the bed, starting to examine him even s shay hovered nearby."Scor, when did you notice this starting?Did it just start suddenly?"

"Daemon has always had a knife edge's thin control.Are you sure about this?Even knowing he is helping you, will you put his sanity on the line letting him stay?"she said looking concerned about both of them.Even if she wasn't totally won over to the idea of him being fine, she was willing to believe, because victoria had. She owed it to her cousin to see that Daemon Riddle was taken care of, even if it meant sending both dark lord and headmaster away from the school."It's someone here. Surely Daemon has a idea."She said. Because despite her voting against Daemon's staying, she hadn't gone along with this plan to get rid of him,she would have never willingly let Gretchen out of her cage. The idea that it was someone with her same goal of making sure Daemon didn't become insane, but with less morals about who got hurt, scared her.
Scorpius smiled a little and shook his head. "i don't know... i thought maybe it was just a cold." he admitted. "and i was sleeping more than usual." he admitted. "but i started getting this headache and... i guess it's been happening.. three days now?" he mused his head tilted at them all. "why? what's wrong?" he asked frowning at the looks on their faces.

Harry hesitated a little and bit his lip. Harry was willing to play with his own sanity, but Dae's? no... Rose was right he had to send Dae away. "... your right..." he muttered softly before he snorted a little. "i have a half a dozen people in mind, and they'll all be the same people as Daemon is thinking. someone is trying to frame him Rose, i know you know that." he muttered softly, sighing a little. "someone wants Daemon gone..." he admitted softly. "they want him insane or dead. and that could be any number of people, light or dark." he admitted softly. "notice how the Dark children died, but the light children are only forced asleep? that's too much of a coincidence for my liking." he admitted his eyes cold and hateful. "i will not let this go on for long Rose... even if i have to use veritisium on every single fucking person in this castle."
Esme loked at him, "You're not sick. Or anything wrong with you I can tell.Scorpius, I think you should talk to your father.'She said afraid. Shay nodded a little wrapping her arms around her boyfriend."I'm afraid something's wrong with you.That we're missing. Draco would know what's happening."

Rose nodded, "I know. Its to much of a conicidcine that Gretchen killed dark children, and now only light are going missing. Someone's playing a vicious game."She sighed softly looking worried."You know everyone Daemon would suspect, and your as good at magic as he is. Daemon's going to lose his mind if he stays here with the suspicion and fear. He wont live with it. He suffered his father's reign, I don't know if he's mentally capable of keeping things togethr."she said worried, looking at him."I do not particularly like him most days, but my cousin loved him, and that is enough to make me want to protect him."She said seeing his almost look of disbelief that she was standing up for the dark lord.
Scorpius scowled a little. "i'm sure it's just exhaustion." Scorpius stated with a shake of his head. "ever since all this happened i haven't been getting my normal amount of catnaps." he admitted sighing a little. "but i'll talk to Father if you really think i need to..."

Harry stared at Rose, startled. not only was she agreeing with him but she was defending Damon!? "Rose... hold still for me for a moment? i'll apologize when i'm done..." he thrust his mind into hers, circled once, twice, and then left, looking even more baffled. "sorry i... for a moment i thought you where being held under an Imperio." he admitted staring at her again, his head tilted. "have you been gettign enough sleep?" he asked worried about her mental state, clearly there was something wrong with this picture. "your right though... he can't handle being accused of this..." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i'll send him on vacation with Quez or something... just until we get this figured out, it won't take long, i'm sure of it...."
Shay sighed softly looking at him worriedly before shaking her head."No.Just try to sleep.Come on. We need to eat."She said looking worried about him even as she helped him to his feet, making a mental note to talk to draco.This scared her, because this was going to be bad, and she was scared of what it was doing to Scorpius.

Rose rolled her eyes smiling slightly."I know its odd, but he loved Victoria.The least I could do was protect him for her."He said laughing quietly. Because she knew this was going to be bad, but she could live with it."I'm doing fine. Just not sleeping as much as I should. Which reminds me. Scorpius was walking around like a dead man earlier. Asleep on his feet and all."She shrugged before sighing, "He'd enjoy vacation with Quez.And more, quez will be able to bully his mother into leaving. And we'll figure this out."She said resting a hand on his arm, before smiling."Go.The sooner you tell him, the sooner Quez can get him out of here."
Scorpius smiled a little and gently kissed Shay, giving her a small nuzzle. "love i'm fine, honest." he promised smiling at her. "if it makes you feel better i'll have Harry scan me for spells." he promised.

"he smiled at Rose and gently set a hand on her shoulder. "your a good woman Rose." he admitted softly. "Daemon's good too. you'll see." he promised smiling at her before pausing. "... Scorpius was sleep walking? that's strange he's never done that before, i think maybe the stress is getting to him too you think?" he asked smiling a little before frowning. "still... that doesn't sound good, if you see him doing it again will you follow him? make sure he doesn't tumble down any stairs? Shay would be devastated if he got hurt." he admitted before sighing and heading to Draco's rooms where Draco was reassuring Daemon that sleeplessness was a common 'curse' of the Malfoy line and often led to 'sleep binges' moments where a person simply collapsed and slept sixteen hours straight. perfectly normal.
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