Dark's Hold

the birdie chirped and gently nibbled on his lip before snuggled happily into his 'mommy's' arms and watched the world as it watched everything with a sense of amazement. "burk." it chirped looking at the horse before it purred happily and nuzzled into the horse as if it was Daemon purring and chirping as it snuggled into the Horse, Harry laughing a little as he watched. "looks like Quez thinks Emerald is his 'daddy'." he teased with a laugh as he carefully groomed his horses wings, shifting through feathers and fur. "i slept great." Harry admitted smiling a little. "and there's strawberry pancakes for breakfast if you like?" he offered grinning a little. "i made handmade syrup too." he admitted as he handed Ebony some fresh strawberries offering some to emerald. "would you like some Em?"

Scorpius jumped when Shay walked in lookign at her sheepishly as he looked down at the piece of paper he'd been shredding. "...oops..." he muttered with a small grimace before shaking his head. "i don't know... Harry hasn't come back yet." he admitted sighing a little as he smiled at Shay. "yes i ate breakfast..." he was a bad liar. "i had...uhm... coffee?" he asked b linking at her. "... that counts!" he complained pouting at her before sighing and fixing the sheets of paper he'd been destroying with a flick of his wand. "poor Samuel is almost as distraught as i am." he admitted shaking his head. "he doesn't say anything, but he was being picked on again this morning." Harry was, unaware that the other students where making fun of 'silent Sammy' or he would have been pissed to no end, but Sam honestly didn't seam to mind.
Daemon smiled a little as he watched his 'baby' watch the world with a sense of amazement, amused at the sight of Quez nuzzling into the horse, absently stroking both of them."Yea. Which is amusing because she's going to be a mommy."He said snickering a little as he watched harry groom Ebony making a face at the pegasi."Your a bad boy."He grumbled annoyed with the horse."That would be nice.you want a pancake Quez?"He teased the meat eating bird, who was disturbed a little as Emerald trotted over to her mate and harry, rolling her eyes at the man handing her fruit but taking it from him.Daemon snickered."I see that you're tolerable if your handing out treats."He teased.

Shay sighed cleaning up the paper before shaking her head."You'll eat something for breakfast."she said ordering him to eat before she sat down at her seat."Sam'll be okay. He trusts daemon enough to let him figure things out without demanding to know what's going on."She said frowning because him getting teased worried her. "Mister Malfoy?Miss Snape?"The two aurors in the door paused, looking surprised for a moment to see them together."Yes?" "We are looking for Mr. Riddle, do you know where he is?It is important that we talk to him soon."
Harry chuckled a little as Ebony snorted at them both, as if annoyed at being called a bad boy, prancing in place and gently nuzzling emerald when she walked up to them, Harry chuckling a little. "i think she's only tolerating me because Ebony get's upset when she bites me actually." he admitted with a small grin as he watched Quez whine as Emerald walked away before tucking himself back into Daemon's arms. "i bet he'd like a strawberry too." Harry admitted, offering one to the bird, which didn't even chew, it just swallowed the fruit whole and then hiccuped, Harry blinking a little. "... ok then." the man blinked looking rather astonished as he offered the bird another, Quez considering it then swallowing it down as well. "... maybe he would like some pancakes after all." he teased with a chuckle as he led the way into the house, handing Daemon a large stack of still hot pancakes and still hot strawberry syrup.

he whined a little at the order to eat something, pouting at her but following her before nodding. "i know, but i wish Sam would stand up for himself, he just sits there and takes it... it worries me.." he admitted frowning a little. "and i'm not so sure he should trust Daemon that much you know? i know he saved Sam but... that boy is......" he paused as he blinked at the Auror's, looking astonished. "he's not here..." he admitted simply. "he's having a bit of a... holiday.... an imposed one." he admitted blinking at them. "... what's wrong?" he demanded, feeling panic welling up inside of him.
Daemon smiled a little shifting his hold on the bird, nuzzling him a little."Well, damn. I guess that means I'm stuck with him, if Em likes him."He said not looking to upset at the idea though. Gently patting the bird on the head more relaxed then he had been in days actually."Quez, your supposed to chew your food."He scolded amused at the bird's eating. "See, I want pancakes to."He smiled as he walked into the house, settling at the table to eat, holding up a forkful for Quez as he swallowed his own."want some?"

Shay smiled "We'll have to talk to him about it. He wouldn't want to worry you."She said looking at him a little worried,before snorting. "EVERYONE trusts Daemon that much.Trusts that he's not about to go insane."She pointed out before staring at the aurors, swallowing hard."Its gretchen isn't it?" "Madam, how did you know?" "Because, Daemon's the only person who can make her talk. And its the only time your willing to trust his knowledge, and allow him to help you." "She escaped this morning.We need to speak to mr. riddle.Soon."
Harry chuckled a little and nodded. "i'm just glad she stopped biting me." he admitted with a shake of his head as he watched the bird. "birds aren't supposed to chew." he pointed out. "they have no teeth, but he should at least bite it in half." he admitted with a smile as he watched Daemon feet the bird pancakes, Quez stuffing himself on the strawberry coated bread until his craw and belly was distended, hiccuping again and then snuggling into Daemon's lap for a nap as the fire in the kitchen flared into bright emerald flames and a letter fluttered through. "huh... it's from Draco." Harry muttered picking it up and freezing as he read the words... "Dae... we need to go back to the school."

Scorpius sighed a little and then nodded. "we'll talk to him... or if anything tell Harry, i don't think he knows..." he admitted before staring at the Aurors before turning to Shay. "gather everyone, tell the teachers to take role call, make sure ALL teachers and students are here, i'm going to go tell father." he admitted turning and running through the halls, sliding into his fathers room and explaining what was going on in soft whispers so no one could overhear them and cause the student's panic.
"What?"Daemon frowned looking at the man startled. He'd been told he was under house arrest. what the hell was Harry doing telling him to go back?"Okay, give me a second.Can't leave quez here."He said frowning as he shifted the bird running upstairs to get the soft backpack he had fashioned to hold the bird. Settling the baby into the cradle he sighed, lookig at harry."Let's go then."He said not bothering to wait for a answer before tossing a handful of floo powder into the fire, stepping through. Frowning when he was confronted with the sight of his father and brother."What's wrong?"He said absently stroking Quez's head because he was worried. They'd all agreed to let him off house arrest, this was so not going to be good."What happened?Is it victoria?"He asked, assuming that the woman he loved was in trouble, and not the woman he'd put behind bars. This was going to go so badly.

"Sam's-"Shay paused as she walked into the room stopping at the sight of the dark lord, looking at Scorpius for help. She wasn't about to finish the statement when she didn't know what they'd told daemon and the anxious looking harry. And she had no idea how the woman had done it, or found out the one boy Daemon would miss but sam was gone. Wondering if Gretchen's choice had been a delibrate move, or a crime of chance that would end up breaking Daemon's heart.
Harry swallowed thickly as he nodded smiling at the little cradle, Quez protesting it and fighting to stay out of it, though once he was settled he seamed to love how soft and comfortable it was and settled into it happily, making soft happy bird noises as he chewed on his new 'nest'. though he at least didn't tear it, he just soaked it in spit. Harry followed the other into the Castle, not looking the least bit shocked to see Draco and Scorpius there. he turned to look at Shay and his eyes widened when he heard Sam's name and he turned to Daemon. "... Dae... Gretchen's escaped." Scorpius whispered softly. "... and... it looks like Sam might be missing..." "fuck!" Harry cursed as he realized one of the student's was missing, and everyone could feel the shields, almost immediately, closing tight and solid. nothing in, nothing out without Harry's personal permission. "spread out and look for him, look EVERYWHERE." Harry ordered pulling out his map and looking it over, annoyed because many of the secrete tunnels and places werent on it. "... he's not on the map... search the evac tunnels." he ordered calmly glancing at Daemon. "... are you alright?" he asked softly. "come on, you can help me search the other tunnels. you'll be the only other person who knows all the secrete tunnels..." he teased looking playfully amused, struggling to hide his own worry.
Daemon stared, looking at them all. Because he couldn't process what they were telling him. Gretchen...was gone?No. That wasn't possible."but...I just saw her last night."he said dumbly, looking shell shocked, because on top of Victoria, he couldn't fathom this newest change in his world.He counted on the fact that Gretchen was safely behind bars, and that he didn't have to worry about her presence in the world."...I'm fine."He said starting a little as the headmaster asked him it, swallowing hard as he realized that the boy he'd once saved from Gretchen was still in danger."I'll search the tunnels. And the woods.She likes the forest, and they edges of it are still within the wards."He said dumbly because he wasn't processing the information fast enough to consider what Gretchen wanted, only that she was here at the school. Shifting quez in the backpack/nest he walked over to Draco, settling the bird in his lap before he knelt down to look at the bird closely."Quez, you have to stay with papa draco for now. I have to go do dangerous things now. I can't have you with me."he said looking so worried about the bird, hanneling his fear and rage about gretchen into making sure the bird was okay. Standing up he looked at Harry."lets go.Scor, Shay, search the dorms. And my rooms.He might be there."He said though he didn't have much hope as he left the room with harry, without waiting for a agreement to the plan.
harry nearly grimaced at the look on Daemon's face and he hesitated. "she probobly took her chance to escape when she knew you where going to be distracted." he muttered softly, setting a hand on the others arm. "this isn't your fault, you need to calm down..." he ordered softly watched as Draco gently took the sleepy bird, the poor creature protesting as it grabbed hold of Daemon's sleeve and refused to let go until Draco stroked it's head and assured it that Dae would be back soon. "i'll make sure your little friend is perfectly safe." Draco promised. "i'll take him to my rooms, no one goes in there if i have the door closed." most of the time Draco kept his door open so the students that needed to talk could come in. Scorpius raced off to check the dorms and the room before he checked everywhere else. Harry walked with Daemon, his eyes fixed on the Map his head tilted a little. "i don't see either of them on the map." he admitted. "either their under a spell this map doesn't recognize, or their not on school grounds." he muttered softly, biting his lip. "we're going to have to check the places that the map doesn't show." he admitted simply. "and if their not there.... then we're going to have to search the rest of the school grounds." he paused when he watched a dark supporter race towards them, panting hard. "sir, two more students just went missing! Ray and Clark!" after their first detention together they had become best freinds despite their different views on the war. they where nearly inseparable, so it was no surprise that they had both gone missing. "son of a bitch! well then she has to still be on school grounds!... i need to check the whomping willow." he growled, uncertain if the heavy wards would keep the tunnel closed, but not about to risk that chance.
Daemon nodded as he thought about what Gretchen would do.STroking the birds pretty head before he left with Harry, starting to look. Paling when they were told about the boys. Struggling to kick his head out of the shell shock,"She wont leave.We'll check,but she'll stay on grounds."He said and damned if he still didnt sound detatched. So...out of it even the teenager was looking at him oddly. Shaking his head he looked at the kid,"Get up to the dorms."He ordered turning to watch the youngster run off before he looked at harry, anger starting to fill his face as he realized that he was going to lose someone else he cared for."We need to check the chamber first."He said already starting to jog off towards the girl's bathroom. having forgotten something very important. Something him and Gretchen shared. They both could talk to snakes.He felt stupid for not thinking about it earlier, and if sam or the other two lost their lives because of it, he was never going to forgive himself."Gretchen can talk to snakes. And since you found it in your second year, there's been rumors of where it was. She's smart enough to look for it."He said sounding so anxious and scared.

Shay panted as they ran, pausing for a moment to lean against the dorm doorway, looking at Scorpius."We're not doing any good. There has to be a better way to search."she said getting frustrated because she was scared, and scared because if Daemon was confronted with gretchen now, she was scared of what he would do. He was to shell shocked for anyone's good, and if...if she killed the boys, Daemon was going to lose it.
Harry nodded a little looking around. "you know her best." he promised smiling a little. "if you say she's still on grounds, then she probobly is. she probobly knows your here... she's trying to get your attention...." he blinked a little. "the Chamber?!" he asked looking confused a little before he went pale. "... she can speak parsel!?" he demanded swallowing thickly. "that's really not good." he admitted, his voice strained with terror. "Natural born Parseltongue have a very high risk of insanity, like your father, his father and apparently Gretchen." he admitted looking at Daemon. "if she's insane... then she believes what she's doing is right... and if that's the case... there's no telling what she's doing to those children..."

Scorpius panted softly and looked at Shay, swallowing thickly. "two more students have gone missing since Ray and Clark..." he paused suddenly and his eyes widened. ".. when was the last time you heard from Vi?" he asked, suddenly realizing that the woman had not checked in like they where supposed to. they had decided to check in with each other every ten minutes. "... i think Gretchen has taken her... why is she moving so fast!? so many students missing so suddenly! what is she thinking!?" he demanded grabbing Teddy. "look for vi!" "i am." teddy admitted looking pale. "i haven't heard from her in... half an hour now... we need to tell harry and Dae." "... i better do it..." Scorpius admitted swallowing as he watched a pale Harry walk in with Daemon. "... what's wrong?" harry demanded seeing the pale faces. "... two more students are missing... and.... so is Victoria..." he admitted biting his lip as he waited for the reaction.
"Gretchen and father's the ones who taught me."He shrugged even as he jogged. Careful not to run full out because he didn't want to slide on the slate floors. "I had a natural talent for learning it but I had to be taught."He said skidding into the room after harry, so worried. Because he knew wihtout a doubt that Gretchen was insane. Even if she was more rational, more sane then voldemort, he knew that she was totally wacked. Looking over at harry he smiled a little."Harry. She is insane. There is no question about that. If you can get to the boys, get them out. I'll take care of gretchen."he said, looking determined to do what was right. He knew he would hesitate, if he was the only one in danger. But...the boys he would save them from the woman he should have killed years ago.

"Because she knows Daemon will know her, and know where to look. The only emotional leverage she has, is if she can cripple him."Shay said paling as she thought about it, mentally beating herself up for not thinking about it. Daemon tilted his head back as he studied the cieling thinking over everything. everything he knew about the woman Gretchen was. She was crippling him, not because she thought he wouldn't sacrifice everything for victoria, but gretchen knew he'd save his child. Rubbing a hand over his face he looked at harry and scorpius."You two are coming with me. The rest can keep the school calm. You've been in the chamber before. She wont leave them out in the open, she will be. But she'll hide the boys. Go in the backway through my rooms. Check the bedrooms down there, and if they're not there come out into the main chamber. I'll go the normal way and confront her."He said knowing this wasn't really a game about the kids or any of her victims anymore but a game between them. Because he was the one who got away.
Harry nodded. "exactly, you where taught, you weren't born with it, that's why your still mentally stable. i wasn't born with it either, i got the Talent for it after Voldemort imprinted his soul onto mine." he admitted panting softly as he jogged next to the other. "i don't like that plan, are you sure you can do what needs to be done?" he demanded staring at Daemon. "you love her Dae... are you sure you can kill her? or even restrain her?" he asked staring at the other, needing the answer, even if he was sure it was a no. "i'm still not liking this plan but it's the best chance we have of finding the boys before their hurt." he admitted swallowing thickly. "Scorpius, you come with me, we'll take the invisibility cloak." he decided Scorpius shaking his head. "i have my own." he admitted. "we'll go." Harry promised calmly. "but if we can't find the boys, we're going to have to make her tell us..." Harry warned Daemon before he took Scorpius and they raced to Daemon's room and down into the tunnels to find the boys. hopefully they wouldn't be hurt, Harry was most worried about Victoria though, that much stress could cause her pregnancy to.... fail... the sooner Harry found her, the better chance they had to gettign her to Esme and keeping that baby safe.
I can do what needs to be done."Daemon said sighing softly as he jogged up the stairs. Pausing only a moment before he disappeared into the chamber. Meanwhile, the three boys were indeed gone, victims to Gretchen's selfcenteredness and daemon's failure, tucked into the dark lord bed like they were sleeping, looking untouched until you got close enough to realize that they were indeed not breathing.

"Daemon, oh Daemon."gretchen smiled from where she was kneeling next to victoria, the trembling weasley held tight in her arms."Dae-da..."Victoria looked up at the man with wide eyes so scared, panting. So so scared for herself and the baby, but more then that, she was afraid of what this would do to daemon. "I know you Gretchen.You should have never come here."The dark lord muttered as he crossed the expanse of Slytherin's room, taking his time because he knew gretchen wouldnt kill him,but she might kill Victoria."I know love, I know."Gretchen smiled as she stood, lookign down at the poor frightened woman."I am so much better for you then she is."The blond purred as she stepped into Daemon's arms, ignoring the sound of scorpius and harry entering from the backroom."You should have never come here."Daemon muttered loweing his head to kiss her, sliding his arms around her, restraining the woman, yelping a little as he felt the sudden numbness against his thigh, his leg threatening to buckle as he held gretchen,even as she muttered the curse he held her, trying to gag her. The killing curse leving his leg numb,and mother and child dead. "noo!"He snarled slamming them both into the ground as he realized that gretchen had robbed him both of the woman he loved, and the child he wanted. "No!"He growled hands finding gretchen's neck, choking her, but he hesitated, even with knowing what she'd just done he hesitated.Gretchen leaning up, wrapping her arms around him as she laughed, looking at Scorpius."You'll have to lock him up now to, you know.We'll even share a cell."She laughed delighted as Daemon's hands stayed on her neck,holding her still,but not choking her anymore."He can't dod it.Even now, he cant kill me."
Scorpius gasped as he gently touched Ray's face, his eyes filling with tears. "he was my favorite student... he was so talented and he.. he loved it so much..." "oh Sam..." Harry whispered gently setting his forehead to the poor boys. "... oh Sam i'm so sorry..." he whispered softly swallowing thickly as he gently kissed the boys forehead before standing up and moving over to where Victoria was, gently closing her eyes before turning to Gretchen and Daemon, his eyes as cold as ice. "he doesn't have to be able to kill you." he stated simply stalking over to her with utter fury in his eyes. "for your crimes Gretchen, i will take away the one thing you love most." he snarled, his magic reaching into her and ripped out her magic. unlike what he had done to the teacher, this was permanent. "you will never use magic again, and you will never speak parseltongue again... and now, you will never see Daemon again." he forced his way into her mind, something the others had been unwilling to do, and took the information he wanted from her. "you will spend the rest of your days in a muggle mental home." Harry growled.

"you killed children Gretchen, death is too good for you." he stated with a hiss Scorpius swallowing thickly. "will we really have to lock Daemon up?" he asked his eyes filled with tears, Harry shaking his head. "no, even if he had killed her, it was in defense of another person. self defense is not a crime and neither is defending." Harry promised as he bent down and set his hand on Daemon's shoulder. "i am so sorry Dae..." he whispered softly. "sleep." he ordered, pushing the spell through the man's shields and forced him to sleep. "take him upstairs... get Rose and Teddy and bring them down here." he ordered. "Hugo too if he wants to come... we have parents and family to notify and aurors to inform... i'm going to need help with it." "... alright Harry..." Scorpius whispered gently picking his brother up, so close to tears as he carried his brother upstairs, got Rose Hugo and Teddy and the Aurors and brought them down, watching Harry gently pick Sam up, crying over his still and breathless body as he looked up at the Aurors.

"Gretchen is no longer a witch..." he informed them. "have her transferred to a muggle mental hospital... she'll spend the rest of her life there... she will cause no more problems..." he promised swallowing thickly as he looked down at Sam. "we weren't quick enough though..." he admitted sighing a little. "i have families to alert..." he admitted softly. "Daemon is sleeping, you will not disturb him until i say you can, his wards are locked, you can't get in." he informed the aurors before he headed off to tell the families, Teddy looking upset. "... oh Merlin.. poor Harry... poor Daemon!" he whispered. "that boy, all of them... Harry cared deeply for all of them, Daemon did too... their not going to be fit to do anything for a while..." Teddy admitted. "i'll answer any questions you have, i saw pretty much everything." Scorpius promised the aurors. "Teddy's right, their not going to be fit to do anything but sleep for a while..." and cry and mourn the loss of the students they had come to adore.
After a few hours of sleep though, Daemon was up and moving. Out of it enough that for a moment he totally forgot what was going on. Sinking down onto the edge of the bed he crouched over his knees and cried. Not because of the boys, or because of victoria. But because he would never see gretchen again.Because he hadn't been able to kill her, hadn't been able to make sure she'd never hurt anyone again.He'd failed victoria when she needed him the most. Crying softly before he swallowed closing his eyes for a moment before he shook himself, climbing to his feet. Frowning as he found himself locked in the room he growled quietly. Frowning as he forced the wards to bend to his will, leaving himself with a wicked headache but he was able to leave. Growling quietly as he walked out of his suite, he went in search of everyone else. Pausing in Draco's doorway, he smiled slightly as he saw Quez laying in his backpack nest in Draco's chair."You know you're not supposed to lose your seat to a bird."He said looking at his father before walking in. Crossing the room he piked up the bag, absently stroking Quez's head as he settled it over his shoulder.

So locked down that he wasn't feeling anything, much less mourning. Daemon Riddle who had loved the boys and victoria to well, ws shutting down in a effort to not go insane with guilt. He knew his father's past, and draco's past, it would do no one any good to have him grief stricken. He just had to remember that the fate of the world depended on him staying sane, and that was enough to shove the guilt and pain to the side...at least until he dealt with the idea that he was never ging to see gretchen again. For the momet, mourning that more then the boys because it was a grief he could live with, not the guilty grief of getting the boys killed.
Draco looked up from his desk when Daemon walked in and smiled softly at his son. "i don't mind, he likes the chair." Draco admitted, glancing at the bird, which had doubled in size and barley fit in the sling, it's legs long and graceful, and as soon as he saw Dae he shrieked in glee, leaped to his feet and strode over to his mother, snuggling into his knee. ".. Dae... we have another problem... and i think your the only one who can help." Draco admitted suddenly. "Harry's locked himself in his bedroom with the..." with the victims. "the last time he lost someone important to him he started dipping into the Arcane arts... he almost killed himself trying to bring the other back to life, and it didn't work... i'm scared he might be trying again and this time he'll fail and die...." he admitted. "we can't get him to come out... i think you might be able to... you know what happens when you try to raise the dead..." Voldemort had tried many times, they usually ended up soulless zombies and more often then not, worse than that. if Harry was desperate enough to try that.... then it wasn't Daemon they needed to worry about being insane.
Daemon smiled a little as he looked down at the larger bird, reaching down to rub the bird's head as he looked at his father."Bloody hell."Daemon said shuddering as he considered the ramifications of being a necromacer. If Harry did indeed manage to raise body and soul, it was going to be like a science experiment gone wrong."I'll talk to him."He said realizing that it wasn't his sanity that everyone was worried about, but harry's. But realizing this, he was relaxing and forgetting about everything else but bringing harry out of it."I'll go."He muttered scooping the bird up, tucking him in the crook of his arm as he headed for his own rooms knowing the victims were there. Having been found there,but also because he'd figured they'd put victoria there. Sighing softly as he leaned against the door he smiled."potter, if you don't come out, I'm coming in."He growled a little as he rubbed a hand against his forehead as he felt his headache growing worse he forced the wards to bend to him as he used magic and passed through the door, frowning as he looked at harry."So. Are we going to have a death eater moment here?"He asked looking at the boys but forcing himself not to look at victoria.He'd buckle and probably join harry in trying to raise them, if he thought about his girlfriend and baby. For a moment forgetting that he'd broken up with victoria. He just had to not think about her for the moment.
Harry turned to look at Dae, his eyes empty and filled with pain and grief as he looked up from where he had been tracing patterns onto the boy's bodies in his own blood, swallowing thickly. the almost forgotten art of Alchemy present throughout the room. "... don't stop me. it's my fault their dead, i have to bring them back! i'll give up everything i have!" he promised. "i have to bring them back!" he whispered, desperation in his voice as he tugged blankets up to cover their faces so Daemon couldn't see them. "don't look... their not awake yet... it's rude to watch someone sleeping..." Harry really was tipping over the edge with grief. Alchemy was not like Magic at all, if Harry tried to bring them back, he would have to give something of equal value to get their souls, but he couldn't give up his soul, it wasn't possible, so he would end up giving up limbs, only to get cheep imitations of the people he once knew, it wasn't worth it, it really wasn't, but Harry refused to see reason, you could see it in his face, in his eyes. "just go away! i have to do this... i CAN do this!" he whispered swallowing thickly, drawing his wand. he knew that Daemon was going to stop him, but he wouldn't let him. "just go away... i don't want to hurt you... i love you... please.. just let me do this..."
"Harry James potter!How dare you blame yourself for my crimes."Daemon growled as he walked across the room, walking over and wrapping his hands in Harry's shirt, pulling him up, and slamming him up against the door. Holding him there as he growled,"How dare you take the blame for this when I should have killed Gretchen before."He growled swallowing hard as he looked at her, shifting slightly to press close to the other, pain filling his eyes as he studied the other."Harry. You can't do this. You can't.You'll destory something precious to do it."he said resting her head on the other's shoulder starting to cry. Starting to break under the grief now that he was faced with harry's pain.
Harry looked shocked at Daemon's anger and tried to back pedal away from the other but was too slow and too tired to avoid the hands that grabbed him, yelping hard as he was slammed into the door, trembling violently as he stared at Daemon, wide eyed, clearly struggling not to break down and let his grief come out. because if he broke down, then he wouldn't want to bring them back anymore. he failed to hold it in however when Daemon started to sob, breaking just like the other man had, sobbing violently as he shook his head. "i'm sorry... i'm so sorry..." who he was apologizing to it was impossible to say, but he had collapsed, and there was no more danger as he pressed himself into Daemon and sobbed, clinging to the man. "please don't leave me." Harry pleaded to Daemon. "please don't leave me all alone... everyone dies... they always die...." he whimpered. "they die and then i'm all alone all over again..."
Daemon sighed softly resting his head on the other's shoulder, shuddering a little as he closed his eyes. Shifting his hold, clinging to the man as much as Harry was clinging to him. "I'm not going anywhere. You'll have me."He said crying harder as he realized that he was never going to get to say that to Victoria again. And his heart broke at that. After a few minutes he sniffled his head clogged up as he stepped back, blinking stupidly at him."You're not going anywhere, and I'm not going anywhere. Now. We're going to go lay down and not let anything bother us."He said rubbing his face glad to see that the magic had broken around them, and that harry wouldn't be bringing them back. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he'd failed harry in such a way and let him raise the boys. No, this mess, however grief stricken they were, was better then that.

(....this is going to be our shortest story ever....weird...XD)
Harry sniffled as well as he wiped his eyes a little snuggling into the other, letting himself be stood up, Queze chirping outside the door as it opened, blinking at them making Harry chuckle. "did he get bigger?" he asked, sluggish now that he was no longer running on grief. he could barley walk on his own, it was clear he hadn't slept since before the whole Gretchen indecent had started, and now he was literally collapsing from lack of sleep. he slipped into Daemon's bed and let sleep carry him into emptiness where there was no grief, no pain, and no dreams. "Daemon." Draco stated calmly as he watched Harry collapse onto the bed. "thank you... Harry would have given up more than his limbs if had gone through with that." he admitted smiling at Daemon. "go to sleep yourself, you need rest. i have to go tell Rose and Hugo that Harry isn't turning into a soul sucking Demon." he admitted with a small chuckle as he wheeled away and knocked on Rose's door, peeking in at her. "how are you feeling?" she had taken the news of Victoria's death hard. "we managed to stop Harry." he promised softly gently setting a hand on her shoulder. "if you ever need to talk." he promised softly. "Victoria was a wonderful person." he stated softly, smiling at her. "she will be missed. if you ever need to talk... my door is always open." he promised smiling at her before heading out to his own room to let everyone get their sleep.
"Yea. He's to my knees now."Daemon said sluggish himself as he helped harry to the bed, sighing softly as he settled down on the edge of the bed as he looked over at his father. Guilt and pain in those dark eyes even if Daemon wouldn't look directly at him."Your welcome."He said running his fingers through his hair, before settling down in the bed to sleep.

Rose looked up at him with bloodshot eyes, nodding a little."Good.And..thank you."She said smiling as she watched the other leave, her grief slowly turning to anger at the one man who hadn't protected victoria well enough.

In the morning Daemon groaned as he rolled on his back, stretching before he closed his eyes again. Not even aware enough to realize that he was sharing a bed with harry, and not victoria. But he was to blissfully unaware for a moment of what was going on.Before it all came crashing down on him again. Fisting his eyes to wipe away the tears he sighed, sitting up slowly. As if he was hurt and just avoiding causing more damage. He didn't want to consider what it meant that gretchen had been caught. What it meant that he'd allowed her to escape. Blaming himself because he had been to see her hours before she'd left the prison."Morning."He muttered when he heard harry moving behind him.
Harry slowly shifted and blinked himself awake, a small whimper falling from his lips. "yeah... morning..." he muttered softly sighing a little as he shook his head a little. "i was going to adopt him you know... Sam, so he wouldn't have to go back home..." he closed his eyes again. "... thank you for stopping me... i... it wouldn't have been Sam i brought back... even if i'd succeeded in properly bonding a soul to that body..." he admitted softly. "it wouldn't have been worth it." he muttered softly, smiling as he looked at the bird. "my god... look at those feathers." the bird had shed, or plucked all of it's baby down in the night, and now it was fully bloomed out in full adult feathers, and he looked utterly gorgeous. "your bird is gorgeous Daemon." he admitted smiling a little as he gently scratched Quez's neck, the bird crooning happily and leaning into it. "i'm thinking of canceling classes for the week... for mourning..."
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