Dark's Hold

Harry laughed a little as well at Daemon's reaction before he continued his speech, talking about uniting as a people, to ignore the restraints placed on them by others, urging them all to be freinds with one another, no matter skin color, origins, or even the side of the war they where all people, and people deserved to be loved, and to have freinds. he finished off the speech with the explanation that they would be sharing quarters and that he had ways of watching them, he would know if there was a fight or if someone was picking on anyone, before urging them to eat, everyone amazed at the food just appearing, Harry chuckling as Draco was wheeled up to up to the empty place next to Daemon, the blond smiling a little. "shocked you did we?" Draco teased Daemon, Scorpius snickering a little behind his hand as he filled his plate with food, Harry chuckling a little.

Scorpius just grinned as he watched his brother, Draco helping himself to some easy to digest food, Harry having made sure that all the food near Draco would be his favorite and easy to eat, considerate of Draco's condition. "i'm glad he has father to talk to." Scorpius admitted softly. "i'm worried about him." he admitted softly to Shaylin as he watched Harry and Daemon. "Harry is good for Daemon but... he makes me nervous, especially the way he acts around Victoria..." he admitted softly. "i think bad things are about to happen..." he admitted softly, looking at Shaylin. "... i think... i think Voldemort did things to me Shay..." he admitted softly, now that he was out from under the man's oppressive foot, making sure that he was forever beneath Daemon... Scorpius was beginning to realize that there where things that had stopped making sense to him, without Voldemort there telling him what to do, Scorpius felt confused and disoriented and he didn't like it.
Daemon frowned making a face at his father as he started to eat. Whining quietly at the teasing."No."He stated a slight blush staining his face as he glanced at the men laughing at him, smiling easily when he looked at Draco."I need you to do something for me tomorrow. Find Laura Morgan, and tell her I know what happened to her son."He muttered under his breath swallowing hard. His voice going that soft gravelly tone, it hurt to think about. And Gretchen never let him leave with just a name, she had to break her last victim even more.. by telling him about everything that had been waiting for him,and never happened. It was painful to think about the idea that he had been spared,because she had liked him. Starting to eat he smiled as he looked around the room, glad to see no instant fights breaking out, or doing anything wrong.

"We're all worried about Daemon."Shaylin muttered glancing at the man. Because it was true, anyone who knew most of what Daemon had gone through,both with gretchen and with his father, were worried about him. And she didn't trust Rose and Hugo not to put him down like a rabid dog if they thought he was close to losing control."If there are bad things coming, we'll make it through together."She muttered looking at him, smiling softly. "I'll help you. If he did anything, I'll make things okay."She muttered smiling shyly at him, because it hurt her to see him disoriented and confused.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "yes you where." he admitted before hesitating lowering his voice. "you wish for me to bring her here, or do you want to go to her?" he asked softly, knowing his son wanted to tell the woman himself. Draco, despite his old age still had one of the best connections the wizarding world knew. he could find anyone, making him very useful, which was one of the only reasons why Voldemort had kept him. "it will be alright son." Draco whispered setting his hand gently on the others, offering him the only comfort he could while in such a public setting. "eat Daemon." he ordered calmly, smiling a little. "we'll talk tonight." he promised softly, well aware Daemon was going to need to talk.

Scorpius nodded and watched Draco comforting Daemon, swallowing thickly. "Rose and Hugo are watching him closely... they'll kill him without even giving him a chance..." he muttered softly. "they claim to be good... but their so close minded that they can't see we're trying to do good too..." he sighed a little. "i'm just so confused..." he admitted softly. "so... nothing seams to make sense anymore i just... it's like my entire personality shifted left and i don't know how to how to bring myself back." he admitted sighing a little. "until i don't even know good from bad in the first place..." he admitted looking at Shaylin with worried eyes. "i'm frightened..." he admitted softly. "and i don't dare talk to Daemon because it will just be one more thing he feels guilty about... even though it's not his fault."
Daemon shuddered a little at the touch, because it was always hard for him to touch someone after seeing her. As if the darkness and dirt on his soul would rub off on the few good people in his life."I AM eating see?"Daemon grumbled as his stomach rolled at the very thought of eating. Before swallowing hard, starting to eat slowl, making himself do so as he thought."Bring her here.I don't want to go anywhere with Victoria being pregnant."He muttered his once concession to his need to take care of her, and not realizing that he was sitting close enough to harry for the man to hear him. Forgetting that harry didn't know about the baby.

Shaylin's eyes were sad as she rested a hand on his arm, knowing that the malfoy wouldn't accept any other comfort then that."I know. We'll have to watch them."She said scared because the light leaders she knew couldn't see the goodness in the man, couldn't see that he was sane and that he was trying so hard to be good. They'd see his visits to Gretchen as one sociopath reaching out for another, mistaking Daemon's need to visit with her for something it wasn't."Well I'll help you bring yourself back if you can't find your way."She promised before sighing laughing softly."Daemon would blame himself if it rained on your birthday. From all the stories, both he and harry suffer from guilt. They'll help each other. And I'll help you."She smiled at him, though there was still fear and worry in her eyes.
Draco smiled at the other. "you are not, your poking your food around your plate." he teased shaking his head a little. "i'll find her then." she promised his son looking at Scorpius. "can i ask you for a favor son?" Draco asked softly looking at Daemon. "Scorpius has been acting... strange... will you talk to him? i can't get him to talk to me..." he admitted calmly pausing as he realized that Harry was choking on his food. "...what happened to you potter? your not supposed to shovel you know... will someone help him for Merlin's sake!?" Draco demanded, Esme chuckling as she smacked Harry good and hard across the back to dislodge the food stuck in his throat.

he nodded a little and smiled a little. "well, maybe Harry can make them see he';s trying to do good." he mused calmly before smiling at Shaylin. "you're really a good friend Shay." he admitted smiling at the other. "i'm glad your here." he admitted smiling again as he studied the woman smiling a little. "Daemon won't admit it though, at least Harry admits he has guilt problems." he grumbled a little as he sighed, studying the kids. "fight." he muttered simply, Harry's head whipping around at Scorpius's warning as indeed, two older boys suddenly lunged across the table at each other, snarling and fighting, one from the light side, one from the dark. Harry sighed a little as he stood up and reached out, flicking his fingers at them, both the fighting boys squeaking as they found themselves paralyzed completely. "Detention for both of you." he stated simply looking at the table. "you with Shay and you with Scorpius." he had assigned the dark follower to shay and the light follower to Scorpius... he was either insane or brilliant.
"I will."Daemon said looking at his brother, looking concerned. Always more attentive to the people around him after visiting gretchen, as if he was trying to make up for being broken in some way. "Potter?You okay?"Daemon said leaning over to harry, laughing a little as the man gasped in air once he could breath again. Looking slightly amused, and distracted from his worry and fretting over what he had to tell a mother who'd lost her son to young.

Shay looked startled, snickering a little."Daemon wouldn't admit that you were right if you told him the sky was blue."She pointed out looking down the table at harry choked, before smiling slightly. "Thanks. Your a good friend to."She muttered before looking shoked at the detentions before laughing outloud as Daemon added."I think I'm going to sit in on detention. Father tells me I wasn't discplined enough as a child. Maybe I shall learn some guidence in my old age."Daemon said thoughtfully, pouting as Cara laughed."You couldn't disclpine goodness into you now Dae, if you tried with a ten foot pole." Rose smiled a little though she looked concerned as she looked at the upset child, leaning forward to look at Harry."Are you sure that's a good idea?I could do dentions..."
Draco smiled a little, looking relieved as he studied his son who was talking to shay a little too intently. "i'm ok..." Harry managed to wheeze shaking hi head as he heard Scorpius laugh at something Shaylin said. "this is true, he would then forever be convinced that the sky is black." he admitted with a chuckle. "or red or something." he admitted with a grin as Harry watched the children freeze, shaking his head before looking shocked. "i... what!? i can't discipline! i don't know how to!" "... you idiot don't say that out loud!" Harry complained rolling his eyes. "it's fine... Teddy will help you." he promised Teddy looking startled. "i will?... i mean... uh, i will!" he agreed Harry smirking at Daemon. "he has goodness in him, he just needs LOTS of lovings to bring it out, right Victoria?" he asked grinning at the woman, fighting back the urge to shudder when he looked at her. he was at least trying, which was more than Snape had ever done for Harry before turning to glare at Rose. "one, do not question my decisions Rose." he ordered sternly, his voice low so no one else could hear him. "it is neither your place nor your right." he growled. "stop being a bigot and try to see what i am trying to accomplish here." he ordered. "there is no place for a war in these walls and i will not have it." he stated sternly. "student and teacher alike you WILL learn to respect me, my decisions, and your fellow co workers Light AND Dark." he growled before facing the two students again.

"you will report to your assigned teachers after dinner, and they will inform you when you will be serving your detentions." he stated simply before releasing them, both of them scrambling back into their seats, looking terrified and assuming the worst. well, the light boy didn't look worried, only upset, but the Dark child looked terrified. "look at that child Rose, and tell me what you see." Harry looked at the boy. "his name is Raymond Goyle." he admitted calmly. "when he was seven, Light supporters broke into his house, slaughtered his father, mother, and seventeen year old sister for no reason other than the fact that they weren't on the light side. neutral. he joined Voldemort Army because he was so terrified the Light was going to come back and finish him off." he turned to another boy. "you see that first year over there? the one that's a head shorter than the others? he's the son of light supporters, they beat him before he came here because he told them he didn't want to get involved in the war, Esmeralda had to fix thirteen bones in his body." he stated simply looking at her. "there are no good, or bad in a war Rose... only victims. and i will hope that in time you will realize that." he stated before standing up and leaving the room, Teddy and Scorpius looking shocked as they watched Harry get up and leave. "Harry? you ok?" "yes, i'm fine... i'm just a little sore yet from yesterday, i'm going to go lay down for a while."
Daemon snickered a little as harry wheezed, sighing softly at the man's words as Victoria nodded, blushing hard."Yes, he does take a lot of work."Victoria teased nudging her boyfriend, laughing a little as the school stared. It was one thing to know that the world knew he was dating, it was another thing to see the man getting teased and beat on by his girlfriend. Rose looked startled at the rebuke before sighing, nodding a little as she studied the children. Looking worried as Scorpius and Shay stood. "Come on blondie, we have students to take care of."Shay smiled looking at scorpius, "I was thinking of having them work on a basic potion.Since there hasn't been a school, we should start with the basics..."She said starting to ramble and get excited now that not only she had her boy with her, but because she had students to make relax."Come on, Ray, Clark. We have detention to finish, and you want to be done before Daemon gets bored and decides he needs to be 'displined' himself."She teased a little, "Don't worry."she said seeing clark's look."He might look big and bad, but he has a soft heart."She assured him, heading for the potions lab.

Daemon smiled a little as he nodded,"I'll talk to you in the morning. I do have some things to tell you..."the dark haired man looked nervous, but for once, he was willing to open up to the one man who might understand his obsession with Gretchen. Standing he bent to kiss Victoria softly,"I'll be up in awhile. I'm going to talk to father..."he trailed off because he knew she disliked talking about Gretchen, and he needed to. At least get the memory out of his system enough to be able to sleep. And maybe, in the harsh light of day, harry could help him more. The man not realizing just how much he was coming to rely on harry for his mental stablilty. "Come on papa.time for bed."Daemon teased draco a little as he pushed the wheelchair up to the man's bedroom, looking tired and worn as he settled on the couch."... Where do you want to begin this week?"He said, always willing to let Draco dictate what he wanted to hear, because telling everything was to muchfor him to say, and for Draco to hear.
Harry chuckled a little at Victoria and the staring with a small snicker as he shook his head amused at the world gaping at Daemon. Scorpius followed Shay, frowning a little. "that's not much of a punishment... Father always made me scrub floors..." he admitted blinking a little. "we should make them scrub floors..." "that's demeaning." Teddy protested. "you can't make kids do manual labor." he complained following after them. "Hermione always made me write lines, we should make them write lines." Ray looked completely terrified as he walked along side the teachers, completely silent, looking from teacher to teacher waiting for them to start thinking of more painful punishments. "Daemon needs disciplined anyway." Teddy decided grinning impishly. "i think HE should scrub the floors... with a toothbrush!... HIS toothbrush!" "...have you been watching muggle television?" Scorpius asked blinking at Teddy who smirked. "of course i have."

Harry smiled and nodded to the other. "i'll show you your surprise before breakfast shall i?" he asked grinning a bit at Daemon before heading off, Draco smiled as he nodded to his son. "yes, i am feeling particularly tired." he admitted with a very fake yawn that no one believed before Daemon started pushing him down the hall. "Ten galleons says Scorpius tries to make that poor boy scrub floors." he teased smirking a little. "remember when you where little and i used to make you do that for disrespecting me?" he asked looking amused. "you two would end up flinging water at each other and you never got anything done." he admitted with a small chuckle, shaking his head as he locked his wheelchair in place, letting his son settle into the couch. "well, lets talk about whats bothering you the most, Gretchen." he ordered calmly, well aware she was the person his son needed to talk about the most. "though i have to admit you seam less conflicted today than you normally do after one of your visits with her, did it help having Harry there?"
"Demeaning,but not harming."Shay pointed out, smiling a little. "...Daemon might try to put you up on Emerald if you tried to make him scrub his floors with a toothbrush. I bet HE never had to scrub floors."Shay snickered looking at Scorpius, amused. Because she couldn't see Daemon even under the threat of more punishment giving in and scrubbing floors.He'd probably be sneaking spells in and such."We could let the boys think of more punishments. Daemon needs someone to smack him around the ears."Shay looked amused before opening the door, letting them walk in. "Now. We work on potions, or you can scrub floors. Which do you two want to do?"Seh said smiling kindly at the two teens.

"Hmm yea. I want that surprise."Daemon grinned at the headmaster before sighing."fo course I do. I never scrubbed floors. Scorpius felt bad for me, so I always got him to go huckleberry finn and do it for me."Daemon said proving that no he hadn't followed Voldemort's rules, and he'd read tom sawyer and the huckleberry fin books. "Of course we didn't get anything done. It was more fun throwing things at each other then cleaning."He pointed out snickering.Daemon smiled a little as he slouched over his knees, resting his forehead on them as he sighed."Maybe.He didn't go in with me."Daemon said sighing quietly, biting his lip as he thought, wondering where he should start."She's doing well. Prison life seems to suit her."He sighed softly."The boy....he's buried in his backyard. I need to get the boys out there and get his boy out of the yard while his mother's here, so she doesn't realize she's been with her son this whole time."He said quietly, shifting a little. Sitting up rubbing a hand over his face. Maybe....maybe he could talk about this. He might be able to stand to see the disgust and horror..."...you know she killed me."He said admitted finally admitting to what the whole world had suspected.
Scorpius grinned a little. "he never did scrub floors, he got me to do it." he admitted with a small laugh. "besides i think Harry is going to be the one who's going to take over the Daemon punishing." he admitted with a snicker as he watched the two boys walk in, his head tilted as they both hesitated then. "what potion are we going to be making?" Scott asked nervously. "i... my parent never really felt like potions where all that important..." he admitted, Ray snorting a little. "not important!? potions are the only reason why most of the people in this castle are still alive! health potions, healing potions, cleaning potions." "Wolfsbane potion." Teddy admitted with a grin. "potions are indeed very important, and it looks like that's what you two will be doing." "... i'd rather scrub floors..." Scott complained but obediently settled into the chair that Scorpius indicated. "we'll start with a very simple potion... shay what potion are we starting with?"

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "i should have known you where browbeating your brother into doing the labor you didn't want to do." he teased chuckling a little. "ah well it's good for him i guess." he nodded as his son spoke, listening closely as he tilted his head at the other. "... she buried him in his own backyard? that doesn't seam like her..." he admitted biting his lip. "all of her boys are here in Hogwarts save the littlest, and i doubt he'll be left home while she comes here. i'll send a friend of mine to get the body while you talk to her and have it transferred tot he auror's for examination and patch up." he promised smiling at his son before hesitating, looking startled. "... she killed you?" he asked, astonished. "... if she killed you... did they bring you back when they caught her?" he asked, well aware that wasn't even possible, but giving his son the chance to lie if he felt the need.

(goin to bed^^ see you in the morning.)
"Hmmm I'm thinking.Don't interrupt Scor."Shay teased looking at Scorpius, smiling slightly before perking up as she sat at the table to."I think a simple headache potion. Daemon will appericiate it in the morning, since he used up Esme's supply last night."Shay said before smirking at Scorpius,"It doesn't actually surprise me that you did all the chores."She said before looking at Scott, settling into lecture mode."Now scrubbing floors are important, cleaning and all that.But potions can save you.Did you know Daemon once fell from his horse and the only way he was saved was with a potion?He was howling for weeks after that because he'd had to wait while Scorpius made it....then again he was five, so it was to be expected."She said trying to distract them because she wanted them to relax."I bet teddy to has some stories about potions helping."

"He fought back.She broke his neck before she'd realized that she was choking him to keep him silent. It was one of the more tame confessions I've heard.Buried him where he ws because she didn't want to get caught carrying a dead body out of the yard."Daemon shrugged a little resting his head in his hands.Daemon snorted starting to laugh.Now that was amusing lie, one he'd been telling the world. But even now, he couldn't believe it. Laying back on the couch he looked at the blond, realizing suddenly, that he had thought the world had guessed. He hadn't realized no one knew, that no one had guessed just what had happened in those few days."No.Gretchen did."He shuddered a little chewing on his lip, tilting his head to the side so his father could see the pale almost gone scar that he had never told anyone what it was. But...harry was breaking down his walls, and the more harry broke the walls down, the more he needed to share. Because he could see how sick this was, sick and he needed help.And draco...he trusted more then anyone else. Trusted to not tell victoria just what she was dating. Not who, what."...She cut my throat while she rode my cock, and realized that she wasn't ready to say goodbye. So she brought me back."he said it that way, more then anything else. Wanting to startle his father, and not brave enough to blunt the words because he knew that if he wasn't blunt, he would never say anything about how much of a hold Gretchen still had on him.
Scorpius sulked at shay and Teddy chuckled a little and shook his head. "are you sure you want to give Daemon a potion that was made by two kids who have no idea what their doing?" the werewolf asked, looking amused. "are you sure Damon won't murder you for it?" he asked as Scorpius snickered a little and summoned the items the two where going to need, doing his job and explaining what each ingredient was and how best to handle it before leaving the instructions on how to actually make the potion up to Shay, just like their classes Scorpius would handle the how to's and Shay would handle the hands on experiences. Scorpius was determined not to let the students suffer like they had in Snape's time and explain how to hold the knives, use the mortar and pestle, how to handle the ingredients properly. no one would fail from lack of education that was for sure. "i bet Harry has even more stories than i do." Teddy admitted with a small snicker.

he nodded a little. "that makes sense, she was going to kidnap him like usual and killed him through lack of restraint." she had a lot of stories like that actually. he listened and nearly had a stroke when he heard what he did, his eyes wide in astonishment as he listened. "but you couldn't have been a child when she went after you..." he complained looking confused. "i thought she only went after children?" there was no disgust in his eyes, only astonishment. "Daemon... you love her in some form, don't you?" he asked, astonished again, not disgusted, just amazed and shocked and so stunned that for a moment he just opened his mouth like a fish, so shocked he couldn't even speak. he was horrified to realize that in some sick and twisted way his son was in love in Gretchen... so horrified to realize that that the vile woman had a hold on his son that he wasn't so sure his son could shake, and for one of the few times in his life, Draco was speechless with horror and shock. "oh god Daemon." he whispered setting his hand on his son's shoulder. "i'm so sorry..." no wonder his son was so fixated on Victoria, she was so loving and kind, to Daemon in particular, and Daemon had been ruined by that woman. "i honestly don't know how to heal this hurt." Draco admitted softly, shaking his head. "i'm so sorry i can't help you..." he admitted softly. "she won't hold you forever." he promised. "someday, her hold on you will falter, you'll go through some amazing event, some wonderful event and you'll forget all about her." Draco had to hope that was true.
"...that's true."Shay said snickering a little before smiling at the boys."Daemon'd be pissed if he ended up sick."She said thoughtfully before smiling as she started to help the boys make the potion. Smiling a little at the mention of her father."He should have never been teaching. He hated it. He really did."Shay smiled looking at scorpius smiling a little."You know, draco was always good with potions. Father said he was the only student he could actually stand." She said talking more because she could tell the boys were nervous, so she just wanted to make them relax.

"She does that alot. No restraint."Daemon said bending over his knees, smiling a little."I was 15. And her best prize yet.She had never intended to kill me. She wanted scorpius and thought he'd come after me.she always planned on us being her oldest victims. And her final ones. We were the coup that would have ended it all, because we were malfoy and riddle"He said smiling a little into his knees, sighing softly. Squirming a little at Draco's question."I....I don't go just because of the kids, I go to see her."He said slowly, his heart hurting. Because he couldn't form the words, to say he loved Gretchen, was to make a thought real."She was my first....and I died for love.She tells me you know?She said she brought me back because of love."he said before sitting up rubing his face starting to draw away from the blond."I need to go. Victoria'll worry, and Harry has a surprise for me first thing in the morning.I need to go."He said heading for the door. He was done for now, he'd shared as much as he could. Maybe someday he'd be able to tell the blond about everything that happened in that house, but he'd heard the horror in the man's voice. He couldn't tell Draco more. Not now. Not when he was so afraid of pushing the man out of his life."Good night Father."He said disappearing out the door to head for his own rooms. Intent on sleeping and seeing the surprise in the morning.
Scorpius and Teddy both chuckled a little as both boys slowly started to relax, realizing that they weren't going to be hurt or verbally abused, and they even started helping each other, or rather Ray started helping Scott, muttering an almost silent hint now and again, or a warning not to add an ingredient just yet. it was clear that Ray was very well versed in potion making, and like Draco it relaxed him, like a painter painting or a baker baking. it was clear to see that Ray was going to be a potion's master someday. "my father..." Teddy stated suddenly. "said the only reason why Severus was a teacher was because Dumbledore was blackmailing him into it." he admitted. "Sev hated kids, Harry especially." he admitted crossing his arms and looking at the other two. "...why does Harry hate Victoria?" he asked curiously, Scorpius shrugging. "i don't know... i know she does, and i think Daemon does..."

he stared at the other, not horrified with Daemon, simply horrified that it had happened to his poor son. "Daemon... she doesn't love you." he whispered softly. "she says she does, but she doesn't, she's manipulating you." he whispered, looking worried, so very worried about his son before he sighed, pulling his son into a hug. "everything will be alright, i promise." he murmured softly before letting the other go, smiling as his son left before sighing. "oh this is so bad..." he muttered rubbing his face as he shook his head. "i hope Harry knows what he's getting into... i hope Daemon doesn't go insane from all this..."
Shay snorted a little,"Daemon knows everything.At least he likes to think he does."Shay smiled a little before nodding."but if they don't tell us, its not any of our business. Now you two,get on to bed.We have a long morning in the morning."she looked amused as she looked at the budding potions master, before starting to clean up."Goodnight."She said smiling a little because she wasn't willing to delve into daemon's personal life more then they already were. Daemon wouldn't apperciate it. Smilig as the boys left, she said her goodnights to the other two before heading to bed.Wondering just how interesting the rest of the school year ws going to be.

Daemon shrugged at the other,"It will be alright."He said frowning a little before shrugging. Because he needed to know that he would be alright. That the world wouldn't come crashing down, and that his ambitions would be okay.

In the morning Daemon sighed, padding barefoot through the halls he looked more like a teeager then he had in awile. Dark jeans and a t-shirt hugged his frame, but he was barefoot because he liked the feel of the stone under his feet. Draco regularly yelled at him during winter for wandering barefoot, but he couldn't help it. He liked it. Smiling as he knocked on harry's bedroom door, he grinned pushing it open."Potter!Time to get up. You promised me a surprise."The dark lord demanded, wanting to know. And in a need to forget about gretchen, he was going a little OCD over the surprise."Get up.Up classes start today."He grinned nearly bouncing in place as he stood at the edge of the bed.
the two boys quickly packed their stuff up and left and Scorpius moved forward to examine the potions, looking shocked. "you know, these are actually quiet good." he admitted stirring the cauldron's a little bit. "that Ray has an impressive skill." he admitted smiling a little. "i might ask Harry if i can take him under my wing." he admitted calmly. "i know we're not supposed to play favorites but it would be a shame not to give that boy everything he needs to bloom." "i think Harry would let you do that." Teddy admitted smiling a little. "you know, you and Daemon aren't nearly as evil as i thought you where going to be." "i'm too stupid to be evil." Scorpius admitted with a laugh.

Harry woke with a start, snorting a little as he rubbed his eyes blinking stupidly as he looked over at the other, blinking at Daemon, dressed in nothing but a pair of snug boxer breifs, showing off his gleaming tan body. "what do i care if classes start today?" he demanded blinking a little. "for that matter why do you care?" he asked his head tilted a little as he blinked at the other before he sighed a little as he shook his head and got up, grabbing a silver robe from his wardrobe and tugging it on, stretching with a groan as he padded for the door, not bothering to put any shoes on. "come on then you child." he ordered teasing the other with a grin. "i'm going to show you a place of your ancestors." he admitted smiling at him. "i'm sure Voldemort spoke of it, but he was using it improperly." he admitted simply. "Salazar, and his children after him have long used the Chamber of Secretes as a place of peace, safety, and a way to learn without the scoff of others." he admitted smiling at the other as he moved into Myrtles bathroom, looking around almost expectantly, but the wailing woman did not appear. she had, as it where, moved on. he sighed when he saw no sobbing ghost and shook his head a little as he turned to the sink.

"Open.... Stairs" Harry hissed at it, and if Daemon could speak parsle he would understand Harry's words as the sink slid out of the way, and the long tunnel turned into stairs, harry turning to Daemon and smiling. "don't worry, it's safe, and clean. i took care of that myself." he admitted heading down into the tunnel, long torches along the walls bursting into magical flames as they walked down into the chamber, Harry grinning. "there's a secrete passage into here from your room." he admitted smiling at the other. "i made sure you got that room just for this reason." he admitted stepping into the massive chamber of snake statues. "Salzar was a little conceited i have to admit." he admitted with a chuckle. "but this isn't what i wanted to show you." he admitted leading the way over to the mouth. "[speak to me, greatest of the Founders four, lend your voice to me.[/i]" the mouth opened, and stairs slid down to the ground, harry smiling at the other. "it took me months to figure that one out." he admitted with a chuckle as he led the way up the stairs, into a massive bedroom, a bed, a desk, books all handwritten by various Slytherin Heirs. "look there, in the corner." he ordered smiling at Daemon, letting him discover the basketball sized egg on his own. "it's the egg of.. what did you call her, Sarsen?" he asked smiling at him. "there's no telling what it's going to be, the offspring of a Basilisk can be one of dozens of breeds of magical snakes."
Shay smirked,"And daemon's to ambitious to be evil."She pointed out laughing.
Daemon grinned boncing on his toes a little,"You're headmaster.You're supposed to care. And I care because you promised me something."He grumbled looking amused. "I am NOT a child."Daemon said sulking a little before smiling slightly. Looking both embarassed and eager to see this place."stairs?We get stairs?"Daemon frowned as he yelped as the tunnel changed. Looking startled as the sink moved, looking a little wide eyed. "Oh good. I don't go anywhere unclean."He said looking at his own clothes before following after the other. "I don't climb in other people's mouths potter, thats gross."He grumbled looking amused as he followed the other. Looking around a little wide eyed as he studied the room before giving harry a wide eyed look before moving to the egg. Crouching down he gently touched the cool egg, nodding."Yes.Sarsen."He muttered more to himself then anything else.

"I'll have to keep a eye on it...instead of taking it upstairs, it might be to warm up there for the eggs that have been living down here."He said looking thoughtul, resting his chin in his hand as he studied the egg before getting up and flipping through the books. Looking suddenly engrossed in his own history. Feeling overwhelmed with the weight of the history there. "All of slytherins are a little full of themselves...it explains why there are so many ambitious men among us."He said looking thoughtful before he looked at harry, tilting his head slightly."Thank you...for yesterday. I couldn't remember if I told you that."He said smiling slightly because thank yous wereoming easier to a man who hated owing anything to anyone. "we should be heading upstairs...your students might start worrying if you don't show up for breakfast...might even think I did something."He said smiling a little before looking towards the stairs."We can go up the stairs to my room. victoria should be up by now, we wont disturb her."He said looking overwhelmed a little at the history. Needing space to come to terms with finding so much of his history.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "you might have a point there." he admitted shaking his head. "and you are too a child, so excited over a surprise." he teased smiling a little "and yes we get stairs, i figure you don't want to be sliding down into muck." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head at the others complaining, smirking a little. "i can refuse to show you the surprise if you keep bitching." he pointed out winking at the other before leading the way up the mouth. "it's about ready to hatch, feel how hard it is? when i came down here about a hundred years ago it was soft and leathery." he admitted opening a book about Basilisks. "it says in here that a Basilisk egg can take up to three hundred years to hatch." he admitted grinning a little. "and that Basilisk only ever lay one egg every hundred years or so." he admitted. "this was the only egg i found though." he admitted shaking his head. "Magical snakes are impression species, which means the first thing they see is their 'mother', so until it hatches i won't be coming down here." he promised smiling at Daemon. "and your right, it will be too warm for the egg, it needs to be kept cool and damp, it's perfect conditions where it is so try not to move it alright?"

he smiled at the other his head tilted at the other. "this is true, through history Slytherin's have been some of the most powerful figures." he admitted calmly grinning a little. "that's what Slytherin was originally for, to train those with ambitions and power to be good leaders, powerful figures and teach them not to be led by money... slytherin fell hard after Grindelwald." he admitted sighing a little. "but... perhaps when the world is ready, the houses can be brought back, restored to what they where meant to be." he smiled at the other. "your welcome, anytime... i know what it's like to do things that no one approves of." Harry admitted. "to do things, even though you know it's stupid, to put just a little bit more light in the world." he chuckled a little. "in all honesty Daemon... when Dumbledore died... he gave me his magic... i don't think you CAN do anything to me." he admitted calmly, not bragging, just stating facts. "come on, the passage up is over here, i haven't had a chance to explore anywhere else yet." he admitted leading the way up to his room opening the door, which was well hidden behind a book shelf. "i am hungry though."
"I am not a child."He grumbled smirking a little."And you can't refuse to show me!I'll tell father your being mean."He whined snickering a little."It is hard."He mused before blushing slightly. That just sounded sooo wrong."Oh, you don't want to be a mother to the cutie? Now that's just saddening."He teased sinckering."I'm not moving it see?No movement."The child daemon smirked a little as he shook his head, looking amused at the sight of the dark lord and headmaster being so happy over a egg."See?I have the perfect amount of ambition no matter what anyone says. It's bred in."He said snickering a little before nodding."we'll have to keep watch for those who show leadership skills, maybe even have a class or something."He said looking thoughtful."And no, before you ask, I wont teach it."

"Well then you better go eat, headmaster."Daemon teased looking amused as they walked the passage walking into his rooms as he smiled hearing Victoria getting ready to love."Sweetheart!"He grinned as she yelped, pouncing on his pregnant girlfriend, scooping her up in his arms nuzzling her."Time to go lovely."he said ignoring her yips of protest as he carried her bridal style out of the room. Looking amused as he glanced at harry."You think that you'll yell if I carry her all the way to breakfast?" "yEs I will. Daemon Sadi Riddle, put me down!"Victoria said protesting being carried even as she rested her head on daemon's shoulder, not struggling to much to get out of his arms.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "and what do you expect Draco to do about it? he couldn't make me not do anything when we where kids what makes you think he can stop me now that i'm headmaster?" he asked with an amused smirk. "and it is sort of bred in, you just haven't been taught proper." he teased snickering a little. "and i was thinking of asking the teachers to teach advanced classes for particularly skilled and passionate students, like that Raymond fellow, Scorpius Teddy and Shay all said he was astonishingly gifted with potions." he admitted smiling a little. "and Scorpius has already agreed to teach him extra if he wants." Harry admitted. "if you see any students particularly talented in the leadership area let me know, i'll teach that class myself." he admitted smiling a little as they reached the doorway.

he laughed as Victoria squealed, something Fleur would never have done, it eased Harry's heart to see Victoria acting like a human. he chuckled as she complained, but didn't even bother struggling, shaking his head a little as he followed them down to the breakfast table where he enjoyed his meal and watched the students. classes went without a hitch, and for a week nothing happened, and then all the world knew Harry's wrath as he caught a particular Dark teacher berating a light child mercilessly with cruel words, giving the light students false grades, and worse off, giving them detentions for no reason. everyone stared in horror as Harry screamed at the man, the Dark Arts Spellmaking teacher pinned to the ground by Harry's magic as the headmaster yelled at him for bullying children and being a piss poor teacher, and just like that, Harry blocked the man's magic, informing him that it would be gone for a week, and fired him, shocking everyone as Harry simply walked away from the sobbing man who was clutching his chest. the loss of magic was a painful thing, but at least it wasn't permanent. "someone show him the way out. he will be locked out of the wards. he will never walk in the halls of Hogwarts again."
"Father will do something proper and pureblood.Like yell."He said rolling his eyes a little before smiling."It's a good idea. They need some guidance, unlike tom, who just went on his merry way to ambition."Daemon said snickering a little.

"He'll be lucky to walk if he doesn't get out of here soon."Daemon informed the others in the great hall as he leaned casually against the doorway, turning a little as Victoria stepped cloer."Dae?Are you feeling okay?" "Fine. You know I always feel like breaking bones after seeing Gretchen."He muttered dipping his head to kiss her for a moment before looking at harry as he crossed the near silent room, which was amazing. It was like all the school had goten used to seeing their missing hero as headmaster, but the non time traveling powerhouse, was still intimidating."People are staring at me."He whined a little as he slumped into his chair starting to eat. Victoria snorted starting to eat to, smiling at her boyfriends antics. He was going stir crazy, despite having had to go out and take care of a few uprising among not only the light supporters but the ones that had been loyal to his father. "You've made a life of being the center of attention.You should be used to being stared at."She informed him."But I don't like it."He grumbled before leaning forward to look at harry,"You want to go for a walk after dinner?"He asked, having after the week before's trip to see Gretchen, he'd taken to taking a afterdinner walk with the headmaster, never talking about the serial killer that had scarred him, but about anything that came to mind. Mostly avoiding the brunette's questions about gretchen if he asked. for some reason he had a feeling Harry wouldn't understand just how twistedly he loved Gretchen.Hell he didn't trust Victoria to keep loving him, and he wasn't going to put his friendship on the chopping block with harry just to talk about Gretchen.
Harry watched with furious eyes as the man was practically dragged out by teddy and Scorpius, the two childlike men having become very close freinds, if Scorpius wasn't with Shay, which was almost always these days, then he was with Teddy, causing mischief in the halls. Harry spent most of his free time with Daemon, finding comfort in the mans presence. "it' alright Dae, i know how you feel, everyone was always staring at me too." he admitted with a shake of his head. "you get used to it and learn to ignore it." he promised with a small grin as he glanced down at Draco, who was looking positively radiant with life now that Esme had gotten her hands on him. he could even get up and walk around for short periods of time if he wanted, or needed to. "i'd like that." Harry admitted with a smile as he looked at Dae, his head tilted a little. "we could take that path in the forbidden forest." he decided smiling a little. "the one that heads for the spidren." Harry had spent the last week in the forest securing friendly terms and loyalties with the creatures of the forest and lakes, and was having a grand old time of it. he had more freinds in the forest than Dumbledore ever had, even the Acrumantula respected Harry... of course the bribes of food didn't hurt either.

"how is the egg doing?" Harry asked with a small little grin his head tilted at his friend as he poured himself a goblet of honey mead. the egg was as hard as Marble now, you could slam a blade into it and it wouldn't even nick the surface. unknown to both, a large crack had appeared on the surface. whatever was inside, was hatching. "i'll be glad to report my little class is five strong now." he admitted grinning at Daemon. "your little stalker is among them." the first day of classes a fifth year had taken to following Daemon around during free time. the boy had yet to speak a word, but he looked at Daemon with a look of pure adoration. Draco said the boys name was Samuel, and according to the records Daemon had saved his life, that's what Draco claimed anyway, how, no one was sure but the boy himself, and he was just not talking. at least whenever Daemon needed something done the boy was there to help, he looked so overjoyed when Daemon gave him a task that it was hard not to think of something for the boy to do, usually fetching water or food from the kitchens.

"i was very impressed with him actually, you remember that five man fight earlier this morning? the three light's and the two dark seventh years had been fighting furiously in a common room, and the tiny Samuel had waded into the mass of flying fists and simply pinned them all tot he floor with a power that nearly rivaled Daemons. "if we could just get him to talk..." Harry grumbled shaking his head a little.
"Ignore it?But they're all staring. It's uncomfortable." "Get used to it,dark lord. You signed up for the honors of being stsared at."Victoria smirked a little. "Hmm you want me to go into the woods alone....you know, I've heard horror stories that started like that. Are you sure you're not some serial killer or something?"The dark lord teased looking over at harry, snickering. "I'm pretty sure of everyone you know, Harry's the sanest."Victoria teased rolling her eyes. It was good to see Daemon have someone other then just Scorpius to talk to. And each day she saw him continuely reaching towrads the man he would become, she realized that she cared for him.Watching him watch her with all that love and dsperateness was starting to bother her, because she knew she couldn't love him like he deserved and it pained her. Smiling a little because watching harry and daemon together, she hoped that the friendship would be bracing enough, when the world came crashing down. Because she had no doubt Daemon would find out, even as she struggled not to tell him.

"It's getting harder.I poked it with a rock and it still didn't do anything. I think it's going to hatch soon.Hopefully. Want to see what it is."Daemon said sounding so excited about his surprise starting to hatch. Grinning at the mention of his class, before whimpering at the mention of his stalker."I don't remember him. Why is he following me?"He whined quietly because he hadn't yet, despite bets being laid about it he hadnt' turned on the boy and yelled. So maybe there was hope for Daemon as a father yet. "I still want to know what's going on."he muttered annoyed that he had no idea what he had done to save samuel, unless the boy counted stopping Gretchen, and that had only been a accident, he hadn't meant to follow in love with her."He's baby shopping for me." "....youre not looking at the catalog yourself?" "No. I'm not good at decorating. Sam is. Sam can help you decorate,toria."He muttered kissing her cheek looking amused at the idea.

"I'll talk to him."Daemon said looking thoughtful because now that he heard about the fight, and having helped sort out what had happened, he was really curious about how that had happened."Maybe we could invite him on our walk. Take the trail around the lake, and save the forest for another night."The dark lord said looking curious because he wanted to really know who his stalker was, and how the boy was connected to his past. The boy was old enough to be alive when Daemon had been 16, and if he'd saved him then, then it was gone. Not many knew it,but after he came home from captivitaty and death, he'd lost most of his 16th year, didn't remember alot of things. Mostly he relied on Scorpius to remind him of things if he needd anything from that year. But...sam, he wanted to know what was going on.
Harry chuckled a little. "Victoria is right." over the week, Harry had calmed a great deal around the woman who was so calm and sweet. he still had his moments where he had to leave because she made him remember her mother, but he could look directly at her and not flinch, and he often laughed at her witty jokes now, something that had Rose and Hugo very relieved, though no matter how many times Teddy asked, Harry refused to tell the man why he had reacted so negatively to the woman. "i might be a secrete assassin who's been trying to get you alone for months." he teased Daemon with a smirk as he reached over and stole the last piece of cake off of Daemon's table. out of everyone Harry was still the only one brave enough to take things from Daemon. "yeah i can't wait to see what your newest pet looks like, hopefully this one will be better tempered than Emerald, he STILL hasn't forgiven me for trying to ride him!" Harry complained, sulking a little as he shook his head.

"Harry smiled a little and shook his head. "he's young, sometimes the most innocent of things can stick in the mind of a child." he admitted. "you might have saved his life just by distracting someone, who knows." he stated with a shrug. "still your patience with him astounds me." he admitted with a small smile. "Samuel is just a traumatized kid, and i'm glad you haven't yelled at him." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Draco's tried talking to him, but he just shakes his head and walks away... if anyone can get him to talk i think you can." he admitted calmly. "are you sure it's a good idea for Samuel to be baby shopping for you though?" "it's ok, i'm helping him" Esme admitted with a chuckle. "he's a very bright boy, good eye for colors." she admitted smiling a little as she watched Daemon and Harry as Harry pondered. "that's a good idea, i'll invite him to the leadership class while we're on our walk too." he decided smiling a little. "we'll get him to talk." he promised. "and then we'll understand why he's clinging to you so much." he decided smiling as the desserts vanished and everyone started heading for the door, Harry standing up and heading over to Samuel. "Sam? would you like to come on a walk with me and Daemon tonight?" Harry asked the boy, who beamed and nodded so hard his head threatened to fall off.

"alright, listen, i do have something to talk to you about. that fight today in the common room. you handled that very well." harry admitted, Sam looking startled and then shyly pleased with the praise. "i would like to recommend you for my advanced class, the Leadership Skills class, would you be interested?" Sam practically knocked his own head off he was nodding so hard. "good, i'm glad." Harry admitted smiling as he led the way over to Daemon. "we're going to walk around the lake tonight." he admitted with a smile. "do you mind if we ask you some questions?" Sam hesitated now, biting his lip before nodding. watching Daemon with that ever present adoration.
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