Dark's Hold

Shaylin stared in stunned shock, to shocked to move for a moment."Totally pissed."She muttered the idea of Daemon being pissed at them propelling her forward, crouching down next to the man.Resting a hand on his cheek she sighed in relief,"He's alive. Probably suffering concussion.But alive."Cera looked relieved as she moved to the woman's wide, muttering a lighting spell,floating Harry on air before the woman looked at Scorpius."Go tell the nurse we're bringing him in.by the time we get there she'll be ready."She sid waving off the blond, even as she muttered curses about men who thought they could ride other men's horses. Daemon was goign to be so pissed.Mutterign as her and Shaylin manuvered Harry up the long stairs to the hospital wing, settling him in bed just as the nurse started to fuss over him."Is he going to be okay?"Shaylin asked looking at the youngish nurse.

Daemon yelped as he got splashed with Draco's dropped hot chocolate, whining a little as he buried to face against his father's knees."It is I guess."He grumbled, willing to give that much to the man. While he didn't believe the man on his mother's death, or his own role in it, after all, no one knew that voldemort had whispered dark little things into his son's ear about how he'd killed the woman he'd never had a chance to know.Daemon so much wanted to be loved, loved despite killing her, that he blindly followed after Victoria, not realizing she cared for him,but didn't love him."Alright."He sighed willing to let draco make him think everything was okay, even if he really didn't believe it."Mother would have liked victoria wouldn't she?And harry?"he asked sighing quietly, having exhausted himself again, he was starting to fall asleep in draco's lap. Now that he was calmer, he was just a big child who'd let his father convince him that the monsters really under his bed weren't there.
Harry groaned a little at the touch his eyes fluttering before sinking into unconsciousness again Scorpius racing into the school to get the healer, the lady tutting in annoyance as Harry was brought in and laid on the bed as she carefully looked him over, shaking her head. "what an idiot, broke his back, cracked his skull." she shook her head. "he'll be fine, just bedridden for a day." she promised smiling at Scorpius who looked very anxious and worried. "don't worry Scorpius, Harry will be fine." the nurse promised, the woman an almost exact Carbon copy of Ginny, Esmeralda Weasley was one of the youngest Healers to ever grace the world, and one of the best too, she was the reason why werewolves could now control their transformations. they still had to transform on the full moons, but as long as the sun was down they could now transform any night they wanted to long as they took the monthly potion. "so, how did he hurt himself?" Esme asked looking amused.

Draco grimaced a little. "sorry." he stated calmly cleaning the wetness off his son with magic. "Astoria would have loved Victoria." he promised smiling a little. "she would have been all over Victoria, giving her jewelry and pretty dresses and begging to do her hair." he teased smiling a little. "and she would have been squealing all over Harry, planning big parties to welcome him back." he snickered a little. "and trying to set him up with every available man she knew." he chuckled a little as he stroked the others hair. "you like Harry don't you Daemon?" Draco asked, smiling a little. "he'll be a good friend for you." he admitted sighing a little. "and you'll be good for him too, ten Galleon's says he's already bedridden. because he did something stupid."
Shaylin snickered looking at her friend."Oh he tried to ride dae's horse. And you know how Em is." Cara snorted laughing,"put Daemon in the hospital for days before he broke her to a saddle."The woman looked amused shaking her head, looking at Scorpius, amused to seem him fussing. Shaylin smiled, nudging Scorpius a little, looking up at him with a tilt of her head, her emotions playing over her face for a moment before she hid them again. She loved him,but she believed he was gay. So she hid from him, because it was easier then to have him know how she felt."At least you'll get to tell Daemon that he gets to yell over something. ITs been awhile since he got to shout someone into silence for recklessness."She teased knowing the dark lord worried himself into a tizzy over people, when he tried not to let anyone know that he cared. It was quite amusing to see a usually cold person worked up over someone putting themselves in danger.

Daemon smiled a little, relaxing."Oh good. I'll just have to have a party then..I gave him his cloak back.I miss being invisble."He said sulking a little sleepily, because he had been so worked up the last few days that he hadn't had a chance to go see how harry liked havin his cloak back. Making a small choked sound in the back of his throat that was laughter."No fool's bets. I left him babysitting Emerald with Scorpius.Idiot probably tried to get in the saddle."He grumbled loking slightly amused at the idea of harry trying to ride his barely broken horse. After all, if he could ride her, why would he saddle break her for anyone else? "I do.He's... intersting. And Scorpius thinks he's in love with him.But I know he's really in love with Shaylin."He muttered yawning as he leaned back on his hands rubbing his face.Knowing he probably should get back and let the others knowthat he was okay.
Esme rolled her eyes and nodded. "oh yes, i remember, i had to patch Daemon up after that, i remember how Victoria came to our house just crying." she admitted with a small chuckle as she carefully fed Harry a healing potion so strong it could fix someone even if every bone in their body was cracked and shattered. he only got a spoonful. Scorpius smiled at shay. "your right, at least that will put Daemon in a better mood... then again i don't think Harry realizes that Emerald isn't a normal horse... Em's kind was only discovered seventy years ago or so, Harry probobly doesn't have any idea what she is. muggle horses.. once their broken in, they don't give a shit who rides them." Scorpius admitted shaking his head again. "still it will give Daemon something to yell at and it might improve his mood a little more." he agreed smiling at Shay again, feeling his heart flutter as it always did when he saw her, but still not making the connection, yelping as one of Hermione's books flew off the shelf and smacked him int he face. "OUCH!... Feelings for dummies!?" he roared, thoroughly insulted, Esme laughing her pretty little ass off.

Draco smiled a little. "Harry loves that cloak." Draco admitted. "it was his fathers, it's all he's ever had of his parents." he admitted with a grin. "well Harry has been known to be an idiot, and he probobly has no idea the kind of Horse Emerald is. he doesn't know she will only accept one rider." he admitted. "and don't bother throwing a party Harry hates them, he just gets drunk and sulks in the corner." he admitted with a shake of his head. "Scorpius falls in love with everyone, Harry won't hurt Scorpius." he promised with a smile. "Harry's had his own heart broken a few too many times to ever consider doing it to someone else." he promised. "Shaylin? really?" he asked looking astonished. "i thought he was gay?... he certainly thinks so... you know come to think of it i never did understand where he got that theory from...." Voldemort of course, fearful of Draco's line continuing on to overtake his own, Voldemort had pretty much brainwashed Scorpius into believing that he was gay. Draco smiled as he ran his hands through the others hair and then gently bent down and kissed Daemon's hair. "now, do you feel better?" he asked smiling at his son. "or should i go get that blanket your mother made for you and sing you to sleep like i used to when you where little?"
"Oh yea, Victoria wouldn't talk to him for DAYS after that."Cara snickered remembering the roaring fight the two had had over that. Victoria demanding that the man give up breaking a horse that didn't want broken, and Daemon just as determined that this was going to be his horse."He probably doesn;t. At least it'll distract Daemon when he has to explain why no one gets to ride em."Shaylin said smiling a little looking startled as the book smacked Scorpius, giggling a little before shaking her head."I think she's telling you to fall in love, idiot."She teased before looking at Esme."When will he be up?Daemon's going to be pissed if he doesn't get to yell as soon as he gets back.Whatever's got him already bent out of shape, its not going to improve with this."She said gesturing towards the bed, raising a eyebrow as she studied the nurse."Do you know what's going on?Scor's not telling."She said pouting a little.

"Probably not. I'll just have t tell her about Em.Though she was friendly to him. Even wanted pets. Which she never wants."He grumbled sulking a little at his pretty horse wanting someone else's attention, even if he knew that Em would never let harry ride her. "Yes, shaylin.She's been in love with him forever.And he likes her....he just has to realize that."He said laughing a little because he didn't know why Scorpius thought he was gay, he was just interested in disabusing him of the idea slowly. After all, as much damage as his father had caused, he was slowly working on undoing it, even if he didn't know about the abuse. "I don't need my blankie!"Daemon sputtered climbing to his feet looking insulted that the man had said it. Though there was a small baby blanket hidden among the blankets that were currently on his bed at hogwarts....not that he'd ever tell anyone that it was there. Discreetly magicked into being unseen, the blanket was ratty and careworn, the only thing he had left from astoria as she prepared for the birth of her son."I better be going...stop harry from killing himself or something.."
Esme chuckled a little and nodded. "it was very amusing, Victoria i think, is the only one who's ever yelled at Daemon and gotten away with it." "well... actually Harry just yelled at Daemon..." Scorpius admitted. "insulted him pretty good too, called him a child and a coward." Esme was staring at Scorpius in astonishment. "and Daemon let him live!? amazing..." Esme muttered as she smirked a little. "yes i know what's going on, i know everything, but i'm not telling, it's Daemon's business. and possibly Victoria's if she decides she wants to share." Esme stated simply, having given the girl the news herself. "as or Harry, he'll be awake within the next half hour in more pain than he's probobly ever faced..." she paused. "or... maybe not if what the stories our parents told us are true."

Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "Em is very connected to you, she recognizes Harry as very good for you so she accepts him... a little bit." he admitted with a smile before shaking his head. "Scor is never going to realize shay likes him without help, someone's going to gave to give him some pretty blunt hints." he admitted smiling a little. "i love him but he's a bit... stupid, sometimes." Draco admitted chuckling a little. "you know... i do have something for you." he admitted smiling at Daemon. "i need you to wheel me there." he ordered calmly. "the third floor Master bedroom, the one that my father used to have." he stated simply. "Astoria left something in there, for you and Scor to be given to you both once Voldemort perished." he admitted smiling at him. "Harry will be fine, he has Scor there to take him to the hospital wing if he needs it, Harry might find the familiar scenario comforting."
Shaylin stared at scorpius, her jaw dropping a little as she considered that. Swallowing hard as she thought about it, before smiling a little."They're true...but daemon's going to make him wish he was in alot of pain when he finds out about harry getting thrown."she said laughing, sitting down on the edge of the bed looking at Scorpius."I'll stay with him, if you two have classrooms to get ready."She said smiling a little at Cara and Scorpius. Cara laughed nodding,"I'll see you two later."She said flashing Esme a grin as she bounded out the door. Everyone but Scorpius knew how Shaylin felt,but it seemed Daemon was playing match maker, which meant the rest of them could.After all the dark lord couldn't get angry at them for doing something he was doing."Well, as long as you're sure they'll come to terms with it eventually."The snape girl said, still looking worried about her friends, and wondering what could have freaked out the steadiest man she knew.

"A little bit....enough to toss his ass off if he tries."He smiled a little before getting up, starting to wheel draco to the master bedroom,"I can be blunt.I told him I was inviting the girl who's in love with him to the school.Distracted him so much that when I mentioned they'd arrived at school, he started to wander off from yelling at me, until harry reminded him that they were having a intervention on my part."He snickered a little, looking worried and also curious about what the man could want to give him."Yes, the hospital wing would be familiar to him wouldn't it?"He said snickering a little at the mention of the stories that he'd heard, shaking his head a little as he pushed the master bedroom door open, looking at Draco expentactly. "What am I looking for?"he asked looking around.
Scorpius smiled a little as he nodded. "i do need to get my lecture hall set up." he admitted. "you and i are sharing a class aren't we Shaylin?" he asked looking curious. "i'm lecturing and your doing the hands on right?" he asked smiling a little. "it will be fun... don't you need yo get your room set up?" he asked looking curious. "i'm sure Esme can look after Harry right?" he asked Esme chuckling a little as she shook her head. "it's alright Scorpius, i know me and Shaylin used to hate each other but we're old enough to be above such silly things as squabbles over teddy bears." Scorpius hesitated and then nodded and left to set up his room, Esme smiling at Shaylin. "you know, you really should tell him." she pointed out calmly. "he won't realize he's not gay if you don't give him a chance to realize he has feelings for you."

Draco chuckled a little as he shook his head. "well it shouldn't be too long before he realizes he's in love with her, so long as he doesn't screw up and fall in love with the wrong woman." he admitted with a Roll of his eyes. "you let Harry yell at you? i can't imagine he minced his words any, he used to call me a cowardly child at least once a week." Draco admitted with a smile. "there, under the rug." he ordered indicating the plush carpeting. "pull it up." once Scorpius had done that Draco nodded. "do you see that circle etched into the floor? spill three drops of blood into it." he ordered calmly. as soon as the third drop of blood hit the stones, a loud CRACK echoed through the floor and something slid up and out of the floor...a chest. "that is yours." Draco admitted smiling. "open it." he ordered calmly. inside where pictures of Astoria holding a little baby Scorpius, looking bright and alive as she rubbed her swollen belly and winked at the camera, clearly just in love with Daemon as she was Scorpius in those pictures, no matter who the father was. there was also two invisibility cloaks, one for Daemon and one for Scorpius. there was also a full sized blanket for each of them, lovingly hand quilted and an ambrodered mark on each blanket indicated who's was who's, each name carefully stitched with love and care, Draco smiling a little. "look under the stand." Draco ordered softly. underneath was a wand made of black wood, and a wand made of white. "one is yours, and one is Scor's. your mother had an ancient Wand crafter test both of your magic, and craft a wand made specifically for you." he admitted smiling a little. "Olivanders is nice, but a Wand Crafter craft a wand so find it is a symbol of your very soul, using only the material that is best suited for your magic and your personality. it is as much a part of you once you take hold of it, as your soul is." he admitted smiling at Damon. "go ahead son, take what is yours, what your mother left for you.... i know she loved, and loves you, so accept her gifts with peace and joy."
"We haven't gotten in a fight in years.Go, I'll join you in a bit."Shaylin said smiling as Scorpius left, busing slightly at Esme's words."He's gay, everyone knows that."She said frowning a little, because she was so blind to it, she couldn't see what everyone else saw, and that scorpius really wasn't gay. Smiling softly as she looked at the door after Scorpius, smiling softly."Daemon's going to give him a reason."She said thoughtfully, sounding hopeful at the idea that Scorpius really wasn't gay, and that Daemon would be able to set Scorpius straight if he really was into her instead of guys."I should go set up the class."She said smiling, eager herself to spend time with Scorpius, looking at Esme."You okay by yourself, or want some company besides the idiot?"She said looking down fondly at the headmaster.

"Oh, Scor wouldn't be that stupid."Daemon said wisely it was almost disturbing to see that much trust in another from a riddle. Smiling a little as he nodded,"Oh he called me that to. It didnt help I was avoiding them all...got me so confused I had no idea what to do but come here."He muttered blushing a little at the admittance that he'd allowed harry to yell at him without kicking his ass. Sitting on his heels as he looked at the chest, stroking his fingers over the soft wood as he studied the picture, tears misting his eyes.His mother had loved him. He smiled sweetly, the small child inside him pleased and happy, the puzzle pieces of his heart shifting, fitting little easier with the undeniable truth that Astoria had loved both her sons. Tucking the picture inside his jacket he tilted his head at the wands, looking thoughtful as he picked up the wand he felt more then knew was made out of african blackwood, with dragon heartstrings and a lock of waterhorse hair. As if even before he was born, he had been destined to be Emerald's rider. The wand looked natural and good in his hand, dark hair tucked behind his ears as he studied the prizes that his mother had seemed to know that he would need some day. Brushing a hand over his eyes he wiped the tears away before getting up swallowing hard. So not about to break down. Malfoys didn't cry, and he was a malfoy in everything but name."I better be going. Do you want to go back to the dining room, or to your rooms?"He said putting everything but the wand and picture back into the chest, shrinking it and tucking it safely in his pocket. The picture tucked in his jacket, close to his heart. The riddle, despite his coldness, wasn't about to give up the touchstone of love and hope. Pushing Draco towards the door he looked at the older man worried still,because he still didn't know about the thing scorpius and draco had set up to make sure he would get all the care he needed."Are you sure you dont want me to be here?"
Scorpius nodded and left with a small sigh as Esme chuckled. "he isn't, everyone knows that. Voldemort's got that boys head so twisted around he doesn't know up from down." she admitted simply. "he never told anyone but me, since i was seeing him for that supposed insecurity, you know when he wouldn't come out of his room?" she asked smiling a little. "well, it was because Voldemort was fucking with his head, has been all of Scorpius's life. he admitted he was gay because Voldemort made him be." she admitted simply. "flirt with him a little, you'll see." she ordered playfully. "and i'll be fine, Harry will be waking up soon and i have no doubt he's going to be in a lot of pain and confused as hell."

Draco chuckled a little. "Scorpius would too be that stupid." he teased smiling a little. "and you should feel so lucky harry wasn't cussing at you, that's how you know he's REALLY pissed off." he admitted smiling a little as he watched the other examining the items in the trunk. "the lock of hair in that wand is from Emerald." he admitted smirking a little. "your mother got it for the man when Voldemort first caught the horse." he admitted simply. "she was the only other person Emerald ever let touch him." he admitted. "i think only because she was pregnant, i'm not sure. used to piss Voldemort off something fierce to see her in his stable grooming him and just chattering at him." he smiled at his son. "no, i want to go out into the gardens." he admitted calmly. "the blossoms are just beginning to bloom and i like to watch them." he admitted calmly. "go on Daemon, Hogwarts needs you more than i do." Draco promised smiling at him. "i will be fine, i have the Elves here to help me." he promised kissing his son's forehead. "go and give Daemon his things."
Shaylin paled a little, shaking with anger.Like her father, it took alot to move her to true anger, but that was just fucked up."I'll see you later. and Daemon'll probably be down here as soon as he gets back."She said smiling at the other woman as she left, pausing a little when she saw Daemon running up the stairs, heading for scorpius's classroom. Looking amused the woman headed back to her own rooms to sort things out before she went to talk to scorpius. She had some thinking to do.

"No he wouldn't."Daemon said backing up his brother, before laughing."I'll have to be careful of that. real cussing is really pissed."he sad mking the mental note, smiling a little as he nodded."That makes sense. Em was responding to me, not her."He said looking thoughtful, smiling a little at the idea of Voldemort being pissed off."You'll let me know if you need anything?"He muttered pushing the blond out to the gardens, brushing a kiss over the blond's hair. It hurt so much to think like the blossoms his father was going to just fade away when it was time.Blinking back tears he smiled."I'll see you later."He said smiling when the man agreed to call him, apparating to the school. Running up the stairs he grinned happily as he swung into the classroom,holding the chest in his arms as he looked at Scorpis's surprised look."Hey."he said setting the box on his desk, looking a little nervous, nudging the box towards him."Father gave me this to give to you...well to share...there's a blanket in there for you...Mother made it before she died..."He said looking nervous, blushing ever so softly at his overreaction to not only victoria being pregnant, but to the touching box of keepsakes.
Esmeralda smiled a little at Shaylin, glad that her ploy had worked. she felt bad for giving away Scorpius's secretes but it was in his best interest and she knew he'd forgive her. she chuckled and went to tend to Harry when the man woke up, groaning pathetically that he didn't care what they did to him, he would never talk, clearly thinking he was being tortured.

he chuckled and nodded. "that and Water-horses are sensitive to pregnant women and innocent beings, they tend not to hurt children in any form." he admitted with a small smile as he gently kissed Daemon's forehead. "i love you Daemon." he assured the other, smiling at him. "i'll see you later." sooner than later really, tomorrow was the first, and everything was ready.Scorpius looked surprised to see his brother back in such good spirits and he grinned a little before looking amazed. "mother?" he asked his eyes filling with shocked tears as he carefully opening the chest and pulled out the blanket with his name on it, snuggling into it happily. "thanks Scor." he muttered smiling at the other. "you should... go see Harry." he admitted with a sheepish grin. "he tried to ride em and got his back broken for it. Esme said he was going to be in quite a bit of pain for a while so at least he'll suffer for his mistake eh?" he teased smirking at his brother before looking shocked at the White Oak wand, his head tilted. "what's this?" he asked picking it up, shuddering as he felt the ingredients, Albino Dragon heart string and a single hair from a mermaiden. "... it feels... so perfect..."
Daemon grinned."Thank father. He's the one that kept it for us."he said, in a good mood before it faded, frowning when he heard harry had been hurt. Shaking his head at the thought he forced himself to not react like he wanted to, and run for the hospital wing."I'll go see him."He said before grinning at Scorpius's reaction to the wand"Mother had a wand crafter create one for each of us."He said showing the man his own wand,"She even had one of Em's hair as the core."he smiled before nodding towards the chest."Will you see that my blanket gets to my room?I'm going to go see the moron."He said wrappign his brother in a hug, in a strangely good mood now that he had a comformation his mother had loved him. Kissing the blond's forehead he flounced out of the room, acting more like scorpius in a mood then the usual dark lord.

Whistling slightly to himself as he swung into the hospital wing, he rolled his eyes as he heard Harry muttering, looking at Esme."Will he know its me if I start yelling at him?"He asked sittning on the edge of the bed, poking harry in the shoulder."Hey moron.Don't ride other people's horses."He teased before glancing at Esme, tilting his head a little."Thank you Esme....I know they've been wanting to know what's wrong...but...thank you."The dark lord said,blushing ever so slightly because it wasn't often that Daemon ever thanked someone, so his willingness to thank her now, was odd but not to out of ordinary. After all, he did care for the other woman, not only because she was Victoria's cousin,but because he really did like her.
Scorpius chuckled a little and nodded. "i'll be sure to thank him then, and i'll get the blanket to your room." he promised smiling a little as he stroked the wand. "be nice to harry ok? he didn't know any better...." he admitted smiling as he leaned into the kiss, glad that Draco had eased Daemon's fears. Esme smiled a little when she watched Daemon walk in. "i have my doubts he will know where he is, he has a heavy concussion and i think he's hallucinating because of it." she admitted calmly, Harry mumbling that Voldemort could do his worst, that he was never going to tell him where Lucius was being held captive, Esme lifting an eyebrow at the Boy Who Lived before snorting. "don't worry about it Daemon, it's my job to keep secretes after all." she admitted smiling at him. "would it help you to know that i am going to be closely monitoring her?" she asked smiling at him. "i am a genius after all." she bragged puffing out her chest self importantly. "but really Daemon... you need to talk to her, she's fretting herself sick." Esme admitted. "and that's bad for her, and for the baby. you really need to assure her that your not going to leave her because her pregnancy charm failed." she chastised him gently. "i'll come and get you when Harry wakes up properly enough for you to scold him." she promised simply, smiling a little. "you just go and comfort your girl."

it was three hours before Esme went and found Daemon to tell him that Harry was well enough to yell at, smiling a little as she led the way back tot he hospital room where Harry was slurping down a smoothie that a House Elf had brought him, smirking at Esme and Daemon, sticking his tongue out at the girl. "Tattle Tale." he complained Esme shrugging. "Scorpius actually told him of your utter idiocy not me, yell at him." she admitted smirking a little as she shook her head. "you just make sure you stay in bed." she ordered. "we don't need that break turning into a shatter." she warned, Harry rolling his eyes. "yes, i know." he stated simply. "i'm not an idiot.. god your worse than Pomfry." he complained, sulking a little.
Daemon smiled softly,"Yes it does."He smiled at Esme, relaxing even more at the idea that yes, victoria was going to be in the best of hands.Yes that his girl would be okay. that he wouldn't get her killed. When esme found him, victoria was sleeping on his chest, and the man was dozing himself. Smiling a little as he excused himself, tucking his girl into the bed with his new blanket before heading down to the hospital wing, rolling his eyes."No one's worse the pomfry. At least according to father."He teased before sitting on the edge of the bed sighing a little."Well, I hadn't expected you to try and climb in the saddle, but Em's a waterhorse, she only accepts one rider, ever.Despite nudging you, he wont let anyone else up on him."He said looking amused before biting his lip."And she's right, Scor told me."he shrugged before tilting his head a little.

"Hey. I know tomorrow's the first day of school, but I have someplace to be."He said fidgeting little, uncomfortable with his visits,but not uncomfortable enough to delay the usually weekly visits. After all, he brought peace to families, so his uncomfortablness could be lived with.But he needed to let harry know that he wouldn't be reachable for most of the day."I wont be reachable, but draco can reach me, with the new dark mark anklet, if I need to come back."
Esme was glad that she found the two lovers curled up into each other, their problems settled, smiling at the blanket, Scorpiu had already threatened to cut Shaylin's fingers off for touching the blanket his mother had touched, both boys very possessive over the things they held most dear, that Dae was willing to share his blanket with Victoria meant more than anyone could ever imagine. "i like to think i AM worse than Ponfry." Esme admitted smirking as Harry rolled his eyes. "you know, i wish Scor had told me that." he admitted looking amused. "of course, i don't beleive he thought me stupid enough to try." he admitted with a small chuckle. "it's fine, i was stupid and deserve the concussion and pain that i am going to be in for the next three hours." Harry admitted before pausing as he looked at the other, watching Esme's face grow deeply worried.

"... why don't you take Harry with you?" she suggested suddenly. "it would make everyone, especially Victoria feel better." she admitted Harry frowning a little. "well, we'll have to move your surprise to the second then, as well as the first of the year speech." Harry admitted smiling a little. "but i can do it if you want me to come with Dae." out of everyone, Esme was sure that Harry would most understand Daemon's need to do what he was doing. "i'll put shay in charge, she'll enjoy that and i know she won't take sides while i'm gone." he admitted grinning a bit. "how's that sound? i'll even promise to stay out of the way." desperate to protect Daemon from whatever danger the man was getting himself into that was making everyone so worried about him.
"You can think you're worse then anyone. you and I know your a sweetheart."Daemon teased the nurse before snickering."No, he probably forgot the waterhorses weren't discovered until AFTER you went missing, and that you wouldn't know not to try."He said looking at the other amused before it faded at Esme's look, twitching a little."Don't give me that look."he grumbled sulking a little because he knew that no one in his life liked that he went to visit gretchen, and that was without knowing what had happened between killer and her final victim.Daemon had been her last, and old enough to fight back.And fight back he had... so much so that she had killed him...but apperciated his fighting so much she'd brought him back. Which was why no one ever got to go with him, because the dark lord and killer shared a bond of sorts, something that he NEVER wanted anyone in his life to know.

Twitching a little he sighed, knowing that he wasn't about to get out of taking harry with him, not with his pregnant girlfriend hovering over him, and school starting.Somehow, it didn't bother him as much to think about Harry going with him then it did scorpius. Then again, he knew Scorpius would kill her if given the chance, Harry wouldn't immediately attack her.... yes it was a twisted relationship,but her final victim felt protective of her."Fine.We'll leave in the morning."He said putting off telling Harry what he was doing, just to see how long it would take the man to get fed up with his evasion and demand to know what was going on.
Esme smirked a little. "yes i am a sweetheart, a cruel, viscous sweetheart." she teased Harry chuckling a little as Esme scowled even more firmly at Daemon. "i WILL give you that look." she growled with a small sniff, Harry chuckling as he shook his head. "Ginny used to give ME that look ALL the time." he admitted with a grin. "it was so upsetting because i knew better than to try and sulk at her." he admitted grinning a little. "eventually i just learned to nod and look apologetic." he admitted with a shake of his head giving Daemon the hint he needed to face Esmeralda's wrath. Harry groaned suddenly as he felt something in his back shift, jerking violently as Esme shook her head. "your not going to want to see this Daemon." she stated calmly carefully pushing him out of the room as Harry made a small, low growling sound of pain. "his bones are starting to shift back into place, it's very painful and he won't scream like he needs to if he things someone else is in the room." she explained softly to Daemon. "he'll be fine by morning and if you leave without him he'll get his revenge in some very interesting ways." Draco had once recounted a horrible story of bright pink hair, purple faces, forced transformations into canaries and itching powder. Draco had never called Hermione a Mudblood after Harry had finished with the blond, and even after Harry and Hermione was gone the word Mudblood never left Draco's lips again.

Esme carefully shoved Daemon out of the room, shut, locked, and silenced the door and left the Dark Lord to his own devices, Scorpius wandering over to him when he saw the other leave. "did you yell at him?" he asked looking amused before his face fell. "i know that look... what's wrong?" he asked looking upset to see his brother upset. "do i need to beat someone up?" small Scorpius was, but he had a damn good right hook. his magic was week, but he could do things to a person that would make them scream for hours with only a drop of magic. for a while it had been a fear that Scorpius was going to be the one to take over Voldemort's reign of terror, but Voldemort had quickly ruined any chance Scorpius had at that little rumor coming true. after all, Scorpius hadn't always been that dull and dumb. "Daemon?"
"Hmmm, you are the least viscous sweetheart I know."Daemon muttered kissing her cheek before he stood."Okay okay I'm leaving. No need to shove me."he growled annoyed at being shoved out of the room even though he knew he had no desire to see harry in pain. And he knew that the man would get him back if he tried to leave without him. He had no desire to be on Harry's bad side, after spending a day with gretchen. That would be annoying. Nearly jumping out of his skin whe Scorpius appeared at his side, smiling slightly as he looked at his brother."No. Esme just invited potter on my...trip tomorrow."He grumbled wincing a little."I'm sorry...I know you had something planned tomorrow...but Gretchen gets annoyed and wont talk for weeks after if I miss a visit..."he said looking uncomfortable and edgy."Anyways. No need to beat her up. And shaylin and you are both in charge until we get tomorrow night."He smiled looking over at his brother.Despite being on the small side, the man was amazing and he would rather be beat to hell then face Scorpius in a real duel. And it made his heart hurt to know that his father had destroyed any chance of Scorpius becoming more.Heading back to their rooms, walking with his brother. It was nice t have a moment alone with him

In the morning though Daemon frowned looking at harry as the headmaster came down the stairs, sulking."You know, you don't have to come with me.You are just recovering, despite Esme saying your fine to go. I'm perfectly capable of getting to Azkaban nd back on my own without you hanging onto me like a puppy."He said mildly, sulking because in a twisted way, he didn't like sharing Gretchen's attentions.
Scorpius smiled a little before looking almost panicked and then worried. "your going to go see her again..." he whispered softly looking upset, but he knew better than to try and stop his brother. "i'm glad Harry is going with you... he'll protect you..." Scorpius admitted smiling a little, upset that he couldn't protect his own family. he wished he could make Gretchen suffer for what she had done, but Daemon would not let him, so Scorpius felt useless. "it's alright, the surprise can wait until you get back." he promised smiling at the other. "it might cheer you up after your visit with.... Her..." he muttered softly before smirking a little. "i get to be in charge? how fun, i'll make all the seventh years stand on one foot and hop!" he chirped with a laugh."or maybe i'll do what Dumbeldore used to do and ramble for hours at them." he smiled and settled his hand into his brothers, something they'd done as children to comfort one another, the only thing Voldemort had allowed was hand holding, mostly because he couldn't see it. "you'll be careful tomorrow? will you be back in time for dinner?"

Harry smiled as he watched the other. "i'm fine, i've been through worse, i lost all the bones in my left hand once." Harry admitted. "and i was stabbed with a Basilisk Fang too, that hurt like all hell. but not so much as the Crucio, that's really the biggest pain in my life." he admitted shaking his head a little. "besides i'm not going for you." he stated simply. "i'm going because Victoria will fret otherwise and as much as i hate her, i don't like seeing her worried." he sighed a little. "i shouldn't dislike her so much i know." he admitted to Daemon. "but... she looks so much like her mother... acts like her at times and i can't help but react to her like she is Fleur." he admitted, wanting to explain to Daemon why he acted so strangely around Victoria. "i intend to hang back, whatever your doing in Azakaban, i don't want anyone in there knowing that i still live." he admitted calmly.
"Hmmm cheering up would be nice."Daemon smiled leaning against his doorframe for a moment, looking amused as he studied his brother. He knew the man hurt because he couldn't protect Daemon but he couldn't walk away."Hmm you could ramble for hours. Then flirt with the teachers, and do all the silly things you want to be."He teased looking at his brother before nodding, squeezing the boy's hand."I'll be careful.And I will be back for dinner."He said even if it was hopeless to try and eat after seeing gretchen, he would come back and pretend to eat."I'll be careful."He promised before pulling away, slipping into the room. He had every intention of taking care of himself.

"Oh, father always found the idea of you getting stabbed by Sarsen, a good story.I have heard all about what pain was caused."He said shuddering a little before sighing. He knew it was for vicoria, before nodding."Dont worry.After you explained...Victoria understands.She really does."He promised before smirking a little."Fine,fine, we'll be okay."He said wrapping a arm through harry's, and apprating to the prison. Pausing as he nodded absently to the guard."Hey Mr. Riddle. Good morning." "It's never a good morning to see her." "Ah, well now, its not that bad.She's been talking about you all morning." "....I'm all she ever talks about."Daemon pointed out walking through, ignoring the guard's look to harry, but the guard didn't protest as Daemon waved him through. If daemon thought it was okay, then surely it was. He knew Gretchen better then anyone. 'ah princeling.Come to visit among the mere mortals?" Gretchen smiled as she stood. the woman was small, dainty even. With wide set eyes and a gentle smile as she faced Daemon, shackled to the table she was sitting at. Daemon rolled his eyes sitting down at the table, looking amused a little as Harry hung back at the door, hidden mostly in the shadows."Not prince. I'm a god among mortals haven't you heard?" "So you are."Gretchen smiled sweetly, "So. Who is your friend?" "One of the other godlings." "Ah dae, you always did know how to mince words."Gretchen said leaning forward, the shackles keeping her from moving to much, but tracing a small light cicle on the back of his hand. The only thing that Daemon was disturbed at the touch was that his sides heaved like a winded horse, but otherwise he looked calm and peaceful."No, I just know that you like the word games, Gretchen. Now. You know why I am here." "For the same reason you always are darling..."Gretchen said leaning forward so that her nose nearly touched his,hovering close, and the dark lord of the world let her,let her touch him, let her pull him into a hug like he never did for anyone but Victoria.
he smiled and nodded. "good, Harry doesn't have to miss the first year speech then." he admitted smiling a little. "i think you'll enjoy it." he admitted chuckling a little...

Harry grimaced a little. "he was pissed when he found out i killed her... i felt bad about it." he admitted. "it wasn't her fault that Voldemort was controlling her." he admitted smiling a little. "i do have a surprise for you though, if you inherited his abilities to speak Parsel." he admitted grinning a little. "i'll show you after dinner, if you don't have a heart attack that is." he teased chuckling a little as they apparated blinking at the guards, checking to make sure his scar was covered. he knew no one knew what he looked like well enough to recognize him without the Scar, so he wanted to make sure. he wondered who 'her' was and he swallowed thickly as he followed, his eyes narrowing a little as he handed the guard his wand. "i don't think i have enough self control." was his only explanation before he settled himself into the shadows, the only thing that Gretchen could see was large emerald green eyes which studied her calmly. he let off a small hiss as she hugged him, but made no other motion or movement or sound, letting him do as he pleased, realizing very quickly why she was there as he carefully pried into the minds of the guards. they'd never know, the thoughts where right there at the top of their minds, he didn't even have to dig. he understood Daemon's need to come there, to find the lives of the children she had stolen, to try and fix her, to bring peace to someone when he had helped destroy so many lives. he turned and left the room, giving the man peace, well aware the guards would let no pain come to Daemon, wandering the halls as he examined the imprisoned, most of them truly evil and insane, deserving to be there. it gave Harry peace to know that there where no innocents in jail, Rose's influence no doubt, Scorpius's too, or maybe Draco.

he joined Daemon at the entrance when one of the guards told him that Daemon was finished with his session with Gretchen, and Harry stood next to Daemon. "... it is a good thing what you are doing Dae." Harry admitted suddenly. "many people have peace now thanks to what your doing." he admitted smiling a little. "i understand why you do this, i wish i had a chance to atone for my sins..." he admitted simply. "come on, it's almost time for the students to start arriving." he admitted looking over at him. "do you need a moment to compose yourself?"
"Hmm you know, I never really tried."Daemon said looking thoughtful at the idea of speaking to snakes, before smiling a little at Harry's words. But the man was quickly forgotten as he faced Gretchen."You're never going to be free of me you know..." "I know."Daemon sighed quietly in pleasure closing his eyes as she nuzzled his neck. His biggest secret, and his worst shame. More then killing his mother, she was his shame. Having marked her last victim, the 16 year old heir to a throne, who's heart had been touched by Gretchen, but not only that, he had touched hers. And so, she'd taken her last victim to her bed, and killed him while she rode his cock to pleasure....then saved him when she realized that she would genuinely miss him. Saved because the insane woman had loved him, which made him wonder about everyone else in his life. Could only messed up people love him?And so, the insane person who thought she was doing good had left her mark on her young lover, so much so that he kept returning, not because of what he could do for the families, but because Daemon's choice of drug was Gretchen's sickening kindness.

When he appeared at the entrance he swallowed hard, looking at the other."...its not so good. don't give me something I'm doing for my own reasons."He shrugged absently lookng slightly amused, because harry understood. Even without knowing everything, Harry said it was okay. Unlike the others who sought to keep him from doing it."Nah, I'm okay. Lets go."He said after a moment before apprating back to the schol, looking as calm as he ever did. Which was the twisted part he always slept like a baby, always was more relaxed after visiting gretchen. Which was disturbing, and he would need help letting go. Victoria hadn't been enough, but maybe, maybe harry would be.
Harry smiled at him. "don't try that with me, i invented that." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head a little and apparated them back to the school. "i'm going to go get changed, you should join the rest of the teachers." he suggested smiling at him as he gently squeezed the others shoulder. "you will be free of her you know, someday." he promised calmly before vanishing up the stairs as the Great Hall flooded with student's of all ages, all chattering excitedly about being in school, finally in school. the teachers where just as Excited, and Harry took his place in front of the students, in front of the podium, beaming at everyone of the children. "Welcome! welcome all to Hogwarts! School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! here we will learn many things, about magic, and about ourselves." he stated calmly smiling at everyone. "here we will make long lasting freinds, rivalries, and we will drive each other to the heights of greatness that the world has not seen in almost a hundred years." Harry explained smiling at them. "forget your ties to the war." he ordered calmly. "there is no war in these halls of learning, there are only children, and knowladge." he explained calmly. "i will not allow fighting in these halls, you all have been given the rules in person from various teachers, please do your best to obey them..." he grinned at them all. "a person is not light, or dark, a person is a person and they have hopes, dreams, and potential to be the greatest person that they can be."

he turned to the teachers. "to help you with your schooling is..." he went through the list of teachers, giving their name and their class and then he turned to the students again. "i know many of you have seen a great many painful things... things that cannot be forgotten and things that hurt deep inside, so i have also gotten you all a Guidance Councillor, someone who you can talk to without fear of your secretes being spread. please welcome Draco Malfoy, and feel free to talk to him anytime you need." he ordered indicating Draco, who was wheeled into the room by a house elf, the blond nodding to everyone before flashing Daemon a small grin. it was no wonder Scorpius hadn't been worried about leaving his father home alone... he'd known Draco was going to stay at Hogwarts all along!
Daemon smiled a little nodding as he glanced after harry as the man left him."I wish I could be."He muttered shuddering a little as he headed into the great hall, lounging in his seat looking thoughtful as he listened to Harry talking. Not really paying attention as he watched the kids and teachers, wanting to see what everyone was thinking. Yelping a little as he straightened at the sound of Draco's name, nearly falling out of his seat as he saw them."W-what?"He said choking a little looking so shocked and surprised that the students started laughing at the sight of Daemon's reaction. Victoria laughed softly leaning over to her lover, patting him on the arm."See?All that useless worry, and you're going to be here with him."She teased nudging him, looking amused as she kissed his cheek.

Shaylin laughed as she leaned over to look at Scorpius, looking amused."No wonder you agreed to teach. You expected to bring him here. That's not nice to let Daemon worry."She scolded lightly, poking him in the side as she starte eting. Trying very hard not to think about where the headmaster and dark lord had been all day. Not all the world knew, but she was scorpius's friend, and as such she knew just how much Scorpius beat himself up over not being able to stop his little brother from going to the jail no matter how much he wanted to. "He's fine Scor. And he'll probably talk to your father to.As much as he ever did."Shaylin said still looking concerned, because she didn't want to upset daemon or scorpius.
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