Dark's Hold

Draco chuckled a little. "you are a restless child." he teased his son, shaking his head a little before watching as Harry started choking on his foot, Scorpios leaping to his feet, clearly thinking to give Harry aid in coughing up his food, Harry looking astonished. "si... Sirius... had a daughter!? but... but he died... in my sixth year he can't have a daughter!" he protested looking astonished as he looked at them all. "i mean... she's... got to be old!" unfortunately, harry was wrong, Sirius had been brought back out of the veil after Harry had been gone for fifty years, using ancient magic, so Sirius's daughter was only in her late twenties like everyone else. "he had a DAUGHTER!?" Harry demanded again, clearly shell shocked beyond all belief. "a freaken DAUGHTER!?" he demanded Draco chuckling a little as he quickly explained to harry what had happened with the Veil.

Harry nodded a little. "alright, so we'll all combine out magic, invite Hugo and Rose to add theirs in so no one complains about only Dark wizards controlling the Ward and it should be strong enough to survive any attack." he admitted with a small grin as Scorpions beamed at his brothers compliment, he didn't get them often. "i knew you where a good guy." he teased Daemon with a lopsided grin. "the room of requirement, aah now those are some fond memories." "you spent most of your time in there fucking." Draco complained sourly, Harry smirking. "your just annoyed because Astoria wouldn't give you any." Harry teased Draco who scoffed. "i wasn't a whore." "i was." Harry admitted with a smirk. "and damn proud of it too." he admitted leaning back in his chair happily. "and fully intending on continuing my rein of terror, there's aaall kinds of fresh blood in diagon alley these days." he purred with a small little snicker. "you sicken me." draco complained, Harry shrugging a little as he pulled out a cigarette. "don't smoke that in here you ass hole!" "what!? there's no tobacco in it, it's just nicotine it won't hurt anyone." "now your just TRYING to piss me off!" "yes, yes i am, it brings color back in your cheeks, your too pale." Harry complained, draco looking startled by that.

"yes, i have plans for quidditch." Scorpius promised interrupting Harry and draco, well aware the two would go on all day if given the chance. "we'll have four teams, but the students will get to decide which one they want to be on, cut out the house thing entirely." he admitted. "i already have the four quidditch captains chosen, as well as head boys and girls, prefects, and dueling captains." "oooh dueling, that's a good idea, we weren't allowed to duel in my day, it would have saved a lot of lives." he admitted pondering. "alright so what other clubs?" "chess of course, gobstoppers, trading cards, muggle things like soccer, which they can play on the quidditch field, we're going to have a horse stable with magical and mundane horses..." "oooh again good ideas! it will be good for the wizards to get in some physical activities now and again. we should have a fencing and a hand to hand club too, Karate or something like that. "..ka...ra..ta?" Scorpius asked looking baffled harry chuckling. "it's a muggle dueling, it's hand to hand fighting, no weapons, only your body, a good thing to know in case you find yourself wandless." "oooh we should make that a required lesson, it will be good for the students to get some exercise." "agreed." Scorpius and Harry where bouncing idea's off each other so fast it was almost impossible to keep up with them.

Draco cleared his throat and both boys paused before Harry blushed again, coughing into his hand. "sorry..." he muttered simply before standing up and clapping his hands. "meet you there shall i? i have things to gather before you people see my secrete hidey holes!" he teased smirking as he rushed over to the fire and vanished into green flames, Scorpius snickering a little. "well, at least we know he's serious about all of this, we know he has the children's well being in mind." he admitted smiling at Daemon. "i think he's going to make a great headmaster, he's so excited!" "the last time i saw Harry this excited, he'd been offered a professional quidditch job." Draco admitted simply. not only was Harry the youngest Hogwarts quidditch player, but he was also the world wide, beginning his professional quidditch tour at the ripe age of seventeen, though he'd gotten injured at nineteen and had to quit because of extensive damage that no one ever explained, not even Harry. "he really is excited to be doing this Dae, you really don't have to worry about him doing a bad job or taking sides on the children, he's fair to the point he'll even tell his freinds their in the wrong if he has to. i know, i've seen him do it."

(ok, i give up... whats the answer to the riddle? i've been thinking on it and thinking on it and i just can't think of anything that breaks and falls but doesn't and UGH!)
"Yes a daughter."Daemon said snickering a little, making a mental note to send a letter to Cara, knowing that daughter was like father, and that cara would want to pounce on harry like the overeager puppy she was. Don;t get him wrong, he did enjoy his time with his cousin, but she exhausted him,even if he was just with her for a little idea. Brought out of his thoughts at the mention of astoria he winced a little, rubbing his shoulder, for a moment the tiger pouncing on the dragon, crushing the tattooed dragon into pieces before the fight started again. The thought of his mother broke him, so much that the goodness that touched his soul nearly broke him on the guilt of causing her death. Rolling his eyes at the two's argument he smiled."You let me smoke in here."Daemon pointed out pulling out his own pack as he stood shaking his head.

So glad that someone had a idea of what to do with qudditch. "Dueling is fun.And helpful."He said, remembering reading about a time when dueling had been banned under Dumbledore's rules. But for him, and the older pureblood lines, believed that everyone would benefit from the code of honor instilled in duelists. Looking amused as he watched his brother and harry go on and on about what they wanted to do, already starting to mentally rearrange things so that there would be enough time to do things. and adding a side note to move Emerald into the school stables, the dark green pegasus his own personal horse, the rare pegasus his 20th birthday gift from Voldemort, who had claimed the horse as soon as he'd found it, as a trophy. Having not expected his son to fall in love with the beautiful animal. Straightening his clothes he smiled little because he liked the idea of muggle hand fighting, harry was right it would be a good thing to know. Him and Scorpius had been trained in fencing, but it would be good to be able to fist fight better if it got down and dirty.

When Harry left Daemon laughed standing,"I know,and Im not worried about him. Its the rest of them I don't trust."he grumbled heading for the door."I need to get dressed. So not showing up in front of weasley's in my pj's."He growled looking amused though. Detouring to the owlry long enough to send a letter to hugo and rose before going to change and get ready to go. After a quick goodbye Daemon smiled a little as the three younger people apparated to hogwarts, leaving a house elf in charge of draco, with explicit instructions to come get them if he needed help.

"potter?"Daemon called as they stepped through the front entrance way, looking slightly concerned as he looked around for the man, nearly jumping out of his skin when Rose's voice echoed through the empty space."Good morning, Riddle." "Daemon."Daemon corrected rolling his eyes a little as Victoria freed himself from his arm around her shoulders, heading for her cousins. The three talking quietly as Daemon looked around for harry. Wondering where in the world the man could have wandered off to.
Draco scowled at Daemon. "no, i bitch at you." Draco complained about Daemon's smoking. "you just ignore me!" Harry snickered a little as he lit up his cigarette taking a deep inhale and blowing it away from the table, knowing that even without the bad stuff the others at the table would not appreciate it. "i suppose we're all going to have to get around to buying some horses." Harry mused suddenly, Scorpius smiling. "i already have, and i looked them all over myself." "Scorpius is very good with horses." draco promised, Harry nodding. "i'll trust your judgement on the matter then." Harry promised Scorpius. "miss black is going to be the riding professor, she's just amazing with horses." "hey, before i forget, what's the rule on Animagi?" animagi no longer had to be listed unless they where going to be sent to prison, and then they where forced to reveal their forms if they had one. "i'll hunt around for a good Karate or Judo instructor." harry promised. "no offense to you guys but i'd rather find that one myself, someone who can be trusted around magic but knows how to handle various aged children without being too overbearing... hell that's hard enough finding one without the magic." he grumbled shaking his head a little before he vanished to go to the school and contemplate who he might get for the hand to hand, his own sensei was dead by now, but he bet there where descendants...

Harry suddenly was behind Daemon. "you rang?" he asked smirking as Daemon nearly crawled out of his skin. "sorry about that, i was checking one of the secrete tunnels." "secrete tunnels?" Teddy asked walking into the hall after Rose and Hugo, Harry grinning at Teddy. "back in my day no one knew this school better than me." Harry admitted with a grin. "and i intend to keep it that way, most of these secrete tunnels are very dangerous, i don't want student's to stumble in there and get hurt." he admitted calmly ignoring the fact that he was covered in dust and rubble and spiderwebs. "good morning Rose, Hugo, Ted, glad you guys could join us for the raising of the new wards, can't have just anyone getting in and i'm not sure how strong my magic is these days." he admitted simply. "i hear you two are teaching at the school as well? what are you teaching?" "Creature studies, i'll be teaching about so called 'half breeds' werewolves, vampires, goblins and centaurs." Teddy admitted grinning a little, Harry nodding. "that's a good idea, i suppose that was your idea Teddy?" "well... no actually, Daemon asked me to teach." actually Scorpius had suggested Teddy as a teacher but Teddy didn't need to know that.

"so, since both dark and light people are going to be teaching here together, i want to have a meeting with ALL the teachers before school starts." he admitted simply. "to make them understand that taking sides, which Dumbledore allowed, will NOT be tolerated." he growled facing Rose and Hugo before turning to Daemon and Scorpius. "from ANYONE." he turned and headed for the entrance. "let's raise the wards." he chirped simply grinning a little. "oh and good news, the Room of Requirement still works." he admitted waving his map. "i have the very school in my hands." he purred happily with a small chuckle as Teddy paused. "... why does that sound like a bad thing?" he asked nervously watching Harry, the boy chuckling as he winked at them all. "there shall be no secretes from ME!" he had added his own little twist to the map, and now he could not only tell what people where doing, but if he tapped the dot and said the right words, he could also see what they where saying, which had been perfect for finding traitors in the school. now it would be perfect in keeping control of the various teachers, and students so that no problems rose from favoritism or worse, negative feelings. he would not let anyone do what Snape had done to him, no way, that was just unnecessarily cruel. he was going to have to find a proper way of punishing teachers who broke the rules though... he's talk to Draco about it.
"No rules. Only if your arrested. Which, I hope you can avoid."Daemon teased, lookig amused as he looked over at the wizard."No offense taken. We know our limits."Daemon said snickering a little as he looked over at his father, amused to see the man so relaxed and happy. While he knew he was...okay with kids, he didn't trust himself well enough to judge a person well enough to know if they'd be good with kids. Which was why he had had scorpius and draco go over the list of teachers to make sure he'd chosen well."

Daemon growled but bearly otherwise acknowledged the headmaster's sudden appearance. If nothing else, maybe the world would start seeing him as human if he jumped out of his skin every time harry pounced on him. Not that he was thinking that, it was more along the thought process of putting a damned bell on the man to keep him from sneaking up. Rolling his eyes he sighed."Good. At least you'll be able to keep track of everyone."Daemon said in response to the man knowing the school better then anyone. Rose smiled, "I'm teaching potions, I tried to get Scorpius to do it, he's always been better, but we've decided to split the teaching to lab and lecture, since he's also helping Daemon with things."Rose said nodding towards the malfoy heir. After all, she could get along with them, even if she kept expecting them to turn on them. She'd just have to wait and see what the men were really up to. Not really believing they just had the good of the children at heart."I'm teaching flying. Father always said the only person he'd seen be more natural on a broom, was you."Hugo said sounding amused and happy.

"It's probably a very bad thing,but since I gave him the schoool..."Daemon said more amused then actually worried.He knew harry would keep things in control, even if he didn't show his faith well that the other would be able to keep the light and dark teachers from tearing each other apart."Are we going to stand around all day?I sent letters to the others, assuming that you would want to meet with them,and they should be here in a few hours. I'd like to have the wards up by then."The dark lord said looking amusedglad that he had been able to predict the man well enough to know that the headmaster would want to get a look at his teachers before they were starting school. Rubbing a hand over his face he looked at Scorpius, while he knew the basics of warding, his brother was the one to ask."Your turn, to be a showoff."The younger smirked a little shoving his shoulder, feeling more relaxed now that they were all spending time together and weren't fighting. Maybe there was hope for this yet.

As they headed outside to start the wards, which would require taking down the ones protecting it right now, he slowed to walk beside Harry as rose and Victoria engaged in a conversation that sounded to hyper to be part of."Find anything I should know i the school?"He asked, wondering if there was any truly dangerous areas that he should totally ward off. The worry not for himself and the dangers things could lead to, but for the kids who would be in the school showing on his face for a moment before it was hidden. Despite being raised by Draco, he was more open about his emotions, even if they were hid quickly.But there was no mistaking the soft smile on his face as he watched his girl walking in front of him. That look that was both real love and love struck allure.
Harry nodded. "please, i've never been arrested in my life." "bullshit." Draco stated with a smirk. "you where arrested in fifth year.." "no, i was ALMOST Expelled because jackasses like your father and the minister wouldn't admit to Voldemort being back and that hog nosed bitch sent dementors after me." ".,.. she did!?" Draco asked looking shocked. "i never knew that." "neither did the minister but it's one of the reasons why Cornelius got sacked." Harry admitted simply with a small chuckle. "that man was a moron..." he looked at Draco curiously, wondering what he was going to do with both his son's gone and no one there to take care of him, not realizing that Scorpius and Draco already had that accounted for. not that Daemon knew, Draco liked surprising his son, whether this was a good surprise or a bad Draco wasn't sure, but it would be amusing nonetheless. Harry was glad to see Daemon at least a little unnerved by his sudden appearance in the halls and he nodded in response to the 'probobly a bad thing' comment. "please, even if i didn't have the school id be running it before long." he teased chuckling a little.

"Daemon, you really do think of everything don't you?" Teddy asked suddenly, looking amused, he could trust Harry's judgment for now, Lupin had told Teddy stories about Harry, how so many people had tried to fool or take advantage of him, after Lupin and Sirius in third year, and the incident in fifth, Harry was never taken for a fool again. Ted was certain that Daemon could not be fooling Harry, so he was willing to give Daemon a chance, for now anyway. Scorpius smirked a little as he was promised his chance to show off and effortlessly broke down the remaining wards before he held out his hands, Harry grabbing one, Teddy grabbing the other, waiting for everyone else to combine hands, the best way to raise new wards was to have one person in control of the borrowed magic to weave it together, Scorpius was by far the best at this, so Harry lent him a great deal of power, Teddy following suit, Scorpius waiting for the rest of the magic before winding it together, closing his his eyes he started braiding, and then weaving, the wards slowly rising, encasing the entire castle, top and bottom in a giant bubble before the magic ran out the the wards where set as strong as diamond, Scorpius groaning as he sagged, Harry and Teddy the only ones close enough to catch him, both of them gently easing Scorpius to the ground. "rest Scorpius, you did a wonderful job." harry ordered smiling at the blond looking up at Daemon. "he needs to get to bed." he knew the Dark lord was the only person who Scorpius would trust in his weakened state.

"i need the Key to the wards Scorpius, your too week to modify them..." Harry stated calmly, looking worried about the blond who smiled and nodded. "yes, i know..." Scorpius muttered, reaching into Harry's magic, and giving him the Key to the wards. "as headmaster, you are to have the Key anyway.." he admitted yawning a little. "i'm just going to...mmm take a nap..." he mumbled softly as Harry chuckled a little leaning down as Scorpius indicated him lower, whispering something in Harry's ear, the long haired brunette looking astonished, blinking at Scor who smirked, Harry laughing. "i'll be sure to scor." he promised before standing up and setting his hand on the wards, the bubble so strong he could physically touch it. he quickly altered the wards, tuning them so that people could walk through, but couldn't apparate in or out. "there, the wards are set." Harry stated simply smiling a little as he shook his head. "people can't just apparate in or out now, they have to walk in, just like before. i'm thinking of adding other rules to the ward, but i'm not entirely sure how to go about it." he admitted calmly. "i'll have to talk to Scorpius when he gets some rest." he admitted. "lets head inside and wait for the other teachers."

Harry walked back into the school, leaving Scorpius to Daemon as he cleaned himself using magic and waited for everyone to show up. once they where all in he joined them in the great Hall, watching everyone, looking over the list of teachers and classes, amazed at how balanced it was, just as many dark classes as there where light, most of them neutral like potions and history, who was being taught by someone who wouldn't take sides and would teach both halves of the wars equally. "good everyone is here, welcome to Hogwarts everyone. i am the Headmaster, Harry Potter." everyone who had not been aware already, gasped as they heard his name, their eyes wide in astonishment. "yes yes i know i'm supposed to be dead blah blah blah, fighting the war blah blah blah." harry shook his head. "no, i'm not dead, simply hurtled through time curtsey of Voldemort." he sighed when everyone winced. "joy..." he muttered softly. "look, i am going to lay down the law right here and now. these are children we are going to be teaching, some of them young, some of them old, they need to be taught how to survive, not how to fight. their home lives are probobly terrible, and i won't have anyone here upsetting them in any way." he ordered. "i will be keeping a very close eye on you, on ALL of you, and if i see you playing favorites with any of the students, light or dark, you will be punished, severely."

he paused and then sighed. "these are children, not pawns of war and we need to treat them as such, i will not let this place become the corrupt War Drafting place it once was during Dumbledore's Days." "... what are you saying!?" one of the light teachers demanded, horrified, Harry fixing his emerald eyes on her. "did you never think it odd that i, at only eleven years old had already faced, and beat Voldemort?" the light supporters hesitated. "he was using the school as a way to manipulate children into joining the war, and of brow beating the dark children into submission. and i will not allow that to happen this time." Harry stated sternly. "anyone caught brow beating any child, will face my personal wrath, if it's one thing i can't stand, it's abuse of a child in any form." one of the dark supporters scowled. "why, just because you where abused as a child doesn't mean that everyone is going to..." he made a strange sound as utterly furious green eyes settled on him. "... what did you just say?" Harry demanded, his voice deceptively calm. ".... nothing..." the teacher, the Dark curses teacher as Harry read on his cheat sheet. "...you don't know... do you?" one of the light supporters asked softly. "about the book." "...what book?"
"Of course I think of anything."Daemon said arrogantly, looking amused. Arrogance was inbred enough into the man that if he was truthful with himself, he saw the world as his playground, made just for him. And maybe Scorpius if he was feeling generous in sharing. Rose and hugo winced a little before taking the dark lord's hands,both looking tired after the wards were set,but not as tired as Scorpius. Both looking about ready to fuss over the blond, but Daemon got to him first."Do you want help?"Victoria asked making sure Daemon had Scorpius settled into his arms before he stood up."No,I'll get him up to his rooms. Then be down for the meeting."Daemon said looking amused and poking his brother in the side as they walked, looking down at the sweetly almost sleeping blond.

"What did you say to him?"He asked looking curious, also making a note to ask harry about apparating. He understood not wanting everyone to apparate in and out but he'd be coming and going enough he didn't want to have to keep walking back and forth.But for the moment, having seen the look the two had shared, he wanted to know.And didn't understand the itchy feeling that contracted his heart at the sight of the two having something private. Walking silently through the castle he smiled a little as he heard the pictures whispering, it seemed that even if he didn't look exactly like his father, he looked enough like Tom riddle to send the ancient pictures into a tizzy."Scor?You want a potion?"He asked nudging open the potion master's suite, having moved the whole potions lab and room upstairs, so it was no longer in the dark dungeons. The suite, like the classroom, was brightly lit and roomy. With Rose's rooms across the hall. Despite light and dark teachers not exactly getting along, he had placed hte teachers with similar subjects with rooms and classrooms close by, so that if they wanted to do a group class they could. Absently making a mental note to tell harry that he settled Scorpius into bed, tucking him in."Sleep. I'll talk to you when I get back."He muttered brushing a soft kiss to the blond's forehead.

Daemon walked silently and cloaked in harry's invisblity cloak-having gotten it from draco when the man had disappeared, and the blond had stolen t before voldemort could.-watching the scene as he leaned back against the wall. A near silent growl escaping at the fight starting pushing away from the wall he was leaning on, dropping the cloak onto the back of harry's chair as he looked at the others."No he doesn't. I was waiting for a apporiate time to tell him, Raines. In the middle of a meeting is not the place, nor is it to question why he is setting the abuse rules, only that he is."Daemon said ignoring Rose's soft sound of distress as she wanted to make the shocked look form Harry's face go away. And knowing that the dark lord was working himself into a fine temper, the weasley wanted to head it off."Dae-" "No."The man raised a hand to stop the girl's words."This is not about the past. The moment you walk through those doors, forget everything you know about the war and recruting peope to your side. Because if you try to persuade children to your side, any of you, there'll come a day when you walk into a dueling ring and I'll be waiting. But...I didn't come to threaten you."The man sighed tiredly rubbing his hands over his face,"This was not how I had hoped this meeting would go."he muttered sagging a little as he smiled apologetically at harry."Sorry...do you want me to leave, so you can go back to what you were doing?"
Harry smiled at Daemon as he picked up his limp brother, Scorpius smiling as he rested his head on Daemon's shoulder. "i can't tell you, it's a secrete." he teased his brother, smirking a little. "you'll know on the first day of school." he promised chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "don't worry, i think you'll like the surprise." he promised. "Harry sure is handsome isn't he? do you think he'd settle down long enough to ever do more than just fuck?" at least Scorpius understood that his chances with Harry where slim, so it was just a little 'school boy' crush, which Scorpius had a great many of. "i would like a potion yes." he admitted drinking it down when it was given to him, smiling at Daemon with a happy smile. "try not to kill someone alright Dae?" he teased smiling a little. "you know Harry's going to want his cloak back?" he teased when he saw the other wrap himself up in it.

Harry was looking stunned as he realized there was a book, all about his being abused, swallowing thickly as he sat down in a chair, everyone fidgeting nervously as the Dark Lord bitched them out. Harry looked up at Daemon and shook his head. "no, stay, your going to be teaching here too, or at least living here... you need to hear this too." Harry admitted getting back to his feet. "and i want a copy of that damn book... the author had better be fucking dead too." he ordered with a growl, everyone nodding. "yeah, she's dead, i beleive Ron Weasley took her out." "slowly." "painfully." they all knew Ron had only scared the woman, but they knew better than to tell Harry that she had died of natural causes. "good." Harry grumbled as he looked around the room. "in these walls, my word, is law." he stated firmly his eyes furious. "recruiting or bullying children is strictly forbidden." he snarled. "inner fighting is forbidden. i don't give a shit if your light or dark, in these walls, there is no war and you will act as such am i understood!?" he demanded his eyes utterly furious as everyone nodded. "good! then i suggest you get out of your War robes and into your teaching ones." he ordered with a snap, everyone looking shocked. "we... can't wear our robes?" he asked indicating his light, and then Daemon's black robes. "no you may not, they are a part of the war and will not be allowed." Harry stated simply. "i will see you again on the first." he stated. "i suggest you come to terms with the rules ladies and gentlemen.... and if anyone ever brings up my childhood again... i will have you wishing you where dead." he stated sweeping out of the room, so furious he hadn't even noticed his invisibility robe.

Harry went straight for the Library, demanding one of the house elves find the book, and he settled down to read it, glaring at anyone who dared try to speak to him until they left, reading the book cover to cover before closing it with a small sigh. "... the worst part about it... is that everything in here is true." he admitted to Scorpius who had gotten up and was watching Harry read silently, he had his suspicions that Daemon was in there somewhere too, hiding out of sight so Harry didn't try to hit him. Harry covered his face in his hands. "i spent my entire life, hiding this secrete from everyone and now my entire horrible fucking life is in a goddamn BOOK!" Harry roared, flinging the book across the room, watching it strike the opposite wall before sighing and slumping into his chair. "Hermione would be complaining right now about mistreating a book." he grumbled softly closing his eyes. "is everyone gone?" "most everyone, yes, they had to go buy new robes.... i think you scared them..." "good... they should be scared of me... i wasn't kidding about making them wish they where dead if they mistreated a child..."
Daemon smiled a little looking at his brother amused."Hmm he might.Though considering your a malfoy,probably not."He muttered amused at his brother's crush, brushing his hair out of his face, knowing the cloak would be bothersome to the potter, and one of the main reasons he'd brought it with him."I know,and it should be his...I'll just keeping it safe."Daemn grinned as he ducked out of the room, genuninely pleased with his reasonings for having the cloak. Whistling and trying not to worry about what scorpius had planned for the first day of school.

Daemon sighed as he was ordered to stay, amused that no one wanted to tell Harry that the author hadn't been killed. He wasn't about to correct the thing though, since it would only upset harry to know she hadn't been punished.He tilted his head as he smiled a little as the dark supporters glanced at him."If you think I'm going to gainsay his rulings, your sadly mistaken.I put him here for the children, and if you cross that line, your going to find that anyone powerful enough to stop him, WONT stop him."He said shrugging a little before looking at his own robes, sniffing a little."These are normal dress robes, not the fashion statement of my rank.I'm not changing my whole wardrobe, father'd have my hideif I told him that."He said looking amused, because everyone in the world knew that the dark lord detested shopping and would rather cut off his own hand then to shop for himself. So to buy things meant that either draco or scorpius would have to go for things, and neither where in the mindframe to do that. Not with draco sick. A small smirk quirking his lips."But the rest of you don't have that excuse."He said teasing, enjoying the shock on the light supporters faces as they realized that yes he was joking, and that he was enjoying seeing the two sides working together. Picking up the robe after harry left, he swept out of the room, leaving the teachers to talk amongst themselves.

"So is mine. So is draco's.So is everyone's who got involved. I meant to tell you, I hadn't thought they'd bring it up before I had a chance."Daemon said from where he was sitting on the other side of the bookcase, indeed he was sulking as to not get hit with a book, not that he was afraid perse he just didnt want bruised. And that the hiding managed to hide his shame,at least in his voice, if not from his face. Any book that held his own life story, and his father's, contained how Astoria had ended, and the only thing the dark lord really regretted, was the one thing that he really had no control over."Hermione used to have a spell that made the book scream at you if you threw it. Father made us have it when we kept throwing our school books. Remember scor?"Daemon said from his comfortable hiding spot around the corner, lounging back on a couch as he waited for harry to calm down enough to not hit him with a book when he walked around.
Harry smirked a little as he watched everyone realize that in the halls of Hogwarts Harry was paramount to God, because they didn't have the power or resources to stand up against him, and the people who could, namely rose, Daemon, and the Malfoy's, wouldn't stop him if he decided to follow up on his threat. "Daemon, i highly doubt you would lower yourself to wearing robes of rank." Harry stated simply, Teddy snickering a little, enjoying the show of power that Harry was giving. Teddy was light, but he had the same sadistic tendencies of any werewolf. Harry looked up at Daemon when the other walked in and he sighed a little, shaking his head. "Draco must have been furious, he was pretty abused as a child too, Lucius was cruel." he admitted simply, shaking his head. "Voldemort even more so." he admitted sighing a little. "i know you would have told me.." Harry admitted closing his eyes. "i wasn't ready to know..." he admitted tears trickling out of his eyes, Scorpius gently wiping them away, making Harry chuckle. "thank you Scor... you remind me of your father... Draco always hated to see people cry." he admitted wiping his own eyes now.

"that sounds like Hermione." he admitted looking amused. "i bet she had her entire library spelled." and every book she ever wrote too. "why are you hiding back there anyway Daemon? afraid i'll throw books at you?" he teased smiling a little. "i would never." he teased chuckling a little. "if anything i'd throw it at the person who deserves it... Draco." he chirped playfully Scorpius snickering a little. "so you still blame father for everything?" Scorpius asked. remembering how his father used to bitch constantly that he was blamed for everything. "of course, it is always Draco's fault, even when he had nothing to do with it." Harry admitted with a small chuckle as he closed his eyes. "tell me, Scorpius, is there a way to alter the wards to refuse certain active spells?" "well... it's a very complicated setting but yes... i suppose so why?" "i want to make it so that the Impirio spell cannot be activated within the wards, and that anyone under it's effects would be released from it." he admitted. "i knew too many students who where under Impirio in my day, making them do things they didn't want to do... i won't have the same happen here." "that's a good idea, i'll show you how to do it. i don't know if it will work on certain spells, but it might work on Impirio."

Harry nodded a little and bit his lip a little and shook his head. "the first is in a week... we have a lot to do." Harry admitted simply as he looked over the list of teachers and what they would be teaching. "Cera black..." he muttered softly to himself, Rose and Hugo Weasley, Teddy Lupin, Shaylin Snape? snape actually had offspring?" he asked looking amused. "that greasy old git?" he asked shaking his head a little. "it's like everyone from my past is here... just in new forms." he admitted sighing a little. "this is going to be, a very long few months..." he admitted closing his eyes. "i'm not so sure i'm all that ready for this..."
"Oh good,I'm glad that you understand me."Daemon said snickering a little, sharing a smirk with teddy. Amused because despite everything, would get along. Daemon was quiet as harry talked, resting his head back on the arm of the couch, closing his eyes."Not hiding. I would never hide.I'm just letting Scorpius be front and center because I know you two are sharing secrets."Daemon teased smiling a little because he knew about his brother's crushes, and how things could be for the blond. He needed to date, and despite the blond's thing for men, Daemon had a secret. He was pretty sure the blond was in love with Shaylin,but he had no way of telling him without having Scorpius thinking he was prying into his life. Which he was, but scorpius would be offended if his younger brother was playing matchmaker."Not hiding, just being cautious. Like all good dark lords, I don't go sticking my head in danger."

Smirking a little he sighed,"Also, I would like to be able to apparate in and out. Seeing as I'm only living here, and not teaching, I would like the ability to come and go as I please, instead of having to walk outside to apparate."Daemon reasoned smiling a little."Oh, and Scor?Did you figure out the spell for the dark marks?"he called. While he had no intention of tattooing his followers, he would like to know the spell that made them work, because he could use it for something else."Voldemort never told me the spell he was picky with what he shared with me."He said before harry could ask why he hadn't known. "Yes, it should work.And if it doesn't, there is a spell to force it to show. We can't build the spell as a whole,but we could test them every few days...if Scorpius can't get it to the wards.But I have faith in Scor's skills."He mused mostly to himself.

"He married Pansy, as disturbing as that thought is. But for some reason, they were well suited. And Shay's prettier then her mother.And alot less annoying."Daemon shuddered a little, amused because harry seemed so upset. Getting up he walked around the corner of the bookshelf, looking indecisive-something he hardly ever was-before he sat down across from him, rubbing a hand over his face."There's been longer months. And it wont be so bad.We'll be here, and if you can't handle it, I'm sure between me and Scorpius, plus draco,can be headmaster."He sighed softly, yelping as a book hit him in the back of the head. The books that hermione had written, or donated had a tendency to fall off the shelf if they thought the person near them could use their advice. Frowning as he reached down he rubbed his head picking up the book,frowning at the title,but refusing to let the other two see what it was."Hermione was demented, I swear. Her damned books are know it alls."he grumbled.
Harry chuckled a little. "it's a good secrete Daemon of that i'm sure." he teased smirking a little. "and even Voldemort hid. " he paused. "well, maybe that's not the best example, your ten times the man Voldemort was... ok, maybe not hiding but certainly not being brave either." he teased smirking as he teased the Dark Lord, shaking his head. "i should learn not to stick my head into danger, the world would be better for it i think." Harry admitted with a small yawn. "and alright, i guess you can Apparate in or out, but only you, anyone else you try to bring in with you will bounce off the wards and half to walk in, and they will alert me when you come in." he stated simply. "and that's the only way i'll do it so don't argue with me on it. i might be neutral but i'm still a paranoid son of a bitch." he admitted looking a little amused before tensing at the mention of the Dark marks. "yes i have them figured out, it was astonishingly easy, Voldemort was brilliant but his spell work was simple, he was lazy and took a lot of short cuts." Scorpius admitted. "i can even remove the one from Draco and my arms if you would like." he teased, baring his arm, to reveal that he already had.

"... what do you want with the spell?" Harry demanded, wide eyed. "are you intending on controlling your followers in the same way?" Harry knew that the tattoo's held certain compulsion spells that made the dark followers a little more dark, in some cases it drove the wearer crazy, as had happened to Belltrix and Fenrir and other various dark followers. "he...married.... i think i might be sick..." Harry admitted his eye twitching madly. "at least the little whore got over her obsession with Draco." he grumbled shaking his head as he leaned back in his chair, smirking as Hermione was mentioned. "aaaw how sweet, she spelled her books to beam anyone who bad mouths me in the head." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. "no, i am headmaster, i refuse to give that title up, but everyone's going to be fighting me every step of the way until i find a way to punish them." "strip their magic or something." Scorpius stated with a shrug. "your strong enough for it, just strip them of their magic for a day." Harry stared at Scorpius for a moment before a wicked little smirk spread across his face. "oh yesss that's perfect." Harry purred rubbing his hands together. "just perfect. good call Scor." he chirped, Scorpius practically beaming at the compliment.

"if you don't mind though Scor, me and Dae need a moment to talk alone?" he asked hopefully, Scorpius's face falling but nodding. "oh, of course, i'll go set up my lecture hall." he promised scuttling off, Harry sighing a little as he looked at Dae. "you know i was joking about taking him to bed right?" he asked looking a little worried. "... he fancies himself in love with me... doesn't he?" he asked biting his lip as he saw Daemon's face. it was all the answer he needed. "damn it all... i was never good at shit like this... he's a good guy, wonderful in fact.... how do i break his heart without... breaking his heart!?" he demanded looking at Daemon. "i'm not... good, at relationship stuff..." Harry admitted setting a hand on his forehead and shaking his head. "... can nothing in my life ever be simple, even after death?" he complained shaking his head a little. "so what's with Hermione's books smacking you in the...uhng..." a book flew off the shelf and smacked Harry in the side of the head, making him shake his head and scowl as he picked it up. ".. love for the loveless? what the hell Hermione!?"
"...You know, you're not easy with the words potter."Daemon teased looking amused at Harry's tongue tied words before shrugging a little."That's fine. I wasn't going to argue, I just don't want to be trapped if something is seriously going wrong somewhere else."Daemon said looking thoughtful, before waving a hand."Go ahead. Remove draco's.And write up the spells for me later wont you?"He said looking at his brother, before looking at harry."No. But they can be used both ways, and not embedded in skin. That much I could figure out,but Scorpius is good at figuring out the spells since I didn't know which ones they were. I want my followers to have a way to summon me, or scorpius, if they need help. Or for me to get them to come. I was thinking a necklace or something."He said shaking his head at harry's worry."No. The only spell I'm adding to it is the summonings, I have no desire to have followers who aren't ollowing me willingly, and sanely."He said.

Daemon whined rubbing the back of his head, laughing at Harry's reaction to snape's wedding."Well, only a little. I think she knew she couldn't have Draco because she knew better then to try after Astoria , so she settled for Snape, who was Draco's godfather."Daemon said shuddering a little looking amused as he glanced at the headmaster."Not spelled them to you, spelled them if someone needs help and the book can help."He said grumbling as he looked at the books in his head, the small tightening of his chest, weather from joy or pain wasn't showig on his face, because he couldn't decide what he thought. Starting a little when Scorpius beamed, a small sad smile curling his lips. Because while he knew his brother would get over it, it was still painful to consider scorpius hurting just a little, at harry's rejection.Even if Scorpius would soon be over it.

Daemon turned watching him go before sirking a little."I know you were joking.And he knows you only do one night stands.He falls in love easily, if you do sleep with him, don't let him think it's more then that."He said seemingly unruffled, though relieved because he knew Scorpius would be hurt if Harry slept with him, and he had a tendency to hurt things that hurt Scorpius. He didn't want to lose his control with hrry, and the man hurting scorpius would be bad."Just tell him. He falls in love every other day, and I'm pretty sure he's in love with Shaylin, he just can't see it because he thinks he's gay."The dark lord smiled a little, looking amused at harry's worried expression."Of course it can't be simple. Your harry potter, nothing's simple."He teased before snickering, looking at the book."She spelled the books that if someone needs a book it comes to them, even if they're not aware of the need. Seems the books think you need love potter."He grinned."Maybe you should take up Scor's offer for a night. Of everyone here, he's the least likely to take advantage of having you in his bed."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "only when i'm trying to rally a group of people into breaking the rules." he admitted with a small shake of his head. Scorpius nodded and grinned. "shall i remove everyone elses too? i was waiting because i wasn't sure what you wanted to do with it." "do you make a habit of testing things on yourself?" Harry asked examining Scorpius who shrugged. "only after i test it on other people first." Harry had to laugh at that and shook his head. "that is a good idea though Daemon, i commend your leadership skills." Harry admitted. "i'd go with a bracelet or an anklet though, people always go for the neck, but the wrists and ankles? you'll be less likely to loose it in a battle." he admitted examining his hand. "hell, my friend Hermione used a similar spell on coins, the only trouble we had was people almost spending it." he admitted with a small chuckle.

he shook his head a little. "Pansy was such a twit." he grumbled before looking disgusted. "Snape MUST have known?" of course Snape had known, but he had accepted the love and affection anyway because he knew he would get none from anyone else. and Pansy had loved Snape in her own little way, she'd just loved Draco more. "i don't think i could sleep with him." Harry admitted simply. "i just... that's the thing about one night stands, there aren't any emotions involved." he admitted simply. "i can't sleep with him for just one night because there ARE feelings involved... no i can't do that to him or to me." he admitted with a shake of his head. "and just because he falls in love often doesn't mean that he deserves to have his heart broken or stomped flat." he admitted smiling a little as he looked at the book. "no... i think Hermione's trying to give me advice on how to tell Brax no without hurting him." he admitted opening the book and beginning to read. "hermione was so smart on just about everything... over everyone her's was the advice i most respected." he admitted smiling a little. "you know... she was the only person who never betrayed me?" he asked looking up at Daemon. "even my own godfather ended up betraying me... though not on purpose..." he admitted stroking the pages of the book, chuckling a little. "i'm sorry... i'm going to start crying again." he admitted wiping his eyes.

he sighed a little as he got himself under control. "i'm going to go read this." he decided. "and then talk to Scor... no need to drag this out." he admitted with a small sigh as he wandered off. the book was refreshingly easy to read, and before the day was out Scor was walking into Daemon's room with an unhappy look on his face, but not upset. "Harry turned me down." he admitted sitting on Daemon's bed. "he was real nice about it though... he told me he couldn't sleep with someone who had feelings for him... and he couldn't date me because he didn't have those kinds of feelings for me." he smiled a little. "but... he did tell me that he thought someone who was right for me would come along soon." he looked at Daemon. "what advice did Hermione have for you?"
"Get the marks off.Everyone. Its ugly and I already have something in mind."He said looking thoughtful, blushing slightly when harry praised him. Lookng amused before nodding."I'll have to think of that. A anklet would be slid under pants, and into boots...most wear boots.. .or at least most the death eaters do..."He said trailing off into teh private thought, raising a foot to show harry the steel toe capped boots he was wearing, the dark pants he was wearing tucked down into the knee high boots."yes a anklet..."He muttered laughing a little."Now, that would be scor's problem.He'd forget that he wasn't supposed to be spending it."He said poking fun at the blond.

Laughing softly as he nodded."She was a twit, but he liked her even if he knew she was obsessed."He said looking a little amused, because despite everything, the two had loved each other. "M-Astoria had to teach her a lesson on a few occassions before Snape married her."He sid looking amused before smiling,nodding. Having hoped the man would give him that answer.Because he didn't like the idea of Scorpius being used for just one night, when harry knew going in it wouldn't become more. "Well, I am sure she will have good advice. Father always said she was helpful with Astoria, even if they were on opposite sides."He said smiling slightly before shaking his head."Its okay. I've been expecting more tears...you've come a long way, from everything you know. Tears are normal."He said smiling as the other stood, "Good luck.nd harry...I wont betray you. I might weasel my way into a bad position in a argument,but I'll not purposefully keep things from you."he said as the man left, settling back into his chair to read the book Hermione had seemed to think he needed.

Daemon glanced up from the paperwork he was doing, managing riddle bank accounts and sorting out the mess his father had made of everything. The very fact that it had taken a year to just get things in workable order was just a test of how much his father had fucked things up. Looking easier when he realized Scorpius was upset,but not hurting."I know."He smirked a little."I'm the one who told him someone's crushing on you."He teased, "But no I wont tell you. You need to accept them, and come to terms with it yourself."He said heading off Scor's begging to know who it was. While he didn't like keeping shaylin's feelings from him he knew Scorpius needed time to see them for himself, and when he was ready, he'd see he already had someone. Reaching across his desk he tossed the book Hermione had given him towards his brother, having hid in the suite of rooms from everyone because he had no idea what to think of the advice she'd given him. The golden lettered title 'Magical pregnancies, and what you should expect when your expecting' shined lightly in the firelight.
Harry grinned a little. "i've almost spent it a few too many times myself." he admitted with a small chuckle as he pulled it out of his pocket, offering it to the other so Daemon could see it. "i've been thinking of turning it into a necklace.." he admitted stealing it back as he examined it. "it's the only thing i have besides my map... i don't even have my fathers invisibility cloak... i'm guessing Voldemort took it and destroyed it right?" he asked shaking his head. "at least Snape found someone to show him love, he never got over my father taking my mother away from him." he admitted smiling a little. "in the final years, i guess Snape started to finally realize that i wasn't my father." he admitted snickering a little. "saving his life five or ten times might have helped." he admitted with a grin. "Hermione probobly helped too, she bitched him out so bad that he didn't come out of his room for three days." he admitted with a laugh.

"Hermione was never one to take sides when it came to giving advice, she respected Draco for sticking to his beliefs despite the pain he had gone through." he admitted as he wiped his eyes. "and Draco seams the sort to piss off his wife." he admitted looking at Daemon. "thank you, for everything..." he muttered smiling at Daemon. "and... i know you won't betray me... through everything.. i am certain i can trust you." he admitted with a smile before turning and leaving. Scorpius looked shocked when he was informed that daemon knew someone was crushing on him and he sighed a little and shook his head a little. "your cruel." he complained with a small smile as he handed a piece of paper over to his brother. "this is the spell." he admitted. "you might consider letting me play around with it, it's unstable. that's why it burned when he called them." he admitted swallowing thickly. "what if i never find love?" he asked, looking worried. "you have Victoria... dad had mother... everywhere i look someone's in love with someone... hell, i think even Harry might be falling for someone, he has that look in his eyes, that obsessive... need like what you give to Victoria." he admitted looking amazed as he took the book from Daemon lifting his eyebrow. "why did Hermione hit you in the head with...a... oh my god... Daemon.... i... think Astoria might be... pregnant..." he whispered in horror his eyes wide.

"i think you need to go talk to Victoria.... after she gets done talking to Harry." in fact harry had invited Victoria to his room, and he was leaning against his door, his room completely dark save for the lit fire in the fireplace. "glad you could join me Victoria..." he stated, his emerald eyes glittering in the firelight. "you and i need to have some very serious words Miss Weasley." he admitted his eyes narrowed. "if i can even call you that. Miss Decleure seams to suit you better." he sneered at her. "did your mother ever tell you what she did to me?" he asked his eyes narrowed. "i bet she didn't, she would have gotten in big trouble had anyone found out what she'd done." he studied her. "your mother, did to me, exactly what your doing to mister riddle. the only problem, was that i was gay, and fourteen." he stalked towards her. "do you know what happens to people who hurt my freinds Victoria?" he demanded, his face bare inches from hers. "they suffer, and i very much consider daemon a friend." he poked her in the chest. "and you better fucking hope to Merlin, that you never hurt him, or make him do anything to hurt himself, understand me you little slut?" he demanded his eyes narrowed before he turned and opened his door. "now get out."
Daemon smiled slightly, taking the piece of paper, folding it into a tiny tiny square. Something he only did when he was anxious or worried. Yes, the dark lord of the world could do oragmi, though he only did it when he was upset enough to try and not show it, and needed something to do with his hands."Thanks.We'll tinker on it,maybe let harry help. He seems worried I'm going to do something bad with it."He said snickering, before rolling his eyes looking at scorpius."If you don't find them, then you're not the man I thought you were."He said smiling slightly at his brother, "And I'm not obsessive!"He grumbled leaning back in his seat. Looking disgruntled and unsure of what he should do. All the masks and wlls he put up coming crashing down in front of his brother's horror, because he was feeling the same."You'll find...her.Don't worry. I have every faith in you two, now that we're all staying at school now."He said giving the man a little hint, because he couldn't be cruel enough to offer no advice. Paling a little he sighed closing his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, firelight playing over his face as he closed his eyes."Will you make sure Potter gets that?"He asked jerking his thumb towards the package on the table, having wrapped up the invisblity cloak to give the headmaster as a welcome present. A subtle hint that he wanted left alone, even if he really didn't. The man was so confused and worried he had no idea what he wanted, or if he should go talk to victoria.

"What are you talking about?I have nothing to talk to you about.I'm only here because Daemon asked me to be."she grumbled wondering what the man wanted.Then she paled, sinking back into her seat as she studied the man, glaring back as he sneered at her."No, no she didn't.What did she do?"she asked, not understanding. They were using Daemon's feelings for her to make sure he stayed sane. How could that be a bad thing, when his father was so much worse? Looking up at the savior with tear misted eyes she swallowed as he poked her, whimpering quietly as she got up,wrapping her arms around her waist as she moved towards the door, before pausing, turning to look back at him."I don't want to hurt him.I want to keep him from hurting himself."She muttered looking at him worriedly heading out.Because despite everything, she cared about the caring if aloof man. And she really did believe she was doing what was best for daemon, and therefore the world.
Scorpius smiled and set his hand on the others, stopping his nervous folding. "Harry's just afraid that your going to turn out evil like everyone thinks you are." he admitted smiling a little before smirking at the other. "your totally obsessive." he teased chuckling a little before looking startled. "..her? but... i'm gay." he complained frowning before biting his lip a little. "aren't i?" he asked his head tilted a little. "... i'll have to think about that one." he admitted shaking his head. "there's no way that i'm straight... right?" he asked blinking at the other before smiling as he pulled his brother into a gentle embrace. "if she's pregnant, that's a good thing Brother." he promised kissing Daemon's forehead. "i promise." he said with a smile before pulling the package into his arms and walking off with it.

Harry sighed a little as he shook his head. "she used me, she raped me, and in the end, she damn near broke me." he growled softly before watching her with narrowed eyes looking confused. "he won't hurt himself Victoria, he's sane." he promised. "you might not realize it but by making him love you your hurting him Victoria, what happens when he realizes what your doing? and he will find out... what do you think will happen when he finds out you don't really love him?" he asked softly, deciding to take pity on her. "i didn't mean to upset you Victoria, i thought you where using him." he admitted softly, sighing a little. "but you have to realize that just because you think it's right, doesn't mean that it is." he admitted simply before shaking his head as he watched Scorpius approaching the blond scowling as he saw Victoria's upset look and Harry's stern face. 'hey! are you picking on Victoria!?" he demanded Harry smirking a little. "yes, i am, whats up?" "... don't pick on her." Scorpius growled fiercely as he gently urged Victoria down the hall. "Daemon needs you, i think he might be having one of his stress outs." he admitted before glaring at Harry.

"relax Scor, i wasn't doing anything to her i was just warning her about a few things." he admitted blinking at the package. "what's that?" he asked blinking as Scorpius shoved it into his arms. "leave Vi alone!" he ordered before abandoning Harry to lead Victoria to Daemon, glancing at her. "are you alright Victoria?" he asked looking worried. "he didn't hurt you did he? i can beat him up for you if you want?" he offered his head tilted a little. "i can do it... maybe?" he asked sheepishly grinning a little. "anyway, here, comfort your boyfriend." he ordered gently pushing Victoria into the library with a small chuckle.
Daemon looked amused,"Just think about it scor."He teased, watching the blond go amused sighing as he tried to get some work done, his fingers already moving back through the oragmi he'd been making. Watching the blond go he smiled, things were going to be interesting.

Victoria smiled a little,"I'll be careful.I wont hurt him.."She muttered, and it was true. Despite everything, she'd come to care for the man she was dating, even if she didn't love him with the desperate need Daemon felt for her. Because despite harry's reassurance, she knew Daemon. Daemon who would go insane if he stayed on his path to world domination.She just had to make sure he had someone to len on."No, he's not picking on me."She said smiling as Scorpius appeared, looking amused as Scorpius led her out of the room. "Don't worry about it sweetie, I'm fine."She said kissing Scor's cheek before she walked into the bedroom to comfort her upset boyfriend.

A few days later Daemon smiled softly as he nudged the horse around the riding ring, having been avoiding everyone as the teachers settled into getting ready for classes, it was the first time that he'd been outside or even out of his rooms. Not noticing his brother's, or Harry's approach as he walked Emerald through her paces, the soft stepped waterhorse was only safe for him to ride. The demon horse was known for dragging men to their deaths if one but their chosen rider should be settled on top of them. His beautiful pretty green horse was as fickle and annoying as her owner was. Nearly falling off the barebacked horse when the men called to him."Goddammit Scor, you're going to give me a heart attack somday. Its not nice sneaking up on people."he grumbled as he nudged Emerald over to the fence near them, sighing.

He should have expected the intervention eventually, he was actually amazed that it had lasted this long without them coming looking for him, but since he was avoiding everyone, even victoria he wasn't surprised these two were out here looking for him. Raising a eyebrow he looked at harry."Shaylin and Cara arrived earlier. I saw them heading inside."He said trying to distract the men with people. He so did not want to talk about what was bothering him
Scorpius scowled a little. "you know thinking isn't my strong suit." he whined pathetically sulking at Daemon before heading out to collect Victoria, relaxing when she assured him that Harry hadn't upset her, the emerald eyes watching them, filled with worry as he watched them leave, sighing a little. "this is going to end badly..." Harry muttered softly, well aware he had better not tell Daemon, he'd go postal. he was worried when Daemon didn't come out of his room for several days, and when Scor told him why he had to go with him when the man finally left the room. Scorpius snickered as he watched Daemon startle and Harry smirked. "why? scaring you lets us know your still human, plus it amuses me." Harry teased smirking a little as he examined the horse. "hmm, you'll bite me if i try to pet you, won't you pretty one?" he asked his head tilted. "remind me to buy a Pegasus for myself one of these days." he ordered calmly as he reached out to let Emerald sniff him, but didn't try to pet, harry was an idiot but he knew better than that.

"Shaylin and Cera?" Scorpius asked in amazement, they where the only two women he knew, besides Rose, so he knew one of three was the one with a crush on him, he was properly distracted by it and turned to head into the castle until harry sighed and grabbed the back of the others shirt. "Scor, we're here to make Daemon stop hiding." he reminded the other, Scor sulking at Daemon. "that wasn't nice." he complained scowling at his brother, Harry chuckling a little as he shook his head. "Daemon you've got all three of us worried sick." he complained. he was certain that while Victoria didn't love him, she did at least care about him, so he had lightened up on her a great deal, though he didn't approve one bit about what she was doing, there was nothing that he could do without hurting Daemon. he was doubly glad that Scor had seamed to completely forget about his crush on Harry and was now treating the brunette like he was an older brother, which was funny because he was older than Harry was.

"you know that thing you told me earlier about you never hiding?" Harry asked lifting an eyebrow at Daemon. "it looks a lot like your hiding right now." he pointed out. "now, Scor seams to know what your upset about, but he won't tell me or Victoria about it, because, why scor?" "because frankly it's none of your business and Victoria deserves the chance to hear it from Daemon's own lips." "which made me think you are upset with Victoria, which is making her no end of freaked the hell out." Harry admitted. "so why don't you get off your pretty green horse and talk to your girlfriend before i go in and get that veritisium like i wanted to." "we're not using potions on my brother!" Scorpius complained glaring at Harry who shrugged. "i see no problem in it." Harry admitted. "he doesn't even have to know about it, we just slip it into his breakfast, wipe his memory after..." "... you know, it's that kind of thinking why you AND him are so paranoid." "hey, i'm still alive because i'm paranoid!" Harry complained sulking a little.
Daemon smiled nodding when harry assumed the horse would bite him, starting when the horse moved forward, shoving her head into the man's chest, wanting pets."Goddamn horse. So fickle."Daemon grumbled, looking amused when Scorpius went to go after the girls."They are here. Were setting up their classrooms if you wanted to go see them."The dark lord said looking amused as he flicked his fingers towards the school, pouting a little when Harry stopped him."I'm not hiding, just avoiding you all."He growled rubbing a hand over his face as he pouted annoyed that he couldn't get emerald to leave her new found buddy."Victoria's not worried. She knows why I'm avoiding her."He said sighing a little looking amused and a little annoyed to see that Scor seemed to be treating harry like he did him. After all, he was the younger brother, he should be the only brother. Though after he calmed down to think about it, he'd probably realize it was a good thing, but at the moment he was grouchy and fussing over things. Hell, the fact that Emerald's hair was in small braids proved that he was anxious.

"I'm not hiding.I've been busy.I've had paperwork to do, and lesson plans to finish. You do realize the schools opening this week don't you?"He mused before sighing, realizing that the two men weren't going to leave him alone."I'm not upset with her. Nor is she freaking out as much as you seem to think she is."He said, because he hadn't seen the freakouts, he wasn't aware of just how worried the woman was over him."And no truth serum, that's just mean. I know to many things to drug.Besides...there's charms against it now."He said looking amused at harry's sulking, looking at Scorpius."And I am neither obsessive, nor paranoid. It's not obsession when your girlfriend is hiding something, and you find out from asking her. That's not obsessive, that's good detecting."
Harry chuckled as he scratched the horses forehead. "well damn buddy, you did that just to prove me wrong." he teased kissing the horses nose with a small chuckle. "avoidance is the same as hiding." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head a little. "you haven't been busy, you've been sulking like a little girl child." he taunted staring at Daemon. "an itty bitty little baby girl child." Scorpius hesitated. "...you... really shouldn't taunt him Harry he doesn't like it." "oh please Scor i can handle the likes of him. he's been hiding in his room for the last two days like a coward, i have my doubts he'd have the guts to try to take me on. after all if he can't even face the fact that Victoria is in her room sobbing right now, completely freaking out because she thinks Daemon hates her, well then he certainly can't face anything else in this life. after all i thought you loved her Dea?" he hoped to god Dae hadn't found out she had been making her love him because otherwise this whole speech was about to get him in trouble.

"and yes i know there are charms against them, i made them." he stated simply. "or. well i helped, Hermione actually made them, but we never expected to manufacture them on a large scale." he admitted simply. "now are you going to get off your pansy ass and talk to Victoria or am i going to have to drag you off your bloody horse kicking and screaming like a dirty little brat and DRAG you to her?!" he demanded crossing his arms as he stared at Daemon, Scorpius inching away from Harry, clearly expecting The Boy Who Lived to be attacked. "your obsessive, paranoid, childish and stupid." Harry stated simply. "and your hurting the people who love you, so get off the pretty horse and man the hell up coward."
Daemon stared at the man, starting to crumble. The look on his face blank, fading for a moment before it came back. Crumbling at the mention of a baby, his shoulders slouching a little as he wrapped his hands in the reins, jerking Em back as the horse squealed a protest at being pulled away. Annoyed because he couldn't understand that he really had upset his girlfriend enough to have her freaked out."Victoria's used to me freaking out on her."He muttered as he slid off Emerald, turning the horse lose before looking at the other two."I'm going to visit with father.I'll be back."He said more annoyed because he was feeling trapped then because of the taunts. There was reasons he was freking out over the idea of having kids, and he didn't want to share any of them with the others.But hopefully Draco could get the man to wrap his head enough around the idea that he could see that he really was hurting the people around him. Really so upset and stressed with himself that he wasn't ble to see what he was doing. Smirking as he abused his priviledge of being allowed to apparate out, he sighed as he walked through the manor, pausing in the study door for moment before crossing the room, sinking to his knees beside Draco, resting his head in the other's lap.For the first time since he was a child, truly needing the man's advice, and not just wanting it.

Shaylin sighed softly as she and Cara walked down the hill, the two having come down to see about getting their own horses stabled pausing as they watched the scene."...Did I just see Dae run away from something?"Shaylin said her mouth hanging open, wondering what that could have been. Shaylin knew the man well enough to know that few things could have freaked him out that badly, and she was worried about her friend. Looking at Scorpius she raised a eyebrow, smiling slightly."And Victoria said to let you know she was going to the burrow for dinner, said she had news to tell her family."She said, looking like she was expecting to know what the news was. After all, Scorpius knew Daemon better then anyone, so it would stand to reason that he knew what the whole of the staff wanted to know. What in the world was going on with Daemon.
Harry stared at Daemon for a long moment, silent, challenging Daemon before scowling at him as the man yanked the horse away, expecting the dark lord to run away on it, his head tilted as he scowled at the other before nodding as he was told that Dae was going to talk to Draco, that was good, Draco would get Dae's head on straight. he turned and nearly froze as he saw Shay and Cera, swallowing thickly as tears pulled into his eyes yet again. "my god... you look just like him." Harry whispered, studying Cera, Sirius's daughter... she looked so very much like him, had she been male Harry would have run up to her, crowing in glee about someone he knew still being alive. about Sirius still being alive. he turned away to wipe his eyes, Scorpius sighing a little as he smiled at Cera and Shay. "ignore him, he's still getting used to seeing faces of people he knows on people he doesn't." Scorpius admitted smiling at Cera. "hows Victoria doing?" he asked looking worried.

"don't bother trying to ask him whats wrong with Victoria he won't tell anyone." Harry complained sulking at the blond who just shrugged. "like i said, it's none of any of your businesses." Scorpio growled with an annoyed expression, Harry rolling his eyes as he studied shaylin and Cera closely now. "you both look like your dads... in the best way possible of course." he admitted with a small grin. "it's nice to meet you, i'm Harry, the headmaster." he introduced himself. "and you are?"

Draco was sitting in the breakfast nook reading a newspaper while an Elf made his breakfast, the blond looking shocked as Daemon walked in and set his head in his lap, Draco smiling a little as he gently stroked Daemon's head, fondly remembering when Dae had been young and had come into his room time and time again and laid his head on Draco's lap, seeking reassurance from various problems. "Daemon, whats wrong son?" he asked, worried as he studied the other. "come on, we'll have some hot chocolate." he promised glancing at the Elf who nodded and set the tray of food down on the table. "tell me whats wrong Dae, is this about Harry?" he asked his head tilted a little.
Shaylin smiled a little,"I'm shaylin snape."She said smiling as she looked the man over before looking at Scorpius, "Victoria's fine. Worried about Daemon, afraid he's being stupid."She said looking worried herself.Cera smiled at harry, that same happy go lucky smile that her father had had."Cera.And don't mind Scorpius, he never tells anyone what's wrong with Daemon,even if it would be for the man's own good."she sid sounding amused before she tilted her head."We should head up the the school,well,I'll take em back to the stables and catch up with you.If Dae comes back to find us out here talking about him, he's going to be upset."She pointed out looking amused,holding out a hand towards the skittish annoyed horse.

Daemon sighed a little, resting his forehead against the blond's knee, shifting a little so he could sip the hot chocolate the elf got him without having to move.Relaxing a little under Draco's hand,calming as quickly as he had done as a child."Actually, no."he said laughing a little before sighing,"It's victoria.She's pregnant."He muttered leaning back to look up at his father,looking anxious. Because Astoria's death haunted this son of hers, more then any of the others. Because he hadn't known her, had never had the chance, so her death hurt him badly."I don't want kids. I never have."He grumbled, not sure how to explain the bone deep fear of causing her death. After all, tom's mother had died. His own had commited suicide. He felt like he was signing Victoria's death certificate by letting her have the next riddle child.
Scorpius nodded a little. "Dae's not being stupid, he's just... afraid." Scorpius admitted. "he's talking to Father, you know that always takes a while, we have time." he admitted Harry nodding as he moved in front of Cera to Emerald stroking the horses nose. "come on pretty one." Harry ordered smiling a little. "let's get you into the stables." he ordered snickering at Cera's complaint of Scorpius who stuck his tongue out at her, Harry snickering a little as he shook his head. "if Dae was in serious trouble i'm sure that Scor would tell us." he stroked the horses nose and smiled a little. "i wonder if you would let me ride you, hmm?" he asked smiling a little as he glanced over at the three people watching him. "... what? i just want to try." he stated slinging his leg over the horses back Scorpius gasping. "Potter don't! he'll..." Harry suddenly found himself flying in the air, hitting the dirt and his head striking something solid and hard the world flairing white, and then black, Scorpius gaping as he watched Harry fly through the air and hit the dirt, his head striking a rock so hard he heard the crack. "i...is he dead!?" Scorpius asked, too stunned to move as Harry lay there in the dirt. "...Daemon's going to be so pissed if he's dead...."

he smiled a little before he dropped his own hot chocolate, shocked as he gaped down at Daemon. "...oh... i see..." he muttered quickly gathering himself under control. "isn't that a good thing?" he asked curiously as he gently tugged on the others hair. "kids aren't bad things you know." he promised smiling at the other. "you would be a wonderful father, and nothing bad is going to happen to Victoria." he promised. "i know how you worry, and that you blame yourself for your mothers death but it wasn't your fault, and it never was." he promised softly. "your mother was so week from the torture Voldemort put her through that she was already dead when she went into labor, she just refused to die until you where born." Draco admitted stroking his son's hair. "Astoria would be so proud of you, and i know she loves you just as much as i do." he promised his son, smiling at Daemon. "you deserve to be happy with Victoria, and a beautiful baby born of love." he promised smiling at his son. "we'll get Vi the best doctors in the world, Harry will help, and so will Scor, the baby will be raised in Hogwarts, it will be the safest place in the world once Harry's finished with it. alright?"

(in Marble Walls white as Milk, lined with skin as soft as silk, within a fountain crystal clear, a golden apple does appear, no doors there are to this stronghold, yet thieves break in and steal the gold. what am i?)
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