Dark's Hold

"..I knew it!You're just preparing to attack me in my sle-HEY!That's my cake!Victoria!" "...daemon, you're 26, stop whining like a 6 year old."Victoria said amused and still a lttle shoked that daemon did nothing more then whine about harry stealing things instead of reacting as violently as he usually did."What do you mean!?Emerald's a sweetheart.He just doesn't like your smelly ass."Daemon said twitching a little at the reminder that Harry had indeed tried to ride his horse. There was something wrong with that. Though the stallion allowed harry to pet him when Harry visited, which was more then anyone else could claim.

"...I'm patient with everyone."Daemon said. Shay nearly snorted wine out of her nose down the table, glancing at the dark lord."If you call beating them into submission, patience. You yell at everyone.Well, ayone who annoys you anyways." "Do not." "Do to, and don't deny it." "...fine." "We'll talk. Maybe he'll tell his hero what he did for him.After all, superman saves so many people, I don't know what I do." ">...have you been reading comic books again dae?"Victoria said looking amused at the man's words, shaking her head. He did the most random things, and it was even more amusing because it embarassed him so much when someone commented on it."..maybe..."Daemon muttered blushing."Anyways, he asked how he could be helpful, and I didn't want to shop. So him and esme are doing it for me."Daemon said moving on from his reading habits. When they walked over to the door Daemon smiled a little sweetly, blushing again at the boy's devotion,"Come on then."She smiled looking amused that he could inspire such confidence and devotion.

"It was nicely handled, something I would have done.'Daemon said, though his punishment would have included some broken bones and a stinging hex. Smiling when Sam looked startled, udging him a little."Don't nod so hard. You're going to give yourself a concussion nodding that hard."He teased as they headed outside, tucking his jacket around Sam, and transfiguring one of his cuff links into a jacket for himself. The boy swimming in the large leather jacket, but he didn't want Sam getting cold. "Sam, I know you're nervous, but we wont ask anything and hurt you for the answer okay?"He promised ruffling the boy's hair before sighing a little."Sam, what did I do to save you?I don't remember alot from when i was younger, I wish I could...can you tell me something?"He asked looking so adorable and eager to hear what the boy had to say, it would almost be a shame if sam said no.
Harry smirked a little as he stuffed the cake into his mouth with a snicker. "and Victoria is right, stop whining your an adult." he teased with a snicker. "and she's NOT a sweetheart she bit me in the ass this morning!" he complained, well aware the horse only put up with Harry when Daemon was around so she didn't get scolded by her master, if Daemon wasn't there the first thing she did was bite harry, usually in a very sensitive area. "we're just lucky the other students know better than to go near her." he admitted grinning a little. "and you do yell a lot Daemon, you yell at me almost constantly." he admitted with a smirk as he shook his head. "besides, Comic books are an important part of muggle literature." he admitted grinning a little. "and it's good to read comic books, their exciting." he admitted with a small chuckle. they walked along the lake and Sam bit his lip smiling a little at the other at the order not to nod so hard.

he swallowed a little and then. "it was a fire...." he explained softly. "i was seven... mommy was fighting a woman in the front yard, she tried to take my little sister." he explained. "her name was Gretchen, we where home alone because the babysitter bailed and mom didn't know..." he admitted fidgeting. "sister was older than me, she'd just turned eleven, she shot flames at Gretchen, and the house set on fire, i was hiding under the bed... Gretchen hit by sister really hard, and started pounding her head into the floor until there was blood all over... she didn't see me and she left, but i was so scared that i couldn't move..." he shuddered violently. "mom died, she was out on a mission for Voldemort and died during a raid... that's what the Auror's said anyway." he looked up at Daemon with love, appreciation, utter thankfulness in his eyes. "i was all alone, and scared, and then you came and kicked down the door... and you saw me and my sister and you grabbed us both, and pulled us out and handed us to the waiting aurors, and said you had to go find Gretchen and vanished..." he admitted Harry looking astonished. "i don't know how you knew i was in there... but you saved me." he admitted smiling a little, Harry looking astonished as he looked over at the dark lord.

"well... at least you know you really did save his life. it sounds like you where hunting for Gretchen and saved Samuele's life in the process... Sam... why haven't you been talking?" Harry asked looking confused, the boy wincing. "... i don't like to... i'm really stupid, so... i don't want people to know... if i don't talk, people won't know how stupid i am..." Harry felt rage boil inside of him. "for fucks sake! is there ANY child in school who hasn't been abused!?" Harry demanded Samuel staring at him wide eyed. "... i'm not abused... it's jut that Uncle Henry doesn't like me talking because i never say the right thing... he says i'm a 'lovable idiot' good looks but nobody's home..." "that's abuse Sam... not all abuse is fists and blood son." Harry explained smiling at Sam. "don't worry, i've been planning a surprise for Hogwarts students." he admitted smiling at the other. "we'll see if i can get it carried through and then we'll see what happens then ok?" he asked smiling a little. "well... ok?" Sam asked looking baffled. "you don't mind if i keep not talking do you?... it's easier..." "that's fine son, your passing all your classes so i see no need to make you talk." he promised smiling at him.
"of course they know better then to go near her.They're intelligent."Daemon said rolling his eyes, well aware his horse bit. But Harry should know better then to get that close to Emerald before he was there. "I do not. I yell at everyone else to."Daemon said smiling a little."Of course they're exciting. I would never read something boring."

Daemon was quiet, withdrawn as he considered what the boy was telling him. Frowning as they walked, absently wrapping a arm around Sam's shoulders as the boy trembled. Pressing a absent kiss to the boy's hair as he grasped at wispy edges of the memory. He..almost remembered. Before smiling slightly, he knew how he knew the boy had been there. Gretchen never attacked only children, there had to have been more then one child there. And he knew what followed. He had caught up to Gretchen, within days. He'd promised to never let someone else suffer for it, hounding gretchen's trail, never realizing that he'd caught up to her because she wanted him to. Not realizing that his obsession with finding her had created a equally strong obsession in her. "Don't worry Sam, she'll never get out again. And I'll protect you."He said sounding far away, as if he wasn't really there anymore, and he wasn't. His mind was a thousand miles away in a prison cell.

Daemon started a little at the other's conversation, paling slightly as he looked down at the boy under his arm."Do you want me to speak to your uncle?"He asked ruffling the boys hair, worry showing in the man's face. Harry's presence had been good for him, he'd been more willing to let peopleget close to him. Looking at harry curiously wondering what harry had planned for the students he smiled a little."No need, except for maybe to Victoria. She just found out your shopping for me, so she might want to ask your opinion."He said looking amused as they walked, quiet as he tried to not think about Gretchen. When they made it all the way back around the lake he paused at the doors, hearing the yelling from one of the side classrooms that had been changed into a sitting room."Sam,why don't you go onto bed?"He muttered not waiting for a answer as he slid his ebony wand into his hand, hlding it at his side as he silently bullied harry into going with him, pausing outside the door. Having recognized victoria's voice, but not recognizing who she was arguing with until he'd gotten close.

"Just because you don't like him doesn't mean he's going to be bad Rose.I care for him. I might not love him, but I will protect him from you."Victoria snarled at her cousin, the fight having started when Rose realized her cousin was pregnant, victoria having put off telling the woman, and for good reason. She'd wanted to avoid this overreaction. Heading for the door she pulled it open, stopping. Staring as she met Daemon's wide surprised brown eyes.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "it's not my fault she's in the way of MY horse!" Harry complained. he tried to skirt the green horse but she had a horrifically long neck when she wanted. "Ebony needs to be taken care of too you know." Ebony was Harry's personal mount, the pure black horse was strong and loyal and very good with children, the stallion was often seen with the youngest kids, laying down so they could sit on his back touch his pretty wings and braid his hair. and the older students reported seeing him constantly flirting with emerald.... constantly. "i think my horse is going to be neutered soon." Harry admitted looking amused. "and not by mortal hands either." Emerald would if she got annoyed enough, harry would bet on it. he had to smile as they passed the stables on their way around the lake, Ebony strutting around Emerald again, clearly showing himself off.

Sam shivered and pulled the jacket closer to himself. "i'm scared of her." he whispered, voice terrified. "i have nightmares, where she comes when i'm sleeping, and takes me away and no one ever sees me again because she's burned me alive...." "... i don't normally do this." Harry admitted calmly. "but, would you like me to teach you a spell that makes fire harmless to you Samuel?" Harry offered, Sam looking up at harry with a look that almost rivaled the one he gave Daemon, pure appreciation. "you'd do that for me?" he asked, hopeful and Harry smiled. "of course i will, when is your study?" "before lunch..." "i'll teach it to you then." Harry promised ruffling the boys hair before shaking his head at the mention of his uncle. "NO!.. i mean... no don't... he's not bad honest..." Sam protested, fearing Harry, who looked so pissed, might hurt his poor uncle. he had to giggle though at the mention of Victoria. "oh no i can't talk to her!" he protested blushing hard and Grinning at his own boldness. "she might EAT me, she's a very scary lady you know!" he teased before bursting into giggles again when Harry started to laugh.

he stopped giggling, and went a little pale when he heard the yelling, and nodded as he raced off to bed, forgetting that he had Daemons jacket on in his haste to get away from the fighting, Harry recognizing the voices instantly and indecision rushed through him. "Dae... we shouldn't get involved..." Harry tried to pull the other back but as always it was too late, he gripped the others shoulder gently, swallowing thickly before he stared at Rose, his eyes cold. "i will speak with you rose." he growled before looking at Victoria with pained eyes. "i am sorry." he whispered softly, shaking his head as he looked up at Daemon, gently urging the man away from the two women. "come on Daemon, you don't want to hurt anyone or anything, we'll go down to the Chamber." he stated calmly. "we'll slide down, you like to slide down." he teased carefully, wary of the man's explosive rage and more than prepared to block any spells he might throw at one of the women.
"Hmm maybe."Daemon said snickering a little because Emerald might just find someone she liked. After all if she hadn't kicked Ebony yet, she might just like the showoff. Smiling a little when they saw the horses, Emerald watching the showoff stallion strutting around as she laid down, whinnying when she saw her master but made no move to get closer to them.

"Don't worry Sam.I personally slammed the door on her cage, she's not going anywhere."Daemon promised ruffling sam's hair, looking amused at the idea of harry teaching him the spell."I want that spell to."He said pouting a little as he looked at the man. "Okay okay I wont talk to him."Daemon said though he made a mental note to keep a eye on the man who could abuse a little boy. Like harry said, all abuse wasn't physical, and words could be just as damaging to someone as fists."Oh, she might eat you?I dunno, you're awfully skinny. No good eating."Daemon grinned as he scooped the boy up, tickling him, grinning as the boy screeched with laughter. Now that the knew why the boy was following him, it didn't bother him anymore. It hadn't really before, he'd just wanted to know why he was getting followed. And now that he did, he was accepting the idea that he was going to get followed round alot.

Daemon nodded absently as he stepped back."I'm leaving.I'll be back."he said apparating out of the castle before the others could stop him. Locked down enough that he wouldn't hurt them,but it wouldn't stop him from damaging himself. Well, at least mentally. Before he was even conscious of making the decision he apparate to the prison. Looking at the startled guard he snarled quietly."Don't disturb us.I wont kill her."He growled as he strode down the walkway towards her cell, unlike before in the interview room the woman was free and unshackled as she scrambled to her feet to face the man who'd just stopped in front of her cell."Ahhh my prettiest boy, what are you doing here?"she muttered looking unsure if she wanted him there as he jerked the cell door, yelping a little as he jerked her into a kiss. Okay, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.She thought to herself as she gave into the harsh hands and painfilled eyes.

Victoria lunged for the man, her fingers brushing against his jacket as he apparated, stumbling into Harry's chest as she overbalanced. Wide eyes fearful and pained."You have to go find him Harry."She said looking up at him, knowing better then to check anywhere where he'd usually go, but it didn't mean she couldn't get someone else to go make sure he wouldn't do anything he'd regret. Rose looked scaared as she looked at herheadmaster, "I hadn't said anything that he didn't already know. Just because he's not evil, doesn't mean I have to like him, or like that he's the father of her baby."
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "you should already know the spell! i learned it in second year you know." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i'll teach you both." he promised with a small grin, planning on visiting the man. after all, Sam hadn't ordered Harry not to visit, only Daemon, and Harry fully intended on visiting this 'uncle Henry'. Harry laughed as poor Sam was tickled, the boy squealing and giggling as he writhed in Daemon's grip, Harry chuckling a little. "your going to be a great father." he admitted grinning as he watched him and Sam, his head tilted. "you know, you might consider adoption." he admitted smiling as he glanced at Sam and then back to Daemon, lifting an eyebrow at the other almost playfully. well aware that Sam needed someone more capable of taking care of him. Sam ran off with a smile on his face, settling into bed, glad that Daemon wasn't angry with him and Harry had to chuckle. "you really are good with kids." he admitted before staring at Rose and Victoria.

he watched Daemon vanish, and his look went stormy and dark as he snarled at Rose, his eyes alight with fury as he caught Victoria, carefully helping her steady herself before he did something he'd never done before, he struck a woman. he slapped rose across the face, not hard, she wouldn't even had a mark on her pretty face, but he'd still struck her. "your just as much of a bastard egotistical SPOILED BRAT as your father was!" he hissed with fury. "your closed mind is putting everything at risk and from this moment on Victoria is under MY personal protection and so is Daemon and if i see you around either of them again i'll strip YOU of your magic and ban you from Hogwarts! this is a place of PEACE and your nothing but a spoiled little BITCH!" he snarled at her. "he deserves happiness, and you deserve to back the fuck off before i make you regret ever opening your mouth." he hissed furiously. "he's gone through things you will enver understand Rose Weasley." he hissed furiously. "and it's people like YOU who make Dark wizards evil." he spat before taking Victoria's hand and leading her away, before pausing and summoning something into his hand, throwing it at Rose's feet. a diary... Harry's diary, and Tom riddles. "read those Rose, and then tell me what you think." he hissed, leading Victoria away, carefully tucking her into his own personal room, locking it down so no one could get in unless Victoria let them in and vanished.

in the journals, it was written how Harry had discovered the Dark Lords traumatic past, what had happened to himself, and all the terrible bad things they had done in the name of war, even going so far as to kidnap children to use as blackmail. Ron and hermione had practiced torture and the dark arts to get information out of innocent people, Harry himself had been forced several times to kill innocents. in Voldemort's journal, it was discovered that the only reason why he actually went mad, why he actually went evil, was because Septimus Weasley had tormented him so badly that he'd done the only thing he could to defend himself. even worse, Septimus had taken the only thing that had mattered to him, the woman he'd loved. just like Rose had done.

he checked the Chamber first and when it was proven that Daemon was there he went to the prison, he knew Daemon well enough to know, that's where he would go. he didn't invade the man's privacy, he had a feeling he knew what was happening in there. Harry had been in auror training for years, he knew how to read between the lines. he smiled at the man when he finally came out grabbing the man's hand. "i didn't want to do this." he admitted simply. "but... i think you need to know." he admitted pulling the other over, and before Daemon could protest or complain Harry's lips met his, kissing him furiously before backing away. "i'm gay, though you've probobly guessed that." he admitted, keeping his grip firm on the others hand so he couldn't apparate away. "i've been fighting my feelings ever since i showed up at that damn party." he admitted. "i love you Daemon." he admitted softly. "your not alone, you never will be..." he promised softly. "also... i slapped Rose." he admitted looking sheepish. "so i might need your legal council if she goes after me in court."
"I probably do, but you know I know so many neat things that I probably forgot."He said laughing smirking slightly because he saw Harry's grin. Oh yea,that was perfect. He'd let Harry deal with sam's uncle."Oh me?Well scor's a overlarge kid, so it makes taking are of them easier."He said smiling as he watched Sam leave, as worried as he felt about being a father, he was good with them. He understood kids and how they needed to be treated. He just had to remember to do everything opposite what Voldemort had.

Rose stumbled to the side as he hit her, staring at him wide eyed. Gaping because she had no idea what to say, what to do.Bending down she picked up the journal watching her cousin and harry disappear, tears misting her eyes. She'd been so blind to the things in front of her, as she only saw the man he could become. Heading back to her room she sighed a little as she sat down, starting to read.

Daemon stared at him,letting the other kiss him, letting him touch him before he eased away. "No...I'm not..."He muttered even as he glanced over his shoulder, dark bruises showing as his shirt pulled away from his neck. Proving that what harry thought he'd done, he really had been doing. Gretchen who was his drug of hoice, had never left him, so he wasn't alone. Before he looked at Harry again, frowning a little when the man didn't let go of his hand so he could apparate."Yes, I did know that.You flirt with everyone."Daemon muttered, so hurt that it was crippling him to try to think about someone else taking care of him. "...She deserved it."He said looking slightly amused at the idea of rose getting hit, "Where's victoria?"He muttered. He wasn't going to let her stay in his rooms,but he still worried about her. He loved her,even if she didn't love him.Just the thought had him taking a step back towards Gretchen's cell, he could stay there. He could hide here, and no one would bother him. Growlingn a little as he shook his hand, trying to get the hero to let him go."let go.I was just leaving to get food.I'm not going back to the school tonight."He pointed out wondering why he was confronting the hero olike this, but he needed some way of dealing, and getting lost in gretchen's cell, and hurting the one person that had hurt him first, was appealling.
Harry shook his head at the other. "you can't keep going back to her Daemon." he whispered softly. "Gretchen doesn't love you, she thinks she does but she doesn't really." he admitted his eyes hurting. "i should know... i thought i loved Fleur..." he admitted. "i thought she loved me, and even when i found out she didn't love me i couldn't come to terms with it until Fleur had me pinned to the ground, a knife in my chest." because that was the one thing, that no one knew... Fleur, had been a traitor. she'd been working for Voldemort from day one. been trying to kill Harry even while married and mated to bill. "besides, i only flirt to hide my hurting heart." he admitted swallowing thickly. "Fleur broke me.... just like Gretchen broke you." he admitted biting his lip. "and i know she deserved it but i feel bad, i've never hit a woman before." he admitted sheepishly.

he smiled at his question of where Victoria was. "she's in my room, i didn't want to leave her alone with anyone so she's in my room with the doors locked. Rose and Hugo can't even get to the door, and neither can Scorpius, Esme is probobly in there with her checking on her physical state, and i'm sure Shay is in there too, comforting her." he knew Victoria felt so bad about hurting Daemon. "you know she was only trying to protect you don't you? she really does care very deeply for you." he admitted smiling at him. "she practically betrayed her own family for you..." he sighed a little and shook his head as he gripped the others hand even tighter refusing to let him go back to that woman. "you can't stay here Daemon." he growled. "that woman is bad for you and i won't let her kill you again, in any way." he apparated without warning, hoping his own hidden home was still standing.

he was relieved to see the one room cottage still standing, and while it was dusty, it was still perfectly fine, completely undamaged. there was a large queen bed in the corner, and the rest was almost all kitchen and a large table. he immediately locked down the wards so that Daemon not only couldn't apparate out, but couldn't walk out either. "your not thinking clearly." Harry stated simply as he finally released the others hand and waved his wand, cleaning up the gorgeous home with a simple flick of his hand before he headed outside. "you'll stay here for a few days, whether you want to or not." he stated simply as he looked around at his massive, overgrown garden. "wow!" he stated looking amazed. "my strawberries really took over..." in fact they where the only things that still stood in the once magnificent garden, and they where all ripe too, perfectly red and sweet and Harry smiled a little as he shook his head as he looked around, glancing back at Daemon. "i want to help you Dae." he admitted smiling at the other, looking worried and sad. "... i want to keep you safe..."
"I can, and I will. Because she'll keep giving me her victims if I do."Daemon said avoiding the question of his loyalty to a woman who had broken him. Looking amused slightly because everyone knew Rose deserved hit, even if Harry was upset about it. Smiling a little he sighed, looking startled at the words about fleur. That was a disturbing thought, to know that their roles had been reversed. A savior seduced by a death eater, and a dark lord seduced by a light supporter. It was weird and it made him even more confused about what he wated to do. He just knew that he couldn't do anything right now, besides maybe go screw Gretchen until she couldn't walk.But even as he had the thought he realized it was probably a bad idea, he hadn't given into sleeping with her in all of 10 years, it was so going to be bad to start.

Daemon nodded a little his shoulders slouching, glad that Victoria had someone looking after her, even if it wasn't him. Opening his mouth to snarl something nasty he yelped a little as he found himself apparated, stumbling a little as they appeared at the house, stumbling a little."Bloody hell..."He cursed as he straightened himself up, looking around."I don't need a few days here. I do have the malfoy manor, or riddle's.I don't need a dump like this."Daemon grumbled being insulting because it was the only way he knew to help himself, lash out at the only person around him. Rolling his eyes as he felt the wards lock down he wondered how long he'd be stuck."Well, at least you'll have a boytoy stuck, at your service."He sneered a little. Oh yea, he was being insulting. His stomach rumbling as he followed the other outside, ppulling a strawberry free, nibbling on the sweet fruit as he gave Harry a look."I'm safe. And fine.Let me get back to work.And besides headmaster, you have to go back. Scorpius and Draco will start thinking I killed you if your gone to long."He paused looking around the garden, for the first time looking lost."...will you bring em here?The wards are big enough I could go for a ride..."He said giving in, because he knew the man, knew he wouldn't let him out.
Harry stared at the other. "your not doing it for the victims you little masochist." Harry growled. "stop lying to yourself and grow the hell up." he ordered simply. "you can't go running to Gretchen every time something bad happens and fucking her is an even worse idea. hurting her like she hurt you? that makes you no better than the man that claimed to be your father and we BOTH know your better than that." he stated simply. "and your not going to Malfoy or riddle manner, there;'s too many memories and you'll just end up doing something stupid." he stated simply before looking at the other. "and a dump this may be, but i built it brick by brick, log by log and until you start understanding some things, your stuck here so you might as well get used to it." he stated simply before smirking at the other. "why Daemon, if you wanted to suck my dick you only had to ask." he taunted snickering a little as he shook his head and headed outside.

"you don't have work, your just hanging out at school." he stated simply as he enjoyed a strawberry as well. "i think i'll make a strawberry pie tonight." he decided smirking a little. "and Draco's used to me vanishing for days on end." he admitted simply. "it will teach everyone a lesson i think." he admitted. "Scorpius and Shay can take care of things and i'll tell Draco where we are." he promised. "and i'll bring Em here, and Ebony too i suppose he sulks when he doesn't know where i am." he admitted rolling his eyes. "and i'll bring the egg too, the cellar will be perfect conditions for it." he admitted looking amused as he examined the other. "i'll go get Em and some groceries, don't eat all the strawberries." he ordered simply before vanishing, returning half an hour later with everything he promised, both horses, the egg in his arms and shrunk groceries stuffing his pockets so much they where bulging. "Damon!!!" He yelled, voice laced with excitement. "it's hatching!" he cried, knowing it was going to make him feel much better as Harry ran into the house, leaving the horses to run free, they wouldn't wander too far.

the egg rocked violently in Harry's hands as he raced into the cellar with it, gently laying it on a nest he made with a spell right then and there, racing back up the stairs, leaving Daemon alone with the egg to gather up some meat, lots and lots of meat. no matter what hatched out of the egg it was going to be hungry and carnivorous, so he gathered up the meat he had bought, chicken, steak, pork, and raced back downstairs with it. "as soon as it hatches, stuff it's mouth with meat or it might go after your fingers instead." he stated before racing back upstairs to get some warm water to bath the creature in. just as Daemon got settled, more cracks appeared in the egg and without warning, it split open, dumping a very feathered creature onto the floor, which unleashed a hellish squeal of hunger opening a wicked sharp beak as it stared at Daemon before noticing the fresh meat and started flailing towards it, tearing into the meat eagerly as harry rushed back down with the pot of warm water, gasping as he saw the bird. "oh you lucky son of a bitch." Harry chirped, looking amused. "that's a Cockatrice!"
Daemon looked up at the other's accusation, before looking down, shutting down just a little more."...I never do anything stupid. Even if I do, its called a egotiscal mistake."He said absently wanting more to go home, to hide in his own rooms, with his own memories. That felt like what he should do, not stay here. Then again, it was probably a good idea to not be somewhere where the memories were strong. Rolling his eyes at the other's words he shrugged. Not even bothering to respond to the idea of sucking the other's dick, not responding to the teasing. It was as if Victoria had taken his heart, had injured him in a way that crippled him to being himself.

"...I like strawberries.And father isn't used to ME disappearing for days."He pointed out rolling his eyes. Harry might disappear, but he didn't. And he felt odd just neglecting things to the others, even if he knew they could take care of it."Oh?A lesson?What lesson is that?"He said not in that normal curious tone, but a sadly bland and monotone. As if he was shutting down, he knew his father's history, knew what had driven the man insane. So, in the effort to head off insanity and rage, he was shutting all the way down, to the point he wasn't himself. "Ebony sulks when em's not there, he could care less about you."He said slouching onto one of the benches in the garden, absently eating strawberries even though he'd been told to not eat them all.

"What?"Daemon perked up a little at the sound of the other's voice,scrambling off the bench and swallowing the strawberry he'd been eating as he walked inside running up the stairs after harry. Crouching down next to the bed so he was face level with the egg, holding a piece of meat in his fingers at the other's orders. Nodding because he wasn't about to lose fingers to the creature he'd been waiting to hatch."hey hey I have some!"Daemon yelped as the bird started for him before helping him eat it, glancing up at harry."so it is."He said smiling a little, a soft smile curling his lips, saddening that it was the same smile he gave victoria. As if the man was trying to replace woman and child with this soft defenseless bird as he fed it. Looking up at harry he smiled a little,"Not really, I'm just so amazing the universe just gives me what I deserve."He said nodding a little before sitting on the floor, gently settling the cockatrice into his lap as he stroked its head, helping it eat. Looking sad and forlorn with a bird in his lap. Well, at least he wasn't trying to leave to go back to Gretchen, or go back to the school anymore. If nothing else, the cockatrice would force him to stay where he was for awhile.
Harry smirked a little as he looked at the other shaking his head. "you sure do make a lot of 'egotistical mistakes' then." he teased the other before sighing a little as the other didn't respond to his teasing, wondering what he could do for the other shaking his head. "i don't know yet, the lesson you need to learn, is yours to discover." he admitted simply. "i had to learn mine the hard way and it almost broke me more than i could come back from, i can't let you repeat the mistakes that i made." he admitted softly. "because i'm afraid you won't recover from them." he admitted simply. "not because your weaker, but because your lessons are harder, so much harder than mine where..." he smiled at the scalding tone that Daemon had. "you might be right about that though, Ebony does hate it when he can't be near Emerald." he agreed shaking his head a little as he left.

he was almost as excited as Daemon when the little creature spilled out and dug into the meat smiling at the adorable little Cockatrice. they where even more dangerous than Basilisk where. they where so intelligent, that with proper teaching they could learn to speak any tongue. they could turn things to stone, literally, and they grew so large even a dragon wouldn't take them on. the Cockatrice would be large enough for Daemon to ride on as it flew within a month. "... i'm going to need to buy more meat... the little one is going to eat, a lot." he admitted grimacing a little. "the universe gave you far too much pain." he admitted setting a hand on the others shoulder as he handed the other a wet rag and the bucket of water. "you better bath the pretty beauty." he stated with a grin. "it's covered in egg yuck." he admitted with a chuckle as the little birdie burped and snuggled into it's 'mommy' for a nap.

"i can't tell if it's a male or a female..." Harry admitted flipping through the book about Basilisks and it's off spring, coming to the part about the cockatrice's, his head tilted a little as he narrowed his eyes. "ah, here we go... there is.... no way to tell." he muttered shaking his head. "it does say here that you should know yourself." he admitted. "that as soon as you looked into the Cockatrice's eyes you should have known if it was a male of a female... have you met it's eyes yet? don't worry, they can control when they turn creatures to stone. as young as this one is i'm not even sure if it can yet." he admitted smiling at the other his head tilted. "so. male or female Daemon?"
"I do not."Daemon said making a face at him, letting the other speak. Tilting his head as he thought before shrugging, smirking a little because it was amusing to see harry fussing over their horses, and imaging Harry dealing with Emerald made him laugh out loud.

"...and do't forget aobut me. I'm not sharing all my steaks with this one."He said smiling a little as he looked down at the bird, because he had no idea what to think about the other's words. Because he didn't see it as pain perse, just life lessons that he had learned the hard way. "Okay okay bath time."He said laughing as he took the wet rag and started wiping the bird off, laughing as the bird snuggled into his lap."Draco's not going to be happy when he finds out this pretty bird ruined a pair of pants. He hates shopping."He said makng a face. It wasn't so much DRACO hated shopping as it was Daemon who hated shopping and made draco do it for him, which is what Draco hated. "Hmmm its a boy. A pretty pretty boy."Daemon purred softly as he looked down at the cockatrice's eyes, gently stroking his head as he cooed. He really was being overly loving to the baby birdie in his need to know that someone loved him. He knew harry did, but for the moment he wasn't willing to accept human love, only that of his animals. The pretty cockatrice and the overprotective horse. Smiling as he looked up at Harry, tilting his head a little."Did Emerald give you a hard tiem?"He said looking amused because he had a idea the horse had taken unkindly to getting moved without daemon doing it.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head. "and who says you get steaks? you can eat dog food." he teased smirking a little as he shook his head. "i'll go out and get meat for us too..." he promised with a small chuckle as he watched the other clean the bird, chuckling as it chirped and started nibbling on his arm in return, attempting to groom him just like Daemon was grooming it. "you can get new pants." Harry stated with a shrug. "just send a house elf to go and get some." he ordered simply chuckling a little as he shook his head. the bird chirruped at him nuzzling into the man's neck as it was washed, seaming to enjoy the water very much. Harry scowled at Deamon at the mention of Emerald and pulled his sleeve back to show him a pile of bandages. "i almost needed stitches." he growled at the other. "you want to know something about water horses? their spit makes it impossible to use magic to heal the wounds they give you." he complained before stalking away. "you should name your new birdie." he admitted with a grin before vanishing to go shopping for more food.

"MAAAA!" the bird squealed at him wanting his undivided attention as it snuggled into him, chirping and crooning once it had the attention it wanted and going straight back to sleep, a jealous creature it seamed. it yawned and nibbled on his pants tearing a hole into the knee before it started licking his leg, Harry laughing as he walked back in. "i sent a House Elf to go get the food, did you know that as Headmaster i can summon the school Elves no matter where i am?" he asked looking amused. "very useful." he admitted. "now that it's hatched you should probobly get it out of the damp and cold." he commented. "i made a nest for it on the bed." he admitted simply. "it's too young to walk or fly so keeping it in a nest is best for when you can't carry it." he grinned a little. "also, i got Scorpius to pack your things." he admitted lifting Daemon's suitcase. "so you can change out of your messy pants."
"I'm to refined and beautiful for dog food."He said giving the other a look, smiling a little as the bird tried to groom him,yelping softly as he bite him just a little to hard."Be good."e said poking the bird smiling."I know.Why do you think I like her?I wish my bite made them unhealable."He grinned wider titlting his head back to look up at harry, amused though he looked slightly sorry that the man had gotten hurt."Hmmm I think I shall name you..Quez."He muttered giving the bird his undivided attention, shifting to lean against the bed as the bird slept. Pouting a little at the hole in his pants he sighed, glancing up at harry when he came back in."He ripped a hole in my pants."He said sulking a little.

"no,but that is useul.I'll have to remember that."He said looking thoughtful because he could see so many uses having house elves everywhere."Oh....yes...that would be good..."Daemon said shifting to get up, looking worried about the small bird as he settled it into the nest, making sure Quez was comfortable before looking at Harry. "Thanks."He said for both getting him out of the school,and for the clothes.Smiling as he stripped right there, even knwing the man was gay wasn't enough to stop the vain dark lord from stripping in front of him because he wanted reassurance that he was beautiful.Of course it helped Daemon didn't know he was falling for harry so it was easy for him to just brush off getting undressed in front of him. Tugging on the pants he smiled slightly, before looking at harry."Time to eat?"He asked smirking a little,because he was thinking about anything but the mess awaiting him at school
Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head, the bird chirping at him it's head tilted at him as Harry grumbled, sulking at Daemon. "i think i'll give you spaggetios for dinner tonight." he growled simply before smiling at the name. "Quez, a pretty name for a pretty bird." he agreed chuckling a little as he shook his head. "you where going to have to get rid of them anyway remember? their full of egg yuck." he pointed out grinning a little. "it could have been worse you know? he could have bitten a hole in your arm." he teased with a small chuckle. "and it is useful." he admitted simply as he followed the other up and into the single room, smiling as Quez protested being set down until he realized how comfy his new nest was and curled up in it, Harry snorting a little. "barley out of the egg and already a spoiled brat... he's definitely yours Daemon." he admitted chuckling a little. ""no prob..." he was cut off as the other undressed, swallowing thickly as his eyes scanned the others body.

Harry felt it was unnecessarily cruel to be tormented like that, the other undressing right in front of him, revealing firm muscled legs and perfect dick that Harry just wanted to take into his mouth and.... "huh?" Harry asked, blinking at Daemon, clearly lost in his own little world. "eat?... yeah..." he purred with a sick little grin before he snapped back to himself. "oh! right,... food." he muttered wandering into the kitchen area and pulling out various ingredients, slapping some steaks onto the stove before whipping up a bright green salad.and then going out and gathering up some strawberries to make pie with, struggling not to think about all the fun things he and Daemon could do to each other. it wasn't going to happen for a while and Harry knew it, so thinking about it wasn't going to help in the least.
"Spaggetios?I haven't had any since I was a kid.'Daemon said perking up even more."This is true.But I'm his mommy, he'd never bite me on purpose."Daemon said with all the arrogance of a man who was used to to having things go his way. "Hmmm definately."Daemon said absently stroking Quez's head for a moment as he finshed dressing, not even realizing he was being cruel, just that he felt better in clean clothes. Looking confused at the man's trip to another world, tilting his head a little."Yes, food."He said smiling a little as he followed the other doorstairs, settling into a chair at the able as harry cooked. nibbling on a strawberry s he looked at Harry, before returning to the table. Looking lost. Now that the excitement of having Quez hatch, he was starting to remember what had brought him to this. "...Did you see victoria?"He muttered getting himself a drink.

Meanwhile back at school Victoria sniffled as she stepped into Scorpius' room, eyes red and bloodshot as she sat down on one of the desks as he worked on paperwork."..Did you see Daemon?"She asked, so worried about her boyfriend...or ex boyfriend...or...dammit, she wanted to know how the man was. He'd looked so hurt, and she was afraid of just how reckless he'd be now that she'd hurt him. She understood more then he thought she did, and she understood how devastated he had to be.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "not on purpose, but i bet he didn't mean to rip a hole in your pants either." he pointed out with a chuckle as he shook his head. "yes i did... she's... upset." he admitted. "she's hurt inside, angry at herself for putting you through that pain..." he admitted with a small sigh. "it was rose's idea, to send Victoria to seduce you... neither of them expected for her to actually start to care very deeply for you." he admitted looking over at the other. "she really didn't mean to hurt you Daemon." he admitted softly. "she loves you... just, not the way you want... or need." he admitted with a slight shake of his head as he went back to cooking. "she's... scared too." he admitted looking back at him. "... what do you want to do about the baby?" he asked softly.

Scorpius looked up at her and sighed a little as he closed his book. "no, i saw Harry... he told me what you did..." he admitted fidgeting a little. "i can't decide if i'm angry at you or if i feel sorry for you..." he admitted frowning a little as he looked at her belly. "your really pregnant right?" he asked, hoping she hadn't been lying about that too. "Harry said he was keeping Damon under house arrest." he admitted as he saw she was fretting. "he's staying with Harry and Harry won't let him do anything stupid, Harry even took Em there so Daemon could have his horse." he admitted biting his lip. "i'm worried about him too...." he looked at her. "...how is Rose handling all this? rumor is Harry slapped her..." he swallowed thickly. "she'll kill Daemon if she thinks he's going to go... bad..."
"Probably not."Daemon nodded a little fiddling with the strawberry juice that had dripped onto the table, running his finger through it and drawing absently. Not really there,but not so closed off that he couldn't feel a jolt of pain at the mention of the baby."I know.I've always known she was there at Rose's asking...I'd just assumed she'd fallen in love with me as much as I did..."He said sighing quietly.He'd guessed about her reasons for first coming to the manor, but it had never struck him that she didn't love him as much as he loved her. "I don't need anything.Not...not like that."daemon said already shrugging the notion away."Gretchen taught me that."He said sighing a little."...I'll...the baby didn't do anything wrong.I'll still be in its life...if not living with her."He said frowning a little looking thoughtful.After his visit with Gretchen the pain and rage had subsided, at least enough for him to totally remove what it had felt like to be that in love.

Victoria winced, flinching as she sat down,wrapping her arms around herself. Knowing she deserved his anger, even if it hurt to see a man who'd been so kind to her be angry with her."No, no I wouldn't lie about that."She said looking at him nodding a little. Relaxing as she realized that he was locked away and couldn't get to gretchen to do his own form of self inflicting pain."You'll let me know if he does anything stupid?I care for him scor, even if its not that way harry does, or he deserves."She said before laughing pained but amused."Rose is currently at the burrow, and not talking to anyone. She'll be back tomorrow for classes though."She looked pained before smiling a little"If she tries to kill Daemon, Daemon will destroy her. He no longer cares I think, who he hurts, only if he gets the pain out."She said looking worried because she knew her boyfriend. She knew he would lash out at the people trying to help him.
he smiled at the other, his head tilted a little. "she does love you Daemon." he admitted smiling at him. "just not the way you want... or deserve." he admitted softly. "your as much her family as Rose and Hugo are." he admitted softly shaking his head a little. "and everyone needs love Daemon." he admitted softly, looking down at his feet. "after Fleur was done with me... i thought i would never love again you know?" he admitted softly. "i... that's why i sleep around... because.. i figured... if i couldn't have love... at least i could have sex." he admitted swallowing thickly. "and..." he sighed a little. "Gretchen is a bitch Dae, and sick in the head in more ways than one!" he snapped before closing his eyes. "she wants you to think this way, because it means that in the end she's winning." he admitted looking at him. "what are you going to do when she dies? or worse, escapes like so many others have done and starts hurting people again?" he asked the other his eyes worried and angry before he sighed. "you know... if you want... or need... i've taken worse abuse... you could hurt me..." he offered, stirring the thick syrup before pouring it over the strawberries in the pie, handing Daemon his plate of food, steak and salad.

he looked at her and sighed a little and slowly pulled her into his lap, hugging her. "it's going to be alright Victoria." he promised softly. "Daemon will understand... once he's calmed down i think." he admitted looking at her with his head tilted. "Harry's promised to keep me in the loop... in case Daemon does anything stupid or makes progress... i'll keep you informed." he promised sighing a little. "... Harry does love Daemon doesn't he?" he asked, only slightly jealous. "that's why he turned me down..." he smiled a little. "he won't hurt Rose, even if she tries to kill him... harry won't give him the chance.... if Rose is stupid enough to try and take out someone who is under Harry's personal protection... well then she's either that stupid, or hasn't read the book on his life yet... he's done that before... and when one of his protected people got hurt... he slaughtered the person responsible." he admitted sulking a little. "he made me promise not to hurt Rose." he whined rather pathetically.
"Your not supposed to screw family potter....well, except if your purebloods."He said snickering a little."Gretchen wont escape. She knows I'll kill her if she steps outside the prison. She might like me, but she wont risk escaping just to play with me more.And if she dies...she dies.Then thats the end of this game."Daemon said starting to eat, not looking at harry. More intent on his food then anything else. Because he knew Harry was right, that gretchen was winning their game of wills, and sleeping with her just proved he needed her mroe then she needed him. Flinching a little at the idea of hurting harry, shaking his head hard."N-no.No."Daemon said shaking his head hard, starting to fall apart because it hurt to think about hurting the man.And because, it'd been a really long evening, and he was going to convince Harry he was fine, and he could go back to the school in the morning.Which meant getting the breakdown out of his system. Still in control enough to think of that even as tears ran down his face.

Victoria sighed resting her head on his shoulder"Daemon's never calm, you should know that."She said looking slightly amused before nodding."Thank you."She muttered before pausing, tilting her head to look at the blond. Worry about him showing in her face,"yes he does. And daemon's not ready to accept that. Much like your not ready to accept someone being in love you with."She said teasing him lightly before relaxing a little. Because she had been really afraid rose would hurt daemon,but hary would take care of him. She had to believe that Daemon would be okay with her."Hmm good. If anyone's going to hurt Rose, it should be me or daemon don't you agree?"She teased hugging him before leaning back to look at him."How's draco handling this?"she said worried about the elderly man, who she knew had to be woriried about his son.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "Family fuck each other all the time." he pointed out with a shrug. "and they always escape." he stated with a sigh. "always..." he looked over at the other and smiled at his protest. "it's ok... i like being hurt." he admitted leaning back on the counter, eating his own meal before smiling at Daemon. "your tired...." he muttered softly. "think about it in the morning, we can duel or something..." he offered smiling a little. "your birdie will need feeding in the morning too." he admitted softly. "...oh and... i'm very sorry." he stated suddenly, his head down and clearly stifling giggles. "but you might not be able to ride Em for about.... nine, or... ten months..." he admitted, having watched Ebony mount the emerald horse. he looked shocked at the tears though and he abandoned his food and moved over to the other, stroking his cheeks. "hey... hey Daemon it's not as bad as that... it will be alright... i'll make sure of it..."

he smiled a little and shook his head. "no, your right, he's either pissed off or hyper." he agreed smiling a little before his face fell again at the mention of someone loving him. "i'm too stupid to love..." he muttered softly, another of Voldemort's lies, and like Sam, words had a very large impact on Scorpius's life. when they where said enough, they became true. "... i don't think i'm gay though." he admitted flushing hard. "i... accidentally touched shay's boob... i don't think she noticed... but my dick kind of did..." he admitted sounding almost horrified. "how does one even have sex with a woman?" he muttered nervously before smirking at Victoria. "you couldn't hurt Rose." he teased smiling a little. "your pissed at her, but she's still your family..." he hesitated at the mention of his father. "i... i'm not sure how he is actually..." he admitted biting his lip. "he's... completely calm, or looks it anyway... when Harry told him he just nodded, and went back to his book so he's either freaking out inside... or he trusts Harry that much..."
Daemon paused, thought about it. But didn't say anything abut them escaping. He'd take care of that when it happened, and not before. Biting his lip as he leaned into the other, silently crying, asif he wasn't even aware he was crying."...oaky.We could duel in the morning...and Quez will want food..."He muttered before whimpering a little, nudging the man holding him."You impregnanted my horse?What the hell?"He whined scrambling up the stairs to look out the window where he could see his horse.Whining quietly before he crawled into bed, cuddling up around the nest holding quez."Nope. Don't talk about it. Its to much."He grumbled buryig his head under the pillow, refusing to talk anymore as he drifted to sleep. To overwhelmed to think.

Victoria sighed, hugging him."You're not stupid Scorpius. You are brilliant, and loving. And... and I think you need to have the sex conversation with Daemon.Or harry. they know who's in love with you,and you with her. So, it'll be okay."She promised patting his cheek as she got to her feet, bullying him to his feet."Come on.Your father probably trusts Harry, and trusts Dae to take care of himself. Now we're going to go to bed and get some sleep. We both have classes in the morning."She said bullying him to his bedroom, smiling softly. "Goodnight Scor."She muttered kissing his cheek before leaving him alone to his own thoughts.
Harry smiled a little as he nodded. "yeah, i'd like to duel you, something tells me it'll be challenging to kick your ass." he teased grimacing a little at the man's reaction to his horse. "sorry." he stated with a shrug. "i'm just reporting what i saw." he admitted simply, smiling a little. "if it makes you feel better, i'll let you keep the foal." a water horse Pegasi crossbreed was either going to be a disaster, or the most amazing thing anyone had ever seen. he smiled at the others reaction and gently tucked the other in, pulling a nice warm blanket over the man before shaking his head as Quez grumbled, shuffled himself out of the nest, and curled himself against his 'mama' instead.

Scorpius shrugged a little. "i think i might just talk to Shay." he admitted smiling a little. "i think i might like her... a lot..." he admitted. "more than in just a friend or family way..." he admitted swallowing thickly at the thought of his best friend, rising to his feet when he was urged to. "you'll go back to Harry's rooms then?" he asked gently, his head tilted at Victoria before watching her leave, sighing a little as he slid into bed and thought so hard he nearly gave himself a headache.
In the morning Daemon sighed, rubbing a hand over his face and yipping a little as he found himself face to face with Quez, smiling a little,"Morning pretty."He muttered shifting to get up,holding the bird against his chest."Come on.We're ging to go see Em.Gotta see if she's pregnant."He said grumbling about insane pegasi, Ebony had to have a death wish to try that.Smiling to himself he headed outside, Quez curled up against his chest holding him close, smiling as Em trotted over to him, snuffing at the bird. Snorting as he realized horse was jealous of bird."No worries Em, I still love you."He muttered stroking her head, smiling at Harry as the man walked out."Sleep well?"He asked looking better then he had the day before.For the moment putting aside any worry but this.

"Morning.How's Dae?"Shay muttered as SCorpius walked into the classroom, looking at him worriedly. Having realized that Scorpius was working himself into a tizzy about daemon, she was worried that he'd not take care of himself until Daemon was off house arrest."And you'll take care of yourself to.Did you eat this morning?"She said looking at him, smiling gently.
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