
Belladonna blushed at lupin's appearance, pressing her face against harry's shoulder as narcissa laughed. "Well we knew it was bound to happen.At least he's to tired to complain loudly."Narcissa said looking amused.Smiling as she helped them get fen downstairs,settling in her seat looking worried a little. Belladonna smiled sitting down, looking amused at fen's words."Ohhh luc, you're so pretty."She teased tilting her head as she looked at the other. Narcissa smiled looking at the two shaking her head a little."Okay, siri, will you make us more food?"she asked looking at the animagi as belladonna looked up at him pleadingly. Belladonna so wanted something to eat, even if she was to well mannered to ask for it.
Fenrir smiled a little at Sirius. "hey hey i know you too! your Elf man's mate! he smells like you lots. he said i wasn't to... oh..." Sirius lifted an eyebrow. "wasn't supposed to what?" he demanded sourly and Lupin snickered. "he wasn't supposed to talk to you." Lupin admitted chuckling as Fenrir whined, Sirius looking a little annoyed and disturbed by Fenrir's behavior. "no i will NOT make you food." Sirius snarled glaring at Narcissa Harry sighing a little as he shook his head a little. "it's for Belladara Siri but if your going to be a dick i'll do it myself." Harry stated, glaring at his father who winced and flushed hard, seaming to realize that he was being rather ridiculous. "... sorry..." Sirius muttered getting up and starting to make food, Harry smirking, pleased with himself, Lupin snickering behind his hand.

"so... on to the reason why i'm not already mad or dead." Lupin stated simply. "apparently my father was an Elf." he stated simply harry lifting an eyebrow. "wait, you can understand him?" Harry asked looking at Fenrir, Lupin snorting a little. "yes i can understand him, it's the same way my inner wolf speaks, you know when i'm in the full moon? Sirius has heard me babbling like that all the time." "... i have now that you mention it, it's almost exactly the same..." "right.. anyway Fenrir was under the control of his father... Viper Grayback, who wanted the location of the Elf king from my father, who i thought was a muggle like my mother but." he shrugged a little. "i guess he was hiding... but Viper wanted the location of the hidden Elf villages so he could wage a war on them... when he refused Viper had Fenrir bite me to punish my father... so i'm half elf." he admitted as Sirius handed out huge stacks of pancakes to everyone. he even gave one to Fenrir who didn't even bother with syrup, he just stuffed it into his mouth.
Narcissa snickered looking at Sirius, "you are such a bastard sometimes cousin."She mused shaking her head as the animagi got up to make food. Belladonna smiled happily as she realized that harry had known she wanted food, even if she hadn't said it. Turning her head she brushed a kiss over the brunette's cheek, leaning into him for a moment before smiling slightly. "Huh.Well, that does explain this."She said studying the werewolf as she tilted her head. Snickering a little as harry realized that the babbling did make sense to someone."It must be a werewolf thing, but since the wolf can't actually make words, the human part tries to give them words to understand it."She said looking thoughtful as she turned over that in her mind.

"Well, viper should have been killed long before when he did."He said frowning a little at the idea that someone had allowed the insane bastard to live so long. "That's just against every law that the prince was supposed to uphold."She scowled at the idea that the fae had become so lax in controlling their werewolf brethren that they could bit anyone and not just their chosen ones.
Sirius shrugged. "i'm a black, we're predisposition-ed towards temper tantrums, jack assedness, and just plan out bastard-ism." "... Sirius... those aren't words." "they are in my head." Sirius admitted before pausing a little. "what if the Elf king... couldn't do anything to viper? as the prince of wolves, he is technically above normal Fey law, especially living in the mortal realms... viper was untouched for so long because... no one could legally do anything without a proper heir." "that's right, viper didn't actually claim Fenrir as blood until he was on his death bed... no one knew if he actually had an heir or if he'd just found Fen abandoned as a pup somewhere..." Lucius admitted looking at Belladonna. "could that be why the Fey king never did anything? if the Wolf King was to be killed without an heir, that would start the wolven wars again would it not?" Remus asked his head tilted. "they wouldn't have punished Fenrir for it either... because he was under the control of someone else the entire time... hell he doesn't even know who he is let alone right from wrong..." Harry mused shaking his head. "but if Fen knows how to find him..." "then we can get him, and Moony help?" Sirius asked looking hopeful.
"...your a moron then."Belladonna supplied with a giggle at Sirius' made up words before looking startled at the idea."....bloody hell."Belladonna scowled at the idea, shaking her head. Because they had once been her laws, and sarsen's, it was so disturbing to see things millions of years later and how the rules had been twisted."It was once that no matter what, a order of execution was past down if anyone broke the laws."she said shaking her head a little before sighing. "If that's how the laws are now, yes that would be why. The elves are ancient,but even they wouldn't have been alive to remember the old ways."She said shaking her head."And it would start a war,at least now. Once the elves would have controlled things until a heir could be raised and trained...."She sighed so tired of things. This wasn't her world, the one that she had left with iron clad rules that everyone ws the same no matter what, and other rules, while she slept. And....things would be different, and she would have to bend, if she wanted to be able to beat sarsen and her mad dark lord. "Yes, the elves should help. And if they don't we'll find something else..."She shrugged, and for a moment all that darkness between stars, the darkness that had once made both fae and human name her a posion filled her eyes before it faded, and she was once again the innocent looking young teenager.
Sirius just smirked at Belladonna, because the world already knew Sirius was an idiot. "yes but back then there where less mortals to interfere." Harry pointed out. "and many less werewolves. we have no idea how many the elves are and if their hiding from Voldemort just as much as they are everything else? Viper joined Voldemort when he was only thirteen, too young to be executed...." Lucius muttered out. "they probobly couldn't have executed Viper and put one of them on the throne until a new king could be found because Voldemort never would have stood for this... so even if they are aware of the Old laws or not, there where way too many things working in Vipers favor." Lupin pointed out. Harry smiled at her and gently set a hand on hers, giving it a gentle squeeze, offering her a little bit of comfort. "i am sure the elves will help, their compassionate and kind as i recall." "please." Lucius complained. "what part about Malfoy makes ANYONE think compassionate and kind!?" "... your that way to me." Harry pointed out, making the blond sputter in indignation and the rest of the table laugh, Fenrir looking so shocked by this strange noise that he stared at everyone with wide horrified eyes, as if waiting for someone to be drug in bloody and messed for him to finish off. well that's usually what laughter when he was around meant anyway.
"Oh.That's true."She said looking startled at that, still not used to having a world so full of people that they were interferring with all cultures and not just the human one. "To many things to go wrong if they tried to replace him.Yes, that makes sense, it doesn't mean I have to like it though."she grumbled looking amused smirking at lucius as he complained. "Your nice to me."Narcissa pointed out snickering as her husband stuttered. Belladonna reached out, setting a gentle hand on Fenrir's arm as he looked around."No one's going to hurt you fenrir. I promise.No one is going to be hurt. We're just laughing because it was funny."She said calmly, reaching out again and stroking his hair."I promise, nothing's wrong."
Harry smiled a little as he nodded. "yes, far too many dangerous things." he agreed chuckling a little. "yeah Lucius, your nice to a lot of people!" Lupin teased smirking a little as Lucius huffed and went sulky, crossing his arms and refusing to grant anyone his attention. Fen flinched at Belladonna's touch and whined as he set his head on her shoulder, Harry smiling a little, a forced one, fighting the urge to growl at Fenrir. "Fenrir, can you take us to the elf king?" Harry asked softly, Fenrir blinking. "kings of men and kings of old!" he chirped. "go to the fortress told." he sang giggling a little. "dancing queens and tricking nymphs, lead the way to Elven Lands." he chirped grinning a little. "dance the way and sing a song, and open the way will be." he sang happily. no doubt the Elf king had been unable to get Fenrir to remember anything without a song... the goofy wolf still seamed to have some of the words wrong. "i go to the place and i sing a song, and a hold opens, and i jump in, and ....." he paused. "i don't know what happens after that..." he admitted calmly, Harry snorting a little as he hid his laughter behind a hand. "do you know where the place is?" Lupin asked, Fenrir nodding. "it's in the forbidden forest!" "...joy..."
Belladonna smiled pressing a kiss to fenrir's hair to hide her smirk at the words. Amused because harry didn't seem to happy about this place, wherever it is."A forbidden forest?Why is a forest forbidden?Elves and fae are always welcome in a forst."She said frowning a little as she thought about it. Not understanding."Well, then again we'll have to leave, and voldemort might find us...surel someone would notice the opening a gate to the elf realms..."She said sounding thoughtful smiling as she grinned."Thank you fenrir.That was helpful."She said stroking the werewolf's head as she looked down at him, amused that he had only remembered in song form but at least they had a place to start looking.
Harry smiled at her. "it's one of the few remaining 'old places', only there haven't been any elves to contain and control the beasts living there." he explained, proving that he knew more about elves than the Malfoy's had thought. "everything in there wants to eat you, and what doesn't hates you for being human." he stated with a shrug. "it's a dangerous place and i've already spent WAY too much time in it." Harry admitted shaking his head Draco shuddering a little. "i hate the place." the blond admitted. "after those damn spiders in second year..." "ron just about shit himself." "... he DID puke on me." "yes i know your still bitching about it." "... i think i'll stay home this time." because Draco knew what would happen if the Elves discovered that Draco could use the Old Magic. they'd never let him leave, he was not all that willing to go in the first place because of that. "Fen, do you know exactly where the entrance is?" "oh yes i go there LOTS." he admitted nodding. "it is my moon thinking place." he admitted. "it shimmers and glows and makes me feel all happy and nice." "would you take us there?" Harry asked hopefully, Fenrir hesitating. "... i... i'm not s'posed to.... he said not to... no one else he said... he said..."
"Harry, have you been reading again?"Narcissa teased looking startled at his knowledge. "Oh. There used to be so many old places..."Belladonna said sounding sad as she considered it. "what where you doing in there then?"She said bristling a little, disliking the idea of him being in danger froming at him. "...Draco just doesn't like being dirty.He cant help it if he's OCD."she snickered a little looking amused as she looked at the blond, looking amused at the idea of him getting puked on."...he's protected it with moon magic. No wonder fen likes going there...the moon would be able to calm him..."belladonna said more musing outloud as she thought about it, because it had to be a simple moon summoning, like she had done before, just on a bigger sale. "Fen,I am one of the old ones, I am allowed. Please, I need his help.Otherwise I may be hurt.Please fen?"Belladonna asked looking at the werewolf, looking concerned because she needed to coax him into helping her, them, and she hoped that he would be afraid for her, because she was also afraid for herself, not that she wanted anyone else to know that.
Harry smirked a little and shook his head. "of course i've been reading again, i even snuck into Uncles library and got books on elves...." he teased smiling a little. "and Draco hates being dirty to the point where he gets dust on his finger and he takes a bath." Harry stated rolling his eyes Draco sticking his tongue out at Harry. "Moon Magic?" Harry asked looking astonished. "that could be why so many spiders gather there?" he asked curiously before blinking at Fenrir as the man whimpered, fidgeting in his chair, the childlike madness creeping back in. "no no no he will get mad mad mad mustn't do it no no but not let get hurt no no no..." he muttered chewing on his finger as he retreated into himself, not wanting to get into trouble for refusing or getting in trouble for taking them, Sirius looking astonished as the man started to rock back and forth. "mustn't... mustn't mustn't mutsn't...." he muttered softly, flinching as Lupin gently took the man's hand, wide grey eyes staring into Fenrir's large black ones, the two of them staring for what seemed like ages until Lupin smiled and Fenrir relaxed, smiling hesitantly back. "... okay..." he whispered softly. "i will show you the way..." "... papa? what did you do?" Harry asked, looking astonished, Lupin chuckling. "...i connected our wolves." he explained smiling a little. "i basically made myself his Alpha. i can... control him to an extent, help keep him calm for instance." Lupin admitted smiling a little. "i can't make him do anything though, just moderate his emotions and protect his mind. without my permission, Fenrir will never be held under Impirio again."
"That could be. Moon magic has always been something that called to the wild things, even if they weren't tied to the moon."Belladonna said her eyes sad as she watched fenrir fall apart, before smiling. Relaxing as she realized that lupin was making the wolf feel safe, that things would be okay. "Thats good. At least he wont have a weakness against voldemort now."she said before smiling a little wider, standing up, straightening out her clothes."We better get ready to go. The earlier we head out to the woods, the more time that we will be able to talk to the king."she said looking worried at herself, beause she didn't want to consider what would happen if the king really did decide to punish them for daring to visit. She ust hoped that the fae hadn't convinced all the races she was a posion, and that she would still hold some sway over things.
Harry nodded a little and smiled as Fenrir calmed down and pressed his nose against the underside of Lupin's chin, nuzzling him like a puppy, Sirius chuckling a little. "ok, so maybe i was wrong about Fenrir." he finally conceded chuckling a little as he shook his head, Harry grinning as he stood up. "lovely, i'll go get the swords and spears." "harry, don't be sarcastic, it's the lowest form of wit." Lupin stated dryly, sounding so much like Lucius for a moment that Sirius choked. Harry snickered and pulled out his wand, Lupin doing the same, Sirius hesitating. "i have to stay... i have a meeting with Dumbledore in twenty minutes..." Lupin nodded and kissed his lover. "don't tell him about Fen alright?" "i won't." Sirius promised watching Harry gather Bella, Fen, Lupin and Lucius into a group and apparated them to the Forest, Fenrir and Lupin both sighing softly as they felt the Moons power flowing through them. "that feels so good..." Lupin muttered softly, Fenrir nodding in agreement. "it's..." he paused and sniffed at the air. "this way!" he chirped beaming as be skipped through the Dangerous forest, Harry's eyes narrowed, on high alert as he followed, his hand tight around his wand with a spell already in his mind in case they where attacked. "here!" Fenrir chirped after ten minutes of walking. they where very deep in the forest, it was as dark as night, though it was late afternoon, and there was no path at all, though Fenrir was standing over a deep well, that looked very elvish. "i sing a song, and it glows bright white, and then i hop in and it takes me to the king." he chirped smiling happily. "shall i sing the song? it's in... uhm... Latin?... French? it's in pretty words." he admitted smiling happily. "will you sing it?" Lupin asked hopefully smiling a little as Fenrir hesitated again biting his lip before he began to sing in perfect french. shocking considering he could barley articulate in English. the well suddenly burst into light and Fenrir beamed. "gonna go see the kingy king king king." he chirped leaping into the well without a second thought. "... well at least someone's brave..." Harry stated calmly biting his lip, clearly a little uncertain about following Fenrir.
"Luc, you're a bad influence."Narcissa said laughing as she tickled her husband for a moment before getting up."We're just a call away...if you need us."Belladonna muttered standing as she hugged the animagi before following the others. Belladonna looked shocked at the man's french, before smiling a little because it was surprising. But a werewolf's memory was good, it only took pratice to memorize something like that. "Oh, you're always brave. Come on my hero."Belladonna smiled as she stepped in after fenrir, not bothering to wait to see if the other's would follow, breathing easier as she felt the magic tinging the air."Lady Belladonna. The wind said you were walking amongest us again,but I did not believe the fickle wind."The king of elves mused as he stepped from his throne, the entrance having taken them directly into his throne room. "I am a nightmare given form lord, I am not something a fickle wind would lie about." "Ahhh, but your relatives have for centuries." "But they have long forgotten what it meant to have a dreamweaver among them."
the first thing Fenrir did when he got to the other side, landing in the amazing realm of the Elves was he hugged the King and gave his cheek a nice big kiss, giggling as he bounded around like the lunatic he was chattering, babbling really about how everything smelled and felt and tasted good, Lupin looking amazed as he stepped in after Fenrir, Harry following and stepping close to Belladonna, looking around in amazement before bowing to the king of Elves, Fenrir following his example. "Greetings Great King. i can assure you she's only dangerous to those who deserve it." Harry promised his eyes twinkling playfully, trying to ease his own fear with humor, Fenrir smiling a little. "be calm Harry, if they where going to hurt us they would have done it already." Lupin promised keeping an eye on Fenrir who had his head buried in a rose bush. "thank you, for what you have done for Fenrir King... he has had a very hard life." Lupin admitted softly.
The king smiled a little as he patted the wolf's head, a little disturbed to find them here, but it was amusing to see a human be so protective of the nightmare stalker. And despite what he knew of her, she was...younger then he had thought she'd be."I know. I tried to change it, but the rules have changed as humanity took over the world." "Much has changed."Belladonna said sadly sliding a hand into harry's,squeezing a little looking amused. Amused at harry's protectiveness,"I'm scary to everyone. Except you."she muttered brushing a kiss to his cheek. "You came for a reason dreamstalker, what is it?" "I need help.Sarsen is here, helping voldemort. And I need the cure for werewolf's curse?" "There really is a cure??"The elf looked startled, it was legend, even among the elves. It had been so long since anyone had tried to do it, that it had become a legend even among the guardians of the secret.
Harry smiled at the Elf king his head tilted. "humans have ruined a great many things." Harry admitted gently kissing Bella's cheek, smiling at her. "your not scary in the least." "this coming from the boy who faced up against Voldemort in first, second, fourth, fifth, and sixth year, fought and killed a giant Basilisk, rode a griffon, swallowed a snitch, faced up against dozens of Spidren and their father Acrumantula, a Dragon... your sense of fear is different from most peoples." Lupin stated simply Harry smirking a little before both their grins fell. "you don't.. have the cure then?" Lupin asked sighing a little, feeling dread creeping up on him. "there really is a cure... but only the king of Wolves is supposed to know it... unfortunately the last King, viper... either had it and never told anyone... or never had it..." Lupin admitted swallowing thickly. "madness really is my fate then..." "no... we'll find it.. somewhere... there... we could still find The Librarian..." but no one had seen the thing known as The Librarian in centuries... even before Belladonna had been put to sleep no one had seen the Librarian in years upon years.
"I am sorry...I hadn't been aware there was one. Otherwise I would have searched for it."The king, armara, said shaking his head."I will search. My men will be able to look for the librarian. Also....Belladonna could dreamwalk.She might be able to find him. After all, everyone has to sleep."He pointed out. Belladonna paled a little at the idea, having not consiciously dreamwalked since she'd woken up she was worried at the idea of what she would find if she wandered. It scared her because she didn't want hurt, despite knowing she had to, to not only help lupin but to take care of voldemort, but she was still scared at the idea."I can try."She muttered not looking at anyone as she leaned into harry's hold.
Harry wrapped his arms around her. "you don't have to." he whispered softly, stroking her hair, Lupin setting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Harry's right, you don't have to dream walk if you don't want to." he promised smiling at her before his expression went stern. "Fenrir Greyback you stop humping that Elf this instant!" he ordered racing off to find the suddenly ignored werewolf, who was indeed humping an elf, not that the pointy eared creature seamed to mind. Harry had to snicker at that, looking amused. "aaaw i wanna hump an elf." he teased nuzzling belladonna. "well, your elf like bell, can i hump you?" he teased, making it seam so much more lewd than he'd meant it to. he went bright red and he coughed into his hand. "that came out differently than i expected it too..."
Belladonna blushed hard as she pressed her face against harry's shoulder as she leaned against his chest, refusing to look at them. "...that-wow. You.."She stopped trailing off because she was blushnig so hard and that for once, the centuries old virgin had no idea what to say. Smiling a little Amara sighed."I did not mean that you had to Belladonna. There are other ways of finding things."
Harry coughed awkwardly into his hand, blushing so hard he looked like a tomato as Lupin dragged Fenrir back to the group by the back of hsi shirt Harry smirking a little as he shook his head looking at Amara. "will you help us King Amara?" how did harry know the man's name? as far as Lupin knew the Elf had never actually introduced himself. "Voldemort is destroying the wizarding world. and Sarsen is helping him, the Old places are dead or dying, and the Fey have no boundaries anymore. the werewolves are running wild, attacking as they please and the Dragons have grown stupid like common beasts..." Harry had been reading again, but it was all true. "we can't fix this on our own, we need help."
Amara nodded, looking toughtful. The only reason he hadn't become invloved before, was because he hadn't realized Sarsen was awake. He had thought it was just a human problem, and he let humans take care of humans. but if belladonna was awake, it meant they needed help. Because the girl seemed....younger, less whole then she should be."I will.I willsend some men back with you, and also search for the wolf's cure.And see if there are any half elves that have access to the dark order now. We need information if we're going to takek them out of the game."
Lupin hesitated a little and then. "there is... one..." he admitted softly. "her name is Bellatrix, but she's... rather insane and not all that Dependable.. she was broken my Voldemort years ago by torture and she now thinks she is in love with him... she is the only half elf i know of that is still in the Dark order, the others all fled Voldemort's side when Sarsen joined him." he admitted calmly, Harry grimacing a little as he shook his head. "... Draco, might still be able to get in but... i don't think he can handle that..." "your right he can't.. and Lucius would never allow it.." "there might be half elves that we're not aware of though... they... might be able to help... maybe..."
Belladonna shuddered at the idea of anyone being in love with Voldemort before nodding."We'll have to try."she said because she didn't want to dreamwalk, but if they had no other choice she would."No.I wont allow draco to go."Belladonna grumbled annoyed. Amara looked slightly amused at the woman's protectiveness, realizing that she wasn't the monster legend had painted her to be."We will be able to find the families that don't know who they are. we have family charts that magically keep updated. it will just take some time to look through them."
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