
Amara sighed shaking his head, "You didn't mean to do that. Draco said it would have happened years later. I think you just sped up the power curve."He said shaking his head crouching down in front of xaneth, sitting on his heals."You will not hurt anyone, because your daughter will not allow you to.You trust her don't you?You made her so she could execute you, if things came to that, without recocussions.it would kill her, but ti would happen, because belladonna dreamspinner would save your victims."He said searching the mans face for the truth, it had been whispered in stories, in the elven king's line, that xaneth had created a fail safe, a daughter that was not only his equal, but his superior, in case he went wrong.

"Oh.Well okay."She muttered blushing a little as she shifted, cuddling into him as she relaxed in the water."me either.Well except papa, but he doesn't count, because he's my papa and he's supposed to do things like that."She said for once, sounding so amazingly young.
Xaneth hesitated, realizing that the twins would have grown wings anyway, looking Amara over to make certain that he wasn't just saying that to make him feel better before he went completely pale, wondering how Amara knew that. he had made the twins for many reasons, but the forefront had been... yes, just what Amara had said, to kill him should he go mad. he was the most powerful creature in existence, his daughters, together, where more powerful than him. Belladonna was more powerful than him and he knew, if he went mad, she could save all the hundreds of people he would destroy in a storm of nightmares and trauma. "...how did you know that?" he asked, swallowing thickly before he looked away. "your right of course..." he muttered closing his eyes. "Belladonna would put the innocents before her father if it came down to that..." he admitted staring off into nothing now. "i'll just make sure to avoid the twins and any other Swan manes..." he decided softly. "no need to cause any more damage now that i know it will happen..."

he smiled a little and gently kissed her neck. "well, i suppose Sirius and Lupin hug me too but they don't usually unless i need one." he admitted with a snicker. "their not very good at the comforting thing, they prefer other ways to show their affection." he admitted smiling as he remembered all the playing and wrestling they had done, Harry flying through the air as Sirius tossed and caught him, the three of them screaming as they ran around attacking each other. he snickered a little and settled his head on her shoulder. "mm you smell good." he admitted smiling a little. "we should get out... your going to prune..."
"Because Belladonna knows. Or at least.. .knew at one time. And left her journal with my ancestor. She wanted to be sure that no one would find it....and of course, we couldn't help but read it. But only the kings knew."He said blushing a little because it was common knowledge that elves were curious, and their kings were the worst of them all."I don't think she knows now. Shes been aseep to long."He said nodding a little."I think you've done everything to the twins that yu could. But I would avoid the others."

"Well I'll hug you all the time."He said snickering a little, "I am sure they're perfectly fine at comfort."She said defending her in laws even if she knew that they were horrible at it. Sighing as she nodded getting up,"Lets go then."she said blushing a little at the smelling comment starting to dry off as she climbed out of the tub.
Xaneth shook his head. "i never meant for Bell to know..." he admitted sighing a little. "she must have seen the truth in one of her dreams... Sarsen doesn't know, i'm sure of that or she would have killed me instead of locking me into my Orb." he admitted glancing at Amara. "she will get her memories back, i think..." he admitted looking sad. "i hope she does not remember Sarsen's betrayal..." he admitted softly. "it was a heartbreaking thing... she made me watch." he admitted shaking his head again. "it was the last thing i ever saw..." he sighed and got slowly to his feet. "night is falling... i have Nightmares to Deliver, and Sweet Dreams to give." he admitted glancing at Amara and smirking. "i will give you Very sweet dreams King of Elves." he promised. "and the world will know of my return." he smirked darkly. "an they will scream and fear... and cry in joy." the wicked would fear, the innocent and good would once again sleep without terror or fear, and the Dream Weaver would rule once more. he vanished in a swirl of mist and shadows, and spread sweet dreams, and nightmares to all those who deserved his touch.

Harry chuckled as he nodded. "and i'll cuddle you all the time. every night." he agreed smiling at her before kissing her gently before snorting. "and no, as a matter of fact their pretty terrible at it." he admitted smiling as he climbed out of bed, using magic to Dry himself, winking at her as he ran a hand through his hair, making a face at himself in the mirror. "... i really wish i could get my darn hair to cooperate..." he grumbled, sighing a little.
"She would have killed you. Now go.Give someone good dreams."Amara said smiling a little before swallowing hard because he suspected xaneth wouldn't get his wish. belladonna wasrecovering to much of herself to stay ignorant of everything that had happened for to long. Smiling as he headed inside to look after draco.

"All the time?"She teased kissing him softly, before nodding."They are terrible,but you shouldn't say it."She teased gently stroking her fingers through his hair."Oh leave it alone, I like it."She teased nuzzling him.
Draco was still with the sets of twins, the Swans sleeping peacefully now, given good dreams by Xaneth they where even sleeping slightly in their sleep, and Draco was examining the Wings, looking for breaks or damages while he made the olf twins gently massage their shoulders to ease the painful tears that growing new muscles had caused. "broken..." Draco muttered coming across a section of wing, carefully healing it before continuing down the wing to look for anymore damages. "be careful not to bump their wings Amara, their as fragile as glass, the slightest knock can break them right now." he admitted shaking his head.

"yes." harry growled happily. "all the time, every day." he purred kissing her gently before chuckling a little. "besides, they know their terrible at comforting people." he admitted smiling a little before pouting at her. "but it's always so messy, Draco says it looks like a rats nest." he complained, smiling at her as he nuzzled her gently. "come on, lets go see what kind of trouble the fellows have gotten into since we got into the bath."
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