
Amara looked startled at him, tilting his head a little, blushing ever so softly."I do."He said studying him, trying to figure out what draco wanted from him. He was in love with the blond,but he didn't know what the man would want to hear, denials so draco wouldn't have to face his own feelings, or the truth."I do, I promise."He said smiling slightlly at him, looking anxious to see what the other would say.

Belladonna laughed softly at that,"They are."she said smiling gently, relaxing because it felt so good t have her father back, amnd even more to know that he didn't think she was a monster."He does feel the good things. Its weird,but good."She muttered blushing because it amazed her to think that all that feeling was or her. Laughing softly beore nodding, grinning at that. Her papa was so evil sometimes."I would.They ruined so many things."She said looking so eager to make the people who'd destroyed her happiness, and destroyed so much more by allowing sarsen to truly be the evil creature she was, to suffer.

"Probably not. He is insanely devoted."Cristo said snickering a little because it made him feel so good to just see them together.They were just so happy together you couldn't help but be happy with them."What's so weird about honeysuckle?"Sampson said frowning as he leaned closre to look at it before looking thoughtful."....this is very weird to hear you talking like this."Cristo said studying the two because it amused him to hear them talking so much alike that they were inishing each other's sentences.
Draco studied Amara's face intently, so intently before he smiled softly, almost as if he had suddenly turned shy and he leaned against Amara gently, resting his head on the others shoulder. "good." he whispered softly, swallowing thickly. "i've never had anyone admit they loved me before..." he admitted softly, shaking his head. "i don't ant to be the only person in love anymore..." he admitted softly. "promise to never leave me?" he asked softly, looking afraid and heartbroken, like the young boy he really was. he was letting Amara see him, see who he really was, was offering himself to Amara, and he knew, without a doubt, that Amara would love him, no matter what. "... i love you too you know..."

Xaneth chuckled a little and kissed her very gently on the forehead, chuckling a little as he nodded. "Harry is new to love." he admitted softly. "he is so very Naive, you can feel it in his soul." he admitted smiling a little. "much like you... like you, he has never held the touch of love." he smiled. "and no the love of a family doesn't count." he teased chuckling a little as he slowly sat up, pulling her with him as he settled into place and held his Orb in his hands, closing his eyes. "shall we begin?" he asked smiling at her. "if we get them all done before dark, i can send the dreams to them tonight." he promised chuckling a little. "they will rue the day they became involved." he admitted. "we will let them know, that they have made very grave mistakes."

the twins had to chuckle. "it confuses people." "we like to confuse people." they admitted grinning rather wickedly as they looked around. "Honeysuckle is notoriously hard to grow in a garden, Draco is the only ones we know who can do it, and we know a LOT of herbologists." the twins admitted with a small shake of their heads. "Draco doing this means that he felt the need to show off his own skills. at some point..." "he felt threatened by Amara's gardening skills and sought to one up him." Fred finished pondering this before chuckling as he reached over to his brother and started plucking out loose feathers. "we're going to have to groom before the new moon tomorrow." he complained simply, i'd hate to have to do it while in swan form." unlike werewolves, Swanmanes where affected by the new moon, when there was no moon, instead of a full moon. tonight being the new moon, they would be forced to change form once the sun rose, the sun bringing out their Swan forms. most people didn't know that, being that the Swans where a very secretive community.
Amara tensed a little before smiling slightly pressing a kiss to draco's head, closing his eyes as he let the boy lean against him."Well, you better get used to it.Like the boys said, I love you cause I can make you a flower."He muttered pressing a kiss to the other's head, smiling gently,nuzzling him a little."I'm never going anywhere.I promise."He muttered beore blushing a little, laughing softly."Well.Its good to know.Even if you cant make your own flowers for me."He teased nuzzling draco, teasing him to make sure the boy was okay.

Belladonna smiled looking up at him before closing her mouth before she could protest about the love. Smiling slightly, blushing as she nodded."Oh yes. Let's."She said closing her yes as she leaned against him, resting her head on his shoulder as she hesitatingly touched the orb, asif she was afraid it would reject her after so long before grinning."Let us show them hw big a mistake it was."

"Wow.Maybe AMara was out here."Cristo said snickering at the idea of draco feeling the need to show off. Even if they man didn't admit to being in love with their king, the ide that he felt the need to show off, to make sure that amara knew he was a powerful magican to, was telling. Cristo tilted his head looking curious, biting his lip a little."Well. If you want to do it in swan form, we could help you get the feathers off. It's like getting brushed, its easier if someone else does it."
Draco smiled a little and he chuckled a little. "yeah.. i did hear that." he admitted glancing outside. "i should be annoyed that they're talking about me but..." he shrugged a little. "it is all true..." he admitted smiling a little as he sighed a little. "... i can't make flowers." he admitted smiling a little. "but.. i can take you to my private garden." he admitted smiling a little. "no ones seen it before, not even my parents... not even Harry." he admitted softly smiling up at the other. "and... maybe you can teach me to make flowers..."

he grinned as he let her touch the orb, the magic curling around her hand just as it always had, warm and eager as if it had missed her, Xaneth smiling happily as he closed his eyes, and formed the first dream, images of Belladonna, Xaneth and harry forming in the orb, the three laughing as they swooped on one of the Elders and devoured him, cursing him for his involvement. Xaneth and Belladonna each would take turns adding minor details, like flickering flames that spilled out of the nightmare mouths, and a gaping blackness which they pushed the Elder into, laughing wickedly. a true warning, a real threat, and ever so satisfying.

the twins chuckled and pointed at the water flowers. "oh yes, he was out here, that's probobly what drove Draco into showing off." they paused at the offer, looking very hesitant and then. "well, we... we appreciate the offer but..." "we... we've never let anyone see our Swan forms before..." they admitted rather sheepishly. "we... well i guess.." they hesitated glancing at each other before they smiled. "perhaps it is time?" "yes... perhaps, we'll do it here in the pond." they smiled at the wolves. "we would be glad to have your help in grooming our feathers... but you must give us an hour or two in our swan forms to gather ourselves before you approach." "it's very disorienting, the transformation..."
"what?You would?"Amara said looking startled twisting to look at his boy, looking curious and nervous about being invited into draco's garden, smiling at him."Are you sure?"He asked nuzzling him a little looking anxious but excited to at the idea of being invited into draco's garden.

Belladonna laughed excitedly as the magic curled around her hand, grinning to herself as she mirrored the dreams into her desire to destroy them, after nearly a hour of torturing them she drew away, a small contented smile on her face,"Oh...that was fun."She said satisfied smiling at harry as he came into the room to see what was pleasing her so much. Feeling the slight jealously, even if harry knew xaneth was her father, there were always rumors, and harry was knew to relationships. So belladonna was slightly worried about making him worry about something he'd never have to worry about.

Cristo grinned at that, tilting his head."Then we will be honored that ou show us." "We willbe. And we will go inside and bug harry.Surely Belladonna's awake by now. She'll be excited about knowing there's more people to visit with."Sampson said smiling. "After so long asleep she's pleased at meeting anyone. Even amara."Cristo snickered a little."Everyone likes Amara. Even if kristof tells him he's a ass."
Draco smiled a little and nodded. "yes... i think... i would like for you to see my Garden." he scowled then. "but you have to promise to not touch ANYTHING." he ordered before snuggling into his lover again and ate the food Amara had prepared, smiling a little. "we'll go after i'm done eating." he decided happily.

Harry looked baffled when he came in, his worry vanishing as he realized the two where in fact still dressed, his head tilted. "what in the world are you doing that your feeling so sadistically gleeful?" he asked looking amused now that he realized she wasn't torturing someone or screwing Xaneth. "we're creating nightmares, to punish those that have wronged us. the same people that made you to destroy Belladonna." Harry snorted. "i'm not destroying Belladonna." he growled Xaneth smirking a little. "yes The Balance, i know." he admitted chuckling a little. "you are tied to Belladonna more deeply than any silly rumor could break. even destiny herself could not break the bond between your souls." he promised Harry looking rather relieved. "the Elders only assumed that you would destroy Belladonna, they assumed that because she was made of night and darkness that she was the evil one..." "but there is nothing more evil than a creature of the light." Harry agreed smiling a little. "Sarsen will not be destroyed either Dream Weaver, you do know that right." he nodded. "i do, though i ache for my daughters fate... Death would be more favorable a fate for her..." he admitted sighing softly as Harry shook his head.

they smiled at the Wolves and nodded as they moved for the house, Fred sighing finally as he stripped off his shirt. "i just can't take it anymore." he admitted shaking his head as he scratched at his fluffier feathers, wrinkling his nose in distaste as he scratched and feathers floated off. "i don't mind loosing my feathers, but i hate how much it ITCHES." he complained with a shake of his head, George snickering. "i thought you didn't bitch?" "i do, when i get annoyed enough." Fred admitted, smirking at his brother before looking hesitant. "Bell.. is she really... insane, like everyone says?" Fred asked blinking at the twins, clearly worried. madness and Swanmanes didn't mix very well.
Amara laughed softly before nodding."I wont touch anything else you tell me I can."He said stealing a bite of food before sighing, leaning back as he watched the blond eagerly, because he wanted to know what the garden was like.

Belladonna giggled a little pressing a hand over her mouth to stop the laughter as she looked up at harry, bounding off the bed to wrap her arms around him,snuggling against his chest."I wouldn't let you destroy me anyways."He muttered snuggling him before snickering, looking amused at her father's words."We can't kill her, not without destroying everything."Belladonna said from where her face was pressed against harry's chest, sighing softly."But she has earned her fate, and she will be soundly asleep, more then she made me sleep."she said merciful enough to let her sister sleep so deeply it was a death in itself.

Cristo tilted his head looking at the two before looking thoughtful."She is sane. Well... maybe not sane in the strictest sense, but she knows who she is, and what reality is to her. Sanity shaped of darkness and dreams, yes...I guess she is sane." "...you overexplain to much."Sampson said snickering at his brother's explaination before nodding."The only time I've seen her act insane is when she was protecting draco. And even then that was a cold detatchment to what she had to do, not insanity."
Draco nodded, relaxing again as he enjoyed his meal, grinning as he watched the two sets of twins come in, both Fred and George relaxing at the promise that Bell wasn't insane. "good, the insane react badly to swanmanes usually." Fred admitted grinning at Draco who smirked wickedly at them. "you know, next time you talk about me, you might remember that Elves have very good hearing." the Swans went bright red, but smirked a little as they shrugged sheepishly. they didn't even bother apologizing. "Amara and i are going to Malfoy manor for a few hours." Draco stated simply as he polished off his meal and calmly wiped his mouth with a napkin. "try not to cause trouble." he ordered glaring at the red heads who grinned as innocently as they could manage. "who, us?" they asked in unison, Draco glaring harder before he lead Amara to the fireplace. "come on Amara before they start blowing things up."

Harry grinned as he was snuggled, nuzzling her happily as he cuddled into her smiling a little. "i don't think that i could ever destroy you." he admitted smirking a little. "your far too gorgeous to destroy." he admitted kissing her gently, Xaneth looking away, not wanting to intrude on the private moment. "i am not so certain that Sarsen can be put to sleep." Xaneth admitted suddenly. "but i would much prefer to have her put to sleep... she is evil, but i still love her... she's still my daughter, even if she did betray me.." he admitted Harry nodding. "we will do our best Xaneth, to make sure she doesn't suffer..." he promised smiling a little as he nuzzled Belladonna. "do you want to meet Fred and George?" he asked smiling at her. "they came today."
"We wuld never cause trouble."Cristo grinne happily, looking like a overeager puppy. "You're always getting in trouble. Just try and not eat the boys when you clean them up."He said standing snickering a little as he looked at the blushing wolves, before sighing as he followed draco to the fireplace, looking around as they stepped into malfoy manor."Wow...this place is bigger then my palace."he said after a moment.

Belladonna giggled, blushing as she leaned into him,"Oh, I'm not so sure about that."She muttered blushing about being called gorgeous, tilting her head as she looked at her father, looking worried about the idea."If we can't put her to sleep, we'll fiind something to do."She said looking worried because she had no idea what to do, because she loved her sister, despite how deeply she felt the betrayal."I do."She muttered leaning back to look up at harry, tilting her head a little."Let's go."She said smiling gently, curious to see what his friends were like.
Draco smirked a little as he watched the other. "is it really?" he asked, looking very pleased by that. it was always nice to know that your home was bigger than a King's castle. he chuckled a little as he led the way out into the Back Garden, he was the only one with a key to it, and there where no windows facing that direction, truly the only person who had ever seen the Garden was Draco, and now, Amara. as soon as the door opened, and Draco stepped through, the air was alive. the entire place just BREATHED Wild. everything was dense an gorgeous, there where plants everywhere growing as they pleased, some so rare there where only three or four left in the wild. some so special they only bloomed once every ten years. there where animals too, off in one corner a massive Buck was nibbling daintily at some grass, there where birds and butterflies everywhere, the place was so alive you almost felt as if you had stepped into some giant creatures heart.

he smiled a little as he kissed her gently again, smirking a little before his grin fell at the thought of not being able to restrain Sarsen. "there is a slim chance that we might be able to fix the madness inside of her." Harry admitted. "i won't know until i actually get into her mind, but there is a chance..." he admitted smiling a little as he led the way down the stairs to where the two sets of Twins where taking turns raiding the fridge. "Fred! George!" he chirped, the Swans turning to look at Xaneth and Harry and Belladonna. "this is Xaneth, King of Dreams." Harry stated, the twins looking both horrified and amazed. "and this is Belladonna, the Dream Spinner, and my Mate." they swallowed the grapes they had been eating and hesitated. "oh quite it! she's not a Wolf! she's not going to eat you!" he complained scowling at them, the twins glancing at each other. "she won't..." "but he might..." they muttered indicating Xaneth who roared with laughter. "i don't eat food!" he admitted grinning at the twins. "and certainly i don't eat pretty swans!" he admitted shaking his head. "i will not eat you Little ones i promise." with the promise they hesitantly ventured closer and introduced themselves as Gred and Forge. "... strange names these days..." Xaneth muttered in response to their names, blinking at them as they started to snicker.
"It is."Amara said smiling slightl because it was amusing to see draco so pleased about that. Following him through the house he stared at the garden, shivering as he looked around him."hhh...this is amazing."He breathed looking amazed, eyes widening as he looked at him."Oh draco...this is so cool."He said stepping into the garden, looking so amazed and awe struck that he didn't know where to look first. Didnt know where to start looking.

"We'll try."she muttered sadly before following harry downstairs. Laughing softly at the twins reactions before looking nervous, cringing closer to harry, so used to the harsh laughter and painful words that she was responding to them without hearing them. Even if the twins were afraid of her, she was just afraid because they were a danger to her heart and how she felt about herself. Snickering as she looked at her father, "Don't worry. He doesn't like food, even if he could eat it."she promised giggling a little at their introduction."Boys, its not nice teasing him."She pouted giving them a look for teasing her beloved papa. Only she was allowed teasing him, well thats what she thought anyways. Xaneth didn't mind a joke, as long as he understood it was a joke.
Draco snickered a little and shook his head as he led the way to his Garden, even more pleased at Amara's reaction. he took the others hand and pulled him into the place properly and started giving him a tour of all the plants, informing him that this was a Nightshadow Flower, it only bloomed on full moons, and that was an Elipsy flower which only bloomed once every one hundred years. that was a Tigerlily rose, which only grew in places that where not soiled, and only grew in the wild in five or sic locations. he even had fruit and vegetables growing in there, all kinds, and most of them where bearing fruit, and Draco let Amara try fresh banana's, mangoes, oranges, strawberries, even grapes. Draco had an enormous garden, and it was gorgeous and fertile and it was very clear that Draco had poured his heart and soul into the garden he had made.

Harry smiled as he cuddled her, chuckling a little as the Twins studied the two strangers, looking a little baffled. "but we tease everyone.." they complained in chorus, Xaneth still looking confused as Harry snickered. "their names are really Fred and George, they combine their names like that to make it a joke." Xaneth understood once Harry complained, and the man chuckled and shook his head. "it will take me a while to get used to people again i think." the horned man admitted, the twins grinning as they each took one of Belladonna's hands carefully and kissed the back of her hands like perfect little gentlemen. "ah, what a pretty Lady harry, your so luck!" they chorused beaming at Belladonna, not in the least bit afraid of her, just of her father, and Fred carefully side stepped out of reach when Xaneth moved into the kitchen to see who Cristo and Sampson where and what they where doing with that strange circle thing that was called Cheesecake. Xaneth could not eat mortal food, it would make him physically ill, no matter what he did, so he knew better than to try and taste it, but he WAS very curious about it.
Amara grinned at the goof smile as draco watched him smiling happily that the man was so at ease for letting him see the garden. Grinning as he looked around, he nibbled on the fruists as he was given them, turning his head to nuzzle draco, wrapping his arms around him, holding him close."oh, its so beautiful here, so beautiful."He muttered kissing the man's head, smiling wider."Thank you for showing this to me."He said stroking draco's hair, nuzzling him a little.

Belladonna smiled a little when xaneth looked amused at the teasing. Sighing softly as she leaned into harry, relaxing even more when the twins didn't seem to be afraid of her. Looking at harry for a moment, as if to make sure that they were being serious before smiling shyly."Thank you.It is nice to meet you to."she said laughing softly at her father's reaction to the cheesecake."The twins are eating your cheesecake harry."She muttered nuzzling him. "We are not!We made this for ourselves."Cristo said pouting a little as he looked at the dreamweaver,grinning."This is cheesecake."
Draco smiled a little as he watched the other, he was enjoying showing off as he gently picked a blue rose and gently slid it onto Amara's shirt, kissing his cheek with a smile. "i can't make you anything special, but i can give you some rare flowers instead." he admitted smiling at the other as he snuggled into the other. "i've never had anyone to share this with before." he admitted. "i always told myself the first person who was going to see this garden was the person i loved most... but... until you, i never loved anyone as much as i love you." he admitted smiling a little.

Harry chuckled a little as he shook his head a little. "their flirts." he promised chuckling a little. "but they like you because i like you." he admitted grinning at her. "their certain i would never date a sociopath so they've decided to ignore the rumors and trust me." he admitted snickering a little. "it's kind of scary how much they trust my judgment." he admitted smirking a little as he kissed her. "specially when i almost get them killed every summer." he admitted before grinning as he watched the twins delving into the Cheesecake, the Swans carefully avoiding touching Xaneth. they weren't certain why the Dreamweaver scared them so much, but Xaneth didn't seam bothered by it in the least, as if he was used to people acting that way around him. "i wonder what's up with the twins? i've never seen them react like that before, not even around wolves..."
"Oh you don't have to do anything for me."he muttered nuzzling his face against draco's shoulder, smilign gently as the other put a flower into his shirt. Closing his eyes as he held the boy gently, as if afraid he was going to hurt him just by hurting him."Well, I feel speial, that I am loved enough to see it."he teased a little before growing serious, looking down at te blond, pressing a kiss to the man's forehead."I love you to."He muttered holding him gently.

"Oh.Good."Belladonna said smiling slightly as she leaned into harry, laughing softly as he looked amused."Oh, it is sort of scary. I could be insane for all they know." "You're not insane, and you know it."risto said snickering a little."I could be."Belladonna pouted amused that she was so easily read, sighing as she leaned up to kiss him back."Oh, do I get to look forward to nearly dying every year?"She teased snickering a little. "papa's always been avoided by people."She said sadly, pressing her face against harry's shoulder, sighing softly."It is painful to watch but most people avoid spending time with him if they can."
he smiled a little and shook his head a little. "perhaps i want to?" he asked smirking at the other before cuddling into the other as he was held, shuddering a little. "i've never been in love like this before..." he admitted softly. "i'm honestly a little afraid..." he admitted. even he knew, that if Amara broke his heart, he'd never recover. "... i don't know if i can do Sex or anything like that..." he admitted softly. "but, i want to be with you forever." he admitted smiling a little. "you make me feel safe and warm... like nothing can ever hurt me again so long as you hold me..."

Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "your TOTALLY insane love." he teased smirking a little. "anyone over three hundred years old is insane." he admitted snickering a little as Xane turned and pouted at him. "i am not insane i'm pleasantly mad!" he complained Harry laughing at that. "no... it's not that their afraid of him it's..." he frowned and kissed her forehead, moving over to the twins. "what's going on guys?" "....don't know." Fred admitted looking just as puzzled as Harry did. "just... if he touches us something bad will happen..." "...something bad will happen?" Harry asked lifting an eyebrow, the twins nodding. "...what will happen?" they both just shrugged, they didn't know, they where just following their instincts.
Amara snickered a little at the man's worry, hiding his smile against the other's hair."Love, I haven't had sex in 300 years. I'm pretty sure I can do without."he muttered teasing him a little, holding him gently. "Nothing will hurt you while I hold you. I promise."He muttered nuzzling him gently, sighing softly. Closing his eyes because he worried abotu him."I'm scared to. But we'll be okay together."

"I am not!"Belladona pouted whining a little as she laughed at xane's protests, snickering a little as she smiled gently. "Papa?Do you know what they're talking about?"Belladonna said crossing the room, looking worried as she sat down next to the boys, ignoring cristo's half hearted protective growl."Maybe they should go outside.Get some air."Sampson said sounding worried because he had no idea what to think of the twins' words, but knowing enough to take instinct into account in choosing a action
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "its just so... gross... and messy." he complained with a small shake of his head as he smiled into Amara's chest. "thank you..." he muttered softly as he snuggled into him. "we'll get through anything, so long as we're together." he agreed smiling a little. "do you want to see my pride and joy?" he asked blinking up at his lover. "the one plant i've spent almost ten years cultivating?" he asked smiling a little as he led Amara to the middle of the room, where a massive tree took up almost ten feet of space, the massive Trunk was so big around Draco and Amara could both put their hands around it and still not be able to touch fingertips. the long branches where covered in thick, fluffy purple flowers that hung so low they brushed the ground like a curtain, as if it was a giant purple umbrella. how Amara had missed this walking in was a mystery, but it was clear why Draco was so damn proud of it, not only was it so massive, but it was so healthy and thick, breathing with life. "it's a Goddess tree." Draco admitted smiling as he gently pulled the thick curtain of massive purple flowers out of the way and invited Amara into the dark space within. inside, was something no one had seen in centuries, a Tree spirit, a Dryad. an honest to god Tree Goddess, of course she vanished back into her tree at the sight of Amara. "she's never met another person before." Draco admitted smiling at Amara. "if we're very quiet and calm she should come back out."

Harry laughed a little as he kissed her happily. "first your upset about not being insane, now your upset that you are insane." he teased smiling at her. "so confusing love." he teased before studying the twins and Xaneth, the Dreamweaver shaking his head. "sorry no, i've never come across something like them before." he admitted examining the Twins. "oh, right, Swan-manes weren't created until after you vanished..." Harry muttered, startled as he watched the Twins and Xaneth before nodding as the twins walked around Xaneth and headed outside, trembling a little as they shook their heads and rubbed their arms. "... his aura... it's... troubling..." they muttered blinking at Cristo and Sampson. "something very bad will happen if we touch him... something very bad..." they huddled into each other, comforting one another, for the first time their power trickled out, and suddenly they didn't look like prey, like soft sweet meat, they looked like powerful, powerful creatures who could attack, and kill anything that tried to hurt them. then the power was gone, locked tightly behind walls again
"...gross and messy?"amara said sounding amused. having assumed his protest to sex had been the vulnerability of the act, not the fact that it was messy. Looking amused before he nodded."I would."he said following draco, looking amazed as he looked at the tree."How did I miss this when we came in?"He asked staring amused before stepping inside, starting wide eyed at the dryad before smiling happily.'Oh, wow. its been centuries since I've seen one."He muttered sitting down on the grass to watch and wait, wanting to see if she'd come back out. Looking in shock at the wonder that draco had made a garden like this.

"I'm not confusing, just conflicted."Belladonna said snickering a little before looking worried about the twins, and her father. "Lots of things were created after we vanished."She pointed out, frowning slightly as she considered the swanmanes, trying to figure out what the twins were talking about.Cristo shuddered as teh power breathed over his skin, shuddered in pleasure and curiousity, because it was...interesting."Oh..."he breathed softly looking at the twins so curious about them now that it was a wonder he didn't lean over and press his face into their skin in the hopes of startling them into showing off even more power..
Draco nodded a little. "i don't know what sex with a man would be like, but i'm assuming it would be pretty gross and messy too." he admitted shaking his head. "and i just... i don't like being naked in front of people." he admitted blushing hard. "i have... scars.." he admitted shaking his head before smirking at the other. "notice me not spells." he explained. "that way if someone breaks in, they won't bother the tree." he admitted smiling as he settled onto the ground, making soft sounds. "it's alright, you can come out, he's a friend." he promised holding his hand out tot he Tree Spirit, the Damia, the green hand gently settling on Draco's as the Damia slid out of the tree and blinked at Amara with wide yellow eyes. "there are Akudama here too." Draco admitted smiling a little. the Akudama where children of tree spirits, and like the Tree spirit they only lived where the forest was thick and healthy and wild. that meant Draco's 'garden' was more wild than even the Forbidden forest, there where no Akudama there. the Damia smiled at Amara, stepping forward, thick flowers springing up anytime her foot touched the ground, and the Akudama followed her, sliding down the massive trunk, wanting to play with Draco and Amara as Draco chuckled and picked one up, setting it on Amara's head. Any good elf knew that tree spirits where friendly, playful creatures. and better yet, they always brought good luck.

Harry chuckled as he shook his head and kissed her temple. "conflicted hmm?" he asked smiling a little at her, his head tilted. "well i guess i'll have to un-conflict you." he teased smiling at her as Xaneth tilted his head and picked up a feather that the twins had left behind with their departure, jumping as the feather flexed and grew in his hand, turning into a full sized Swan feather. "...oh my... i think my presence is... my power is trying to force them to change..."

the twins grimaced a little. "sorry, we try to hold the power back..." Fred admitted shaking his head. "our control slips when we're upset." George admitted as they nuzzled each other. "our Swans are pressing against our skin... they want out..." "Xaneth almost made us change... we've never felt anything like it before..." "we might be changing prematurely..." "i hate it when that happens, it's so much more traumatic when we don't change on purpose..." "i'm sure we'll be alright, at least it's not painful." "this is true."
"You are a very odd teenager, you know that?"He teased a little looking amused and happy as he watched the Damia come out, lookign around in amazement. Smiling gently as he realized what it meant. That for him, and for draco, that this garden really was the most perfect sanctuary. "oh now you're going to make them play with my hair. Akudama like playing with my hair!"Amara whined grinning a little as the children wrapped their fingers in the multitude of braids he'd done his hair in, smiling gently."Hello, Damia."He said bowing his head towards the tree spirit, laughing as the akudama fell into his waiting hands, tickign the small creature softly.

"Oh...I think I'd like being unconflicted."She muttered blushing hard before smiling, looking surprised at the feather growing before looking at the wtins. "They might sense something...primal. He is after all, the creator of things, the alpha and omega."She muttered looking curious and amused before snickering, looking a the wolves."What about you?" "What about us what?" "Do you feel the need to change?" Sampson paused, tilting his head a little."I could, but it doesnt seem to be affecting us as much as them."
Draco chuckled a little and nodded. "i do know that." he admitted grinning a little as the Damia ran around, spinning and skipping as she played with her children who where running around everywhere. Draco laughed as he watched the Akudama race around and play with Amara's hair. they weighed literally nothing, so even though Draco had almost eight of them handing from his own blond locks, it didn't hurt in the least as he watched the Akudama fall onto Amara's lap with a laugh as it wiggled as it was tickled, the Damia laughing. the sound like a rushing wind and a flowing river, tree Spirits couldn't make human noises, they made nature noises, but it wasn't hard for the Damia to tell Amara that she liked him, because she bent down and kissed his cheek before skipping off again, Draco chuckling a little.

Harry smirked a little as he kissed her forehead again, watching the feather curiously. "your affecting the most basic of their nature..." he muttered, astonished before turning and looking outside. "oh! their changing!" he gasped, astonished as he watched Fred wade into the pond, leaving his pants on, just like George who was following his brother, both of them stretching to the sun, their bodies twisting gracefully as they shifted, deciding to change then and there at their will, before being forced into it because they where too close to Amara. they where suck gorgeous Swan's, large and lily white. their beaks and faces where as black as ink, as where their long legs, but the grown of their heads all the way down their neck and ending mid back was a line of blood red feathers. along their wings too where red tipped feathers, the long Primary feathers, the long ones that made up the end of their wings where blood red too, and the tips of their tail feathers where tipped with re as well. no natural swan would ever look so gorgeous as that. they both shivered, and tucked their heads under their wings, resting from the exhausting event of changing. unlike wolves, they had to rest after turning into Swans, instead of having to rest after turning into a human. "i've never seen their swan forms before." Harry admitted softly. "their beautiful..."
Amara smirked a little as he watched them play, turning hsi head to look at draco, raising a eyebrow,"Jealous?"He teased a little leaning over to steal a kiss as he set the akudama on the ground so it could run off and play.

"Wow....normal swans are beautiful, and this is unreal."belladonna breathed looking so amazed, nudging harry in the side to get him to look at the twin wolves who looked absolutely fascinated with the pretty birds, and not in that I want to eat them kind of way. smiling gently as she shook her head a little she smiled,"I wonder where the red feathers came from. no swan has those naturally."She said sounding curious and interested. always willign to hear stories, because usually the ones that had a interesting story with them, one that you couldn't believe, whre the ones that had the most truth in them."So beautiful..."she muttered wrapping her arms around harry's waist.
he smirked a little and shook his head. "what's to be jealous of?" he asked smirking as Damia kissed his cheek as well, chuckling as the Damia danced and played. "she's happy though." he admitted smiling a little. "i think she knows i'm finally in love." he admitted chuckling again as the Akudama tried to climb back into Amara's lap again, several others following it's lead and trying to climb into Amara's lap as well, Draco snickering as he snuggled into his lovers side, simply relaxing in the heartbeat of the forest.

Harry glanced at the twins and smirked a little snickering as he bent down to whisper in Belladonna's ear. "i love playing matchmaker, the twins are perfect for each other." he purred laughing a little as he studied the twin Swans floating on the water. "well they are Red heads." Xaneth commented suddenly. "when Wolves become wolves their Wolf form is usually the color of their hair... natural Hair color i mean." he admitted simply. "perhaps the red comes from their red hair, or their bloodline?" he mused Harry nodding. "it could be any number of reasons, Swanmanes are so secretive that no one can ever be sure..." he admitted smiling as he kissed Bell's forehead. "we could always ask them, but i don't know if they'd be willing to tell us." he admitted simply nudging Cristo. "your drooling..." he teased smirking at the other.
Amara pouted looking at him,"ARe you saying I'm not good enough to be jealous over?Thats depressing."he teased nuzzling the blond, laughing as the akudama climbed in his lap,closing his eyes as he just relaxed with draco.

Belladonna laughed at that, nodding."they are."She muttered turning her head to nuzzle the brunette before starting a litte, before grinning slightly. Looking amused at that. "Maybe. That does make sense. The twins are blond and black in their other forms."she mused. "They're pretty."Cristo said tilting his head nodding."I will ask. Maybe they will answer me."He said before yelping as he was nudged, pouting as he straightened."I was not!" "You so were."Sampson said snickering, though he was still doing his own version of drooling, his eyes still fastened on the swans in front of them.
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