
Belladonna nodded, relaxing a little as he realized that the other had already sent for harry, helping lucius get amara undressed, paling as she realized what she was looking at. A slugging fest with Sarsen was never fun, and it looked like amara had got up close and personal with the sorceress. She'd once seen a man burn to death because he'd hugged the sorceress who could make her skin burn like fire. She was a pyrokinetic, could call fire to her hands. Laughing happily, relieved as she clung to harry, stumbling as draco shoved them, before gently touching draco's face."You wont want him to wake up draco. He's healing, but Sarsen's burned off a few layers of skin. He wont want to be awake."she said wincing as amara started to stir at the sound of draco's voice, even pained, so pained that he should have been out for hours, he was waking up, because draco needed him to.
Harry looked horrified as he caught sight of Amara, his eyes going wide in astonishment as Draco growled at her, his eyes filled with pain as he stared at Belladonna, almost not recognizing what she was saying then he shook his head and gently stroked Amara's face. "shh Amara, shh go back to sleep." he whispered softly gently kissing the Elf, on the lips and everything. "go back to sleep." he urged softly, sinking magic into the others skin to make him sleep, Harry gently kissing Belladara's forehead. "let's get Amara into a bedroom." he ordered softly, shaking his head as he watched Draco carefully, so carefully laying on healing spells an salves, gently dabbing at the cut on the man's forehead, Harry smiling. "come on Dray, we'll put him in your room." he ordered, very, very carefully picking Amara up as Lupin reappeared with Lupin, who was also covered in burns, but didn't seam to be in pain.
Belladonna swallowed hard, gently brushing her fingers over amara's forehead."Sleep well, elf king."She muttered, using just a touch of power, feeling the panic and worry even if the man was out. Giving the other what he needed to relax, nodding towards harry."Get him upstairs.I'll take care of lupin."Belladonna said, helping lucius get lupin laid down, starting to bandage him up and take care of the burns using the rest of the salves draco had left, looking at lucius."How did sarsen find him?I assumed amara was taking care of her, considering how bad he looks."She said gently using power to put lupin to sleep, concentrating on healing him, and wanting to know what sarsen had been thinking, it was like the girl was all over, attacking anyone that came near, but usually she was smarter than that.
Draco followed Harry and settled himself, very carefully next to the elf, half sitting in a chair next to the bed, and half laying on the bed next to Amara, his fingers gently resting on the pulse on Amara's wrist to make sure the other didn't die. Lupin was wincing as he was moved but did not voice his pains, in fact he didn't seam to be able to talk at all, his throat was a mass of burns and bruises, and Fenrir was whining as he watched Lupin, looking upset. "she was... going.. after Fen." Lupin managed to rasp. "had to... stop..." he sighed and let himself be put to sleep, Fenrir whining. "sorry... sorry..." he whimpered. he had been left behind, and had hid himself as best as he could, but Voldemort had found the Wolf King and had nearly started torturing the insane wolf for information, but Lupin managed to distract both Sarsen and Voldemort, who turned his torture on him instead. Sarsen hadn't attacked Lupin, Voldemort had simply enjoyed watching Lupin burn.
Belladonna sighed softly, closing her eyes as she rested her forehead against lupin's, concentrating to make sure the man wasn't hurting even as she started to heal the burns, stepping away and letting narcissa take over as she crouched down in front of fenrir, gently stroking his hair, "I shouldn't have left you Fenrir, this isn't your fault.ITs mine."She said pressing her lips to his forehead and using enough power to knock him out and give him pleasant dreams as she rested her forehead against his, starting to cry as she sat down on the floor, burying her face in her hands, crying because it really was her fault that her friends had gotten hurt.

when amara blinked the man sighed softly, staring up at the cieling, trying to relax, because anything else hurt."...d...ra..."He stopped because it hurt to focus enough to talk, to think.
Fennrir shook his head as he snuggled into Belladonna seeking comfort even if he disagreed with her, Harry growling. "Belladonna! this is no more your fault than it is mine or Amara's!" he growled pulling her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead as she started to cry. "you honestly think that Voldemort wouldn't have tortured Lupin if you had been there? or of you had never appeared? Voldemort is sick, he would have burned us all just for his own sick amusement." he admitted softly shaking his head. "you have to realize Bell, there or not, Voldemort would have hurt us. this is not your fault, it's his." he admitted gently stroking her tears away. "as it is, you may have saved Cristo and his brother, you may have saved Lucius and i KNOW you saved Draco." he admitted smiling at her. "you where there, and you protected more people than you could ever have imagined." he admitted softly, kissing her forehead.

Draco sniffled a little as he watched Amara. "oh Merlin, Amara you should be sleeping!" he whispered wiping his eyes shaking his head, swallowing thickly. "i'll get you a pain and sleeping potion!" he promised rushing out and rushing back in with the promised potions. "pain potion first." Draco ordered, gently tipping it to Amara's lips, the slow easy trickle making it easy for the other to drink it all down. the pain fading into complete numbness. "there, feel a little better?"
Belladonna whimpered softly as she pressed tight against harry's chest, her arms still around the werewolf that was wrapped around her. Whimpering as she pressed her face against harry's chest, sniffling."...I did save draco didn't I?"She muttered laughing a little, trying to calm down, laughing softly."Amara's going to owe me a flower. I want one of his pretty pretty flowers."She said sagging against him, emotionally and mentally exausted. Sampson smiled slightly as he bent to help harry help, holding fenrir in his arms as he nodded towards the stairs."Let's get you all in bed.You'll feel better after sleeping."He said smiling a little as cristo dispeared upstairs to warm up the sheets and get a nice cozy nest ready for them. Like most wolves, the brothers prefered dens and so they thought everyone wanted dens and safe places when they were upset.

Amara swallowed the potion whining a little before looking at him."Numb....just...numb."He said blinking stupidly at the blond, before smiling. "Since I can't feel the pain, cuddle up here with me."He said tugging the upset man's arm a little, wanting him to lay down with him,wanting to cuddle and remember that he had managed to protect draco, that he hadn't gotten hurt. That his blond was okay.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "you did save Draco, he doesn't even have a scratch." he agreed smiling a little as he nodded. "you'll have to make him make you a very special flower, something made of..." he paused, pondering then he snickered. "a ruby, or an emerald, sunlight or clouds and mist or something special like that." he decided chuckling a little as he watched Sampson urge Fenrir to his feet, smiling at the young werewolf before picking up Belladonna, kissing her forehead gently as Fenrir helped make a nest, Harry blinking as he saw the nest they had all made and he had to chuckle a little. "thanks guys." he muttered carefully laying Belladonna into the nest of Blankets, tucking her, and then himself in as he snuggled into her happily, Fenrir beaming, pleased that he had been able to help.

he nodded, looking relieved as he set the empty flask down and gently brushed a kiss over Amara's lips. "i can't Amara, i'll brush your skin and even with the pain potion that will hurt a lot." he admitted softly, carefully stroking the others hair. "i'll stay right here." he promised softly. "i won't move an inch except to get you something, alright?" he offered giving Amara a guilty smile, tears in his grey eyes. "i won't leave you alone, i promise..." he muttered softly. "i'll take care of you, make you good as new." he muttered gently kissing Amara again before setting the sleeping potion to his lips. "now sleep." he ordered softly. "sleep and in the morning you won't hurt so badly..."
"Mist would be good, Mist and diamonds."Belladonna said smiling stupidly, now tat she was starting to calm down, she was starting to crash. Smapson smiled grinning as he loked down at them,"Welcome.Now sleep well."Sampson said grinning as he herded cristo out of the room, the two wolves planning on staying up and keeping watch, just so that the thers would be free to worry and fuss over themselves, knowing they'd all feel safer with guards.

"but I want you here.."Amara said pouting a little as he thought about him being in bed. Annoyed at being denied, even if he understood why the other was taking care of him. Smiling a little as he closed his sighed, he pouted."...you have to kiss me when I'm conscious...this isn't fair..."He whimpered, annoyed that now that he was hurt, he was only getting kisses now, when he was to hurt to respond well. Whimpering as he started following his orders."Wake me up when you get up..."he muttered letting the blond coax him to sleep
Harry smiled a little as she babbled and kissed her forehead with a small chuckle as he tucked her in very gently and cuddled with her, humming her a small tune to let her sleep peacefully, planning on staying up as well to keep watch over her, but fell asleep almost as soon as she did. as he slept he ha a dream, a dream about a glowing orb, picking it up and releasing something, something they needed.... he jerked awake panting softly and he turned and shook Belladonna's shoulder, the girl dreaming of her childhood. "Bell! Wake up i had a dream... i need to go find something!"

Draco smiled at the other and shook his head. "i am here." he admitted smiling at the other shaking his head. "and you are conscious." he teased smirking a little. "if i gave you kisses all the time they wouldn't be special now would they?" he asked smiling at the other as he gently urged him to sleep. when he woke Draco was still sleeping, his fingers still resting on Amara's wrist, his eyes closed as he dreamed good dreams. thankfully Draco's health and healing slaves packed a hell of a punch, and Amara was already well scabbed over and in a lot less pain.
Bell whimpered a little, still trying to find something in her dreams, grumbling as she stirred, pressing her face against harry's chest."Sleeping.I'm finding something for father."She muttered snugglng into the werewolf tucked against her body, trying to go back to sleep."Harry?"She muttered sleepily blinking stupidly as she raised her head looking at him, resting a hand on his chest as she tried to figure out what was going on.

Amara breathed easier when he woke, shuddering as he sat up slowly, carefully taking inventory to see what was still hurt. Glad that he seemed to be okay, if a little sore. Gently brushing his fingers over draco's hair as the boy slept he smiled a little, looking amused at the sight of draco holding his wrist."Draco.Draco.Come on."He said gently stroking the boys shoulder, trying to wake him up because he didn't want to startle the man to badly, but wanting him to wake up so that he could get him in bed, and make sure that draco could sleep better and not get a crink in his neck for sleeping slumped over.
Harry shook his head a little. "Bell come on, wake up it's important." he ordered scowling a little as he kissed her forehead, urging her to wake up his head tilted a little as he smiled at her. "come on Bell, wake up." he ordered kissing her gently. "we have to go find something." he ordered kissing her forehead. "it's very important, i saw it in a dream... sort of like the one i used to have about you... come on Bell get dressed." he ordered smiling at her as he carefully slid out of bed and started pulling on his clothes.

Draco looked so peaceful sleeping like that, but when his shoulder was shaken he jerked awake with a huff, his wand aimed at the door, ready to fire a spell, blinking slowly when he saw there was no one there before blinking at Amara, only half awake it was easy to convince the sleepy blond to crawl into bed with him, Draco snuggling Amara very gently, resting his head on the unburned part of the others chest, cuddling him and enjoying every minute of it as he listened to the others heartbeat.
"but I don't want to."Bell said groggily even as she let him bully her wake, yawning as she stumbled awake, starting to dress. Rubbing a hand over her face as she looked at him blearily, still caught in the half remembered dream, wondering what he wanted now."What?Where are we going?What happened?"She said starting to sound worried now that she was wakng up even more.

Amara laughed softly at the boy's intent of protecting him, smiling slightly as he pressed a kiss to the boy's forehead, and despite the tender skin he enjoyed the cuddles, sighing softly as he closed his eyes, going back to sleep, absently stroking draco's hair, not really asleep but resting."Draco...you okay?"He muttered having been so out of it before that he hadn't thought to be worried about the boy. And now that he was feeling better himself, he was worried something had hurt draco to.
Harry smiled a little. "but if i don't take you with me you'll be pissed when i come back." he whined back chuckling a little as she started to wake up. "nothings happened... yet, i had a dream." he explained. "we have to get something before Sarsen and Voldemort do... a weapon of some kind i think." he admitted yanking on his jacket. "it's going to be gold, get a jacket." he ordered calmly, picturing the area in his mind. it had been snowing, and cold, snow everywhere. he remembered bending down, and digging something out of a large pile of snow. "and gloves too." he decided moving over to his closet to get some gloves for the both of them.

Draco mumbled something as he felt the other stroking his hair, enjoying the attention. he blinked up at the other and smiled at the question, shaking his head. "i'm fine." he promised softly laying his head back down. "i'm just tired..." he muttered softly laying his head back down as Lucius came in, smiling at Amara and his son, who was quickly going back to sleep. "Draco's fine." he promised Amara. "he's just been spilling most of his magic into you, helping you heal... he was afraid you where going to die." he admitted carefully helping Amara sit up so he could drink another healing potion before carefully, very carefully starting to smear some more burn salve onto the aching burns. "you saved my son you know... you and Bell..." Lucius admitted swallowing thickly. "...Voldemort wants Draco..." he admitted softly. "he recognizes my son's power... and wants him for a wife..." he admitted softly. "you saved him... and for that i thank you." he admitted smiling at Amara.
Bell smiled a little as she dressed, laughing as he bundled her up even more then himself. Bundled enough that she could barely bend her fingers."so where is this place? I can locate it in a dream to take us there, but it'd be good to have a idea what were going to find."she said looking thoughtful as she wrapped her fingers around his and reaching for the edges of his dream. Apparating them to wear shed seen she shivered as the ice cold wind hit her in the face. "where are we?"she asked frowning as she looked around her, not recognizing anything in the frozen waste land that once goad been her home.

A mara looked relieved at that, smiling a little as he looked at the older blond standing next to him, not answering as he carefully sipped his potion."if it wasn't for us, he wouldn't have been there. Or had sarsen to deal with."he said turning his head to look down at the blond using him as a pillow, looking sad as he considered what could have happened. "well you could let me marry him ifi can convince him to do so."he said sounding amused if a little drugged, knowing that it was going to be a he'll of q fight to convince drake to do that.
Harry smiled as he shook his head. "i have no idea." he admitted. "Russia i think." he admitted giving her his dream so she could take him there, looking around as he huddled in his clothing, his eyes scanning the area. "... we're in the Siberian Mountains..." he's been there before, on a world trip with Sirius and Lupin. as a child they had gone everywhere, learning many languages, cultures and histories while traveling the world and seeing the many many sights. "this way." Harry muttered, letting his dream guide him, and the tug at his ancient magic. Belladonna would feel it even more strongly, the tug on her magic so old, and so strong she would almost immediately realize what it was... her Fathers Magic.

Lucius smiled a little as he watched the other obediently drinking the potion. "if you can convince him to marry him Amara through honest means, you certainly have my blessing." he admitted with a small chuckle. "but marrying him will not stop Voldemort from trying to get him." he admitted sighing a little. "go to sleep Amara." Lucius ordered smiling at him. "the sooner you get better the sooner you can try to seduce my son again." he teased shaking his head as he left to take care of Lupin, who was still covered in raw hurting wounds because no one could share magic with him. he attacked anyone who tried, his Beast running angry because he was hurting so much.
Belladonna followed him, paling as she realized what she was feeling. No wonder it felt like coming home. Home had never really been a place, it had been a man, a man that had loved her enough to understand that his daughter wasn't everthing he had wanted,but loved her despite it. Shivering as she crouched down next to harry as he dug in the snow, silent tears freezing on her cheeks as she helped harry dig at the snow."Harry, this was home once. I think...you brought me home..."

"Oh, you mean I have to be honest?Now that's just not fair."Amara said laughing softly, closing his eyes."well then, belladonna'll just have to kill the bastard and be done with it. Belladonna can fix things."he muttered, showing more faith then anyone else in the dreamweaver's ablity to fight, to destroy something.Closing his eyes as he fell asleep again.a
Harry blinked, looking astonished as he blinked at her, carefully stroking her tears away. "bell?" he asked lookign worried. "this is home?" he asked looking around before his fingers struck something solid, very solid, making him yelp as he scraped away the snow, they'd dug five feet down. he could only gape for a moment as he realized he'd hit a wooden roof, half rotted through. "... Bell back up." Harry ordered pulling her back as the place they had been sitting on caved in. the house so old it was decaying where it stood. "shit..." he whispered softly as he peered inside looking around, a bedroom underneath, a children's bedroom... Belladara's bedroom... decorated just as she had liked back when she had been a child. Harry carefully floated them down into the house where Belladara had grown up and blinked in astonishment. "... preservation charms..." he muttered, amazed as he set his hand on the perfectly made bed... "everything's exactly as it was centuries ago..." he admitted smiling a little at her. "this was your bedroom... i can feel it in the magic..."

Lucius smiled a little as he headed downstairs and turned to Cristo and Sampson. "i need your help." he ordered calmly. "Lupin's going beast right now, if he bites me i might get infected. i need you to hold him down so i can apply his salve." he'd been using Fenrir but the man was covered in Lupin's bites and was too scared to go back in. "your going to get bit just as a forewarning..." at least the twins understood why they didn't just drug Lupin... it didn't matter how much sleeping potion they forced into the man, his beast would not sleep, and would continue to fight anything it thought was a threat... which was everyone.
Belladonna nodded as she leaned into the hand wiping away her tears."Home."She muttered yelping as the place gave in, shifting landing easily on her feet as she looked around her."Papa... papa kept everything..."She muttered sounding a little disjointed, because suddenly she felt the loss of her father like a great ocean waiting to swallow her up, tears sliding down her face as she started for the rest of the house, already calling for the father that wasn't there, sarsen had damaged her memories, made her forget why she'd gone to sleep, they had all slept, only that she had needed to sleep."Papa?"Belladonna whispered as she stood in te dining room, turning and turning around, tears slipping down her face as she realized her papa wasn't here, wasn't anywhere. Had probably been gone since she went to sleep.That...that pained her, crippled the sorceress who'd forgotten she was once a child.

Cristo looked startled before looking worried about fenrir as they walked into the room, crouching down to grab lupin's arm, sampson settling on straddling the man, despite how much pain it was going to cause, he knew that the only way to keep lupin still was to cover him with enough weight to hold him still."Yes, it would have been bad to drug him."He said looking worried.Cristo swallowed holding the man's shoulders still, the man's hand trapped between his arms, making sure that if lupin bit, it was going to be him."Okay. We have him lucius."he said looking at the blond,"But its going to be fast. Even as hurt as he is and with two of us, the pain makes the beast stronger.he's going to fight harder because of it."
Harry smiled a little as he looked around the place, shaking his head a little. "you where an adorable little girl." he admitted picking up a picture of her, Sarsen, and a strang e man with long flowing black hair, claws, and twin antlers jutting out of hsi head. "...i didn't know you where Sarsen's sister!" he admitted looking shocked. "how in the world did something so evil come from the same family as yours?" he asked blinking at her, shocked as he realized she was crying again. "love... i don't think your Papa is here... the house was abandoned a long time ago..." he muttered softly, gently rubbing her tears away before pausing as he saw something sitting in the fruit bowl. the fruit that had been there had long since turned to dust, but there was still a crystal orb sitting there, glowing with a dull inner light. "... that's it... that's what i had to find." he admitted, pulling her into a tight hug, kissing her forehead. "come on love... i don't think i can pick it up..." the orb was something she knew well, her fathers Dream Keeper. an item he would never leave behind even if it meant death.

Lupin snapped and snarled, threatening them, trying to warn them away as he started struggling against them, snarling furiously as he struggled hard, trying to get free. he snarled furiously and tried to bite as Lucius started forcing the potion down Lupin's throat. the werewolf caught Cristo's arm and bit him hard, shredding the arm with shakes of his head, Lucius grimacing a little as he started smearing Burn salve onto the werewolf, laying it on as thick as he going get it before leaping away as Lupin went twice as mad, writhing and twisting, trying to throw the two werewolves off of him. "alright! get off him and get outside. as soon as we're gone he'll calm down." Lucius promised leaving the room, taking Cristo's arm and carefully healing it with his wand. "thank you Cristo. and you as well Sampson." he admitted smiling at them hesitantly before shaking his head a little. "i do hope he'll calm down..."
"Twin sister.Papa wanted a family, and made two twins that reflected dreams, the moon and the sun.Night and day."She muttered looking so sad as she looked around her, leaning into harry's arms as she realized that she was indeed alone, with a sister who hated her. Whimpering quietly as she shifted to look at the rb,"oaoa's dream orb...a pace to hold dreams..."She muttered reaching out picking up gently, the softly glowing orb cradled in her hands, gently wiping the dust away, the tears that dropped onto the surface helping clean the surface as she looked at him,"We should go home..."She said looking around her, wanting more then anything to be away from here, and be home now.Home that meant her and harry's bed, with draco and amara, and the others.home meant people, instead of a distant memory.

Cristo winced a little as he was healed, before nodding looking toughtful."I wis hwe could lay down with him. Sometimes it helps to have others around,but this is odd enough that he wont." "He'll be calm.You better get some rest yourself. You look tired."Sapson said already starting to bully lucius towards the stairs, having every intention of tucking the man in bed with his wife, and letting the two sleep while the two wolves stood guard. He knew the attack had taken alot out of everyone, and his king needed to know he was safe, so he'd protect the people in this house, because it was what their king would expect."Go.sleep.Draco and Amara'll need you when they get up."
Harry blinked a little looking astonished. "are you night, or day?" he asked smiling at her as he gently kissed her before blinking, astonished. "Dream Orb?" he asked curiously, looking astonished before frowning. "he... made you?" he looked so confused. "i didn't know you could make people..." he admitted looking curious before grinning. "Amara and Draco might have babies after all." he purred smiling at her as he watched her clean the orb, his head tilted a little as he watched the glow get brighter and brighter. "... Bell.... somethings happening..." he set his hands on her shoulders, watching the Orb as it shuddered, striking her deep, not hurting, no pain at all, instead it was a feeling of Love, affection, pride, joy, and a sense of freedom as someone suddenly appeared in front of them, slipping out of the orb with a cry of joy as he stretched, arms and wings spreading wide as the man cracked his back and then his neck, pausing as he beamed at Belladonna. "Bella... oh Lords how beautiful you are." the man whispered smiling at her, gently wiping her tears away. "my beautiful girl." the man whispered smiling at her as the orb lifted from her fingers, taking it's rightful place floating around him.

he shook his head. "he'd likely rip your face off." Lupin admitted. "he even clawed Sirius all to hell fortunately he was able to turn dog before Lupin managed to bite him." he admitted sighing a little as he shook his head. "i don't need to sleep, i have to make sure that Amara is sleeping, and that Harry and Cersei are alright, i never thought to look them over for injuries... for that matter where you two hurt?" he demanded. Lucius was going OCD, if they didn't force him to bed he was going to crash. they where herding him without him even realizing it, which said just how tired he was.
"Night...I was always night."She muttered smiling a little."He made us out of dreams and will, because he was the first, the one that came before all the other dreamers."She muttered looking startled at the orb glowed in her hands, gasping as the orb struck her, shivering as she felt the emotions. Belladonna's eyes widening as she looked at the man in front of her, "papa?Papa!"Se cried tossing herself into his arms without a thought,cuddling against his chest, for once totally unaware of what harry was doing, or where he was. Pressing her face against his chest she cried harder,holding him tightly."Oh,papa."She muttered holding him tight before stepping back to look up at him, eyes widening."You left...."She said sadly her memories coming back in pieces, like holding pieces of a puzzle,but she could only see parts of them.

"No, you need sleep. We'll check on belladonna and harry.Belladonna is okay.She was a goddess of battle, it would take more then this to hurt her."Sampson said wrapping his arms around lucius' arms, laughing softly as cristo pulled the blankets down, the two werewolves forcing the blond into bed."Go to sleep."Cristo ordered, holding the other down to keep the blond from getting up.While they had trouble holding lupin down, they were perfectly capable of keeping one human male in bed where he needed to be.
Harry smiled a little. "i always did like the night more." he admitted with a small chuckle as he kissed her gently. trying to make her feel better before pausing, looking startled. "he was the first dreamer?" he asked smiling a little looking amused. "did he make me too?" no, but it was the Dream Weaver who had left notes on how to create The Balance. he blinked in astonishment as the man suddenly appeared, the man hugging Belladonna tightly. "left? My Lovely Flower i never left..." he complained looking confused. "you where right there when they trapped me in my Dream Orb..." he complained stroking Belladonna's forehead. "have you been injured in some way?" wondering why she didn't remember. Harry coughed slightly, getting the Dream Weavers attention. "sorry to interrupt but we should leave before whoever trapped you realizes we just set you free..." the man paused and then nodded. "Sarsen would be pissed when she realizes i've been freed." he agreed. "i am Xaneth, it is a delight to finally meet you The Balance... Harry Potter." he smiled as he examined Harry. "i would have made you taller..." Harry snorted and shook his head.

Lucius growled and tried to get away from the twins and started cussing and cursing as they pinned him to the bed, completely ignoring his Wife as he tried to get out of bed. "no! i have to check on Draco and Harry, they might be hurt i... have to..." he sighed, giving in to his exhaustion, he couldn't fight them off anymore. he whined but went limp under them, sighing a little. "you have to... check on... mmm Harry." he mumbled closing his eyes as he went to sleep, just like that.
"No...I think he created the idea,but the fae really created them."She muttered looking worried, laughing softly as pressing her face to her father's chest, looking confused before giggling. "He's okay just how he is father."She said amused at her fathe's statement before apparating them home before she leaned bak to look at him, "I've been sleeping. For a milliena...I don't..."she stopped frowning at him."You left me!You left me with sarsen!"She said starting to cry again because what she'd been told, and what she was starting to remember was getting jumbled in her head. Sarsen had done a good job o changing her memories, of making sure the dark sister had thought she'd been abandoned for being dark, for being herself. Abandoned by the only person she'd ever cared for before harry.

"I'll check on them."Sampson promised laughing as he looked at the man, smirking as the man went to sleep. It was amusing to see the man fighting so much to take care of people. When draco woke, Cristo was sitting by the bed, a grin on his face as he looked at him."Good morning." "....your to chipper. What happened?"Amara muttered starting to stir. "Oh, well lucius demanded we sit and take care of you, so we are. Its the eaisest guard duty I've ever had."
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