
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head as he kissed her forehead. "he's not smarter, he's just experienced more." he explained simply. "you've been sleeping for thousands of years, he's been living for thousands of years... you'll catch on to things, and i'll help you." he promised smiling as he kissed her gently. "he gets the tin because he doesn't feel good that's why." Harry stated simply with a small chuckle as he watched Amara steal from Lupin, who didn't look in the least bit hungry. "...did Draco yell at you?" Lupin asked looking amused as he slid his pie tin to Amara. "so you can change form at will i've heard?" he asked curiously as he blinked at Cristo, looking honestly curious.
belladonna smiled softly"O.Well that makes sense."She said nodding at that because she wasn't willign to believe that she was dumb. She wasn't...she was just young compared to amara who'd been awake for the centuries that had past him by. "But Iwant some."Amara pouted looking at the werewolf, grinning as he started eating the pie."He did.I kissed him.Got bit for my efforts." "It was very amusing.Amara is never refused."Sampson said. "yes."Cristo said smiling a little,"We were born wolves, spent so much time in that form when we were young, it is almost more natural then human."He said studying the other wereowlf just as much as lupin was watching him
Harry grinned at her a little shaking his head. "it's like... Draco is 'stupid' compared to you when it comes to Wild Magic. he's not actually stupid, he just doesn't know as much compared to you, makes sense?" he asked grinning a little as he watched his father worried about the man. "... you kissed him?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at Amara. "you had to have known that was a bad idea..." he commented with a small grin. "well, at least you learned your lesson i suppose." he teased. "Draco spends his life refusing people." Lupin admitted explaining to Sampson and Cristo. "he's told more powerful people than Amara no before." and almost died for his efforts. if Draco could tell Voldemort no, then Amara was a piece of cake. "i didn't know you could be born as a werewolf." Lupin admitted looking startled. "i thought you had to be bitten..." he looked at Fenrir who set his head in Lupin's lap, Lupin stroking his hair. Lupin wished he could have gone mad like Fen, fen was a calm and docile wolf, completely insane, but docile. Lupin was ferocious and furious in his madness, he would have to be killed at some point, he didn't want to make his family go through that.
Belladonna nodded,, perking up at the idea."While I know more then draco, Amara knows more then me.Yes that makes sense."Se said smiling. Amara blushed sftly, rubbing a hand over his face."Well, yea.And...it was, but damn, he was to cute."He said snickering a little at the idea."Humans do. Elves are either bitten or the orginial head of our houses carried it. Something about elven blood allowed it to pass generation from generation, slowly growing stronger.Its why the current wolves that got bitten by us are sometimes worse then others."Sampson explained smiling softly as he looked down at fen, he looked so calm and collected.
Harry grinned a little and shook his head. "you an idiot Amara, you really are." Harry teased with a small chuckle. "you know, if you apologize you'll see him be all cute again. no one ever apologizes to Draco, so when it happens it throws him off balance." he admitted smirking a little before looking at Sampson as Lupin nodded. "i was bitten by Fenrir here." Lupin admitted stroking the man's head as he dozed, simply content to be around other wolves. "he is Wolf King, Ulfric." he admitted smiling a little. "he bit me and." he shrugged. "now i'm going insane." he didn't sound upset or regretful, only the truth came from his lips. "Fenrir's already insane but i think that's his fathers doing, at least Fenrir is Docile in his madness." Harry admitted smiling a little. "how do you boys like your cheesecake?" Harry asked, eying up them both, a little bit of lust in his gaze. everyone knew Harry had a high libido and no one to 'libido' with. he was certainly very interested in their new house guests, especially Cristo with that sexy accent of his.
Amara looked surprised at that before nodding already bounding out of the room to apologize. Knocking on Draco's door, fridgeting nervously as he waited for draco to answer. He didn't know what to think, but he was going to apologize.

"Its good."Cristo said lust showing in his eyes as he looked at harry, smiling slowly and sweetly, feeling the urge to mate rising. Sampsn smiled looking at fenrir reaching out to stroke his hair."He is docile."He mused frowning as he realized his brother was flirting, discreetly looking at the woman watching them all.Even that slightly amused look was hiding something, some emotion.But the look wouldn't allow him to see it, even if he could smell her disappointment like a strong perfume. Not reacting he smirked as he looked at harry, smiling slightly."So, is there more then one kind of cheesecake?I would lik more."He said alraedy reaching to take amara's abandoned cake, starting to eat it even as cristo started to.
crap, you know somehow i forgot he was dating Belladonna. XP)

Draco snapped the door opened and glared at Amara. "don't pound on my god damn door your upsetting my potions!" he yelled before he even saw who it was before blinking at Amara, scowling a little. "what do you want? i'm busy damnit." he complained shaking his head a little.

Harry smiled a little and Lupin smiled as he gently took Belladonna's hand. "don't mind Harry, he can't help himself, he's never had a lover before. flirting is an instinctual response, one that Sirius has practically taught him. hell every time Lucius came over Sirius was practically drooling all over him." he smiled as Harry suddenly seamed to realize he was upsetting Belladonna, a bright dark flush covering his cheeks. ".. sorry Bell..." he muttered looking utterly horrified. "i didn't mean to it's just... i've never had a lover before, only one night stands... i forget sometimes..." he admitted softly, ashamed of himself as Lupin smiled a little looking at Cristo. "there are many kinds of cheesecake. there's chocolate, strawberry, white chocolate, banana, raspberry, blueberry, any manner of fruit can be mixed into cheesecake really." he admitted grinning a little as Harry practically snuggled Belladonna to death in search of forgiveness.
...how could you forget that?!hahahhaha. Oh well, it makes a interesting moment.)

"I wasn't pounding."Amara said smiling a little, laughing softly at the other's reaction, realizing the man had yelled at im before he'd sen who it was."I wanted to say I'm sorry.I shouldn't have kissed you."He said shifting a little looking uncomfortable.

Belladonna smiled slightly, though it was still a little fragile around the edges."Lucius is very pretty.And sirius IS a dog."She said giggling a little even as she looked up at her almost lover, not saaying anthing, trying to relax, hiding a wince as harry snuggled into her.She was....she was so old, so hurt by her family and races rejection, that she couldn't think clearly,even if she understood why he'd done it."I would like to try these sometime."Cristo said looking nervous, his eyes flickering between belladonna and lupin,because of their long memories and lives, the elves remembered who and what belladonna was. The world didn't fear her because they feared the dark, they feared the dark because of her, she was the thing that stalked in the shadows, in the space between stars.And he wondered what would happen if she lost herself.
Draco glared at him, scowling really. "you where pounding." he complained moving to slam the door in his face before staring at him, shocked. he looked shocked, it was adorable on his face, just standing there, staring the the man, compleatly unsure what to do about what he was supposed to say or do. then he blinked a little and moved back inside. "well, it's alright i guess..." he muttered, instantly forgiving the other. "get your ass in here and make me another Moon Flower i need it."

Lupin chuckled a little. "he is pretty." he agreed smiling a little as he shook his head watching Harry mutter apologies to Belladonna, kissing her neck and cheeks. "i love you." he muttered softly. "i may lust for other flesh. i'm a man, we can't help ourselves, but i would never sleep with anyone but you, i will never love anyone but you. you are my soul mate, my onw and only, the only woman, or man in my life." he promised softly nuzzling her gently. "your soul is mine, my heart beats with yours." he set a hand on her mark. "our very bodies and minds are bound together, and you will be the only person i will ever love with all of my being." Lupin grinned at the twins. "if your horny i'll invite Blaise and Neville over, or Fred and George." Harry growled a little and Lupin winced. "oh, right your still mad at them..."
Amara gave him a hesitant smile, hiding his amusement at just how cute the other was now that he'd shocked him.It was...interesting that draco immediately forgave im and then invited him in whn the other had been ready to toss him out on his ass. Smiling slightly he smirked sligtly,"You could have come downstairs and got me if you wanted another flower."He teased lightly, settling into his seat as he started to work on te soft flower, soon enough the small flower, no bigger then his hand filled his palm.

Belladonna smiled a little turning her face to press her cheek against his shoulder, relaxing as she shifted, cuddling into harry."Good."She muttered nuzzling him. "What did the twins do?"Belladonna asked shifting away from her hurt, willing to leave it alone. Wanting to know what was going on.Cristo smiled a little, looking interested but shrugging."We do not need sex." "We are used to going without,though humans could be interesting."He said looking amused, because humans were a rarity among the elves, that rarities were interesting and looked forward to.
Draco scowled a little at the other and shook his head. "no i couldn't have." he growled. "i was angry at you, i don't ask people anything when i'm angry at them." he admitted shaking his head as he carefully took the flower from him and motioned him to go stand by the door. "this might explode, stay back." he ordered lifting up a single petal before dropping it into the cauldron, pausing for a moment to see what would happen. there was a sudden noise, like an explosion and the potion splattered everywhere, completely drenching Draco in wet sticky stuff, making the boy blink and then scowl. "son of a bitch!"

Harry scowled darkly and Lupin grimaced a little. "they got drunk and got a little too frisky with Blaise, on of Harry's freinds." he explained. "Blaise never said no but he wasn't really all that comfortable with it either, Harry's been pissed at them for weeks for taking advantage of Blaise in his drunken state." Lupin admitted shaking his head. "it wasn't their fault, or Blaise's but since Blaise isn't pissed off about it Harry's decided to be pissed off instead." "well, my birthday is in a few days..." Harry muttered shaking his head. "i might as well forgive them and invite everyone." he decided smiling a little. "i think Neville and Blaise have started dating anyway." he admitted shaking his head as he smiled a little. "it will be amusing to watch them with Amara, the twins love Elves 'their just so pretty!'" he mimicked the voice of the twins. they had taught him how to mimic voices almost perfectly.
a mara yelled as it exploded, raising a hand and tossing a shield around himself so that it didn't catch him, rushing to draco's side, looking him over, looking worried bout the blon that he wasn't supposed to be touching."are you okay?"he asked hands fisting at his sides to keep from reachingout and touching him, not wanting draco to be mad at him again. But really wanting to touxhnd make sure that the blond hadn't been hurt by the explosion.

Belladonna giggled a little T that, paling a little when she remembered how close they were to harry's birthday, nuzzling her lover as she tried to relax."we'll have to have a birthday party. It'll be interesting to say in the least."she said looking amused.Sampson looked nervous at the mention of the towns smiling a little, trying to hide how nervous he and cristo were at the idea of anyone finding them pretty"they will not harm us will they?"the dark haired Sampson asked smiling though it was like a wolf baring it's fangs to warn off someone they weren't sure they liked.
Draco sighed a little and shook his head. "i'm fine, my shields are up the potion never touched me, i was just startled." he promised looking almost confused at the other, as if unable to figure out why the other was worried about him, no one was ever worried about him. his shields shedding off the potion and a hand wave cleaned the potion up and sent it away shaking his head a little. "i'm really not hurt." he promised offering Amara a careful smile, looking hesitant and uncertain. "i'll have to try a different combination..."

Harry frowned a little his head tilted at Belladonna. "Bell? what's wrong?" he asked setting his hand on hers, wondering why she looked so scared every time his birthday was mentioned. Lupin had to laugh a little and shook his head a little at the twins. "no no, Fred and George are hyper, but Harmless. but you have to set lines on them or they won't know when to stop, they don't have very many inhibitions." he admitted shaking his head a little. "they do stop when you tell them to though." he promised smiling a little. "just be firm with them and you'll be fine, and Harry will protect you from them if they get too hyped up on sugar and cake."
Amara frowned looking at him before nodding, smiling a little back as he realized that he was upseting draco bybeing so worried."Good. Now what combnation did you use this time?Maybe a little more flower, a little less of the other stuff?"He asked shifting to sit on the bar stool he conjured, looping his feet through the wrungs as he thought, looking more relaxed and happy to just be with draco then he did doing anything else.

Belladonna shook her head smiling softly as she pressed her face against his shoulder. She wasn't used ot having anyone with to celebrate a birthday, so she didn't know what he expected from her, she didn't know how to even ask for help getting him a birthday present. Powerful she may be, but she was emotionally crippled after a lifetime of being seperated from everyone, "Just thinking to hard."She muttered nuzzling harry's shoulder. "O. Well we can set lines."Sampson said nodding. "Sort of like real wolves with pups, if they know the rules they tend to fall in line instead of just fighting for the hell of it."Cristo said looking relieved at the news that harry would keep them safe just in case the twins didn't stop when they told them to. The two boys were popular in the elven court, and despite being friends with amara, they felt awkward bringing up the demands of the young elven girls who wanted them, because amara didn''t want to believe in the badness in anyone, so they didn't think he'd help protect them. Which, if the elven king had known, he'd thrown a fit about it by now.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head as he pulled over a scroll with a list of what he had done. "the Moonflower reacted very positively to a weakened nightshade extract." he admitted. "i had hoped to enhance the Moonflowers potency but it reacted a little too well." he admitted scratching out the nightshade, shaking his head a little as he looked over at Amara, looking puzzled by the other. "Amara... why do you want me?" he demanded suddenly. blunt little thing that he was he didn't like feeling confused and puzzled, so he decided to just ask.

he smiled as he kissed her forehead gently, smiling a little. "well don't think too hard love, you'll give yourself a migraine." he teased playfully, smiling at her as he gently bit her lip and then nuzzled her again as Fenrir nodded. "it's exactly like wolves with pups." he agreed smiling a little. "and Harry will make sure they don't get out of line." he promised with a small chuckle. "as long as i'm well enough, i'll make sure no one hurts you as well." he promised smiling at the twins, Harry grinning before glancing at the wall and sighing. "i have to go to my occlumency lessons." he grumbled scowling a little as he kissed Belladonna intently. "i'll be back in a few hours alright?" he asked softly stroking her hair, Lupin smiling a little. "go on Harry, you need to learn how to protect your mind, Sirius, Lucius and i will keep Belladonna safe and sound." he promised simply as Harry hesitated and then nodded, kissing her cheek before gently settling her into her chair, kissing her forehead, and then leaving. "you three stay here." Lupin ordered calmly as he went to go get Sirius and Lucius before getting up and heading to Amara and Draco. "hey! we're going shopping for Harry's birthday while he's with Snape, come along!" he ordered, Draco grinning brightly as he abandoned his notes, having just finished writing the results of the last combination. "come on Amara, lets go shopping." Draco ordered.
amara bit his lip as he held his hands out, gently shaping another moonflower in his hands, "Well, maybe a little less this time.There has to be a perfect mix between the two."he said smiling as he worked. Looking startled at the other's question, frowning as he tried to figure out what the man was talking about."What?I like you.Is it so odd that I want to spend time with you just because your you?"He asked trying to figure out what the other wanted him to say, not really understanding the question.Because it was fairly rude to elves to ask why someone liked you, he didn't understand what the other wanted him to say.

"Okay."Belladonna said smiling softly as she kissed harry, nuzzling his neck before she leaned back. Looking amused as he left, laughing as amara headed downstairs with his blond."well, what are we shopping for?" "Harry's birthday. I don't know what to get him, so we're going shopping."Belladonna said smiling up at the others, so happy to get the chance to go shopping. Sampson grinning as he looked at the others, noticing the concerned look on narcissa's face as she looked at belladonna. "We'll stay with her. We'll have a guard with her no matter what happens.We'll make sure she comes home to harry."Cristo said seeing the look, slipping a arm through belladonna's."I don't need a guard." "Yes you do."Sampson said grinning as they all apparated to diagonal alley, glad that the crowded streets would offer some protection to them all a they shopped. Amara had explained what was going on here, so he knew they were all in danger for protecting belladonna from sarsen and voldemort.
Draco nodded a little. "i am not sure how reactive they are to the moonflower. i'll have to run some tests on Sampson tomorrow." he decided, pondering. "see just how much flower it takes to send them into a tizzy." he decided smiling a bit before staring at the other, looking so baffled and unsettled it was both heartbreaking and cute. "...no one ever just wants me for no reason... they always want something..." he admitted scowling a little. "most people want my money... but your a king... you don't need my money... others want the prestige of being with a Malfoy but again... your a king... some people want me because i'm good at potions and i'll make something of myself..." he shook his head, scowling at Amara. "there... there must be a REASON why you want me..." he sighed and shook his head. "never mind." he muttered as Lupin came and got them. "i'll figure out what you want eventually..." Lupin smirked as he watched Draco walk past and leaned over to Amara. "you want him because he makes you feel happy and useful." he whispered in the others ear. "or something like that, make sure to be honest. stroke his Ego too, tell him he's beautiful and talented and has a great personality... just tell him why you like him." he explained grinning at Amara. it wasn't cheating if Lupin offered the information first after all.

Lupin grinned again as he watched Belladonna. "we'll all stay in groups." he informed them all. "i'd like to stay in one big group but if it's too crowded that won't be possible so. Amara, Belladonna, Draco, Sampson, and Cristo will be in a group, and Sirius, Lucius, Fenrir, Narcissa and i will be in a group. if we have to separate we'll meet in front of the Bank." Lupin ordered smiling as he handed Belladonna, Cristo, Sampson, and Amara a small bag. "you have fifty Galleon's in there. spend them wisely." he ordered. "and Thank Lucius for the gift too." he ordered smiling as Lucius chuckled and shook his head. "we have four hours." he stated simply. "longer if Snape can distract Harry enough." he admitted taking everyone's hands, forming a circle as they all Apparated into Diagon alley, Draco grinning at Belladonna. "would you like help picking out a gift for Harry?"
"Fine.I want you for your magic."Amara said rlling his eyes a little as he stood, not wanting to fight with draco, sounding sarcastic and annoyed even though he knew it was probably going to upset draco, he was to tired, to annoyed at draco for thinking he needed a reason to like him. Whie the magic had attracted him at first, he found the man's needs, the drive to find a cure even more appealing. Sounding so sarcastic and working on pissed that it was obvious that Amara didn't mean what he said, smiling slightly when he heard lupin's words. He'd stroke the man's ego, maybe it'd get him strking other parts of his body. Grinning at the idea of that.

"Thank you."Belladonna said blushing as the wolves echoed the sentiment, all four grinning happily before amara smirked."If you wanted togive me a real present, you'd let me marry your son."Amara said snickering at lucius as they started to walk. Looking amused as they looked thoughtful."I do. What would you suggest?"Belladonna said looking at draco, slipping a arm through his, looking anxious because she didn't want to disappoint harry, and she wanted him to be happy with her, so he wouldn't want the wolves, or anyone else. Which to her, translated to getting him the perfect birthday gift, because it was how the fey and humans she'd known before waking had treated her. That they only wanted her, when she could give them something. So dspite loving harry, and knowing harry loved her, she was anxious to please him with a present.
Draco GLARED at Amara, he did not like the tone that the other was taking and he swept past the other, completely furious with the man. if he had just answered honestly Draco wouldn't be in this situation but no, no Amara had to be an ASS. "i can't give you permission when Draco's pissed at you." Lucius commented simply looking amused, he'd heard Amara's statement and Draco's following fury as he shook his head as they all vanished, Draco already calm and happy at the thought of shopping, grinning a little. "there are two things that Harry loves more than anything else. Quidditch." he stated with a smile. "and you, so, we're going to a special shop." Draco admitted smiling a little as he took her hand and dragged her off, their little group following, willing or not. the shop turned out to be a photography studio, and she was dressed in a beautiful flowing dress, and settled onto a still broom, and Draco informed her to pretend that Harry was there and she was trying to seduce him. the pictures came out wonderful, she looked vibrant and ethereal and gorgeous. Draco made her pick her favorite of three, and he put it in a frame before making the man wrapping it up, he smiled at Cer. "and you now have the perfect gift." he chirped happily. "we'll get him something for quidditch too." he decided smiling at her. "i'll make you pick that one out." he decided smiling as they headed to the quidditch shop, helping Cer pick out a gift for the quidditch fanatic.
Belladonna smiled slightly as she looked for the perfect git, a small frown curling her lips."You said he was a...seeker?"She sked, hesitating on the word because she wasn't sure before grinning as she picked up the small golden snitch, the small ball hovering in her palm."This is perfect."She grinned as she had it inscribed with the word always, in elvish. Promising eternity, which meant something different for a time kissed soceress who'd already seen more then a milliuem. "You're having fun. Are you sure you don't want something from here to?"Amara said walking up behind draco, leaning over his shoulder but not touching him to see what the man was looking at, vaugely watching the shop around them before tensing,"We have company."He muttered raising his eyes to look for belladnna, sighing relieved when he realized she was hidden from view from the door as the short woman looked through qudditch clothes. "Sarsen just walked in."He muttered wrapping his arms around draco's waist so they looked like a couple, and then wouldnt stand out, hoping the woman would just keep walking, tensing as he realized she'd brought death eaters to."Get bell.Go out the back door. I'll see if we can distract her."he muttered pulling away, heading for the door.
Draco grinned at her and nodded. "yes, a Seeker." he agreed chuckling a little as he watched her getting the Snitch engraved before blinking at Amara, smiling a little. "i love shopping." he admitted. "even if i'm not shopping for me." he admitted chuckling a little as he shook his head, looking down at the newest broomstick. "i'm trying to decide if Harry would love it, or be insulted... he loves his Firebolt..." he admitted pondering it before shaking his head. "definitely be insulted now that i say it out loud..." he admitted before tensing as well, glancing at the woman, looking her over curiously as Amara wrapped his arms around him. "i'm still angry at you." he whispered. "don't get any idea's about touching places." he growled as he examined a small quidditch figurine set, hi head tilted before hissing as he saw people he'd once known. "be careful..." Draco ordered, his voice a soft, worried whisper before vanishing, grabbing Belladonna's hand. "we have to go." he ordered watching the shopkeeper hand the engraved snitch back to her before he Apparated himself and Belladara back to the Bank, appearing out on the steps and freezing as he shoved her into the bushes before she could even see what was going on. she was hidden by the leaves now as two Death Eaters walked up to Draco and stalked around him, snickering, talking about how they 'missed' him, Draco rolling his eyes and responding with biting, scathing comments that he was so good at. "so where is she?" one of the Death eaters demanded. "who?" "the DreamWeaver, we know The Balance has her, we know your with The Balance." the balance... Harry, The Balance must have been the name the Elves had given him once they'd realized what they had created... but did they know that it was Harry who was The Balance?
"Hmm you are such a spoiled brat.Shopping just to shop"Amara said snickering little laughingsoftly,"Now if it was bell buying it, he'd like it, but from you, when you know that he likes his broom,he'd probably in insulted."He said snickering, tightening his hold on the man in front of him."You be careful to.If I have to rescue you, I'm going to be pissed."He grumbled groping the blnd as he moved to take care of sarsen. Belladonna yelped a little as she was shoved into the bushes, staying put for a few minutes,because she knew draco had a reason to do what he was doing,but it took effort. And at the mention of her, she raised her head, shifting to walk behind the bushes, shifting to move around them, skirting around the group, but even as she walked she muttered the spell. one time, she'd been a goddess of battle and dreams, the one who the dead summoned.She was belladonna, the posion that killed with the smallest touch. Creating the weapon so old, that it could make your bones ache, she lowered her head a little, making innocent as she walked through, the sword in her hand ass unholdable as ir, and hard as steel, looking just like someone walking by even as she shifted, the sword cutting through the air, catching one under the ribs, finding the heart even as she spun and gutted the other, it wouldn't be a easy death,but it gave them time. And as she looked at draco, her eyes filled with the darkness between stars, without harry there to balance her, she was stuttering, shiting, becoming what she hadn't been in a milliuem. A goddess of battle. And the street had just become her battleground. You could see why the fey had feared her when she walked as a goddess, because insanity shown in those blue eyes, as she grappled for control,but it was slipping through her fingers as she looked at draco."We have to find the others. And get home."She said with the last bit o reasonable thought she had.
Draco smirked a little. "i like to shop for other people." he admitted shaking his head a little as he looked over at the other, his eyes as cold as ice, as strong as steal, a warriors look. "i'm not the one who's going to need Rescuing Amara." he admitted turning and sweeping out of the store just as a few death eaters noticed that Amara wasn't a human. Draco growled as he watched the Death Eaters, watching the woman kill the Death eaters, his head tilting to the side as he studied the dead bodies before taking Belladara's hand and running them into the bank, the Goblin's panicking as screams started to spill out of the houses and streets as the Death eaters started to blast curses, and set things on fire. "keep your mind Bell." he ordered calmly. "try not to kill too many people, some of the death eaters aren't really death eaters." he admitted. in fact most of the Death eaters where being controlled through Impirio, or where being blackmailed through the life of their families.Voldemort was a sadistic, evil little bastard. Lucius was suddenly there, grabbing them by the backs of their shirts to yank them out of the way of a severing charm. "where are the others!?" "we don't know!" Draco admitted. "Amara told us to run, so we ran!" he admitted watching the carnage outside with a thick swallow. "they know about The Balance." Lucius looked confused for a moment and then jerked as he realized what Draco meant. "do they know WHO it is!?" "... i don't know." "son of a bitch!" he cursed shaking his head. "go home! apparate home, now!" he demanded of both of them. "the others will probobly already be there, i'll go and get Amara." Draco nodded, took Belladara's hand and apparated away, landing in the living room next to Sirius, Cristo, and Sampson. Sirius was bleeding all down his arm, but the twins looked fine.
Belladonna growled as draco draged her after him, stumbling as she tried to not fight him, fought to not turn on the death eaters as she forced her hands to let go of the sword, to give u pher only weapon."He was in qudditch supplies!"She yelled at lucius as they apparated, stumbling as they landed into the room, looking for harry."Where's harry?!"She yelled sounding desperate and afraid because she was losing her fight for control,even as she helped cristo and sampson bandage up sirius. Yelping as narcissa, lucius, and amara appeared, the elven king supported between the two malfoys as he slumped unconscious. While he didn't look to bad, there was a cut over his eye that was bleeding heavily, and painful looking burns along his arm like he had been reaching into a fire."Draco, we need that burn potion."Nacissa snapped at her son, worry over the king overriding the need to make sure that he wouldn't freak out, hoping that if she pissed him off that he wouldn't be frozen at the sight of amara unconscious.
Draco grimaced as he realized that Harry was still gone, Sirius shaking his head. "he's still with his teacher, he doesn't even know we're in danger." he promised her. "i just sent an Owl for him to come home." he promised her as Lucius shoved all the stuff off the table and helped amara lay down, tearing off the man's clothes so they wouldn't stick to the wicked burns. Draco raced up the stairs and grabbed all of his personal burn salve, bruise balm, blood stopping, and healing potions and raced back down the stairs, helping Sirius slather the burn salves all over amara, the salve cold, but cleansing and healing as Draco's tears started to fall, feeling terrible about getting Amara hurt. Harry suddenly appeared with a loud CRACK of apparation rushing over to Belladonna. "Bell! are you hurt!?" he demanded pulling her into a tight hug. "oh my go i'm so sorry, i should have been there with you, i should have been protecting you..." "get out of the way potter!" Draco snapped shoving the man out of the way as he continued laying healing an burn salv all over the wicked burns. "please wake up Amara... please wake up..." he pleaded gently stroking the elf's face.
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