
Draco nodded a little as he wrote something on his pad of paper before staring at Amara, as if the other was an idiot and he didn't want to deal with him. "don't touch me either." he ordered simply as he moved into the house and down into the basement, unlocking a door with a wave of his hand and walking in, cleaning all the dust off with a wave of his hand. he hadn't used this lab in a few years, but it was exactly as he had left it, even the ingredients in their preservation jars where fresh and perfect. "sit." Draco ordered indicating a chair as he closed and locked the door. "can you make another moonflower in here?" he demanded staring at Amara. he was completely focused on his potions, you could see the fact that speaking to someone was distracting to Draco, who treated potions like he did everything else, it had to be perfect.

he smiled a little. "your adorable, and cuddly, and perfect." Harry agreed smiling as he gently nuzzled her neck, nibbling on her ear before snuggling down to sleep with her, smiling a little. "i love you." he whispered softly. "i will never let anyone hurt you." he promised softly as he held her gently and pulled her tight to him, snuggling and cuddling her happily.
Amara ppouted at that following after him."But draco, I want to touch you."He pouted annoyed at the order. Because since draco had said it, he wouldnt' break the rule. Looking around as he looked at everything he tilted his head as he watched the man. Amused because draco seemed so distracted by the fact that he was talking to someone else."Yes I can."He said raising his hads, focusing as he swallowed, working to focus on the flower. It was harder indoors, without the touch of nature, but after a few minutes the flower took form between his hands. lookng at draco as he worked on the flower."Is this well?"He asked holding out his hand to let draco see the slightly larger flower he was holding.
Draco stared at the other. "i don't like being touched." he growled a little and shook his head as he started putting together the ingredients he needed. "i've been working on this theory for months." he admitted. "but i never had the key piece i needed... normally wolfs-bane is used as the controllant... but wolfs-bane is poisonous to werewolves... most of them die before it ever takes effect." he admitted shaking his head a little as he watched the flower form, his eyes amazed as he gently took it from Amara's hands, examining it. "it's beautiful." he muttered stroking the petals. as much as he didn't want to admit it, Amara was starting to worm his way past Draco's shields. "here." he threw something into Amara's lap, a root and a mortar and pestle. "grind that up for me." he ordered. "as fine as you can get it." the root was firm and touch and didn't grind easily, which was why he had Amara for 'menial labor.' he himself started carefully removing a petal from the moon flower, examining it very carefully. "i hope Lupin doesn't mind playing guinea pig again..."
Amara pouted at draco'swords before sighing. Nodding a little."Wolf's bane is called wolfs bane because its not only posionus to the human half of a wolf, because it can drive a wolf mad before it kills them."Amara said sounding thoughtful, frowning a little."And elves shouldn't take it, because it uses our own magic for shapeshifting against us."He muttered it was a mostly lost art, but he'd seen shapeshifting elves driven insane because they had taken the wolfsbane to try nd stop the infection of lycanthropy from taking root.".I wonder if we look, that most of the ones that are truly insane before they died, were wolves."He said looking thoughtful.Smiling slightly, shyly at draco's amazement at the flower. Gladto see he was getting to the man, even if it was only a small step. Smirking a little as he started grinding up the root, he snickered because he couldn't believe the other was making him do menial labor."I'm sure he wont. Not if you can help him."
he nodded a little. "i knew that about the Wolfs-Bane but i didn't realize it affected elven transformations." he admitted pondering a little as he stuck something in his mouth and chewed on it... a peppermint stick, it was such a human, normal action that the first time Harry had seen Draco do it he'd nearly had a heart attack. chewing on a peppermint while he worked was almost... cute. "i don't wonder if maybe it's the wolfs-bane potion itself that's driving the werewolves mad. no one thought about repercussions when using wolfs-Bane..." he admitted scowling a little. "perhaps we should take Lupin off the potion? it's not helping anyway..." he admitted scribbling something down onto his pad of paper. "this flower has very interesting physical properties..." he admitted. "i'll be right back." he admitted leaving the room, coming back down ten minutes later with two jars full of blood, one marked Fenrir, the other Lupin. he took the petal of the flower and crushed it into a pulp and then set a drop of blood on it, watching the reaction intently. "hmm... nothing happened... how interesting..."
Amara's jaw dropped a little when he saw the peppermint stick, looking amused. It was so... not draco that amara nearly laughed outloud. But he wouldn't do that, because he knew draco would stop if he poked fun at the cute thing. "Take him off of it, and we'll try this... whatever your working on. Surely calming him with actual moonlight would be easier then wolf's bane."He said sighing a little smirking a little as he wathed draco leave. Looking curious to see what the man was up to."What did you do?"He asked raising a eyebrow. Trying to understand so that he would understand how to help draco the best.
Draco seamed completely unaware that he was being cute as he sucked on the peppermint stick, half of it sticking out of his mouth. "it might take me a few weeks to get this working properly." he admitted talking perfectly around the peppermint stick, years of practice. he smirked as he came back. "i got a blood donation." he explained smiling a little as he watched the reaction to the moon flower. "Lycanthrope blood is VERY reactive." he explained pulling something out of a very tightly sealed jar. Wolfsbane. "this is what happens when you put blood on a wolfsbane flower." he explained dropping a few drops onto the leaf, the blood boiling on contact. "it kills the wolf part of the blood leaving the human blood clear and untainted. people used to beleive that just the wolfsbane, then called monkshod, could cure Lycanthropy. it was renamed wolfsbane when the Lycanthropes became sick and died after direct contact and ingestion of the plant." Draco explained turning to Amara. "when used with other ingredients to control the reaction wolfsbane can control a werewolf, but it's risky. made incorrectly the wolfsbane potion is so potent and poisonous that even a drop could kill a human, which is why only Potion Masters are allowed to make the potion." he set the petal of moonflower under a microscope and examined it very intently. "hmm... i don't know if it's reactive enough with the blood to work... it worked on Lupin and Fenrir outside but it's not affecting the blood..." he hesitated then shook his head. "i'll have to just try it..."
Amara stared, looking a little sick at the sight of the blood boiling."That's....that's very sick."He said shivering a little before swallowing."No wonder wolves don't react well to the wolfsbane."He said shivering a little before biting his lip."Draco...what would elves blood do? While its not bad reaction, most of us carry the bloodlines of our shifters in our blood, even if we can't change shape."he said before sighing softly."maybe moonlight and something else that reacts to the wolf. Maybe..."Amara looked frustrated."I don't know, but something."he said hating he couldn't mae monlight into...."Draco.The flower. It affets them outside,but could you make a potion out of the rose, to affect them on a gentler level then the wolfsbane?"He asked looking at the potions master.
Draco nodded a little shaking his head. "it boils their blood." he admitted pausing a little. "well... i don't know." he admitted looking at Amara. "my blood doesn't do anything but sit there... give me your finger." he ordered grabbing Amara's wrist and prodding a finger with a needle, pulling out a single drop of blood before releasing the king, dropping the single bead of blood onto the leaf, watching it bubble and boil, not as severely as the lycanthrope infected blood, but enough to know Amara wouldn't want to be eating wolfsbane anytime soon. "i need to test a theory..." Draco admitted sighing a little. "i need to see what happens when a werewolf eats a petal." he admitted swallowing thickly. "but it might make them transform, or simply revert them to wolf mentality like before... there's no telling what will happen and it might hurt them... dammit i wish we still had the Pack... they where always willing to be tested on, but they fled when Voldemort raised from the dead...."
Amara shuddered watching the blood, swallowing hard."Yea, so not eating wolfsbane. That looks painful."He said shivering a little before sighing, looking at draco.Frowning at the mention of the pack,biting his lip."Would it affect a elf shapeshifter the same way?We are not tied to the moon, but they are as cursed as the werewolves."He said slowly before biting his lip."Where did the pack go?If I cannot get you there, Belladonna can."He said slowly because among the wolves it was a old story that to speak her name, was to summon the woman. And between one breath and the next she would come, formed from thought and full of anger. While he didn't believe she was as crazy as the stories painted her, they would have not given her the power to hear a whisper of a name, and use it as a conduit for travel if she wouldn't be able to travel someway.
Draco nodded a little. "it even does funny things to normal human blood." he admitted shaking his head. "it's poisonous to all living things, and we're using it in a fucking potion and giving it to people..." he looked over ay the other. "i don't know that's the problem... after my godfather, Snape, made the wolfsbane potion no one cared to go any deeper into it. Snape created the potion for Lupin specifically when they where in school." he admitted. "it's been a long time since then..." he admitted sighing a little and shaking his head. "no one knows where the pack went. Fenrir was the alpha... sort of... in name anyway." he admitted. "Lupin was part of it too but when Voldemort rose, and called the wolves, Fenrir was too... mad, and too broken from his father to not respond. he went to Voldemort, Lupin stayed here, and the others left." he admitted shaking his head. i honestly do not beleive she can come just from the sound of her whispered name anyway... are there any elven werewolves who would be willing to undergo a few experiments? i can pay them i suppose... i can't test all of these potions on Lupin, the potions will interact with each other..."
Amara looked thoughtful smiling slightly as eh looked at draco."I wouldn't underestimate a woman who's old enough she played with saber tooth kittens when she was young."Amara teased while he didn't know all her powers, he wasn't going to limit them either. As young as she seemed, as long as she'd been asleep, there was oldness, a untouchable part that was completely inhuman and totally fae. And the fey were unpredictable in their powers. Nodding as he looking worried before sighing."There will be a few. Some of the younger ones who have not accepted it, and are rebelling against the wolf side."He said,"We'll go in the morning, to see about it."
Draco smiled a little. "i do not underestimate her, i simply do not think that power can be tied to a name like that, or any potions masters who was working with, or needed Belladonna flowers, seeds, leaves or roots would end up with a very pissed off her on their hands." he admitted simply. "please make sure that they understand that they could be risking life for this." he admitted before hesitating, fear in his eyes. "i need to go with?" he asked, clearly afraid of stepping into elven lands, but why? he couldn't very well admit to Amara that he was afraid if he went with, then he wouldn't be allowed to leave, and above all else Draco was terrified of being left alone without his Friends and family, few as they where. if he was locked away from them, he would go mad, and become less than useless, Draco was very dependent on the few people he trusted.
"Yes,but she's been sleeping.And she's..."Amara paused looking thoughtful."Maybe you're right, but she's younger now.Younger then any legend puts her."He said before looking at draco,"Well you could just go with me."He said nodding a little even if he was wondering what draco was afraid of."I'll be back with them.Elves don't usually get a chance to leave our kingdoms,so they'll like the idea of coming here...even if they're risking their lives."He said looking at draco, smiling slightly as he haded for the door."I think we both need to get some sleep."
Draco nodded a little. "perhaps they whisper her name and she finds them in their dreams?" he mused smiling a little as he relaxed, thankful that he didn't need to go with, he hated how pathetic he was, he really did. "i am tired." he admitted carefully picking up the flower and settling it into a preservation jar so that it would remain whole, healthy and perfect until he needed it again. "i'll need more moonflowers too..." he admitted yawning as he headed for the door, popping the last half of his peppermint stick into his mouth as he headed for his room before pausing, pointing at Amara. "if you come into my room while i am sleeping, i will hack off your balls, and your dick, and then feed you to Fenrir one joint at a time." and then he was gone, Lupin snickering as he came up behind Amara. "how did it go? Draco had that look in his eyes like he had one of his grand ideas again." he admitted smiling a little.
"Maybe."Amara said looking thoughtful,before smiling at the other,"I'll make you all the flowers you want."He said before pouting at the other, though he knew he was being serious."Fine fine, I have better things to do then touch your pale white ass."Amara leered looking amused as he watched draco go, nearly jumping out of his skin when lupin spoke."He thinks the moonflowers can help with the lycanthropy. But I have to go back to the elven kingdm in the morning, to get some wolves to test it on."He said smiling a little, looking at the wolf."I know you want to do it,but he doesn't want to use it on you, because you're using so many other potions, and he wants to have it perfect for you."
Draco smiled a little, amused that the other was willing to make flowers for him. he hated how Amara could make him smile with just a grin and a catty comment. he quickly fled to his own room, he didn't want to handle the fact that he was starting to enjoy Amara's company. "really? well i know that i turned wolf when i saw it, it was almost like a full moon." he admitted shaking his head. "only i wasn't viscous like i normally am... it could be the key he needs... he's been working on a better potion for years now..." Lupin sounded tired. "before the Pack left, they where all more than willing to help Draco, but they left..." he looked at Amara. "i'm going mad Amara... soon nothing will be left but the wolf..." he admitted allowing the elf to see the fear in his eyes. "when the wizards find out that i'm going mad, they'll have me killed just because i'm a risk." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm afraid..."
Amara looked t him,"I wont let them. Not with draco finding a cure."He said trying to be calm because he knew it would destroy something inside of draco if he couldn't save lupin, not to mention it would upset everyone else. "If I have to lock you in a room with a roomful of flowers, I wont let you die for this."he promised, clapping the other man on the shoulder, smiling slightly."No get some sleep.Sirius is probably worried about you.And we have a busy day tomorrow."
Lupin smiled at Amara. "thank you." he muttered leaning down and running his cheek against Amara's. a werewolf greeting, and a thank you of the more intimate kind. it meant that Lupin saw Amara as family. "i hope draco can find what he's looking for.." he admitted softly smiling at the other. "your good for him, i know he's frustrating but he's been hurt often." he admitted softly. "instead of simply focusing on lavishing him with gifts, talk to him too, he's never had anyone try to simply get to know him before." he admitted shaking his head a little. "just make sure you don't try to talk when he's focused on something, he just gets annoyed and frustrated then..." he admitted with a small chuckle before he turned and headed for his and Sirius's room, he wanted cuddles. Harry gave Amara one of the few guest bedrooms left and left him to sleep, but around three in the morning the door creeped open and pale, soft Draco hesitantly passes into the room, tears trailing down his cheeks. "a...Amara?" he asked softly, touching the others shoulder, a gentle, frightened touch. "Amara... are you dead?" what a strange question to ask, had Draco had a nightmare?
Amara sighed softly as he returned the gesture, used to the shifters giving it at home. Though few true wolves were left, they had kept the gestures alive."me to."Amara said smiling slowly before sighing softly."I'll try.I've never had anyone to talk to before."Amara said looking amused as he sighed softly, heading to bed. When draco crept into the room he stirred, snuggling down into the bed blinking stupidly as he turned his head to look at the blond, frowning slghtly."Dra...draco?"He muttered starting to wake up."Draco, what?"He said sitting up quickly trying to figure out what the hell the man was talking about.Surely there was some logic to the man's presence in the rom.
Draco whimpered and his lip quivered, looking so relieved that the other was alive and he let out a small sob as he pressed his face into the others chest. "i dreamed you where dead." he whispered, sounding afraid, so afraid. "i dreamed you where dead in bed, that Sarsen had came and stole your life away... and you left me all alone..." Draco whimpered, clinging to the elf, frightened and shocked, he was simply reacting to the dream, but it said something that Draco was reacting this strongly, even Draco had to admit it now, Draco was in love with Amara. "please don't leave me all alone i need you...."
Amara looked startled at finding himself suddenly cuddled, hesitantly wrapping his arms around the other, not sure if the man was aware of actually touching him, worried about making the man draw away.Closing his arms around the other he pressed a kiss to the man's head."Shhh, shh I'm okay."He muttered trying not to look so surprised at the other's admittance. Nearly jumping out of his skin when Belladonna hit the door,"Are you okay?"She asked looking slightly panicked, but relaxing when she saw the two. Turing to leave, sighing in relief that they were okay. Nearly jumping out of her skin when she nearly walked into harry, surprised to see that he'd follwed her out of bed.
Draco snuffled and snuggled into the other more firmly as he felt the arms wrap around him, starting to relax as he realized the other was alright, he wasn't going away, he wasn't laughing, and he wasn't taunting. he didn't react at all to the knock on the door, but he looked up at her when she walked in, looking astonished before tucking his head into Amara;s chest again. "can i sleep in here with you tonight?" he asked hopefully. "i don't want to leave you alone.. Sarsen will steal you from me...."

Harry smiled sleepily as he peeked in at Harry and Amara, shaking his head as he gently closed the door. "did you see Draco's dream or feel the flare of power when i raced to make sure Amara was alright?" he asked curiously yawning as he kissed her cheek. "come on love, lets go back to bed, Draco will be alright with Amara, he won't let anything happen and apparently our house is going to be flooded with people tomorrow so we're going to need a lot of sleep..."
Amara sighed softly settling the blanket back around them before pressing a kiss to draco's head."Yes, you can stay."He muttered stroking draco's hair to try and calm him. He shouldn't have felt surprised that belladonna had responded,but he was, maybe it was the fact that she hadn't bothered to dress, and had panicked enough to come in half naked. "Sarsen wont get me. You and belladonna will keep me safe."He muttered,nuzzling the other mn, trying to make sure that he was calm.Wanting him to relax and sleep.

"I felt the dream,but it was the power that had me going oout the door."She muttered blushing because she hadn't meant to dreamwalk,but when she'd felt draco's sleeping anxious, she had took the step between real and dream without a thught,smiling as he let the other take her back to bed."Amara's bringing wolves to help draco.Apparently he needs yelp."She muttered yawning widely as she climbed back in bed.
Draco sighed as he was told he could stay, snuggling into the other. he hadn't even noticed Belladonna's half dressed state, in fact he barley even remembered she came into the room. he wrapped his arms around Amara's hips and pressed his face into the other, breathing deeply, smelling the other as he started to rift off to sleep. "i won't let her take you..." he muttered softly, sounding much more calm, possessive and rather cold again, slipping off to sleep as he held Amara as tightly as he dared.

Harry nodded as he smiled. "i never expected him to go running to Amara of all people, he usually runs to Lupin or Lucius." he admitted with a small chuckle as he kissed her forehead. "go to sleep my darling love." he ordered with a smile. "i have a feeling we're going to end up Helping Draco too." he admitted shaking his head. "i hope he succeeds... Lupin only has another year, at best before the only thing that's left is his wolf..."
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