
Belladonna swallowed before noding, nearly falling with relief that her presence with harry wasn't putting him in as much danger as he already was in. Nodding as the other kissed her forehead, relaxing."Oh yes. I wuld take anything that they would fight over."She smiled blushing at being called daughter. Looking...lonely but so happy at the idea that she had a family now. Smiling as she took the piece of cheesecake she smiled a little when she felt her mate approaching, grinning as she ate. Not about to share her cheesecake."Mine."
Lupin smiled at her his head tilted a little. "your a good girl Bell." Lupin admitted smiling a little before snickering as he gave her a nice thick slice of cheesecake as Harry stumbled down the stairs, rubbing his eyes before they focused on the cheesecake, licking his lips before pouting at Belladonna's possessiveness. "but i love you." Harry whined. "you should share with me!" he protested Lupin snorting. "you will eat lunch and THEN you can have your own cheesecake." he stated firmly, handing harry a plate of Lasagna, the man turning to yell out the door. "Amara! Harry's up, whenever your ready!" "ready for what?" harry asked staring at Pipers cake as he ate his own lasagna. "are you guys up to something again? if it's a surprise party my birthday isn't until next week..."
belladonna growled at him eating her cheesecake,"i love you to.But this is mine."She grumbled before smiling shifting to sit in harry's lap as she ate, holding up a fork full of cheesecake so he could have some."But I can share."She said nuzzling him even as harry started eating lasagna. "Yes?"amara said smiling a little as he walked in, tilting his head."would we ever plan something?"Amara said raising a eyebrow. belladonna started at the mention of his birthday, blushing a little."You didn't tell me about your birthday."She muttered looking at him worriedly.
he pouted at her as she settled into his lap and beamed as he accepted his bite of cheesecake, humming happily as he munched on his little treat grinning as he caught her lips with his own, kissing her gently before blinking as Amara came in, arching his brow so much like Draco you'd swear he was Draco and they where all pulling a joke. "yes you would plan something." Harry stated simply before he smiled sheepishly at Belladonna. "i'm sorry, i forgot you didn't know... i'm so used to everyone knowing my birthday that i never thought that you didn't know it." "even complete strangers know Harry's birthday." Lupin admitted chuckling a little. "i never thought of it either." he admitted shaking his head. "Amara, will you look at Harry now?" Lu[in asked hopefully, Harry blinking a little. "are you freaking out about me doing weird things again papa?" he asked looking a little amused as he set down his food, carefully moved Bell onto her own chair and stood up, facing Amara. clearly Lupin had people look at Harry before, but Amara was probobly the only one with the strength and experience to know what Harry was. a creature so old, they where forgotten by all things. a creature of pure magic, born to keep magic thriving and strong, and to keep the most powerful creatures under control.
belladonna looked relieved, sighing softly as she closed her eyes trying not to worry about what to do about his birthday.Amara paused looking startled as draco's look was on harry's face, before smiling a little."yes I will."He said snickering a little nodding towards belladonna's shoulder where her mark showed,"He was worried about that. That's not a normal thing, not even for the creatures of oddities."He said before standing in front of harry, looking him over with eyes and magic, before his eyes went to belladonna. He knew why this boy had been able to dream her dreams, now he knew what had woken her. The fae had created the creatures to be the force that destroyed her, creatures of pure magic, a purity that would not be able to touch her.And so, if she tried, she'd destroy herself. Yet...it seemed that the pure magic had had a unseeable consquence, because she was young.Younger then when she'd gone tot sleep....innocent in a way magic understood."He's....he's magic. He's magic given form."Amara said sounding breathless.
Harry blinked a little. "really?... i.. i didn't know that i just.. i love her." he admitted. "i wanted everyone to know that i was hers, and she was mine." "yes, a Mates Mark." Lupin admitted. "you have to love someone so deeply there will never be another in your heart." "soul mates? really." Harry smiled. "i like that thought..." he admitted with a small grin before blinking as he watched Amara;s face go shocked, startled even. "... what do you mean i'm Magic?" he demanded, frowning a little. "i can't be magic! look i'm solid for Merlin's Sake!" he complained smacking himself in the shoulder. "your all out of your minds..." "you mean... the old tales are true?" Fenrir asked softly, sounding amazed. "Harry is..." there where no words for what Harry was anymore, he just was. "you have to be wrong." he complained crossing his arms and sulking as he glanced at Belladonna.
"I know you do."Amara said looking amused before agreeing with lupin's words before sighing. "You are solid, created for balance."Amara said loking at the frightened woman next to harry, who cuddled against harry. She at least understood, at least in part. She knew why the creatures had been created, she didn't understand what had changed."Bel-" "No!Don't."Belladonna yelled jumping out of her seat already running out of the room to go find draco, needing the space, needing protected, and draco was the only person that she knew who might be able to protect her. "Damn."Amara sighed softly, it hurt him to see a girl so scared, and he didn't know what to do."Leave her alone for a bit...she'll need the space to understand."Amara said already standing up, intending to go sit out in the garden untl belladonna was ready to talk not aware that the girl was so scared she'd rushed out of the house and nearly knocked the blpond over as she clung to him, nearly insensbile. Amara had expected her to be afraid,but he hadn't realized the girl would totally lose her mind.
Harry blinked looking so confused. "balance?" he asked softly looking confused, and hurt as Belladonna ran away. "Bell?" he asked looking so frightened and uncertain. he turned to Lupin, the man smiling as he pulled Harry into his arms, holding his son tight. "it's alright Harry, Bell is just afraid... your supposed to be the one who kills her..." he explained softly. "at least that's what the fey originally planned when they created you, but you are Balance. you do not kill, you do not save, you only maintain the magic that flows through us all." he promised softly. while not fully true, it was the best that Lupin could do. "that's why she ran away? she thinks i'm s'posed to kill her?" "...yes." "...oh." he looked, relieved about that actually. he knew he could never hurt bell, she was needed just as much as Sarsen was, they both where needed to keep the world from falling into chaos and ending itself.

Draco yelped as he was grabbed and struggled for a moment, terrified of what had grabbed him before he realized it was Bell, staring at her in shock before he pulled her into a gentle, comforting hug and gently stroking her back, singing an ancient Elvish lullaby for her, to calm her down, looking concerned and he blinked at Amara when the man stepped out, looking confused as he studied the man, as if just by watching Amara he would understand what had happened.
Amara nodded a little."He is right.Belladonna was...what the fae feared her for, because she was chaos given form, all that darkness of night and the cold shine of stars. They were afraid she would destory the world,and so they created a creature so balanced that it would destroy the chaotic sorcess.She fights against it,and she is young still.Young enough to be innocent."Amara said sadly before looking relieved as he realized that harry would never hurt belladonna. That belladonna would be safe.

Amara sighed softly tilting his head as he looked at the two, wincing as belladonna trembled pressing tighter against draco as he stepped closer. Stopping where he was he looked at draco, "Belladonna's been overwhelmed." "I am not!arry's supposed to kill me!"Belladonna yelled against draco's chest, her voice muffled as she tried to calm dwn, but was becoming hysterical. Amara sighed softly."No he wont." "yes he will!" Amara studied her, realizing then that he wasn't going to get through to her until she'd calmed down, sitting down he looked at draco."Keep singing.She seemed to have been calming down."He muttere.
Harry scowled. "Chaos is necessary. without Chaos there would be no life, without Chaos there would be no order." he stated simply. "both Belladonna and Sarsen are necessary to keep Magic in balance." Harry wasn't sure how he knew this, but he knew it. "Sarsen is trying to maintain the Balance, the way the Fey want it. "even if she was not innocent, she would still be necessary." he admitted smiling a little. "i will never allow the Fey to control me in any aspect, they created me, but they do not control me." he stated simply, crossing his arms. "when Belladonna calms down i will tell her."

Draco held her tightly, blinking in astonishment. "Harry is supposed to kill you?" he asked lifting his eyebrows in astonishment. "Bella, Harry loves you, he could never hurt you." he promised before he continued to sing, stroking her hair gently as he bent his head, magic blooming around him as he flooded her with calm, love, and safety, promising to protect her without words, there was no need for words. "Harry, could never kill you." he promised softly. "you know that just as much as i do." Draco muttered softly. "i've known Harry almost my entire Life Bella, he would NEVER take someone's life just because someone else told him he was supposed to." he smirked. "in fact he'd go out of his way to protect them because of it." he admitted shaking his head. "Harry loves you, he would give his life to you." he touched the mark on her chest. "this proves his undying love for you, he loves you so much he could never live without you." Draco promised smiling a little.
Belladonna whimpered at his words, cuddling him more before sighing softly, as she rested her head on his chest, relaxing so much as he made her be calm, her own magic responding to the touch, letting her be calm. "I know."she muttered the panicking lessening as she shuddered at his touch to her mark."I know." Amara smiled relaxing as he realized that draco was calming her, smiling slightly as he stepped outside, stopping just outside of the temporarily ward that draco had put around them both."Can I come in?I can make flowers for you two."He said just to get the response that he did. Belladonna giggled raising her head to look at draco, studying him way to closely for amara's good."....are you getting wooed by a elf draco?"She teased tilting her head as she looked at the king, starting to giggle almost hysterical with her relief, knowing she was starting to relax at relief harry wasnt going to hurt her.
Draco smiled as he stroked her hair, glad that his calming 'spell' had worked. it wouldn't have worked if she hadn't accepted his magic, he was glad it had worked. "no you can't come in, go away you bastard,: Draco snarled, glaring at Amara, blaming him for the woman's mild breakdown before he glared at Bella. "he can attempt to seduce me all he want's i know what he's about, the same goddamn thing everyone else wants." as far as Draco was concerned, Amara only wanted Draco because he could do Wild Magic, just as people only wanted him previously because he was a Malfoy, he was powerful, prestigious and rich. he didn't think much of Amara, though he did love the gorgeous flowers the man made, he felt the other was only trying to seduce him because, like everyone else, he wanted to use him. he smiled as he watched the woman starting to giggle and he shook his head a little. "come on Belladonna, you need to sleep before you go all slap happy."
"Hey, its not my fault she freaked out."The elf sulked frowning at his boy, making a face. Belladonna giggled a little as she nuzzled her face against draco's chest, laughing softly."I don't think he's going to leave you alone."She muttered nuzzling draco before frowning at him as she leaned back to look at him."I'm not slap happy!"She pouted climbing to her feet and heading inside. amara laughed softly before looking at draco,"Whatever shall I make you next?Maybe a flower of sunlight?"He mused outloud because he wanted to make draco happy, which he thought meant showing him that he could take care of him. Not realizing that he was bothering the man, he just wanted to prove he was a good mate.
Draco huffed a little. "it's your fault you told her, you should have known she'd panic you dick." he complained smirking down at her his eyes suddenly dangerous. "he'll just have to learn how to leave me alone then." he decided before laughing outright at her. "your slap happy." he teased shaking his head a little as he watched her run into the house turning to Amara, narrowing his eyes at the other. "leave me alone." he ordered with a small growl stalking off before hesitating. "...i want a moonlight flower." he ordered simply. he was lonely, he wanted to give Amara a chance, he didn't trust the other... but he wanted to. he smiled as he walked in, Harry stepping out of the shower in nothing but a towel, the brunette grinning at Draco and his 'stalker' looking amused at Amara. "sure you don't want a real man Amara?" Harry asked gripping his crotch through the towel, Draco snorting. "Harry you wouldn't touch a man if it would save bells life." "... maybe if it saved Bell's life... but i wouldn't like it." he agreed laughing a little before looking hesitant. "how is Bell?" he asked softly, worried about his mate, his eyes filled with sorrow that Bell would actually think him capable of harming her.
Amara frowned, looking at him."I didn't think she'd lose her mind."He said laughing softly at draco's words, watching belladonna go inside. Smiling wider as he got the request, amused tht draco even after demanding that he leave, still watned a flower. Smiling a little as he thught about how to create a flower of moonlight.Moonlight was somewhat harder to work with then sunlight, because he was a creature of the day, and the moon ruled the night.but he would do it. Amara laughed at harry's touch, smirking slightly."Hmm you are nice, but I like my pretty little elf."He teased looking at draco, laughing at that."Maybe for bell's life. I think I'll stick to draco, he at least likes men."He snickered before growing serious, "She's..calm. She's probably looking for you."Amara said looking at harry, growing serious, wincing a little."I'm sorry. I didn't think about it....after so lng sleeping, I didn't consider she might know why the race had been created..."
Draco huffed a little and shook his head as he moved into the house. he wanted a moonlight flower for something very important, he had to work on the theory a little, but... it could be the key to Lupin, and Fenrir's sanity. if Amara could create a moonlight flower, then Draco could test a theory he had been working on. "make two." he ordered simply, so bossy. "i'm not your elf." Draco stated coldly, but didn't deny that he was pretty, he was after all, and bragged about it often. Harry had to laugh at the teasing and shook his head. "Draco doesn't like men or women Amara, he hates everyone equally." he admitted with another laugh as he shook his head. "good luck talking him into anything emotional, let alone physical." "the day i have sex again is the day i willingly gut myself for no reason." he stated simply, huffing as he stalked away Harry smirking a little as he glanced at Amara. "don't blame yourself." he ordered gently patting Amara on the shoulder. "Draco's only blaming you because he can't blame anyone else." he promised smiling a little. "i was created to create balance, they should have taken into account that i would become something that they could not control. they will have to face that fact." he admitted simply as he turned to leave, finding Bel before pausing, smirking at Amara. "i've never done anything in my life just because someone told me that was what i had to do." he smirked viciously. "and anyone who tries to make me do anything, is going to see just how furious i can be." he growled, his eyes shining with a power that indeed, no fey could control before he turned away and went to find Bell. the Fey had no idea the power they had unleashed into the world.
"ah, but he likes me.At least I hope he does."Amara said smiling a little and ignoring the demand to make flowers, whatever his elf wnted, he'd do it. Because he wanted to convince draco to be with him, whatever that meant for them. "Well good."He said relaxing when harry said he didn't blame him. Glad that harry wsn't angry at him for upspetting belladonna. Amara smirked a little as he watched the other leave, the fae in their fear, had created someone equal to belladonna's chaos and rage. He might be a balance, but he might be the destruction to.

Belladonna nearly jumped out of her skin when she swung out of the library, walking into harry's chest.Having been looking for, then finding him right there, it was surrising."Hello."She said smiling a little as she looked up at him, smiling slightly."Are you okay?"She asked looking at him.
Harry chuckled a little. "he tolerates you, which is more than can be said of any of his other suitors. he nearly sent one man home in a body cast because the idiot dared touch Draco's shoulder." he admitted smirking a little. "of course, he also tried to molest me so i don't really pity him that much." he admitted shaking his head a little as he smiled at Amara. "you will be good for Draco." he admitted smiling a little. "he just has to realize you don't want him only because he can do wild magic." he admitted blowing a kiss at Amara, teasing the elf as he vanished, grunting as he ran into Belladonna, grinning at her. "my, naked for ten minutes and your already trying to get into my pants." he teased kissing her gently. "i am fine." he promised softly, looking worried. "are you?" he asked softly gently stroking her hair. "you know i would never hurt you." he promised smiling at her. "and not just because you are one of the Keys to balance." he promised kissing her gently again. "but because you are the only woman i will ever love with all of my heart and soul."
Amara rolled his eyes at the teasing, looking a little shocked at the idea of draco putting someone in a body cast. Looking amused as he headed back outside to work on the demanded moonflowers. It would take him awile, but there he was, working on it. Sighing softly as he worked. It was draining, because he wasn't used to working with moonlight, and it was the middle of the day, but slwoly, amusing the shape started to take form, like he'd captured all of night's beauty in the small graceful rose in his hands.

Belladonna giggled laughing softly as she looked up at him."You know you want me in your pants."She said blushing before sighing, leaning into him."I know.I...I just panciked."She said sounding guilty because she couldn't believe she'd panicked that badly, and forgotten that she knew this man. That she knew he wouldn't hurt her. She'd panicked because she hadn't remembered that it was harry, and not the creature that the fey had created to destroy her."I lvoe you to."She muttered cuddling him.
as the flower came to life, so did Lupins wolf, the man stalking out of the house, pausing to sniff at the air, his eyes the amber gold of a wolf as he stalked towards Amara, shoving him out of the way, before burying his nose into the flower, sniffling and snuffling as he nuzzled it, Draco snickering as he followed, writing something down on a pad of paper. "excellent... good." he muttered softly studying Lupin's reaction. "yes that's exactly what i need." Draco muttered gently reaching out and stroking the flower. "how many of these can you make Amara? i will need several..." he admitted softly gently stroking the flower, his eyes alight with wonder. "i might have a way to save Lupins sanity... oof..." he groaned as he was shoved away as well by the possessive wolf who grabbed the rose in his teeth and raced off with it. "Lupin! you bring that back! i need that!" Draco raged leaping to his feet and racing after the wolf in a man's body. very humorous.

Harry smiled as he nodded. "i so want you in my pants." he purred playfully before he gently nuzzled her neck. "shh love, it's ok, i understand." he promised smiling a little. "come on, let's go cuddle." he ordered smiling as he gave her a long gentle kiss before leading her into the bedroom so he could pull on a pair of pants before he glanced at her. "where should we snuggle? couch or bed?" he asked smiling at her. "i could read you a story or something."
Amara nearly jumped out of his skin as he found the wolf sniffing him, twisting to look at drao with a smile, grinning as he realized that draco was happy with the flowers. "Draco stop!I can make more!"amara called before he doubled over, starting to laugh at the sight of the men running around the yard. It was indeed humorous to see the two racing arund ,giving sirius a goofy grin when he walked out."They're being goofy."He said not bothering to try and stop them, just amused at the sight.

Belladonna sighed softly, relaxing as she realized he wasn't angry, smiling as she kissed him lightly."Bed.And I want a story.A story sounds nice."She said already stripping down to her bra and panties, even if they didn't do anything else, she wanted to feel skin against skin.'A story potter, adn it better be a good one."She said grinning as she snuggled down into the bed.
Draco was breathless by the time Sirius got back, panting hard as Sirius walked in, he and Lucius laughing a little as Fenrir ran over to Lupin, sniffing at the flower before stealing it and racing off, and now it was a game of wolf tag, the flower being it. by the time everyone had stopped laughing the flower was only trampled petals and a crumbled stem, Draco glaring at the wolves started coming back to their senses at the loss of the moonlight. "you ruined it!!! damnit i was going to USE that!" Draco complained Lupin blinking before blushing hard. "i'm sorry draco... the moonlight.. it called my wolf out i couldn't help myself." "BAH!" Draco complained, sulking at Amara. "we're going to have to find another way then if they react like that to a moon flower... they'll run off with it every time you make one!" he complained sulking. "i was certain it was the key..."

he chuckled as he stripped down to his boxers, plucking out a popular muggle story, The Princess Bride. he knew she was going to love it, he smiled as he tucked her into bed and curled up so that she was leaning up against him like he was a chair or a bed, smiling as he read to her in his best soft bedroom voice. and every time Buttercup and Wesley kissed he kissed her. Harry was such a romantic.
Amara laughed softly watched them,before looking at draco."I can make another if you want it."He said looking interested as he tried to figure out what draco meant. He sighing, and asking."What key?What did you discover?"He asked looking thoughtful because he was curious to see what draco had discovered."Do you want another one?"He asked looking so eager to please draco if he wanted a flower.

"So romantic."She muttered sleepily as he read, smiling as she rested her head on his chest, cuddling against him because holding him, or being held, was the safest she'd ever been. "Your so soft and cuddly."She muttered nuzzling him as she twisted to look up at him with a soft smile, pulling him down for a deeper and sleepy kiss."I love you."she muttered hugging hm.
Draco paused, considering it before nodding. "yes i want another one, as many as you can make." he admitted smirking a little."i think i might have the key to giving werewolves their minds." he admitted. "in a way that's not as painful as the potion we have now." he admitted. "we use wolfsbane in it and it's almost as painful as the transformation itself." he admitted pondering. "follow me." he ordered, Lupin lifting an eyebrow. "Draco... are you letting him... in your lab!?" "...yes." Draco decided. "he will be good for menial labor." Draco decided Lupin snickering a little. "well isn't he lucky? have... er... fun, Amara." "Amara!" Draco growled glaring at the man. "just don't TOUCH anything in here!" he ordered firmly.

he smiled a little as he watched her. "i like being romantic." he admitted with a small smirk as he kissed her cheek. "you deserve to be romanticized." he teased chuckling a little. "i enjoy being soft and cuddly." he admitted kissing her gently. "i love you too." he murmured with a smile. "your my greatest dream." he purred kissing her again before laying down and closing his eyes, all too ready for a nap.
Amara looked thoughtful at draco's words."Yes, wolf's bane hurts. Moonlight might be able to help."She said frowning as he looked thoughtful,"I can go in your lab?"He asked looking startled before swallowing, nodding as he lauged, "Hey!Don't make it sound like I'm going to my death.I can do menial labor. Even though I am a king."He teased looking amused at draco's words, "I wont touch anything but you."Amara said smirking a little, looking amused as he thought about teasing him.It was amusing to tease draco, even if he wont touch him until draco tells him its okay.

"You are soft and cuddly. Me to."She muttered yawning as she cuddled against him, starting to fall asleep because she didn't know what else to do.She was cute and awkward in her lusts,but for the moment she was willing to just cuddle down into him, and go to sleep until she figured out what she wanted. Sighing as she started falling asleep.
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