
Lupin smiled a little and nodded. "Harry has been lonely for a long time." he admitted. "i am glad he found Belladonna... i think he has waited for her all of his life." he admitted smiling a little as he shook his head. "i don't think Belladonna realizes that it's not normal for mortal men to be able to feel other people's magic." he admitted smiling at the door as he watched Draco come back in. "honeysuckle." he muttered chuckling a little. "Draco's showing off." everyone knew how very timid and fragile Honeysuckle was, to have it flourish in a man made garden was rather astonishing, almost impossible really. "nothing about Harry is natural." he admitted smirking a little. "i mean... look at him! he took out a BASILISK when he was TWELVE!" he admitted shaking his head as Draco walked in, spotless as ever as he moved over to the sink and washed his hands, scrubbing them completely clean. "Draco must you do that every time you come inside?" "yes."
"For her, it would be normal.She grew up in a world where wild magic was a thing that gave all sorts of talents. She would not find it odd with these gifts.Amara said smiling a lttle,thinking about it. His smile widening a ltitle as he leaned over to look at the honeysuckle, eyes widening slightly. IT really was amazing that Draco was making it flourish so well."What?"Amara's head snapped up looking startled at that. Before laughing, "Well. He really is suited to Belladonna who has long been known for reckless and brave acts."He said amused before smiling at Draco."You said he was OCD ,even with shields in place. It is not kind to ask him questions you know the answer to."Amara said frowning slightly ,finding it odd that the man had asked when he obviously knew the answer.
Lupin nodded smiling a little as he studied Amara smirking a little as Draco finished washing his hands. "Harry didn't just take on a basilisk he also took on Voldemort at eleven, twelve, fourteen, fifteen... he took out a werewolf and a horde of dementors at thirteen, faced a dragon, mermen, and a maze filled with deadly things at fourteen, took on a horde of giant spiders at twelve..." "yes... Draco we get it." Lupin grimaced shaking his head. "danger is just drawn to Harry, which is the worst part about it, he never looks for that shit it goes to him." he admitted smiling at Amara as Draco studied the man. "... yes.. that's right." he stated nodding happily. "stop mocking me Lupin." "i wasn't! it's just mildly annoying you washing your hands every ten minutes." "and you screaming your passions to the world until three in the morning every night isn't?" Lupin went bright red and coughed into his hand. "disgusting thing sex." Draco complained wrinkling his nose. "messy and gross that's all it is." he grumbled heading to his room and shutting the door, Lupin shaking his head. "never take on Draco when he's in a mood.. i have GOT to remember that..."
"...reckless fools.Both of them."Amara mused looking amused."Belladonna's been known to be recklessly brave to.She was only a child,barely past her teen years when she first fought against Sarsen."He mused looking thoughtful before laughing at their arguements. Raising a eyebrow as the werewolf blushed."At three in the morning?Poor werewolf, kept up all night."He teased before laughing at Draco's description of sex."it's not so bad."He said amused as he watched draco go, nodding absently at Lupin's words."I'll rememebr that. No fighting with draco when I've caused a mood."
Lupin shook his head a little. "they both did what they had to, both to survive and to protect their loved ones." he admitted shaking his head a little before smirking. "... i wasn't the one who was being kept up." he admitted snickering a little. "why do you think Sirius is still sleeping? he's going to be down in about ten minutes bitching that his ass hurts and then be mortified when he realizes we have a guest." he admitted with a small grin as he glanced at Amara. "Draco's ALWAYS in a mood." he admitted simply watching said boy come back down in new robes, the blond sitting at the table to await his lunch, Sirius whining loudly that his ass hurt and it was all Lupin's fault not three minutes later before looking horrified as he saw Amara. "oh...oh god that's.. er... g..good morning.. K.. King Amara..." "see, i told you." Lupin teased smirking as he kissed Sirius. "calm down and make the salad." he ordered simply the dog sulking but doing as he was orderd.

(i'm going to bed^^ see you in the morning)
"Now teasing the animagi would be fun.IT is not often I can tease someone without them worrying I am plotting to get them killed."He mused snickering at the idea of embarassing Sirius. "I will just have to get used to that."He said thinking that he would have to remember how to deal with a moody brat, amused because it was going to be interesting to see what Draco would do. Grinning at Sirius's words, smirking slightly."Just Amara.I enjoy being informal."He said smirking a little as he watched sirius make the salad, smiling as he looked at Draco."How is the honeysuckle?"He asked curious at how the other had gotten the honeysuckle to thrive.
Lupin snickered a little. "he'll try to tease you back just as a forewarning." he admitted smirking a little as he watched the other. "why would you want to kill someone?" he asked smirking a little. "seams counter productive if you ask me." he admitted smirking at his nervous lover. it was so cute, Sirius was the Alpha in every way unless it came to bedroom things, then he was as submissive as a kitten. "... Amara." Sirius agreed smiling at the other and lifting an eyebrow at Draco. "honeysuckle draco? are you craving sweets again?" "i never crave anything." Draco stated simply. "i simply want something, and i eat it." Sirius almost laughed. almost. "the honeysuckle is fine, don't touch it, it needs twenty four hours to adapt to it's new home." he admitted. "the slightest disturbance could kill it." Amara was the only one who Draco suspected might be able to get through the wards he had set up, which was why he was warning the man. if his honeysuckle died he was going to be pissed.
"not if they are plotting to take my throne from me."Amara pointed out smirking a little as Sirius ws adorably cute. "You never crave anything?Most elves like sweets."Amara said looking amused as he thought about it, looking amused at Draco's words."I wouldn't dream of touching your garden again. i would not enjoy flying."He said rolling his eyes, amused that Draco thought he was good enough at magic to be able to get through his wards. Because he knew that if he was getting warned there was a reason to have a warning and it was because draco had set something up to warn him.
Draco shrugged. "i eat what i want." he stated simply, Sirius rolling his eyes. "he does too... he ate all my pie!" he complained scowling at the empty tin that Draco had left in the fridge. "draco you could at least have thrown out the tin..." Sirius complained tossing the tin away Lupin rolling his eyes. before smirking as Draco looked a little smug. "my least record is thirty feet." "yeah, and it was ME." Sirius grumbled. "because i tried to take his sherbert." the man complained shaking his head a little. "besides, Draco just doesn't want to admit he's mundane in any way." he admitted as Lupin pulled the Lasagna out of the oven. "i am better than all of you boring people." Draco stated simply, taking a sip of some honey mead. his favorite. "should we wake Harry and Bella?" "... no, let them sleep, Lucius and Narcissa are in town getting Fen new clothes so don't worry about them for a while." Lupin stated simply Draco staring at the cooling Lasagna. it was one of his favorites, Lupin always made sure to make it when Draco came to 'visit'.
"But where's the fun if you didn't know he ate it?"Amara musedsmirking because of the pie, eyes following the pan.He, like draco had a sweettooth, and he wanted some of the pie that was gone."Mundane?The fact that he could move the water roses around, proves that he isn't mundane."He pointed out snickering a little."Now draco, stop looking like your going to eat the whole thing by yourself. I want some to."Amara teased smirking as he looked at the lasagna, wanting some to. Looking as intent on it before pausing, looking worried."I wouldn't tell Belladonna you're better then her. She'll be insulted you think she's boring."He mused not about to tell draco how grave a insult the girl would find it. Draco would listen, or find out on his own. It'd be a good learning experience.
Draco smirked a little as Sirius stared at Amara with a small scowl. "he...ate...my...pie..." as if that was all the reason in the world to say that Draco was the worst person in the world. "and i don't know or care what water roses are." he admitted simply shaking his head a little as he sniffed at the Lasagna. "it's MY Lasagna." Draco growled. "you should be asking me for a slice." Lupin chuckled a little. "technically, i DID make it for him." Lupin admitted smiling a little as he started dishing it out, handing Draco the first piece, before giving Amara one. "and Belladonna doesn't count, she's centuries old." Draco stated simply. "anyone older than a thousand is instantly no longer counted in the normal realm of things." he stated simply as he took a bite of his Lasagna. "mmm Lupin you make the best food." "of course i do." Lupin stated smirking a little. "now eat." he ordered chuckling a little as he shook his head a little. "and Draco you DO have to share. and yes, even with him."
Amara laughed at Draco's reasoning about Belladonna, looking amused as he started to eat, looking over at the blond who glared at him for taking his food."I'm a guest. You should be willing to share with me."He said smiling slightly as he considered what to do next in his efforts to seduce the blond."So. What else can you do,besides make flowers grow?"He said a smirk, a lecherous smirk curling his lips.
Draco scowled at Amara and stuck his tongue out at the other. "your a pain in the ass and should be tossed out on your face." he stated simply as he shook his head. "nothing really." he admitted. "i'm very good at potions i suppose, and my Impirio is very good." he admitted chewing slowly before swallowing. "mostly it's just potions and gardening, i never bothered to focus or care about anything else." he admitted simply blinking at Amara. "i guess i'll learn more stuff when Bell starts teaching me." he admitted calmly shaking his head a little. "i never even realized i was doing anything odd until Bell gaped at me like a stunned deer." he admitted simply as he finished off his Lasagna. "... do you think i'm a freak?"
Amara smiled slightly."I do not think she'd apperciate being called a deer."Amara said laughing quietly, amused at the other."No. You are a oddity, but not so freakish to not be welcome at court should you want to be."he said smiling a litttle."I am sure Belladonna will have many things to teach."He said glad that he knew that harry and bell were devoted to each other, otherwise he might be jealous over what belladonna would be teachinghim.
Draco chuckled a little and shook his head. "dear are majestic perfect creatures. it would be a compliment." he admitted drinking the last of his wine, sighing a little. "i don't want to go to court... i just want to be left alone." he admitted simply. 'and i look forward to learning how to use my powers, with bell's help i could be the most powerful creature on this earth." he admitted smirking a little. "the thought pleases me." he admitted shaking his head a little. "how did you make those water roses anyway?... and that golden one?" he asked his head tilted a little. "i studied them intently but i cannot figure out how they where formed..."
"Not the most powerful.Belladonna is still growing up.And your as already as big as your going to get."Amara said smirking eyes flickering over the other's frame in a teasing look before siling,"Magic."He said smiling,"If you would allow me into the garden,i will work on the spell with you, and show you how to make your own."he said, while he was tempted to not tell him so he'd be the only one that could make it for her, it pleased him more to be able to teach him something.
he chuckled a little. "on THIS Earth. you and Belladonna are not from THIS earth and therefore, do not count." he stated simply smirking a little before hesitating, his eyes flicking over to the garden, biting his lip. "... no.. it's MY garden." he grumbled possessively, Lupin smirking a little. he knew Draco would say that, the blond just didn't trust the elf enough yet, but given time he knew Draco would start to thaw, would start to trust Amara and then would let the king touch the gardens that Draco poured so much of his love and attention into.
'Belladonna's part human.This is her world."he pointed out amused before wincing as he felt a burning edge of anger, not even having to turn around to know who had stepped into the room. Bell made a face, not even bothering to hide that she found them talking about her behind her back annoying. And because for fae, it was better to say something to another's face, the fact that they hadn't said things to her face was insulting. But...she was calm and not reacting more then anger because she knew they hadn't understood."You made him roses?"Belladonna looked amused. Aara nodded looking aat Draco."Maybe someday, you will trust me enough to come toyour garden."he said, a slightly lecherous look on his face as he looked at Draco laughing softly. It was a onor among elves to be lusted after, and rude to hide it when you were attracted to someone.
Draco looked startled. "she is!?" he asked wide eyed. "...i didn't know that... well fine then i'll be the second most powerful." unaware of Belladonna's presence. "there's no way i'll ever be more powerful than her... i don't think." he admitted nearly jumping out of his skin when she spoke, though he didn't even twitch. he had completely perfected the art of hiding his fear response, only the brief terror in his eye gave him away. Draco snorted a little. "you are NEVER getting into my garden." he stated simply. "my ass maybe, but never my garden." Lupin had to laugh at that as he handed Bell a plate of food, grinning at her. "besides, this isn't even my garden." Draco admitted simply. "MY Garden is MUCH better." he stated with a little sniff. "is Harry still sleeping?" Lupin asked curiously, well aware that the answer was yes. Harry slept so heavy ell had probobly fought her way free of his arms and he hadn't stirred... the slightest hint of a sob though and Harry was up and at your side in an instant. he was such a strange child.
"You better not think that, runt."Belladonna muttered sighing softly, relaxing as she ruffled draco's hair, just to annoy him. sitting down at the table she smiled starting to eat, snickering at draco's words and amara's pout. As if he hadn't gotten permission to seduce him,but he wanted in the garden dammit. Amara sighed giving draco his best sad look, pouting a little as he looked at him."Oh is it?Why?I have the world's best garden."He teased. Belladonna snickered at lupin's question nodding,"Yea. i woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.He'll probably be done later."She said amused because she had had to fight her way out of the bed.
Draco smirked a little. "i do actually." he admitted. "your stronger than me and probobly always will be." he admitted grinning at her before glaring at Amara. "you stop that you big baby." he ordered with a dark huff. "and my Garden is better than yours and no, you can't see it." he stated getting to his feet and stalking off, Lupin smirking a little. "his own father hasn't even seen his personal garden Amara." he pointed out. "if you want to show off though, the front yard could use a garden." he offered smirking a little before nodding at Belladonna. "Harry's probobly tired from that mark he put on you." he admitted indicating the mark on her collarbone, barley visible. "i didn't know he could do that..." Lupin admitted looking a little uneasy. he always looked uneasy when Harry did something strange.
amara pouted more at being told no, before perking up."i can do that.Maybe he'll beg to see my garden.'He said before getting up ,already bouncing off to the front of the house so he could prove that he was worthy of being taken into dracos garden. Belladonna smiled watching him go, looking tired herself, but she was used to strange things happening, so she was able to be more functional when she was tired."Neither did I, but he allowed me to lay one on his skin, when it has never been something I could do before."She said not realizing that she'd never been in love before, so of course the mark didn't appear the one time she'd kissed someone besides harry."It's a mate's mark. Do not look so worried."She said wanting to sooth him
Lupin chuckled a little and smiled a little. "i am going to have the BEST gardens." he purred gleefully rubbing his hands together, Sirius laughing as he walked in. "Lupin... your such a slink." Sirius teased shaking his head at his lovers manipulations of people. Lupin was pretty damn good at manipulating people without anyone realizing it, Sirius knew his lover too much though and knew what his lover was up to. "a Mates mark!?" Lupin demanded suddenly his eyes wide. "mortal men aren't supposed to be able to do that! and neither are Elves unless their well and truly drop dead in love with the person they marked!" he sighed and shook his head. "... it's true then... Harry isn't human..." Lupin whispered softly, sounding afraid, worrying for his son. ".. he's not elf... or a halfblood... he's... something else..." he whispered softly shaking his head. "Bella... i want Amara to look at him, to see if he knows who, or what harry is... he's your mate, you protect him... i need your permission."
Belladonna laughed at the maniuplation, now that was amusing to see a elf get fooled. usually it was them doing the manipulating. Blushing a little as she squirmed, feeling anxious at his words, wanting to take care of harry. Biting her lip."I....yes."She said knowing that harry wouldn't appericiate that someone had to ask her permission to see him,but glad that lupin had understood her culture enough to know that both elves and fae weren't about doing the nice things when their mates were concerned. They protect them, even if their mates hated them for trying."Yes. We need to know what he is, in case sarsen...."She trailed off fear showing in her face as she thought of the other sorceress.
Lupin had to chuckle as well as he heard Belladonna's laugh, she had a wonderful laugh she really did. "thank you." he stated softly. "i'm sure Amara will let you be there when he looks at Harry." he admitted shaking his head a little. "Sarsen probobly already has Harry as a target." he admitted simply. "her and Voldemort wanting him dead won't change just because he's suddenly not human." he promised. "he has you to protect him, and Amara and Draco too. me and Sirius Lucius Fen and Narcissa might not be too much help but we're there to protect him too, just as we are going to protect you." he promised gently kissing her forehead. "you are Harry's mate, that makes you family, my daughter, and we protect our family no matter what." he promised her smiling a little. "would you like the first slice of cheesecake before Harry and Draco start fighting over it?"
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