
Lupin nodded a little. "we're not sending Draco." he promised calmly before pausing. "try Severus Snape, Rudolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, and Aria Esmera." Lupin stated calmly. "they smell differently, like Lucius does. i never thought about it before but they could be half elf." he admitted calmly Harry nodding a little. "it could be, they are all very beautiful." he hated to admit Snape as beautiful but the man was, even if he hated Harry for no reason. "Fen? do you know anyone who is an Elf? like Lucius?" Harry asked the wolf who paused then started nodding, listing off names. over half of the people who hadn't fled Voldemort was half elf, and didn't know it.
By the time he was done with his list, both belladonna and amara were gaping at him. Looking amused at the idea that the man knew so much."Yes, we'll start there."Amara said already gesturing for the elves listening in to go see about getting the spies close. Belladonna sighed softly, rubbing a hand over his face as he thought about it."We should be going. We're close to hogwarts.And despite dumbledore controlling the school, voldemort is bound to know that we are out and about harry.Sarsen can find me, if she tries."she said casually, her voice not holding the fear she felt. Sarsen was older then her, and the older woman scared her a little.
Fenrir beamed, pleased at being helpful as the other elves rushed off to alert the half elves, Harry looking over at Belladara. "i have my doubts about Sarsen being able to follow us here." Lupin admitted. "for one thing she'd have to find the well, and then she'd have to know what words to say to get in." he admitted simply smiling at her. "... also i'm not sure how to leave..." he admitted sheepishly Lupin pausing. "actually... that's a good point how DO we leave?" he asked smiling at Amara his head tilted a little.
Amara smirked,"See that door over there?"He said pointing to the doors next to the main entrance. "I had it set up to avoid giving someone a easy place to track to.Just step through and think about where you want to go.As I understand it, it works like wizarding floo."He said smiling a little before sighing,"It wont be able to take you through wards or anything but it will dump you out as lose as it can."
they all looked over at the door and Lupin blinked. "and if we want to come back? do we have to go to the well and speak french? because i can't speak french." Lupin admitted Harry grinning a little. "i know how to say shut up and hi in french does that help?" "... no..." Harry just grinned and shrugged. "i know how to cuss?" ".. Harry you can cuss in every language known to man, including Draconic." "so?" "so i blame your father." ".. well it IS his fault." Lupin snorted a little and shook his head. "i need a vacation..."
Amara laughed softly,"I will think of someway to make the gate more convienant for you."He said snickering at their words. Belladonna smiled, poking them."You two are going to have to teach me.We'll go on vacation.Where do you want to go?" Lucius snickered shaking his head,"Come on you guys, lets get back, then we'll consider running away until someonne else deals with voldemort."
Harry smiled as he nodded to Amara. "thank you for all your help King Amara." Harry stated calmly, smiling at the man. "you will always be welcome in our home." Lupin promised smiling at the elf. "Fenrir, come here, we're going home now." Lupin ordered smiling at Lucius and nodding. "i agree, i don't like Harry having to be the one who deals with moldy butt." Harry had to laugh at Lupin's use of his own favorite name for the dark lord. Moldy butt indeed. Harry led the way through the door and smiled as he stepped into the backyard just outside of the wards, watching Draco pruning the flowers in the garden. Draco loved to be outside and gardening even more, he was in the dirt every chance he got. much to Lucius's annoyance.

(you know, in this rp alone, control of Lucius has changed hands like, three times XDD)
(XDD Luc is such a whore. Just getting past around.tsk tsk XDD)

Belladonna giggled a little at lupin's name for the dark lord, something tight and scared melting at the words. Stepping out after Harry she giggled a little, pressing a hand against her mouth when she saw the blond."...I didn't think he liked getting dirty."she said stepping through the ward, relaxing as she was once again safe. Letting go of her death grip on harry's hand as she realized they were home.
XDDD naughty naughty Lucius XDD)

Harry chuckled as he watched Draco. "he's one of the few half elves capable of Wild Magic. which is why he didn't go with, we know if the king found out he'd never let Draco leave. Wild Magic is rare." he admitted watching Draco gently, carefully coax a sickly rose back to life and health with his magic. "he loves the earth and everything that grows, and animals too, he likes to get dirty, it's Narcissa and Lucius who have issue." he admitted with a small chuckle as he moved over to Draco who smirked at them. "welcome back, have fun?" he asked his head tilted a little as he dusted his hands off and stood up. "not really, Fen tried to hump an elf... the garden looks great." "yes well... Sirius was trying to kill it." he grumbled Harry laughing as he nodded. "a gardener my father is not." he agreed.
"oh."Belladonna said smiling softly as she watched him coax the flowre to life, eyes widening a little as she nearly pounced on the blond."I have things to teach you.Things that have been forgotten."She said holding onto him tightly in her excitement at finding something that was close to her own talents, a magic that had long been forgotten. Dreamwalking, wild magic... things that hadn't existed in common people for years. Not even considering harry might get jealous. Smiling as she shook her head."Yes, sirius should not be allowed near flowers. We will not allow him near them."She said laughing softly, "Harry offered to hump me instead of a elf."She said innocently, because while it was embarassing, it had been part of the day. And she didn't understand normal social trappings of not saying everything
Harry frowned a little as Draco was pounced on, the blond squealing and struggling against Belladonna. "you are invading my personal space!" he protested Harry snorting a little and sulked furiously that he was being ignored in favor of a blond ferret. "... maybe i don't want to learn anything in favor of harry not cutting my cock off?" he suggested to Belladonna. "he's rather possessive you know, you might consider teaching him too." the blond admitted smoothing the wrinkles out of his shirt now that she had released him blinking at her. "... he wants to hump you?" he asked smirking a little as he watched Harry head inside with Lupin and Fenrir, Sirius slamming into Lupin and snuggling him all over, all three 'dogs' laughing as they wrestled on the ground, Draco shaking his head. "this family is insane..."
Belladonna looked confused, and a little hurt as he squealed. "Go back to your garden."She said waving a hand as she stepped back, heading for the door after harry,"Maybe I shall.Though you would probably beneit more, elven child, then he would."She said before shrugging as if she didn't care laughing at th three dogs as they wrestled. "They are insane. Are we sure they are safe to the public?"She asked looking at harry laughing, shifting to wrap hr arms around him as he sulked."Dreamer?"She muttered looking at him, not understanding what she had done wrong. Because she'd been asleep so long, she did not understand jealously because to her, fae mated for life so there was no need to be jealous of a offering to teach draco, because she knew he would benefit from the lessons. And because it went against everything in her to not teach draco what he needed to know, to control the wild magic even more, and to become a power in himself, so it had never occurred to her that harry migth take this the wrong way.
Draco nodded a little and smiled sheepishly at her. "i'm sorry.. i just... i don't like.. touching, is all.." he admitted before sighing a little. "alright fine i'll let you teach me." he grumbled smiling at her. "i would like to have control over my abilities." he admitted. "as long as it doesn't involve touching." he stated simply before snorting a little. "no their not safe to the public but Harry controls them pretty good." he admitted with a small chuckle as he watched her move over to Harry, who snuggled into her. "i'm sorry..." he muttered softly. "i can't help it.. i'm possessive..." he admitted softly. "and everyone i've ever loved only wanted me to get closer to Draco so..." he nuzzled her. "i know your not like that." he promised. "my emotions get tge better of me sometimes..." he admitted smiling at her. "will you teach me too?... i know i don't have The Wild Magic but i'd like to learn too." he admitted smiling a little, completely unaware that he had a magic far older than Wild Magic, that he had a magic so deep he didn't even know it was there.
Belladonna smiled slightly, though it was more hesitant than before. She was, more...easily hurt then she let on, and his outburst had made her unsure."Okay. We'll start aftr I get something to eat. Magic works better if your not hungry."He said smiling slightly as she watched the others, resting her head on Harry's shoulder,cuddling him."Meh.Blondie's only appealling because he has wild magic and I can teach him.I don't want him."She muttered relaxing when he promised that the other knew that."I'll try. I might not be able to teach you,but I will try."She said raising up on her toes to kiss him hard,sliding her fingers through soft brunette hair.
Draco nodded a little and went back to his gardening calmly Harry smiling as he nuzzled her back. "whats the difference between regular magic and Wild Magic anyway?" he asked frowning a little, Lucius chuckling a little. "Wild magic is just that, wild magic, it comes from the world around us and only a few people can access it unless they are born as creatures of the earth like Elves are... and even Elves... only a few are capable of using such a thing." he admitted. "it's a very rare skill, to be able to use the magic that makes the world what it is. the things that make caterpillars into moths, that turn seeds into tree's, that make it rain, the earth quake, all the wild things that people have no control over is Wild Magic." Lucius stated calmly. "it's why Draco can make the flowers healthy, he can take the sickness and death out of them and put it into something else, like a rock or an already dead thing." Lucius admitted calmly. "it's a difficult thing to learn, and Draco has gotten very far on his own." he admitted, "but he does need a teacher..." Lucius admitted watching Draco looking sad. "unfortunately the Wild Magic makes him..." "anti-Social." Harry supplied. "he doesn't hate people but he prefers animals and plants to people." Harry explained shaking his head. "he's always been like that."
"When I was young, wild magic was the only magic in existance, because there were not enough people to create tame, human magic. Wild magic is...the magic of the wild, the wild things and all that the creatures of the dark rule. Magican magic is....human magic what humans have conquered."Belladonna said biting her lip, trying to think before agreing with Lucius's explaination."The elves, and fae, have grown tame, even if humans still think of them as creatures not fit for company. Their magic reflects the changes, and those few born, are special because thy remember what it means to be wild, even if they do not know it."Belladonna bit her lip laughing quietly."Anti-social is one word for it. Wild is another."Belladonna chwe on her lip,watching draco."I will be able to teach him, as much as I am able."she said before looking even more concerned."Sarsen will never be able to know this. She is a wild Queen, one that embodies the wild magic that once was all.She will use him, if she is able."She said sounding slightly scared about the idea of getting draco hurt.
Harry smiled a little and nodded a bit. "this makes sense." he admitted. "the Elf King, hew knew Wild Magic right? he... 'feels different'. like Draco does but not like Lucius." he admitted shaking his head, Lucius lifting an eyebrow at Harry. "your not supposed to feel the Elf king Harry." he protested looking amused. "keep your hands to yourself." Harry snorted a little. "i meant with my magic you dip." Harry was the only person Lucius had ever come across who could feel what a person was, how old they where, and what kind of magic they had just by brushing his magic against theirs. he supposed this was why he had always been able to tell who was good and who wasn't. "Draco will never allow anyone to use him." Harry stated simply. "he will Kill Sarsen if she tries, or die trying himself, he's too... wild, for anything else, too dominant." Harry admitted shaking his head. "she'll have to find him in any case before she can use him." he pointed out with a small grin. "and no one but us knows what he can do, he'll be fine." he promised Bell, kissing her gently. "come on, we need food, no one can teach on an empty stomach."
"He knows some. He's not greatly skilled at it like Draco,but he could."She said laughing softly at Lucius's protests."Hmmm I dunno, sometimes touching magi is even more personal then touching bodies."She mused lening against him with a smile thinking. Relaxing a little at the idea that draco would never let someone use him."True. but it still is worrying."She said because she couldnt help but fret over it. "Well tell the dogs to start cooking."She said waving a hand to the two werewolves and the animagi, already heading for the kitchen to get some food. Stealing another kiss as she past harry, starting to cook."Come on."She said amused as she cooked, with that absent minded smile that said she was thinking of other things. Thinking about how and what to teach draco.
Harry smiled a little and nodded. "Draco knows quite a bit." Harry admitted. "nothing compared to you but he's very skilled considering he's taught himself." he admitted smiling as he kissed her gently before bounding over to gently kick his papa's and 'uncle' Fenrir. demanding someone cook for him, Harry could cook for himself, but he didn't like to, he liked Lupin's cooking better. Lucius had to chuckle a little as he followed her into the house, glancing at her. "do you really think that my son can be powerful? i worry about him." he admitted swallowing thickly. "he... he's going to be alone forever at this rate and i... i want him to have something, even if it is only his magic." he admitted, fretting over his son like any good father.
"That's true."She said laughing a little, because it really was quite amazing how much he'd learned being self taught. Belladonna smiled slightly when she heard Lucius's words. it would have been so nice as a young girl, to have a father like him. to have someone that cared for her enough to worry, but she hadn't. Not even her fae father had cared enough to try to protect her."He will be. I can feel it like candy on my tongue, sweet and nice.But....he's untrained. He needs help."She said biting her lip befre tilting her head."Amara's good at wild magic. He is....not powerful,but he is old. I can feel it, but..."She stopped unsure how to explain who the king of elves had struck her, that power cloaked him like a cape, and answered him like a dog. Yes, she was sure Amara would be good for draco, now if only she could get him here without betraying everyone, or revealing their home to voldemort and sarsen.
Harry smiled a little and nodded a little. "i can feel it too." Harry admitted. "he feels very powerful. it's a strange feeling." he admitted chuckling a little. "Amara feels like you do a little bit." he admitted to Bell. "less powerful, but.. ancient almost. he's got to be a few centuries old at least." he admitted shaking his head. "you can help him, he's already agreed to let you teach him." he pointed out with a little grin. "you'll be a great teacher for him i think." he admitted calmly. "Amara... he's a strange fellow." Harry admitted frowning a little. "powerful but... strangely so. nothing like i've ever felt before.." he admitted grimacing a little. "i'm glad he doesn't know about Draco." he admitted. "i have a feeling he would try and keep Draco, like a prize..."
Bell smiled a little "I have been asleep more then I have been awake. In reality, in experience, he may be older....even if I dreamed and was aware, I was not present with the world."She said smiling a little. It was hard to think about she'd only been 27 when she'd gone to sleep."Amara is a strange man. Even for a elf. I will not tell him, at least not until I am sure that draco can protect himself. I am not sure Draco can hide from the elf king forever, but he would be able to protect himself with practice."
Harry nodded a little. "so technically your only a few centuries old, instead of a couple dozen centuries." he teased smiling at her as ge gently kissed her. "Draco can hide from anyone." he admitted. "he once hid from me for four weeks, know Lucius and everyone else informing me that they'd seen him made me know he hadn't simply left." he admitted shaking his head. "if he wanted to, he could hide from the Elf kind for a good long time." he admitted simply as Lupin set down a dozen large sandwiches for them all, whistling loudly to get Fenrir and Draco's attention, both of them coming in, draco as clean as ever, as if he hadn't just been digging in the dirt.
"Pretty much."She said amused to hav her life broken down like that. "Yes, but Amara would not take kindly to it."she sid having a half mind that if Amara ever discovered draco's existance, it wouldn't be power that was on his mind, but sex.Because sex with wild magic riding both participants was supposed to be amazing, even if she had no personal experience with it. Smiling as she settled down t oeat, smirking at draco."Lots of cleaning spells?You know, you never look dirty."She said looking amused because it was odd to see a man she knew had been digging in the dirt looking so pristine.Wondering how he kept clean,but it was a interesting thing to teach him if she knew how he did it.
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "there's not much the Elf could do about it." he admitted shaking his head. "why are you blushing like that?" he asked lifting an eyebrow at his would be lover, Draco smirking a little. "no, not cleaning spells. low grade repulsion spells and a minor skin tight shielding spell keeps the dirt off when i'm being dirty." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i usually just never take them down." he admitted. "the only filth i get on me during the day is my own." he admitted as he took a sandwich and sank his teeth into it eagerly. Draco was always starving after he got done working wild magic, Harry chuckling a little. "Dirtaphobe." he tormented Draco who shrugged his shoulders. "the term is Mysophobia, and it is a fear of germs in all actuality, though OCD has a lot to do with it considering i still wash my hands even though i know there's nothing on them." he admitted simply, Harry staring at Draco with wide eyes. "what?" "and you say i'm a freak." Harry grumbled eating his own sandwich.
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