
"What?Nothing."Bell stuttered not meeting his eyes blushing more now that he commented on it, not about to tell him what she had thought of. Looking at Draco amused as she considered that. "Huh.That's better then what I thought it would be."She said smiling a little, realizing that he had come up with something better then on his own then what she had been considering teaching him. IT seemed his instincts were strong and good. Bell giggled as the two teased each other, smiling as she ate, "Well, even if there's nothign on them, you still shed skin cells, so it would be good to wash your hands."She said smirking a little as she backed up draco's agrument."I do something similar, though when I dream walk I force the shield to stay around me, so I am not picking up stray thoughts.Like now.I would be getting dreams and things from all of us, if I hadn't set shields to make sure I didn't shine like a captive star and pick up everything. I actually have to take down my shields to work magic.... maybe with your help I will be able to work magic through the shields."She mused because it interested her that draco was able to work magic without actually touching things through his shield.
Draco chuckled a little as he nodded. "it's a simple wizards spell that i altered a little. i can still use tame magic you know." he admitted, proving that Draco was even more of an enigma, Wild magic was rare, but someone who could use both wild and tame magic? that only happened once or twice a century at best. Draco clearly didn't realize this as he continued munching on his food, Harry rolling his eyes. Draco just smiled at Belladonna. "oh well my magic... i don't need to touch, as long as i can push my magic through my own shields i can do what i need to." he admitted nodding a little. "because the shields are made up of my own magic it's rather easy." he admitted looking pleased that he had surprised her. Harry had to snort as well, looking intensely amused. "oh stuff it Blondie, your not better than EVERYONE." "i beg to differ." Lucius teased. "for i created him, to be, perfection." "stop reading muggle novels!" harry demanded of the Malfoy Lord, slamming his fist into the table, everyone laughing at Harry's order.
Belladonna looked a little wide eyed as she studied the blond for a long moment. So, shocked at his talents that for a moment she was elfstruck, rendered mute by another's talent. "He can also wrap a shield around someone else if he wants."Narcissa said beaming at her son before snickering at Lucius's words. "And I had nothing to do with his creation?" "Of course you did. Otherwise how who he be so pretty?" "Very true."Narcissa said smirking a little as she studied the two, amused that belladonna had been rendered mute, and wondering what the woman was thinking of her son. Not about to ask, because among fae she knew if one brought attention to a son's achievements in front of a sexually active woman, that the mother had a right to ask for a marriage of sorts, or at least a breeding. Because fae bred so slowly it was generally regarded that both mates would not be loyal as they sought to make sure that there were as many children as possible.
Draco grinned a little as he watched her gaping at him, lifting an eyebrow at her before pausing, frowning a little. "... is that.. wrong?" he asked his head tilted. even more shocking... Draco had no idea how powerful he really was.... now THAT was shocking. Lucius also didn't seam to realize what the big deal was, he was only half fey, so it never occurred to him that someone gifted in Wild magic, should not have been able to use 'mundane' magic. "anyway." draco stated simply. "it doesn't really matter much so long as i don't get kidnapped my a rabid Elf seeking power." he stated simply. an interesting fact about elves, certain males... for example any male versed in Wild Magic... could carry children in a magical womb. in fact many Wizards could do it with the right spells and potions, but an Elf with the right magical qualities, which Draco did, and Harry too for that matter, though he wasn't an Elf. but Lucius didn't know that either. so if Draco WAS kidnapped by a power hungry elf, draco would be able to be bred with said elf. "yes Draco is amazing." Lucius boasted puffing out his chest, Draco just rolling his eyes. "shouldn't i be the one boasting about myself?" he asked looking a little amused.
Belladonna swallowed hard."Hardenly anyone can control both mundane and wild magic. I'm good at wild magic, because it is what makes up dreams. But I suck at normal things."She said amazed that he wasn't aware of this."Amara will love you."She muttered to herself wondering if she could convince the king to leave him alone,but she knew the king was lonely. Even just standing in the room with him she had felt that he longed or wild magic again. "no, not when you have a elf for a father. He will do your boasting, and you can seem like a modest loveable mate."Belladonna said smiling a little even as Narcissa nudged her husband, not wanting to say outloud that he was getting close to that line that he shouldn't cross, not without insulting harry. Even if harry wasn't aware of it, belladonna was, and was fae enough to feel the need to breed with a powerful magician, even though she loved harry.
Draco blinked a little bit. "really? i... didn't know that...." he admitted frowning a little before scowling. "Amara will keep his distance." Draco growled a little. "or he will find out just how powerful i am." "anti social." "wild." Lucius corrected chuckling a little as Draco headed back outside to resume his gardening Lucius flushing a little as he realized what he had almost done, shrugging at his wife. "sorry." he admitted smiling sheepishly Harry lifting an eyebrow. "... you people are hiding something from me." he growled his eyes narrowed as he studied everyone before shaking his head a little. "never mind." he grumbled. "i don't think i want to know." he admitted shaking his head a little. "i don't think i want to know." he admitted shaking his head. "so what was that about Amara? you act like you almost want him to come here and find Draco." he complained frowning a little.
Belladonna smiled slightly, "Amara is lonely. It felt like rain falling, so lonely, so cold."She tilted her head a little, sighing softly."I think they would be good together, and he is the king of elves, he would know how to help draco best."She said shrugging a little,blushing when she realized what NArcissa had stopped lucius from doing. Smilling as she stood."Come.I wish to sleep."She said avoiding the topic, because she was scared of what harry woul say if he knew what was silently going on between the three.

"I had known she could control wild magic, but I did not know anyone else had her talent."Amara mused as he watched Draco settling back into his garden, stepping easily through the flowerbeds, and because he offered no harm, amd held the same touch of magic draco did, he stepped through the home's wards easily.
Harry blinked looking a little astonished. "how can the King of Elves be lonely? he has all those other elves..." he frowned a little and shook his head a little. "confusing." he admitted sighing a little as he took her hand and smiled at her. "no, you want to hump me." he teased grinning wickedly at her with a bright little laugh as he kissed her cheek and settled into bed with her, holding her like he was her lover, and not caring in the least.

Draco settled onto the ground again his features settling into a soft, almost smile as he brushed his soft, wonderful lips against the petals of a rose, actually kissing the little flowers. he didn't notice Amara for a moment his head tilted as he carefully started clipping gently at the dead parts of the flowers, glancing up at Amara as he caught movement in his peripheral vision and he leaped to his feet in an instant, his silver gray eyes staring at the man. "... and how did you get past the wards?" he demanded studying the man carefully. "are you here for Lucius or Lupin?" they where the only ones Draco could think why someone would be visiting. he was tense, clearly expecting an attack of some sort.
"Yes, but not all elves have wild magic."Belladonna pointed out, pressing her cheek against his shoulder,blushing as the man said the rest.Settling against him with a sigh, a leg resting over his raising up on a elbow to look down at him."I..I've never..."She stopped before looking away. She had been aware of what lucius and narcissa had nearly done,and she didn't want fae laws of obligation for the first time. She wated her dreamer.

"You work wild magic within them boy, and wonder how another wild magician can come through?"He tilted his head looking amused. "Belladonna has not done well teaching you."He said sounding amused but interestted, because he had come to see belladonna, and finding this child, one of his own, using wild magic was a nice surprise. It was interesting, and he was amazed to see draco bringing the flowers back to life. Even the ones with wild magic, it was rare to be able to do that.
he smiled a little and nodded. "ok that might be true." he admitted kissing her temple gently before blinking looking astonished. ".. you've never had sex?" he asked looking honestly surprised. "i thought all elves had sex? hell Draco's even had sex, once... he hated it." he admitted looking amused. "complained it was too messy and gross." he gently nuzzled her. "i was only joking you know.. i don't have to have sex to be happy." he promised gently nibbling on her lip. "i just want to be with you."

Draco's eyes narrowed as he studied the man carefully. "Belladonna only found out this morning what i was capable of, she hasn't had a chance to teach me." he admitted lifting his chin, his wild nature flashing through his eyes. Draco was like a Leopard, if Amara wanted him, he was going to have to prove he was worthy, probobly through a fight which would end in Amara fucking him in some pantomime rape that Draco was going to enjoy all too much. "what do you want?" he demanded his eyes narrowed viciously as he twisted his fingers, the massive vines of the roses suddenly wrapping around Amara's ankles, not tight enough to cut, yet, but a single motion of Draco's magic, and Amara's legs where going to be shredded to the bone. Amara had only one chance of getting out of that alive and that was to answer Draco's question to Draco's satisfaction.
Bell laughed quietly."That sunds like him."She said laughing at the idea draco refusing to have sex again just because it was messy. She really would pay good money to tsee Amara introduced to this child.Because to her, they were all children, even if she was a child to. Pressing her cheek against his shoulder she sighed, a old hurt, a old wound showing in her eyes."I was not fae enough for fae, nor human enough for humans.I was once again, caught between, even for those who wanted to breed."She said sadly, because she knew why fae didn't breed easily or she guessed.They were so long lived that they didn't need to reproduce, so with her mortal blood, she would be the vehicle that fae could gain children.

Amara laughed, looking amused at the boy's defience, before crouching, raising a eyebrow as the vines twirled around his legs, sliding a hand down the vines, making sure the thorns were not pressing against his legs anymore, even if he did not fight."You. I want you."He said watching him. There were other words for what he wanted,but lust shown in his eyes as he watched him,because he was unable to think of a better way to say he wanted this wild child.
he smirked a little and nodded. "yeah, but it was with a female, he might appreciate sex with a male more." he admitted chuckling a little before frowning at the hurt in her eyes, gently tucking a strand of hair behind her ears. "they where not worthy of you." he whispered softly, smiling at her. "you are mine, my Lover." he promised smiling at her. "and i will never refuse you." he promised kissing her with all the love he could offer her, it was a lot.

Draco studied the man the corner of his lip lifting into a snarl, or a sneer and waved his hand as if banishing something, the vines slowly, carefully leaving the man's legs. "many want me." Draco stated simply. "none have gotten me." he turned on his heal. "go away." he ordered simply. "i do not take lovers of any kind." he stated firmly. "and i do not like you in the least." but Amara felt... strangely to him, his magic and his body nearly sang when he stared at Amara and Draco didn't like it, at all. he wanted the man to leave, whoever he was, Draco didn't want him there. didn't like the way his body reacted to him. Draco did not like him, and he would do whatever he needed to stay away from him.
"He might."She smiled before looing up at him, kissing him bak,wrapping her arms around him. Closing her eyes she sighed softly, tears sliding down her cheeks as she held him."I love you, dreamer."She muttered. As if she wasn't sure if she was trapped in a dream still.But she was willing do dream, if that was what this was, because it was what she wanted.Kissing him slowly she leaned back,studying him.

"Ah,but none with wild magic have tried have they?"amara said smirking a little as he straightened, looking at the other man, holding out a hand, and doing something that only amara had done. Created a rose out of nothing the soft golden rose laying on his palm, nearly glowing with magic."For you."He said smirking as he stepped closer to the teen, looking interested and amused, wondering what the man would do if he got closer to him. if kissed him, and felt wild magic touching his skin like he hadn't in years.
Harry smiled a little. "i love you too." he whispered smiling at her. "My Dream Comes true." he purred softly as he kissed her slowly, his eyes closed, studying her back. "i want you to be happy, in any way possible." he admitted smiling at her. "tell me what you want, and i will grant it to you." he admitted softly. "as long as it is in my power anyway."

Draco only half turned, studying the man before looking astonished at the rose his head tilted, his eyes shining with desire. not for Amara, but for the truly unique rose as he gently lifted it out of the other man's hands studying it intently, practically ignoring Amara as he ran his fingers along the petal's of the rose, his lips parting softly. he could feel Amara's magic running through the rose, through him and it was so delicious, delectable, perfect. he swallowed thickly, closing his eyes, a blush rising to his cheeks as he slowly brought the rose to his nose and smelled it slowly, the scent just as delectable as the power that was flowing within it. as soon as he felt his personal space being invaded though, Amara too close for Draco's comfort and the blond skittered away like a wild Stallion, you half expected Draco to snort and paw at the ground, silver eyes narrowed at the man as he shoved his nose in his air and strutted off, striding towards the house and slamming the door shut to show his displeasure with the man, storming up to his room, Lucius Lupin and Sirius pausing in what they where doing to blink at the boy, who very carefully placed his new Rose into a jar where it would be kept alive and perfect in a stasis spell. Amara had at least made a very good impression on draco. the blond had liked the flower, very much.
Belladonna smiled slightly as she looked at himgently stroking his hair, "....love me.Sleep with me."She said softly, needing this. Needing to know she was good enough for this, that even if fae custom demanded that she sleep with everyone and everything because of her mixed blood, while no pureblood would touch her, there were other things, other mixed breeds that were not as picky and longed to breed as much as the royal fae did.But she wanted harry, her dreamer who had loved her without ever meeting her."Love me."She muttere again, stroking his hair.

Amara laughed, delighted at the man's reaction, turning to look at the teen as he walked inside. Oh yes, he was going to have fun taming this stallion of a teen. Grinning as he left, already planning the next step in his seduction. Narcissa paused reading her book, watching her son before raising a eyebrow."Draco, that's a lovely flower."She saidwhile she had never seen him create something like it, she assumed he made it since Belladonna was upstairs with harry and she didn't know amara had visited.
Harry smiled as he kissed her. "i will always love you." he whispered softly, grinning at her. "and i will never let you go. i mate for life you know." and it was true. his kind, though he was the only one of it, was born with only one mate. he had always known it was her, even embraced in Cedric or Cho, even the twins, he had known he belonged to her. he smiled as he gently kissed her neck, breathing along her flesh and he did something that no human should have been able to do, most fey couldn't even do it. he laid a Mark on her, a sign of true love, his brand spread across her skin, a bright star shining down on a massive tree, marking her, forever, as his, the mark a gleaming silver on her left collarbone. "there." Harry whispered softly. "now you are mine." he purred happily, kissing the mark. "no one can take you away."

Draco blinked at Narcissa his head tilted a little before smiling at the flower, gently stroking the petals. "yes... it is." he agreed softly. despite wanting to hate Amara, he had to admit... the flower had thawed his icy heart... a little bit. Amara had more of a chance than any other person ever had. Draco half wondered if the elf would be back, and then grew furious with himself as he shook his head and headed off to bed, sulking at himself as he showered and then crawled into bed, staring at the golden flower, smiling before he could stop himself, and went to sleep. worse, he dreamed of Amara, and he woke an hour later with a stiffy that he had no idea what to do with, oh yes, Amara was on his shit list now.
Belladonna moaned softly as the mark burned like a brand against her skin, smiling slightly as she looked up at him, raising her head as she to laid her lips against his skin, as if his ablity to lay a mark gave it to her. Gently pressing her lips against soft skin she sighed, before leaning back, grinning slightly. Raising a hand she gently touched the blue black mark that shaped into a tribal heart and rose, but only if you knew what you were looking at, a mark of love and beauty forever touching his skin."I love you."she muttered kissing him again.

Amara himself, having grown bored with the kingly activities he was supposed to be doing, had returned. And helped himself to a small unclaimed corner of Draco's garden. Sitting on the grass, again, a unkingly thing to do, but sitting there in the dirt he gently coaxed the pure magic roses into existing, but until the golden flower he had made before, this oen was water given form. Even the water droplets still moved, still shimmered. It really was a rose made of water, caputred to give a moments pleasure. So intent on his magic working that he didn't even notice the object of his obsession joining him in the garden.
he smiled at her and gently nuzzled her grinning as he bit her neck ever so gently sighing as he felt her claiming magic slide into his skin, grinning at her. "i love you too." he admitted softly kissing her eagerly. before grinning a little. "mmm you marked me too." he admitted stroking the mark she had left on him. "it's gorgeous." he admitted smiling a little his head tilted. "now i just have to figure out how i did that." he admitted with a small chuckle.

Draco was glaring at Amara when he noticed the man, and when he saw the man messing with his garden, there was no warning, his magic slammed into Amara so hard that the Elf king looked like he was doing a Tumbling act across the lawn, Draco snarling viciously. "Don't You EVER Touch MY[/i] Garden You Sick Freak!" he snarled before he paused, blinking at the water made roses his head tilted as he blinked at them, frowning a little as he hesitantly knelt down and touched one, his face lightening up in astonishment and joy as he realized the rose really was made of water, was growing, was Alive. he didn't bother checking on Amara, he hadn't hurt the king, he knew it, he'd just shoved the man away from his precious garden. he quickly got control over his face again, not wanting Amara to see how amazed and pleased he was with the water roses as he stormed over to the king, furious all over again as he glared down at the stunned elf. "never, ever, touch my garden. Sous peine de mort. Maintenant laissez-moi être!" he growled glaring at the elf king. "you are unwelcome here!" "King Amara!" Lupin chirped, startled but pleased. "i was wondering what Draco was yelling about, touched his flowers did you? would you like to come inside? i have lunch started." so much for go away.

Translation: Under penalty of death. Now let me be
Belladonna laughed softly, shaking her head as she kissed him."Only you would be happy about doing magic that you didn't understand."She teased nuzzling him, smiling softly because she knew that she was never going to be alone again,never going to be without her love.

Amara whined, growling as he was sent head over heels, frowning as he stood annoyed at having been thrown around,but always amused that the blond had been so protective over his garden that he had tossed a king away like he was just a servant."Okay okay.But I thought you would like them.You like roses."He said before smiling at lupin, pouting as he shook his head."I didn't touch his flowers!I made new flowers!See?"and the century old king pouted like a five year old pointing to the water roses before nodding."Yes. I would like lunch."He said grinning at Draco as he headed for the door, knowing that it was going to annoy the blond to have him there.after all, draco had just yelled at him.
he chuckled a little and nodded. "this is true." he admitted with a small grin nibbling on her lips a little. "but i love you too much to really care." he teased chuckling a little as he shook his head, pausing as he felt a flare of magic. "... someone touched Draco's garden..." he muttered frowning a little as he 'sensed' the area. "... Amara's here...."

Draco glared at him before glancing at the roses, sighing a little. "... yes... their nice... i guess..." he grumbled Lupin snorting a little. "from Draco, that's a compliment." he promised the King chuckling a little as he glanced at Draco as well. he was thinking the same thing Bell was, only for Draco. "he likes you, he won't admit it but he does." he admitted chuckling a little as Draco huffed angrily and studied the water roses. "completely threw off my Garden! now nothing matches!" he complained shaking his head as he carefully, so very carefully moved the roses to a special plot, a middle one. "there, that's better." now the water roses where the highlight of the Garden and Lupin smirked. "see? he does like them. he's just a spiteful brat." Lupin promised chuckling a little.
Belladonna groaned, annoyed, as she nuzzled Harry's neck."I don't wanna see him."she grumbled annoyed at fae custom that would have her downstairs talking to amara when she much rather stay in bed with Harry."Amara's probably making something for draco.Even if he has to touch the garden."She said amused at the idea of amara getting bitched at.

Amara relaxed smiling a little."Good."He said pleased,glad that draco,despite his words enjoyed the flowers."I'll just have to make something else to go with them if you do not have a spot that fits them well."Amara said looking pleased at the idea, smiling at Draco.Despite everything, he sounded amazingly pleased at the idea of just pleasing Draco in this small matter. Even if it was just making more unquie flowers."A spiteful brat?Yes.But it is somewhat cute."The king said laughing quietly as he watch draco moving the flowers.
Harry chuckled a little and shook his head as he kissed her gently. "then don't, we can tell him we where sleeping." he admitted smirking a little. "Amara better hope he hasn't touched that garden, Lupin got electrocuted the last time he tried." he admitted snickering a little as she snuggled into her, yawning a little. "mm i'm tired." he admitted smiling. "i'm just going to take a little nap."

Lupin chuckled a little and glanced at Amara. "try not to look so pleased, it inflates his Ego." he complained shaking his head a little as Draco glared at Amara. "touch my Garden again you son of a bitch and i'll take your hands off." he snarled baring miniscule fangs at Amara Lupin snickering a little as he shook his head. "cute? Draco? never." he admitted with a small laugh as Draco went back to planting the water Roses Lupin leading the way into the kitchen where a big lasagna was being constructed. "make yourself at home Amara." he offered smiling at the Elf. "can i get you anything to drink while i make dinner?" he offered smiling a little at the man as Draco churned up the now empty flower plot, his head tilted as he considered what to plant there, smiling as he decided on some wild honeysuckle, just to show off as he moved into the woods to go find some. Lupin chuckling a little. "he's going to start feeling annoyed if you keep showing him up though." he warned once Draco was well out of Earshot. "Draco's used to being the best." he admitted setting the lasagna into the oven, grinning at Amara. "letting him flip you across the lawn was a good thing, made Draco feel better." he admitted, honestly thinking that Amara had LET Draco do that to him. wasn't that good for Amara's pride?
belladonna smiled wickedly, amused at the idea of ignoring courtesy, but Harry felt so nice snuggling against her. Smiling softly as she snuggled down into him, content to sleep instead of worrying what a mara would think

Amara smiled slightly looking at the other man, smirking slightly."then I will just have to deflate his ego for him if it gets to large."he mused before actually looking a little concerned about the threat. Not that he'd ever admit to it, but he wasn't sure he was magically strong enough to keep drake from hurting him. That flip in the garden proved that.though lupin thinking he did it on purpose was easier on the ego rather then the other man knowing that he had been caught unaware. Amara smiled as he settled into a seat to wait for food, looking curiously around him, before frowning slightly."where's belladonna?"he asked amazed that the elder fae wasn't downstairs and paying attention to the laws of courtesy.
Lupin chuckled a little and shook his head a little. "just don't touch his Garden without permission." he stated calmly smiling at Amara. "as long as you ask first he doesn't mind so much because he's still in control of whats going on. he's OCD in a massive way." he admitted smiling a little. "hell he even wears constant shields to keep the dirt off of him, you notice he's never dirty? that's why." he admitted chuckling a little. "Belladonna is being held captive by Harry i think, he cares little for the laws of curtsey and he's a cuddler when he's tired so she's either asleep or can't get away from him." Lupin admitted chuckling a little before hesitating, glancing at Amara. "... would you... look at Harry?" he asked suddenly. "i know he's not an Elf... i tested him for that when he was five... and he's not a dream leaper like Belladonna is... he does... strange things, and doesn't seam to realize it... like feeling other peoples magic. he knows how old you are by the way." he admitted smirking a little. "... but... i'm a little worried about him..." he admitted softly. "he does things and he gets so tired and none of us know whats going on..."
"Oh."Amara said looking thoughtful and curious about the shields. It wasn't often that a elf wanted anything between them and the world,but Draco was a half elf, maybe the human blood had made it so.Laughing softly at the news of belladonna's captivity, amused because he knew she had to be lonely, and glad that she had someone that would force her to not obey every little law that was as goofy as it was annoying. Raising a eyebrow as he was asked to look at harry, opening his mouth to say that Belladonna would not apperciate someone else touching her mate before nodding."i will talk to him.Belladonna may have been asleep to long to realize this would be odd. The old ones experienced a more.....wild magic... less defined thing. So she may not know it is weird."The king looked thoughtful before smiling."A century. And it is not so weird for a mage to get tired after magic working. Espicially things that are not naturally done. Draco would be tired, if gardening wasn't in his nature. Things that Harry is doing....while he can do them, they might not be his most natural gifts, so it is making him tired..."The king said just thinking outloud and not sure what to think of what he was being told.
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